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8 18 21 24 42 43 2E

Contents Secrets Unsealed is an officially incorporated 501(c)3 non-profit organization which is committed to upholding, proclaiming and multiplying the unique end-time present truth message which God has entrusted to the Seventh-day Adventist Church to proclaim to the world. Ever conscious of the sacredness of God’s holy truth, we hold high and without apology or compromise all the fundamental teachings of the Bible as well as the distinctive beliefs of our beloved Seventh-day Adventist Church. Secrets Unsealed is sustained by the sales of materials and also by tax deductible contributions from those who believe in the mission. We greatly appreciate your prayers as we know that success is not by might nor by power but by the Holy Spirit.

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Articles • Bible Studies • Event Calendar • Monthly Specials Newsletters • News Updates • Online Streaming • Prayer Requests Questions and Answers • Annual Summit • ANCHOR School of Theology Closed Captioning Will Become Available! Pastor Stephen P. Bohr, President/Speaker Pastor Stephen P. Bohr has spent his life in mission service. Born of missionary parents, he has dedicated decades in ministry and theological research. His love for the Lord is the driving force behind his commitment to spread the cutting edge gospel message for these last days with clarity and power.

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Draweth Nigh

October 27-30, 2016 at Tenaya Lodge Yosemite

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Stephen Bohr

G. Edward Reid

Norman McNulty

James Marcum

Our Commitment Your Growth A Yearly Mountain top Experience, Pastor Bohr and guest speakers address cutting-edge subjects. Your life will be changed by attending.

Contact Secrets Unsealed or go online for dates, locations and additional details.



Se t tling people into the truth ANCHOR is a seminary-level course of study on the fundamentals of Seventh-day Adventist theology, taught by Pastor Stephen Bohr and guest speakers. The mission of ANCHOR is to settle students into the truth both intellectually and spiritually so that they cannot be moved and to provide the theological skills to share with others the reason for the hope that is in them.

Reaching the Lost at Home: Since its inception in 2002, Secrets Unsealed has focused on what we call ‘in-reach’. Experience has shown that many members of the church ‘come and go like a door on its hinges’ and have not really taken



At t e n d i n g

• Learn how to profoundly study Scripture • Become anchored in your faith • Low cost includes class syllabus

the time to study out the beauty and harmony of the

• Q & A sessions after each class

unique Adventist message for this time. Secrets Unsealed is committed to teaching these members how

• Gain the understanding to share and explain your faith to others

to study the Bible for themselves.

• Each class is life changing Note: ANCHOR is a one-week class (Monday-Sabbath) held every March in Fresno, CA. Class limit is 57 students. Registration opens in November.

Our Hope

an A n c ho r

Entering the Most Holy place with Jesus our High Priest “This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil, where the forerunner has entered for us, even Jesus, having become High Priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.” —hebrews 6:19-20

The Pastoral Team The pastoral team at Secrets Unsealed work and volunteer every day to answer questions that come from people all over the world. Each Elder, dedicated to the Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy and the grace of God, either speak on the phone or answers questions that come in from email, our website, Facebook, and YouTube concerning:

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c hurch services spiritual formation music worship styles the validity of the Bible and Ellen White the role of the Spirit of Prophecy in our church(es) • the feasts • end-time events Please pray for our workers and volunteers!

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t he nature of Christ t he Godhead d  ates set for the second coming a ngels t he cross t he atonement 1 844 t he heavenly sanctuary e volution

We spend a lot of time researching, praying, and responding with truth regarding the will of God in these and similar matters.

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Books Answers To Objections Source Book

Get all 5 of Pastor Bohr’s books for $35

Heidi Heiks. This is dedicated to the prophetic periods of Daniel and Revelation. It addresses 20 objections and other issues. All objections are for the years and events connected to AD 508 and AD 538. Readers will find that Heiks clarifies documentation and resolves all the best arguments brought against correct interpretation. The author also includes the Source Books’ bibliographies, which are a great resource for any scholar, historian, or layperson doing research. (225 pages)

BKHHATO … $16.95

BKSPCL5 . . . . . . $35.00

Bible Principles of Interpretation

AD 508 Source Book

Book Sets by Heidi Heiks on: AD 508, 538, 1798 & 1843, The Daily, and King of the North BKHH5SPCL. . . $79.00 (5 Books) BKHH6SPCL. . . $103.95 (6 Books — Includes all 5 books plus Satan’s Counterfeit Prophecy)

101 Questions About Ellen White and Her Writings

William Fagal. This book provides thought-provoking answers to 101 of the most frequently asked and often most controversial inquiries about Ellen G. White. Quoting extensively from her writings, he exposes many of the myths that have developed and introduces readers to the real truth about this inspired author. (224 pages)

BK101Q … $22.99

144,000 Sealed: When? Why?

Louis F. Were. This study of Revelation 7 presents a clear understanding of the identity of God’s people, the time of their sealing, and their place in the fulfillment of prophetic events. While many find the apocalyptic prophecies filled with fear, Were presents them in a Christ-centered message of hope. (124 pages)

Heidi Heiks. Learn how the rise of the papacy in A.D. 508 fulfilled the prophetic specifications of scriptures to the very letter. You will learn the real truth why the Catholic Church was so intensely against the Arian Christians. Discover the best kept secret of the Dark Ages that Rome thought she had buried forever! (222 pages)

BKHH508 … $18.95

AD 538 Source Book

Heidi Heiks. The year A.D. 538 was a landmark year for the beginning of an important time prophecy that spans the Middle Ages. It is essential that those who follow the historicist method of interpreting prophecy firmly establish this fixed point. Heiks has done precisely that with this study of the events that occurred that year. (323 pages) BKHH538 … $24.95

AD 1798 1843 Source Book

Heidi Heiks. Heiks has detailed the course of the monumental prophetic events surrounding the captivity of Pope Pius VI in 1798 and the setting up of the Roman Republic through the eyes of those who participated in those events at the time. (188 pages) BKHH17981843 … $16.95

BK144S … $7.95


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Louis F. Were. In his customary, straightforward style, Louis Were clearly outlines the thirteen principles of biblical interpretation—and specifically of prophetic interpretation— beginning with the foremost principle that all interpretation must reveal Christ and make Him the center. This book will build a sound structure of general principles, followed by more specific rules that apply to correctly interpreting the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. (96 pages)

BKBPOI … $6.95

Bothersome and Disturbing Bible Passages

Louis Torres. Have you ever been confronted with Bible texts that appear to contradict your faith or that are difficult and obscure? This book reveals the harmony of the Word of God by giving clear Biblical explainations for those very texts. (174 pages)

BKBADBP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.95 each (1-9) BKBADBP10-24. . . . . . . . . $8.46 each (10-24) BKBADBP25+. . . . . . . . . . . . $7.96 each (25+)

Christ Conquers: Why Christ Rose on Sunday, the First Day of the Week

Louis F. Were. It may surprise some to learn that there is a definite connection between the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Sunday, the first day of the week, and the battle of Armageddon. Nothing in all last-day predictions is more clearly taught than that “the final conflict” is to be fought between two Kingdoms — God’s and Satan’s. (160 pages) BKLWCC … $10.99

Books Christ the Center

Louis F. Were. Louis Were examines the Christ-centered application of the prophecies of Joel 2 and 3, along with parallel passages of Daniel and Revelation. (23 pages)

BKCTC … $2.50

Christ’s Last Message To His Remnant

Louis F. Were. For many years there has been a controversy over the interpretation of the Armageddon prophecy in the book of Revelation. Is it a military conflict that will bring about the final storm that ends with the coming of Christ? Or is this conflict something greater than armies and military might? Were will take you on a brief but thorough journey through the minefield of conflicting prophetic interpretations to find the message of hope that Christ placed in the final book of His Word for you. (40 pages) BKCLM … $3.49

Christians Beware: The Dangers of Secular Psychology

Magna Parks. Secular psychology has had a significant impact on the Christian church in general and on the Seventh-day Adventist church in particular. Secular psychology is particularly dangerous because it mixes truth with error which is Satan’s most successful method of deception! A real eye-opener! (84 pages) DVD series Mind Games available on page 31.

The “Daily” Source Book Heidi Heiks. The “daily,” activities which were followed once a year by the ‘yearly’ or ‘annual’ ministration in the Most Holy Place, were a typological model of what is taking place in the real heavenly sanctuary. Obtain knowledge about the sanctuary, the work of the priest on earth, and the work that Jesus, our High Priest, is fulfilling in heaven even now. (222 pages) BKHHDSB … $16.95

Creeping Compromise

Joe Crews. This is book is about the spiritual dangers we face in our times. It is addressed to those who want to perfect their walk with God, rather than introducing readers to Jesus Christ. There are many ethical topics discussed. May it be a blessing for all those confused or disappointed of what’s happening among those who claim to follow Jesus. (127 pages) BKCC … $11.95

BKCB … $11.95

Daniel and the Revelation: The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy

Uriah Smith. This book is a deep, verse-by-verse explanation of the two main prophetic books of the Bible. It reflects the classical Protestant interpretation of prophecy presented by Wycliff, Huss, Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, and many others. You will be profoundly moved as you understand the way God has foretold the future, and the astonishing fulfillment of the very details prophesied. With this understanding, your trust in God will greatly increase, and you will be able to say with the overcomers: “Great and marvelous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints. Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? … for thy judgments are made manifest.” Revelation 15:3-4. (610 pages) BKDATR … $24.99

