Story Transcript
Narrative Report for the month of January 1983
Apendice A:
Pre-Vocational Education Program
Spanish Component 2. _English Component 3. Coordinato~ Report 4. Statistics
Apendice B: 1.
Mariana Bracetti After School Program
Program Statistics
Recreational Program
Yputh Development Unit· I I
Spanish Component.
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Youth Development Unit: I
Program- ---------------------
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1. The students developed the skills to To upgrade the reading 1. Study of the alphabet (vowels and find diphthongs, triphthongs and and writing skills in consonants) hiatus. Spanish. 2. Study of the syllable (tonic and atonic sy.llables) and the classification 2. The students could classify words in of the words according to the tonic paroxytone, oxytone and proparoxyte~ syllable) e (llanas, agudas y esdrujulas) according to the tonic syllable. 3. Accentuation exercises, orally, writt~n From a total number of 17 students, ~nd in the balck board. 13 of them could accentuate correct~ ~xercises of aceentuation in sentences. y at the end of this unit. ~.
Study of the diacritical accent in homophonic words. ~.
3. The students applied the knowledge adquired in orthography when they write s~all compositions.
Beginning of the study of finding the 4. Some students learned and other rein main topic and the main sentence of a forced their skill in the used of paragraph. capital letters. ~. Writing of compositions. 7, Study of the paragraph.
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8. Study of the uses of capital letters.
To emphasize the rea- 1. Definition and study of the term ding and writing skill: . . ," sc ience" through the stud~ of science. 2. Study of the respiratory system.
The stueents understood the terms "science" and the meaning of the natural science"
3. Study 9f supportive material about th~2.Study of the~following terms:respiRespiratory System. This material was ratory C\pparatus, pharynx, trachea fotocopied and discussed. larynx, bronchia, lungs, lobes etc. 4, An evaluation test was given to the
The students studied the relation between cell-tissue-organ and system •
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Youth Development -Unit: :. T , 1i r
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1. To emphasize the reading and writing skills through the study of social studie~ 2.
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De finition and study of the term social study and what we study in this area. • General introduction to the topics to be covered in the course.
1) The students gotan understanding of the concept of Social Studies & the relationship between the different · areas that are comprised in the term of Social Studies.
a) Emigration to United States: causes & consequences.
2) The students reinforced their skills in the localization of geographical places in the map.
Problems of PuertoRicans in United States.
c) The Hispanic Comm~nity in Boston & the problems they are confronting
3) The students got an overview of what is going to be study in the class.
4) The students write & discuss compositions about the causes that bring 3, Use of maps to find geographic places , the Puerto Ricans to United States . and the problems this populations co nfronts in this country.
I, Youth Development Unit I
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3 basic groups were established beginni , intermedate, advanced students begin to ~ look to each other for help & 1. To determine the answers students level in -Advanced students {from the 1st cyclel Fluidity with basic questions (ie: what 15 reading, writing, spea~~orked with beginners. your name? ing and listening in English. -Discussion of why learn English, problerWhat are you doing? where do you live? confronting youth who cant speak English etc) Better pronunciation with majority 2. To motivate 'the stuImprovement with letter & number idendents to learn English ~daily class conversational exercises tification and imppove confidence (questi0~s to each other, use of photos & breakdown fear. ~ life experiences) Slow but steady progress on "Tp Be" 3. To motivate the stu ~ConstBnt reinforcemento speak English & generally the advance and intermedia dents to talk in Enlgisnwork on pronuncIation. te group understand its usage and can among each other: early speak conversation. -Use of the book Side by Side chapters Without difficulty using present" t ~fise 1-4. indifferent forms (questions, negative, 4. To begin to establisnUse of the book No hot water tonight. contractions) Still some fonfusion with forms of language chapters 1-3. plural and singular pronouns. {written & spoken} and its logic.
English as a Second Lanv,uage •
-Written diagnostic exams _ conversation (basic questJ.nn s ) in
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Youth Development Unit :' I
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-ABC's & numbers (aural & oral) - To Be "( present
present cont inous )
- questions
-negatives 5. Practical application of English. -pronouns
-Developed chants & slogans for pocket against Regan. It was discussed the content & logic of each.
St'udents got excited over being able to use & apply' English skills-and understand what was going on in Engl'~h
-It was shown the film Puerto Rico: Paradise Invaded " Subtitles & interviews in . English To d~velop participants Participants are exposed to the process study skills, as well of st!ldjing & tO ' what involve this as transfering this skills to work skilJ 3 process. Work, seeking skills are them to job seeking ~ . ~exercises throughout interviews, vocabulary, letters, applications as well skills. as conversational skills.
