Presente progresivo Estoy cantando. Pretérito perfecto He cantado. He estado cantando FUTURO PASADO PRESENTE NOMBRE TIEMPO TRADUCCIÓN Presente simple I work/ She works Presente Canto Presente continuo To

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Presente simple I work/ She works

Presente Canto

Presente continuo To be + -ing

Presente progresivo Estoy cantando

Pres perf simple I have + participle irregular)

Pretérito perfecto *(regular o He cantado

Pres perf continuo I have been + -ing Pasado simple Infinitive + ed *(regular o irregular)

Pretérito perfecto He estado cantando Pret.Indefinido/imperfecto Canté / cantaba

Pasado continuo To be past (was/were) + -ing Pas perf simple I had + participle * Pas perf continuo I had been + -ing

Pret. Indef. / imperfecto Estaba cantando Pret. Pluscuamperfecto Había cantado Pret. Pluscuamperfecto Había estado cantando

Futuro simple I will + infinitive

Futuro imperfecto Cantaré

Futuro ‘going to’ To be going to + infinitive

Futuro de intención Voy a cantar



Acciones habituales Verdades generales

On+ days of the week Every+_______ Always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never Acciones en proceso de Today realización Now Acciones futuras (con At the moment adverbios de tiempo) Acción pasada relacionada con el presente Already, yet Never, ever, just For, since Acción pasada que continúa en el presente Acciones pasadas Yesterday terminadas Last + ______ Narraciones en pasado Ago when Acciones pasadas en While proceso de realización Acciones pasadas anteriores By the time a otra también pasada. Acción pasada en proceso de realización anterior a otra también pasada. Futuro no planeado. Tomorrow Decisiones tomadas en el Next + _______ momento de hablar Futuro planeado


Futuro continuo I will be + -ing Futuro perf simple I will have+ participle Futuro perf continuo I will have been +ing Condicional I would work Condicional perfecto I would have worked

Futuro progresivo Estaré cantando Futuro perfecto Habré cantado Futuro perfecto Habré estado cantando Condicional Trabajaría Condicional perfecto Habría trabajado


PRESENT PRESENT SIMPLE: Este es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar acciones permanentes o que tienen lugar en el presente y con una frecuencia determinada, es decir, cada día, cada mañana, etc. + Affirmative: Subject + verb (infin.) “s” + complements Examples. - I eat a lot. \ He eats a lot. - Negative: Subject + do/does not + verb (infin.) + complements Examples.- I don’t / do not eat much. \ He doesn’t / does not eat much. ? Interrogative: (QW) + do/does + subject + verb (infin.) + compl. ? Examples.- Do you eat much? \ Why does he eat much? * Passive: Subject (”CD”) + is/are + verb (participio) +compl. Examples.- + I eat a lot of chocolate \ *A lot of chocolate is eat (by me) PRESENT CONTINUOUS: Es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar acciones que tienen lugar en el presente, en el mismo momento en el que se está enunciando la frase y para un futuro organizado. + Affirmative: Subject + to be (present) + verb (infin.)-ing +complements Examples.- I am eating a hot-dog \ He is eating a hot-dog -Negative: Subject + to be not (present) + verb (infin.)-ing +complements Examples.- I’m not / am not eating a hot-dog\ He isn’t/is not eating a hot-dog ? Interrogative: (QW) + to be(present)+ subject + verb(infin.)-ing+ compl.? Examples.- Are you eating a hot-dog?\ What is he eating now? *Passive: Subject (”CD”) + is/are+ being+ verb (participio) +compl. Examples.- +They are repairing my piano\* My piano is being repaired (by them) PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE: Es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar acciones que han tenido lugar en el pasado, pero en un pasado muy reciente, acciones que empezaron en el pasado y continúan en el presente o acaban de terminar o tienen consecuencias en el presente. + Affirmative: Subject + have/has + verb (participio) + complements Examples.- I’ve/ have walked for two hours\ He’s/has walked for two hours. -Negative: Subject + have/has not + verb (participio) + complements Examples.- I haven’t/have not walked for two hours\He hasn’t/has not walked ?Interrogative: (QW) + have/has + subject + verb (participio) + compl. ? Examples.- Have you walked for two hours?\Has he walked for two hours? *Passive: Subject (”CD”) + have/has+ been+ verb (participio) +compl. Examples.- + They have found the car\ *The car has been found PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOS: Es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para hablar de una acción pasada que acaba de concluir, cuyo resultado es evidente; para hablar de una acción que empezó en el pasado y puede haber acabado recientemente o que continúa en el presente, se resalta la duración de la actividad con for o since. +Affirmative: Subject + have/has + been+ verb (infin.)-ing + complements Examples.- I’ve/ have been running this morning\ He’s/has been running for one hour -Negative: Subject + have/has not + been+ verb (infin.)-ing + complements Examples.- I haven’t/have not been running for two hours\He hasn’t/has not been running since yesterday. ?Interrogative :(QW)+ have/has + subject +been+ verb(infin.)-ing+ compl. ? Examples.-Have we been cooking for a hour?\Has he been running this morning? *Passive: Subject(”CD”) + have/has+ been +being+ verb (participio) +compl. Examples.- +

