Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez School for Professional Studies Florida Campuses Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del

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Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez School for Professional Studies Florida Campuses Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo

SPED 295


© Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, 2009 Derechos Reservados. © Ana G. Méndez University System, 2009. All rights reserved

SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process…


TABLA DE CONTENIDO/TABLE OF CONTENTS Página/Page Prontuario ............................................................................................................. 3 Study Guide ........................................................................................................ 15 Workshop One .................................................................................................... 26 Taller Dos ........................................................................................................... 32 Workshop Three ................................................................................................. 37 Taller Cuatro ....................................................................................................... 43 Workshop Five/Taller Cinco ................................................................................ 48 Anejo A/Appendix A ............................................................................................ 52 Anejo B/Appendix B ............................................................................................ 53 Anejo B1/Appendix B1 ........................................................................................ 55 Anejo B2/Appendix B2 ........................................................................................ 56 Anejo B3/Appendix B3 ........................................................................................ 57 Anejo B4/Appendix B4 ........................................................................................ 59 Anejo B5/Appendix B5 ........................................................................................ 60 Anejo B6/Appendix B6 ........................................................................................ 61 Anejo B7/Appendix B7 ........................................................................................ 62 Anejo B8/Appendix B8 ........................................................................................ 63 Anejo C/Appendix C............................................................................................ 65 Anejo D/Appendix D............................................................................................ 67 Anejo E/Appendix E ............................................................................................ 69 Anejo F/Appendix F ............................................................................................ 70 Anejo G/Appendix G ........................................................................................... 73 Anejo H/Appendix H............................................................................................ 77 Anejo I/Appendix I ............................................................................................... 81 Anejo J/Appendix J ............................................................................................. 83 Anejo K/Appendix K ............................................................................................ 85 Anejo L/Appendix L ............................................................................................. 87

Prep. 08-10-2009. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.

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Título del Curso:

Proceso de evaluación y avalúo de estudiantes con necesidades especiales


SPED 295


Cinco Semanas


EDUC 106, 171, 172; SPED 101

Descripción: La enseñanza de métodos de evaluación y de avalúo para el estudiante con necesidades especiales requiere del desarrollo de unas competencias específicas. Los maestros de educación especial de nuestro sistema de educación, público o privado, necesitan analizar los protocolos de evaluación y avalúo reconocidos y validados de forma que el Plan Educativo Individualizado (PEI) sea lo más certero en su rol de intervención. De la misma manera, se requiere estudiar la relación de los procesos de evaluación y avalúo, las leyes estatales y federales de aprovechamiento académico y el desarrollo del Programa Educativo Individualizado (PEI). Este curso pretende desarrollar en los estudiantes las destrezas mínimas necesarias para realizar evaluaciones y avalúo de los estudiantes de educación especial en su salón de clases. Objetivos Generales Al finalizar el curso, el estudiante: 1. Demostrará conocimiento en los procedimientos de identificar estudiantes con necesidades especiales provenientes de las agencias relacionadas, así como del programa de educación especial del departamento de educación del estado de la Florida. 2. Identificará potenciales sesgos en términos de diversidad cultural y condiciones limitantes en los estudiantes. 3. Demostrará comprensión en la terminología de avalúo y evaluación en educación especial y relacionada a evaluación y avalúo. 4. Aplicará sus conocimientos realizando evaluación y avalúo en y para distintos escenarios.

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5. Conocerá las guías éticas, profesionales y legales con respecto a evaluación y avalúo en educación especial. 6. Administrará instrumentos e interpretará sus resultados. 7. Demostrará competencias en el acceso a información en redes informáticas relacionadas al tema. Libros de texto requeridos Heward, W. (2009). Exceptional children: An introduction to special education. (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Merrill. Hoover, J. (2009). Differentiating learning differences from disabilities: Meeting diverse needs through multi-tiered response to intervention Kritikos, E. (2010). Special education assessment: Issues and strategies affecting today’s classrooms. Boston, MA: Merrill. Overton, R. (2009). Assessing learners with special needs: An applied approach. (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Merrill. Salvia, J., Ysseldyke, J., & Bolt, S. (2007). Assessment in special and inclusive education. (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Co. Recursos y materiales adicionales Geisinger, K., et al. (2007). The seventeenth mental measurements yearbook. Lincoln, NE: The Buros Institute of Mental Measurements. Gillet, J., Temple, C., & Crawford, A. (2008). Understanding reading problems: Assessment and instruction. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Gunning, T. (2006). Assessing and correcting reading and writing difficulties. (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Mandlawitz, M. (2007). What every teacher should know about IDEA 2004 laws and regulations. Boston, MA: Merrill. National Reading Panel. (2000). Teaching children to read: An evidence-based assessment of the scientific research literature on reading and its implications for reading instruction. Washington, DC: National Institute for Literacy.

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SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process…

Evaluación El esquema de evaluación que se utilizará en este curso es el siguiente: Criterios de evaluación



Asistencia y participación en clase (1 – 5)


Registro de desarrollo del proyecto final de investigación (1 – 5)


Dos pruebas cortas del glosario ( 1 & 2)


Portafolio (1 – 5)




Ensayo grupal de respuesta (2)






Plan de Educación Individualizado (IEP) (3)



Dos actividades de círculos pensantes (3 & 4)



Dos ensayos expositivos: Uno individual (3) y otro grupal (4)





Boletín informativo (4) Prueba de mitad de curso (4)


Presentación oral del proyecto final de investigación (5)



Informe escrito/ensayo del proyecto final de investigación (5)





Nota: Los dígitos en paréntesis indican el número del taller. Las asignaciones y las evaluaciones se ejecutarán en el idioma asignado a cada taller. Curva evaluativa A = 100 – 90% B = 89 – 80% C = 79 – 70% D = 69 – 60% F = 59 – 0% Descripción de la evaluación 1. Asistencia y participación en clase (Talleres 1 – 5) a. La asistencia y participación en todas las clases es obligatoria y tendrá un peso del 5% de la nota final. Además, por cada día se sumará la puntuación correspondiente a los siguientes criterios: i. Demostrar dominio de los temas discutidos en clase.

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ii. Cumplir con las tareas asignadas en la clase. iii. Participar y cumplir con trabajo colaborativo. iv. Demostrar destrezas de comunicación verbal adecuadas. v. Puntualidad en la entrega de los trabajos. b. Es requisito asistir a todos los talleres para aprobar el curso. Las ausencias afectarán su nota final (0.25% por asistencia y 0.75% por participación en cada taller). 2. Registro de desarrollo del proyecto final de investigación (Talleres 1 – 5) a. Los estudiantes enviarán electrónicamente el registro informando los avances que hacen rumbo a la realización del proyecto final (Anejo A). b. Esta asignación semanal representa el 5% de la nota final. 3. Pruebas cortas del glosario (Talleres 1 & 2) a. Los estudiantes rendirán una prueba corta de los términos del glosario en los dos primeros talleres en el idioma usado en cada sesión. b. Estas pruebas representan el 5% de la nota final. 4. Portafolio (Talleres 1 – 5) a. Todas las asignaciones escritas, juntas con la selección del trabajo hecho durante el curso, deberán ser colocadas en un portafolio y seguir estrictamente las especificaciones de su elaboración ubicadas en los Anejos Bs. b. El portafolio se presentará dos veces durante este curso: La primera entrega será para retroalimentación (Taller 3) y la evaluación final (Taller 5). a. El portafolio se evaluará utilizando el Anejo B8 y representa el 10% de la nota final. 5. Ensayo grupal de respuesta (Taller 2) a. Los estudiantes redactarán un ensayo grupal respondiendo o reaccionando a un artículo de investigación. b. El ensayo se redactará en español.

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c. Esta asignación se evaluará usando el Anejo C y representa el 5% de la nota final. 6. Collage (Taller 2) a. En grupo, los estudiantes prepararán un collage relacionado a los objetivos y metas del programa de educación especial. b. Esta actividad se evaluará usando el Anejo D y representa el 5% de la nota final. 7. Plan de Educación Individualizado (IEP) (Taller 3) a. En pares, los estudiantes completarán un Plan de Educación Individualizado en inglés, utilizando la información proporcionada por el facilitador. b. El facilitador brindará la guía pertinente durante la elaboración del plan. c. Esta asignación se evaluará usando el Anejo F y representa el 10% de la nota final. 8. Círculos pensantes (Talleres 3 & 4) a. Los estudiantes deberán leer y analizar información acerca de los temas que se discutirán en los debates durante los talleres tres (inglés) y cuatro (español). b. Los estudiantes demostrarán preparación y habilidad de análisis crítico sobre los temas a debatir. c. Esta actividad se evaluará usando el Anejo G y representa el 10% de la nota final. 9. Ensayos expositivos (Talleres 3 & 4) a. Los estudiantes redactarán un ensayo expositivo individualmente en inglés en el taller tres y un ensayo expositivo en grupo en español en el taller cuatro. b. Esta asignación se evaluará usando el Anejo H y representa el 10% de la nota final. 10. Boletín informativo (Taller 4) a. Los estudiantes elaborarán un boletín informativo individualmente en español en el taller cuatro. El boletín presentará el/los instrumentos de

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avalúo utilizados por el estado de la Florida en las áreas de artes del lenguaje y matemática. b. Esta asignación se evaluará usando el Anejo I y representa el 5% de la nota final. 11. Prueba de mitad de curso (Taller 4) a. Los estudiantes rendirán una prueba de mitad de curso que incluye los contenidos más importantes cubiertos en los talleres uno, dos y tres. b. El facilitador preparará una guía de estudio para los estudiantes, indicando los temas de estudios a examinarse. c. Las preguntas pueden redactarse en ambos idiomas, considerando a qué taller corresponden. d. Esta prueba representa el 10% de la nota final. 12. Presentación oral del proyecto final de investigación (Taller 5) a. Los estudiantes realizarán una presentación oral del proyecto final de investigación individualmente en inglés. b. Se recomienda el uso de la tecnología, de audiovisuales y de otros recursos durante la presentación. c. Cada estudiante tendrá un máximo de 10 minutos para la presentación oral del proyecto final de investigación. d. Esta actividad se evaluará usando el Anejo J y representa el 10% de la nota final 13. Informe escrito/ensayo del proyecto final de investigación (Taller 5) a. El informe escrito es individual y deberá incluir las siguientes partes: 


Tabla de contenido (en caso de un informe; desestime esta sección si se trata de un ensayo)

Presentación del tema (contenido)


Reacción critica


Última edición del estilo APA.

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b. El informe se redactará en inglés y se entregará después de la presentación oral. c. El informe se evaluará usando el Anejo K y representa el 10% de la nota final. d. Si el estudiante decide elaborar un ensayo de investigación, se usará el Anejo L para la evaluación.

