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tu dieta guía del profesor
Editors: Brian A. Jerome Ph.D. Stephanie Zak Jerome Assistant Editors: Louise Marrier Josh Hummel Graphics: Fred Thodal
a message from our company | viewing clearances | use and copyright
a message from our company . . . Visual Learning is a Vermont-based, family owned company specializing in the creation of science programs. As former classroom science teachers, we have designed our programs to meet the needs and interests of both students and teachers. Our mission is to help educators and students meet educational goals while experiencing the thrill of science! viewing clearances
The video and accompanying teacher’s guide are for instructional use only. In showing these programs, no admission charges are to be incurred. The programs are to be utilized in face-to-face classroom instructional settings, library settings, or similar instructional settings. Duplication rights are available, but must be negotiated with visual learning systems. Television, cable, or satellite rights are also available, but must be negotiated with visual learning systems. Closed circuit rights are available, and are defined as the use of the program beyond a single classroom but within a single campus. Institutions wishing to utilize the program in multiple campuses must purchase the multiple campus version of the program, available at a slightly higher fee. Video streaming rights are available and must be negotiated with visual learning systems. Discounts may be granted to institutions interested in purchasing programs in large quantities. These discounts may be negotiated with visual learning systems.
use and copyright
The purchase of this video program entitles the user the right to reproduce or duplicate, in whole or in part, this teacher’s guide and the black line master handouts for the purpose of teaching in conjunction with this video, tu dieta. The right is restricted only for use with this video program. Any reproduction or duplication, in whole or in part, of this guide and student masters for any purpose other than for use with this video program is prohibited.
The video and this teacher’s guide are the exclusive property of the copyright holder. Copying, transmitting, or reproducing in any form, or by any means, without prior written permission from the copyright holder is prohibited (Title 17, U.S. Code Sections 501 and 506). Copyright © 2013 ISBN 1-59234-874-9
tu dieta
teacher’s guide a message from our company
viewing clearances
use and copyright
student learning objectives
introducing the program
program viewing suggestions
literature connections
key vocabulary
video script
answer key to student assessments
answer key to student activities
las actividades del estudiante ¿qué sabe ahora?
¿qué ha aprendido?
revisión del video
evaluación del video
una dieta saludable
mi plato
tu dieta
student learning objectives | assessment
student learning objectives Upon viewing the video and completing the enclosed student activities, students will be able to do the following: 1 Understand
that all living things need energy to live. Also know that food contains energy. 2 Explain that nutrients are substances in food that provide energy and other things needed by the body. 3 List and describe some types of nutrients such as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Cite some examples of foods rich in these nutrients. 4 Describe some of the general differences between a healthy diet and an unhealthy diet. 5 Differentiate between “junk foods” and healthy foods. 6 Understand what a food group is. Provide examples of some food groups and specific foods they contain. 7 Generally explain how the “My Plate” diet planning strategy works.
assessment what do you know now? (p. 10): This preliminary assessment is an assessment tool designed to gain an understanding of students’ preexisting knowledge. It can also be used as a benchmark upon which to assess student progress based on the objectives stated on the previous pages. what have you learned? (p. 11): This post assessment can be utilized as an assessment tool following student completion of the program and student activities. The results of this assessment can be compared against the results of the preliminary assessment to assess student progress. video review (p. 12): The video review can be used as an assessment tool or as a student activity. There are two sections. The first part contains questions displayed during the program. The second part consists of a five-question video quiz to be answered at the end of the video.
tu dieta
Before showing students the video hold up an apple and a bag of chips. Ask students how they think these foods are different from each other. Then ask them which one is a healthier choice for a snack. Ask them to explain their reasoning. Next, write the term “diet” on the board. Ask students if they have ever heard adults talking about being on a diet. Explain that everyone has a diet. A person’s diet includes the amounts and types of foods they eat. Explain that some diets are healthier than others. Tell students to pay close attention to the video to learn more about a healthy diet.
program viewing suggestions The student master “video review” is provided (p. 12) for distribution to students. You may choose to have your students complete this master while viewing the program or do so upon its conclusion. The program is approximately 10 to 12 minutes in length and includes a five-question video quiz. Answers are not provided to the video quiz in the video, but are included in this guide on page 9. You may choose to grade student quizzes as an assessment tool or to review the answers in class.
