Publications. from the National Mutliple Sclerosis Society. To order any of these publications, call

Winter 2007/2008 Publications from the National Mutliple Sclerosis Society Periodicals General Information Momentum (formerly InsideMS) The Magazi

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PRINTED PUBLICATIONS OF CLAUDIO NARANJO BOOKS 1. 1969.The Unfolding of Man. (Educational Research Information Center report 6747-3. Stanford Research

JAMES E. BRADY PUBLICATIONS Books and Monographs 2012 Heart of Earth: Studies in Maya Ritual Cave Use, edited by James E. Brady, Bulletin 23, Associa

Ética y estrategias gerenciales en la formación de formadores desde las publicaciones científicas Blanquita C García G., Teodoro Pinto I., Heumaro Oli


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Winter 2007/2008

Publications from the National Mutliple Sclerosis Society


General Information

Momentum (formerly InsideMS) The Magazine for Members A quarterly magazine on living well with MS, free to those with MS; a benefit to donors who request it.

Choosing the Right Health-Care Provider Outlines some steps people with MS should take when choosing a health-care provider—and explains how professionals come to be listed on chapter referral lists. 6-panel brochure. 2/05 ER 6006

Teen InsideMS Quarterly online magazine written by and for teens. Available on the National Web site only (online and printable versions). Keep S’myelin Colorful newsletter for children, 5–12. Articles, interviews, games, activities, and a special pullout section for parents. Interactive edition available on the National Web site. Published 4 times a year.

Genetics: The Basic Facts Basic facts about MS and heredity. 5-page fact sheet. 2003 The History of Multiple Sclerosis by Loren Rolak, MD Overview of MS from the Middle Ages to the present; highlights role of the Society since 1946. 13-page fact sheet. 2003

To order any of these publications, call 1-800-344-4867. This catalog may not reflect recently updated publications. Current editions are always available on our Web site at

2 Publications

Just the Facts 2006-2007 Overview on multiple sclerosis and what the National MS Society does about it. 24-page brochure. 2007 ER 6007 Research Directions in Multiple Sclerosis John Richert, MD, with Diane M. Schneider, PhD Explains current research being done to find solutions to stop, repair and prevent MS. Looking for solutions at every stage of the disease. For non-scientists. 32-page booklet. 10/07 ES6017 What Everyone Should Know About Multiple Sclerosis* Overview of MS suitable for the whole family. Illustrations. 16-page booklet. 2007 ER 0100 What Is Multiple Sclerosis? Symptoms, disease patterns, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and research efforts briefly described. 8-panel brochure. 7/07 BR 3009

Newly Diagnosed Diagnosis: The Basic Facts Explains usual steps and tests. Includes information on how to prepare for an MRI. 6-page fact sheet. 2006 Disclosure: The Basic Facts When, how, and whom to tell in personal and work situations. 6-page fact sheet. 2004 Disease-Modifying Drugs Information on the disease-modifying drugs (Avonex, Betaseron, Copaxone, Novantrone, Rebif, and Tysabri). Includes how each is taken, side-effects, benefits, and information on assistance to alleviate financial difficulties. 18-page brochure. 11/06 ER 6008 *Not available on the web

Living with MS Debra Frankel, MS, OTR, with Hettie Jones Answers to the questions most often asked when the diagnosis is MS. Illustrations. 24-page booklet. 9/07 ES 0087

Employment Issues ADA and People with MS by Laura Cooper, Esq., and Nancy Law, LSW, with Jane Sarnoff What the Americans with Disabilities Act means in employment, public accommodations, and more. 28-page booklet. 11/07 ES 6021 Focus on Employment A reprint from InsideMS. On disclosure, ADA, fatigue and cognitive issues on the job, and telework options. Illustrations. 24-page large format reprint. 9/07 ER4325 Information for Employers A brochure for people to give to their employers if they decide to disclose their MS. 4-panel brochure. 12/06 ER 6002 A Place in the Workforce A reprint from InsideMS. On employment strategies and options. Photos. 20 pages. Large format reprint. 3/07 ER 4328 Should I Work? Information for Employees General overview of the employment issues that might concern people newly diagosed. 11/07 ER 6001