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Descripción de las Normas del Curso 1. Este curso sigue el programa “Discipline-Based Dual-Language Immersion Model®” del Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, el mismo esta diseñado para promover el desarrollo de cada estudiante como un profesional bilingüe. Cada taller será facilitado en inglés y español, utilizando el modelo 50/50. Esto significa que cada taller deberá ser conducido enteramente en el lenguaje especificado. Los lenguajes serán alternados en cada taller para asegurar que el curso se ofrece 50% en inglés y 50% en español. Para mantener un balance, el módulo debe especificar que se utilizarán ambos idiomas en el quinto taller, dividiendo el tiempo y las actividades equitativamente entre ambos idiomas. Si un estudiante tiene dificultad en hacer una pregunta en el idioma especificado, bien puede escoger el idioma de preferencia para hacer la pregunta. Sin embargo, el facilitador deberá contestar la misma en el idioma designado para ese taller. Esto deberá ser una excepción a las reglas pues es importante que los estudiantes utilicen el idioma designado. Esto no aplica a los cursos de lenguaje que deben ser desarrollados en el idioma propio todo en inglés o todo en español según aplique. 2. El curso es conducido en formato acelerado, eso requiere que los estudiantes se preparen antes de cada taller de acuerdo al módulo. Cada taller requiere un promedio de diez (10) horas de preparación y en ocasiones requiere más. 3. La asistencia a todos los talleres es obligatoria. El estudiante que se ausente al taller deberá presentar una excusa razonable al facilitador. El facilitador evaluará si la ausencia es justificada y decidirá como el estudiante repondrá el trabajo perdido, de ser necesario. El facilitador decidirá uno de los siguientes: permitirle al estudiante reponer el trabajo o asignarle trabajo adicional en adición al trabajo a ser repuesto. Toda tarea a ser completada antes del taller deberá ser entregada en la fecha asignada. El facilitador ajustará la nota de las tareas repuestas.

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4. Si un estudiante se ausenta a más de un taller el facilitador tendrá las siguientes opciones: a. Si es a dos talleres, el facilitador reducirá una nota por debajo basado en la nota existente. b. Si el estudiante se ausenta a tres talleres, el facilitador reducirá la nota a dos por debajo de la nota existente. 5. La asistencia y participación en clase de actividades y presentaciones orales es extremadamente importante pues no se pueden reponer. Si el estudiante provee una excusa válida y verificable, el facilitador determinará una actividad equivalente a evaluar que sustituya la misma. Esta actividad deberá incluir el mismo contenido y componentes del lenguaje como la presentación oral o actividad a ser repuesta. 6. En actividades de grupo el grupo será evaluado por su trabajo final. Sin embargo, cada miembro de grupo deberá participar y cooperar para lograr un trabajo de excelencia, pero recibirán una calificación individual. 7. Se espera que todo trabajo escrito sea de la autoría de cada estudiante y no plagiado. Se debe entender que todo trabajo sometido esta citado apropiadamente o parafraseado y citado dando atención al autor. Todo estudiante debe ser el autor de su propio trabajo. Todo trabajo que sea plagiado, copiado o presente trazos de otro será calificado con cero. 8. Si el facilitador hace cambios al módulo o guía de estudio, deberá discutirlos y entregar copia a los estudiantes por escrito al principio del primer taller. 9. El facilitador establecerá los medios para contactar a los estudiantes proveyendo su correo electrónico, teléfonos, y el horario disponibles. 10. EL uso de celulares esta prohibido durante las sesiones de clase; de haber una necesidad, deberá permanecer en vibración o en silencio. 11. La visita de niños y familiares no registrados en el curso no está permitida en el salón de clases. 12. Todo estudiante esta sujeto a las políticas y normas de conducta y comportamiento que rigen al SUAGM y el curso.

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Nota: Si por alguna razón no puede acceder las direcciones electrónicas ofrecidas en el módulo, no se limite a ellas.

Existen otros motores de

búsqueda y sitios Web que podrá utilizar para la búsqueda de la información deseada. Entre ellas están: •











El/la facilitador(a) puede realizar cambios a las direcciones electrónicas y/o añadir algunas de ser necesario.

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Filosofía y Metodología Educativa Este curso está basado en la teoría educativa del Constructivismo. Constructivismo es una filosofía de aprendizaje fundamentada en la premisa, de que, reflexionando a través de nuestras experiencias, podemos construir nuestro propio conocimiento sobre el mundo en el que vivimos. Cada uno de nosotros genera nuestras propias “reglas “y “métodos mentales” que utilizamos para darle sentido a nuestras experiencias. Aprender, por lo tanto, es simplemente el proceso de ajustar nuestros modelos mentales para poder acomodar nuevas experiencias. Como facilitadores, nuestro enfoque es el mantener una conexión entre los hechos y fomentar un nuevo entendimiento en los estudiantes. También, intentamos adaptar nuestras estrategias de enseñanza a las respuestas de nuestros estudiantes y motivar a los mismos a analizar, interpretar y predecir información. Existen varios principios para el constructivismo, entre los cuales están: 1. El aprendizaje es una búsqueda de significados. Por lo tanto, el aprendizaje debe comenzar con situaciones en las cuales los estudiantes estén buscando activamente construir un significado. 2. Significado requiere comprender todas las partes. Y, las partes deben entenderse en el contexto del todo. Por lo tanto, el proceso de aprendizaje se enfoca en los conceptos primarios, no en hechos aislados. 3. Para enseñar bien, debemos entender los modelos mentales que los estudiantes utilizan para percibir el mundo y las presunciones que ellos hacen para apoyar dichos modelos. 4. El propósito del aprendizaje, es para un individuo, el construir su propio significado, no sólo memorizar las contestaciones “correctas” y repetir el significado de otra persona. Como la educación es intrínsicamente interdisciplinaria, la única forma válida para asegurar el aprendizaje es hacer del avalúo parte esencial de dicho proceso, asegurando que el mismo provea a los estudiantes con la información sobre la calidad de su aprendizaje. 5. La evaluación debe servir como una herramienta de auto-análisis.

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6. Proveer herramientas y ambientes que ayuden a los estudiantes a interpretar las múltiples perspectivas que existen en el mundo. 7. El aprendizaje debe ser controlado internamente y analizado por el estudiante.

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Course Title:

Evaluation and assessment process of students with special needs


SPED 295

Time Length:

Five Weeks


EDUC 106,171, 172; SPED 101

Description: Teaching evaluation and assessment methods for students with special needs requires the development of specific competencies. Special education teachers in our educational system, public or private, should analyze the identified and validated evaluation and assessment protocols so that the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) becomes accurate in the implementation of interventions. In addition, it is required to study the relations existing among the evaluation and assessment processes, state and federal laws of academic achievement, and the development of the IEP. This course will develop the necessary basic skills that students need to administer evaluations and assessment to students with special needs in their classrooms. General Objectives At the end of the course, the student will: 1. Demonstrate knowledge in the identification procedures of students with special needs coming from related agencies and from Florida state department of education special education program. 2. Identify potential risks in terms of cultural diversity and limiting conditions in students. 3. Demonstrate understanding of special education assessment and evaluation terminology, and related to evaluation and assessment. 4. Apply knowledge in the evaluation and assessment at different scenarios. 5. Know the ethical, professional and legal guides in terms of assessment and evaluation in special education. 6. Administer assessment instruments and interpret results.

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7. Demonstrate competencies accessing information from the Internet. Textbooks Heward, W. (2009). Exceptional children: An introduction to special education. (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Merrill. Hoover, J. (2009). Differentiating learning differences from disabilities: Meeting diverse needs through multi-tiered response to intervention Kritikos, E. (2010). Special education assessment: Issues and strategies affecting today’s classrooms. Boston, MA: Merrill. Overton, R. (2009). Assessing learners with special needs: An applied approach. (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Merrill. Salvia, J., Ysseldyke, J., & Bolt, S. (2007). Assessment in special and inclusive education. (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Co. Additional resources and materials Gillet, J., Temple, C., & Crawford, A. (2008). Understanding reading problems: Assessment and instruction. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Gunning, T. (2006). Assessing and correcting reading and writing difficulties. (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Mandlawitz, M. (2007). What every teacher should know about IDEA 2004 laws and regulations. Boston, MA: Merrill. National Reading Panel. (2000). Teaching children to read: An evidence-based assessment of the scientific research literature on reading and its implications for reading instruction. Washington, DC: National Institute for Literacy.

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Evaluation Students in this course will be evaluated as follows: Evaluation criteria



Attendance and participation in class (1 – 5)


Final research project development log (1 – 5)


Two glossary term quizzes ( 1 & 2)


Portfolio (1 – 5)




Group response paper (2)






Individualized Education Plan (IEP) (3)



Two activities of thinking circles (3 & 4)



Two expository essays: Individual (3) and group (4)





Newsletter (4) Mid-part of term test (4)


Oral presentation of the final research project (5)



Written report/essay of the final research project (5)


K or L



NOTE: Digits in parentheses indicate workshop number. Evaluation and assignments will be done in the language assigned to every workshop. Evaluation curve A = 100 – 90% B = 89 – 80% C = 79 – 70% D = 69 – 60% F = 59 – 0% Description of evaluation 1. Attendance and participation (Workshops 1 – 5) a. Attendance and participation in every workshop is mandatory. It represents 5% of the final grade. The following criteria will also be evaluated:

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Mastery of the material discussed in class.


Completion of work assigned in class.


Collaboration with their peers on assigned group work.


Demonstration of proper verbal communication skills.


Turn in work strictly on time.

b. Attendance to all workshops is required to pass the course. Absences will affect your final grade as follows: 0.25% for your attendance and 0.75% for your participation in every class. 2. Final research project development log (Workshops 1 – 5) a. Students will send their logs electronically to the facilitator, informing of their progress toward the accomplishment of the final project (Appendix A). b. This weekly assignment represents 5% of the final grade. 3. Glossary term quizzes (Workshops 1 & 2) a. Students will take two glossary-term quizzes during workshops one and two in the corresponding language. b. Quizzes represent 5% of the final grade. 4. Portfolio (Workshops 1 – 5) a. All self assessment and reflection written assignments, together with the selection of work done during the course, will be assembled in a portfolio strictly following the guidelines of portfolio elaboration in Appendices Bs. b. The portfolio is should be submitted twice during this course: For feedback (Workshop 3), and final evaluation (Workshop 5). c. The portfolio will be evaluated using Appendix B8 and represents 10% of the final grade. 5. Response paper (Workshop 2) a. Students will write a group response paper about a research based article. b. The essay will be written in Spanish. c. This assignment will be evaluated using Appendix C and represents 5% of the final grade.

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6. Collage (Workshop 2) a. In groups, students will build a collage related to objectives and goals of special education. b. This activity will be evaluated using Appendix D and represents 5% of the final grade. 7. Individualized Education Plan (IEP) (Workshop 3) a. In pairs, students will complete an Individualized Education Plan in English, using the information provided by the facilitator. b. The facilitator will provide appropriate guidance in the completion of the IEP during workshop. c. This assignment will be evaluated using Appendix H and represents 10% of the final grade. 8. Thinking circles (Workshops 3 & 4) a. Students will read and analyze all the information possible of the topics to be discussed in the debates on workshops three (English) and four (Spanish). b. Students will demonstrate full preparation and critical thinking skills of the topic to be debated. c. This activity will be evaluated using Appendix G and represents 10% of the final grade. 9. Expository essays (Workshops 3 & 4) a. Students will write an expository essay individually in English on workshop three, and another one in group in Spanish on workshop four. b. This assignment will be evaluated using Appendix H and represents 10% of the final grade. 10. Informative brochure (Workshop 4) a. Students will build an informative brochure individually in Spanish on workshop four. The brochure will inform of the instrument(s) used by the state of Florida to assess language arts and mathematics. b. This assignment will be evaluated using Appendix I and represents 5% of the final grade.

