Teaching Plan. The Earth has many. different regions. Enciclopedia de lugares describes six of those regions and some of their features

Teaching Plan EDL Level 6 Guided Reading Level C Intervention Level 4 The Earth has many different regions. Enciclopedia de lugares describes si

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Teaching Plan EDL Level


Guided Reading Level


Intervention Level


The Earth has many different regions. Enciclopedia de lugares describes six of those regions and some of their features.

Nonfiction Genre • Reference Nonfiction Features • Contents • Headings • Labels • Index Text Structure • Enumerative

Vocabulary • lugares • mundo • descubrir Comprehension • Classify/Categorize Writing • Write a reference text.

Content Area Connection: Geography • Understand different regions of the Earth and describe their characteristics.

Curriculum Support You may want to use Enciclopedia de lugares when teaching the following social studies topic: • Our Earth

Cross-Text Reading • Un viaje a la playa, an iOpeners Grade K social studies title, and ¿Dónde crecen las plantas?, an iOpeners Grade K science title

1 Introduce the Book Introduce the Nonfiction Genre: Reference • Display the book cover, and read aloud the title. Tell children that an encyclopedia is one kind of reference text. Explain that some encyclopedias contain information on a wide variety of topics, whereas others have information on different aspects of one specific topic. Point out that this encyclopedia contains information about one specific topic: places on our Earth.

Activate or Build Background • Explain that there are many different kinds of places in the world. Display pictures of a variety of regions.

• Ask children to tell what they know about

• Tell children that each section of the encyclopedia is about a different place on Earth. The sections are arranged in alphabetical order according to the names of the places. Remind children that because Enciclopedia de lugares is a reference book, it is not necessary to read the entire book from start to finish. Instead, readers need only read the section of the book that covers the place they’re interested in.

each one. You can record children‘s responses on the chalkboard in a chart like the one below. Lugarforest

Cómo es


muchos árboles


agua; peces; ranas


lluviosa; árboles y flores


arena; caliente y seco

• ¿Cuándo querrías leer este libro? ¿Cómo podría ayudarte si estuvieses escribiendo acerca de una montaña u otro tipo de lugar en la Tierra?

Introduce Vocabulary You may want to introduce the following words before reading:

• lugares: áreas • mundo: un nombre para la Tierra y todo lo que hay en ella • descubrir: aprender acerca de algo

Preview and Predict • Read the chapter titles in the contents on page 2. Browse through the book with children.

• ¿Sobre qué tipo de lugares leerás en este libro? ¿Qué crees que aprenderás sobre esos lugares?

• ¿Qué crees que será lo más interesante para ti de este libro?

2 How to Read a Reference Book LEARN ABOUT BOOK ORGANIZATION

• Contents: Turn to page 2. Tell children that the information on this page is called a contents. Explain that the contents lists all the chapters in the book in the order in which they appear in the book. Point to the first chapter title, and read it aloud. Show children how to use their finger to track across the page until they find the corresponding page number. Demonstrate how to use the contents by telling children that page 4 is where they will find information about forests.

• Index: Direct children’s attention to the index on page 16. Tell children that the index lists topics from the book in alphabetical order. An index helps the reader quickly see where information can be found in the book. That way a reader does not have to read the whole book to find one piece of information. Model how to use the index: Si quiero leer sobre montañas, puedo buscar la palabra montañas en el índice. Los números de página junto a la palabra me dicen que puedo ir a las páginas 10 y 11 para encontrar información sobre las montañas.


• Headings: Direct children’s attention to page 4. Point to the heading at the top of the page, and read it aloud. Explain to children that the heading matches the chapter title from the contents on page 2. Point out that the heading tells what the chapter will be about: Este capítulo tratará acerca de los bosques. Tell children that the heading is always the first thing that should be read on a page; that is why it appears in large type.

• Labels: Display page 5. Point to the photograph of a pinecone and the corresponding label below it. Read the label, and explain that it names the item that the photograph shows. Continue by pointing out the remaining photographs and labels on the page.