introducing the program | program viewing suggestions | literature connections
introducing the program
The video is content-rich with numerous vocabulary words. For this reason you may want to periodically stop the video to review and discuss new terminology and concepts.
literature connections Gibbons, Gail. The Vegetables We Eat. New York: Holiday House, 2008. Maze, Stephanie. Healthy Foods from A to Z/Comida sana de la A a la Z. Sarasota: Moonstone Press, 2012. Olsen, Gillia M. MyPlate and You. North Mankato: Capstone Press, 2011. Rockwell, Lizzy. Good Enough to Eat: A Kid’s Guide to Food and Nutrition. New York: HarperCollins, 2009. Schaefer, A. R. Healthy Food. Chicago: Heinemann, 2009.
tu dieta
key vocabulary |video script
key vocabulary
food nutrients proteins fats
carbohydrates healthy diet my plate fruit group
vegetable group grains group protein group dairy group
video script 01
02 Think
about some of the things you have had to eat or drink today. you had cereal or toast for breakfast. 04 Perhaps you drank some juice. 05 For a snack maybe you had milk, fruit, or crackers. 06 All the things we eat and drink make up our diet. 07 What exactly is a diet? 08 What foods make up a healthy diet? 09 How are the different foods in your diet grouped and described? 10 And, how do you go about eating and drinking healthy things? 11 During the next few minutes we are going to answer these questions,... 12 ... and others as we investigate your diet. 03 Maybe
why do we eat?
14 Have
you ever felt really hungry? hungry is the body’s way of telling you it needs food.
15 Feeling
you 16 Why does the body need food? decide 17 The body needs food because food contains energy. 18 And,
the body needs energy to survive. need food for your muscles to work... 20 ... to think... 21 ... and to do the things you do everyday. 22 All living things need energy to live. And food provides living things with energy. 19 You
what’s in food?
24 You
know that there are many different kinds of food. may really like eating some foods,... 26 ... and you may dislike others. 25 You
tu dieta
you decide
video script
you compare
27 How
is this strawberry different from this piece of cheese? 28 One difference is that the strawberry is sweet and the cheese is not. 29 Not only do these foods taste different from each other, but they contain different nutrients. What exactly are nutrients? 30 Nutrients are substances in food that provide energy and other things the body needs. 31 There are several kinds of nutrients. So, let’s take a look at a few them. 32 Nutrients called proteins, are abundant in foods such as meats, eggs, and milk. Proteins are needed in the body for growth, cell repair, and many other activities. 33 Other nutrients called fats, found in oils and fatty meats, are needed for growth and cell development. 34 Nutrients called carbohydrates, found in pasta, breads, and fruits provide the body with energy. 35 These are just a few of the nutrients that the body needs. 36
healthy diet
37 You
may have heard people talk about being on a diet. 38 They are usually talking about eating in a way to help them lose weight. 39 But, the word diet actually means a pattern of eating. So, in a way we’re all on a diet. 40 The body needs a healthy diet to work correctly. This means it needs the right amounts and the right kinds of food to stay healthy. 41 You wouldn’t use soda to fuel this lawnmower. 42 In the same way you shouldn’t put bad foods into your body. 43 Which
group of foods is the best choice for a snack? right, the fruits and the nuts are the best choice. 45 The other foods, sometimes called junk foods, are not the best choice. 46 Junk foods often don’t contain enough healthy nutrients that the body needs. 44 That’s
my plate
48 Have
you ever wondered how you go about eating a healthy diet? way to help you organize your diet uses food groups that are overlaid on a regular plate. A food group includes many foods that are similar to each other. 50 Using this diet planning technique called “My Plate” there are several main food groups. 51 For example, the fruit group includes many of the fruits you know well like apples, grapes, and pears, to name just a few. 52 You’re probably also very familiar with the vegetable group which include carrots, peas, corn, and many, many others. 49 One
tu dieta
video script
may not be as familiar with the grains group. Some of the many examples of grains include oatmeal, brown rice, and whole wheat bread. 54 The protein group includes foods made from meats, seafood, poultry, as well as eggs, beans, nuts, and seeds. 55 Another food group outside your plate is dairy. 56 This includes milk as well as foods made from milk like cheese and yogurt. 57 As you can see the plate is divided into food groups that occupy different areas of the plate. 53 You
you decide
58 About
how much of your plate should be filled by fruits and vegetables? recommended that fruits and vegetables take up about half of your plate. 60 Grains, such as brown rice, take up about one quarter. 61 And proteins, such as meats or beans, should take up the other quarter. 62 And, for dairy you might have a glass of milk or a yogurt. 63 Generally speaking, this way of eating will guide you toward eating a wellbalanced and healthy diet. 59 It’s
video review
video quiz
65 During
the past few minutes, we explored some of the interesting aspects of your diet. 66 We began by learning that the body needs food because food contains energy. 67 Foods also contain different nutrients that the body needs for energy and other purposes. 68 Some of the major nutrients were highlighted including proteins, fats , and carbohydrates. 69 We also saw that some foods are healthier for the body than other foods. 70 Next, we learned that food is often placed into categories called food groups. 71 A guide called “My Plate” uses food groups to plan meals. 72 This rounded out our exploration of your diet. 74 Fill
in the the blank with the correct word to complete the sentence. Feeling hungry is the body’s way of telling you that it needs _____. 76 2. Food contains _____ that the body needs. 77 3. Protein and fats are types of _____. 78 4. _____ food contains few nutrients the body needs. 79 5. These foods are in the _____ food group. 75 1.