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11. Mid-term exam (Workshop 4) a. Students will take a mid-term exam covering major topics studied in workshops one, two, and three. b. The facilitator will prepare a study guide for students, specifying topics to be examined. c. Questions may be written in both languages, depending on the workshop of origin. d. This exam represents 10% of the final grade. 12. Oral presentation of the final research project (Workshop 5) a. Students will make an oral presentation of the final research project individually in English. b. Use of technology, audiovisuals and other resources during presentation is highly recommended. c. Every student will have a maximum amount of time of 10 minutes for the presentation. d. This activity will be evaluated using Appendix J and represents 10% of the final grade. 13. Written report/essay of the final research project (Workshop 5) a. The written report should be elaborated individually and contain the following: i. Introduction ii. Table of contents (in case of a report; disregard it in case of an essay) iii. Body iv. Conclusion v. Critical reaction vi. References vii. Use the latest edition of APA style b. The report should be written in English and handed in at the end of the oral presentation.

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c. The report will be evaluated using Appendix I and represents 10% of the final grade. d. If the student decides to write a research paper, Appendix L will be used for evaluation.

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Description of course policies 1. This course follows the Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez DisciplineBased Dual-Language Immersion Model® designed to promote each student’s development as a Dual Language Professional. Workshops will be facilitated in English and Spanish, strictly using the 50/50 model. This means that each workshop will be conducted entirely in the language specified. The language used in the workshops will alternate to insure that 50% of the course will be conducted in English and 50% in Spanish. To maintain this balance, the course module may specify that both languages will be used during the fifth workshop, dividing that workshop’s time and activities between the two languages. If students have difficulty with asking a question in the target language in which the activity is being conducted, students may choose to use their preferred language for that particular question. However, the facilitator must answer in the language assigned for that particular day. This should only be an exception as it is important for students to use the assigned language. The 50/50 model does not apply to language courses where the delivery of instruction must be conducted in the language taught (Spanish or English only). 2. The course is conducted in an accelerated format and requires that students prepare in advance for each workshop according to the course module. Each workshop requires an average ten hours of preparation but could require more. 3. Attendance at all class sessions is mandatory. A student that is absent to a workshop must present the facilitator a reasonable excuse. The facilitator will evaluate if the absence is justified and decide how the student will make up the missing work, if applicable. The facilitator will decide on the following: allow the student to make up the work, or allow the student to make up the work and assign extra work to compensate for the missing class time. Assignments required prior to the workshop must be completed and turned in on the assigned date. The facilitator may decide to adjust the grade given for late assignments and make-up work.

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4. If a student is absent to more than one workshop the facilitator will have the following options: a. If a student misses two workshops, the facilitator may lower one grade based on the students existing grade. b. If the student misses three workshops, the facilitator may lower two grades based on the students existing grade. 5. Student attendance and participation in oral presentations and special class activities are extremely important as it is not possible to assure that they can be made up. If the student provides a valid and verifiable excuse, the facilitator may determine a substitute evaluation activity if he/she understands that an equivalent activity is possible. This activity must include the same content and language components as the oral presentation or special activity that was missed. 6. In cooperative activities the group will be assessed for their final work. However, each member will have to collaborate to assure the success of the group and the assessment will be done collectively as well as individually. 7. It is expected that all written work will be solely that of the student and should not be plagiarized. That is, the student must be the author of all work submitted. All quoted or paraphrased material must be properly cited, with credit given to its author or publisher. It should be noted that plagiarized writings are easily detectable and students should not risk losing credit for material that is clearly not their own. 8. If the Facilitator makes changes to the study guide, such changes should be discussed with and given to students in writing at the beginning of the first workshop. 9. The facilitator will establish a means of contacting students by providing an email address, phone number, hours to be contacted and days. 10. The use of cellular phones is prohibited during sessions; if there is a need to have one, it must be on vibrate or silent mode during class session. 11. Children or family members that are not registered in the course are not allowed to the classrooms.

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12. All students are subject to the policies regarding behavior in the university community established by the institution and in this course. Note: If for any reason you cannot access the URL’s presented in the module, do not stop your investigation. There are many search engines and other links you can use to search for information. These are some examples: •











The facilitator may make changes or add additional web resources if deemed necessary.

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Teaching Philosophy and Methodology This course is grounded in the learning theory of Constructivism. Constructivism is a philosophy of learning founded on the premise that, by reflecting on our experiences, we construct our own understanding of the world in which we live. Each of us generates our own “rules” and “mental models,” which we use to make sense of our experiences. Learning, therefore, is simply the process of adjusting our mental models to accommodate new experiences. As teachers, our focus is on making connections between facts and fostering new understanding in students. We will also attempt to tailor our teaching strategies to student responses and encourage students to analyze, interpret and predict information. There are several guiding principles of constructivism: 1. Learning is a search for meaning. Therefore, learning must start with the issues around which students are actively trying to construct meaning. 2. Meaning requires understanding wholes as well as parts. And parts must be understood in the context of wholes. Therefore, the learning process focuses on primary concepts, not isolated facts. 3. In order to teach well, we must understand the mental models that students use to perceive the world and the assumptions they make to support those models. 4. The purpose of learning is for an individual to construct his or her own meaning, not just memorize the "right" answers and regurgitate someone else's meaning. Since education is inherently interdisciplinary, the only valuable way to measure learning is to make the assessment part of the learning process, ensuring it provides students with information on the quality of their learning. 5. Evaluation should serve as a self-analysis tool. 6. Provide tools and environments that help learners interpret the multiple perspectives of the world. 7. Learning should be internally controlled and mediated by the learner.

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Workshop One Specific Objectives At the end of this workshop, the student will: 1. Define assessment and special education related terms. 2. Examine legislation that has affected assessment of students with special needs. 3. Describe the basic process by which special education is planned. 4. Examine the least restrictive environment and the continuum of alternative placements to meet the individual needs of students with disabilities. 5. Analyze the disproportionate representation of students from culturally diverse groups in special education. 6. Identify ways to work with culturally and linguistically diverse families. 7. Evaluate the social, political, and demographic issues that complicate the assessment process, as well as how to assess English Language Learners (ELLs). Language Objectives The student will: 1. Communicate him/herself effectively in English. 2. Support his/her point of view in team meetings in English. 3. Identify and recommend appropriate strategies using specialized terminology to meet the needs of special education students in English. Electronic Links (URLs) APA style http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ Glossary http://www.ldonline.org/glossary http://www.scboces.k12.co.us/english/SPED/SPEDvocab.htm http://www.disabilityrights.org/glossary.htm http://www.in.gov/ipas/2402.htm http://www.partnersinpolicymaking.com/education/glossary.html Legislation

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http://admin.fortschools.org/PupilServices/StaffInfo/A%20TIMELINE%20OF%20 SPECIAL%20EDUCATION%20HISTORY.htm http://www.ncwd-youth.info/assets/info_briefs/infobrief_issue10.doc http://www.ed.gov/policy/speced/leg/edpicks.jhtml http://www.ldonline.org/questions/legal http://sitemaker.umich.edu/356.zipkin/pre_1967_special_education_policies_in_a merica http://www.luc.edu/law/academics/special/center/child/childed_forum/pdfs/sicher _children_left_behind.pdf http://www.ed.gov/policy/speced/guid/modachieve-summary.html http://www.ed.gov/admins/lead/speced/toolkit/index.html Special education process http://www.ldonline.org/article/6190 http://www.fape.org/idea/How_it_works/sped.htm http://www.readingrockets.org/article/218 http://drnpa.org/File/publications/overview-of-the-special-education-process.pdf Least restrictive environment (LRE) http://www.wrightslaw.com/info/lre.index.htm http://www.spannj.org/BasicRights/least_restrictive_environment.htm http://www.disabilityrightsca.org/pubs/504701.htm http://www.ped.state.nm.us/seo/lre/lre.booklet.pdf http://www.rettsyndrome.org/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_downloa d&gid=45&Itemid= Overrepresentation of minorities in special education programs http://www.emstac.org/registered/topics/disproportionality/faqs.htm http://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/20/nyregion/nyregionspecial2/20ctspecial.html http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3935/is_200101/ai_n8949733/ http://www.nccrest.org/PDFs/Artiles-Rueda.pdf English language learners (ELLs) http://www.cal.org/resources/digest/digest_pdfs/0108-ortiz.pdf http://www.k8accesscenter.org/training_resources/documents/McLeod_LEP.ppt

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http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/17_Coord_Support_Services_231874_7.pdf http://www.isbe.state.il.us/bilingual/pdfs/bilingual_manual2002.pdf Assignments before Workshop One: 1. Using the recommended websites, textbooks, and other resources, search for the definitions of the terms above. Prepare index cards with the meaning of every word, and prepare a concept mapping of five words selected randomly. Be prepared to present in class, and take a short quiz. 2. Make a list of what you consider to be five major lawsuits that have influenced the American government and its representatives to legislate in favor of creation and/or improvement of services to individuals with special needs. Explain why you consider each one important and how it has impacted the arena of special education. 3. Consult at least two references, texts or sites in order to find, read and analyze information about the following topics: IDEA, LRE, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and overrepresentation of minorities in special education programs. After consulting references: a. Write your own summary of the event. b. Answer the following questions: 

How do these events/laws impact services provided to individual with special needs?

What lasting impact of these events/laws do you see in contemporary society and/or your everyday life?

2. Watch the video Introduction to special education, take notes, and be prepared to discuss in class: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCdR2vA1g20 Activities: 1. The Facilitator and the students will introduce themselves by engaging in an icebreaking activity suggested by the facilitator. 2. The Facilitator will discuss the module in detail with emphasis on course objectives, evaluation activities and class expectations.

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3. Students will select a student representative. The Facilitator will explain the role and responsibilities of the student representative. 4. The students will share their concept maps of five terms with the class. Students should make copies of the concept maps of the terms presented for all the class members. The Facilitator will assist in the development of class definitions for each term. 5. The facilitator will administer a short quiz of glossary terms. 6. The facilitator and students will participate in a socialized discussion of the video Introduction to special education watched at home. 7. Using a PowerPoint presentation, the facilitator will explain the special education process. 8. Using individual easel pad pages or the whiteboard, the Facilitator will make an inventory of all the most important lawsuits chosen by the students in their assignments. A summary of why each one is considered important and its impact on contemporary society should also be included. It is important that space be left on the board or easel pad for later notes on each lawsuit 9. The Facilitator will divide the class into groups: a. Group 1 will discuss IDEA and LRE (continuum of services). b. Group 2 will discuss Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 c. Group 3 will discuss the overrepresentation of minorities in special education services and the overrepresentation of Caucasians in gifted programs. 10. The three groups will present their answers in class after describing each one of the events they discussed. Emphasis will be placed on identifying the reason of existence of such legislation or phenomenon, and their impact on the education of individuals with special needs. Class discussion. 11. The facilitator and students will get involved in a brainstorming activity to find ways to work with culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) families. 12. Every group will dramatize a specific scenario of a CLD family having a child in the special education program. It will emphasize the problems that nonEnglish speaking families face up daily with school teachers and

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administration at their attempt to ensure the best quality special education possible to their children. 13. The Facilitator will discuss the requirements of the research project. The projects will be individual and submitted on Workshop Five. Below you will find a non comprehensive list of possible topics you may select: a. Research paper on a specific law impacting the field of special education b. Expository paper on difficulties in the assessment procedures of at-risk children c. Expository paper on pros and cons of standardized testing to evaluate students with special needs d. Analytical paper on assessment procedures of non-English speaking students to be referred to the special education program e. Construction of a classroom test, administration, and statistical analysis of test results. f. In-depth analysis of a student’s FCAT results and a plan of action g. Research paper on the topic Language barrier or disability? h. Innovative project to help a CLD family with a child with special needs i.

