Phrasal verbs

Gramática inglesa. Listado de verbos ingleses. Conjunción verbal. Significado. Perífrasis verbal

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Phrasal verbs
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Phrasal Verbs
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Phrasal Verbs
English Grammar, Language, Verbs

Phrasal verbs
Particles. Different meanings. Types. Examples

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add vtr añadir; (numbers) sumar vi (count) sumar. añadir/incluir algo en algo to add on to add something on to something acrecentar, aumentar to add to to add to one's troubles = para colmo de desgracias sumar to add up it doesn't add up = no tiene sentido ask preguntar to ask after to ask for

preguntar por, interesarse por preguntar por, pedir invitar

to ask out to ask somebody out = invitar a alguien a salir back vtr (support) apoyar, respaldar, financiar vtr (to bet on) apostar por vtr (reverse) dar marcha atrás a, hacer marcha atrás vtr apoyar to back up someone = apoyar a alguien to back up

vtr hacer una copia de seguridad de un archivo vi ir/dar marcha atrás

bear vtr (bore, borne) sostener, soportar aguantar (I can't bear it any longer ya no aguanto más) parecerse (he bears a strong resemblance to his mother = se parece mucho a su madre) to bear in mind = tener en cuenta, tener presente vi girar to bear right = girar a la derecha to bear down on to bear out to bear up

apoyarse en confirmar resistir Bear up! = ¡ánimo!


tener paciencia con blow soplar to blow away

(wind) llevarse, arrastrarse vtr apagar

to blow out vi apagarse 1 (storm) calmarse to blow over 2 (argument) olvidarse vtr 1 (building) volar 2 (inflate) inflar to blow up

3 Phot ampliar vi 1 (explode) explotar, saltar por los aires 2 (temper) salirse de sus casillas

break vtr (general) romper, romperse salir sin pérdidas ni beneficios to break even

to break away

after a year of operations he broke even = después de un año de operaciones salió sin pérdidas ni beneficios escaparse, separarse the fastest runner broke away from the group = el corridor más rápido se escapó del grupo vtr 1 (general) derribar 2 (resistance) vencer, acabar con 3 (analyse) descomponer vi 1 (aut) tener una avería

to break down 2 (lose emotional control) perder el control 3 (weep) ponerse a llorar 4 (collapse, disintegrate, fail) venirse abajo

to break in

5 (stop working) estropearse vtr 1 (horses) domar 2 (person) iniciar


vi 1 entrar por la fuerza 2 interrumpir to break in on something/ someone = interrumpir algo/ a alguien 1 (house, shop) entrar por la fuerza en, forzar, allanar to break into

2 (box, safe) forzar 3 (begin suddenly) to bread into song/a run = echarse a cantar/correr, ponerse a cantar vtr 1 (detach) partir 2 (negotiations, talks) romper, cortar both countries broke off talks = ambos países rompieron las conversaciones

to break off

3 (holiday) interrumpir vi 1 (become detached) partirse, desprenderse 2 (talks) interrumpirse, pararse talks broke off between the union and bosses = se interrumpieron las negociaciones entre el sindicato y la patronal. vi 1 (fire, lightning, panic) desencadenarse

to break out

2 (war, epidemic) estallar 3 escapar de = to break out of vtr 1 (ice) hacer pedazos 2 (car) desguazar 3 (talks) poner fin a 4 (fight, crowd) disolver vi 1 (general) romperse, hacerse pedazos

to break up

2 (relationship) deshacerse, separarse after two years the couple broke up = después de dos años se separaron 3 (meeting) levantarse, concluir the meeting broke up at 6 = la reunión concluyó a las seis. 4 (school, pupils) terminar el curso 5 (crowd) disolverse 3

bring vtr (general) traer causar, producir to bring about

the reforms brought about great changes = las reformas produjeron grandes cambios. 1 devolver, traer de vuelta; it's too late to bring the goods back = es demasiado tarde para devolver los artículos

to bring back 2 recordar, traer a la memoria that song brings back my youth = esa canción me trae a la memoria mi juventud 1 (carry from above) bajar algo bring down the suitcase from upstairs baja la maleta de arriba to bring down 2 (government) derrocar, derribar the scandal brought down the government el escándalo derrocó el gobierno 1 presentar = to bring forward a proposal 2 finalizar to bring forward

to bring forward the account = pasar a otra cuenta. 3 (make earlier) adelantar we'll have to bring forward the meeting = tendremos que adelantar la reunión (introduce) implantar, presentar (earn) ganar (allow entry) hacer entrar

to bring in bring in the prisoner = haga entrar al prisionero (verdict) emitir the jury will bring in a verdict today = el jurado emitirá hoy su veredicto. lograr, conseguir to bring off to bring out

she's bringing in good results = está logrando buenos resultados. (product) sacar, lanzar the company is bringing out a new product = la compañía está lanzando un nuevo producto


to bring out the worst/best in someone = revelar lo mejor/peor de alguien, despertar lo mejor/peor de alguien. (revive) reanimar to bring around

the doctor brought the patient round = el médico reanimó al paciente (persuade) convencer. (raise children) criar, educar

to bring up

they are bringing up four children on one salary = están criando cuatro niños con un único sueldo (introduce a subject) plantear (vomit) devolver, vomitar

brush vtr cepillar, peinarse (touch gently) rozar (move away with hand) quitar, apartar to brush aside to brush off to brush up on

dejar de lado (not accept) ignorar (study again) repasar, refrescar

burn vtr (past&pp burnt or burned) quemar, quemarse vi arder to burn down

incendiarse (fire) extinguirse

to burn out (people) quemarse. buy vtr comprar (accept) aceptar, tragar, creer to buy off to buy out to buy into

