The imperfect tense: regular verbs (p. 194) he imperfect tense is used to talk about actions that happened repeatedly in the

Realidades ( Nombre Hora Guided Practice ~ c t i v i t i e s ' 4 A - 1 Fecha. The imperfect tense: regular verbs (p. 194) he imperfect tense is

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The imperfect tense: Regular verbs (p. 194)
GPA4A_127-144.qxd 2/2/06 3:33 PM Page 137 Realidades Nombre Hora Fecha Guided Practice Activities 4A-1 The imperfect tense: Regular verbs (p

The Imperfect Tense. -AR Verb. -aba -ábamos -abas aba -aban. -ER and -IR verbs. -ías
The Imperfect Tense 1. The imperfect tense is a past tense. It is known as the narrative past. It is used to describe what “was going on” or what “us

The preterite is the past tense used to express an action completed at a definite time in the past
Preterite Tense The preterite is the past tense used to express an action completed at a definite time in the past. Regular -ar Verbs The preterite of

THE IMPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE The imperfect subjunctive is used in those cases in which the subjunctive is required but the verb of the main clause is in

Verbs in the Present Indicative Tense Lesson Plan
Verbs in the Present Indicative Tense Lesson Plan Video: 15 minutes Lesson: 35 minutes Pre-viewing • :00 Warm-up: Review conjugations for ser and

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Guided Practice ~ c t i v i t i e s ' 4 A - 1


The imperfect tense: regular verbs (p. 194)

he imperfect tense is used to talk about actions that happened repeatedly in the past. Rafael caminaba y Ramiro corria en el parque. Rafael used to walk and Ramiro used to nm in the park. Here are the regular forms of -ar, -er, and -ir verbs in the imperfect tense: Yo t ti usted / 61 / ella nosotros / nosotras vosotros / vosotras ustedes / ellos / ellas.

jugar jugaba jugabas jugaba jugiibamos jugabais jugaban

hacer hacia hacias hacia haciamos haciais hacian

vivir vivia vivias vivia viviamos viviais vivian

These expressions can cue you to use the imperfect: generalmente, por lo general, a menudo, muchas veces, de vez en cuando, todos 10s dias, nunca. A. Write the infinitive form of each underlined verb. The first one is done for you.

1. Pedro jugaba con mufiecos.


2. De pequeiia, Fernanda molestaba a 10s vecinos. 3. Mis vecinos coleccionaban trenes elkctricos.

4. Por' lo general, tti obedecias a tus padres.

5. Yo ofrecia mis bloques a mi prima cuando ella nos visitaba. 6. Nuestros padres no nos permitiiin saltar a la cuerda en la casa.

7. De vez en cuando, corri6mos en la plaza. 8. Todos viviamos en la misma ciudad.

Guided Practice Activities,



1 17




Capitulo 4A




1-' Guided Practice ~ c t i v i t i e s 4A-2



The imperfect tense: regular verbs (continued) B. Complete the sentences below to describe what people used to do. Choose the verb

from the word bank that best completes each sentence. Follow the model. 7





se peleaban




a la cuerda.

.I .


dinosaurios en la escuela primaria.



todos 10s &as.





1 1 8 Guided Practice Activities


a1 tenis 10s domingos.

en la biblioteca 10s fines de semana. 4A-2

Realidades (



Guided Practice Activities



. .

. .

The ikperfed'tense: irregular verbs (p. 196) ~ h e i eare only three irregular verbs in the imperfect tense: ir, ser, and ver. Here are their forms: -- -



tli usted / el / ella nosotros / nosotras vosotros / vosotras ustedes / ellos / ellas




iba ibas iba ibamos ibais iban

era eras era Cramos erais eran

veia veias veia veiamos veiais veian '

A. Write the infinitive of the underlined verb in each sentence. Use the chart above to

help you. Follow the model.

m Clara y Nubia eran mis amigas.


1. Por lo general, yo veia a mis prirnas. 2. Mis prirnos nunca iban conmigo a1 mercado.

3. Mis hermanos y yo Qamos muy traviesos. 4. iTii veias muchas peliculas? B. Complete the following exchanges between a boy and his grandmother. Use the



imperfect form of the verb in parentheses. Follow the model.

m NIETO:Abuelita, itii y tus hermanos iban a la escuela todos 10s dias? ABUELA:






iSi, tu mama iser)

muy traviesa!

iUstedes veian 10s videos en casa?



a la escuela todos 10s dias.

Oye Abuelita, jmi mam5 era muy traviesa de niiia?



Claro, nosotros (ir)

10svideos en casa.

Si, nosotros generalmente (ver)

De nifia, iibas a la guarderia infantil?