Administration of an Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) and a plan of action

14. For any additional problem or event identified as a topic, the student may consult with the facilitator before beginning to work on his/her final research project. 15. The facilitator will clarify the use of the Final Research Project Development Log. 16. Students will begin working on their portfolios, following the portfolio elaboration guidelines (Appendices Bs). Assessment: 1. Students will take the first glossary quiz. 2. Students will complete the self reflection sheet (Appendix B3) and insert it in their portfolio.

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3. Students will send the final research project development log before Workshop Two for full weekly credit of this assignment (Appendix A).

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Taller Dos Objetivos Específicos Al finalizar el Taller, el estudiante: 1. Definirá conceptos básicos de estadística y de medición 2. Analizará las medidas estandarizadas y no estandarizadas de evaluación y avalúo. 3. Describirá las prácticas alternativas de evaluación y avalúo educativo. 4. Analizará los conceptos y la importancia de confiabilidad y validez de los instrumentos de evaluación y avalúo. 5. Identificará las adaptaciones y acomodos razonables en los procedimientos de evaluación de estudiantes con necesidades especiales. Objetivos del Lenguaje El estudiante: 1. Identificará y recomendará estrategias apropiadas para satisfacer las necesidades de los estudiantes de educación especial utilizando la terminología educativa especializada. 2. Sustentará su punto de vista en reuniones de equipo para trabajar con intervenciones o con la revisión de planes anuales en español. 3. Se comunicará efectivamente en español. Enlaces Electrónicos y otros recursos El formato APA http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ Glosario http://www.txgifted.org/files/pdf/GiftedGlossary%20(Spanish).pdf http://ycjusd.schoolfusion.us/modules/groups/homepagefiles/cms/138422/File/Ed ucational%20Services%20Documents/Glosario%20para%20Traducciones.pdf?s essionid=6eb4dc5176ab7dace32cb7ee9b3091af http://www.ets.org/portal/site/ets/menuitem.c988ba0e5dd572bada20bc47c39215 09/?vgnextoid=ff740862c8fc5010VgnVCM10000022f95190RCRD&vgnextchann el=81d793a29ded5010VgnVCM10000022f95190RCRD http://oada.dadeschools.net/TestChairInfo/86B0809GLOSSARYSPANISH.pdf

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Medidas estandarizadas de evaluación http://www.psicothema.com/pdf/524.pdf http://www.ets.org/portal/site/ets/menuitem.c988ba0e5dd572bada20bc47c39215 09/?vgnextoid=88578ccba5fc5010VgnVCM10000022f95190RCRD&vgnextchann el=81d793a29ded5010VgnVCM10000022f95190RCRD http://www.generacion80.cl/noticias/columna_completa.php?varid=2166 http://www.secundariasgenerales.tamaulipas.gob.mx/PRUEBAS%20PEDAG%C 3%93GICAS.doc http://fcat.fldoe.org/aboutfcat/spanish/about.html http://www.salgadoanoni.cl/jorge/materiales/LAS%20PRUEBAS%20DE%20LOG RO.pdf Evaluación alterna, auténtica, de ejecución http://www.slideshare.net/saspera/tcnicas-e-instrumentos-de-evaluacinpresentation http://www.cneq.unam.mx/cursos_diplomados/diplomados/medio_superior/diplo_ oaxciena/material_didactico/g3/mod6/Cap5FridDiazBarr.pdf http://aprendiendo-ship.blogspot.com/2008/03/evaluacin-autntica.html http://au.geocities.com/bcluitel/assessment.htm http://entretizas.org/IMG/doc/LA_EVALUACION_AUTENTICA_DE_COMPETEN CIAS.doc http://www.slideshare.net/casanmar7/la-evaluacin-presentation-911387 http://www.slideshare.net/mago/evaluacin-de-y-para-las-competencias http://www.mendomatica.mendoza.edu.ar/nro18/Evaluacion_Porfolios_18.pdf Adaptaciones y acomodos razonables http://www.ccsso.org/content/pdfs/AccommodationsManual.pdf http://www.cpt.fsu.edu/ese/as/fcat.html Asignaciones antes del Taller Dos: 1. Usando las direcciones electrónicas recomendadas, los libros de texto o cualquier otro recurso, defina los términos del glosario. Luego, prepare tarjetas con las definiciones y venga preparado para participar en un juego y en una prueba corta de los términos.

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2. Redacte un resumen de las prácticas alternativas de evaluación o avalúo educativo y prepárese para compartir sus ideas en clase. 3. Vea los videos titulados La evaluación auténtica de competencias y Evaluación de los aprendizajes, tome notas y prepárese para discutir en clase: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbugPz0nMyk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzUai8VRrkw 4. Traiga tijeras, cartulina, marcadores de colores, pegamento, revistas viejas, ilustraciones o fotos relacionadas a los acomodos razonables de los estudiantes con necesidades especiales en la evaluación para hacer un collage en clase. Actividades: 1. Los estudiantes y el facilitador participarán en un juego con las tarjetas que contienen la terminología del glosario de este taller. Los estudiantes formarán dos filas paralelas frente a frente. El facilitador colocará las tarjetas sobre una silla entre las dos filas. Se sorteará qué fila empezará a preguntar. Una vez seleccionada la fila, el primer estudiante de ésta comenzará a preguntar. Tomará una tarjeta al azar y preguntará, “¿Qué es la moda?” (por ejemplo).La fila que reúna la mayor cantidad de respuestas correctas obtendrá un premio. 2. El facilitador presentará el concepto de evaluación tradicional. 3. Los estudiantes discutirán el contenido de los videos La evaluación auténtica de competencias y Evaluación de los aprendizajes. 4. Los estudiantes compartirán el contenido de su resumen sobre las prácticas alternativas de evaluación o avalúo educativo. Durante la discusión, el facilitador tomará notas de todas las prácticas alternativas mencionadas y aclarará cualquier duda. Luego el facilitador enviará electrónicamente una lista completa de estas prácticas de evaluación. 5. En grupos de cuatro integrantes, los estudiantes participarán en un juego de roles en el cual escenificarán dos prácticas alternativas de evaluación o

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avalúo educativo. El resto de la clase podrá comentar sobre las prácticas puestas en escena solamente después del juego de roles de cada grupo. 6. Usando una presentación de diapositivas (PowerPoint), el facilitador presentará un cuadro comparativo de las ventajas y desventajas de la Evaluación Tradicional y Avalúo Auténtico. Asimismo, el facilitador invitará a los estudiantes a participar en la discusión de este cuadro comparativo. 7. El facilitador dividirá a la clase en dos grupos y proveerá dos artículos científicos: uno sobre la evaluación o avalúo educativo auténtico; otro sobre la evaluación tradicional. Cada grupo leerá el artículo en clase y lo discutirán. Debate. 8. Cada grupo redactará un ensayo grupal de respuesta sobre el artículo asignado y discutido en clase. El ensayo será redactado en español y entregado al inicio del Taller Tres (Anejo C) 9. El facilitador presentará los conceptos de confiabilidad y validez en el campo de la evaluación educativa. Luego, presentará varias situaciones para ayudar a los estudiantes a identificar cuándo las pruebas son válidas y confiables. Discusión. 10. Usando el método de la conferencia, el facilitador explicará algunos conceptos estadísticos básicos: la media, la mediana y la moda. 11. Los estudiantes trabajarán en pares para solucionar una práctica usando los conceptos estadísticos básicos presentados en este taller: la media, la mediana y la moda. 12. Usando una presentación de diapositivas, el facilitador presentará un bosquejo de las categorías de acomodos razonables existentes para estudiantes con necesidades especiales durante la evaluación educativa. 13. El facilitador y los estudiantes participarán en una actividad de torbellino de ideas para identificar todos los acomodos razonables posibles para los estudiantes con necesidades especiales durante la evaluación según las categorías especificadas por el facilitador. 14. Los estudiantes, en grupos de tres integrantes, elaborarán un collage del tamaño de un afiche que represente los acomodos razonables en la

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evaluación de los estudiantes con necesidades especiales. Cada grupo explicará su collage a la clase. El facilitador recogerá los collage para su evaluación correspondiente. 15. El facilitador se reunirá con cada estudiante para guiarlos en la elaboración de su proyecto final de investigación. 16. Los estudiantes continuarán trabajando en sus portafolios, siguiendo los lineamientos de elaboración del mismo (Anejos Bs). 17. El facilitador enviará electrónicamente una tabla para que los estudiantes escojan el área en la cual investigarán un instrumento de evaluación (Anejo E). Avalúo 1. Los estudiantes rendirán la prueba corta sobre los términos del glosario. 2. Los estudiantes completarán la hoja de auto reflexión (Anejo B3). 3. Los estudiantes enviarán electrónicamente su registro de desarrollo del proyecto final de investigación antes del Taller Tres para obtener el crédito semanal completo por esta asignación (Anejo A). 4. Los estudiantes elaborarán un collage relacionado al tema de los acomodos razonables en la evaluación de los estudiantes con necesidades especiales (Anejo D). 5. Los estudiantes entregarán un ensayo grupal de respuesta al inicio del Taller Tres (anejo C).

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Workshop Three Specific Objectives At the end of this workshop, the student will: 1. Examine the components, functions, formats, problems and potential solutions of an individualized education plan (IEP). 2. Assess behavior through observations, and instructional ecology. 3. Identify the initial steps in developing a classroom test. 4. Analyze the development and use of selected-response items. 5. Assign grades on the basis of classroom assessments 6. Examine the assessment of intelligence and the assessment of sensory acuity. Language Objectives The student will: 1. Develop an individualized education plan (IEP) with long and short term goals to address the cognitive development levels of special education students in English. 2. Support his/her point of view in team meetings addressing interventions or annual review plans in English. 3. Administer assessments in either English or Spanish (depending on the child’s native language) and design action plans to meet the needs of special education students. Electronic Links (URLs): APA style http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ IEP http://www.bridges4kids.org/etm/iep.presentation.pdf http://www.ed.gov/parents/needs/speced/iepguide/iepguide.pdf http://kidshealth.org/parent/growth/learning/iep.html http://www.brighthub.com/education/special/articles/978.aspx http://ptimpact.org/eSource/Documents/IEPComponents.pdf

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Behavior assessment http://maxweber.hunter.cuny.edu/pub/eres/EDSPC715_MCINTYRE/BehRecord. html http://www.polyxo.com/resources/pdf/behavior_observation_forms.pdf http://para.unl.edu/legacy/Observation/Intro.php http://www.parkcoop.k12.mt.us/para/powerpt/Microsoft%20PowerPoint%20%20Observing%20and%20Recording%20Student%20Performance.pdf http://dpi.wi.gov/sped/bul07-01.html Instructional ecology http://www.ode.state.or.us/opportunities/grants/nclb/title_iii/equitableinstrellstude nts.ppt Classroom test construction http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/education/jlemke/courses/testing.htm http://web.utk.edu/~mccay/apdm/plan/plan_b.htm http://academicaffairs.cmich.edu/caa/assessment/posters/TableofSpecifications. pdf http://www.nust.edu.pk/general/How%20to%20Judge%20Qulality%20of%20Obje ctive%20Classroom%20Test.pdf http://cte.illinois.edu/testing/exam/test_ana.html Selected-response items http://mfaa.msde.state.md.us/source/MDFAdeveloping_2a_1a.asp http://fcit.usf.edu/assessment/selected/responseb.html http://www.cc.ysu.edu/~ramcewin/3710ch07up.ppt http://fcat.fldoe.org/fcatsmpl.asp Assessment of intelligence http://www.effecton.com/07.html http://faculty.education.uiowa.edu/dlohman/pdf/personality_and_intelligence.pdf http://media.wiley.com/product_data/excerpt/21/04712641/0471264121.pdf http://pearsonassess.com/HAIWEB/Cultures/enus/Productdetail.htm?Pid=PAa32300 http://www3.parinc.com/products/product.aspx?Productid=RIST