tu dieta
¿qué sabe ahora? (pág. 10) 1 energía 2 comida 3 nutrientes 4 proteína 5 panes y pastas 6 un patrón de alimentación 7 suficientes nutrientes buenos 8 zanahoria 9 grupos alimenticios 10 alimentos similares entre ellos revisión del video (pág. 12) 1 El cuerpo necesita comida porque los alimentos contienen energía. 2 Una diferencia es que la fresa es dulce y el queso no lo es. 3 Las frutas y los frutos secos son la mejor opción.
¿qué ha aprendido? (pág. 11) 1 nutrientes 2 zanahoria 3 alimentos similares entre ellos 4 comida 5 suficientes nutrientes buenos 6 proteína 7 grupos alimenticios 8 panes y pastas 9 energía 10 un patrón de alimentación evaluación del video (pág. 12) 1 comida 2 energía 3 nutrientes 4 basura 5 fruta
Clave de respuestas para las actividades del estudiante nutrientes (pág. 13) 1 Frutas como la manzana son ricas en carbohidratos. 2 Alimentos tales como quesos y algunas carnes tienen una gran cantidad de grasa. 3 Alimentos tales como el huevo, las carnes y los frijoles tienen una gran cantidad de proteínas.
answer key to student assessments | answer key to student activities
Clave de respuestas para la evaluación del estudiante
una dieta saludable (pág. 14) Desayuno: huevo, jugo y pan integral tostado Almuerzo: de manzana, ensalada y sándwich de jamón Comida principal: zanahorias, pollo y leche Refrigerio: naranja, manzana, nueces y zanahorias son buenas opciones para un refrigerio.
mi plato (pág. 15)
Posibles respuestas incluyen los siguientes: frutas: manzanas, peras, duraznos, uvas y melón verduras: zanahorias, ejotes, guisantes y maíz granos: arroz, pan integral proteínas: pollo, pescado, carne de res magra lácteos: yogurt o leche
tu dieta
¿qué sabe ahora?
Seleccione la mejor respuesta para cada una de las siguientes preguntas.
¿Qué necesita todo ser vivo?
¿Mediante qué obtiene nuestro cuerpo la energía?
hierba energía suelo personas
¿Qué es una dieta?
¿Qué no contiene la comida chatarra?
comida lluvia agua madera
¿Qué tiene la comida, para darnos energía y otras cosas?
humedad cero calorías nutrientes aire
¿Qué nutriente tienen en el huevo, la carne, los frijoles y la leche en gran cantidad?
¿Qué comidas tienen muchos carbohidratos? agua y aire huevos y pescado vitaminas panes y pastas
10 | tu dieta
calorías agua suficientes nutrientes buenos grasa
¿Cuál de las siguientes no es comida chatarra? dulces zanahoria soda papas fritas
¿En qué se basa el sistema de planeación “Mi Plato”? grupos alimenticios comida chatarra sólo fruta sólo carnes
sal proteína aire jugo
un patrón de alimentación una manera de adelgazar pérdida de peso aumento de peso
¿Qué es un grupo alimenticio? alimentos que no son iguales sólo frutas y verduras todas las comidas con grasa alimentos similares entre ellos
visual learning systems
¿qué ha aprendido?