(someone) sobornar, comprar (business) adquirir la mayoría de las acciones (business) comprar acciones

call vi (voice) llamar, gritar pasar por (un sitio) to call at to call back

he called at the supermarket on the way home = camino de casa pasó por el supermercado volver a llamar 5

do you want me to call you back? = ¿quieres que te vuelva a llamar? hacer volver as he was leaving his boss called him back = cuando se iba, su jefe le hizo volver desconvocar they called off the strike = desconvocaron la huelga to call off anular

to call on

she called off the meeting = anuló la reunión visitar 1 (evoke memories etc.) evocar, traer a la memoria

to call up 2 llamar a filas calm vtr sosegar, tranquilizar, calmar, amainar tranquilizar, calmar to calm down calm down! = ¡cálmate! care vi 1 preocuparse to care about something 2 importar I don't ~ no me importa 1 gustar, interesar I don't care for the cinema = el cine no me interesa mucho to care for would you care for a drink? = ¿te apetece beber algo? 2 cuidar catch vtr coger, agarrar, pillar vi pillarse, engancharse; (fire) to catch fire encenderse 1 (become popular) hacerse popular to catch on to catch out

2 (understand) entender, caer en la cuenta pillar a alguien en falta = to catch someone out 1 alcanzar a alguien (reach) = to catch up with someone

to catch up 2 ponerse al día con (work) = to ~ up on carry vtr llevar, llevar encima, transportar vi (sound) oírse 6

llevarse to carry away to get carried away = exaltarse. llevar a la página siguiente to carry forward carried forward = suma y sigue (win) llevarse to carry off to carry something off well = salir airoso de algo vtr seguir, continuar (business) llevar, dirigir to carry on

(conversation) mantener vi continuar, seguir adelante (make a fuss) hacer una escena (plan, work) llevar a cabo, realizar

to carry out to carry through

(threat) cumplir (accomplish) llevar a cabo

check vtr comprobar, inspeccionar to check in to check off to check out to check up

(airport) facturar;(hotel) registrarse tachar de una lista to check out (US investigar) comprobar, confirmar vtr 1 comprobar he checked up on the dates = comprobó las fechas 2 espiar (to spy)

to check up on he's always checking up on her = siempre le está espiando vi averiguar algo, informarse acerca de algo to check up on something cheer vtr 1 (shout encouragement) aclamar, vitorear (make hopeful) animar alentar to cheer on to cheer up

they cheered on their team = alentaron a su equipo vtr animar, alegrar


vi animarse, alegrarse cheer up! = ¡ánimo! chew (food, gum) masticar, mascar (nails) morder to chew up


chop vtr 1 cortar (herbs, onions) picar to chop and change = cambiar de idea cada dos por tres talar to chop down to chop off

to chop down a tree = talar un árbol tronchar 1 picar muy fino

to chop up 2 to chop up wood = cortar leña clean vtr limpiar(se) 1 limpiar a fondo to clean out

2 (leave with no money) dejar limpio/sin blanca the thieves cleaned us out = los ladrones nos limpiaron la casa 1 limpiar, ordenar help me clean all this up = ayúdame a limpiar todo esto

to clean up

to clean oneself up = asearse, limpiarse 2 arrasar the Conservatives cleaned up at the last elections = los conservadores arrasaron en las últimas elecciones

clear vtr aclarar vi (sky) despejarse to clear away

(dishes) quitar largarse

to clear off to clear out

clear off! = ¡largo!, ¡fuera de aquí! (room) limpiar a fondo


(cupboard) vaciar vtr 1 (room, mess) limpiar; (tidy) ordenar 2 (mystery, disagreement) aclarar, resolver to clear up vi 1 (tidy up) recoger, ordenar 2 (illness, problem) desaparecer; (weather) despejarse close vtr cerrar, concluir; (meeting) clausurar vi cerrarse, concluirse, terminarse to close down to close in on

(business) cerrarse definitivamente cercar/rodear a alguien (flower) cerrarse

to close up

(wound) cicatrizarse (stop speaking) callarse

come venir, llegar pasar, ocurrir to come about it came about that... = ocurrió que.... vtr encontrar por casualidad to come across

vi causar buena/mala impresión to come across well/badly 1 venir, llegar I'll ~ along about 6 = vendré sobre las 6

to come along

come along ¡venga!, ¡date prisa! 2 progresar, ir bien

to come apart

he's ~ing along really well in school va realmente bien en la escuela deshacerse desprenderse de algo, separarse de algo

to come away to come back

the paper's coming away from the wall = el papel se desprende de la pared. 1 volver when do you ~ back? = ¿cuándo vuelves? 2 volver a ponerse de moda


platform soles have come back = las plataformas se han vuelto a poner de moda 1 preceder to come before 2 (court) comparecer ante conseguir, adquirir to come by how did you come by this money? = ¿cómo conseguiste este dinero? bajar decrecer prices have come down = los precios han bajado to come down (plane, parachute) aterrizar (rain) caer reducirse a to come down to it all comes down to money in the end = al final todo se reduce a dinero (illness) coger to come down with to come forward to come from

he's come down with mumps ha cogido paperas (volunteer) presentarse, ofrecerse venir de, ser de procedencia entrar

to come in to come in for

(train) llegar ser objeto de críticas 1 entrar

to come into

2 (inheritance) heredar 3 to come into the world = nacer salir bien, tener éxito

to come off come off it! = ¡venga ya! 1 progresar, ir bien to come on

2 Come on! = ¡date prisa! / ¡ánimo!, ¡vamos!

to come out

3 comenzar to have a cold coming on = empezar a resfriarse 1 salir, aparecer; (film) estrenarse 2 salir a la luz if this comes out, I'll lose my job = si esto sale a la luz, perderé mi empleo 3 declarar to come out in favour of/against something = declararse a favor/en contra 10

de algo to come out on strike = declararse en huelga 4 resultar, salir only one of the photos came out = sólo salió una de las fotos 5 to come out with a remark = soltar un comentario vtr sobrevenir, pasar = what's ~ over you? ¿qué te pasa? to come over vi causar impresión = to come over well/badly 1 (visit) venire to come round

come round and see me soon = ven a verme pronto 2 dejarse convencer = to come round to something 1 (illness) recuperarse; (adversity) sobrevivir.