Don’t Torture Scripture

Discipleship Handbook and Mentor’s Guide Close the back door of your church with this great discipleship resource for Seventh-day Adventist Church members who want to help others grow in their walk with God. You will learn how to personally share your faith. Apply the cycle of evangelism to revolutionize the culture of your church! (319 and 41 pages) BKDHMG . . . . . . . . . . . $17.98 per set BKDH . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.99 book only (hard cover) BKDHMGUIDE. . . . . . . . $2.99 guide only


Andrew F. Manthe. This book examines 17 key verses or passages that many Christians, both leaders and laity, commonly misinterpret because they divorce the selected text from its immediate context. The author seeks to correctly present the meaning of these often misunderstood passages by examining the content and identifying the theme(s) present in the surrounding verses, with an eye to the larger testimony of the whole of Scripture regarding the indicated topics. The principle that drives this treatise is: a text without context is pretext (falsehood or error). (111 pages) BKDTS … $11.99


Books Great Controversy

Ecclesiastical Empire: From the Fall of Rome to the United States A.T. Jones. This book depicts the reign of the Roman system throughout the Middle Ages. Details are given which reveal a history that accurately and precisely fulfills Bible prophecy. In this volume, Jones depicts the steps by which Romanism attained to power, and by which it actually controlled the World for more than a thousand years. He vividly describes those who were the special object of persecution: the Waldenses, the Albigenses, and many more. More than ever you will see why the Bible calls that system an expression of the “mystery of iniquity.” (636 pages)

Ellen G. White. The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan as revealed in the lives and struggles of God’s people from Christ’s time down through the centuries to our time and beyond. This 8-1/2” x 11” large print edition book is fully illustrated with 830 color and black and white pictures, 47 maps and many charts. Includes the complete text, plus basic steps to Christ. Also includes historical and medical facts from the Crucifixion, 10 major events which dramatically effected religious history, a timeline of key events and much more. (Hard cover. 608 pages)

BKTGCHC … $19.99 A $65 VALUE!!

Heresy, Columbus and the Inquisition

BKEE … $24.99

Salim Japas. By all accounts the Inquisition was a savage institution. How could a mechanism such as this arise in the USA where human rights are the basis of its constitution? (139 pages)

Studies in Christian Education

E.A. Sutherland. Why didn’t the Protestant Reformation keep advancing? What kind of counter measures could be so efficient to stop such a momentous movement? What happened to those initial efforts? The answer to these questions is alarming! Though Luther and Melanchthon had been extremely devoted to the religious reform, subsequent leaders failed to train their youth to keep advancing the cause. The educational system did not receive the attention it required, and the results were disastrous. This book reviews one of the major reasons for the moral decline and fall of the Protestant denominations in 1844. As Seventh-day Adventists, we cannot afford to repeat those mistakes. To accomplish the mission that was sacredly entrusted to our church, we must follow the true educational model given by the God of Heaven. (186 pages)

BKSICE … $12.99

“No man is safe for a day or an hour without prayer.” — Great Controversy, p. 530

Futurism’s Incredible Journey

Stephen Bohr. By means of a secret rapture, millions of Christians will suddenly vanish. This scenario does not come from some fictional novel. It is the fundamental prophetic belief system of millions of Christians who claim to believe in Bible inerrancy. Though it appears bizarre, it is proclaimed as gospel truth by thousands of Protestant ministers and Bible teachers around the world. Is this really what the final conflict will look like, or is Protestantism setting itself up for an overmastering delusion? (128 pages) BKFIJ 1-9. . . . . . . . . . $8.95 each (1-9) BKFIJ10-24. . . . . . . . . $7.61 each (10-24) BKFIJ25+. . . . . . . . . . . $7.16 each (25+)


God’s Last Message: Christ Our Righteousness

Steve Wohlberg. “We have God’s final message to the world!” many earnestly claim. Do they really? Or are they promoting a counterfeit? This book exposes all satanic detours by teaching pure truth. Don’t be fooled. Heaven’s last message is centered in Jesus Christ Himself. Learn the true meaning of “righteousness by faith.” A must-read for everyone who wishes to survive the coming crisis victoriously. (160 pages) BKGLM … $12.99

Graffiti in the Holy of Holies

Clifford Goldstein. In his inimitable style Goldstein masterfully defends the Seventh-day Adventist doctrine of the Sanctuary and particularly of the pre-advent, investigative judgment. A persuasive answer to the objections of the enemies of Adventism! (176 pages)

BKGRAF … $12.99

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BKJAPAS … $7.00

Hidden Heresy?

Thomas Mostert. Is spiritualism invading the Adventist church today? How could something so foreign to the heart of Adventism possibly gain entry into this church? That just isn’t possible! Or is it? Mostert looks at some of the current trends in popular churches — trends and methodologies that are being eagerly embraced in Adventism — and asks “Can You Identify Veiled Spiritualism?” (112 pages)

BKHH … $13.99

The History of Redemption

Ellen G. White. From Genesis to Revelation this classic series is the most powerful commentary there is on the Bible. The standard book-size page numbers are included for easy reference. Contains the following eight books by Ellen G. White in one volume: • Steps to Christ • P atriarchs and Prophets • Prophets and Kings • The Desire of Ages • The Acts of the Apostles • The Mount of Blessing • The Great Controversy • Christ’s Object Lessons Imitation leather with zipper. Not available for prison inmates because of zipper. (1,428 pages) BKTHOR-BLK. . . . . . . . . . $73.99 (Black) BKTHOR-BRN . . . . . . . . . . $73.99 (Brown)

Books History of Redemption Pocket Books

Ellen G. White. These 4-1/4” x 6” soft cover books come packaged in a small box, perfect for gift wrapping. Excellent for students, travelers and readers on the go, with easy to read print. Includes the following 11 books by Ellen G. White: • Patriarchs and Prophets • Prophets and Kings • The Desire of Ages • The Mount of Blessings • Steps to Christ • Christ’s Object Lessons • The Acts of the Apostles • The Great Controversy • Education • The Ministry of Healing • C ounsels To Parents, Teachers, and Students

BKHORPB … $39.99

In Search of the Storehouse

G. Edward Reid. In almost every discussion of tithing, the question of where the tithe should be sent comes up. Elder Reid examines Seventh-day Adventist Church policy, based on the Bible. The counsel from the Spirit of Prophecy, the second tithe, what to do with back tithe, what about other “ministries,” what if there are problems in the ministry, Ellen White’s example, and the duty of the conference are all addressed. (32 pages) BKGER … $1.00

Interactive Great Controversy

Ellen G. White. Scattered within the book The Great Controversy, Ellen White makes reference to many people, places and events that have taken place throughout history. Now you can use your smart phone to scan the history as you read through this phenomenal book! (394 pages)

Issues in Worship These seven books cover issues in worship, the emerging church, rebellion and the One Project. • The Dangers of Contemplative Prayer, Howard Peth (128 pages) • Tremble, Dave Fiedler (191 pages) • Meet It, Rick Howard (158 pages) • The Omega Rebellion, Rick Howard (224 pages) • Hidden Heresy, Thomas Mostert (112 pages) • Worship at Satan’s Throne, Stephen Bohr (144 pages) • The Mystic Omega of Endtime Crisis, Carsten Johnsen (144 pages) BKINWBKSPCL7 . . . . . . $84.99/set of 7 books

BKIGC … $9.99

Jewelry In The Seventh-day Adventist Church, WHY?

How To Pray Effectual Prayers Louis F. Were. Millions of people of various religions believe in and practice saying prayers. Various schemes have been devised whereby the God or gods might be pleased, appeased or placated, and thus bestow favors upon the worshipers. A Christian life is one long prayer — a life of victory depends upon keeping the avenue of communion with God continually open. (28 pages) BKHTPEP … $3.00


Charles E. Creech. Why is there so much jewelry wearing and outward adornment among Seventh-day Adventist church members today? Early in the church’s history, Adventists were known by their exemplary modesty. They were really God’s “peculiar people.” What has happened? This book traces the use of jewelry from man’s earliest existence to how it has become a problem in the Adventist Church. (54 pages) BKJEWEL. . . . . . . . . . . $3.95 each (1-9) BKJEWEL1049. . . . . . . $3.36 each (10-49) BKJEWEL5099. . . . . . . $2.96 each (50-99) BKJEWEL100Plus . . . . $2.77 each (100+)


Books Meet It — Iceberg of Deception, A Look Beneath the Surface

Rick Howard. Why so much concern and controversy over a movement that claims to promote a deeper experience with God? Meet It reveals the spiritualistic dangers hidden below the surface of emerging church theology and practice. Howard shows how Satan is using this movement to introduce errors such as Eastern mysticism, Roman Catholic spirituality and ecumenical tendencies into God’s remnant church. (158 pages)

BKMI … $13.99

Messenger of the Lord

Herbert E. Douglass. What is the relationship between Ellen White’s writings and the Bible? Are they still relevant? What was the impact of her ministry on the development of the Seventhday Adventist Church and its doctrines? You will truly enjoy the candid discussion of issues that have been raised in recent years about her claim to be God’s messenger. (Hard cover. 587 pages) BKMOTL … $24.99

Modern Mysticism

Dave Fiedler. “Spiritual” experience is overriding biblical reasoning in Christian churches today, even in many Adventist churches. Heed the warning to stay away from non-biblical spiritual disciplines or methods of spiritual formation which are rooted in mysticism and eastern religion. (44 pages) BKMM. . . . . . . . . . . . $0.49 each (1-9) BKMM1099 . . . . . . . . $0.39 each (10-99) BKMM100PLUS. . . . . . $0.30 each (100+)

Notes on Music

Louis and Carol Torres. Finally, a book written on the elements of music for the ‘people.’ In its finality, this work fills a void which is lacking in the other expositions which address this subject. (52 pages) BKNOM … $4.99