Some students had already going throu gh the process of learning the adecua~ vocabulary to find work, filling up ap plications, doing resumes as well as letters. Part of the students do well due t~ the good motivation.
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• Youth Development , Un~t ,., ' I
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English Component
To upgrade the matherna tical skills of 20 participants out of 45 by the end of the first cycle.
Students re.iew basic operations as weI as fractions, decimals, percents, measu ~emant~ , graphs, algebra and geometry. they work closely with the G.E.D. math book. Before they begin a unit the students go through out the book test, and is provided tutoring to them.
To emphasize the readir.~Students work with the G.E.D. science & writing skills throug~book based on passages. We also use the study of s !tenc~s. other materials to enrich their knowledge and comprehensive slills.
Math is taught individually with the book because of the ~ifferent levels that we have w thin the class but help is offer individually according to their needs also extra-work is assigned to i~ve their skills.
Most of the students had acquire good. reading skills'. They are able to identl. fy main ideas as well as supporting ide as.
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Youth J)eveloPlMlnt , Un! t I
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• Orientation to program -reading on P.R •. as colony spain academic content overa -films and disc. and vocabulary. 11 reading skills -Using 55 themes moti- -Boston neighborhood guides written vational reading. by other GED students critical analysis ~5tudents begin to make clear link betwe I>f content accuracy, tone style (plus ~n selves capacity to describe and co~riting exercises) municate. -check oral reading skills -Regan visit Globe articles: -Vocab. development -main deas
students Have minimal (at least) pral fluency.
-Begin to recognize an be able to write topic -vocabulary usage sentences and main ide -comprehension-main ideas. as .. Students begin to identify main ideas to -exposure to GED books, dictionaries, literature & history books (all levels pic sentences. of difficulty) clarify how we start up easier material Discussion of indiv. -Familiarize students project use of resource room. types of written mate ~tudents. are b~ginning to use written m rials in program. ~terials indep~ndently •
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Youth J)eveloPlMlnt - Un! t - ' !
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-Orientat1on & overal~Start writing w/one paragraph or a majo Students all can write 1 paragraph wit explanation of wriissue or problems in neighborhood iden hout too much trouble-mechanics are weak but content strong. ting skills. tifying problem what are source and solution work on topic sentence (plus reading) • -Using SSe themesbegin own wr~ting -Vocabulary from "PR paradise invaded" own personal ex~erien -comprehension &fluidity of use ces. -spelling.
3/4 of students can' use vocab. words in sentence • s~elling test scores were ~xcellent (after) much review). students ~ost some fear of big unknown words.
-Begin work on paragr -1 paragraph on racism (follow-up from aphs (topic sentences a minor attercation ) staying w/one main idea} focus (topic sentences) -Link writing skills to understanding & communicatings '.
-noL ~erb agreement) -spelling -usage -punctuation -capitalization
> Topic sentence a bit clearee purpose of it importance. Students begin to identify types of errors they make
grammar skills throu h students writing sam pIes.
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Dev.~~PMnt-Unit '.. . , OIJETIVES .
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~ {;;;aleC Date --------~.-~--- Subaltled By...... --_ ........ ·r .. I ACCOMPLISHMENTS --
-Orientation to progr Diagnostic testing (math, English) ams academic vocationa Orientation sessions with staff 1 personar content Curriculum overview main themes (family history, community Bosto~ main problems confronting youth U.S. imigra , -motivation around ~ themes( differentation tion from latin America -history of US & relations w/1A. from puhlic school -slavery & 20th century racism experience) (PR Paradise invaded) (readine on PRo as a colony of Spain) -family trees going back to grandsparen~s -Investigation of family histo~iWs -Fours on family comm collecti~e lists of t , pes of work of talked to parents & granparents about unity begin to locate each generation examinine: city country past life (where born, work, etc). s~udents in own perso man -women nal history sets basis -Begin to understand historical differe PRo -U. S. for looking at broader carry 1900's-1980's ne es in work. patterns of immigratio~ life in minority comm -Neighborhood& community unities etc. main prob1ems- identification, root of -TIiscussion of students as part of a community & their perspective on own problem& solutions. ("A minor Altercation"-film onracism roles & responsibilittes. in Boston schools)
-Reagan visit- discussion of issues, -Dev. Readings writing articles- development of slogans for s~ills within 5.5. picket. contract.
Reading (o~al) & writing (paragraphs) everyone has minimal reading fluency & 3/4 of. class can write coherant. "
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• To facilitate teacher~ and humln resources effectivenass in pro viding students the successfull acquisiti on of study skills and work skills.