Seleccione la mejor respuesta para cada una de las siguientes preguntas.
¿Qué tiene la comida, para darnos energía y otras cosas?
humedad cero calorías nutrientes aire
¿Cuál de las siguientes no es comida chatarra? dulces zanahoria soda papas fritas
¿Qué es un grupo alimenticio? alimentos que no son iguales sólo frutas y verduras todas las comidas con grasa alimentos similares entre ellos ¿Mediante qué obtiene nuestro cuerpo la energía? comida lluvia agua madera
¿Qué no contiene la comida chatarra? calorías agua suficientes nutrientes buenos grasa
visual learning systems
¿Qué nutriente tienen en el huevo, la carne, los frijoles y la leche en gran cantidad? sal proteína aire jugo
¿En qué se basa el sistema de planeación “Mi Plato”?
grupos alimenticios comida chatarra sólo fruta sólo carnes
¿Qué comidas tienen muchos carbohidratos? agua y aire huevos y pescado vitaminas panes y pastas
¿Qué necesita todo ser vivo? hierba energía suelo personas ¿Qué es una dieta? un patrón de alimentación una manera de adelgazar pérdida de peso aumento de peso
tu dieta | 11
revisión del video
decide ¿Por qué el cuerpo necesita comida?
compara ¿En que se distingue esta fresa de este pedazo de queso?
decide ¿Qué grupo de alimentos es la mejor opción para un refrigerio?
evaluación del video El hambre es la manera que tiene el cuerpo de decirte que necesita ____________________. Los alimentos contienen la _________________ que el cuerpo necesita. Las proteínas y las grasas son tipos de ________________________. La comida _______________ contiene pocos de los nutrientes que el cuerpo necesita. Estos alimentos son del grupo de alimentos de las __________________.
12 | tu dieta
visual learning systems
Como ya lo sabes, hay varios tipos de alimentos. Los alimentos contienen distintos tipos de nutrientes. Los nutrientes son sustancias de los alimentos que brindan energía y otras cosas que el cuerpo necesita. Algunos alimentos tienen una gran cantidad de algún tipo de nutriente. Instrucciones: Describe cuál de los alimentos en la imagen son ricos en proteínas, grasas y carbohidratos. Escribe tu respuesta en una oración completa.
visual learning systems
tu dieta | 13
una dieta saludable
El cuerpo necesita una dieta saludable para funcionar bien. Es importante comer una dieta saludable en cada comida. Instrucciones: Encierra en un círculo los alimentos más saludables para cada comida. Haz una lista de bocadillos saludables en el cuadro en blanco.
Desayuno huevo
barra de chocolate
papas fritas
tostadas de pan integral
sándwich de jamón
Comida principal
zanahorias pollo pizza soda leche
14 | tu dieta
visual learning systems
mi plato
Antecedentes: ¿Te has preguntado cómo tener una dieta saludable? Una forma de ayudarte a organizar tu dieta utiliza grupos alimenticios combinados en un plato regular. Un grupo alimenticio incluye varios alimentos que son similares entre sí. Utilizando esta técnica de planificación de la dieta llamada “Mi Plato”, combina varios grupos principales de alimentos. Por ejemplo, el grupo de las frutas incluye muchas frutas que conoces bien, como manzanas, uvas y peras, por nombrar sólo algunas. Probablemente también estés muy familiarizado con el grupo de las verduras, que incluyen zanahorias, guisantes, maíz y muchas, muchas otras. Podrías no estar tan familiarizado con el grupo de los granos. Algunos de los muchos ejemplos de granos son la avena, el arroz integral y el pan integral. El grupo de las proteínas incluye alimentos elaborados a base de carnes, mariscos, aves de corral, así como huevo, frijoles, nueces y semillas. Otro grupo alimenticio fuera de tu plato son los lácteos, que incluyen la leche y alimentos hechos con leche como el queso y el yogurt. Como puedes ver, el plato se divide en grupos alimenticios que ocupan diferentes zonas de tu plato. Instrucciones: Haz un dibujo de alimentos saludables que te gustaría comer esta tarde en el diagrama “mi plato” que está a continuación.
lácteos fruta
verduras proteína
visual learning systems
tu dieta | 15