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The steps in this guide include identifying the purpose of the handout, defining the target audience, outlining the cont

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Story Transcript

Visibility Needs to be Focused on One Idea ©2023 James Feldman Associates, Inc.

Eagles must maintain their focus on their prey ignoring any distractions or potential threats.

©2023 James Feldman Associates, Inc.

©2023 James Feldman Associates, Inc.

©2023 James Feldman Associates, Inc.

©2023 James Feldman Associates, Inc.

©2023 James Feldman Associates, Inc.

Take time to brainstorm your idea

©2023 James Feldman Associates, Inc.

Research your topic to find a central idea that is interesting and relevant

©2023 James Feldman Associates, Inc.

Evaluate and Analyze the pros and cons of each idea and decide on the best solution

©2023 James Feldman Associates, Inc.

©2023 James Feldman Associates, Inc.

Organize your ideas

by taking the time to brainstorm, research, and organize your ideas, you can easily choose a central idea for your presentation.

©2023 James Feldman Associates, Inc.

Understand your audience

by understanding the audience and selecting one idea that is clear, concise, and relevant, you can create a successful presentation that resonates with your audience.

Choose one idea

©2023 James Feldman Associates, Inc.

Focus on relevance

©2023 James Feldman Associates, Inc.

Limit text

©2023 James Feldman Associates, Inc.

use simple shapes

©2023 James Feldman Associates, Inc.

choose colors that contrast

Keep the text concise ©2023 James Feldman Associates, Inc.

Use visuals

©2023 James Feldman Associates, Inc.

A Consistent, Unified Theme

©2023 James Feldman Associates, Inc.

by limiting text, using visuals, and being clear, you can create an effective presentation that conveys your message quickly and effectively.

©2023 James Feldman Associates, Inc.

Practice YOUR Delivery

I use these personalized toothpicks at buffets, sandwiches, etc. I offer them to the meeting professionals @ NC

I use stress balls and give them to attendees. I offer them to the meeting professionals @ NC

You want a free B? I offer them to the meeting professional

The pin has my phone number on the back. I offer them to the meeting professionals @ NC

I always bring chocolates for the meeting professionals and AV crews

I leave these on tables, in breakouts, and at the back of the room where I speak.. I offer them to the meeting professionals @ NC

I include these notices with my pins and shift keys to promote my presentation in order to fill the room.

This foldout brochure attached to my business card gains HUGE visibility. It is always kept!!!!!

During the talk I often provide samples of my hand made chocolates to those that engage with me.

for each presentation i create an infographics that summarizes the key take takeaways

While the focus of an eagle is primarily on hunting and the focus of a great speaker is on delivering a message, both require intense concentration and the ability to tune out distractions in order to achieve their goals.

Visibility Needs to be Focused on One Idea ©2023 James Feldman Associates, Inc.

10 steps to better visibility in your presentations 1)Define your objective: Decide on the purpose of your presentation and the message you want to convey to your audience.

6) Use simple and clear visuals: Use visuals such as images, charts, and diagrams to support your message and make your presentation more engaging.

2)Identify your audience: Consider who your audience is and tailor your presentation to their needs and expectations.

7) Limit the amount of text: Use bullet points and short sentences to convey your message and avoid cluttering your slides with too much text.

3)Research your topic: Gather information and data to support your main idea and ensure that your presentation is informative and accurate.

8) Use a consistent theme: Use a consistent theme throughout your presentation to create a sense of cohesion and make your presentation more visually appealing.

4)Create an outline: Create an outline of your presentation to help you organize your thoughts and ensure that you stay on track.

9)Use color effectively: Use color to highlight important points and make your presentation more visually appealing but avoid using too many colors that can make your presentation look cluttered.

5) Choose a clear and concise idea: Choose one main idea or message to focus on and use it as the foundation for your entire presentation.

10) Practice your delivery: Practice your delivery to ensure that you can deliver your presentation effectively and engage your audience.

©2023 James Feldman Associates, Inc.

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