Schedule a workship from Hope Talent The students learn about Finar~cial Search to talJ-: about the Financial Aid opportunities and they filled Aid opportunities to study in different out the application forms: academic institutions. To develop a project of improvemp.nt of the building specially the painting of the main classrooms.
To attend Agency general meetings, Yout Unit meetings · & schedule the necessary meetings for the Vocational Program.
The students participated in the pain ting of the classroom & in the arrange ment of those rooms.
general Agency meeting was schedule January 25, 1983 •
he monthly meeting of the Youth Unit as on January 23.
To improve the G.E.D. academic curricu lum as well as the introductory vocatio nal course.
eneral meetings we~e schedule with the re-Vocational staff to talk about issu s & situations the program was having t "the mO"1ent. The staff of~~he - Pre-Vocational Program has been working together in the improvement of ~he.Academic curri cullim some changes has been implement ed during the 2nd cycle such as~ 1. An introductory Unit to~different topics and concepts taught through the class of science social studies, reading writing. 2. One hour daily of math & ESL 3. A general interest to integrate the classes through the discussion of topics.
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Coordinator R~~or:t, for the month of January . ~ 3 ..._., ... .~~ .- ' ..
Date ------.-~--~~--:: "
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Visit of Polaroid to the Youth Unit.1) A person from Pola~oid came to rv isit the Education Building in order 2) Schedule a number of co-curricular ~o see the facilities the Agency has. activities such as workshops & field ~. A number of workshops & Fieldtrips trips~ ~ere schedule for the next cycle (2nd cycle) . To facilitate teachers To provide an orientation to the student~ effectivemess in, provi to enter the 2nd cycle, which started ding students the su- on January 10, 1983 • ~) An orientation conference was given '. . ccessful acqulsltlon ~o the students!on January 10, 19q3. of skills required for ~he students ~~pt~tarted this cycle the G.E.D. ~ere ori~rtt~~iibout the services that I\lianza Hispana provides, about the Ob ectives of the Pre-Vocational Education To provide the students with films t Program and about the different activit are closely related to the G.E.D. curri es we had ~ schedul~or this 2nd cy culum such as:
To develop a closer relationship with the private and, public sectors.
Puerto Rico: Paradise invaded
Based on these films scheduled for Janu 2. Minor Altercations ary 19th and January 20th the students discussed them and they ~alked. about different topits such as: emigration, * racism, .discrimination, the hispanics To organize with the students the activi in US amone ofhers. ties for the celebration of the Three Kings day, January 5, 1983. The st'ldents participated in the acti vities of the thr ee kings day. sharing their.talent with other persons and de aling with organizat!onal duties.
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Pre-Vocational Education Program
Narrative Report £or.-th~ month -.of -Ja-nuary--'83 ___ - .- . ..
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Submitted By Maria Soledad Martinez
40 _
b) Number accepted c) Numb~r rejected
Number of participants
b) Number of Drop-outs C) Number of participants
completing 'the program
d) Number of participants refered to other programs e)
Names of Programs:
Programa de Oflcina Hispana en Jamaica Plains.
a)Numher of trips b) - " c) ."
of activities
o 3
---------------------35 of participants ---------------------
Youth O&1ETIVES :
ant -Unit -.
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To provide the partic Organize the chifdrens in three groups "i Childrens have a better. understanding of -· ,. pants 20 min help in 3 differents room of "uth Building also their daily homework, result better grad there daily hoMework using library facilities. eSt To provide English Continue work on silent e as well as two reading tutoring twic owel words~ Emphasis on rule first a week .:Lnllf /hr for owel is long vowel while second vowel i each student. silent. Work on vocabulary game "Bingo"
Talk for one the childrens is to reper ing to school speech therapist. all the childrens intutoring program are respondinp; well the result readinf, skill they are getting a lot better.
To provide the partic' ) Selection of lider group in choir pants with music and all the childrens in choir had the opper ) Final Rehears before 3 kind; activi tunity to share their talent with other choir experience. y. childrens in 3 kind Activity with a sele ction of christmas song that made the To Provide the partic' activity a very special one. ) Draw cut letter of Mat.tsna Bracetti pants with creative x 11" each letter Art • Craft experienc cut pieces of tissue paper in colors After the art activity was finish the c o cover the letter. hildrens ~ all the letter together att ach to one of wall in the youth building To Provide the partic' To ~.y Mariana Bracetti). pants with recreation This is a list of field trips on month f January. field trips. 1) movies to see 'JTime Rider" Science Fiction movie. The children had the opportunity go and 2) movies to see Airplane a comedy xperience differents recreational field fummy movie. rips differents places also learning bout places they never been before.
