Print. Ackerman, Diane. A Natural History of the Senses. New York: Vintage Books [Random House], Print

FILO 4056: Estética Bibliografía Prof. Walter Mucher, PhD Humanidades, UPR en Cayey Primavera 2016 Print Ackerman, Diane. A Natural History

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FILO 4056: Estética Bibliografía

Prof. Walter Mucher, PhD Humanidades, UPR en Cayey Primavera 2016


Ackerman, Diane. A Natural History of the Senses. New York: Vintage Books [Random House], 1995. Print. Adams, Carol J. The Pornography of Meat. New York and London: Continuum, 2003. Print. Adams, Carol J. The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory. New York and London: Continuum, 1990. Print. Agamben, Giorgio. Profanaciones. Colección Argumentos, 337. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama, 2005. Print. Allhoff, Fritz, and Dave Monroe, editors. Food and Philosophy: Eat, Think and Be Merry. Foreword by Odessa Piper. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2007. Print. Allhoff, Fritz, editor. Wine & Philosophy: A Synposium on Thinking and Drinking. Foreword by Paul Draper. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2008. Print. Angier, Natalie. The Beauty of the Beastly: New Views of the Nature of Life. Boston and New York: Peter Davison Book [Houghton Mifflin], 1995. Print. Armstrong, John. The Secret Power of Beauty: Why Happiness Is In The Eye Of The Beholder. London: Penguin Books, 2005. Print. Baker, Robert B., and Kathleen J Winiger, editors. Philosophy and Sex. Fourth Edition. New York: Prometeus Books, 2009. Print. Barba, Andrés and Javier Montes. La ceremonia del porno. Colección Argumentos, 364. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama, 2007. Print. Baumgarten, A. G., J. J. Winckelmann, M. Mendelssohn, y J. G. Hamann. Belleza y verdad: Sobre la estética entre la Ilustración y el Romanticismo. [Pensamiento. Clasicos. 2] Traducción de Vicente Jacque Soriano y Catalina Terrasa Montaner. Barcelona: Alba Editorial, 1999. Print. Beardsley, Monroe C. Aesthetics from Classical Greece to the Present. (1966) (Studies in the Humanities: No. 13). :The University of Alabama Press, . Print. Beardsley, Monroe C. y John Hospers. Estética: Historia y fundamentos. [Colección Teorema] Traducción de Román de la Calle. Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra, 1997. Print.

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Berger, John. Ways of Seeing. Norwich, GB: British Broadcasting Corporation and Penguin Books, 1978. Print. Bodei, Remo. La forma de lo bello. (1998) [La balsa de la Medusa, 91] Madrid: A. Machado Libros, 2008. Print. [Le forme del bello, 1995] Bozal, Valeriano. El gusto. (1999) [La balsa de la Medusa, 94] Madrid: A. Machado Libros, 2008. Print. [Il gusto, 1996] Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme. The Physiology of Taste: Or Meditations on Transcendental Gastronomy. (Vintage Classics) New York: Vintage, 2011. Print. Brown, Kurt. The Measured Word: On Poetry and Science. Athens, Georgia: The University of Georgia Press, 2001. Print Burke, Edmund. A Philosophical Enquiry Into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. Edited with an Introduction by Adam Phillips. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. Print. Chatterjee, Anjan. The Aesthtetic Brain: How We Evolved to Desire beauty and Enjoy Art. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. Print. Cheng, François. Cinco meditaciones sobre la belleza. Traducción del francés por AnneHélène Suarez Girard. [El Árbol del Paraíso, 54] Madrid: Ediciones Siruela, 2007. Print. [Cinq meditations sur la beauté. Éditions Albin Michel, 2006] Cooper, David E, editor. Aesthetics: The Classic Readings. (1997) Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2006. Print. Counihan, Carole M. The Anthropology of Food and body: Gender, Meaning, and Power. New York and London: Routledge, 1999. Print. Crumpacker, Bunny. The Sex Life of Food: When Body and Soul Meet to Eat. Thomas Dunne Books, 2006. Print. Curtin, Deane W. Cooking, Eating, Thinking: Transformative Philosophies of Food. Indiana University Press, 1992. Print. Dickie, George. Introduction to Aesthetics. An Analytic Approach. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. Print. Donoghue, Denis. Speaking of Beauty. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2003. Print.