to come through 2 (information, news) llegar vtr 1 (total) ascender a, costar it comes to a thousand dollars = asciende a mil dólares 2 alcanzar to come to

to come to a decision = llegar a una decisión if it comes to that = si hace falta come to that = a propósito

to come under to come up

vi volver en sí (regain consciousness) estar comprendido (be part of) salir, brotar, surgir igualar

to come up to

subir, llegar hasta

to come up with

the water came up to my knees = el agua me llegó hasta las rodillas Encontrar (a solution)

count contar, calcular valer that doesn't count = eso no vale to count against to count on to count out

perjudicar contar con alguien 1 no contar con alguien


count me out! = ¡no cuentes conmigo! 2 (bank notes) contar uno por uno cross vtr cruzar, atravesar vi cruzarse; santiguar(se) to cross one's heart = jurar Cross my heart! ¡te lo juro! (oppose) contrariar, llevar la contraria don't cross me = no me lleves la contraria to cross out to cross off

tachar, rayar

cut vtr 1 cortar; (business) reducir, recortar (bush, plant) podar to cut back (budget, costs, output) reducir, recortar cortar, talar to cut down reducir: to cut down on −ing Interrumpir to cut in

it's rude to cut in when someone is speaking = es de mala educación interrumpir a alguien cuando habla (overtake, slip past) colarse (disconnect) cortar they have cut off my electricity = me han cortado la luz (feelings) sentirse aislado to feel cut off from other people (without contact) quedarse incomunicado

to cut off

the village was cut off by the store = el pueblo se quedó incomunicado por la tormenta (apart) estar aislado in the desert he was cut off from civilisation en el desierto estaba aislado de la civilización

to cut out

(med) amputar vtr (take, remove) recortar I cut the article out of the newspaper = recorté el artículo del periódico. 12

cortar un patrón can you help me cut out the dress from this pattern = ¿puedes ayudarme a cortar el vestido con el patrón? dejar de hacer I'm going to ~ out smoking voy a dejar de fumar cut it/that out! = ¡basta ya! (screen light) quitar the dark curtains cut out the sunlight = las cortinas quitan la luz desheredar to cut someone out of a will = desheredar a alguien vi calarse, pararse el motor the engine cut out during the race = el motor se caló durante la carrera cortar en pedacitos to cut up

sentirse mal, estar afectado she is cut up about the divorce = está muy afectada por el divorcio

die morir to die away to die down to die out

desvanecerse amainar, disminuir, calmarse, extinguirse extinguirse, perderse

do hacer, estudiar suprimir, abolir to do away with

deshacerse de algo

to do down

asesinar a alguien = to do away with someone menospreciar a alguien, rebajar a alguien = to do someone down estar perdido we are done for! = ¡estamos perdidos!

to do for

to do out

llevar la casa, limpiar Mrs Jones does for us twice a week = Mrs Jones viene a limpiar dos veces a la semana robar algo a alguien mediante engaño


to do someone out of something Atar, abrochar. to do up

(building) renovar, redecorar (wrap) envolver necesitar I could do with a holiday = no me vendrían mal unas vacaciones

to do with tener relación that has nothing to do with it = esto no tiene nada que ver pasar sin, prescindir to do without I can't do without my car = no puedo prescindir de mi coche draw vtr dibujar vi moverse sacar provecho to draw on to draw on one's experience =sacar provecho de su propia experiencia 1 alargar, prolongar to draw out

2 hacer hablar, animar a participar 3 sacar dinero del banco vtr redactar: she drew up the report = redactó el informe vi 1 pararse, detenerse:

to draw up the car drew up outside the pub = el coche se paró fuera del pub 2 acercarse to draw into of to draw entrar/salir de out of to draw away alejarse acercarse to draw closer she drew closer to the fire = ella se acercó al fuego dress vestirse, arreglarse, (med) vendar to dress down

echar una bronca she dressed him down for arriving late = ella le echó una bronca por haber llegado tarde


vestirse informalmente she dressed down for the party = se vistió informalmente para la fiesta Arreglarse to dress up

you have to dress up to go there = te tienes que arreglar para ir disfrazarse

drop dejar caer, abandoner to drop by vi (visit) pasar por casa to drop in vtr (deliver, bring) dejar en casa to drop round vtr (leave, deliver) dejar, entregar the mailman dropped off the package = el cartero entregó el paquete to drop off

vi 1 (fall asleep) quedarse dormido 2 bajar, disminuir attendance has dropped off = la asistencia ha bajado vi dejar de asistir he dropped out of university = ha dejado la universidad

to drop out

marginarse, dejar(se), retirarse people with many problems often drop out of society = la gente con muchos problemas suele marginarse he dropped out of the race = se retiró de la carrera

eat comer to eat away

corroer, desgastar (metal) corroer

to eat into

(wood) roer

to eat out to eat up

(savings) consumir comer fuera terminar (de comer)

fall caer, bajar to fall about

troncharse de risa 15

desmoronarse, venirse abajo to fall apart

to fall back on to fall behind

can't you see the whole house is fallling apart? = ¿no te das cuenta que toda la casa se viene abajo? recurrir a he fell back on his parents to pay his debts = recurrió a sus padres para pagar sus deudas quedarse atrás, quedarse a la zaga caerse