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http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/tests.htm Assessment of sensory acuity http://classes.kumc.edu/sah/resources/sensory_processing/learning_opportunitie s/concepts/sp_concepts_acuity.htm Assignments before Workshop Three: 1. Watch the following videos related to the Individualized Education Plan (IEP), take notes, and get ready for discussion in class: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UeDGOC8ncQ&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CPuL0sckAI&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rlu6-Ss9mhE&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYeMBtmA5oc&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lorImN93foM&feature=channel 2. Watch the video Learning disabilities, educational testing and other concerns and Your child is more than a test score posted at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKFJD18F8wg&feature=PlayList&p=5F410 0B160604B59&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=18 Now read more about educational testing related to special education services, and be prepared to participate in a debate activity called Thinking circles. 3. Bring blank IEP form samples used by public schools in your county. 4. Bring samples of different kinds of FCAT questions to class for discussion. 5. Write an expository essay about a test to assess behavior, intelligence, or sensory acuity. A useful resource for this assignment is The seventeenth mental measurements yearbook. You can find it at the Learning Resource Center (LRC)/library. Get ready for a round-table discussion of your chosen test. 6. Bring the portfolio to class. Activities: 1. The facilitator will write the word Individualized Education Plan (IEP) in the center of the board, and invite students to brainstorm the word IEP based on

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the videos watched at home and the information collected from textbooks and recommended websites. Students can also use their notes. 2. Using a PowerPoint presentation, the facilitator will present the IEP form outline, its components, and content of each. 3. The facilitator will provide scenarios of created or real student profiles with all the information necessary to complete an IEP. 4. In pairs, students will complete the IEP forms using the information provided in the previous item under the facilitator’s guidance. Then, pairs will present the completed IEPs to the class. Discussion. The facilitator will collect and grade the IEPs (Appendix F). 5. Debate of ideas or thinking circles: Students will debate the different perspectives of educational testing, especially related to special education. The class will be divided in two groups of the same size. The facilitator will make an inner circle in which half number of the students will be seated, and the other half will be standing up in the outer circle. Students seated in the inner circle will discuss the different perspectives of educational testing: standardized testing vs. alternative assessment while the others in the outer circle will only observe and take notes. Later, students will shift positions to continue discussing the issue, reach consensus, and provide conclusions and recommendations (Appendix G). 6. Using a PowerPoint presentation, the facilitator will present the initial steps to build a classroom test as well as the development and use of selectedresponse items. 7. In pairs, students will share with the class different kinds of questions that appear on FCAT, and classify them. The facilitator will take notes on the board for later discussion. 8. In pairs, students will choose a subject (Language Arts or Mathematics), a Sunshine State standard, a benchmark, a lesson topic, and a grade to prepare a table of specifications to build a test. Then, they will elaborate an objective test using different kinds of questions and matching the test with the

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table of specifications. Brief explanation of the test to the class. The facilitator may help as needed. 9. Using the round-table discussion strategy and in pairs, students will present their chosen tests in a panel of three students every time. Each student will present an intelligence test, a behavior test, or sensory acuity test. Panelists will become experts on their test presented and they may use notes, books, posters, PowerPoint presentation, and other visual aids. The facilitator will become the moderator in the discussion. 10. After presentation, students will hand in their expository paper on the chosen assessment instrument (Appendix H). 11. During the week between Workshops Three and Four, the facilitator will send a log to students to register their research interest: reading comprehension assessment, mathematics assessment, social and behavior assessment, or adaptive behavior assessment. Students will reply to the facilitator immediately after receiving the log. 12. The facilitator will guide students through the elaboration of the final research project. 13. If some students are interested in developing items “e” and “i” of the list of possible research projects on Workshop One, they should present the child’s profile (e g., student’s initials, grade level, academic performance, behavior inside and outside school, socio-economic status of family, family’s literacy level, parent’s involvement in the child’s education, etc.) and a detailed description of the specific assessment instrument to be administered (e g., purpose of the test, test reviews, and test format). At the LRC you will find some behavior tests that you can use in your project. 14. Students will insert all the documentation worked so far in their portfolios. Then, they will hand in the portfolio to the facilitator for feedback purpose (Appendices Bs). Assessment: 1. Students will send their final research project development log to the facilitator before Workshop Four (Appendix A).

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2. Students will complete their self reflection sheet and insert it in the portfolio (Appendix B3). 3. Students will participate in Thinking circles (debate) (Appendix G) 4. Students will hand in an expository essay on one of the assessment instruments stated in the previous item (Appendix H). 5. The facilitator will electronically send the Progression Follow Up Template (Appendix B5) with his/her feedback and improvement recommendations during the week before Workshop Four. 6. Students will electronically respond to the Progression Follow Up Template before Workshop Four.

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Taller Cuatro Objetivos Específicos: Al finalizar el Taller, el estudiante: 1. Examinará instrumentos de avalúo para evaluar la comprensión de lectura de los estudiantes. 2. Identificará instrumentos de avalúo para evaluar el conocimiento matemático de los estudiantes. 3. Describirá instrumentos de avalúo para evaluar la conducta social y emocional de los estudiantes. 4. Examinará el proceso de evaluación de la conducta adaptativa. Objetivos del Lenguaje: 1. Sustentará su punto de vista en reuniones de equipo para trabajar con intervenciones o con la revisión de planes anuales en español. 2. Administrará evaluaciones en inglés o en español (dependiendo de la lengua materna del niño) y diseñará planes de acción para cubrir las necesidades de los estudiantes de educación especial. 3. Integrará el uso de la tecnología para enriquecer la instrucción. Enlaces Electrónicos: El formato APA http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ Assessment en varios campos http://www.wellsphere.com/autism-autism-spectrum-article/assessment-inspecial-education/642785 Evaluación de la lectura http://www.unrc.edu.ar/publicar/cde/Bono,%20Donolo,%20Rinaudo.htm http://www.eslquestions.info/pub_quemide.htm http://ares.unimet.edu.ve/didactica/conti/P%E1gina%20vieja%20did%E1ctica/Pru ebas_psicologicas.doc http://fcat.fldoe.org/fcatrelease.asp https://dibels.uoregon.edu/resources/demos/dds_introduction.php

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http://www.pearsonassessments.com/haiweb/cultures/enus/productdetail.htm?pid=PAa16640&Community=CA_Ed_AI_Achievement http://www.pearsonassessments.com/haiweb/cultures/enus/productdetail.htm?pid=PAtorc4&Community=CA_Ed_AI_RTI Evaluación del conocimiento matemático http://cumbia.ath.cx:591/pna/Archivos/CastroE93-2686.PDF http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/mathematics/ http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/mathematics/whatmeasure.asp http://fcat.fldoe.org/fcatrelease.asp http://www.pearsonassessments.com/HAIWEB/Cultures/enus/Productdetail.htm?Pid=015-4891-10X&Mode=summary http://www.pearsonassessments.com/haiweb/cultures/enus/productdetail.htm?pid=PAa9735&Community=CA_Ed_AI_Achievement Evaluación de la conducta social y emocional http://www.ucsfchildcarehealth.org/pdfs/Curricula/CCHA/15_CCHA_SP_SocialE mot_0606_v3.pdf http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=28160055 http://dpi.wi.gov/SPED/ED.HTML http://www.pearsonassessments.com/haiweb/cultures/enus/productdetail.htm?pid=PAaBASC2bess&Community=CA_Ed_AI_Behavior SES.7.07.SP.pdf Evaluación de la conducta adaptativa http://www.down21.org/salud/neurobiologia/discapacidad_int.htm http://www.txautism.net/docs/Guide/Evaluation/AdaptiveBehavior.pdf http://www.pearsonassessments.com/haiweb/cultures/enus/productdetail.htm?pid=Vineland-II&Community=CA_Ed_AI_RTI http://pearsonassess.com/NR/rdonlyres/5E27ABB7-E77C-4F89-867DA1BD3411E478/0/ABAS_Technical_Supplement.pdf

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Asignaciones antes del Taller: 1. Los estudiantes, reunidos en sus grupos, elaborarán un mapa conceptual del tamaño de un afiche de los temas escogidos: la comprensión de lectura, conocimiento matemático, conducta social y emocional o conducta adaptativa. Con esta información elabore un organizador gráfico para su posterior discusión en clase. 2. Usando las direcciones electrónicas, el Seventeenth Mental Measurements Yearbook y los libros de texto recomendados, investigue sobre los diferentes instrumentos de avalúo para evaluar la comprensión de lectura, el conocimiento matemático, la conducta social-emocional y la conducta adaptativa. Venga preparado a participar en una actividad de debate denominada Círculos pensantes. 3. Cada grupo redactará un ensayo expositivo de su área de interés mencionada en el ítem anterior. 4. Traer ejemplos de noticias o artículos de revista sobre un tema relacionado a su proyecto final de investigación. 5. En pares, elabore un boletín informativo (newsletter) sobre el o los instrumentos de avalúo utilizados por el estado de la Florida en las áreas de artes del lenguaje y matemática. Actividades: 1. Los estudiantes compartirán con la clase sus mapas conceptuales y explicarán lo que se entiende como comprensión de lectura, conocimiento matemático, conducta social y emocional o conducta adaptativa. El facilitador aclarará dudas o brindará explicaciones adicionales de ser necesario. 2. Debate de ideas o círculos pensantes: Los estudiantes debatirán los diferentes tipos de avalúo utilizados para medir la comprensión de lectura, el conocimiento matemático, la conducta social y emocional y la conducta adaptativa. La clase será dividida en dos partes por igual. El facilitador formará un círculo interno donde la mitad de los estudiantes estarán sentados y otro externo con la otra mitad de los estudiantes parados. Los estudiantes sentados en el centro discutirán la resolución de un problema

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específico planteado por el facilitador mientras los estudiantes en el círculo externo solamente observarán y tomarán notas. Posteriormente, los estudiantes intercambiarán posiciones para continuar con el debate, alcanzar consenso y brindar conclusiones y recomendaciones (Anejo G). 3. Los grupos demostrarán la administración de un tipo específico de avalúo para evaluar comprensión de lectura, conocimiento matemático, conducta social y emocional o conducta adaptativa. 4. Después de la demostración, cada grupo entregará su ensayo expositivo al facilitador (Appendix H). 5. El facilitador brindará breves estudios de caso de estudiantes escolares con posibles discapacidades. En grupos de tres integrantes, los estudiantes analizarán cada caso y recomendarán la administración de una o varias pruebas en diferentes áreas para medir el progreso del individuo entre el inicio (evaluación diagnóstica) y el final de un período de tiempo (evaluación sumativa). Los estudiantes también deberán recomendar un plan de acción a seguir para ayudar al estudiante evaluado. Este plan deberá incluir acciones a ser ejecutadas tanto en la escuela como en el hogar. Discusión en clase. 6. Los estudiantes compartirán ejemplos de las noticias que han encontrado en la prensa sobre el tema de su proyecto final de investigación. Para este propósito, los estudiantes simularán estar presentando un programa de noticias por TV. Sea creativo. 7. Los estudiantes prepararán una galería de exhibición con sus boletines informativos sobre el o los instrumentos de avalúo utilizados por el estado de la Florida en las áreas de artes del lenguaje y matemática. Los estudiantes explicarán el contenido de sus boletines al resto de la clase. Luego, el facilitador recogerá los boletines informativos para su evaluación correspondiente (Anejo I). 8. Los estudiantes rendirán una prueba corta sobre los contenidos más importantes de los Talleres Uno, Dos y Tres. El facilitador deberá elaborar una guía para esta prueba corta y proporcionarla a los estudiantes con un

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tiempo prudencial que les permita prepararse y tener éxito en esta evaluación. 9. El facilitador se reunirá con los estudiantes para guiarlos en la elaboración de su proyecto final de investigación. 10. Los estudiantes continuarán trabajando en sus portafolios, siguiendo los lineamientos de elaboración del mismo (Anejos Bs). Avalúo 1. Los estudiantes completarán la hoja de auto reflexión (Anejo b3). 2. Los estudiantes enviarán electrónicamente su registro de desarrollo del proyecto final de investigación antes del Taller Cinco para obtener el crédito semanal completo por esta asignación (Anejo A). 3. Los estudiantes entregarán sus ensayos expositivos al facilitador (Anejo H). 4. Los estudiantes entregarán sus boletines informativos al facilitador (Anejo I).

