Teaching Plan. Grandes inventos gives

Teaching Plan EDL Level Guided Reading Level Intervention Level 16 I 16 Grandes inventos gives an overview of some of history’s most important creat

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Teaching Plan EDL Level Guided Reading Level Intervention Level

16 I 16

Grandes inventos gives an overview of some of history’s most important creations, from the earliest tools and the wheel to more recent inventions like the automobile and the personal computer.

Nonfiction Genre • Reference Nonfiction Features • Contents • Headings • Index • Labels • Tabbing Device Text Structure • Enumerative • Chronological

Vocabulary • inventos • funcionar • información • enlazar

Content Area Connection: History • Understand how inventions have

Comprehension • Identify Text Organization

You may want to use Grandes inventos when teaching the following social studies topic: • Inventions

and Structure

Writing • Write a reference text.

improved lifestyles over time.

Curriculum Support

Cross-Text Reading • Invención del teléfono, an iOpeners Grade 1 social studies title

1 Introduce the Book Introduce the Nonfiction Genre: Reference • Display the book cover. Read aloud the title and the author’s name. Tell children that this book is a reference book. It contains chapters about specific inventions and how each invention has changed over the years. Photographs help the author show how inventions have changed from the time of their creation until today.

• Remind children that because this book is a reference text, it is not necessary to read the book from beginning to end. Instead, readers can use the contents or index to find information on the specific invention they want to read about.

• ¿Cómo podría este libro ayudarte a escribir un informe acerca de cómo se inventó la rueda?

Activate or Build Background • If possible, show children a light bulb. Ask them to identify it and tell what it is used for. Call on a child to demonstrate the use of a light bulb by turning off and on the classroom lights.

• Briefly discuss that many years ago, there were no light bulbs. People had to use candles or oil lamps for light. Then one man had an idea for a new kind of light source, and he invented (or created) the light bulb.

• ¿Fue la bombilla un gran invento? ¿Por qué lo crees así? ¿Cómo sería diferente nuestra vida si no se hubiera inventado la bombilla?

Preview and Predict • Read aloud the contents on page 2. ¿Acerca de qué tipos de inventos leerás en este libro? ¿Qué crees que aprenderás acerca de los inventos?

• ¿Cómo crees que están organizados los temas en este libro? ¿Qué te hace pensar así?

• ¿Acerca de cuál invento en este libro te interesa saber más? ¿Por qué?

Introduce Vocabulary You may want to introduce the following words before reading:

• inventos: cosas nuevas que alguien hace o en las que piensa

• funcionar: trabajar por medio de energía • información: datos y cifras • enlazar: unir, conectar

2 How to Read a Reference Book LEARN ABOUT BOOK ORGANIZATION

• Contents: Turn to page 2, and identify the contents. Explain that the contents lists the chapter titles and tells on which page each chapter begins. Readers can choose which chapter to read by locating the chapter title and the corresponding page number. If readers only want to read about one invention, they can use the contents to find that chapter. That way they do not have to read the whole book to find one piece of information.

• Tabbing device: Turn to page 4, and point out the small illustration of an early tool at the top of the page. Explain that this illustration is designed to help readers find a particular place in a book. Whenever children see this particular illustration, they know they will find information about tools on the page. Page through the book, stopping at various illustrations and connecting them to the materials on the page. Then turn to page 2 and point out that the illustrations also appear in the contents. They provide readers another clue as to the information they will find in each chapter.

• Index: Call attention to the index on page 16. Tell children that the index lists important topics from the book in alphabetical order. An index helps readers quickly find the information they want to locate. Model how to use the index: Si quiero leer acerca de computadoras personales, puedo ir a las páginas 14 y 15.


• Headings: Have children turn to pages 4 and 5. Direct their attention to the pictures of the various tools. Read aloud the heading at the top of the page. Explain to children that the heading matches the chapter title from the contents on page 2. Point out that the heading tells what the chapter will be about: Este capítulo trata acerca de herramientas.

• Labels: Point out the labels on pages 8 and 9, and read them aloud with children. Explain that each label identifies what is shown in the photograph directly above it. A reader can use the labels to compare and contrast the different types of printing presses built over the years.