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DeY.lo~ent - Unit - .. ~ :
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FiAld Trip to John Hancock observato y that is located on the 60th floor of JohnH. Tower. "
Field Trip to chl ldren museum ~
5) Fie .d~Trip to tOslindale, Deedham,
canton, qui ncy, mahapan, chelsea and sommerville.
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Mariana Bracetti
Program Date
January 83
Submitted By Osvaldo Vazqi ez
Number of applications
Number accepted
0 0 0
c) Number :rejected
a) Number of participants
b) Number of Drop-outs
C) Number of participants completing the program_ _.-2~5_ _ _ __ ;
d) Number of participants l"eferedto other programs
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e) Names of Programs:
Cultural and Recreationel Activities a)Nurnber of trips b)
c). t1
of activities o~
4 6
participants_ _2_5___________
LA ALIANZA HISPANA, INe. 409 Dudley Street Roxbury, MA 02119
(617) 427-7175,7176,7177 Youth Development Unit
(617) 445-4333
Maria Soledad Mart{nez Nelson Merced EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Diana Lam PRESIDENT Jose De Jesus VICE PRESIDENT Edward De La Rosa 2nd VICE PRESIDENT Betsy Tragar TREASURER Melvyn Colon 2nd VICE TREASURER Margarita Muniz CLERK
Betzaida Rodríguez
Informe Narrativo (enero 1983)
31 de enero de 1983
Durante el mes de enero hemos alcanzado implementar las siguientes actividades para el logro de nuestras metas y objetivos; 1~
Equip-os de Baloncesto Masculino: Debido al gran numero de participantes dentro del equipo de Baloncesto Masculino he decidido hacer dos diviciones de equipos y edades. Un primer equipo de 14-16 años y un segundo equipo de 17-21 anos, se han formado. Durante este mes hemos llevado a cabo un total de 9 practicas. El primer equipo (14-l6) Comenz6 su particiación en la liga Boricua, auspiciada por Sociedad Latina, Inc, este pasado Sabado, 29 de enero, perdiendo el primer juego de la serie frente al equipo juvenil que auspicia Inquilinos Boricuas En Acción. Los resultados finales fueron 35 a 52. Victor Figueroa actualmente esta ofreciendo sus servicios -voluntarios como "Coach" del equipo, debido a que William Ubiñas no ha regresado a las prácticas .. Este próximo Sábado, 5 de febrero, se hará una ceremonia de inauguración para los equipos que participaran en la liga. Dicha inauguración sera celebrada en las facilidades del Tobin Gyrn. Esperamos que los uniformes que se ordenaron en Hyde Park Sports esten listos antes de esta fecha.
Equipo De Volleyball Femenino: Ha sido muy dif{cil para mí, conseguir una liga de volleyball femenino en la cual nuestra jovencitas puedan participar. Por otro lado, éstas se muestran muy animadas en seguir practicando en las facilidades de la Madison. Durante este mes hemos llevado a cabo 9 nracticas con la participación de 13 jovencitas entre las edade~ de 13-19 anos. Esperamos poder tener éxito en la búsqueda de una liga.
Richard Badillo Carmelo Calderon Yohel Camayd-Freixas Annette Diaz Antonia Hernandez Stephen Klein Roxana Llerena Vlctor Lopez-Tosado Oorotea Monuela Roxana Marchosky Eneri Martinez Ricardo Medina Heleno Miranda Eisa Montano Daniel Ocasio Elmo Ortiz Caroline Playter Betty Rivera Rafael Rivera
Sl..flPa=lTED BY
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MEMO Maria Soledad Martinez Informe Narrativo (Enero 1983) Pajina #2
Drama De Los Tres Reyes: La presentación de un pequeñ'o drama, representado por los j oven"es que participan en el Componente de Recreación, durante la Fiesta de Reyes de Alianza, ha tenido gran aceptación. Tanto el personal de Alianza, como los "propios jóvenes que participaran, se han mostrado muy interesados en que actividades de esta índole se continuen realizando.Aunque la organización de un grupo de drama no estaba incluido en nuestras actividades, me gustar(a que en el Futuro pudieramos incluirlo y ponerlo bajo nuestra meta de desarrollq de liderato.
Paseos: Durante este mes ha sido muy difícil continuar con los paseos debido a una serie de factores que nos han impedido realizarlos Entre estos factores podemos mencionar la falta de tiempo y las condiciones climáticas. Espero que en el próximo mes podamos continuar llevando a cabo estos paseos recreacionales.