to fall down he fell down the stairs = se cayó por la escalera enamorarse de he fell for her straightaway = se enamoró de ella en seguida to fall for Fig picar, tragarse the poor guy fell for the whole story = el pobre tío se tragó toda la historia caerse(se) de algo he fell off his bike se cayó de la bici to fall off to be as easy as fallling off a log = estar chupado, ser pan comido her earring fell off = se le cayó un pendiente caerse to fall out it must have fallen out of his wallet = se le debe de haber caído de la cartera pelearse con alguien to fall out with to fall over to fall through

he fell out with his wife = se peleó con su mujer caerse (al suelo) irse al traste their plans to open a shop have fallen through = su proyectos de abrir una tienda se han ido al traste

figure vtr US suponer, imaginarse vi 1 figurar, constar • US it/that figures = es lo que suponía

to figure out comprender, explicarse I can't figure it out = no me lo explico 16

resolver fill rellenar to fill in to fill out to fill up

Completar un formulario Rellenar completamente un recipiente

find encontrar, hallar, sorprender vtr descubrir, averiguar to find out

her parents found out the truth = sus padres descubrieron la verdad to find out about something = enterarse de algo

fix fijar, asegurar, preparer 1 arreglar (improve, decorate) I'd like to fix up this old house = me gustaría arreglar esta vieja casa 2 proporcionar (supply) to fix someone up with something = proporcionar algo a alguien I'll fix you up with something better and cheaper = te proporcionaré algo mejor y más barato to fix up

3 arreglar, solucionar (remedy, take care of, arrange) the problem is all fixed up now = el problema ya está totalmente arreglado 4 to fix someone up with a date = emparejar she fixed me up with her brother me emparejó con su hermano 5 (tidy) arreglar, ordenar after the party she had to ~ up the house tras la fiesta ella tuvo que arreglar la casa

get conseguir, llegar, ganar, lograr 1 (news) difundirse to get about 2 (person) desplazarse 1 (idea) hacer comprender to get across to get ahead

2 (cross) atravesar, cruzar progresar, adelantar 17

1 (manage) arreglárselas 2 (leave) marcharse to get along we must be getting along now = tenemos que marcharnos ahora 3 to get along with someone = llevarse bien con alguien vtr evitar, sortear (problem, obstacle) engatusar(person) vi 1 (news) difundirse to get around

2 (person) desplazarse, viajar 3 hacer ocasionalmente to get around to doing something = tener tiempo para hacer algo, llegar a hacer algo 1 (reach) alcanzar, llegar 2 (suggest) insinuar what are you getting at? = ¿qué insinúas?

to get at 3 (criticise) criticar to get at someone = meterse con alguien he's always getting at me siempre se mete conmigo 1 (escape) escaparse to get away from it all = alejarse del mundanal ruido to get away 2 (manage to leave) salir, irse I'll try and get away before three = intentaré salir antes de las tres salir impune, salirse con la suya (go unpunished) you won't get away with it! = ¡no te saldrás con la tuya! escaparse, librarse (be let off with) to get away with

he got away with a warning = se libró con sólo una amonestación poder hacer algo (carry off successfully)

to get back

I can't get away with wearing a miniskirt with my legs = no puedo llevar minifalda con las piernas que tengo vtr recuperar (regain money, strength)


vi 1 volver, regresar (return) 2 echarse atrás (move backwards) 1 contestarle a alguien, llamar a alguien más tarde to get back to

2 volver a hacer

to get behind

to get back to sleep = volver a dormirse atrasarse con algo apañárselas, defenderse (manage)

to get by he can get by in German = sabe defenderse en alemán 1 deprimir (depress) to get down

2 anotar, tomar nota de (write down) did you get that down? = ¿has anotado eso? ponerse a algo to get down to something

to get down to to get down +ing something let's get down to business = pongámonos a trabajar 1 llegar (reach a place) the plane gets in at six = el avión llega a las seis to get in

2 conseguir entrar (manage to enter) 3 (pol) ser elegido (be elected) the conservatives got in at the last elections los conservadores = fueron elegidos en las últimas elecciones 1 subir (a un coche) 2 meterse (start activity)

to get into

to get into bad habits = adquirir malas costumbres to get into a panic = ponerse nervioso

to get off

to get into trouble = meterse en un lí vtr 1 (bus, train) bajarse 2 (remove) quitar 3 (leave work) salir del trabajo vi 1 (escape punishment) escaparse


to get off lightly = salir bien librado 2 (bus, train) bajarse are you getting off here? = ¿te bajas aquí?

to get off with

3 (depart) salir, irse Ligar vtr (bus, train) subirse vi 1 (bus, train) subirse • llevarse bien they get on well with each other = se llevan bien • hacer progresos she's getting on at work = hace progresos en el trabajo

to get on 4 tener éxito 5 seguir con algo = to get on with something 6 (age) to get on for rondar he's getting on for fifty = ronda los cincuenta 7 (time) to get on for = ser casi

to get onto

it's getting on for two o'clock = son casi las dos ponerse en contacto con alguien vtr sacar, quitar he got his keys out of his pocket = sacó las llaves del bolsillo

to get out

vi 1 (train, car) bajarse 2 (news) difundirse, hacerse público 3 (leave) salir 1 to get out of something to get out of +ing

to get out of librarse de algo/ + inf algo

to get over

2 (escape) escapar 1 (recover from) recuperarse


you'll get over the death of your father = te recuperarás de la muerte de tu padre 2 (overcome) superar 3 (communicate) hacer comprender, comunicar acabar con algo, quitarse algo de encima to get over with I want to get the exam over with soon = quiero quitarme el examen de encima soslayar algo, esquivar algo to get round don't try to get round the issue = no intentes soslayar la cuestión vtr 1 (use) consumer we get through three bottles of milk a day = consumimos tres botellas de leche diarias to get through