WINTER 2007/08 3

The Win-Win Approach to Reasonable Accommodations: Enhancing Productivity on Your Job by Richard T. Roessler, PhD, and Phillip Rumrill, PhD A practical guide to obtaining workplace accommodations. 20-page booklet. 12/06 ES 6025

Staying Well Acupuncture and MS: The Basic Facts by Allen Bowling, MD, PhD and Thomas Stewart, JD, PA-C An exploration of what is known and not known about this complementary therapy. 2004 Clear Thinking about Alternative Therapies by Virginia Foster Facts and common misconceptions, plus practical ways to evaluate benefits and risks. 32-page booklet. 6/04 ES 6038 Dental Health: The Basic Facts Basic overview of appropriate dental care, routine dental visits and problems, and information specific to people with MS. 2005 Exercise as Part of Everyday Life by Mary Harmon People with MS can find ways to make physical activity a regular part of staying healthy. Includes tips on handling MS symptoms. Photos. 28-page booklet. 2/07 ES 6008 Food for Thought: MS and Nutrition by Denise M. Nowack, RD, with Jane Sarnoff A guide to healthy eating, which includes managing symptoms, changing eating habits, and the effects of diet on MS. Illustrations. 32-page booklet. 8/03 ES 6020

Managing MS Through Rehabilitation by Lisa J. Bain and Randall T. Schapiro, MD What rehabilitation can do for mobility, fatigue, driving, speech, memory, bowel or bladder problems, sexuality, and more. Illustrations. 24-page booklet. 3/07 ES 6022 Multiple Sclerosis and Your Emotions by Rosalind C. Kalb, PhD How to handle some of the emotional challenges created by MS. Photos. 36-page booklet. 1/08 ES 6007 MS and Intimacy by Tanya Radford MS can affect sexuality, both directly and indirectly, but problems can be resolved or minimized. 32-page booklet. 10/05 ES 6045 Preventive Care Recommendations for Adults with MS: The Basic Facts A colorful chart detailing the medical tests, vaccinations, and general health and safety rules recommended for all adults with MS. 8-page fact sheet. 2003 Stretching for People with MS by Beth E. Gibson, PT An illustrated manual showing range of motion, stretching, and balance exercises for a basic at-home program. 24-page large format booklet. 9/07 ES 6041 Stretching with a Helper for People with MS by Beth E. Gibson, PT An illustrated manual showing most of the same exercises for individuals who need a helper. 28-page large format booklet. 9/07 ES 6042 Taming Stress in Multiple Sclerosis by Frederick Foley, PhD, with Jane Sarnoff Guide to simplifying daily life. Instructions on muscle relaxation, deep breathing, visualization, and more. 36-page booklet. 11/07 ES 6034

4 Publications

Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs in MS: An Introduction by Allen Bowling, PhD, MD, and Thomas Stewart, JD, PA-C A practical guide to diet supplements for people with MS. Outlines what is and is not known, with references for further study. Illustrations. 32-page booklet. 5/06 ES 6043

Fatigue: What You Should Know MS fatigue can be reduced with treatments and self-help. Photographs. 28-page large format booklet. 11/07 ES 6046

Managing Specific Issues

Hormones: The Basic Facts The most frequently asked questions about MS and hormones. 4-page fact sheet. 2005

Bowel Problems: The Basic Facts Ways to manage common bowel problems in MS. Illustrations. 9-page fact sheet. 2004 “But You Look So Good!” Coping with invisible MS symptoms. 12-page brochure. 11/07 ER 6000 Controlling Bladder Problems in Multiple Sclerosis by Nancy J. Holland, RN, EdD Managing common MS bladder problems with self-help and medications. Illustra-tions. 20-page booklet. (See also Urinary Dysfunction and MS, page 5.) 3/05 ES 0039 Controlling Spasticity in MS Managing this common, sometimes disabling, MS symptom—roles of self-help, medications, physical therapists, nurses, and physicians. 20-page booklet. 10/07 ES 6037 Depression and Multiple Sclerosis Discusses the symptoms of depression, the relationship between MS and depression, available therapies, and where to find help. Illustrations. 12-page brochure. 7/07 ER 6003