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Workshop Five/Taller Cinco

NOTA: Este taller es bilingüe. Tanto, NOTE: This is a bilingual workshop. el Facilitador como los estudiantes,

Both the facilitator and student

deberán utilizar el idioma asignado

should use the language assigned

para cada tarea y actividad.

for each homework and activity.

Specific Objectives At the end of this workshop, the student will: 1. Examine how the assessment information is used to make various instructional decisions. 2. Discuss decisions related to special education eligibility and how they are made. 3. Analyze assessment of response to instruction (RTI) and its relevance to the identification of students with learning disabilities. 4. Evaluate current and future challenges of special education. Language Objectives The student will: 1. Problem-solve challenges presented in the special education scenarios in both languages – English and Spanish. 2. Support his/her point of view in team meetings addressing interventions or annual review plans in both languages. 3. Communicate effectively in both languages. Electronic Links (URLs): Assessment-based instructional decisions http://www.tcecweb.org/08_pdf/Formal%20Informal%20Assessment.ppt http://www.aea11.k12.ia.us/idm/ppt/State_idm.ppt http://www.literacycoachingonline.org/library/resources/mokhtarikrosemarycaedw ardspa2007makinginstructionaldecisionsbasedondatawhathowandwhyithereadin gteacherii61i4pp354-

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359.attachment/attachment/Making%20Instructional%20Decisions%20Based%2 0on%20Data%20article.pdf Response to instruction (RTI) http://www.nasponline.org/resources/principals/nasp_rti.pdf http://www.dpi.state.nc.us/docs/ec/development/learning/responsiveness/rtimater ials/problem-solving/rtioverview-training-present.ppt http://www.ldonline.org/article/13002 http://www.ncpublicschools.org/ec/development/learning/responsiveness/ Current and future trends in special education http://www.pilambda.org/horizons/v81-3/Whitten_Rodriguez-Campos.pdf http://education.uncc.edu/keanders/Evidence%20Based%5B1%5D.pdf Assignments before Workshop Five: 1. Complete the final research project: Oral presentation and written report or essay as required. 2. Bring your portfolio to class. 3. Watch the video Conditions that support effective implementation of RTI, and posted at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0_Mos5yP54 , take notes, and get ready for discussion in class. 4. Students will prepare a short paragraph in Spanish answering the following questions: In your opinion, what is the greatest challenge that the special education program will phase in this new century? Why? Activities: 1. Using a PowerPoint presentation, the facilitator will introduce the concept of Response to Instruction/Intervention (RTI) (English). 2. Using their notes, students will discuss how RTI may help improve the academic performance of students, especially those in special education, and boost the overall performance of the school (Spanish). 3. Using lecture, the facilitator will explain how the assessment information is used to make instructional decisions and how decisions related to special education eligibility are made. Discussion (English).

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4. Students will share their paragraphs about the future challenges of special education with the entire class. Class discussion (Spanish). 5. Each student will make their oral presentation of the final research project (English) (Appendix J). After oral presentation, students will submit a written report/essay as required to the facilitator (English) (Appendix K). 6. In groups of four, students will prepare an overall closing activity of the course. Students may act out a news program, perform a song or a role play, recite a poem, or prepare a commercial or advertisement that wraps up the content of the course. (English & Spanish). 7. Students will complete and submit their portfolios strictly following the guidelines to prepare the portfolio posted (Appendices Bs). Assessment: 1. Students will complete their self reflection sheet on one or some of the most relevant entries of this final workshop (Appendix B3) (Spanish). 2. Students will complete their overall portfolio self assessment (Appendix B4) (English), and submit their portfolios for evaluation (Appendix B8). 3. Students will make an oral presentation of their final research project and submit a written report/essay as required (Appendices J & K or L) (English).

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Anejo A/Appendix A Final Research Project Development Log Directions: Complete the following final project development log on a weekly basis: Workshop 1

Taller 2

Workshop 3

Actions Accomplished/ Acciones cumplidas

Difficulties Found/ Dificultades encontradas Student’s Signature/ Firma del estudiante Facilitator’s Feedback/ Retroalimentación del facilitador

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Taller 4

Workshop 5

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Anejo B/Appendix B Guidelines to prepare the portfolio 1. Determination of sources of content The following, but not limited to, documentation will be included: a. Projects, surveys, and reports. b. Oral presentations c. Essays: dated writing samples to show progress d. Research papers: dated unedited and edited first drafts to show progress e. Written pieces that illustrate critical thinking about readings: response or reaction papers. f. Class notes, interesting thoughts to remember, etc. g. Learning journals, reflective diaries. h. Self assessments, peer assessments, facilitator assessments. i.

Notes from student-facilitator conferences.

2. Organization of documentation Documentation will be organized by workshop, and by type of assignment within workshops. Workshops will be separated from one another using construction paper or paper of different colors, with tabs indicating the workshop number. 3. Presentation of the portfolio •

Documentation will be posted in a binder or in a digital version (eportfolio).

The Portfolio Informational Sheet will be placed in the transparent front pocket of the binder for identification purposes (Appendix B1).

The cover page will follow exactly APA guidelines applied to a cover page of research papers submitted at Metro Orlando Campus. This cover page will be placed at the beginning of the portfolio.

A log of entries that can be expanded with each new entry properly numbered. The table, which should be located at the beginning, should

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include a brief description, date produced, date submitted, and date evaluated (Appendix B2). •

Introduction and conclusion of the income and outcome of the portfolio.

Documentation and reflection process (Appendix B3) required in each workshop.

Overall portfolio self assessment (Appendix B4).

The Progression Follow-Up Template (Appendix B5).

A list of references and appendices of all assignments included will be added to the end of the portfolio.

Letter of Use and Return or Use and Discard of Portfolio (Appendices B6 & B7)

The entire portfolio will follow APA style: Courier or Times New Roman font, size 12, double space, and 1-inch margins. See a “Publication Manual of the APA, Fifth Edition.”

4. Portfolio Evaluation (Appendix B8)

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Anejo B1/Appendix B1: PORTFOLIO INFORMATIONAL SHEET (to be placed in front)

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez Metro Orlando Campus Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo

Check one:

Universidad del Este

Universidad Metropolitana

Check one:



Concentration Student’s Name Facilitator’s Name Portfolio rated as Reason of this rate

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Universidad del Turabo

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Anejo B2/Appendix B2: Log of Entries or Table of Content

Entry Description

Date of Entry

Date Submitted

Date Evaluated











Note: Students can elaborate a table of contents for their portfolios instead.

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Page #

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Anejo B3/Appendix B3: Reflection Process Directions: Please complete the following blanks: This entry is an example of my strengths: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ This entry is an example of an area I really need to improve: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ This entry is an example of an area I have improved: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ I think this exercise has been very helpful for my learning because: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

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Auto Reflexión Instrucciones: Complete los siguientes espacios en blanco: Este ingreso es un ejemplo de mis fortalezas: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Este ingreso es un ejemplo de un área que realmente necesito mejorar: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Este ingreso es un ejemplo de un área que he mejorado: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Considero que este ejercicio ha sido muy útil para mi aprendizaje porque: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

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Anejo B4/Appendix B4: Overall Portfolio Self-Assessment Dear Student: This form will assist you in monitoring your portfolio and determining the strengths and weaknesses of your writing Part I: Read the statements below. Write the numbers that mostly honest reflects your self assessment (Scale 1-5: 5=strong, 4=moderately strong, 3=average, 2=moderately weak, 1=weak) _____ 1. My portfolio contains all of the items required by the facilitator. _____ 2. My portfolio provides strong evidence of my improvement over the course. _____ 3. My portfolio provides strong evidence of my ability to report factual information. _____ 4. My portfolio provides strong evidence of my ability to write effectively. _____ 5. My portfolio provides strong evidence of my ability to think and write creatively. Part II: On the lines below, write the topic of each assignment. Rate your effort for each piece (5=strong effort, 1=weak effort). In the space below write one suggestion for improving that piece. _____ 1. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _____ 2. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _____ 3. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _____ 4. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _____ 5. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Part III: In assessing my overall portfolio, I find it to be (check one) Very satisfactory Somewhat satisfactory

__________ __________

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

__________ __________

Part IV: In the space below list your goal for the next PT and two strategies you plan to achieve. Goal: ________________________________________________________________ Strategies: 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________

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Anejo B5/Appendix B5: Progression Follow-Up Template Strengths Weaknesses Facilitator’s comments

Student’s response and comments

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Improvement Ideas

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Anejo B6/Appendix B6: Use and Return of Portfolio

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo

I, ____________________________________, grant permission to the office of Assessment and Placement of the Ana G. Méndez University System, to keep in their records a copy of my portfolio. I understand that the portfolio is going to be used for accreditation or educational purposes only, and that is not going to be disclosed without my consent. By signing this document I authorize the office of Assessment and Placement to keep a copy of my portfolio for six months and return it to me at the end of this period of time.

_______________________________ Student’s Name (print)

_______________________________ Student’s Signature

___________ Date

___________ Date

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Anejo B7/Appendix B7: Use and Discard of Portfolio

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo

I, ____________________________________, grant permission to the office of Assessment and Placement of the Ana G. Méndez University System to keep in their records a copy of my portfolio. I understand that the portfolio is going to be used for accreditation or educational purposes only, and that is not going to be disclosed without my consent. By signing this document I authorize the Office of Placement and Assessment to keep a copy of my portfolio for six months and discard it at the end of this period of time. .

_______________________________ Student’s Name (print)

_______________________________ Student’s Signature

___________ Date

___________ Date

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Anejo B8/Appendix B8: Portfolio Rubric 4


Readable: Are entries typed in an appropriate font and size? Are entries free of errors? Do ideas expressed in entries follow a logical sequence with appropriate transitions among paragraphs and topics?

Professionalism: Is the appearance of the portfolio professional? Are graphics, colors and portfolio language consistent with professional workplace expectations? Is the portfolio presented in a neat and orderly manner?

Organization: Is the portfolio organized in a manner that makes it easy to follow and easy to quickly locate information?


Content: Are all required entries included in the portfolio? Are entries relevant to the content of the portfolio? Do all entries contain the student’s reaction or reflection on the selected topics? Do entries provide thorough understanding of content? Resume, Activities List, Varied Samples of Written Work, Evidence of Problem Solving, and Evidence of Decision Making.