PAST PAST SIMPLE: Es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar acciones que tuvieron lugar en el pasado, sin que importe excesivamente el momento del pasado en el que tuvieron lugar. + Affirmative: Subject + verb (past) + complements Examples. – I played in the park. \ He ate a lot. - Negative: Subject + did not + verb (infin.) + complements Examples.- I didn’t/did not eat much. \ He didn’t/did not play in the park. ? Interrogative: (QW) + did + subject + verb (infi.) + compl. ? Examples.- Did you eat much? \ Did he play in the park? * Passive: Subject (”CD”) + was/were+ verb (participio) +compl. 3 Examples.- +Shakespeare wrote “Romeo and Juliet”\*”Romeo and Juliet” was written by Shakespeare PAST CONTINUOUS: Es un tiempo verbal en el que se expresan acciones que tuvieron lugar en el pasado, pero en un momento concreto. + Affirmative: Subject + to be(past) + verb(infin.)-ing +complements Examples.- I was eating a hot-dog \ You were sleeping in the park -Negative: Subject + to be not(past) + verb(infin.)-ing +complements Examples.- He wasn’t/was not eating a hot-dog\ We weren’t/were not playing ?Interrogative: (QW) + to be(past)+ subject + verb(infin.)-ing+ compl.? Examples.- Were you eating a hot-dog?\ What was he doing in each moment? * Passive: Subject (”CD”) + was/were+ being+ verb (participio) +compl. Examples.-+They were opening the door\*The door was being opened(by them) PAST PERFECT SIMPLE: Es un tiempo verbal que expresa acciones que han tenido lugar en el pasado, pero en un pasado menos reciente que el que se expresa en el Present Perfect. Es lo que se denomina el pasado del pasado (past in the past). Una acción que ha tenido lugar antes de otra en el pasado + Affirmative: Subject + had + verb (participio) + complements Examples.- I´d / had gone when they arrived\He’d/had gone when they arrived. -Negative: Subject + had not + verb (participio) + complements Examples.- I hadn’t/had not gone when they arrived ?Interrogative: (QW) + had + subject + verb (participio) + compl. ? Examples.- Had you gone when they arrived? *Passive: Subject (”CD”) + had+ been+ verb (participio) +compl. Examples.-+I’d bought it when they arrived/*It had been bought (by me) when they arrived PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS: Es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para dar énfasis a la duración de una acción pasada, la cual ha sucedido antes que otra acción pasada. +Affirmative: Subject + had + been+ verb (infin.)-ing + complements Examples.- I’d/had been running this morning\ He’d/had been running … -Negative: Subject + had not + been+ verb (infin.)-ing + complements Examples.- You hadn’t/had not been running for two hours ?Interrogative:(QW)+ had + subject + been + verb(infin.)-ing+ compl. ? Examples.- Had they been speaking on the phone? *Passive: Subject(”CD”) + had + been +being+ verb (participio) +compl. Examples.- +

FUTURE FUTURE SIMPLE: Es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar una predicción del futuro, hacer promesas, hacer un ofrecimiento, tomar una decisión en el momento de hablar. + Affirmative: Subject + will + verb (infin.) + complements Examples. – You’ll/will return tonight/ He’ll/will return tonight - Negative: Subject + will not + verb (infin.) + complements Examples.- I won’t/will not write you every day.. ? Interrogative: (QW) + will + subject + verb (infi.) + compl. ? Examples.- Will they return tonight? *Passive: Subject (“CD”) + will (o un modal) + be+ verb (participio) +compl. Examples.FUTURE ‘GOING TO’: Es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar un plan o una intención de futuro + Affirmative: Subject + to be +going to+ verb (infin.) + complements Examples. – You’re/are going to buy a new car/ He’s/is going to buy a new car - Negative: Subject + to be not + going to+ verb (infin.) + complements Examples.- I’m not/am not going to buy a new car Interrogative: (QW) + to be + subject + going to+ verb (infi.) + compl. ? Examples.- Are you going to buy a new car? *Passive: Subject (“CD”) + to be + going to be+ verb (participio) +compl. Examples.-