ABUELA: NO,yo (ir)

a la casa de mis tios.

Guided practice Activities



1 19

Realidades (


Nombre I





Guided Practice ~ c t i v i t i e r4A-4

Fecha '


lndirect object pronouns (p. 199) An indirect object tells to whom o r for whom something is done. Juliosiempre les escribe cartas a sus amigos. lndirect object pronouns can replace an indirect object. Julio escribi6 una carta a Susana. Juliole escribi6 una carta. lndirect object pronouns, especially l e and les, can also be used with an indirect object. Julio le escribi6 una carta a Susana. Here are the forms of the indirect object pronouns: Singular


me (to 1 for) me

nos (to / for) us

t e (to / for) you (familiar)

os (to / for) you (familiar)

le (to / for) him, her, you (formal)

les (to / for) them, you (formal)

lndirect object pronouns are placed before the verb or attached to the infinitive. Mi abuela nunca m e queria d a r dinero e n mi cumpleaiios. Mi abuela nunca queria darme dinero e n mi cumpleaiios.

A. Look at the underlined word in each sentence. If it is an indirect object pronoun, write Si. If it is not, write No.

1. Yo le pido a mam6 una muiieca. 2. . Mam6 m e da un oso de peluche.

3. . Carlos y yo l e ofrecemos unos chocolates. 4. Claudia va a comprarnos -ropa.

5. Roberto les ofrece e l triciclo a sus hermanas. B. Circle the appropriate indirect object pronoun in parentheses to complete each sentence. The first one is done for you.

1. Generalmente mi abuela (@/ m e ) compraba muchos juguetes a nosotros. 2. Mami5 y yo siempre ( le / nos ) d6bamos tarjetas bonitas a l a tia.

3. Yo ( te / l e ) ofrecia dulces a t i e n l a escuela primaria.

4. Tti siempre ( les / te ) dabas osos de peluche a rnis hermanas. 120 Guided Practice Activities




WEB CODE jdd-0406

I l I I c h o o l . c o m






Guided Practice Activities


Lectura: El grillo y el jaguar (pp. 202-203) Making predictions is a useful strategy to help prepare you for a reading. A. The reading in your textbook is a fable from Mexico. Look at the title of the reading

and the pictures. Using the fables you know as guide, list three things that you think might happen in the reading.

B. In the following paragraph from the reading, the jaguar challenges the cricket to a

race. Read the paragraph and circle the option that describes what you think will happen.


-Vamos a hacer una c a r r e r a hasta aquella roca enorme que estci por donde empiezan /as montaiias. Si /legas primero, t e perdono todo y puedes seguir cantando, pero si llego primer0 yo, t e prohibo c a n t a r .


1. El grillo gana la carrera y puede seguir cantando. 2. El jaguar gana la carrera y el grillo no puede cantar. C. Write the letter of the answer that best completes each sentence based on the fable El grillo y el jaguar.

1. Los personajes principales (maincharacters) de esta fiibula son: a. El grillo y el jaguar .b. El jaguar y el jardin c. El grillo y el lago 2. El problema de esta fiibula es: a. El grillo quiere correr tan riipidamente como el jaguar. b. El jaguar quiere cantar. c. A1 jaguar no le gusta la canci6n del grille. 3. La moraleja (moral) de esta fiibula es: a. El grillo gana porque corre miis riipidamente. b. El grillo gana porque el jaguar es sirnpiitico. c. El grillo gana porque es miis inteligente.

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Hora V


Guided Practice ~ c t i v i h e s4A-6


Presentacion oral (p. 205) Task: Describe what you were like when you were a small child and draw a series of pictures that illustrate your sentences.

A. Think about what you were like when you were a small child, what things you used to do, and what things you weren't allowed to do. Then complete the following sentences.

1. Cuando era niiio(a), era


2. Yo jugaba con 3. M e gustaba jugar

4. Yo tenia que

5. Mis padres no m e permitian B. On a separate sheet of paper, make a drawing or cut out pictures from a magazine to illustrate each sentence from part A. Number your pictures 1 to 5. C. Use your sentences from part A and your drawings from part B to prepare your presentation. You can practice your presentation with a psrtner. Make sure that:

your sentences describe the order you use complete sentences you speak clearly so that you can be understood D. Talk about what you were like when you were a child. Use your pictures during the presentation. You can follow the model.


D e nifio(a) yo e r a obediente. Yo jugaba con mis ami 0s. M e gustaba jugor con mi triciclo. Yo tenia que p o r t a r m e bien. A i s padres no me permifian saltor en / a cama.

E. Your teacher will probably grade you on the following:

the amount of information you communicate how easy it is to understand you the quality of visuals

122 Guided Practice Activities




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