Actividades de Recaudación de Fondos: Teniendo en cuenta que nuestros gastos aumentaran relativamente durante el próximo mes, debido a los gastos que incurre el equipo de Baloncesto, he programado un "Disco Party" para el viernes, 25 de Febrero, de 8PH-2AM. Espero que con las ganancias podamos cubrir el costo de los uniformes($150.00) y acumular algun dinero en la cuenta para los gastos de trofeos.
Festlval de Jovenes: Actualmente estoy en el proceso de organlzar el Comit€ Organizador del Festival de Jóvenes. Dicho comité será formado de miembros de nuestra comunidad y empleados de la agencia. Durante este mes envié algunas misivas a diferentes personas solicitando su apoyo y participación en el comité. Entre las personas que han mostrado inter~s y han dado compromiso de participar, se encuentra el Sr. Hector Miranda, ex director del Concilio Hispano de Cambridge y actual director del Departamento de Personal de Hospital de Mattapan. Estoy programando una reunión para fines del mes de Febrero.
Centro de J~venes: El Centro se ha mantenido abierto dUFante el mes de enero, de lunes a jueves en un horario de 3:00-5:30PM. Actualmente contamos con 10 miembros entre las edades de 7 a 11 años.
Programa Mariana Bracetti: Durante el mes de enero mi participación con el Programa Mariana Bracetti ha sido mayor debido a la ausencia de Osvaldo Vazquez. Los lunes y jueves he acompañado a Heriberto Cruz y Rosette Flores en sus acostumbrados paseos. sirviendoles de chofer ~ ayudandole con los niños del programa.
MEMO Maria Soledad Martinez Informe Narrativo(Enero 1983) Pajina #3.
M1scelaneas: Josef1na Vazquez, empleada del canal 4, esta acualmente haciendo un proyecto en el cual desea coleccionar una serie de fotografías y grabaciones de entrevistas a los jóvenes que participan en nuestros programas. Para realizar este projecto, ella me ha solicitado personalmente un poco de ayuda en cuanto a las entrevistas, En lo cual yo estoy colaborando con ella. De tener alguna pregunta¿en relación a este informe~ favor de comunicarte conmigo a la brevedad posible.
Informe Narrativo Mes: Febrero 1983 Deberes del Supervisor Interino de la Unidad de Jovenes Sometido por; Maria Soledad Martinez Labores del Supervisor interino realizadas durante el mes de febrero de 1983. 1.
Informe Narrativo Incluye los objetivos, actividades y logros obtenidos de los diferentes programas de la Unidad de Jovenes. Entregado el día 9 de marzo.
Cómputo de horas trabajadas para nóminasJ la p~imera y la segunda quincena del mes de febrero. Informes entregados los d{as 3 de febreró y 17 de febrero.
Reuniones a asistir Reuni¿n general ge Agencia programada para el día 25 de febrero, fue suspen dida. Reunión de Supervisión con Migdalia se llevó a ~abo 22 de febrero.
Reuniones a citar 1'-
Se recomienda una reunión mensual con los coordinadores de los programas. (no es parte de labores de supervisor interino) 5.
Supervisibn y Evaluación A cargo la supervisi¿n de Rosa Casiano y José Cruz. Se completan 2 evaluaciones: -'" de Jose Cruz y la evaluaClon ." . Rodrlguez ~ La evaluaClon de Patrlcla
Entrevista Participé del proceso de entrevista para la posiciÓn de Supervisor de la Unidad de Jóvenes.
• , Programaclon:
a) b) c) d) 8.
Programa Mariana Bracetti (Ver Apendice A) Wf? 1'\-61-- '?~-S\ ~ Programa de Recreación (Ver Apendice B) r-(6~ ~ Programa de Educ. Pre-Vocational (ver Apendice C) Estad{sticas (ver Apendice D)
Planta Física: . Entre los problemas de Planta Fisica que surgieron estan: a) Problemas de seguridad.
b) c) d) e)
- Recepcl0n -Falta de llaves para distintas oficinas -Puerta de Entrada Problemas de Calefacci~n Falta de fuente de agua I Falta de salón apropiado para la projecci¿n de pellculas. Baffos: no estan en las mejores condiciones.
De estos problemas . , la mayor{a estan pendientes aÚn. Se habilitó un salo~ para la proyeccl0n de peliculas.