Gait or Walking Problems: The Basic Facts Walking problems and how they can be addressed. 7-page fact sheet. 2003

MS and the Mind A reprint from InsideMS. Covers depression, cognitive functions, mood swings, coping tips and medications. Illustrations. 24-page large format reprint. 5/06 ER 4326 MS and Pregnancy Reprint from InsideMS. Covers pregnancy, delivery, nursing, hormones, and questions about the disease-modifying drugs. Photos. 16-page large format. 5/06 ER 4329 Pain: The Basic Facts Overview of treatments and strategies for managing MS-related pain. 8-page fact sheet. 2004 Review of Regular Medications and Supplements A form to keep track of prescription drugs, over-the-counter remedies, herbals, vitamins, or other dietary supplements. 3-page form. 2004 Sleep Disorders and MS: The Basic Facts Reviews common sleep problems and what can be done about them. 4-page fact sheet. 2003

WINTER 2007/08 5

Solving Cognitive Problems by Nick LaRocca, PhD, with Martha King Discusses mental functions most likely to be affected by MS. Self-help and information on cognitive rehabilitation. 24-page booklet. 11/07 ES 6029 Speech and Swallowing: The Basic Facts Speech and swallowing problems can be helped with exercises, medications, or technological aids. 4-page fact sheet. 2004 Tremor: The Basic Facts A troubling MS symptom described. Coping strategies and research horizons. 6-page fact sheet. 2004 Urinary Dysfunction and MS by Rosalind C. Kalb, PhD A sophisticated explanation of treatments for MS-related urinary problems. Detailed descriptions of diagnostic testing, management strategies, and commonly prescribed drugs. Photos. 24-page large format booklet. (See also Controlling Bladder Problems, page 4.) 1/08 ES 6047 Vision Problems: Basic Facts Current therapy for MS-related eye disorders. Discusses low-vision aids. 7-page fact sheet. 2002

Managing Major Changes A Guide for Caregivers by Tanya Radford Practical issues faced by caregivers. Includes resource list. Photos. 36-page booklet. 7/07 ES 6010

At Home with MS: Adapting Your Environment by Jane E. Harmon, OTR Modify a house or apartment to save energy, compensate for reduced vision or mobility, and live comfortably when MS is severe. Many do-it-yourself changes. Illustrated with children’s “Design for Living” projects. 32-page booklet. 2/07 ES 6035 Hiring Help at Home: The Basic Facts Checklists and worksheets for people who need help at home. Forms for a needs assessment, job description, and employment contract. 12-page fact sheet. 2005 Managing Progressive MS by Kaye Hooper, RN, MPH, MSCN An overview of symptom management and coping strategies when progressive MS makes the road rougher. Photos. 48-page booklet. 4/07 ES 6009 PLAINTALK: A Booklet About MS for Families by Sarah Minden, MD, and Debra Frankel, MS, OTR Discusses some of the more difficult physical and emotional problems many families face. 32-page booklet. 2/07 ES 0055 So You Have Progressive MS? by Sharon M. Brown A veteran of 11 years writes frankly about life, family, work, dating, and pursuing your dreams when the diagnosis is “progressive” MS. Cartoons. 28-page booklet. 2/07 ES 6044

6 Publications

For Children & Teenagers

Información en Español

Keep S’myelin: An Activity Book for Kids About MS For younger children with a parent or loved one with MS. Discusses MS through articles and activities. 24-page booklet. 2006 KS2006

Controlando los Problemas de la Vejiga en la Esclerosis Múltiple por Nancy J. Holland, RN, EdD Se explica como la esclerosis múltiple puede afectar el sistema urinario y lo que se puede hacer para controlar estos problemas. Folleto de 20 páginas con ilustraciones. 3/00 ES 6040