• Turn to page 3. Read the text aloud with children. ¿De qué trata principalmente esta página? ¿Qué palabras e ilustraciones te ayudan a saber de qué tratará el libro? Identify Main Idea/Details

• Challenge children to locate information about printing presses. ¿Por qué antes se tardaba mucho en escribir libros? ¿Qué sucedió como resultado de la invención de la prensa de imprenta? Identify Cause and Effect

• Ask children to think about what they could do if they wanted to know about personal computers. Then have them use this reference book to find information about personal computers. Finally, have them make a list of the steps they followed to locate the information in the book. Sequence of Events

• Ask children to think about how this book is organized. ¿De qué manera cada capítulo del libro presenta información acerca de un tema? ¿Cómo está organizada la información en cada capítulo? ¿La organización del libro hace que éste sea más fácil o más difícil de leer? ¿Por qué piensas así? Identify Text Organization and Structure

ESL/ELL Strategy To help children understand the inventions presented in the book, page through the book. Use a sentence to identify each object in English (This is an airplane.), and have children repeat after you. Then go back through the book, point to an object, and call on a volunteer to name it in English.

Reread the Book • After children reread the text, use the graphic organizer on the back cover to help them summarize what they have learned.

• Remind children that the author wrote this book to explain about inventions and how they have changed over time. ¿Cómo te ayudaron las fotografías y rótulos del libro a aprender más acerca de los inventos?

• ¿Cuál invento en el libro crees que es el más importante? ¿Por qué piensas así? Answers to Student Book Questions 1. Las respuestas variarán pero pueden incluir: Ayudan al lector a encontrar información acerca de inventos específicos. 2. Las respuestas variarán pero pueden incluir: El teléfono, porque las ilustraciones de los teléfonos antiguos se ven muy diferentes a los teléfonos de hoy. 3. Las respuestas variarán.

3 Learn Through the Text SOCIAL STUDIES: Timeline Use Grandes inventos to reinforce children’s understanding of the reasons why people invent things.

• Remind children that they just read about different kinds of inventions. Ask children to discuss what they think motivates someone to invent something.

• Have children turn to pages 8 and 9. Encourage children to speculate about what life might have been like before the printing press was invented. ¿Cómo se escribían los libros antes de inventar la prensa de imprenta? ¿Crees que había mucha gente que tenía libros? ¿Por qué?

• Tell children that the printing press was invented more than 500 years ago by a German inventor named Johannes Gutenberg. ¿Por qué crees que Gutenberg quería inventar la prensa de imprenta?

• Discuss with children the work that might have gone

COMPREHENSION: Identify Text Organization and Structure • Tell children that authors organize information in books in different ways. Explain that it is easier to find and understand the information a reader is looking for if the reader knows how a book is organized.

• Turn to page 2, and reread the contents. Remind children that the author organized this book so that each chapter tells about a different invention. The chapter headings tell the reader what to expect when reading those pages.

• ¿Cómo te ayuda la organización de este libro a encontrar información? ¿Dónde buscarías información acerca del auto? ¿Dónde buscarías información acerca de la rueda? ¿Dónde buscarías información acerca de la computadora personal?

into the invention. ¿Cómo crees que a Gutenberg se le ocurrió la idea de la prensa de imprenta? ¿Cuánto tiempo crees que le tomó hacer el invento? ¿Qué dificultades crees que enfrentó?

• If possible, help children research other famous inventors and the motivations for their inventions.

WRITING Write a Reference Text Have children use what they have learned about reference text to write a class text about another great invention, such as television, radio, or video games.

• Brainstorm and decide on a topic with children. • As necessary, work with children to find simple facts in books or on the Internet about forms of the invention over time.

• Write a heading that names the invention at the top of a sheet of chart paper. Then work with children to write a brief description of life before and after the invention.

• Have volunteers illustrate the invention at different points in time, placing the drawings in chronological sequence. Help children label each drawing.

• When the writing has been completed, call on volunteers to read the text and labels.

• Display the pages on a bulletin board in the classroom.

Grandes inventos Organizador gráfico Nombre

Cómo los inventos cambiaron la vida de la gente Antes del invento

Después del invento



prensa de imprenta



computadora personal

Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Celebration Press, an imprint of Pearson Learning Group, 299 Jefferson Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, except for the Reproducible Graphic Organizer, which may be reproduced for classroom use only. For information regarding permission(s), write to Rights and Permissions Department.

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