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~----r:i'~-..,.I.' -.....-~~~~~r--_ _~.~..... ' ~'1 _ - . - - - . ._ _.... • Mariana Bracetti :: I.d ,·1, II F Youth DeveloDMnt · Unit " ,
provide the participant ~ith homework tutoring in ~ifferent areas, such as ~ath, social studies,
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Organize the children in three groups in 3 differents rooms, contacted the class teacher and discussed progress of the students.
The Children are showing a improvement~n ~he neatness and quality of their school homewo~k.
Review last week's lesson spelling test followed by an oral reading test timing the students. Had the students playa game with words.
~~nd interest in learning is showing week by week
provide tutoring in ~eading to students tha't ~how a defficiency. in r-eading. Wo provide the participant ~ith different experiences ~n cultural arts.
Music: Review of all songs learned upto-date, followed by a series of intensive rehearsals, in preparation for recording and for presentation in state house for Governor Dukakis. Art & Craft: Puertorican flags made with tissue paper. glue, and construction paper, Valentine hearts same materials above. The smurf Drawing contests a series of differents smurf characters followed by Pac- man cartoon with selection of the best cartoon.
The childrens defficiency in reading is improving 3 or 5 already are reading at a higher level than before.
~Mr. Cruz and Miss Flores and myself feel 'satisfied with that the children in chorus did last month.
Class participa,t ion is a very ' important pbjective in the Art & Craft class. The children have the opportunity to learn differents ideas and discov~ring new talents.
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r(wETIVES' :
To provide the partici~he following Educational and Recreatiort pants the opportunity to ~l Field Trips were scheduled for the enjoy and, expe~ience New ~onth of February 83. paaces through ~ducational Recreational Field trip's. • , 1) The Sommerville Patrict tower in Sommerville, Ma.
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Many at these field trips were accomplish" with the agency's cooperation. The childrens v1sited areas outside their immediate community. Saw.and experience \ activities which broadened their horizon. These I activities helped to accomplish the month's t objective ••• provided learning experiences. I,
.2) The Children's museum
3) Sack Movie Theater
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4) The Charles River Park Play Ground 5) Wal-lex Recreational Center 6) Sociedad Latina Gym
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Mariana Bracetti
, 3/7/83.
Submitted By
a) ,Number of , applications
b) Number accepted
c) Number rejected
a) Number of participants
25 4
b) Number of Drop-outs
C) Number of participants completing the program d) Number of participants refered to other programs
e) Names of Programs: None
Cultural and Recreationel Activities a)Number of trips b) c)
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of activities
of participants
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10 25
LA ALIANZA HISPANA, INe. 409 Dudley Street Roxbury, MA 02119 (617) 427-7175,7176,7177 Youth Development Unit (617) 445-4~33 A:
Maria Scledad Martinez
Betzai -a Rodriguez
InforT'¡e Narrativo (febrero 1983)
25 d · febrero de 1983
Diana Lam PRESIDENT Jose De Jesus VICE PRESIDENT Edward De La Rosa 2nd VICE PRESIDENT Betsy Tregar TREASURER Melvyn Colon 2nd VICE TREASURER Margarita Muniz CLERK Richard Badillo Carmelo Calderon Yohel Camayd-Freixas Annette Diaz Antonia Hernandez Stephen Klein Roxana L1erena Victor Lopez-Tosado Dorotea Manuela Roxana Marchosky Enerl Martinez Ricardo Medina Heleno Miranda Eisa Montano Daniel Ocasio Elmo Ortiz Caroline Playter Betty Rivera Rafael Rivera
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Durante el mes de febrero he dedicado varias horas de mi trabajo en la plan i ficación y definición de las actividades para el programa del verano. Esto ha resultado sumamente dificil, dado a la naturaleza del programa y la anexion del programa Voc-Ed. Espero finalizar con esta tar e a para el primero de marzo. En. relaci~n a las actividades de recaudacio'n de fondos, te que la actividad que estaba programada para esta noche, ha sido pospuesta para el próximo viernes, 4 de marzo, el motivo principal para cancelar esta actividad, ha sido el resultado en la poca venta de boletos y, por otro lado, la competencia de bailes a celebr arse esta noche. En la busqueda de fondos, he continuado la comun : caci6n con diferentes comerciantes de la ciudad, esperando su auspic io a nuestros equipos deportivos.
~ informare
Las actividades realizadas por el componente durante este mes han sido las siguientes: a. Practicas:Se ha llevado a cabo 8 practicas con los equipos de ba,loncesto y volleyball. b. Juegos: Se ha jugado un total de cuatro juegos, dos de estos se han ·ganado y dos se han perdido.