2 (complete) terminar 3 (exam) aprobar. 4 (difficulties) sobrevivir. vi 1 (make understand) hacerse entender

to get to

2 to get through to someone = conseguir comunicar con alguien fastidiar, molestar vtr 1 (people) juntar,(assemble) montar

to get together

2 (money) recoger, reunir vi (meet) juntarse, reunirse vtr 1 levantar, organizar

to get up

2 to get someone up = despertar a alguien

to get up to

vi levantarse tramar, montar

give vtr dar, lanzar vi ceder, romperse 1 regular to give away

2 revelar, descubrir

to give back to give in

3 traicionar, denunciar (return) devolver vtr (hand in) entregar vi 1 (accept defeat) darse por vencido, rendirse 21

to give off

2 (yield) ceder. (smell, heat, gas) emitir, despedir vtr repartir, distribuir

to give out vi (machine) fallar vtr 1 (renounce) abandoner he gave up his seat to the old lady = cedió su asiento a la anciana 2 to give up +ing / to give up + inf = dejar de to give up

he gave up smoking = dejó de fumar 3 (surrender) to give oneself up = rendirse, entregarse vi darse por vencido, rendirse don't give up! = ¡no te desanimes!

go ir, caber, funcionar 1 (routine) hacer, continuar to go about one's business =ocuparse de sus asuntos to go about 2 abordar, emprender

to go against

how do you intend to go about it? = ¿cómo piensas abordarlo? ir en contra 1 (take place) celebrarse

to go ahead

2 seguir adelante con algo = to go ahead with something go ahead! ¡adelante! 1 (progress) progresar

to go along

as you go along... = a medida que vayas haciendo....

to go along with

2 (street) pasar estar de acuerdo con 1 (rumour) correr por ahí

to go around

2 (associate) to go around with someone = salir con alguien 3 (suffice) there's enough to go around = hay para todos 1 (leave) marcharse

to go away to go back to go back on

2 (disappear) desaparecer volver no cumplir, faltar a (una promesa) 22

1 (resume) seguir, volver a hacer he went back to sleep = volvió a dormir to go back to 2 (origins in history) remontarse the building goes back to the 15th century = el edificio se remonta al siglo XV vtr guiarse por algo, atenerse a algo, seguir to go by something to go by

to go by the book = seguir las reglas to go by appearances =juzgar por las apariencias vi (time) pasar vtr bajar algo vi 1 (descend) bajar 2 (ship) hundirse

to go down 3 (sun) ponerse 4 (tyre) deshincharse

to go down with

5 (be accepted) to go down well/badly = ser bien/mal acogido coger (una enfermedad) 1 atacar, lanzarse sobre 2 (be true) valer para algo 3 (be attracted to) gustar

to go for I don't much go for Chinese food = la comida china no me gusta mucho 4 ir a por algo go for it! = ¡a por ello!

to go in

5 (decide) decidirse por algo/alguien entrar 1 (take part) presentarse 2 (hobby, career) dedicarse

to go in for (like) gustar, ir I don't go in for that sort of thing = ese tipo de cosas no me van 1 (start working) dedicarse to go into 2 (investigate) examinar, investigar.


vtr perder el gusto I've gone off her = ya no me gusta ella vi 1 (bomb) estallar, (gun) dispararse to go off

2 (alarm) sonar 3 (lights, heating) apagarse 4 (food, drink) pasarse, estropearse; (milk) cortarse 5 (event) to go off well/badly = salir bien/mal 1 to go off with someone = escaparse con alguien

to go off with 2 to go off with something = llevarse algo. 1 continuar =to go on doing something to go on and on about something = hablar constantemente de algo 2 (heating, light) encenderse to go on

3 (time) pasar, transcurrir 4 ocurrir, pasar: what's going on? = ¿qué pasa? 5 proceder, to go on to do something = pasar a hacer algo 6 Go on! = ¡venga! dar la lata

to go on at stop going on at me! = ¡deja de darme la lata! 1 salir to go out

we're going out for a meal tonight = esta noche salimos a cenar 2 (fashion) to go out of fashion = pasar de moda salir con alguien

to go out with to go over

I'm going out with Peter again = he vuelto a salir con Peter examinar, repasar girar, dar vueltas

to go round to go through

to go round to someone's house = pasar por casa de alguien 1 examinar, registrar the thieves went through the whole house = los ladrones registraron toda la casa 2 (rehearse) ensayar


3 (suffer) pasar por, experimentar 4 (spend) gastar

to go through with to go towards to go under

to go up

you can't have gone through 500 pounds in one day! = ¡no puedes haber gastado 500 libras en un día! llevar a cabo contribuir a this money will go towards the cost of a new motorbike = este dinero contribuirá a pagar una moto nueva (business, ship) hundirse 1 subir 2 levantarse, construirse 3 to go up in flames = arder, quemarse prescindir, pasarse sin algo/alguien

to go without

he can't go without his coffee = no puede prescindir de su café that goes without saying = eso es evidente

grow vtr (grew, grown) cultivar, dejarse crecer (hair, nails) vi crecer llegar a gustar, gustar cada vez más to grow on the idea is growing on me = me gusta la idea cada vez más hacerse demasiado grande para algo to grow out of she has grown out of her clothes = la ropa se le ha quedado pequeña crecer, hacerse mayor to grow up

(fig)comportarse como una persona adulta grow up! = ¡no seas niño!

hand dar, entregar dejar en herencia, transmitir to hand down

to hand in to hand on

stories handed down from generation to generation = historias transmitidas de generación en generación entregar all work must be handed in by next Monday = todos los trabajos se tienen que entregar antes del próximo lunes pasar 25

when you've read the magazine can you hand it on to John? = cuando hayas leído la revista, ¿puedes pasarla a Juan? repartir, distribuir to hand out

they hand out food for the poor every Christmas = reparten comida para los pobres cada Navidad entregar

to hand over hehanded over his car keys = entregó las llaves de su coche hang vtr (hung,hung) colgar, pender vtr (hanged) ahorcar to hang about