King of the North — An Exposition of Daniel 11:40-12:1 Heidi Heiks. There are two schools of thought on the interpretation of Daniel 11 which are seen as still to be fulfilled in the future. The first is where the kings of the north and south are seen as literal geo-political entities in the present day Middle East. Adventist interpreters favored this view until the end of World War I. After this, a second view developed called the spiritual or symbolic interpretation. By the end of World War II most Adventist interpreters had adopted this view. Heiks stands squarely within the parameters of this symbolic approach and has given a careful and detailed search for the correct application of this prophecy. (115 pages) BKHHKOTN … $11.95

Now! An End-time Scenario

Merikay McLeod. Time is running out for this world, but before Jesus returns, His children must endure the end times. Written by a 17-year-old girl, Now! graphically portrays a possible end-time scenario, in this heartwarming, thrilling account of God’s protection and care of His people and the trials, triumphs and joy that lie ahead for them. Both young people and adults will be inspired by this book. It will help prepare them to stand in the solemn time of trouble that lies ahead. Excellent for sharing! (43 pages)

BKNOW. . . . . . . . . . . . $2.99 each (1-24) BKNOW25+. . . . . . . . . $2.39 each (25+) BKNOW50+. . . . . . . . $2.09 each (50+)

The Omega Rebellion

Rick Howard. It is essential that we stay away from non-biblical spiritual disciplines or methods of spiritual formation that are rooted in mysticism such as contemplative prayer, centering prayer, and the emerging church movement in which they are promoted. (224 pages)

BKOR … $13.99


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Pastor James White & Unfulfilled Prophecy

Louis F. Were. How many today eagerly watch the Middle East for the fulfillment of end-time prophecies regarding Israel? In losing sight of the spiritual nature of Israel, one may easily be led into expecting Bible prophecy to be fulfilled by political kingdoms. By taking out of context the words of our pioneers, we may be blinded to prophetic fulfillment already taking place all around us, setting ourselves up for bitter disappointment, or for being caught unaware. Guesswork need not be employed in rightly interpreting prophecy — just clear understanding derived from applying correct principles of interpretation concerning both the present and the future. (16 pages) BKPJW … $2.25

Prophecy’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Stephen Bohr. In this insightful study of the two beasts of Revelation 13 Pastor Bohr shows the deplorable results of uniting church and state and how this illegitimate union will lead to the setting up of the image to the beast. You will find many unique insights in this in-depth study. (80 pages) BKPDR . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.95 each (1-9) BKPDR1024. . . . . . . . . $6.76 each (10-24) BKPDR25. . . . . . . . . . $6.36 each (25+)

Books Prove All Things

Reaping the Whirlwind

Mercedes H. Dyer. The Bible is not silent or neutral on the role of women in the church. It points out the danger of departing from clear biblical teaching. This eye-opening book presents a biblical vindication of the Adventist pioneers’ long-standing position. (423 pages) BKPAT … $13.95

Joe Crews. Written by a minister of unquestioned loyalty, this book honors the remnant church but still tells the painful truth about apostasy in the pulpit. If it makes you weep over the tragedy it portrays, let it also direct you to the True Witness for the revival and reformation that has been promised. (94 pages) BKRTW … $10.99

Satan’s Counterfeit Prophecy

Heidi Heiks. We are living in the sixth trumpet of Revelation right now. The seventh trumpet is about to sound and after that comes the seven last plagues, climaxing with the second coming of Christ. But what will Satan do to counterfeit this prophecy? Find out in this fascinating book. (234 pages) BKHHSCP … $24.95

Books on the Sabbath The Lost Meaning of the Seventh Day

Judging the Sabbath

Ron du Preez. Sabbatarians have argued for centuries that the “sabbath” of Colossians 2:16 refers to the Jewish ceremonial sabbaths, and not the Decalogue Sabbath. Traditional Christian interpretation of that passage has generally bypassed the context and relied on other arguments, often unexamined by careful exegesis. Du Preez examines those other arguments and challenges arguments that rely on Colossians 2:16 in order to deny the continuing moral imperative of the seventh-day Sabbath. (208 pages) BKJTS … $19.99

Sigve K. Tonstad. This sweeping work of biblical theology and historical analysis traces the seventh day as it is woven throughout Scripture and the history of Christianity. Tonstad engages the move away from the seventh day in early Christian history, the mindset in medieval Christianity, and the sobering long-term implications leading all the way to the Holocaust and the ecological crises in our time. (Hard cover. 575 pages) BKTLM … $29.99

Hidden Sabbath Truths

Terri Heagy. Have the Jews, Seventh-day Adventists, and other Saturday Sabbath-keepers been fooled into regarding an evil, pagan day instead of the true Sabbath for the past 2,000 years? Did God’s original Sabbath really coordinate with the moon instead of being on a continuous weekly cycle? The belief that the Lunar Sabbath was God’s original creation is circling the globe, taking in many unsuspecting people. Exploring the past, God’s Word, and the Spirit of Prophecy, this book shares a wealth of interesting information to help answer these questions. (153 pages) BKTLSC … $10.95

Stephen Bohr. Why didn’t God give Adam and Eve a direct command to keep the Sabbath in Genesis? Why doesn’t Genesis mention an evening and a morning of the seventh day? Pastor Bohr reexamines the Sabbath day in a brand new light, bringing a fresh, biblical perspective to reignite your passion for God’s holy day. This book is a powerful sharing tool that connects the Sabbath with Christ’s work of redemption and to the creation of the new heavens and new earth, drawing other believers in a way that will fascinate and convict them of this vital Bible truth. (79 pages) BKHST. . . . . . . . . $5.95 each (1-9) BKHST1024 . . . . . $5.06 each (10-24) BKHST25 . . . . . . . $4.76 each (25+) BKHSTBR100 . . . . $4.17 each (100+)

The Lunar Sabbath Conspiracy

History of the Sabbath and First Day of the Week J.N. Andrews. This is one of the most able defenses of the seventh-day Sabbath, established by God Himself as the rest-day at creation week. However, God’s memorial has been attacked by Romanists as well as Protestants. Providentially, history has clearly recorded the subtle yet tireless moves of men who endeavored to establish Sunday as the sacred day, putting down God’s seventh-day Sabbath. In this book, you will find convincing evidence to settle this long-drawn out controversy between Sabbath and Sunday. You will be amazed to see the kinds of arguments Sunday-defenders used to try and make it sacred. (478 pages) BKHOTS … $19.99



Books The Apocalyptic Vision and the Neutering of Adventism

Taken or Left?

Stephen Bohr. Jesus said that at His coming ‘one would be taken and the other left.’ Does this text teach a pre-tribulation rapture? Who is taken and who is left? The popular rapture theory says that those who are left are the unbelievers. Theologian Stephen Bohr builds an ironclad case revealing the surprising answers. (48 pages) BKTOL. . . . . . . . . . . . $3.49 each (1-9) BKTOL1024 . . . . . . . . . $2.97 each (10-24) BKTOL25. . . . . . . . . . . $2.79 each (25+)

George R. Knight. Neutering. Obnoxious word! But a meaningful one. Learn how Protestant liberalism performed the operation on itself and how Adventism has been tempted to do the same. In this book, Knight diagnoses the current ills of Adventism and also points to a revitalization of the apocalyptic vision that provides the key to renewed dynamics as the world and church move toward the eschaton. (107 pages) BKAV … $10.99

Testimonies for the Church

Ellen G. White. This ninevolume set of counsel from the Spirit of Prophecy contains a spiritual commentary of a general nature, along with many letters of intimate instruction to members of the church during Ellen White’s time. Imitation leather with zipper. Not available for prison inmates because of zipper. (1,906 pages) BKTFTC-BLK. . . . . . . . . . . . $78.99 (Black) BKTFTC-BRN . . . . . . . . . . . $78.99 (Brown)

The Certainty of the Third Angel’s Message

Louis F. Were. Truly a prophetic masterpiece! The late Australian evangelist Louis Were shares time-tested principles on how to study and properly interpret Bible prophecy. As new questions are raised about prophetic applications to the modern Jewish nation and the Middle East, Louis Were prepares a firm foundation of principles of interpretation which are inherent in the Scriptures themselves. He reveals a marvelous continuity between the Old and New Testaments, between Israel and the Church. A must-read for all serious students of prophecy. (346 pages) BKLWC … $16.95

The Autobiography of Elder Joseph Bates At age 15, Joseph Bates “shipped” on a commercial vessel. For the next 21 years he lived the life of a sailor and ship captain. He returned to civilian life in 1828 with a small fortune. During the Advent Awakening, the retired sea captain became a respected evangelist and spiritual leader among the Adventists. Elder Bates lived to the age of 80. One reason for his physical endurance, in spite of many sacrifices, was his simple diet and temperate habits. He organized one of the first temperance societies in the United States. Bates was a spiritual man with clear-cut views and the courage of a lion. He did not hesitate to sacrifice when the need arose. Let us thank God for the venerable captain, apostle of the Sabbath truth. (249 pages) BKTAOEJB … $14.99

The Character of God Controversy

Steve Wohlberg & Chris Lewis. Does God punish sinners? This book takes a closer look at the intense love and justice of God Almighty. Jesus declared that knowing the Father and His Son means “eternal life” (John 17:3). However, Jesus will sadly say “I never knew you” to a group of misguided people (Matthew 7:23). These Scriptures should impress us with the necessity of knowing God as He truly is, not as we think He is. Satan is trying to “deceive, if possible, even the elect.” (160 pages) BKTCOGC … $13.99

