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ABATI, J., ARENAS, R., MARTÍNEZ-CATALÁN, J.R. & DÍAZ GARCÍA, F. (2003) Anticlockwise P-T Patch of Granulites from the Monte Castelo Gabbro (Órdenes Complex, NW Spain). Journal of Petrology 44, 305-327.


ABATI, J., ARENAS, R., MARTÍNEZ-CATALÁN, J.R. & DÍAZ GARCÍA, F. (2003). Anticlockwise P-T patch of granulites from the Monte Castelo Gabbro (Órdenes Complex, NW Spain). EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly 2003. Nice, Francia.


ABATI, J., ARENAS, R., MARTÍNEZ-CATALÁN, J.R. & DÍAZ GARCÍA, F. (2003) Anticlockwise P-T patch of granulites from the Monte Castelo gabbro (Órdenes Complex, NW Spain). Geophysical Research Abstracts 5, 02118.


ABDUL AZIZ, H., KRIJGSMAN, W., HILGEN, F.J., WILSON, D.S. & CALVO SORANDO, J.P. (2003) An astronomical polarity for the late middle Miocene based on cyclic continental sequences. Journal of Geophysical Research 108, 5,1-5,16.


ABDUL AZIZ, H., SANZ RUBIO, E., CALVO SORANDO, J.P., HILGEN, F.J. & KRIJGSMAN, W. (2003) Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of a middle Miocene alluvial fan to cyclic shallow lacustrines depositional system in the Calatayud Basin (NE Spain). Sedimentology 50, 211-236.


ACEŃOLAZA, G.F., EMIG, C.C. & GUTIÉRREZ MARCO, J.C. (2003) Lingulid shell beds from the Ordovician of Argentina, with notes on other peri-Gondwanan occurrences. Insugeo 17, 237-244.


ACEŃOLAZA, G.F., GUTIÉRREZ MARCO, J.C. & PERALTA, S. (2003) Arachmostega gastrochaenae Bertling (traza fósil) en las secuencias volcaniclásticas de la Formación Suri, Sistema de Famatina, Argentina. Ameghiniana 40, 315-322.


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03.10. ALONSO ZARZA, A.M. (2003). Los carbonatos palustres: petrografía y parámetros geológicos que controlan su formación. En: Limnogeología en Espańa: un tributo a Kerry Kelts (Ed. B.L.Ed. Valero-Garcés). Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid. 03.11. ALONSO ZARZA, A.M. (2003) Paleoenvironmentall significance of palustrine carbonates and calcretes in the geological record. Earth-Science Reviews 60, 261-298. 03.12. ALONSO ZARZA, A.M. & ARENAS, C. (2003). Cenozoic calcretes from the Teruel Basin, Spain; microestructure, stable isotope geochemistry and environmental significance. 3rd Latinamerican Congress of Sedimentology. 55-56. Brasil. 03.13. ALONSO ZARZA, A.M. & ARENAS, C. (2003) Significado paleoambiental de las calcretas

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