1 perder el tiempo, pasar el rato sin hacer nada

to hang around

I can't stand just hanging about / around = no soporto perder el tiempo sin hacer nada 2 hang about / around ! = ¡espera! 1 (hold tightly) agarrarse

to hang on

2 (wait) esperar 3 (resist) aguantar vtr (washing etc) colgar

to hang out

vi (frequent) frecuentar she hangs out in that café = frecuenta ese café to hang up on someone = colgar el teléfono

to hang up

to be hung up on somebody = estar obsesionado por alguien

have tener 1 (be wearing) llevar puesto 2 (have an arrangement) tener planeado, tener que hacer to have on

I have nothing on this afternoon = esta tarde no tengo nada planeado I have a lot on this week = esta semana tengo que hacer muchas cosas

to have out

3 to have someone on = tomarle el pelo a alguien 1 (remove) extirpar I had my tonsils out = me extirparon las amígdalas


2 to have it out with someone = enfrentarse a alguien hear oir escuchar las explicaciones de alguien to hear out to hear from to hear of

to hear somebody out recibir comunicación de alguien aprender accidentalmente

hit golpear to hit on to hit back

descubir accidentalmente vengarse

hold vtr (held, held) soportar, aguantar, sostener vi resistir, aguantar; continuar (emotions) contener, reprimir to hold back

he couldn't holk back his tears = no podía contener las lágrimas (with old information) ocultar (keep a job) conservar, desempeñar

to hold down (person) sujetar vtr mantener a distancia to hold off

he couldn't hold off the crowd = era incapaz de mantener a distancia a la muchedumbre vi (resist, refrain from) refrenarse, retenerse agarrarse bien / fuerte esperar

to hold on can you hold on until the next break? = ¿puedes esperar hasta la próxima pausa? (telephone) Hold on! = ¡no cuelgues! vtr (arms, hand) ofrecer, extender, tender vi (last) durar to hold out to hold out against someone/something = resistir contra alguien/algo

to hold up

the soldiers held out for one week = los soldados resistieron durante una semana (rob a person, bank) atracar, as altar (delay) retrasar, atrasar 27

the flight was held up for two hours el vuelo se retrasó dos horas (raise) levantar, alzar hold up your right hand = levanta la mano derecha (support) apoyar, sostener keep (kept, kept) mantener perseverar to keep at to keep away

keep at it! = ¡no te desanimes! mantener(se) a distancia 1 (hold back) contener

to keep back

2 (information) ocultar 3 (money) retener 1 (prices) mantener bajo

to keep down 2 (oppress) oprimir no tocar to keep off keep off the grass = prohibido pisar la hierba 1 no dejar de = to keep on +ing to keep on 2 to keep on about something = no parar de hablar de algo vtr no dejar pasar to keep out

vi no pasar

to keep to

keep out = prohibida la entrada ceñirse a algo vtr mantener keep it up! = ¡sigue así!

to keep up vi mantener el ritmo to keep up with the times = estar al día kick dar una patada to kick about

andar por ahí 1 (football) sacar

to kick off to kick out

2 Fig (meeting) empezar echar a patadas


look mirar 1 (care for) cuidar to look after to look ahead

2 (supervise) vigilar mirar al futuro 1 (examine) mirar 2 (study) examiner

to look at

3 (read) leer 4 (consider) enfocar

to look down on to look for to look forward to to look into to look on to look out

it depends how you look at it = depende de cómo se enfoque la cosa despreciar buscar esperar con ilusión (problem) examinar, estudiar observar, mirar tener cuidado look out! ¡cuidado! estar alerta

to look out for to look out for oneself = velar por los propios intereses vi volver la cabeza to look round

vtr (a shop) echar un vistazo (a town, museum) visitar (depend on) contar con

to look to (turn to) recurrir a vtr 1 (in a book) buscar 2 (visit) ir a visitar to look up vi 1 (raise the eyes) alzar la vista

to look up

2 (improve) mejorar respetar

make hacer, preparar, fabricar vtr (contribute to) contribuir to make for to make of

vi (move towards) dirigirse hacia/a 1 (have opinion of) opinar I don't know what to make of my boss = no sé qué pensar de mi jefe 29

2 (understand) entender vi (escape) darse a la fuga to make off they made off in a stolen car = se dieron a la fuga en un coche robado robar, llevarse to make off with they made off with $6 million = se llevaron 6 millones de dólares 1 entender I just can't make him out = no le entiendo 2 (see) distinguir; (hear) oír, entender to make out 3 (form) rellenar; (cheque) extender; (list) hacer 4 (claim) pretender ser, hacerse pasar por he made out he was a millionaire = se hizo pasar por millonario vtr 1 (apply cosmetics) maquillar 2 (constitute) componer, constituir 3 (invent) inventar to make up

4 (complete an amount) completer 5 (bed, prescription) preparar vi reconciliarse to make (it) up with someone = hacer las paces con alguien (loss, damage) compensar

to make up for (time) recuperar compensar to make up to to make it up to someone = compensar a alguien por algo pass pasar, adelantar ; ocurrir to pass away

fallecer (events) pasar de largo

to pass by (people) pasar por alto pasar to pass down/on my sister passed me down all her clothes = mi hermana me pasó toda su ropa parecer, pasar por to pass for I passed for 25 = pasé por tener 25 años 30

atravesar, pasar por to pass through to pass out

we passed through France = pasamos por Francia desmayarse cruzar; (in airplane) volar

to pass over we passed over the Indian ocean = volamos por el océano Índico pick elegir, escoger to pick on

meterse con: my sister is always ~ing on me mi hermana se mete siempre conmigo escoger

