Phrasal Verbs

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Phrasal verbs
English. Compound verbs. Prepositional verbs. Meaning

Phrasal Verbs
Ejemplos. Oraciones. Verbos

Phrasal Verbs
English Grammar, Language, Verbs

Phrasal verbs
Particles. Different meanings. Types. Examples

Story Transcript

CONOCER ALGUNOS PHRASAL VERBS 1.- PUTTING THINGS OFF Algunas veces nosotros put something off hasta más tarde, normalmente porque es difÃ−cil o desagradable. I sometimes put off doing the housework I often put off making dental appointments I never put business meetings off 2.- THINGS YOU COULDN'T DO WITHOUT Do without something Arreglárselas sin algo que uno necesita I couldn't do without my bicycle She couldn't do without her computer 3.- PUTTING UP WITH THINGS Put up with something / someone Tolerar, soportar algo a alguien desagradable o enojoso. We had to put up with long queues She has to put up with train delays everyday He won't put up with that big noise again 4.- WHAT COULD THEY DO WITH? Do with something Usado con can y could. Querer, necesitar, beneficiarse de algo. He could do with a new bicycle She could do with a nuw shirt Thay can do with a rest 5.- LOOKING THINGS UP Si necesitamos información a menudo tenemos que look it up en un libro, diccionario, horario, atlas etc. I would look Cambridge up on a map of England I'll look up the Hilton in a hotel guide If you don't know what the word means, look it up!


6.- GETTING ON WITH PEOPLE Get on (with someone) Tener unas buenas relaciones con alguien. Llevarse bien con alguien. I usually get on quite well with older people I don't usually get on ver well with younger people I don't get on at all well with children 7.- CUTTING DOWN Para ahorrar dinero algunas veces intentamos cut down on algunas cosas Cut down (on something) Reducir el consumo de algo. Usar o comer menos de algo. Gastar menos en algo. You can cut down on the cost og telephone calls by making less calls You can cut down on electricu¡ity bills by turning off unnecessary lights You can cut down on personal spending by borrowing books from a library instead of buying them 8.- I'VE RUN OUT A menudo nosotros run out of something en el peor momento Run out (of something) Quedarse sin algo, Agotar todo lo que uno tiene de algo. We've run out of milk The worst time to run out of tea is when you have visitors The wrost place to run out of water is the desert 9.- FINDING OUT Mucha gente tiene que find out cosascuando están haciendo su trabajo. Find out something Conseguir información sobre algo. Aprender algo preguntando, estudiando, o investigando o por casualidad. Descubrir la respuesta a algo. Averiguar algo. The police are trying to find out what really happened I would find out the meaning of a word by looking it up in the dictionary 10.- GIVING IT UP Give up something Dejar de hacer algo que a uno le gusta. Dejar de darse el gustazo de hacer algo. I could eaily give up eating meat I couldn't give up watching television 2

I wouldn't like to give up playing tennis 11.- FLYING MADE EASY Drop off Dormirse (También se usa Nod off) Get off Bajarse de un vehÃ−culo o medio de transporte Get on Subir o montar en un vehÃ−culo o medio de transporte Take off Despegar un avión u otro medio de transporte aéreo Wake up Despertarse Do you usually drop off after lunch? Don't get off at this stop. The next one is yours Don't get on that bus. It's full What time does the plane take off? What time did you wake up this morning? 12.- TALKING ABOUT YOURSELF Bring someone up Criar un niño. Educarle y mantenerle hasta llegar a adulto. Go into something Comenzar una carrera. Coger un empleo. Grow up Hacerse adulto. Pasar los años de la infancia. Crecer Settle down Establecerse en un lugar. Vivir permanentemente allÃ−. Take after someone Parecerse a alguien. Tener un carácter similar o un parecido con un pariente o miembro de la propia familia Where did you grow up? In a city Who brought you up? My uncle Tom Do you tke after your father? No, I take after my grandmother Where would you like to settle down? Here, in Spain. Are you going into nursing? Yes. I'm a nurse 13.- WHO'S GOING WHERE? Brush up (on) something Revisar los conocimientos que uno tenÃ−a acerca de algo. Repasar. Check in Registrarse a la llegada 3