The Dangers of Contemplative Prayer

Howard Peth. What could possibly be wrong with spending quiet time, emptying your mind, and listening for the voice of God? So many parts of Spiritual Formation and contemplative Prayer sound good — maybe even familiar. Satan is delighted that his age-old seductive weapon of spiritualism is now seeping into our churches. You will learn to more clearly see the threads of satanic charm that have fascinated men and women for centuries. (128 pages) BKTDOCP … $13.99

The Fire of His Jealousy

Louis F. Were. Everywhere in Scripture God is consistently pictured as being bathed or clothed in fire. The image of fire is also combined with the jealousy of God. As the author examines many of the “fiery” texts that refer to these descriptions of the Lord, we gain a clearer picture of the true meaning of texts that have often been interpreted as referring to an everlasting fire of punishment. Is the threat of punishment the intent, or is it an invitation to pure worship and singular devotion to a God who loves us with an infinite desire? (16 pages)

BKTFOHJ … $2.50

The Great Empires of Prophecy: From Babylon to the Fall of Rome

A.T. Jones. Beginning at the ancient times of Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus, passing through the periods of Alexander and Julius Caesar, and reaching the deeply significant events of Constantine and the dissolution of the Western Roman Empire, Jones’ narrative will often surprise you by its richness and style. You will never again look at prophecy in the same way you have done. (558 pages)

BKTGEOP … $24.99


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Books The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress

J.N. Loughborough. J.N. Loughborough was present with Ellen White over 50 times as she experienced visions. He traveled extensively with the Whites as they preached the gospel of Jesus and is considered one of the pioneers of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Having been so intricately involved, Ellen White requested that he write his observations of the pioneering movement. J.N Loughborough wrote, “Having been familiar with the Advent movement from 1843 and 1844, and having, since Jan. 2, 1849, proclaimed the doctrine, first as an Adventist, and since 1852 as a Seventh-day Adventist, I esteem it a pleasure to ‘speak the things I have seen and heard’” ( The Great Second Advent Movement, preface). The Great Second Advent Movement is an exhaustive look into the early Advent movement and the rise and progress of the early Seventhday Adventist Church. (455 pages) BKTGSAM … $15.99

The Greatest of All the Prophets

Russell R. Standish & Colin D. Standish. A century has passed since God, through His messenger, Ellen G. White, first warned of the Omega of Apostasy. Now, ecumenism is substituted for the preaching of the Three Angels’ Messages. Sabbath desecration has replaced God’s holy day. The sanctuary message is denied or, at best, spurned. Obedience to God’s law is set forth as an impossibility. At every level of our beloved church, worldwide, the Omega of Apostasy is dominant. (411 pages) BKTGOATP. . . . . . . . . $17.99 each (1-9) BKTGOATP10-24 . . . . $15.29 each (10-24) BKTGOATP25. . . . . . . $14.39 each (25+)

The King of the North at Jerusalem

Louis F. Were unfolds the progression of Daniel’s prophecies, ending up at the end-times, when the king of the north comes to his end at Jerusalem. The identity of the king of the north is clearly and logically shown. Much of the world today has focused its attention on the city of Jerusalem in the nation of Israel, waiting to see the literal fulfilling of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. Although written decades ago, this work clearly addresses the literal vs. spiritual applications of these end-time prophecies. (123 pages) BKTKOTN … $8.95

The Moral Purpose of Prophecy Louis F. Were. In this book the author demonstrates the New Testament drawing spiritual significance from Old Testament imagery. The harmony between Christian experience and prophetic interpretation is revealed. Christian realities are clearly shown to be involved in the prophetic pictures of the apocalypse. (113 pages) BKLWTM … $10.95

The Life Triumphant

Louis F. Were. Is it possible to live a victorious life in Christ? Through a systematic study of Scripture, this booklet examines not only the possibility, but the necessity of doing so. The Bible does not promise that there will be no difficulty in choosing Christ’s victorious life. But it does give a clear map of instructions for gaining the fullness of a triumphant life in Christ and fitness for heaven. This booklet will be an encouragement as you seek to be an overcomer through Christ’s death and resurrection, and to abide in His perfect will. An encouraging message of hope. (22 pages) BKTLT … $2.50

The Mind of Christ — How to Have It

Pastor Dennis Prieve, Pastor Larry Kirkpatrick, Pastor Kevin D. Paulson, Chris Lewis M.D., Carl Martin, David Qualls, & Carlye Hummel. A brief, simple, clear and compelling case for victory over sin this side of heaven.  Easy to understand and excellent for sharing. It has life-changing potential for any reader, and is vital for these uncertain and difficult times. (32 pages) BKTMOC . . . . . . . . . . $0.49 each (1-9) BKTMOC10-99. . . . . . $0.39 each (10-99) BKTMOC100PLUS. . . . $0.30 each (100+)

The Last Empire, the New World Order and the Counterfeiting of God’s Kingdom Vanderlei Dorneles. Considering American history before the mid-19th century, this book addresses the coherence and logic of the Seventh-day Adventist interpretation of Revelation 13. American culture is composed of a set of symbols, historical documents, official speeches, movies, books and sermons, which among other things, attach to the United States a messianic role in constructing a new world. A must-read for those interested in end-time events! (192 pages) BKTLE … $11.99



Books The Mystic Omega of End-Time Crisis

Carsten Johnsen. The shaking “Alpha” experience of the Seventh-day Adventist Church around 1900, is now followed by its announced sequel: the dreaded “Omega.” Is the terminal phenomenon of end time apostasy already endeavoring to sneak into our church? What do we know about the nature of the “Omega”? Perhaps after you have read the last chapter of this book on unprecedented trends of “Vain Intellectualism Creeping into Seventh-day Adventist Education”, you will realize more fully why the author (for 10 years a professor of Philosophy and Christian Ethics in the Theological Seminary of Andrews University) believed that the mysterious matter can be pretty clearly identified today. (144 pages) BKMO … $12.99

The Sanctuary, 1844 and the Pioneers

Paul A. Gordon. Events during recent decades have brought the doctrine of the sanctuary and the investigative judgment to the forefront as never before. Voices both within and outside the church have charged that Seventh-day Adventists did not derive this teaching from Scripture, but rather from the writings of Ellen White. This book demonstrates that pioneer Adventist leaders and thinkers firmly believed that the sanctuary doctrine was clearly based on Scripture itself. This book reaffirms the Seventhday Adventist Church’s faith in its pioneers as people devoted to the study of Scripture. (217 pages) BKTS1844 … $4.95

The Tip of an Iceberg

C. Raymond Holmes. What happens to a church when it decides to follow the pressures of society and the voice of culture on the issue of women’s ordination rather than the authority of the Scriptures? Holmes was once a clergyman in the Lutheran Church and made the difficult choice of leaving the Lutheran Church to become a Seventh-day Adventist pastor. Holmes tells the story of how his former church faced the issue of women’s ordination and the lessons that Seventh-day Adventists can learn from its experience. This book provides a persuasive rationale for following the mandate of Scripture to ordain only men who are ‘husbands of one wife.’ (144 pages) BKTTOAI … $6.99

The Torch of False Prophecy in Our Pulpits Louis F. Were. “Many will stand in our pulpits with the torch of false prophecy in their hands, kindled from the hellish torch of Satan” (TM, pp 409, 410). Loyal Adventists would not knowingly accept false teaching, but when such is presented before them wrapped in sentiment by one of our accredited ministers, they unsuspectingly and trustingly accept it. “No man should be relied upon to think for us … . Each one of us must look to God for Divine enlightenment” (TM, pp. 109, 110). (20 pages) BKTTOFP … $2.50

The National Sunday Law: The Argument of A.T. Jones Before the U.S. Senate Committee, December 1888

Alonzo T. Jones. The National Sunday Law has shocked the minds of the most able defenders of religious liberty due to its consistency and argumentation. By bringing to light the very foundation on which religious liberty is based, this book will enlighten many minds as to the real issues at stake. The full argument that Jones used in 1888 against the passing of the Blair Sunday Bill is here provided. (161 pages) BKTNSL … $11.99


The Time of the End: A Study of the Last Days

James L. Hayward, Sr. This compilation consists of 4,000 Spirit of Prophecy quotations and Bible references covering the emergence of God’s last-day remnant church, its message, its mission to the world, its internal and external challenges, and its final glorious victory—a period of time beginning with the year 1798 and ending with the new earth. Material has been gathered from almost 100 of Ellen White’s books, magazine articles, and letters, and other writings with the most concise, yet clear, statements possible that deal with each subject presented. The compiler’s notes have been kept to a minimum, letting the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy speak. (Hard cover. 623 pages) BKTTOTE … $24.99

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The Truth About the Number 666

Stephen Bohr. The number 666 has piqued the curiosity of thousands throughout the years. What is the meaning behind this cryptic code? There are many opinions but only one biblical answer. In his typically thorough style, Pastor Bohr examines the viability of Vicarius Filii Dei, a title meaning “vicar of the Son of God,” being the “number of a man” in Revelation 13:18. He considers the characteristics applied to the man who bears the number and compares it to papal activities, habits, and admissions through the centuries. This study points directly to the head of the papacy as being the man with the number. (32 pages) BKTTATN666. . . . . . . . $1.49 each (1-9) BKTTATN666-1024. . . . $1.27 each (10-24) BKTTATN666-25. . . . . . $1.12 each (25-99) BKTTATN666-100. . . . $0.89 each (100-499) BKTTATN666-500 . . . . $0.75 each (500+)