to pick out

pick one out and I'll buy it for you = escoge uno y te lo compraré (recognise) reconocer vtr 1 (movement) levantar, recoger she picked up a coin from the street = recogió una moneda de la calle to pick something/someone up = ir a buscar algo/a alguien I'll pick it up after work = vendré a buscarlo después del trabajo 2 to pick up speed = acelerar

to pick up

3 (learn) aprender 4 (radio, tv) captar 5 (sexually) ligar she picked him up in a bar ligó con él en un bar vi 1 (improve) mejorar 2 (begin again) proseguir, seguir

point vtr apuntar, indicar vi señalar (con el dedo), indicar señalar, indicar to point out she pointed out where I went wrong = me indicó dónde me había equivocado put (put, put) poner, ingresar, someter to put across to put aside

transmitir, comunicar dejar a un lado


1 (store) guarder put away your toys! = ¡guarda tus juguetes! to put away 2 (save money) ahorrar 3 (car) poner en el garaje 1 volver a poner en su sitio

to put back

put the book back when you've finished! = ¡vuelve a poner el libro en su sitio cuando hayas acabado! 2 (clock) retrasar 3 (postpone) aplazar 1 bajar put your head down! = ¡baja la cabeza! 2 (object) dejar

to put down put the book down on the table! = ¡deja el libro encima de la mesa! 3 (animal) sacrificar 4 to put one's name down = apuntar su nombre 1 (candidate) proponer to put forward

2 (proposal) hacer 3 (clock) adelantar 1 meter 2 demandar

to put in to put in a claim presentar = una demanda 3 to put in a good word for someone = hablar a favor de alguien 1 (meeting) aplazar 2 (person) disuadir to put off 3 (light, radio, t.v.) apagar

to put on

4 (revolt) dar asco 1 ponerse put on your coat! = ¡ponte el abrigo! 2 (record, cassette) poner


shall I put on a CD? ¿quieres que ponga un compact? 3 encender 4 (pretend) fingir, afectar he puts on a posh accent = finge un acento pijo 5 to put on weight = engordar he's put on a lot of weight ha engordado mucho vtr 1 (fire) apagar, extinguir they took two days to ~ out the fire = tardaron dos días en apagar el fuego 2 (hold out) tender to put out

he put out his hand = tendió la mano 3 (tongue) sacar 4 (publish, issue) sacar, editar vi (of person) molestar, ofender 1 to put somebody through suffering = hacer sufrir a alguien

to put through

to put together

2 (phone call) to put somebody through to someone = poner a alguien con alguien can you put me through to Mr Jones, please? = ¿me puede poner con el Sr Jones, por favor? montar, juntar 1 (raise) levanter put up the window, it's cold! = ¡levanta la ventana que hace frío! 2 (hang) colgar; (post up) fijar 3 (building) construer 4 to put somebody up = alojar a alguien

to put up can you put my cousin up? = ¿puedes alojar a mi primo? 5 to put somebody up to something = incitar a alguien para que haga algo 6 (in armed robbery) put them up! ¡manos arriba! 7 to put up with somebody/something = soportar alguien/algo

to put upon

I can't put up with it any longer = ya no aguanto más to put upon somebody = importunar a alguien 33

run correr, huir, circular correr por todas partes, no parar to run about to run across to run after

he's always running about = es que no para to run across somebody = tropezar con alguien, encontrarse con alguien por casualidad to run after somebody = perseguir a alguien, ir detrás de alguien huir, fugarse

to run away he ran away from home = se fugó de casa arrollar, atropellar the car ran him down = el coche le atropelló (fig) criticar to run down he's always run ning people down = siempre critica a la gente (power) acabarse the batteries are run ning down = se están acabando las pilas (car) rodar, hacer funcionar to run in (arrest) detener (meet) to run into somebody = tropezar con alguien, encontrarse con alguien por casualidad to run into

chocar contra he ran into the wall = chocó contra la pared fugarse con

to run off with he ran off with the jewels = se fugó con las joyas Acabarse to run out of we've run out of sugar = se nos ha acabado el azúcar Atropellar to run over they ran him over = le atropellaron leer por encima to run through we've run through the text = hemos leído el texto por encima (prices, costs) ascender a to run to to run up

the budget runs to millions of dollars = el presupuesto asciende a millones de dólares to run up debts = endeudarse

show mostrar, indicar 34

to show off

presumir, chulear vtr poner en evidencia, revelar

to show up

vi (turn up) aparecer he showed up at 10:00 = apareció a las 10

shut cerrar(se) to shut away

guardar bajo llave, encerrar vtr (factory) cerrar

to shut down

(machinery) apagar, desconectar vi (factory) cerrarse 1 (gas, etc.) cerrar, cortar (machine) apagar, desconectar

to shut off 2 (isolate) aislar, apartar 3 (block street, etc.) cortar, bloquear (leave outside) dejar fuera to shut out you've shut the poor dog out = has dejado fuera al pobre perro vtr 1 cerrar to shut up shop = cerrar la tienda 2 (silence) callar, hacer callar to shut up

once he starts you can't shut him up = una vez que empieza no puedes hacerle callar vi callarse shut up! = ¡cállate!

take coger, llevar parecerse a alguien to take after to take away

he takes after his father = se parece a su padre vtr 1 llevarse take it away! = ¡llévatelo! 2 (remove) quitar they took away all his possessions = le quitaron todos sus bienes


vi llevar food to take away = platos para llevar Desmontar to take apart they had to take apart the engine = tuvieron que desmontar el motor 1 (return) devolver why don't you take it back to him? = ¿por qué no se lo devuelves? 2 (person) acompañar to take back can you take me back home? = ¿me puedes acompañar a casa? 3 to take back what one has said =desdecirse the minister had to take take what he had said = el ministro tuvo que desdecirse. 1 bajar he took down the book from the shelf = bajó el libro del estante to take down 2 (notes) apuntar did you take down his address? = ¿apuntaste su dirección? 1 alojar he takes in guests = aloja huéspedes to take in 2 (dress) menguar, achicar 3 to take somebody in = engañar a alguien 1 conducir a to take into

they took him into the courtroom = lo condujeron a la sala del tribunal 2 to takesomething into account = tener algo en cuenta 1 quitarse take off your coat! = ¡quítate el abrigo!