Go off something Perder el interés por algo Put up Alojarse una noche Stop over Hacer una parada en un viaje largo, normalmente para una noche Mike has gone off camping holidays One of the girls is brushing up her Spanish One of the girls is stopping over in Singapore The boy will be putting up at bed and breakfast places Bill has to check in at the airport two hours before setting off 14.- SIMILAR PAIRS (1) Get over something Recuperarse de un shock, una enfermedad, una sorpresa etc. Get something over Completar algo necesario y a menudo desagradable. Get round someone Persuadir o coaccionar a alguien. También Talk someone round. Get someone round Llamar para que alguien venga a la casa de uno, etc. Get through something Completar algo con éxito Get something through Hacer que algo se apruebe o acepte. Una ley, una idea, etc. He's very disappointed, but he will get over it How long will it take you to get those papers over? Perhaps you can get round your father and go to the concert. She is very ill. We'll have to get the doctor round How long will it take you to get through the dinner? The Parliament got the new law trhough 15.- SIMILAR PAIRS (2) Pass on something No poder dar una respuesta a algo Pass something on Decir o dar algo a otra persona See through someone Reconocer el engaño de alguien. Darse cuenta de que alguien está tratanto de engañarle o confundirle a uno See someone through Ayudar a alguien a pasar momentos difÃ−ciles 4

Turn on someone Atacar a alguien fÃ−sicamente o con palabras (También Set on someone) Turn someone on Deleitar, excitar, emocionar a alguien. (Tiene un uso informal) I didn't know the answer and had to pass on the question May you pass the bread on me, please? He tried to sell me his car, but I saw through him and I didn't buy it. After his wife's death everyone tried to see him through The monster turned on the girl, but the star saved her. Rock concerts really turns me on! 16.- IF I WERE PRIME MINISTER Si fueras el Presidente del Gobierno, ¿Qué leyes harÃ−as? ¿Qué cambiarÃ−as? Bring something down Reducir algo como los precios, los gastos etc. Bring something in Introducir algo Clamp down on something Usar la autoridad para suprimir algo, tomar severas medidas contra algo Put something up a) Incrementar algo b) Construir o levantar algo Shut something down Cerrar algo temporal o permanentemente (Fábricas, minas, negocios) Stamp something out Deshacerse de algo, suprimir algo totalmente. If I were Prime Minister... I would bring down gas prices I would bring in strict trafic laws I would clamp down on terrorism I would put up defence spending I would put up hospitals I would shut down nuclear power stations I would stamp out unprofitable industries 17.- A ROUND-TABLE DISCUSSION


Break in Interrumpir a alguien que está hablando Bring something up Sacar un tema de discusión Come up with something Generar una idea, sugerencia, etc. Look on Observar y/o escuchar sin tomar parte en la conversación Nod off Quedarse dormido (en una silla, etc.) También Drop off Talk someone down Hacer callar a alguien hablando más uno mismo There are six men round a table and... Brown is sitting next to Jones, who keeps breaking in Opposite Smith is someone who is bringing up important metters Evans is coming up with some good ideas The man just looking on is next to the man with the good ideas Smith keeps nodding off Jones is sitting next to the man who likes talking others down 18.- HELPING PEOPLE Break something up Parar una pelea o discusión, a menudo por la fuerza. Bring someone round Hacer a alguien recobrar la consciencia Call on someone Visitar al alguien Drop something off Llevarle algo a alguien a algún sitio Go over something (with someone) Repetir una explicación sobre algo Pick someone up Recoger o ir a buscar a alguien (A menudo en un vehÃ−culo) Put someone up Dar alojamiento a alguien If I saw two boys fighting and the smaller boy were losing the fight, I would break the quarrel up If a girl fainted and I were the only person close by, I would try to bring her round If and alderly person living alone in my neighbourhood were glad to have someone to talk to, I would call on him to have a chat from time to time If a friend liked to borrow some of my records and I were passing her house on the way to the library, I would drop them off


If a friend needed with an exercise I had already done, I would go over the exercise with him If some friends were arriving back from holiday, they had a lot of luggage, but no transport from the airport, I would pick them up in my car If a former friend contacted me, she were visiting my town and needed somewhere to stay for two nights, I would put her up. 19.- WHAT NEEDS DOING? Clean something up Quitar la suciedad de algo, limpiar. Clear something out Vaciar algo de cosas que ya no se quieren (Una habitación, los cajones del armario) Do something up Renovar algo. Restaurar. Reparar. Finish something off Completar algo Sort something out Poner algo en orden Tidy something up Poner las cosas en aparente orden y limpieza Touch something up Mejorar la apariencia de algo haciendo pequeños cambios como volver a pintar etc. The old silver candlestick needs cleaning up The study needs clearing out The old house needs doing up The new fence needs finishing off by lunchtime The papers on my desk need sorting out The garden shed needs tidying up The paintwork needs touching up 20.- WHAT HAPPENED? Cut in Ponerse abruptamente delante de otro vehÃ−culo después de haberle adelantado Drive off Marcharse conduciendo Hold something up Retrasar algo o pararlo. Pull out Apartarse del borde de la calzada para incorporarse al tráfico, o salir de un aparcamiento Run into something Chocar contra algo y provocar un accidente Speed up Incrementar la velocidad 7

Turn off Ir a izquierda o derecha en un cruce


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