• Turn to page 3. Read aloud the text, and help children follow along by tracking the print from left to right. ¿De qué trata principalmente este libro? ¿Cómo lo sabes? Identify Main Idea/Details

• Direct children’s attention to the photograph of the pond on page 8. Read aloud the text as children track the print from left to right. ¿Qué podrías encontrar en una laguna? Echemos un vistazo a la página 9 para averiguarlo. Predict

• Have children look at the photographs on page 15. ¿Dónde se puede encontrar todas las cosas en esta página? ¿Cuáles de ellas son plantas? ¿Cuáles de ellas son animales? Classify/Categorize

• Imagina que quieres aprender sobre el desierto. ¿Cómo podrías usar este libro para averiguar sobre el desierto? Dime, de forma ordenada, qué pasos seguirías para encontrar esa información en este libro. ¿Podrías encontrarla de otra manera? ¿Cómo? Sequence of Events

ESL/ELL Strategy To help children understand the places presented in the book, page through the book. Use a sentence in English to identify each place (This is a beach.), and have children repeat after you. Then go back through the book, point to a place, and call on a volunteer to name it in English.

Reread the Book • After rereading the text, work with children to summarize the text by completing the graphic organizer on the back cover with them.

• Discuss the text structure of the book. ¿Cómo está organizada la información en este libro? ¿Por qué crees que está agrupada de esta manera?

• ¿Qué lugar te parece más interesante? ¿Con qué letra comienza su nombre? Answers to Student Book Questions 1. Las respuestas variarán, pero pueden incluir: Tiene información sobre muchos tipos de lugares diferentes; los lugares aparecen en listas en orden alfabético. 2. Las respuestas variarán, pero pueden incluir: Camellos, lagartijas, escorpiones. 3. Las respuestas variarán.

3 Learn Through the Text SOCIAL STUDIES: Where Am I? Use Enciclopedia de lugares to help children understand different regions on Earth and describe their characteristics.

• Turn to pages 4 and 5, and ask the following questions: ¿Cómo se llama este lugar? ¿Qué es un bosque? ¿Qué animales podrías ver aquí? ¿Qué plantas podrías ver aquí? ¿Qué podrías hacer aquí?

• Follow the same procedure with other regions shown in the book.

• Use the following script to play a guessing game, “¿Dónde estoy?”

COMPREHENSION: Classify/Categorize • Tell children that things can be grouped or classified according to ways in which they are alike. Explain that thinking about how things belong together can help readers understand what they are reading.

• On the chalkboard, write the words costas, alga marina, concha, and arena. Ask: ¿Acerca de qué lugar hablan todas estas palabras? Explain that these words belong to the same group because they are all names of things found at the beach.

• Repeat with other categories of words from Enciclopedia de lugares.

Estoy en un lugar que tiene árboles, helechos, hongos y pájaros carpinteros. ¿Dónde estoy? Estoy en un lugar que es seco y tiene dunas, cactos y lagartijas. ¿Dónde estoy? Estoy en un lugar que tiene altas formaciones terrestres con picos, nieve, cabras y águilas. ¿Dónde estoy? Estoy en un lugar que tiene una costa, algas marinas y guijarros. ¿Dónde estoy? Estoy cerca de una región ártica. Hace frío. Veo liquen, renos y liebres blancas. ¿Dónde estoy?

WRITING Write a Reference Text Have children use what they have learned about reference text to write an encyclopedia featuring places not included in Enciclopedia de lugares, such as rain forests, prairies, and swamps.

• Brainstorm with children places they would like to write about. Write each place name on a separate sheet of chart paper.

• As necessary, work with children to find information in books or on the Internet about each place they will include in the book.

• Help children write a sentence about each place. Have them base their sentences on the text pattern in the book: Todos/as [nombre del lugar] tienen _____. or Todos/as [nombre del lugar] son _____.

• Have children work together to draw some of the plants, animals, and features of the places. Ask them to dictate labels.

• Work together to arrange the pages in alphabetical order according to place name. • Create a contents and a cover. Bind all the pages together. • Read the book with children before placing it in the classroom library. Encourage children to use the book in the same manner as Enciclopedia de lugares.

Enciclopedia de lugares Organizador gráfico Nombre







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