to take off 2 quitar take your feet of the table! = ¡quita los pies de la mesa! 1 asumir he took on too much work asumió demasiado trabajo to take on 2 (worker) contratar they've taken on new workers = han contratado trabajadores nuevos 36

sacar, sacarse to take out

take out your glasses! = ¡sácate las gafas! he took his savings out of the bank = sacó sus ahorros del banco 1 encargarse de algo, hacerse cargo de algo he took over the business = se hizo cargo de la empresa

to take over 2 to take over from someone = sustituir a alguien he took over from his old boss = sustituyó a su antiguo jefe llevar a casa de alguien to take round he took me round to my mother's = me llevó a casa de mi madre 1 llevar a, acompañar a he took her to the doctor's = la acompañó a la consulta del médico to take to 2 to take to somebody = avenirse con alguien they took to each other straight away = se avinieron en seguida 1 subir take him up his tray! = ¡súbale su bandeja! to take up 2 aficionarse, dedicarse he's just taken up golf = se dedica al golf desde hace poco tear (tore, torn) rasgar, desgarrar to tear along to tear away to tear down to tear in

ir a toda pastilla to tear oneself away from = ser/resultar imposible a uno dejar de hacer algo he can't tear himself away from the televisión = le es/resulta imposible dejar de mirar la tele derribar entrar precipitadamente Arrancar

to tear off to tear up

he tore off a sheet of paper = arrancó una hoja de papel to tear something up = hacer algo pedazos

think pensar, considerer, reflexionar elaborar, concebir to think out to think up

he thought out a project = elaboró un proyecto inventar, idear 37

she thought up a fund−raising scheme = ideó un plan para recaudar fondos try intentar, ensayar, probar probarse algo to try on can I try it on? = ¿me lo puedo probar? to try it on with somebody = intentar engañar a alguien to try it on with don't try it on with me! = ¡ni se te ocurra intentar engañarme! to try something out = poner algo a prueba to try out they're try ing out the new Ford = están poniendo a prueba el nuevo Ford turn hacer girar, volver, torcer vtr dar la vuelta a algo to turn around vi dar la vuelta vtr to turn someone away rechazar a alguien to turn away to turn back

vi alejarse volverse 1 to turn somebody down rechazar a alguien

to turn down

they turned him down for the job = le rechazaron para el puesto de trabajo 2 (radio, tv) bajar irse a la cama

to turn in to turn into

I'm going to turn in = me voy a la cama convertirse en, transformarse en 1 (in vehicle) torcer turn off on the left! = ¡tuerza a la izquierda!

to turn off 2 (switch off) apagar 3 to turn somebody off = dar asco a alguien 1 (switch on) encender to turn on 2 to turn someone on excitar a alguien to turn out to be = llegar a ser, acabar siendo to turn out to turn over

the meeting turned out to be a failure = la reunión acabó siendo un fracaso 1 dar una vuelta a algo he turned over the omelette = dio una vuelta a la tortilla


2 volcar: he turned over his car = volcó su coche 3 (in bed) volverse vtr dar la vuelta a algo to turn round vi dar la vuelta vtr (radio, tv) subir vi (person) presentarse to turn up

he turned up at five o'clock = se presentó a las cinco (object) aparecer his wallet turned up = apareció su billetero

wait esperar to wait for

to wait for somebody = esperar servir

to wait on

he waited on the royal family = sirvió a la familia real to wait on somebody hand and foot = ser el esclavo de alguien quedarse despierto esperando a alguien

to wait up for he waited up for his wife = se quedó despierto esperando a su mujer wash lavar quitar to wash away this product washes away stains = este producto quita las manchas (rinse) enjuagar to wash out you have to wait out these shirts = tienes que enjuagar estas camisas vtr (dishes) fregar, lavar you haven't washed up these spoons = no has fregado estas cucharas to wash up vi fregar los platos shall we wash up? = ¿fregamos los platos? walk andar, caminar, pasear to walk back

volver a pie entrar

to walk in he walked in without knocking = entró sin llamar 39

salir abruptamente to walk out

he walked out of the meeting without saying anything = salió de la reunión sin decir nada

wear vtr llevar puesto vi desgastarse desgastar, erosionar to wear away the rain has worn away the cliffs = la lluvia ha erosionado los acantilados 1 gastar she had worn out her shoes = había gastado sus zapatos to wear out 2 to wear oneself out = agotarse she had worn herself out = se había agotado Desaparecer to wear off the pain still hasn't worn off = el dolor no ha desaparecido todavía work trabajar trabajar en algo to work on he's working on her biography = está trabajando en su biografía resolver to work out

you'll have to work it out yourself = lo tendrás que resolver tú elaborar

to work up

he worked out a plan = elaboró un plan to work oneself up into a state = ponerse histérico seguir trabajando

to work away he worked away until the early morning = siguió trabajando hasta la madrugada tener éxito to work out (in gym) hacer ejercicios write escribir apuntar algo to write down to write off

did you write down his address? = ¿has apuntado su dirección? amortizar escribir, copiar

to write out write out the text on page 6 = copiad el texto en la página 6 40

redactar to write up he still hasn't written up the report = todavía no ha redactado el informe contestar to write back he wrote back the following day = contestó al día siguiente (to tv/radio programme or magazine) escribir to write in

thousands of people have written in to complain = miles de personas nos han escrito para quejarse



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