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Shinrai Experiment

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Revista Electrónica de Ciencia Penal y Criminología ISSN 1695-0194 ARTÍCULOS RECPC 08-06 (2006) EL EXPERIMENTO (DAS EXPERIMENT) * Algunas reflexione

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Story Transcript



Special Thanks to the BTB



Prologue The Advantage

5 “Looks don’t matter.” Do they truly not? It’s a human’s natural instinct to judge based on the observation of the eyes. Regardless of one’s true nature, our vision forms the basis of our preconceived notion of their personality, status, association, and whatever else the human mind comes up with. Think of a rich man, he’s wearing an expensive, gaudy suit and he walks around with a smug and self-satisfied look on his face. “He’s arrogant, he’s stuck-up, he’s an asshole, a prick, and that’s definitely daddy’s money.” What if, in reality, he hides using that appearance as a facade for his own insecurities and numerous problems in life, yet his outward appearance would say otherwise. How you carry yourself - from basics like the way you talk and who you associate with, and even how you walk and your subconscious habits can tell someone a lot about yourself. Whether or not those assumptions are true is up to that person. When you talk to them, they’re crossing things off their checklist. If they thought that you looked pompous, but you talked to them in a humble and respectful manner, they would know the real you, right? But who said it had to be the real you? Therein lies the truth of this question - there are unlimited copies of yourself in this world. Everyone that has ever seen you; be it a close one, or a stranger, has a

6 mental depiction of who you are. However, only you know the real you it sounds simple enough, but that realization gives you a terrifying amount of power. Your intentions are for your mind only, at least for the most part. “Wow that guy is so handsome!”, and “He’s so cool and he's totally hot.” are all things that strangers out in public may assume of a man that they view as attractive. “He’s super nice and always gives me the notes and homework questions.” is what his classmates and acquaintances at school may think. And, “My son always cares for me and helps around the house, I truly love him.” is what his mother thinks. But what if inside, he’s not that. He’s actually messed up in all sorts of ways. However, the image he’s created in the people that he has relationships with could be farther from the truth. The fact is that most people live this way, because we all have the subconscious need in our minds to present ourselves to others accordingly. Thus, realizing this grants you a powerful advantage over those who haven’t yet. What you do with it - that’s for you to decide. But who am I to judge?


Chapter 1 Probatio Diabolica


“Wake up!” The cool, but terrifyingly assertive voice yelled into my ear as my consciousness returned. “Jurobei-kun, Jurobei, can you hear me? Stop slacking off during the study period!” Ah. It’s just class rep yelling at me again. Well, I’d usually be studying but it’s a math test. It’d take a lot to coax me into studying for one. Besides, I slept at one last night and I really don’t want to do anything that takes up my precious energy. “Jurobei! Juro-” “Mmm-mmm… yeah I’m awake, ugh….” “You know we have the test tomorrow right? Even if you don’t think it’s going to be that difficult, you’ve ought to study anyway.” “Yeah, yeah. No problem, Chihiro.” The class rep - Chiba Chihiro. Her long black hair and strict, serious behaviour made her the obvious choice for a leadership role. Of course, her good looks and uh, personality, made her a popular choice for the guys in class. Too bad she was such an ice queen in that regard. “You’re really cunning, you know that Jurobei.” “What do you mean by that, Udo?”

9 “Y’know, purposely sleeping so that Chiba yells at you. Honestly, I never knew you were into that man, but I don’t judge.” “Huh? I’ll have you know that I was sleeping peacefully before that. I’d have preferred to keep sleeping for a little longer too.” “Ehh.. is that right? Well if you say so, but still. Lucky you.” That’s Udo. Kelati Udo. We’ve known each other since junior high, and now we're in the same class in high school, though we never really used to talk back then. He was seated beside me, so I decided to befriend him at the start of the year. “How about you try it? Like trying to sleep next study period. Maybe she’d yell at you too.” “Man… I tried last week but she caught on already.” Caught on last week? A valiant effort, Udo. I respect you, from one man to another. Oh. Looks like I slept through just about the whole period. The teacher stood up. “Class is dismissed. Don’t forget about the test tomorrow!” The class began to leave, as I finished packing up and walking to the door and out the hallway. Joven Jurobei. Sixteen years old. I’m a junior at Yukino High School, class 2-1. My goal is to live out a normal, youthful teenage high school experience, to find a stable career with a good income, and someone to settle down with.

