Personal Branding - Vision and Mission Statements, Values Flipbook PDF

Personal Branding - Vision and Mission Statements, Values

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Story Transcript

My Creative Enterprise

Vision Statement Vision Statement: To inspire living.

This vision statement is short and to the point. I liked this because I feel like it really speaks to what my actual, core vision is. I want to write words that make people feel like they need to appreciate life and living more, because many people do not take the time to do so. I feel as though this is true to my personal brand and it is a short, simple, effective vision statement.

Mission Statements Mission Statement: To inspire living by bringing powerful words to people that need them, and speaking life into existence.

I feel as though this mission statement elaborates on my previous point. By using the words ‘speaking life into existence’, it demonstrates my opinion on the power of words. The right words can make you feel as if you really are speaking life into existence, and this rings especially true when talking about a treasured memory, something my business will aspire to do, and I can only hope it brings some justice to people’s lives.

Values Core Values: Respect. Diversity. Community.

While my values may not be as applicable to my business as it might be to some others as I’m will not have a very large team of people, I feel as though they should still be known, because they are still very relevant and are important to me as a future business owner. While many places, particularly in a work or education setting, have a zero tolerance policy, this is not often upheld, but it will be when it comes to my business.

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