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Douglass, Mary. Purity and Danger: An Analysis of the Concept of Pollution and Taboo. (1966) London and New York: Routledge Classics, 2002. Print. Dutton, Denis. The Art Instinct: Beauty, Pleasure, and Human Evolution. Bloomsbury Press; 1 edition 2008. Print. Elliot, Emory, Louis Freitas Caton, and Jeffrey Rhyne, editors. Aesthetics in a Multicultural Age. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. Print. Etcoff, Nancy. Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty. New York: Anchor Books [Random House], 2000. Print. Ferrières, Madeleine. Sacred Cow, Mad Cow: A History of Food Fears. Translated by Jody Gladding. New York: Columbia University Press, 2005. Print. Fischer, M.K. The Art of Eating: 50th Anniversary Edition. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2004. Print. Foucault, Michel, y Gilles Deleuze. Theatrum Philosophicum seguido de Repetición y diferencia. Colección Argumentos, 172. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama, 1995. Print. Gadamer, Hans-Georg. The Relevance of the Beautiful and Other Essays. (1986) Translated by Nicholas Walker. Edited with an Introduction by Robert Bernasconi. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Print. Galicia González, Manuel Abraham. “La estética en Tomás de Aquino.” Disponible en: Galvis, Nelson. “Nociones de estética en San Agustín.” Kaleidoscopio. Vol. 4, No. 8 (Jul-Dic, 2007); 179-183. Disponible en: Gigante, Denise. Taste: A Literary History. New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 2005. Print. Gilbert-Rolfe, Jeremy. Beauty and the Contemporary Sublime. New York: Allworth Press, 1999. Print. Glaser, Gabrielle. The Nose: A Profile of Sex, Beauty, and Survial. New York: Atria Books, 2002. Print. Grumpacker, Bunny. The Sex Life of Food: When Body and Soul Meet to eat. New York: Thomas Dunne Books [St. Martin’s Press], 2006. Print.

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Gubern, Román. Patologías de la imagen. Colección Argumentos, 317. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama, 2004. Print. Guyer, Paul. Values of Beauty: Historical Essays in Aesthetics. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Print. Hales, Steven D., editor. Beer and Philosophy: The Unexamined Beer Isn’t Worth Drinking. Foreword by Michael Jackson. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2007. Print. Hirsch, Alan R. Scentsational Sex: The Secret to Using Aroma for Arousal. Boston, Dorset and Melbourne: Element, 1998. Print. Hirsch, Alan R. What Flavor is Your Personality? Discover Who you Are by Looking at What You Eat. Foreword by Jan Fawcett and Stanley G. Harris. Naperville, Illinois: Sourcebooks, Inc., 2001. Print. Hospers, John, editor. Introductory Readings in Aesthetics New York: The Free Press [Macmillan], 1969. Print. Hutcheon, Francis. An Inquiry into the Original of Our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue in Two Treatises. Edited and with an Introduction by Wolfgang Leidhold. Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund, 2004. Print. Irvine, William B. On Desire: Why We Want What We Want. Oxford and New York; Oxford University Press, 2005. Print. Jütte, Robert. A History of the Senses: From Antiquity to Cyberspace. Translated by James Lynn. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2005. Print. Kaplan, David M., editor. The Philosophy of Food. (California Studies in Food and Culture, 39) Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press, 2012. Print. Kappeler, Susanne. The Pornography of Representation. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1986. Print. Koren, Leonard. Which “Aesthetics” Do You Mean? Ten Definitions. Pint Reyes, CA: Imperfect Publishing, 2010. Print. Kolnai, Aurel. On Disgust. Edited and with and Introduction by Barry Smith and Carolyn Korsmeyer. Chicago and LaSalle, IL: Open Court, 2004. Print. Korsmeyer, Carolyn. Making Sense of Taste: Food and Philosophy. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1999. Print.

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Korsmeyer, Carolyn. El sentido del gusto: Comida, estética y filosofía. [Transiciones, 38] Traducción de Francisco Beltrán Feijóo. Barcelona: Ediciones Paidós Iberica, 2002. [Making Sense of Taste: Food and Philosophy. 1999] Print. Korsmeyer, Carolyn. The Taste Culture Reader: Experiencing Food and Drink. Berg Publishers, 2005. Print. Kupfer, Joseph H. Experience as Art: Aesthetics in Everyday Life. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1983. Print. Laqueur, Thomas. Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud. Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Press, 1990. Print. Leddy, Thomas. The Extraordinary in the Ordinary: The Aesthetics of Everyday Life. Ontario, Canada: Broadview Press, 2012. Print. Light, Andrew and Jonathan M. Smith, editors. The Aesthetics of Everyday Life. New York: Columbia University Press, 2005. Print. Mandoki, Katya. Prosaica I. Estetica cotidiana y juegos de la cultura. Mexico: Siglo XXI Editores, 2006. Print McCracken, Janet. Taste and the Household: The Domestic Aesthetic and Moral Reasoning. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2001. Print. McQuaid, John. Tasty: The Art and Science of What We Eat. New York and London: Scribner, 2015. Print. Menninghaus, Winfried. Disgust: Theory and History of a Strong Sensation. Translated by Howard Eiland and Joel Golb. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2003. Print. Messier, Vartan P., and Nandita batra, editors. Transgression and Taboo: Critical essays. With an introduction. Mayagüez, PR: College English Association-Caribbean Chapter Publications, 2005. Print. Miller, William Ian. The Anatomy of Disgust. Cambridge, MA and London, England: Harvard University Press, 1997. Print. Monroe, David, editor. Porn – Philosophy for Everyone: How to Think With Kink. Foreword by Gram Ponante. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2010. Print. Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, baron de. Ensayo sobre el gusto. Traducido por Ariel Dìlon. Buenos Aires: Libros del Zorzal, 2006. Print. [Essai sur le goût]