10 I took my usual seat on the crowded bus. Lately life and school have been moving so slowly. Nothing interesting is happening. I wake up, go to school, go home, eat, play games, and sleep late. The weekends pass by without much going on either. It’s been such a drag, honestly. Anything would make this situation more interesting, I’ve tried out clubs at school and extracurriculars but they’ve only been mildly filling out that role. I moved out of my old hometown, a long ways away from the big city, in a small rural community back when I was still a child. But the memories I do remember from that period in my life were nothing short of fun. I’d play everyday with the other kids in elementary and live a simpler but more fulfilling life. Although, there was something that I always felt like I forgot. Something that I felt like I blocked out of my memory for such a long time. I tried all sorts of methods to try to pinpoint exactly what that was, but it was no use. The bus stopped. I got off and began the short walk home. I let out an exasperated sigh as I continued down that same sidewalk on the way home. Looking down at the ground, I was so sick and tired of this same life, day in and day out. Life progresses, but it feels like I’m being left behind. These slow times, I wish it would-

11 My train of thought was rudely interrupted by a strong physical stimulus. The sensation of someone grabbing my right arm as I passed through that same old alleyway. “H-hey what are you-” But before I could turn to face the person holding me down, they pulled me into the alleyway, and I felt someone else’s hands covering my eyes as they covered my mouth and nose with some sort of cloth. Of course, I didn’t expect that and I already breathed in whatever kind of chemical they had doused on this thing. To be honest, it was kind of kinky. But seriously, I didn’t think I was gonna get kidnapped. I mean, c’mon why me? I’m just an average high school kid who has nothing to offer yet. This wasn’t what I exactly intended when I said I wanted to live an interesting life. I quickly lost all my strength and realized that calling for help was useless. And…I began to lose consciousness.

“Hhhh….hmm….uh..” “Oh my, it seems another one woke up!” “Take his blindfold off.” My eyes began to open again. How many times do I have to be woken up today? First in class, and now in…..

12 Wait, where am I? The bright light stung my nocturnal eyes as I was greeted to a white room. The tiles were cold on my face. I felt my legs and arms being tied up in rope as I looked around. In front of me, a similarly white, porcelain throne and a smaller seat beside it. The voices earlier - they seemed to come out of the seat, but no one was actually physically present. “Hello? Is anyone there?” I tried to yell but I was feeling weak and lightheaded. “Joven Jurobei.” a distorted, but still audible voice replied to me, clearly coming from the throne. “Yeah. That’s uh, that’s me. So, did you want anything? I mean you guys went through all that trouble of taking me away. My mom’s probably worried sick right now.” I tried to play it off coolly, but I don’t think that was going to work here. “Let me cut to the chase. You’re a criminal, Jurobei. If you’re able to defend yourself and your innocence here, you will be sent home. If not, you will be punished.” Woah, woah, WOAH. Criminal? I’ve never done anything that bad. It was only a chocolate bar man. But it’s way too serious to be a prank. There’s clearly something going on here. “What crime? I’ve never done anything in my entire life. Besides who are you? The secret service or something?”

13 “The secret service? Don’t make me laugh. And don’t try to bluff your way out of this. You’re a criminal, that’s a fact.” Was it something that I forgot back then? It must be. It couldn’t know what it was, maybe because it was suppressed in my memories and it’s been so long since that time. “So, you will now defend yourself. If you cannot, you will face the consequences, Jurobei.” Defend myself? I don’t even know what I did! “That’s not fair at all! I don’t even remember what happened! What in the hell did I do? You could be lying about that too, you know!” “Okay, then let me make it easier for you, Joven. Just tell me what the crime you committed was. It’s as easy as that.” Easy? I don’t know what I did? And he’s just set a trap, hasn't he? If I try to recall my crime, it’s the same as proving that I did something; basically that I’m guilty, and it would be much harder to defend myself. But if I can’t remember, he can just say that I’m covering it up and lying about it. I lose either way. Shit.

“If you don’t respond, I’ll automatically find you guilty.” I know it must have been that time that I did something. I just know it! But I can’t prove what it was that I did. I have to show that I know the crime I committed, but……but that’s impossible!

14 “3..” I don’t have a choice, I can’t even guess. “2….” Whatever happens next, I blame it all on my own mind for being inconvenient at such a time like this. “1….” “Welp. I’m gonna guess and say that I committed murder. “.......” No way. Did I actually? “Wrong! Now you’ll face the consequences.” “ Ahhhh shit. I knew it.” “Thank you for being an important contribution to our research team. Your sacrifice will be noted.” Gas began to fill the room. I guess I was gonna be “sacrificed for research”, whatever they mean by that. Gas began to feel the room, and as I breathed it in I began to feel drowsy. “N-not this again….” I think I hate sleeping now.


Chapter 2 Einweihung

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