Authenticity: Are the samples and illustrations a true reflection of the student’s efforts and abilities?

Growth/Development: Do samples provide thorough understanding of growth and development related to their field of concentration? Do items show what the student has learned?

Collaboration: Do items show examples of both individual and group work? Does the student provide clear understanding of collaboration, and use collaboration to support his/her learning?

Reflection and Personal growth: Do items show exceptional understanding of how to be a reflective thinker and how to seek

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opportunities for professional growth? Does the student include self-reflective comments? Does the student reflect enthusiasm for learning?

Professional Conduct: Do items show clear understanding of ethical behavior and professional conduct? Do items display the pride the student has in his or her work?

Overall Portfolio Impact

Is this portfolio an asset in demonstrating the student’s value (skills, abilities, knowledge) to a potential employer or college representative?

Rating Scale 4 = Outstanding

3 = Very good

2 = Good

1 = Needs improvement

Source: Retrieved from www.lcusd.net/lchs/portfolio/rubric.htm on February 10th, 2007. Adapted 02/10/2007 by Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed. Coordinator of Assessment and Placement – Metro Orlando Campus

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Anejo C/Appendix C Matriz de valoración para el ensayo expositivo

Integrantes del grupo: ______________________________________________ Curso: __________________________ Fecha: ________________________ Criterios

Valor Contenido

La tesis es clara y bien establecida.

1 punto

Explica y desarrolla la tesis y sus

1 punto

implicaciones de manera exacta, basado en los estudios científicos que apoyan las ideas sobre el tema, brindando información exacta y ejemplos precisos. Se exponen los detalles centrales o

1 punto

de mayor relevancia en el ensayo. Las oraciones son coherentes y las

1 punto

ideas fluyen durante la lectura del ensayo. Elabora conclusiones basadas en la

1 punto

evidencia científica y objetiva. Establece una relación del autor con

1 punto

el tema, brindando una perspectiva clara del tema presentado y atrayendo la atención del lector. Demuestra un entendimiento total de

1 punto

las ideas más importantes hasta alcanzar un nivel superior de comprensión de una manera

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Puntaje del Estudiante

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organizada. Lenguaje Demuestra habilidad en el manejo

1 punto

del idioma español estándar (vocabulario, sintaxis y flujo de ideas). Usa la puntuación, la ortografía y el

1 punto

formato APA correctamente. El tono del ensayo es adecuado a la

1 punto

naturaleza del documento. Total

10 puntos ( 70% contenido y 30%



Puntaje total

Firma del facilitador: _________________________

Nota: El puntaje deberá registrarse como sigue: • • • •

Excelente Bueno Regular Necesita mejorar

1.00 punto 0.75 punto 0.50 punto 0.25 punto

Prep. 08-10-2009. Prof. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.

SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process… 67

Anejo D/Appendix D Matriz de valoración del collage Nombre/Grupo _____________________________________________________ Tema: __________________________________ Fecha: ___________________ Criterios

Puntaje posible

Todos los gráficos u objetos utilizados

1.25 punto

en el collage reflejan un alto grado de creatividad del estudiante en su exhibición. Las ilustraciones son del tamaño y

1.25 punto

forma apropiados y están colocados perfectamente. Se ha tenido cuidado para alcanzar un balance de las ilustraciones en toda el área del collage. Las figuras han sido adheridas apropiadamente y lucen fijas. El collage incluye 15 ó más ítemes,

1.25 punto

cada uno diferente. Se ha dedicado mucho tiempo y

1.25 punto

esfuerzo en la planificación y el diseño del collage. Es obvio que los estudiantes trabajaron tanto en casa como en el salón de clase. Los títulos y el texto se escribieron sin

1.25 punto

enmendaduras y son fáciles de leer desde una cierta distancia. El estudiante brinda una explicación

1.25 punto

razonable de cómo se relaciona cada ítem del collage con el tema asignado.

Prep. 08-10-2009. Prof. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.

Puntaje obtenido

SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process… 68

Para la mayoría de ítemes, la relación es clara sin necesidad de explicación. El collage comunica claramente la

1.25 punto

comprensión del tema que tiene el autor. El collage luce atractivo, ordenado y

1.25 punto

limpio. 10 puntos


_______________ Puntaje Total

Facilitator’s signature: ________________________ Nota: El puntaje deberá registrarse como sigue: • • • •

Excelente Bueno Regular Necesita mejorar

1.00 punto 0.75 punto 0.50 punto 0.25 punto

Source: Adapted from www.abbotsford.k12.wi.us and http://www.readwritethink.org/lesson_images/lesson1012/visualcollagerubric.pdf

Prep. 08-10-2009. Prof. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.

SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process… 69

Anejo E/Appendix E Test log Direction: In one of the following three categories, write the title of the test you would like to search for. Student name



Sensory Acuity

Test, or

Test, or


Note: The facilitator will send this template to students via e-mail. Students should send it back to the facilitator indicating the test chosen within 48 hours after workshop two.

Prep. 08-10-2009. Prof. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.

SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process… 70

Anejo F/Appendix F Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Rubric Categories of Evaluation

Basic Information

Present Level of Educational Performance

Consideratio n of Special Factors

Consistently Exceeds Standards/Target Exceeds Some Standards/Target

Meets Standards/Acceptable

3 points

2 points

An alias is provided for student name, birth date, district, building site, date of IEP, and type of IEP. All of the information is correct.

An alias is provided for student name, birth date, district, building site, date of IEP, and type of IEP. Majority of the information is correct.

Inconsistently Meets Standards/Unaccept able Does Not Meet Standards/Unaccept able 1 point An alias is provided for student name, birth date, district, building site, date of IEP, and type of IEP. Majority of the information is incorrect or information is not present.

Objective statements about educational, behavioral and social strengths and needs are listed, directly relate to evaluation results, and are consistently comprehensive. Existing standardized and informal evaluation data are included with results showing effects of child’s disability on educational performance. The impact of the disability on the involvement/progress in general curriculum is provided.

Objective statements about educational, behavioral and social strengths and needs are listed and directly relate to evaluation data, but are not consistently comprehensive. Existing standardized and informal evaluation data are included with results showing effects of child’s disability on educational performance. The impact of the disability on the involvement/progress in general curriculum is provided.

Objective statements about educational, behavioral and social strengths and needs are listed but are not consistently appropriate or do not directly link to the evaluation data. Existing standardized and informal evaluation data are inconsistently included with results showing effects of child’s disability on educational performance. The impact of the disability on the involvement/progress in general curriculum may or may not be listed.

Special factors are considered and checked yes or no. Candidate must address behavioral intervention, language and

Special factors are considered and checked yes or no. Candidate must address behavioral intervention, language and

Special factors are considered and checked yes or no. Candidate did not address behavioral

Prep. 08-10-2009. Prof. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.



SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process… 71

communication needs of the learner who has a hearing impairment and/or limited English proficiency, and assistive device needs. Factors considered were appropriate to the learner and identifies and provides a rationale of the needed services on the IEP.

Annual Goals

*Short Term Objectives/ Benchmark

Progress measured & reported to parents

Annual goals are selected and prioritized based on present level of performance data. Goals are written in measurable terms and show direction for growth.

Majority of short term objectives/ benchmark (linked to annual goals) are written in measurable terms (objectives contain 4 parts each: who will do what, under what conditions, and to what degree. Benchmarks written are age-appropriate, sequenced, and correlate with past IEP benchmarks.

Evaluation schedule and procedures are appropriate to the goals/benchmarks. Multiple evaluation procedures as well as a variety of evaluation procedures are used. Methods of notifying parents on learner progress are provided.

communication needs of the learner who has a hearing impairment and/or limited English proficiency, and assistive device needs. Factors considered were appropriate to the learner and identifies and provides a rationale of the needed services on the IEP.

Annual goals are selected and based on present level of performance data. Priority of goals lacks alignment with learner strengths and needs. Goals are written in measurable terms and show direction for growth. (minimum of 2)

Majority of short term objectives/ benchmark (linked to annual goals) are written in measurable terms (objectives contain 4 parts each: who will do what, under what conditions, and to what degree. Benchmarks written are age-appropriate and correlate with past IEP benchmarks.

Evaluation schedule and procedures are appropriate to the goals/benchmarks. Methods of notifying parents on learner progress are provided.

Prep. 08-10-2009. Prof. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.

intervention, language and communication needs of the learner who has a hearing impairment and/or limited English proficiency, and assistive device needs.

Annual goals are selected and may or may not be based on present level of performance data. Priority of goals lacks alignment with learner strengths and needs. Goals are not written in measurable terms and/or do not show direction for growth. Majority of short term objectives/ benchmark (linked to annual goals) are not written in measurable terms (objectives contain 4 parts each: who will do what, under what conditions, and to what degree. Benchmarks may or may not be ageappropriate and correlate with past IEP benchmarks. Evaluation schedule and procedures are inappropriate to the goals/benchmarks or procedures and schedule are identified. Methods of notifying parents on learner progress are not provided.

SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process… 72

Type of Service Placement including Related Services

Description of & Percent of student’s nonparticipation in regular class, length of school day, type of P.E. listed

Where and what type of service, amount of services listed (including time, frequency, circumstances), projected starting/ending date, and person responsible. All information is correct.

Majority items were addressed and correct: Type of service, amount of services listed (including time, frequency, circumstances), projected starting/ending date, and person responsible

Majority items were not addressed or were not correct: Type of service, amount of services listed (including time, frequency, circumstances), projected starting/ending date, and person responsible

Description, percent of day, length of day, P.E. listed and correct

Majority of items were addressed and correct: Description, percent of day, length of day, P.E. listed

Majority of items were not addressed or were not correct: Description, percent of day, length of day, P.E. listed

TOTAL 24 pts

Facilitator’s signature: _________________________ Source: nd

Retrieved on August 2 , 2009 from http://faculty.swosu.edu/debbie.case/share/Planning%20and%20Managing/IEP%20Rubric %202%2007.doc.

Prep. 08-10-2009. Prof. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.

SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process… 73

Anejo G/Appendix G Thinking circle rubric Group/Student: _____________________________________________________ Topic: ___________________________________________ Date: ____________ Criteria

Value Points Content

Uses a range of carefully

1 point

evaluated, relevant information, including alternative criteria for judging among solutions Exhibits complex awareness of

1 point

relative importance of different sources of uncertainties Evaluates information using

1 point

general principles that allow comparisons across viewpoints; adequately justifies assumptions Focuses analyses on the most

1 point

important information based on reasonable assumptions about relative importance; organizes information using criteria that apply across different viewpoints and allow for qualitative comparisons Focuses on pragmatic issues in

1 point

implementation plans; provides appropriate information and motivation, prioritized for the setting and audience

Prep. 08-10-2009. Prof. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.

Student Score

SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process… 74

Adequately describes relative

1 point

importance of solution limitations when compared to other viable options. Proceeds as if goal is to come to a

1 point

well-founded conclusion based on objective consideration of priorities across viable alternatives Language Demonstrates a command of

1 point

standard English (vocabulary, syntax, and flow of ideas) Uses correct pronunciation of the

1 point

language. The tone of the presentation is

1 point

appropriate. Total Points

10 ( 70% content and 30% language)

___________________ Total score:

Facilitator’s signature: ______________________________ Note: The score obtained by the student should be scored as follows: • • • •

Excellent: Good: Fair: Needs improvement:

1.00 point 0.75 point 0.50 point 0.25 point

Prep. 08-10-2009. Prof. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.

SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process… 75

Matriz de valoración para los círculos pensantes Grupo/Estudiante: ___________________________________________________ Tema: ___________________________________________ Fecha: __________ Criterios

Valor Contenido

Usa una variedad amplia de

1 punto

información relevante y cuidadosamente evaluada, incluyendo criterios alternativos para juzgar entre las posibles soluciones. Demuestra una conciencia compleja

1 punto

de importancia relativa de diferentes fuentes de dudas o preocupaciones. Evalúa la información usando

1 punto

principios generales que permiten las comparaciones entre puntos de vista; justifica adecuadamente su posición. Enfoca el análisis de la información

1 punto

más importante basada en diferentes posiciones acerca de la importancia relativa; organiza la información usando los criterios que aplican a través de diferentes puntos de vista y que permiten hacer comparaciones cualitativas. Enfoca los asuntos pragmáticos en

1 punto

planes de implementación; brinda información y motivación apropiada, en orden de prioridad según el escenario y la audiencia.

Prep. 08-10-2009. Prof. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.

Puntaje obtenido

SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process… 76

1 punto

Describe adecuadamente la importancia relativa de las limitaciones de solución cuando se compara a otras opciones viables.

1 punto

Procede como si la meta fuera llegar a una conclusión bien fundamentada, basada en la consideración objetiva de prioridades a través de las alternativas viables.

Lenguaje 1 punto

Demuestra un uso adecuado del Español (vocabulario, sintaxis y flujo de ideas).

1 punto

Utiliza la pronunciación correcta del idioma.

1 punto

El tono de la presentación es adecuado. Total

10 ( 70% contenido y 30% lenguaje)

_________________ Puntaje total:

Firma del facilitador: ________________________________ Nota: El puntaje deberá registrarse como sigue: • • • •

Excelente Bueno Regular Necesita mejorar

1.00 punto 0.75 punto 0.50 punto 0.25 punto

Prep. 08-10-2009. Prof. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.

SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process… 77

Anejo H/Appendix H Expository essay rubric Group/Student: _____________________________________________________ Topic: ___________________________________________ Date: ____________ Criteria

Value Points

Student Score

Content Introductory content is clear &

1 point

well stated. Major or relevant details are

1 point

exposed in essay. Communicates ideas based on

1 point

research-based facts only. Topic sentences are supported by supporting details containing research-based results and data. Sentences are cohesive and

1 point

ideas flow as the essay is read. Establish a writer’s relationship

1 point

with the subject, providing a clear perspective on the presented subject matter and engaging the audience attention. Draw conclusions based on

1 point

research-based facts only. Demonstrate a comprehensive

1 point

grasp of significant ideas to reach a higher level of understanding in an

Prep. 08-10-2009. Prof. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.

SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process… 78

organizational manner. Language Demonstrates a command of

1 point

standard English (vocabulary, syntax and flow of ideas) Uses spelling, punctuation,

1 point

capitalization, and APA format correctly. The tone of essay matches the

1 point

nature of the document. Total Points

10 ( 70% content and 30% language)

___________________ Total score:

Facilitator’s signature: ______________________________

Note: The score obtained by the student should be scored as follows: • • • •

Excellent: Good: Fair: Needs improvement:

1.00 point 0.75 point 0.50 point 0.25 point

Prep. 08-10-2009. Prof. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.

SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process… 79

Matriz de valoración para el ensayo expositivo

Grupo/Estudiante: _________________________________________________ Tema: __________________________ Fecha: ________________________ Criterios

Valor Contenido

La tesis es clara y bien establecida.

1 punto

Explica y desarrolla la tesis y sus

1 punto

implicaciones de manera exacta, basado en los estudios científicos que apoyan las ideas sobre el tema, brindando información exacta y ejemplos precisos. Se exponen los detalles centrales o

1 punto

de mayor relevancia en el ensayo. Las oraciones son coherentes y las

1 punto

ideas fluyen durante la lectura del ensayo. Elabora conclusiones basadas en la

1 punto

evidencia científica y objetiva. Establece una relación del autor con

1 punto

el tema, brindando una perspectiva clara del tema presentado y atrayendo la atención del lector. Demuestra un entendimiento total de

1 punto

las ideas más importantes hasta alcanzar un nivel superior de comprensión de una manera organizada.

Prep. 08-10-2009. Prof. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.

Puntaje del Estudiante

SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process… 80

Lenguaje Demuestra habilidad en el manejo

1 punto

del idioma español estándar (vocabulario, sintaxis y flujo de ideas). Usa la puntuación, la ortografía y el

1 punto

formato APA correctamente. El tono del ensayo es adecuado a la

1 punto

naturaleza del documento. Total

10 puntos ( 70% contenido y 30%



Puntaje total

Firma del facilitador: _________________________

Nota: El puntaje adquirido por el estudiante podrá anotarse según la siguiente escala: • • • •

Excelente: Bueno: Regular: Necesita mejorar:

1.00 punto 0.75 punto 0.50 punto 0.25 punto

Prep. 08-10-2009. Prof. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.

SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process… 81

Anejo I/Appendix I Matriz de valoración del boletín informativo Integrantes del grupo: ______________________________________________ Tema: ____________________________________ Fecha: ________________ Criterios

2 puntos

1.5 puntos

1 punto

0.5 punto


Cada sección del

75% de las

60% de las

Menos de la

de la

boletín es clara

secciones son

secciones son

mitad de las


en su totalidad.

claras en su

claras en su

secciones son



claras en su


totalidad. Exactitud del

Toda la

99-90% de la

89-90% de la

Menos del 80%

contenido y

información es

información en el

información en el

de la

validez de la

exacta y

boletín es exacta. boletín es


concuerda con


los recursos

información en el boletín es exacta.

citados. Atractivo y

El boletín tiene un El boletín tiene

El boletín tiene el El formato y la



formato y la


excepcionalmente atractivo y la

información bien

del material

atractivo y la

información bien

organizada; pero

son confusos al

información bien


no ambos.


un formato

organizada. Uso del

El boletín está

El boletín

El boletín

El boletín


libre de errores.

contiene no más

contiene no más

contiene más

de 1 error en el

de 3 errores en

de 3 errores en

lenguaje o

el lenguaje o

el lenguaje o




Las ilustraciones

Las ilustraciones

Las ilustraciones


concuerdan con

van bien con el

van bien con el

ilustraciones no

el tema y el texto

texto, pero hay

texto, pero hay


de cada sección.

tantas (más de

tan pocas

el texto o


Prep. 08-10-2009. Prof. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.

SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process… 82

Cada sección

dos por sección)

(menos de tres


contiene no más

que distraen al

en todo el


de dos gráficas y

lector del texto.

boletín) que lo

existe por lo

hace lucir

menos un total de

recargado de

tres gráficas.


Puntuación obtenida: _______ pts. /10 pts.

Firma del facilitador: ______________________________________

Prep. 08-10-2009. Prof. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.

SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process… 83

Anejo J/Appendix J Oral Presentation Rubric

Student name: _____________________________________________________ Topic: _______________________________________ Date: _______________ Criteria

Value Points Presentation

Holds attention of entire audience

1 point

with the use of direct eye contact, seldom looking at notes. Movements seem fluid and help the

1 point

audience visualize Student displays relaxed, self-

1 point

confident nature about self, with no mistakes. Student uses a clear voice with a

1 point

good projection and intonation. Student demonstrates full knowledge

1 point

by answer all questions with explanations and elaborations. Student presents information in

1 point

logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow Demonstrates a strong, positive

1 point

feeling about topic during entire presentation Language Demonstrates a command of

1 point

standard English (vocabulary, syntax and flow of ideas)

Prep. 08-10-2009. Prof. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.

Student’s Score

SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process… 84

1 point

Uses correct pronunciation of the language.

1 point

The tone of the presentation is appropriate. Total Points

10 ( 70% content and


30% language)

Total score:

Facilitator’s signature: ________________________ Note: The score obtained by the student should be recorded as follows: • • • •

Excellent: Good: Fair: Needs improvement:

1.00 point 0.75 point 0.50 point 0.25 point

Prep. 08-10-2009. Prof. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.

SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process… 85

Anejo K/Appendix K Written report rubric Student name: _____________________________________________________ Topic: __________________________________ Date: ____________________ Criteria

Value Points Content

Excellent organization enhances

1 point

readability and/or understandability of the report. Relevance of topic to class or audience is

1 point

apparent. The groundwork for the report is easy to predict because important topics that will be discussed are specifically mentioned. Clear examples to support specific topic

1 point

sentences and to support the overall purpose; reader gains important insight; analysis poses novel ways to think of the material; quoted material well integrated; depth of coverage without being redundant. The tone of the report is consistently

1 point

professional and appropriate. The writer makes succinct and precise

1 point

conclusions based on the review of literature. Suggestions for future research are offered. References are primarily peer reviewed

1 point

professional journals or other approved sources; Numerous relevant scholarly

Prep. 08-10-2009. Prof. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.

Student’s Score

SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process… 86

sources (and primary sources, where available and appropriate) demonstrating extensive, in-depth research; little reliance on tertiary sources. Demonstrate a comprehensive grasp of

1 point

significant ideas to reach a higher level of understanding in an organizational manner. Language Demonstrates a command of standard

1 point

English (vocabulary, syntax and flow of ideas) Uses spelling, punctuation, capitalization,

1 point

and APA style correctly. The level of formality used in the report is

1 point

adequate to the nature of the document. Total Points

10 (70% content


and 30% language)

Total score:

Facilitator’s signature: ________________________ Note: The score obtained by the student should be recorded as follows: • • • •

Excellent: Good: Fair: Needs improvement:

1.00 point 0.75 point 0.50 point 0.25 point

NOTE: If the student submits a research paper instead, Appendix L will apply for evaluation.

Prep. 08-10-2009. Prof. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.

SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process… 87

Anejo L/Appendix L Research paper rubric Student name: _____________________________________________________ Topic: __________________________________ Date: ____________________ Criteria

Value Points Content

Thesis clearly and concisely states the

1 point

purpose. Is engaging and relevant. Previews the structure of the paper. No errors. Balanced presentation of relevant and

1 point

legitimate information that clearly supports a central purpose or argument and shows a thoughtful, in-depth analysis of a significant topic. Reader gains important insights. The conclusion is engaging and restates personal learning. Organized and draws facts together in coherent way. No errors. The tone of the report is consistently

1 point

professional and appropriate. The writer makes succinct and precise

1 point

conclusions based on the review of literature. Suggestions for future research are offered. References are primarily peer reviewed

1 point

professional journals or other approved sources; Numerous relevant scholarly sources (and primary sources, where available and appropriate) demonstrating

Prep. 08-10-2009. Prof. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.

Student’s Score

SPED 295 Evaluation and Assessment Process… 88

extensive, in-depth research; little reliance on tertiary sources. Demonstrate a comprehensive grasp of

1 point

significant ideas to reach a higher level of understanding in an organizational manner. Language Demonstrates a command of standard

1 point

English (vocabulary, syntax and flow of ideas) Uses spelling, punctuation, capitalization,

1 point

and APA style correctly. The level of formality used in the report is

1 point

adequate to the nature of the document. Total Points

10 (70% content


and 30% language)

Total score:

Facilitator’s signature: ________________________ Note: The score obtained by the student should be recorded as follows: • • • •

Excellent: Good: Fair: Needs improvement:

1.00 point 0.75 point 0.50 point 0.25 point

Prep. 08-10-2009. Prof. Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed.

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