UnitedWay ()f MASW)-1d '-.t
n . . P.A ·
Actualmente nuestro equipo de baloncesto se encuentra en la tercera posici6n de la liga "Bori~ua" que auspicia Sociedad Latina, Inc. En cuanto al equipo de volleyball concierne, pero solamente estoy haciendo los arreglos necesarios para participar en el torneo de la ciudad de lowell, dicho torneo se celebrara el 6 de marzo. El centro se ha mantenido habierto, pero solamente los ninos del Programa Mariana Bracetti han usado las facilidades. Los paseos no se han podido realizar por los motivos que te informe en el Informe Nar~ativo del mes de enero. Si tienes alguna pregunta en relacion este informe, comunicarte conmigo.
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Youth De..1OPMnt -Un!t '.. .
Spanish Componente Upgrade the writing s kills in ~panish of 20 participants.
Voc. Ed. __________
2/28/83,.1 1.1,
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1. Estudio de los signos de puntuaci~n que faltaban por verse a partir del ulti mo informe (eneroO se estudiaron punto y coma, dos puntos, comillas (para las citas directas) raya, 8ui6n y ~steriscos
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1 . . Los alumnos en algunos casos reforzaron la destreza de la utiliza'~d e 1 os slgnos . d e puntuaclon. .1 Clon y en otros se iniciaron en 'la misma. El 75% de la clase tuvo claro cuando utilizar las comas, las rayas, los dos 2. Los estudiantes trabajaron en ejerci puntos, los signos de exclamaci6n e cios orales , escritos y llendo al piza- interrogación. Donde mayor dificultad rron utilizando los conocimientos adqui- hubo fue en la utilizaci¿n de l punto y ridos en las clases. coma.
3. Los alumnos escribieron composicionep2. A traves dé los ejerciclos escritos tomando en consideracion los signos de y orales tanto colectivos como individ puntuación estudiados. uales los alumnos eliminaron deficienc ias y consblidaron certezas en la util 4. Tomaron el Primer examen de puntuaci izacion de los signos de puntuacion. bn del libro de Repaso para el Examen 3. Las composlclones reflejaron una de Equivalencia de Escuela Superior. mejoria y mayor conciencia en la escrl tura. 5. Se comenz¿ con el estudio de la I oraciÓn y la clasificaci¿n de la oracion 4. La prueba revelo que el 75% de los de acuerdo a la actitud del hablante. alumnos esta el promedio o sobre el promedio en m~~eria examinada. 5. Se iniciaron en' el estuaio de la . ./ oraClon. algunos y otros a f'lanzaron su conocimiento al respecto. Pudieron identifica~ oraciones aseverativas interrogativas desiderativas, exhorta tivas ~xclamativas.
Youth . OJlJETIVES :
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Date --------~.-~~--
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., S~tled
• The upgrade reading skills in S~anish of 20 participants.
1. Estudio de los imagenes po~ticas (metáfora, símil, personificación y apcfstrofe) .
Los alumnos, en algunos casos reforzaron la destrezas del reconocimiento • I • • de las lrnagenes poetlcas ·y en otros se iniciaron en la misma. El 70 % de la 2. Los estudiantes trabajaron en la clase acerto en el reconocimiento de . . ~ d e 1 as lmagenes .' ' . 1 1 a personl. f lcaClon . . I C1 aSl. f lcaClon en trozos metaI f ora, e lslml, literarios y crearon sus propias imdgene .y el apostrofe~ ~
3. Los alumnos estudiaron las formas 2. Los alumnos supieron utilizar su estróficas mas comunes(soneto, cuartetos capacidad creadora par2 elaborar imáromance, :silva, redondilla., octava real. genes po~ticas! de su propio cUno. 4. Los alumnos estudiaron el verso y 3. Los alumnos aprendieron a reconoce~ sus medidas y los elementos que intervie las formas'estroficas estudiadas. nen en la divisiÓn de si'labas poéticas. ' 4. El 75% de los alumnos pudo compreq 5. Se estudiaron dos poemas de Julia de der lo que es( la'sinalefa y su función . .t,., , Burgos. "Yo misma fui mlt"uta y R10 en la division de sllabas poeticas. Grande de L01za." 5. Los alumnos utilizaron el esquema de análisis de la obra literaria y pudie~on identificar el tema y los siste mas de las obras tambien puqieron clasificar ~os t{tulos y se~alar algunos rasgos de est~ios.
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DeY~~o~nt . Unit l.:. T
; ; I.JJ ! ·1, Date ------.-~--~~-- Sub.ttled ., I ACCOIIPItI.SHMEHTS
To emphasize the writing & reading ski lls through the study ~ f s cience.