Mighty Special Kids: An Activity Book for Kids with MS For younger children diagnosed with MS. Discusses MS through articles and activities. 20-page booklet. 2007 DR5141 Someone You Know Has MS: A Book for Families adapted by Martha King from original material by Cyrisse Jaffee, Debra Frankel, Barbara LaRoche, and Patricia Dick For children, 5–12. A story about Michael and his family explains MS and explores children’s fears and concerns. Cartoons. 32-page booklet. 7/05 ES 0045 Timmy’s Journey to Understanding MS A 15-minute animated cartoon that follows a boy’s journey to learning about MS. 2007 DR5139 When a Parent Has MS: A Teenager’s Guide by Diane O’Connell, with the Programs Staff of the National MS Society For older children and teenagers who have a parent with MS. Discusses real issues brought up by real teenagers. Photos. 28-page booklet. 6/05 ES 6024

Cuidando de una persona con Esclerosis Múltiple—Una Guía para Cuidadores Cuestiones prácticas que enfrentan los cuidadores; incluye una lista de recursos. Folleto de 22 páginas. 8/07 ES 6011 Diagnóstico: Hechos Básicos sobre Esclerosis Múltiple Explica los procedimientos y exámenes utilizados en el diagnostico de la EM. Incluye como prepararse para una RM (MRI por sus siglas en inglés). Folleto de 9 páginas. 2006 Ejercicios Prácticos de Estiramiento para las Personas con Esclerosis Múltiple por Beth E. Gibson, PT; revisión/interpretación: Hector E. Mendez, LCSW Un manual ilustrado con ejercicios de estiramiento y equilibrio que se pueden realizar en el hogar. Folleto de 28 páginas. 9/07 ES 6049 Ejercicios Prácticos de Estiramiento con un Ayudante para las Personas con Esclerosis Múltiple por Beth E. Gibson, PT; revisión/interpretación: Hector E. Mendez, LCSW Un manual ilustrado con ejercicios de estiramiento y equilibrio utilizando un ayudante. Folleto de 32 páginas. 4/02 ES 6050

WINTER 2007/08 7

El Viaje de Timmy para Entender la EM Caricatura animada de un niño y su viaje para aprender de la esclerosis múltiple. Dura 15 minutos. 2007 DR 5139

“¡Pero si te ves tan bien!” Algunas maneras de manejar los síntomas “invisibles” de EM. Disponible sólo en la Internet. Folleto de 5 páginas. (4/04)

Hoja bilingüe de información sobre la esclerosis múltiple/Multiple Sclerosis Bilingual Fact Sheet Este formato permite a las familias bilingües aprender lo básico sobre la esclerosis múltiple. Folleto de 8 páginas. 2007 ER 6010

¿Qué es la Esclerosis Múltiple? Un resumen de los síntomas, desarrollo de la enfermedad, diagnóstico, pronóstico, tratamiento, e investigación. Folleto de 12 páginas. 11/06 BR 3008

Información para los Empleadores Para darse a los empleadores cuando Ud. quiera dar a conocer su diagnóstico de esclerosis múltiple. Folleto de 6 páginas. 12/06 ER 6004 La Fatiga: Lo Que Usted Debe Saber Información sobre las posibles causas de la fatiga y como aprender a manejarla. Folleto de 32 páginas. 2/07 ES 6027 Los Fármacos Que Modifican La Enfermedad Resumen de los fármacos Avonex, Betaseron, Copaxone, Rebif, Novantrone y Tysabri. Incluye: el método de administración; los efectos secundarios más comunes; los beneficios; y explica la ayuda que ofrecen los fabricantes de dichos fármacos para aliviar las dificultades financieras causadas por el alto costo de los fármacos modificadores de la enfermedad. Folleto de 22 páginas. 12/06 ER 6009 Lo Que Todo el Mundo Debe Saber Sobre la Esclerosis Múltiple* Resumen de la esclerosis múltiple adecuado para toda la familia. Folleto de 16 páginas con ilustraciones. 2006 ER 0101

*No está disponible en el web site.

Sigue Sonriendo Libro de actividades a color para que los niños aprendan sobre la esclerosis múltiple. Disponible sólo en la Internet. Folleto de 24 páginas con ilustraciones.