Books Touched With Our Feelings J. R. Zurcher. In the early years of the Adventist Church many of the leaders believed Christ had a beginning in time. By the 1890s the church was moving toward a more orthodox position. Another belief long held by church leaders is that Christ was born with a fallen nature. This view also began to change in the 1950s toward the position that Christ was born with physical degeneracy but not the propensities to sin that all other human beings are born with. In Touched With Our Feelings, J. R. Zurcher explores evidence from Scripture and Adventist history to support a return to the traditional view that Jesus took the nature of Adam after the Fall. (308 pages) BKTWOF … $15.99

The Truth Concerning Mrs. E.G. White, Uriah Smith and the King of the North

Louis F. Were. There has long been a controversy, especially in Seventh-day Adventist circles, about a number of issues surrounding Daniel’s prophecy of the King of the North (Dan. 11:45). The author seeks to clear the fog and find the truth in reference to this prophecy; what Mrs. White herself and other pioneers believed regarding it, how the controversy with Uriah Smith over its interpretation was handled, and why it was handled in the manner it was. The purpose of this booklet is not a criticism of any person, but a vindication of truth. And the matter still comes down to where our heart lies. Are we confident in our own abilities to interpret the Scriptures, or are we humbly and prayerfully led by the Spirit, with a teachable and surrendered heart? (31 pages) BKTTC … $3.49

The Use and Abuse of Prophecy

Edwin de Kock. Two thousand years of prophetic interpretation take the reader on a remarkable journey through the Christian era. The two major tracks of prophetic interpretation that proceed through all the periods involved are the Historical School and the other goes back before Christianity to pagan Greek philosophies that culminated in the great Mediterranean Apostasy. History as Christian Forgery turns a sharp, unusual searchlight on the past. In matters both secular and spiritual, “Nothing can deceive like a document.” Clerics, especially, have often distorted facts. As a prominent Catholic writer puts it, for the medieval church, “forgeries, backed by violence and sheer effrontery, became a major basis for power.” (217 pages)


Dave Fiedler. When “post modernism” seems to be the dominant world view; when interest in traditional religion is falling off; when far too many Adventist youth are simply walking away; what could possibly be wrong with getting people excited about “spirituality”? We can never say we weren’t warned. In 1903, Ellen White wrote an urgent letter about the “Alpha of Apostasy” and rushed it to the mail. Twenty-five hundred miles later, it arrived just in time to head off disaster—temporarily at least. (191 pages) BKT … $14.99

Vicarius Filii Dei, An Annotated Timeline

Jerry A. Stevens. Many people say that the title Vicarius Filii Dei doesn’t exist thus making Adventism’s understanding of 666 void. But in this book, Jerry A. Stevens shares a weight of evidence affirming the historical interpretation of Revelation 13:18. (126 pages) BKV . . . . . . $3.99 A $9.95 VALUE! BKV-D. . . . $2.00 (slightly damaged-limited supply)

Worship at Satan’s Throne Stephen Bohr. A great tragedy is facing the remnant church as the protectors of God’s end-time truth have begun to waver on the teachings that brought them a new, powerful understanding of the Bible and prophecy. Pastor Stephen Bohr uncovers the dangers lurking within the Sabbath-keeping church that seek to divide and conquer God’s people, crippling their ability to faithfully share the last-day message with the world and driving them onward toward compromise and apostasy. Also available in Spanish. (144 pages) BKWST . . . . . . . $11.95 each (1-9) BKWST1024. . . . $10.16 each (10-24) BKWST25. . . . . . $9.56 each (25+)

BKTUAAOP … $14.95



Study Notes Hard copy study notes are written by Pastor Stephen Bohr on various Bible topics. Carefully researched, detailed, informative, and explained with simplicity and clarity.

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Study Notes “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” — 2 Timothy 2:15

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Health “For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” — 1 Corinthians 6:20

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Milton Teske, MD. Many people ask their doctor friends for some free medical advice to help their conditions. But Dr. Teske reminds us that we, as Seventh-day Adventists, are blessed with a wealth of health advice directly from the Creator of man and the Source of all healing, as is shared freely in the writings of Ellen G. White. MTFMADVD . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.99 (DVD)

Give Them Something Better Cookbook

Sarah Frain & Stephanie Howard. America’s longest living culture shares their family secrets in this practical and engaging guide to preparing the very best plantbased foods including pot pie, lasagna and fajitas. Slow cooker and gluten-free options. Fully illustrated. (Hard cover. 174 pages) BKGTSB … $24.99

Kidlicious Cookbook — Fun & Healthy Recipes That Kids Love!

Stephanie & Annelise Howard. From breakfast to dessert, this completely plant-based cookbook is designed to get kids excited about eating healthy! With beautiful, full color pictures, these fun and healthy recipes will get the whole family cooking together! (176 pages) BKKID … $24.99

Living Longer and Better Vespers Program

Dr. Larry Beeson. Why is it that California Adventists live longer than the average person? Dr. Beeson reveals fascinating information from the Adventist health study and over 50 years of research done at Loma Linda University. He shows the causes of various diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, colon, prostate, ovarian and many other forms of cancer. Learn how your diet translates into the disease process and how you can add 10 healthful years to your life. VSP050909DVD. . . . . . . . . $9.99 (DVD) VSP050909CD. . . . . . . . . . $8.00 (CD)

More Than Veggie Stories

Good News Health

Alina Poenaru. Delicious, easy nutritious, cholesterol free cooking. These recipes carry the print and taste of Eastern Europe, and particularly Romania. Appetizers, salads, dressings and gravies, soups, main dishes and desserts. All vegan! (139 pages) BKMTVS … $24.99

Milton Teske, MD. In this series you will gain the clearest explanation you will ever hear to help you understand how to completely reverse Type 2 Diabetes, how to understand your lipid profile LDL, HDL and VLDL, and how to reverse atherosclerotic coronary artery disease naturally. In addition, you will learn the extremely harmful effects of sugar, and you will understand how the structure lining of the arteries plays a critical role in health and arterial disease.

Nature’s Healing Practices — A Natural Remedies Encyclopedia


1.) Reversing Diabetes — The Sugar-door Story 2.) Lowering Cholesterol Naturally 3.) Fructose Poisoning of the Liver 4.) The Glycocalyx GNHDVDSET-4. . . . . . . . . . $24.95 (4 DVDs) GNHCDSET-4. . . . . . . . . . . $16.00 (4 CDs) GNHMP3SET-4. . . . . . . . . . $8.00 (MP3) Individual Titles:

$8.99 — 1 title on each DVD $4.00 — 1 title on each CD

Agatha Thrash, M.D. Nature’s Healing Practices is an extensive volume that contains a wealth of information drawn from Dr. Thrash’s books and her and her associates’ years of clinical experience. The book is divided into six sections: Conditions and Diseases, Home Emergencies, Natural Remedies, Herbal Remedies, Dietary Information, Supplemental Information. (Hard cover. 545 pages)

BKNHP … $59.95

Herbal Slide Charts

Rosalie Hurd, B.S., & Frank Hurd, D.C., M.D. Medicinal herbs of yesterday for today! Fast and easy-to-use slide charts giving practical information at a glance, showing healing herbs for common conditions. Slide Chart #1 displays 36 common conditions and 90 herbs that can be used to treat them. Slide Chart #2 displays 36 healing herbs and 150 conditions for which each herb is beneficial. Each chart is 4 x 9 inches. BKHERBSC. . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.95 (set of 2)


Order Today! 888-REV-1412

“Thou shalt not eat any abominable thing.” — Deuteronomy 14:3

Health Sleep

Daniel Schlund, M.D. Are you chronically tired or have difficulty sleeping? This presentation offers helpful ideas to naturally improve your sleep quality and quantity. A good night’s sleep is necessary for well-being, stress repair and a properly functioning immune system. It is essential to the health of mind, body and soul. With some fairly simple changes, many people will be able to attain the sleep they need to feel better. VSP092008. . . . . . . . . . . . $8.00 (1 DVD) VSP092008CD. . . . . . . . . . $4.00 (1 CD)

Ten Talents Cookbook

Rosalie Hurd, B.S., & Frank Hurd, D.C., M.D. Take action now to get healthy and stay healthy with this comprehensive vegan and vegetarian cookbook. This alltime classic includes over 1,000 delicious and healthful recipes and illustrations. As a complete health resource manual, this cookbook is perfect for teaching nutrition and cooking classes. (675 pages) BK10TAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34.95 (English) BKDT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34.95 (Spanish/Español)

The China Study

T. Colin Campbell, M.D. As lowcarb crazes sweep the nation, two-thirds of adults are still obese and children are being diagnosed with Type II diabetes at an alarming rate. If we’re eating healthier, why are Americans stricken with heart disease even more than we were 30 years ago? Dr. Campbell details the ability of nutrition to reduce and even reverse deadly diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. He also reveals the source of nutritional confusion produced by powerful lobbies, government entities and irresponsible scientists. Don’t miss the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted. (Hard cvoer. 417 pages) BKTCS … $19.99

Health programs filmed in our brand new health studio will be available soon! Call to find out more.

FREE articles by Dr. Teske are only available on our website on the following topics: (SecretsUnsealed.org > Resources > Health Articles) • Aluminum Toxicity • Country Living Changes The Brain • Death and the Sugar-coated Proteins • Gastritis and Stomach Ulcers • Kidney Stones • Living in the Sunlight • Magnesium — Essential for Life • Morphine for Babies • Obesity & Fructose • Oligodendrocytes • Outrunning the Fear (Anxiety)

• Restoring Our Cellular Energy Generators • Soybeans • Sunlight Damage • Superbug: Clostridium difficile The Deadly Superbug Diarrhea • The Biochemistry of Feeling Good • Vitamin B-12: What Vegetarians Need to Know About the Largest of All Vitamins • Vitamin K • What About Eggs? • A new article will be added each quarter.

