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The Mystery of the Secret Path

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Story Transcript


By: Ashen Hycind

I would like to express my special thanks to my teacher Anuradha Ma’am as well as our principal Sindhuja Ma’am who gave me the golden opportunity to this wonderful book. Secondly, I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me out a lot in finishing this book.

Ashen Hycind is a teenager who loves reading adventure stories. He studies in The Foundation School. He loves to add fictional characters to his stories and bring some life to it.

1 THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS It was a bright and warm summer in the (name of the place). The boys were deciding what to do for their holidays. “How about we stay at home?” asked Aiden. He did not like exploring new places. Jack did not let Aiden complete his sentence. “We are not sitting at home again. We listened to you last year and we got bored out of our mind.” were going to go camping in the other side of time. Allen just interrupted both of them and convinced Aiden to get out of the house for once during their holidays.

Allen was the smart kid amongst the trio. He could easily convince people to get his way. Aiden finally agreed to go camping on the other side of the hill.

2 THE TRIO GETS READY They rushed to pack their bags. Allen and Jack packed their bags in a jiffy while Aiden just couldn’t decide what he would need. Jack decided he was not going to let Aiden make them late. So, he just dumped everything Aiden would need in his bag. “Hey I was going to pack” scowled Aiden. “I don’t care you are just going to take your sweet time and then Mom would not let us leave if it is late,” shouted Jack. Their mom packed them lunch for a day. She packed some sandwiches and some orange juice.

“Allen, did you grab a map for the journey?” asked their mother. Allen replied,” Yes Mom. I even marked some places where we can get some extra food in case Jack finishes our share.” “Are we ready to leave yet?” asked Jack. Who was upset that his brother thought that he would finish all of their food. Aiden slowly walked down the stairs and said “I’m ready”

3 THE LONG RIDE And off they went riding their cycles. With their backpacks on their back. Aiden who usually didn’t like the outdoors saw the beauty even though he was tired of riding uphill. Jack said “Can we stop here and have some juice? I’m too tired to go any further” All of them agreed without hesitating for a moment. They all sat down and enjoyed the birds chirping and the cool breeze. The trees seemed to be dancing in the wind.

on their cycles near the old abandoned cottage. No one dared to go near this place. But the boys didn’t mind they loved a good adventure. Well, everyone but Aiden. But still, he didn’t want his brothers to miss out because of him. So, he just kept quiet and went along. They finally reached the hill half past noon so they all agreed to sit down and have their lunch. They opened their basket and they each ate their sandwiches. Jack kept wolfing down his lunch while Aiden shouted,” Hey save some for later. I am not going to give you any if you end up with nothing”. After a good lunch they began to search for a nice place to go

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