4 FUTURE CONTINUOUS: Es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar una acción que estará sucediendo en un cierto tiempo en el futuro, para acentuar la duración de una acción en el futuro. + Affirmative: Subject + will + be+ verb (infin.)-ing + complements Examples. – You’ll/will be travelling to Rome this time tomorrow - Negative: Subject + will not + be+ verb (infin.)-ing + complements Examples.- I won’t/will not be travelling to Rome this time tomorrow ? Interrogative: (QW) + will + subject + be+ verb (infi.)-ing + compl. ? Examples.- Will they be travelling to Rome this time tomorrow? *Passive: Subject(“CD”)+ will+ be+ being+ verb (participio)+complements Examples.-

FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE: Es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar acciones que habrán acabado en un punto concreto del futuro, al cumplirse el tiempo indicado. + Affirmative: Subject + will + have+ verb (participio) + complements Examples.- I will have completed this job next week - Negative: Subject + will not + have+ verb (participio) + complements Examples.- He won’t/will not have completed this job next week ? Interrogative: (QW) + will + subject + have+ verb (participio)+ compl. ? Examples.- Will he have completed this job next week ? *Passive: Subject(“CD”)+ will+ have+ been+ verb (participio)+complements Examples.FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS: Es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar una acción inacabada en período inacabado en un punto en el futuro. + Affirmative: Subject + will + have+ been+ verb (infin.)-ing + complements Examples.- Tomorrow, he’ll/will have been working for a week - Negative: Subject + will not + have+ been+ verb (infin.)-ing + complements Examples.- Probably, she won’t/will not have been studying ? Interrogative: (QW)+will + subject + have+been+ verb(infin.)-ing+ compl.? Examples.- Will they have been fixing the car? *Passive:Subject(“CD”)+will+have+been+being+verb(participio)+complements Examples.-

FUTURE WITH GOING TO: Es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar intenciones, hablar de planes futuros, hacer predicciones de futuro a través de hechos evidentes en el presente. + Affirmative: Subject + to be+ going to+ verb (infin.) + complements Examples. – I’m going to stay at home - Negative: Subject + to be not + going to + verb (infin.)+ complements Examples.- She isn’t going to stay at home ? Interrogative: (QW) +to be + subject +going to + verb (infi.)+ compl. ? Examples.- Are you going to stay at home *Passive: Subject(“CD”)+ is/are going to+ be+ verb (participio)+complements Examples.-

CONDITIONAL CONDITIONAL SIMPLE: Es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar una acción hipotética condicionada por una acción presente o para expresar una acción de un futuro hipotético del tiempo pasado real. + Affirmative: Subject + would + verb (infin.) + complements Examples. – I’d/would eat an ice-cream (if I had money) - Negative: Subject + would not + verb (infin.) + complements Examples.- I wouldn’t/would not eat much even (if I could) ? Interrogative: (QW) + would + subject + verb (infi.) + compl. ? Examples.- Would you eat an ice-cream (if you had it)? *Passive: Subject (“CD”) + would+ be+ verb (participio) +complements Examples.- +I would eat an ice-cream\*An ice-cream would be eaten by me

5 CONDITIONAL CONTINUOUS: Es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar una acción hipotética en curso. +Affirmative: Subject+ would + be + verb (infin.)-ing + complements Examples.- He would be lying in bed (if he were ill) -Negative: Subject+ would not + be + verb (infin.)-ing + complements Examples.- He wouldn’t/would not be waiting for us (if he had to) ?Interrogative: (QW)+ would + subject + be+ verb(infin.)-ing+ compl.? Examples.- Would he be keeping a diet (if he wasn’t fat)? *Passive: Subject (“CD”) + be+ being+ verb (participio) + complements Examples.CONDITIONAL PERFECT: Es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar una acción hipotética del pasado, condicionada a otra acción hipotética del pasado. +Affirmative: Subject + would+ have +verb (participio) + complements Examples.- You would have seen him (if you had met him) -Negative: Subject+ would not+ have+ verb (participio) + complments Examples.- He wouldn’t/would not have seen him (if he hadn’t met him) ? Interrogative: (QW) + would + subject + have + verb (participio) + compl.? Examples.- Would I have left you (if you had been alone)? *Passive: Subject (“CD”) + would+ have+ been + verb (participio) + compl. Examples.PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE: Es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar acciones que han tenido

lugar en el pasado, pero en un pasado muy reciente, acciones que empezaron en el pasado y continúan en el presente o acaban de terminar o tienen consecuencias en el presente. + Affirmative: Subject + have/has + verb (participio) + complements

Examples.- I’ve/ have walked for two hours\ He’s/has walked for two hours. -Negative: Subject + have/has not + verb (participio) + complements

Examples.- I haven’t/have not walked for two hours\He hasn’t/has not walked ?Interrogative: (QW) + have/has + subject + verb (participio) + compl. ?

Examples.- Have you walked for two hours?\Has he walked for two hours? *Passive: Subject (”CD”) + have/has+ been+ verb (participio) +compl.

Examples.- + They have found the car\ *The car has been found


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