The Power of Greens, Part 1 & 2

Milton Teske, M.D. Jesus says in Revelation 22:2 that the leaves of the tree of life will be for the healing of the nations. What kind of healing power is locked in green leaves? You will be amazed to find out in this two-part lecture. ESDVD0304. . . . . . . . . . . . $14.99 (1 DVD)

The Sugar-Door Story - and How To Control Cholesterol Without Drugs Milton Teske, M.D. TSLDVD0405 … $10.00

From Plant to Plate Cookbook Tami Bivens, RD. Eating healthy has never been easier! Short cooking videos accompany nearly every recipe (with QR codes). This vegan cookbook also includes a 21-day meal plan to kick-start your own plant-based lifestyle. (288 pages) BKFPTP … $24.99



MP3)& Blu-ray) Complete Series (DVD, CD, MP3 The 24 Elders

Stephen Bohr. Who are the 24 elders, and what role do they play in heaven? What do we know for certain about this group? Are they the first-fruits that came forth from the tomb when Jesus resurrected? Will we ever have the opportunity of meeting them? Do they have any role in the administration of the universe? What lessons can we learn from the work that they perform?


1.) Mission Accomplished 2.) The Return of the War Hero 3.) Who Are The 24 Elders?

4.) Earth’s Two Representatives 5.) Redeemed From The Earth? 6.) Future History and Functions

Complete Series: Individual Titles:

24EBRSET-6 . . . . . . $44.95 (Blu-ray) — 24EDVDSET-6 . . . . . $29.99 (3 DVDs) $9.99 — 2 titles on each DVD 24ECDSET-6. . . . . . . $24.00 (6 CDs) $4.00 — 1 title on each CD 24EMP3SET-6 . . . . . $12.00 (MP3) B24E. . . . . . . . . . . . $14.99 (Study Notes)

The 2520 Non-Prophecy

Stephen Bohr. Some claim that there is a time prophecy in the Bible longer than the 2,300 days prophecy which ended in 1844. But is the theory of a 2520 prophecy actually true or is it bringing more out of the Bible text than is really there? This revealing presentation is part of the Knowledge Shall Be Increased series. KSBIDVD06 . . . $8.99 (1 DVD) KSBICD06 . . . . $4.00 (1 CD)


Stephen Bohr. The special end-time group of 144,000, spoken about in the book of Revelation, has puzzled prophecy readers for ages. What makes them so special and distinguishes them from other generations of believers down throughout history? Are they different from the great multitude of Revelation 7? And is the number literal or symbolic? Titles:

1.) The Enoch Generation 2.) The Terminal Generation 3.) 144,000: Literal or Symbolic Number? 4.) The Special Resurrection 5.) No Lie in Their Mouths 6.) The 12 Sons of Jacob 7.) The Case of the Missing Tribe 8.) Without Fault 144000CDSET-8. . . . . . . . $26.00 (8 CDS) 144000MP3SET-8 . . . . . . . $16.00 (MP3) Individual titles are not available.

“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”

Stephen Bohr. Cutting edge issues in this series include: Does the Bible teach a pre-tribulation rapture of the church? Does the 70-week prophecy refer to Christ or to antichrist? Will the millennium be spent in heaven or on earth? Who is the man of sin in 2 Thessalonians 2? How did the futuristic approach to Bible prophecy enter Protestantism? Who is the King of the North in Daniel 11? What role does Israel play in Bible prophecy? Available in 2017.

Anchors of Truth

Stephen Bohr. Filmed live at 3ABN, Pastor Bohr shares the two great testing truths of the last days, the State of the Dead and the Sabbath. Titles:

1.) The Acid Test 2.) Wiping Out the IOU’s, Part 1 3.) Wiping Out the IOU’s, Part 2 4.) The Inward Outworking, Part 1 5.) The Inward Outworking, Part 2 AOTDVDSET-5. . . . $29.99 (3 DVDs) AOTCDSET-5. . . . . . $20.00 (5 CDs) AOTMP3SET . . . . . . $10.00 (MP3)

Believe His Prophets: Prophetic Guidance in the Advent Movement Stephen Bohr. In this 22-hour Anchor School of Theology class, you will learn about: 1.) When, Where, to Whom? 2.) The Purpose of the Gift 3.) Satan’s Counter Attack 4.) Prophets and Time Prophecies 5.) Moses and the Prophets 6.) The New Testament Period 7.) John’s Visionary Experience 8.) The Lesser Light 9.) Comparing John and Ellen 10.) Testing a Biblical Prophet 11.) Secondary Evidences of a Prophet

12.) Adopting a Denominational Name 13.) The Adventist View of Creation, Part 1 14.) The Adventist View of Creation, Part 2 15.) The Alpha and Omega Continued 16.) Difficult Statements 17.) Some Amazing Details Confirmed 18.) EGW and the 24 Elders 19.) Ellen White and English Composition, Part 1 20.) Ellen White and English Composition, Part 2 21.) How To Study EGW 22.) The Risk of Eternal Loss

Complete Series:

ANCHOR15DVDSET-22. . . . . . $129.99 (11 DVDs) ANCHOR15CDSET-22 . . . . . . . $88.00 (22 CDs) ANCHOR15MP3ET-22. . . . . . . $44.00 (MP3) BANCHOR15BHP. . . . . . . . . . $99.99 (Study Notes 2-Vol. Set — See p. 18) BANCHOR15BHPV1 . . . . . . . . $56.99 (Study Notes Vol. 1 Only) BANCHOR15BHPV2 . . . . . . . . $44.99 (Study Notes Vol. 2 Only)

— James 1:22


A New Look at the Blessed Hope

Order Today! 888-REV-1412

(DVD, CD, MP3)

Complete Series Catching Up to Jesus

Stephen Bohr. Seventh-day Adventists have been criticized because their church originated in an environment of disappointment. But did you know that at each stage of Christ’s ministration—his incarnation, his death, his installment as high priest and his work as judge—there has been a similar disappointment? Titles:

1.) John’s Great Disappointment 2.) We Thought He Was the Redeemer 3.) The Pentecostal Disappointment

4.) The 1844 Disappointment 5.) Who Shall Be Able To Stand? 6.) Rich, Busy, Distracted & Lost

Complete Series: Individual Titles:

The Bible or Tradition Stephen Bohr. Is the Bible our only rule of faith and practice or is it the Bible and Tradition? In this series Pastor Bohr analyzes the Jewish and Roman Catholic concept of tradition and shows how it stands in stark contrast to the Biblical view. This is the issue that stands at the heart of the Sabbath/Sunday conflict at the end of time. A must-see series!

CUTJDVDSET-6. . . . . . . . . $49.99 (6 DVDs) $8.99 — 1 title on each DVD CUTJCDSET-6. . . . . . . . . . $24.00 (6 CDs) $4.00 — 1 title on each CD CUTJMP3SET-6. . . . . . . . . . $12.00 (MP3) BCUTJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21.95 (Study Notes — See p. 18)

Chain of Command

Stephen Bohr. Just how does the Godhead implement its plans on planet earth? What relationship do the angels sustain to the Godhead? What is the omnipresence of God? Titles:

1.) Chain of Command, Part 1 2.) Chain of Command, Part 2

1.) The Eyes of Wisdom 2.) The Jewish View of Tradition 3.) Tradition vs. Scripture: A Case Study — Mark 7 4.) Jesus and Theological Conflict 5.) The Roman Catholic View of Tradition, Part 1 6.) The Roman Catholic View of Tradition, Part 2 7.) Sabbath Controversies and Tradition 8.) Sunday’s Shaky Foundation 9.) The Acid Test 10.) Word of God or Traditions of Men?

COCDVDSET-2. . . . . . . . . $11.99 (1 DVD) COCCDSET-2. . . . . . . . . . $8.00 (2 CDs) COCMP3SET-2. . . . . . . . . $4.00 (MP3)

Controller Level 1 & 2

Little Light Studios. Video games have gained a huge influence in the lives of millions around the globe, but what is at the core of these games? Controller-1 exposes Nintendo’s biggest franchises, revealing the ancient Shinto gods the game designers used for inspiration. It looks at Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Star Fox, Pokémon, Sonic the Hedgehog and more. Controller-2 reveals the affects video games have on the brain, examining the impact they are having on the present generation and the trends for what is to come. Available in Spanish.