Join the National MS Society Get involved! Make an annual membership contribution of $25 or more on our Web site or by sending a check or money order to the nearest chapter. Call 1-800-344-4867 for the chapter mailing address. Log on to Members receive MS Connection—the chapter newsletter—plus invitations to area events and updates on research. If you would like to make a gift of $30 or more, you will receive all the benefits of membership PLUS the Society’s quarterly national magazine, Momentum. People with MS are invited to call 1-800-344-4867 for free publications, information, and free or low-cost programs.

INDEX Research Directions in MS—p. 2 Review of Regular Medications and Supplements—p. 4 Acupuncture and MS: Basic Facts—p. 3 Should I Work?—p. 2 ADA and People with MS—p. 2 Sleep Disorders and MS: Basic Facts—p. 4 At Home with MS: Adapting Your So You Have Progressive MS?—p. 5 Environment—p. 5 Solving Cognitive Problems—p. 5 Bowel Problems: Basic Facts—p. 4 Someone You Know Has MS—p. 6 “But You Look So Good!”—p. 4 Speech and Swallowing: Basic Facts—p. 5 Choosing Right Health-Care Provider—p. 1 Stretching for People with MS—p. 3 Clear Thinking about Alternative Therapies—p. 3 Stretching with a Helper—p. 3 Controlling Bladder Problems—p. 4 Taming Stress in Multiple Sclerosis—p. 3 Controlling Spasticity in MS—p. 4 Teen InsideMS—p. 1 Dental Health: Basic Facts—p. 3 Timmy’s Journey to Understanding MS —p. 6 Depression and Multiple Sclerosis—p. 4 Tremor: Basic Facts—p. 5 Diagnosis: Basic Facts—p. 2 Urinary Dysfunction and MS—p. 5 Disclosure: Basic Facts—p. 2 Vision Problems: Basic Facts—p. 5 Disease-Modifying Drugs—p. 2 Vitamins, Minerals, & Herbs in MS—p. 4 Exercise as Part of Everyday Life—p. 3 What Everyone Should Know About MS—p. 2 Fatigue: What You Should Know—p. 4 What Is Multiple Sclerosis?—p. 2 Focus on Employment—p. 2 When a Parent Has MS: Teen Guide—p. 6 Food for Thought—p. 3 The Win-Win Approach to Reasonable Gait or Walking Problems: Basic Facts—p. 4 Accommodations—p. 3 Genetics: Basic Facts—p. 1 A Guide for Caregivers—p. 5 Información en Español Hiring Help at Home: Basic Facts—p. 5 The History of Multiple Sclerosis—p. 1 Controlando los Problemas de la Vejiga en la Hormones: Basic Facts—p. 4 Esclerosis Múltiple—p. 6 Information for Employers—p. 2 Cuidando de una persona con Esclerosis Just the Facts 2006-2007—p. 2 Múltiple: Una Guía para Cuidadores—p. 6 Keep S’myelin—p. 1 Diagnóstico: Hechos Básicos—p. 6 Keep S’myelin Activity Book—p. 6 Ejercicios Prácticos de Estiramiento para las Living with MS—p. 2 Personas con Esclerosis Múltiple—p. 6 Managing MS Through Rehab.—p. 3 Ejercicios Prácticos de Estiramiento con un Managing Progressive MS—p. 5 Ayudante—p. 6 Mighty Special Kids Activity Book—p. 6 El Viaje de Timmy para Entender la EM—p. 7 Momentum (formerly InsideMS)—p. 1 Hoja bilingüe de información sobre la EM—p. 7 MS and Your Emotions—p. 3 Información para los Empleadores—p. 7 MS and Intimacy—p. 3 La Fatiga: Lo Que Usted Debe Saber—p. 7 MS and the Mind—p. 4 Los Fármacos Que Modifican La Enfermedad— MS and Pregnancy—p. 4 p. 7 Pain: Basic Facts—p. 4 Lo Que Todo el Mundo Debe Saber Sobre la A Place in the Workforce—p. 2 Esclerosis Múltiple*—p. 7 PLAINTALK: A Booklet for Families—p. 5 “¡Pero si te ves tan bien!”—p. 7 Preventive Care Recommendations for Adults ¿Qué es la Esclerosis Múltiple?—p. 7 with MS: Basic Facts—p. 3 Sigue Sonriendo—p. 7

Information in English


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