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Morales Villena, Gregorio. Por amor al deseo: Historia del erotismo. Madrid: Editorial Espasa Calpe, 2006. Print. Morton, Timothy, editor. Cultures of Taste/Theories of Appetite: Eating Romanticism. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. Print. Muñoz Redón, Josep. La cocina del pensamiento: Una invitación a compartir fogones y mesa con filósofos. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, 2005. Print. Norman, Donald A. El diseño emocional: Por qué nos gustan (o no) los objetos cotidianos. Traducción de Ferran Meler Orti. [Transiciones, 58] Barcelona: Ediciones Paidós Iberica, 2005. Print. [Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things. Basic Books (Perseus), 2004] Paglia, Camille. Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson. New York: Vintage Books [Random House], 1991. Print. Parasecoli, Fabio. Bite Me: Food in Popular Culture. Oxford and New York: Berg, 2008. Print. Prescott, John. Taste Matters: Why We Like the Foods We Do. With a Foreword by heston Blumenthal. London: Reaktion Books, 2012. Print. Rappoport, Leon. How We Eat: Appetite, Culture, and the Psychology of Food. Toronto: ECW Press, 2003. Print. Richie, Donald. A Tractate on Japanese Aesthetics. Stone Bridge Press 2007. Print Saito, Yuriko. Everyday Aesthetics. Oxford University Press; 1st edition 2010. Print Saled, Renata, editor. Sexuation. SIC 3. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2000. Print. Santayana, George. The Sense of Beauty. Being the outline of Aesthetic Theory. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. 1955. Print. Sartwell, Crispin. Six Names of Beauty. New York and London: Routledge, 2006. Print. Scarry, Elaine. On Beauty and Being Just. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1999. Print. Scrutton, Roger. Beauty. A Very Short Introduction. Very Short Introduction, 262. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print. Scrutton, Roger. I Drink Therefore I Am: A Philosopher’s Guide to Wine. London and New York: Continuum, 2009. Print.

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Serrano, Sebastià. El instinto de seducción. Colección Argumentos, 330. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama, 2004. Print. Shaw, Philip. The Sublime. London and New York: Routledge, 2006. Print. Sheppard, Gordon. Neurogastronomy: How the Brain Creates Flavor and Why It Matters. New York: Columbia niversity Press, 2012. Print. Shimamura, Arthur P. and Stephen E. palmer, eds. Aesthetic Science: Connecting Minds, Brains, and Experience. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print. Sibley, Frank. Approach to Aesthetics: Collected Papers on Philosophical Aesthetics. Edited by John Benson, Betty Redfern, Jeremy Roxbee Cox. (2001) Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. Print. Singer, Alan and Allen Dunn, editors. Literary Aesthetics: A Reader. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2000. Print. Starr, G. Gabrielle. Feeling Beauty: The Neuroscience of Aesthetic Experience. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2013. Print. Stone, Allucquére Rosanne. The War of Desire and Technology at the Close of the Mechanical Age. Cambridge, Mass and London, UK: The MIT Press, 1995. Print. Tanizaki, Jun’ichirō. In Praise of Shadows. Translated by Thomas J. Harper and Edward G. Seidensticker. Foreword by Charles Moore. Afterword by Thomas J. Harper. Stony Creek, CT: Leete’s Island Books, 1977. Print. Telfer, Elizabeth. Food for Thought: Philosphy and Food. London and new York: Routledge, 1996. Print. Vigarello, Georges. Lo limpio y lo sucio: La hygiene del cuerpo desde la Edad Media. Versión española de Rosendo Ferrán. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1991. Print. [Le proper et le sale. L’hygiène de corps despuis le Moyen Age, 1985] Virilio, Paul. Estéticade la desaparición. Traduccón de Noni Benegas. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama, 2003. Print. [Esthétique de la disparition. Editions André Balland, 1980.] Wenzel, Christian Helmut. An Introduction to Kant’s Aesthetics: Core Concepts and Problems. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2005. Print. West, David. Reason and sexuality in western thought. Cambridge, UK: Polity, 2005