Complete Series:

BOTDVDSET-10. . $49.95 (5 DVDs) BOTCDSET-10 . . . $40.00 (10 CDs) BOTMP3SET-10. . $20.00 (MP3) BBOT. . . . . . . . . . $22.95 (Study Notes — See p. 18) Individual Titles:


1.) Controller Level 1 — Simulated Spirituality 2.) Controller Level 2 — Hidden Characters CONTROL 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.99 (DVD) CONTROL 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.99 (DVD) CONTROL 1 & 2 set. . . . . . . $26.99 (DVD set)

$9.99 — 2 titles on each DVD $4.00 — 1 title on each CD

Daniel & Revelation 10

Stephen Bohr. A study of the origin, message, mission and destiny of God’s remnant church. This study goes thoroughly into Daniel 12:4 and its relationship to Revelation 10. Titles:

Daniel 12

Stephen Bohr. Have you ever been interested in the things that are hard to understand such as in Daniel 12? Find the answers in this in-depth presentation on Daniel 12. DAN12DVD … $9.99

1.) Daniel & Revelation 10, Part 1 2.) Daniel & Revelation 10, Part 2

MCMDRDVDSET-2. . . . . . $9.99 (1 DVD) MCMDRCDSET-2 . . . . . . . $6.00 (2 CDs) MCMDRMP3SET-2. . . . . . $4.00 (MP3)



MP3)& Blu-ray) Complete Series (DVD, CD, MP3 Daniel: Theme of Book

Stephen Bohr. Learn about the historical portions of the book of Daniel, specifically; Daniel 1, 3, 4, 6. DTOBDVD. . . . . . . $8.99 (1 DVD) DTOBCD. . . . . . . . $4.00 (1 CD) DTOBMP3. . . . . . . $4.00 (MP3)

Misunderstood Texts on the State of the Dead

Deliverance of the Saints

Stephen Bohr. Did you know that the absence of God’s name in the book of Esther has great prophetic significance? The final conflict will follow the same pattern as the one in Esther, and the close of probation, the time of trouble and the death decree are clearly revealed in the book. A fascinating two-hour study. DOSDVD. . . . . . . . $9.99 (1 DVD) DOSCDSET-2. . . . . $8.00 (2 CDs) DOSMP3SET-1. . . . $4.00 (MP3)

Does God Destroy?

Stephen Bohr. In the Bible, Jesus is called both a “Man of war, mighty in battle” and the “Prince of peace”. How can we reconcile the Old Testament stories of war and the wiping out of entire nations with the loving character of God as displayed in Jesus, the One who told us to “turn the other cheek”? Titles:

1.) Does God Destroy? Part 1 2.) Does God Destroy? Part 2


Stephen Bohr. Study the difficult passages that the Protestant world uses to defend their views on life after death. Learn how to defend what the Bible really teaches on this subject. Available in Spanish. See page 12E.

1.) The Right to the Tree of Life 2.) The Thief and the Witch 3.) The Rich Man and Lazarus 4.) Paul’s Dilemma: To Stay or to Depart? 5.) Absent from the Body & Present with the Lord 6.) Preaching to the Spirits in Prison 7.) Rachel’s Departing Soul 8.) The Keys of Hades 9.) The Dead Who Stand Before God 10.) The Souls Under the Altar 11.) Undying Worm & Unquenchable Fire 12.) Immortality of the Soul or Resurrection of the Dead? Complete Series:

DGDCDSET-2 . . . . . . . . . $8.00 (2 CDs) DGDMP3SET-2 . . . . . . . . $4.00 (MP3)

Earth’s Final Battle

Stephen Bohr. Study the last three plagues of Revelation 16 and what the Battle of Armageddon really means. Gain courage for the days ahead in seeing how God delivered Israel in their time of extremity. Titles:

PUZ2DVDSET-12 . . . $59.90 (6 DVDs) PUZ2CDSET-12 . . . . $48.00 (12 CDs) PUZ2MP3SET-12 . . . $24.00 (MP3) BPUZ2. . . . . . . . . . $21.99 (Study Notes — See p. 18) Individual Titles:

$9.99 — 2 titles on each DVD $4.00 — 1 title on each CD

1.) Earth’s Final Battle, Part 1 2.) Earth’s Final Battle, Part 2

EFBDVDSET-2. . . . . . . . . $11.99 (1 DVD) EFBCDSET. . . . . . . . . . . .$8.00 (2 CDs) EFBMP3. . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 (MP3)

Equal But Different

Stephen Bohr. In the Godhead, is it possible for two beings to be equal as beings and yet to fulfill different roles? What biblical evidence do we have for the roles of men and women in the home and in the church? Did the headship role of man in the home and in the church exist before the fall? Was it part of God’s original plan? Find the answers from the Bible in this confirming series.

The Ecumenical Movement

Stephen Bohr. Protestants, Catholics and the secular minded are converging at a dizzying pace. But there is a recalcitrant remnant. What will happen when Seventh-day Adventists are brought to prominence on the world scene? In this two-part series Pastor Bohr explains the crisis that awaits God’s people and their deliverance by God.


1.) Subordinate But Equal 2.) What’s Up With Women’s Ordination? 3.) The Case for Male Leadership


1.) Papists, Protestants, and Worldlings 2.) The Ben Carson Factor TEMDVD0102. . . . . . . . . $19.99 (1 DVD) TEMCDSET-2. . . . . . . . . . $12.00 (3 CDs) TEMMP3SET-2 . . . . . . . . $6.00 (MP3)


Complete Series: Individual Titles:

EBDDVDSET-3 . . . . . . . . . . $17.99 (2 DVDs) $8.99 — not all DVDs have 2 titles EBDCDSET-3. . . . . . . . . . . . $12.00 (3 CDS) $4.00 — 1 title on each CD EBDMP3SET-3 . . . . . . . . . . $6.00 (MP3) EBDBRSET-3 . . . . . . . . . . . $21.95 (1 Blu-ray disc)

Order Today! 888-REV-1412

(DVD, CD, MP3)

Complete Series

Emerging Spirituality: Blessing or Curse Stephen Bohr, Milton Teske, MD, Allen Davis, PhD, Alexa Hernandez, Jonathan Zirkle and Janet Lundeen Neumann present stirring messages applying, explaining, and exposing to God’s church the truth about true and false spirituality. Our church is at war in issues of worship. There has never been a more important time in the history of this earth to understand the blessings and deceptions of true and false worship. Titles: 1.) The Root of Postmodern Thinking, Stephen Bohr 2.) Mystical Spirituality and the Dismantling of Adventism, Part 1, Alexa Hernandez 3.) The Power of Greens, Part 1, Milton Teske, MD 4.) The Power of Greens, Part 2, Milton Teske, MD 5.) By Invitation Only, Janet Lundeen Neuman 6.) Back to Basics, Allen Davis, PhD 7.) Coexist, Jonathan Zirkle

8.) Papists, Protestants and Worldlings, Part 1, Stephen Bohr 9.) It’s Time to Speak, Allen Davis, PhD 10.) Mystical Spirituality and the Dismantling of Adventism, Part 2, Alexa Hernandez 11.) Shades of Grey, Janet Lundeen Neuman 12.) Nothing New Under the Sun, Jonathan Zirkle 13.) A Mighty Fortress, Jonathan Zirkle 14.) Papists, Protestants and Worldlings, Part 2, Stephen Bohr

Complete Series: Individual Titles:

ESDVDSET-14. . . . $64.99 (7 DVDs) ESCDSET-14 . . . . . $56.00 (14 CDs) ESMP3SET-14. . . . $28.00 (MP3)

$11.99 — 2 titles on each DVD $4.00 — 1 title on each CD

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD … — Isaiah 1:18

Final Movements

Stephen Bohr. This series gives us a view of last day events happening both inside and outside the church that are tending toward a crisis that we must be prepared for. “We have more to fear from within than without” we are warned and Satan is sneaking into the remnant church through unconsecrated members. Titles:

1.) Adventism’s Trojan Horse 2.) The Stealth Man 3.) The Roman Element

4.) The Collapse of the Three Walls 5.) The Symbols of Revelation 17 6.) The Resurrection of the River Dragon

Complete Series: Individual Titles:

FMDVDSET-6. . . . . . . . . . . $19.99 (4 DVDs) FMCDSET-6 . . . . . . . . . . . $24.00 (6 CDs) FMMP3SET-6. . . . . . . . . . . $12.00 (MP3)

$8.99 — not all DVDs have 2 titles $4.00 — 1 title on each CD

None but those who have fortified the mind with the truths of the Bible will stand through the last great conflict. To every soul will come the searching test: Shall I obey God rather than men? The decisive hour is even now at hand. Are our feet planted on the rock of God’s immutable word? Are we prepared to stand firm in defense of the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus?”

God On Trial: A Theology of Job Stephen Bohr. What is the central theme of Job? How does the book relate to the experiences of Jesus Christ? Why does Satan seem to disappear from the book after chapter 2? What is the meaning of Leviathan? Titles:

1.) God, Leviathan and Job

2.) Job & the Messiah

Complete Series:

GOTDVDSET-2. . . . $12.99 (2 DVDs) GOTCDSET-2. . . . . $8.00 (2 CDs) GOTMP3SET-2. . . . $4.00 (MP3) Individual Titles:

$8.99 — 1 title on each DVD $4.00 — 1 title on each CD

— Darkness Before Dawn, p. 36



Complete Series (DVD, CD, MP3) Great Apostasies of the Bible

Stephen Bohr. The Bible warns us that the things which happened to Israel were types and examples for us today who are on the brink of eternity. You will see striking parallels between Israel’s pitfalls and modern problems in the church that delay us from entering heaven. The same apostasy in these stories can be seen in the modern worship styles and rebellious attitudes and practices of individuals and whole churches today. There will be a shaking and a weeding out of those whose hearts are more inclined to the world than they are to God. This inspiring series will teach you how to detect the signs of apostasy and how to stand firm when the whole world seems to be forsaking God’s truth. Titles:

1.) Four Steps to Ruin (Achan) 2.) Vanity of Vanities (Solomon) 3.) Worship Egyptian Style (Golden Calf) 4.) The Holy and the Profane (Nadab & Abihu) 5.) The Constantine Syndrome (Balaam) 6.) Mutiny in the Camp (Korah)

7.) Rebellion is as Witchcraft (Saul) 8.) The Traitor (Absalom) 9.) The Son of Perdition 10.) The Overmastering Delusion 11.) God’s Antidote for Itching Ears 12.) The Final Apostasy

For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. — 1 Samuel 15:23

Complete Series: Individual Titles:

GADVDSET-12. . . . . . . $49.99 (12 DVDs) GACDSET-12. . . . . . . . $48.00 (12 CDs) GAMP3SET-12. . . . . . . $24.00 (MP3)

$8.99 — 1 title on each DVD $4.00 — 1 title on each CD

Cracking the Genesis Code Stephen Bohr. On the surface the book of Genesis appears to be a mere collection of ancient stories. But don't be fooled! Beneath the external simplicity lies a secret code which, when broken, reveals in no uncertain terms what will happen in the future. This series reveals the intimate connection between the first book of the Bible, Genesis, and the last book, Revelation. Don’t miss this life changing experience! Titles:

1.) Cracking the Genesis Code 2.) The Serpent, the Woman and the Seed 3.) History’s Golden Thread 4.) History’s Hidden Conspiracy 5.) Messiah’s Family Tree 6.) The Paradox of Good & Evil 7.) What on Earth Is Happening? 8.) The Genuine & the Counterfeit 9.) The Giant Slayer 10.) Quality Time in the Rat Race of Life 11.) The (Almost) Forgotten Day 12.) Two Devastating End Time Deceptions 13.) Noah’s Flood: Myth or Fact 14.) New Age or Old Lie? 15.) Keys to Mysteries of Life & Death 16.) Lessons from Sodom & Gomorrah 17.) Globalism & the New World Order 18.) Abraham & Covenant Promises 19.) Israel & the Palestinians 20.) The Battle for World Dominion 21.) The Prince & the Dragon 22.) The Antichrist & the Number 666


23.) 911 & the Destiny of America 24.) Lessons From a Forbidden Tree 25.) Armageddon: Earth’s Final Battle 26.) Genesis and the 144,000 27.) Genesis & Revelation’s Millennium 28.) How to Overcome Guilt & Failure 29.) The 8 Health Secrets in Genesis 30.) How to Invest in your Future 31.) Sow a Character, Reap a Destiny 32.) How to Choose the Right Church 33.) Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me? 34.) The Return of the War Hero 35.) God’s Heavenly Council 36.) The Ladder and the Tower 37.) Genesis and the Gift of Prophecy

38.) Innocent Until Proven Guilty 39.) The Base Crime of Amalgamation 40.) God’s Method of Discipline 41.) Unshakable and Unbreakable Faith 42.) And they Lived Happily Ever After 43.) One Greater than Joseph 44.) The Matchmaker 45.) History’s Invisible Guide 46.) The Enemy Within the Gates 47.) The Priesthood of Melchizedek 48.) Eternal Loss for a Plate of Lentils 49.) The Time of Jacob’s Trouble 50.) The Enoch Generation 51.) Creation’s Travail and Deliverance 52.) A Warning to the Mockers

Complete Series: Individual Titles:

CGCDVDSET-52. . . . $169.99 (26 DVDs) $9.99 — 2 titles on each DVD CGCCDSET-52. . . . $208.00 (52 CDs) $4.00 — 1 title on each CD CGCMP3SET-52. . . $104.00 (MP3) BCGC-32. . . . . . . . . . $31.99 (Study Notes #1-32 only — See p. 18)

Order Today! 888-REV-1412

(DVD, CD, MP3)

Complete Series

God’s Prophetic Chain Stephen Bohr. History is not composed of a series of disconnected and haphazard events. Rather, it is a carefully choreographed chain of events that were predicted millennia ago by God. In this series Pastor Bohr traces God’s great prophetic chain, link by link, from Ancient Babylon to the end of time. Special attention is dedicated to the end-time conflict and the glorious deliverance of God’s faithful remnant. You will be amazed at the predictive precision of Bible prophecy and your faith in the Master of history will grow exponentially. Titles:

1.) 2.) 3.) 4.)

God’s Great Prophetic Chain Who is the Little Horn? The Sword and the Captivity But He Spoke Like a Dragon

5.) 6.) 7.) 8.)

Congress Shall Make no Law 9.) Michael Shall Stand Up Let us Bow Down and Worship 10.) Fire, Lions and Deliverance And the Whole World Wondered 11.) Christ and Antichrist — on 2 Thessalonians 2 En Route to a New World Order not included in DVD set

Complete Series: Individual Titles:

GPCDVDSET-10. . $ 59.95 (5 DVDS) $11.99 — 2 titles on each DVD GPCCDSET-10 . . . $40.00 (10 CDs) $4.00 — 1 title on each CD GPCMP3SET-10. . $20.00 (MP3) BGPC. . . . . . . . . $34.95 (Study Notes — See p. 18)

“We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed…”

Guidance for the Last Days, Reexamining Ellen G. White

The Hebrew Religious Calendar

Stephen Bohr. In ancient times God gave Israel a series of seven annual observances. What spiritual lessons do these feasts have for us today? Should we be keeping these feasts today? In his new series, Pastor Bohr will address the meaning of the feasts with meticulous detail. This new series will be recorded during our 2017 Anchor School of Theology class in Fresno, California and will be available in the summer of 2017. The official title may change.

Herbert E. Douglass, Judson Lake, and Gerhard Pfandl. Interested in learning more about God’s remnant church’s prophet? Explore the biblical foundations for the gift of prophecy in the remnant church, especially as it relates to Revelation 12:17. This series answers the following questions: Does Ellen G. White pass the test of a true prophet? Are the Writings of Ellen White still relevant for the 21st century? Was Ellen White a plagiarist? How do we explain her literary borrowing? What principles should we use to properly interpret her writings? How do we deal with the accusations of her critics?

In The Beginning: Returning to God’s Original Plan

Stephen Bohr, Randy Skeete. Pastor Bohr unpacks the first two chapters in Genesis, seeing far reaching principles that God has placed in His Word for us today. Pastor Skeete addresses the creation story and the ability to see that same history throughout all of the Bible. Don’t miss out on these truths so plainly spoken by these students of God’s Word.


1.) A Prophet for God’s Remnant Church, Gerhard Pfandl 2.) The Tests of a True Prophet, Gerhard Pfandl 3.) Ellen White, More Relevant Today Than Ever, Herbert Douglass 4.) Ellen White and the Charge of Plagiarism, Judson Lake 5.) Ellen White Criticisms: Nothing New Under The Sun, Judson Lake 6.) General Questions and Answers 7.) The Interpretation of Ellen White, Gerhard Pfandl

Complete Series:

Complete Series: Individual Titles:

GFLDDVDSET-7. . . . . . . . . . $19.99 (4 DVDs) GFLDCDSET-7. . . . . . . . . . . $21.00 (7 CDs) GFLDMP3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.00 (MP3)

— 2 Peter 1:19

$8.99 — 2 titles on each DVD $4.00 — 1 title on each CD

ITBDVDSET-8. . . . . . . . . . $49.99 (4 DVDs) ITBCDSET-8. . . . . . . . . . . . $52.00 (8 CDs) ITBMP3SET-8. . . . . . . . . . . $16.00 (MP3) BITB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.99 (Study Notes — See p. 18) CD Set grouped by Speaker:

…worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

ITBSBCDSET-3 . . . . . . . . . $40.00 (5 CDs Pastor Bohr Only) ITBRSCDSET-3 . . . . . . . . . . $12.00 (3 CDs Randy Skeete Only)

— Revelation 19:10



Complete Series (DVD, CD, MP3) Jewels for the Master

Stephen Bohr. In this series Pastor Bohr shares practical tips on how to successfully witness for Jesus. A series of four lectures on the art of soul winning. Includes five steps of successful evangelism and practical suggestions on the importance of fully preparing candidates for baptism.

Lessons from the Indiana Campmeeting


1.) Fishing for the Master 2.) Send Me

3.) The Value of a Soul 4.) Evangelism’s Five Stages

Complete Series: Individual Titles:

JFMDVDSET-4 . . . . . . $19.99 (4 DVDs) $8.99 — 1 title on each DVD JFMCDSET-4 . . . . . . . $16.00 (4 CDs) $4.00 — 1 title on each CD JFMMP3SET-4 . . . . . . . $8.00 (MP3)

Knowledge Shall be Increased

Stephen Bohr, Christian Berdahl and Milton Teske, MD. Pastor Bohr deals with the day for a year principle, the Daily of Daniel 8, the 2520 non-prophecy and Revelation 17. Christian Berdahl addresses music in our church and world today. Dr. Teske teaches important principles of health reform while the series culminates with a question and answer session. Titles:

1.) Is the Year/Day Principle Biblical? Stephen Bohr 2.) Satan’s Musical Sophistry, Christian Berdahl 3.) Daniel 8 and the Daily, Stephen Bohr 4.) *A Sweet Disaster, Milton Teske, MD 5.) *How Sugar Affects Your Body, Milton Teske, MD 6.) The 2520 Non-Prophecy, Stephen Bohr

7.) An Enemy in the House, Christian Berdahl 8.) The Bible’s Foundational Doctrine, Stephen Bohr 9.) Decoding the Mysteries of Revelation 17, Stephen Bohr 10.) Our Day in Prophecy, Stephen Bohr 11.) Q & A Panel with Stephen Bohr, Christian Berdahl & Milton Teske

Stephen Bohr. One of the most controversial and potentially explosive topics of discussion in the Seventh-day Adventist Church today is music. There is no more a divisive issue in the Church than this one. Many churches have two worship services on Sabbath. Does it all matter? Consider the very relevant history in this historical overview of the notorious 1900 Indiana campmeeting. Available in Spanish. ICMDVD0102 . . . . . $9.99 (1 DVD) ICMCDSET-2. . . . . . $8.00 (2 CDs) ICMMP3SET-2. . . . . $4.00 (MP3)

They Lived Happily Ever After

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