11 Discusion de las enfermedades venereas (s[filis, herpes, gonorea) 2. Lectura de (art{culo "La verdad sobre nuestra comunidad".
1. Los estudiantes afianzaron conoci miento en el área de las enfermedades venéreas y aclararon puntos oscuros, o, equivocados respecto al tema.
2. Se relacionaron y afianzaron sus CD3. '1C1il ..:~r a c erca de los o'rganos repro- nacimientos en torno a los métodos antiductivos del hüf:11" 'l E' v la mujer y métodos conceptivos. anticonceptivos. 3. Se informaron y analizaron la enfer medad del herpes. !
To emphasize the writing & reading skills through the social studies.
1. Los alumnos analizaron, vieron de cerca y escribieron -'omposiciones ., acerca de los problemas soc.!..3 1es que se encuentran en la comunidad hispana de Bastan. Crearon conciencia de la impo~ 2. Discusión del art{culo "Seguridad en tancia que tiene el organizar la comuni dad para luchar mejor para la soluci6n las calles· del periÓdico Noticias de de estos problema~, nuestra comunidad.
1. Discusi¿n de los problemas que con fronta la comunidad hispana de Boston. (Delicuencia, drogas, viviendas, desempleo etc).
2. Afianzaron los habilidades y destre zas · de como cuidarse mejor en las calle
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Mejorar las destrezas matematicas de los estudiantes.
Actividades y Logros: 1.
Tres estudiantes trabajaron durante el mes de febrero en division
Su progreso fue lento. 2.
Nueve estudiantes estuvieron trabajando
fracciones. De esos 7
pasaron a decimales y 2 quedarom trabajando en fracciones. 3.
Un estudiante termino decimales y comenzara el estudio de porcientos.
La mayor parte de las clases se dan en una base de tutoria partiendo de una
general oral y en el pizarron. De acuerdo a las destrezas
individuales trabajaron en distintos ejercicios de distintos niveles de dificultad. Se resuelven problemas del libro de G.E.D. problemas preparados por el maestro y se usan problemas de otros libros. Estos problemas se trabajaron en forma individual, en la pizarra y en forma oral.
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De"l~ . .nt , Unit , ~ , , "
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Z=jF~ O.sC;~6Q~~~~'~:
Reinforce alphabet -lists of words (ABC's) The majority of students can recite skills & vocabulary -Human words (each students wI a letter) recognize alphabet in ~nglish Many (written, ~ral, aural -aural exercises & quizes have extensive vocabulary lists. Some - games wI letter cards weakness wI begin groups., -hangman Review yes & no quest Side by side,chapter 5 and conversation ons Introduce short al exercises & dialogue No hot water apswers Adjectives & Tonigh~ chapter 1 & 2. Possessive nouns.
Need review with question form but over all the point is becoming clearer for intermediate adv.) about hurting word order.
Dialogue re: interests & concerns of Review To Be in preselttudents city, weather, weekend activiti Intern & adv. strong with to Be Beginners introduce in past. es valentine's day, snow storms. giving (Jonfidence ability generally 80% of class did very well on exams. Human sentences wI "to be" and objects still a few people with massive confusiReyiew singular plura Side by Side chapter 6 on. all promouns, noun To Be Test (verb, pronouns, questions verb agreement. form, short answer, negative) Introduce: PrepositioI Side by side chapter 7 There is lare, spatia -Act out spatial relations relations, maps. -aural exercises -maps of Boston write questions for each other (how to get between 2 Familiarity with Bostcpoints or map) s partial relations here in city.
Difficulties with spatial relations, 'til- beginners :put everyone beginning get the vocab~lary & basic concepts. needs pz1act ic~:
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Youth DeveloJ)IMnt Unit .. ' !
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English Component
Students write selections from Diaries Excellent work with verb tenses from grandmothers (focus on verb tense knd realistic descriptions of other Continuati~n of familj & agreement) ~e~rations in P.R. community study. -migration to US and -Read JP:'A Sense of Place and do voca Need more work with confidence on changes bulary exercises, main idea, comprehen vocabulary but steady improvement. -Latinos in Boston sion -concerns of latin women & families pre] for ALAS wo~kshops -womens health, wome' aging, children's health) relation to living conditions) Discuss development 01 U.S. as nation lookini at groups involveddevelop critical analysis of early U.S. history & key vocabu lary & themes: -colonization -independence -racism
-Orientation geographically (Europe & North & South America) -Read original accounts of Spanish & British settements (Columbus Diary, Ebglish Setter Accounts) and accounts by Native Americans about settlers.
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