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Wolf, Naomi. The Beauty Myth: How images of beauty are used against women. New York: Anchor Books [Doubleday], 1992. Print. Zagal Arreguín, Héctor. Introducción a la gran literature a través del arte del bien comer. México: Publicaciones Cruz O. S.A., 2000. Print. Artículos Aburto Morales, Salvador. “Arte y comunicación. El objeto en el transobjeto.” Razón y Palabra. Número 66, año 14, enero - febrero 2009. Disponible en: Åhlberg, Lars-Olof. “The Invention of Modern Aesthetics: From Leibnit to Kant.” Historièni seminar 4 (2001-2003), ISSN 961-6358-84-7, 133-153. Disponible en: Baggini, Julian. “The objectivity of taste.” The Virtues of the Table. Granta Books, 2014. Disponible en: Bardzell, Shaowen and Jeffrey Bardzell “Docile Avatars: Aesthetics, Experience, and Sexual Interaction in Second Life.” People and Computers XXIHCI...but not as we know it. Proceedings of HCI 2007 The 21st British HCI Group Annual Conference, University of Lancaster, UK. 3 - 7 September 2007. Disponible en: Bardzell, Shaowen and Jeffrey Bardzell “Sex-Interface-Aesthetics: The Docile Avatars and Embodied Pixels of Second Life BDSM.” CHI 2006 Workshop : Sexual Interactions. Disponible en: dzell%26JeffreyBardzell-SexualInteractions2006.pdf Barreto, Waldir. Lo sublime, de la palabra al silencio.” WOODS, Ian, et alii (org.). Mirabilia 18 (2014/1) Congreso de Leeds 2013. 254-302. Disponible en: Bayley, Stephen. “If beauty’s dead, where does that leave ugliness?” The Independent. September 26, 2004. Bennett, Drake. “Ewwwwwwwww! The surprising moral force of disgust.” Boston Globe. August 15, 2010.

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Böhme, Gernot. “On Beauty.” The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics. No. 39 (2010) 22-33. Disponible en: Botbol Areche, Miriam. “Belleza y fealdad en la vida cotidiana.” 7-15 Disponible en: Canterla, Cinta. “La Filosofía del arte de Schelling.” Fedro, Revista de estética y teoría de las artes. Número 5, febrero 2007: 1-25. ISSN 1697 – 8072. Disponible en: Carrasco, Nemo. “Andy Warhol: La teologı́a del arte en el ú ltimo Danto.” [Reseñ a de Arthur C. Danto: Andy Warhol. Yale University Press. New Haven & London. 2009. 160 pá ginas.] Astrolabio. Revista internacional de filosofı́a 2010. Nú m. 10. ISSN 16997549. pp. 111-116. Disponible en: Cordero Galera, Transito. “La estética kantiana.” El pensamiento ilustrado en la literatura española. Filología hispánica. Disponible en: Cruz, Francisco. “Estética de lo sublime.” Disponible en: Danto, Arthur C. “The End of Art: A Philosophical Defense.” History and Theory. Vol. 37, No. 4, Theme Issue 37: danto and His Critics: Art History, Historiography and After the End of Art (Dec 1998), 127-143. Disponible en: Danto, Arthur C. "El final del arte." El Paseante, 1995, nú m. 22-23. Disponible en Danto, Arthur C. “Introduction: Philosophy and Contemporary Art.” From Philosophizing Art: Selected Essays. University of California Press, 2001. 1-12. Disponible en: ilosophizingArt_Intro.pdf Danto, Arthur C. “Hegel’s End-Of Art Thesis.” (1999). Disponible en: Danto, Arthur. “Introduction: Modern, Postmodern, and Contemporary.” After the End of Art: Contemporary Art and the Pale of History (1996). Disponible en: pdf

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Da Silva Wellausen, Saly. “Michel Foucault y La Historia de la Sexualidad.” Revista Laguna, 23; octubre 2008, pp. 39-50. Disponible en: De Certau, Michel. “Andar en la ciudad.” bifurcaciones. Revista de estudios culturales urbanos. Número 7, julio 2008. 1-17. Disponible en: Deleuze, Gilles. “cuatro lecciones sobre Kant.” 1978. Disponoble en: Delgado Chinchilla, Oscar. “Towards a Better Understanding of the ugly in Literature.” Revista de Lenguas Modernas No 17, 2012. 323-338. Disponible en: Dipaola, Esteban Marcos. “Circularidad y circulació n: Notas para una ontologı́a esté tica.” Límite. Revista de Filosofía y Psicología. Volumen 5, No 22, 2010, pp. 5-22 ISSN 07181361 Versió n impresa ISSN 0718-5065 Versió n en lı́nea Dipaola, Esteban Marcos. “Obras sin representació n. Problemas de la filosofı́a del arte de Arthur Danto.” VIII Jornadas de Investigación en Filosofía. La Plata, 27 - 29 de abril de 2011. ISSN 2250-4494 Disponible en: Dipaola, Esteban Marcos. “Ontologı́a y esté ticas post- representació n: Problemas de la filosofı́a del arte de Arthur Danto.” Philosophia 71, 2011: 79-92. Disponible en: bar=0&navpanes=0&messages=0 Eldridge, Michael. “Experience in Context: Dewey on Aesthetic Appreciation.” Disponible en: Escoubas, Elaine. “La filosofía alemana del arte: Schelling, Hegel, Nietzsche.” Disponible en: Farré, Luis. “Los valores estéticos en la filosofía aristotélica.” Actas del Primer Congreso Nacional de Filosofía. Mendoza, Argentina tomo 3 (marzo-abril 1949); 1445-1451. Disponible en:

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Feloj, Serena. “Is there a negative judgment of taste? Disgust as the real ugliness in Kant's aesthetic.” Lebenswelt. Aesthetics and philosophy of experience, 3 (2013); 186-199. Disponible en: Finol, Indira. “Análisis de la Crítica del Juicio. Immanuel Kant.” Disponible en: Fisher, John A. “High Art vs Low Art.” Routledge Companion to Aesthetics 2nd ed. B. Gaut & D. Lopes. London: Routledge Press, 2005; 527-540. Disponible en: Forsey, Jane. “Appraising the Ordinary – Tension in Everyday Aesthetics.” Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics. Vol. 5 (2013); 237-245. Disponible en: Freeman, Damien. “Aesthetic Experience as the Transformation of Pleasure.” The Harvard Review of Philosophy. Vol XVII, 1 (2010); 56-75. Disponible en:,%20Damien.%20Aesthetic %20Experience%20as%20the%20Transformation%20of%20Pleasure.pdf Freud, Sigmund. “Lo siniestro.” (1919) Disponible en: Galicia González, Manuel Abraham. “La estética en Tomás de Aquino.” Disponible en: Galvis, Nelson. “Nociones de estética en San Agustín.” Kaleidoscopio. Volumen 4, Número 8, Jul.-Dic., 2007: pp.179-183. ISSN: 1690-6054 Disponible en: o en Guyer, Paul. “Free Play and True Well-Being: Herder’s Critique of Kant’s Aesthetics.” (Paper) ‘Herder and Anthropology’, University of Oslo, 29-30 May 2006. 22pgs. Disponible en: Hadravová, Tereza. “Carolyn Korsmeyer. Savoring Disgust: The Foul and the Fair in Aesthetics.” (Book Review) Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aesthetics, XLIX/V, 2012, No. 1, 116–21 Hainic, Christian. “On the Exceptional State of Aesthetic Objects in Everyday Aesthetics.” Journal for Communication and Culture. $, no. 1 (autumn 2015): 86-93. Disponible

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Hammermeister, Kai. “Baumgarten, Mendelssohn.” The German Aesthetic Tradition. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2002: 3-20. Disponible en: Hanza, Kathia. “La estética de Kant: El arte en el ámbito de lo publico.” Revista de Filosofía Volumen 64, (2008) 49-63. Disponible en: Hettingern on Brady (Book Review) “Emily Brady, The Sublime in Modern Philosophy: Aesthetics, Ethics, and Nature. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013. 227 pages.” Disponible en: Higgins, E. Tory. “Beyond Pleasure and Pain.” American Psychologist. Vol. 52, No. 12 (December 1997); 1280-1300. Disponible en: Higgins, E. Tory. “Value From Hedonic Experience and Engagement.” Psychological Review 2006, Vol. 113, No. 3, 439 – 460. Disponible en: Hume, David. "Of the Delicacy of Taste and Passion.” (1742) Disponible en: Hume, David. “Sobre la norma del gusto.” () Disponible en: Kaiser, Birgit M. “On aesthetics, aisthetics and sensation – reading Baumgarten with Leibniz with deleuze.” Esthetica. 2011-10-17. Disponible en: Kieran, Matthew. “Aesthetic Knowledge.” Chapter 34 in S. Bernecker and D. Pritchard (eds.), Routledge Companion to Epistemology. London: Taylor and Francis, ; 369-379. Disponible en: AestheticKnowledgeFinal.pdf?token=rgba6akQvk0Rp%2Fxh9dnoB%2FjexkI%3D Kistner, Ulrike. “The bold, the beautiful, and the ugly: reflections occasioned by a beautiful book edited by Sarah Nuttall.” South African Journal of Art History. Vol. 23, Num. 2

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(2008); 122-128. Disponible en:

Korsmeyer, Carolyn. “Delightful, Delicious, Disgusting.” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 60, No. 3 (Summer, 2002); 217- 225. Disponible en: Korsmeyer, Carolyn. “GUT APPRECIATION: POSSIBILITIES FOR AESTHETIC DISGUST Lebenswelt. Aesthetics and philosophy of experience, 3 (2013); 186-199. Disponible en: Krieger, Peter “La an-estética de la arquitectura de Neil Leach” Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas. Vol. XXII, nú m. 76, primavera, 2000, pp. 329-334 Diisponible en: Kuhlken, Julie. “Exclusively for Everyone: On the Value of Aesthetic Experience.” Postgraduate Journal of Aesthetics, Vol. 1, No. 3 (December 2004); 99-110. Disponible en: Kuplen, Mojca. “Disgust and Ugliness: a Kantian Perspective.” Contemporary Aesthetics. Vol. 9 (2011). Disponible en: Kuspit, Donald. “The Psychoanalytic Construction of Beauty.” artnet. Disponible en: Laura Di Summa-Knoop. “Philosophical Aesthetics.” Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology, Vol. 1, No.2 (2014): 191-207. Disponible en Leddy, Thomas. “Defending Everyday Aesthetics and the Concept of 'Pretty'” Contemporary Aesthetics. August 27, 2012. Disponible en: Leddy, Thomas. “Experience of Awe: An Expansive Approach to Everyday Aesthetics.” Contemporary Aesthetics. Volume 13 (2015), October 6, 2015. Disponible en: Levinson, Jerrold. “Hume’s Standard of Taste: The Real Problem.” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 60:3 (Summer 2002); 227-238. Disponible en: of_taste_levinson.pdf

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López Vega, Ana. “De norma y gustos.” Universalismos, Relativismos, Pluralismos. Thémata. Núm. 27 (2001): 219-224. Disponible en: McKee, Alan “The Aesthetics of Pornography: the Insights of Consumers.” Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 20(4), 2006: 523-539. Disponible en: Mandoki, Katya. “Aná lisis paralelo en la poé tica y la prosaica:ANA• LISIS PARALELO: Un modelo de esté tica aplicada.”Aisthesis No.34 2001 15-32. Print. Disponible en: 0en%20la%20poetica%20y%20la%20prosaica_katya%20mandoki.pdf Marchán Fiz, Simón. “Centro y periferia en la modernidad, la postmodernidad y la época de la globalización.” I Seminario Atlántico de Pensamiento 92-110. Disponible en: Margolis, Joseph. “Adiós a Danto y Goodman.” Introducción y traducción de Peter A. Muckley y Sol Alútiz Mencía. A Parte Rei. 29. 1-15 Disponible en: Matamoros, Franco, Nora María. “Lo divino y lo sublime. Algunas reflexiones sobre la experiencia estética en Kant.” Signos filosóficos, núm. 8, julio-diciembre, 2002, 227239. Disponible en: &article=200&mode=pdf Melchionne, Kevin. “The Point of Everyday Aesthetics.” Contemporary Aesthetics. Volume 12 (2014), May 5, 2014. Disponible en: Michaud, Yves. “Filosofía del arte y estética.” Disturbis. Num.6 Otoño 2009. Disponible en Mirbach, Dagmar. Magnitudo aesthetica, Aesthetic Greatness. Ethical Aspects of Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten’s Fragmentary Aesthetica. The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, [S.l.], v. 20, n. 36-37, may 2009. ISSN 2000-9607. Disponible en: Montero, Barbara. “Propioception as an Aesthetic Sense.” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 64:2 Spring 2006. 231-242. Disponible en: Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, baron de. Ensayos sobre el gusto. Disponible en: http://

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Moreno Gó mez, William. “El cuerpo en la escuela: Los dispositivos de la sujetación.” Disponible en: a/el_cuerpo_escuela.pdf Mueller, Marcia.“Beauty and ugliness.” In Contemporary Debates in Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art. Matthew Kieran (ed.), Blackwell Publishing, 2005; 39-50. Disponible en: Muñ oz, Dustin. “La esté tica de lo feo.” Revista Salomé. Añ o 3, No 5 (enero-febrero 2002). Disponible en: Naukkarinen, Ossi. “Contemporary Aesthetics: Perspectives on Time, Space, and Content.” Contemporary Aesthetics. Volume 12 (2014), December 2, 2014. Disponible en: Naukkarinen, Ossi. “What is ‘Everyday’ in Everyday Aesthetics?” Contemporary Aesthetics. September 16, 2013. Disponible en: Newall, Michael. The Aesthetics of Transgressive Pornography. (Manuscript) Disponible en: Newitz, Annalee. “Cuteocracy: The Apotheosis of Cute. How fluffy bunnies, bouncy kittens, and the Clinton era brought cuteness to an awful climax.” Lilith Gallery (Toronto, Canada) Apr. 9, 2007. Disponible en: Nieto, Mauricio. “Estética y astronomía en el renacimiento.” 7 pgs. Disponible en: Niño Bernal, Raúl. “Cerebro Digital: Acontecimientos estéticos de las nuevas tecnologías.” 11° Encontro Internacional de Arte e Tecnologia (#11.ART): Homo aestheticus na era digital. Brasilia, Octubre 2-7 2012 Disponible en: Nuño Viejo, José Luis. “El fin del arte según Arthur C. Danto.” 15 pgs. Disponible en: o.pdf Pappas, Nickolas, "Plato's Aesthetics", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2015 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.). Disponible en:

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Parker-Pope, Tara. “Gross! Yuck! Harnessing the Power of Disgust.” NY Times January 20, 2012. Disponible en: Parret, Herman. “De Baumgarten a Kant: sobre la belleza.” Traducido por David Sobrevilla. Conferencia en el Instituto Goethe de Lima el 8 de agosto de 1990. Lienzo 19: 209- 224. Disponible en: 6E5800511C8D/$file/08-lienzo19-parret.pdf Parret, Herman. “On the Beautiful and the Ugly.” Trans/Form/Ação [online]. 2011, vol.34, n.spe2, pp. 21-34. ISSN 0101-3173. Disponible en: Puolakka, Kalle. “Dewey and Everyday Aesthetics - A New Look.” Contemporary Aesthetics. Volume 12 (2014), Published on May 5, 2014. Disponible en: Puolakka, Kalle. “The Aesthetic Pulse of the Everyday: Defending Dewey.” Contemporary Aesthetics. Volume 13 (2015), Published on November 24, 2015. Disponible en: Ratiu, Dan Eugen. “Remapping the Realm of Aesthetics: On Recent controversies about the Aesthetic and the aesthetic Experience in Everyday Life.” Proceedings of the European Society for aesthetics. Vol. 4 (2002): 385-411. Disponible en: Reber, Rolf, Norbert Schwartz and Piotr Winkielman. “Processing Fluency and Aesthetic Pleasure: Is Beauty in the Perceiver’s Processing Experience?” Personality and Social Psychology Review 2004, Vol. 8, No. 4, 364–382. Disponible en: Rodríguez Ortíz, Roxana. “El cuerpocomo ojeto de arte.” Disponible en: Romero Martínez, Juan Manuel. Lo inhóspito y lo sublime. Thémata. Revista de Filosofía. Nº 46 (2012 - Segundo semestre) pp.: 627-633. Disponible en: Saavater, Fernando. “El escalofrío del a belleza.” Capítulo 9 de Las preguntas de la vida. [Círculo de lectores] Barcelona: Ariel, 1999. Disponible en:

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Sabogal, Winston Manrique. “El splendor de la fealdad.” El País. 5 de enero de 2008. Disponible en: Saito, Yuriko, "Aesthetics of the Everyday", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2015 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.). Disponible en: Santayana, George. “Qué es la estética.” Fedro. Núm. 4, mayo 2006. 70-76. Disponible en: Sartwell, Crispin, "Beauty", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2014 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), Disponible en: Scheck, Daniel O. “Lo sublime en la modernidad: De la retórica a la ética.” Revista latinoamericana de filosofía [online]. 2009, vol.35, n.1 [citado 2015-12-13], pp. 3583 . ISSN 1852-7353.Disponible en: Schwarzbock, Silvia. “Adiós a la belleza: El fracas de lo feo.” Clarín. 12 de marzo de 2005. Disponible en: Scrutton, Roger. “Eating the world: the philosophy of food.” Open Democracy. 15 May 2003. Disponible en: Seel, Martin. “Beauty. A Brief Conceptual journey.” Aesthetic Investigations. Vol. 1, No. 1 (2015): 165-173. Disponible en: Shelley, James. "The Concept of the Aesthetic", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2015 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), Disponible en: Shusterman, Richard. “Aesthetic Experience: From Analysis to Eros.” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 64:2 Spring 2006. 217-229. Shusterman, Richard. “Somaesthetics at the Limits.” The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics No. 35 (2008), pp. 7–24. Disponible en:

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Shusterman, Richard. “The End of Aesthetic Experience.” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 55:1 Winter 1997. 29-41. Shusterman, Richard. “Thinking Through the Body, Educating for the Humanities: A Plea for Somaesthetics.” Journal of Aesthetic Education, Vol. 40, No. 1, Spring 2006. 1-21. Disponible en: webpdf.pdf Smith, Barry C. “Taste.” What creates flavour? Our sensory environment, our knowledge, or the existing qualities of what we eat? The philosopher explores the best five books on taste. Smith, Barry C. “The nature of sensory experience. The case of taste and tasting.” Phenomenology and Mind 07/2013; Volume 4 (July):293-313. Disponible en: o en of_taste_and_tasting Smuts, Aaron. “Aesthetic Experience.” Philosophy and Literature. 2005, 29: 97-113. Soto Bruna, M.a Jesús. “La «Aesthetica» de baumgarten y sus antecedents leibnicianos.” Anuario Filosófico, 1987 (20), 181–190 Disponible en: %C3%9AS%20SOTO%20BRUNA%2c%20La%20%C2%ABaesthetica%C2%BB%20 de%20Baumgarten%20y%20sus%20antecedentes%20leibnicianos.pdf Suescú n, Juan Felipe. Contextos de sensibilidad en la vida cotidiana. Matrices de la Prosaica: Un modelo de análisis par alas estéticas expandidas.” Revista Colombiana de Pensamiento Estético e Historia del Arte. Edició n nú mero 2 / Enero - junio de 2015 Disponible en: Tate, Daniel L. (2015) “Erotics or Hermeneutics? Nehemas and gadamer on Beauty and Art.” Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology, 2:1, 7-29: Disponible en: Tedeschini, Marco. “On the good life of disgust. L’ésthetique du stercoraire and the postmodern society.” Lebenswelt. Aesthetics and philosophy of experience, 3 (2013); 200-225. Disponible en:

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Foucault, Michel. Historia de la sexualidad. 1. la voluntad de saber. Traducción de Ulises Guiñazú. Disponible en: Foucault, Michel. Historia de la sexualidad. 2. El uso de los placeres. Disponible en: s_placeres_Michel_Foucault.pdf Foucault, Michel. Historia de la sexualidad. 3. La inquietud de si. Disponible en: Gadamer, Hans-Georg. Estética y hermenéutica. Traducció n de Antonio Gó mez Ramos, con una introducció n de Angel Gabilondo. Madrid: Tecnos, 1996. Gadamer, Hans-Georg. La actualidad de lo bello: El arte como juego, símbolo y fiesta. Introduccion de Rafael Argullol. Barcelona: Paidos/I.C.E.-U.A.B., 1991. Disponible en: Genette, Gé rard. La obra del arte. (2 vols.) Traducció n de Juan Vivanco. Barcelona: Lumen, 2000. Givone, Sergio. Historia de la estética. Con un posfacio de Maurizio Ferraris y Fernando Castro Fló rez. Traducció n de Mar Garcı́a Lozano. Madrid: Tecnos, 1990. Goodman, Nelson. Los Lenguajes del Arte: Aproximación a la Teoría de los Símbolos. Traducció n de Jem Cabanè s. Barcelona: Seix-Barral, 1976. Hegel, G. WW. F. Lecciones de estética. Volumen I Traducción de Raúl Gabás. Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1989. (Vorlesungen über die Ästhetik) Disponible en: Heidegger Arte y poesía. Brevarios, 229. Traducción y prólogo de Samuel Ramos. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, (1958) 1992. (Der Ursprung der Kuntswerkes, 1952) Disponible en: Herz, Rachel. That’s Disgusting: Unraveling the Mysteries of Repulsion. New York: W.W. Norton, 2012. Hume, David. La norma del gusto y otros ensayos. Traducció n de Marı́a Teresa Beguiristá in. Barcelona: Nexos, 1989. Hutcheson, Francis. An Inquiry into the Original of Our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue. Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund, 2004. Disponible en:

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Mucher FILO 4056: Estética 30

Primavera 2016 Bibliografía

Vercellone, Federico. Más allá de la belleza. Prólogo de Domingo hernández Sánchez. Traducción de Rosa Benéitez. Madrid: Siglo XXI, 2013. Walzer, Alejandra. La belleza. De la metafísica al Spot. Disponible en: Barcelona: Octaedro, 2009. E-book. Wenzel, Christian Helmut. An Introduction to Kant’s Aesthetics: Core Concepts and Problems. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2005. Disponible en: Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Lecciones y conversaciones sobre estética, psicología y experiencia religiosa. Con una introducció n de Isidoro Reguera. Barcelona: Paidó s, 1992. Yuedi, Liu, and Curtis L. carter, editors. Aesthetics of Everyday Life: East and West. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. Zammito, John H. The Genesis of Kant’s “Critique of Judgment”. Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press, 1992. Disponible en:'s%20Critique%20of%20Jud ment%20(1992)%20-%20John%20H.%20Zammito.pdf Zangwill, Nick. The Metaphysics of Beauty. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2001. Zeglin Brand, Peg, ed. Beauty Matters. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2000. Zemach, Eddy M. Real Beauty. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1997. Zimbardo, Philip G., Robert L. Johnson and Vivian McCann “Sensation and Perception.” Psychology: Core Concepts 7th edition. Pearson, 2012. Disponible en: chapter/0205183468.pdf

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