FLAMENCO (Untitled) OLGA PERICET SYNOPSIS Olga Pericet´s innovative trend approaches traditional flamenco. Through her dance and the musicians that

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Story Transcript



SYNOPSIS Olga Pericet´s innovative trend approaches traditional flamenco. Through her dance and the musicians that accompany her, she takes the audience to a personal and intimate world. A combination of opposites necessary for this show: joy and sadness, light and shadows, reality and dreams. Her vision creates new places where de freshest and deepest of flamenco cohabitate, open to the viewer´s imagination.


CAST Artistic direction, choreographer and dancer: OLGA PERICET Direction collaboration: MARCO FLORES Y PACO VILLALTA Music direction: OLGA PERICET Y COMPAÑÍA Music composition: ANTONIA JIMENEZ, PINO LOSADA, VICTOR “EL TOMATE” Pre-recorded music composition: PABLO MARTÍN JHONES Singers: ISMAEL FERNÁNDEZ Y JOSÉ ÁNGEL CARMONA Guitar: ANTONIA JIMÉNEZ Y PINO LOSADA Lightning design: GLORIA MONTESINOS Sound design: ANGEL OLALLA Costume design: OLGA PERICET, YAIZA PINILLOS Costume manufacturing LB VESTUARIOS, GABRIEL BESA “Castañuelas” Special manufacturing: JUAN VELA “CASTAÑUELAS DEL SUR” Shoes: GALLARDO Graphic design: LOREDANA PELLECCHIA Photography: PACO VILLALTA Management and executive production: ANA CARRASCO Producción: OLGA PERICET Distribución: www.peinetaproducciones.com

This highly qualified dancer graduated in Spanish Dance and Flamenco performance from the Conservatory of Córdoba; today Olga Pericet is one of the most avant-garde artists in flamenco. Important names such as Matilde Coral, Manolo Marín, Maica Moyano y José Granero among others, appear in her academic formation. She has been a guest artist in great dance companies such as: Rafaela Carrasco, Nuevo Ballet Español, Arrieritos, Miguel Ángel Berna, Teresa Nieto, Belén Maya and Ballet Nacional de España. She has shared the stage with great dance figures such as Ana Laguna, Lola Greco, Nacho Duato, Enrique Morente, Isabel Bayon, Joaquín Grilo, Merche Esmeralda, Carmen Cortes and virtuoso violinist Ara Malikian. In 2004 she puts her choreographic signature and performs in the shows “Bolero, carta de amor y desamor”, and one year later she creates along with Manuel Liñán, the show “Cámara negra”, that same year she forms an ensemble with Marco Flores and Daniel Doña Chanta la Mui, creating a show by the same name. Other works as a choreographer include: “Complot”, as part of Chanta la Mui, premiered in the dance festival La Otra Mirada del Flamenco; “En sus 13” performed at XV Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla, “De cabeza” (2009) as part of Teresa Nieto ́s company, “Recital” (2010) was Chanta la mui ́s third creation, “Bailes alegres para personas tristes”, created along with Belén Maya and premiered in Festival de Jerez (2010), for which she received the Artista Revelación award. “Rosa Metal Ceniza” (2011) was her first solo creation for which she received a nomination for best female dance performer MAX award of the Performing Arts. “De una pieza” (2012) was first time performed at the opening of the 4th Flamenco Festival Biennale Holanda and at the Düsseldorf Festival, Germany. In 2014 Pericet premiered “PISADAS, a woman´s end and beginning” in Festival de Jerez and in 2015 “ FLAMENCO (Untitled)” at Repertorio Español in New York. She has performed in different festivals, galas and important venues all over the world: Boston Emerson Majestic Theater, New York City Center, Miami Arsht Center, Londres Sadler ́s Wells, Australia Opera House, Maison de la Dance, Flamenco Bienal Challiot de Paris, Días de Flamenco en Tel Aviv, Flamenco viene del Sur, Festival Danssa Valencia, Festival de Jerez, Bienal de Sevilla, Festival del Mercats de la Flors, Festival de Madrid en Danza, Bienal de Holanda, Festival de Nimes, Festival Música y Danza de Granada, Gala del 20 Aniversario de la Unión de actores, Gala de la Danza Expo de Zaragoza 2008, Gala Flamenco Festival (2007) (2012).


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Special award ACE 2016 New York, among others. “MAX award” for the best female dancer for Pisadas (2015) “Ojo Crítico de Danza Award”, (2014) “Artista Revelación award in Festival de Jerez (2010) ”Pilar López Flamenco National Award” (2007) ”Villa de Madrid” for best female dancer (2006) Best Choreography and Music at “Certamen de Danza Española y Flamenco de Madrid” (2004)

“Expect to be surprised; besides being a fiery and technically accomplished performer, Pericet is a mercurial presence and a fearless experimenter.” The New Yorker

PRESS SAYS “ Ms. Pericet, a compact powerhouse of a dancer, passes through many moods and modes of performance.” Flamenco can be highly presentational or profoundly internal, and on Friday Ms. Pericet went to both extremes.” The New York Times

“Lightness of being can be unbearable to some, but for Olga Pericet and her vast following, it can be a springboard..... Working within the Spanish dance tradition, Pericet has the savvy to scale the space, her dance and her musicians to suit her unique presence.” The Dance Enthusiast

“Un creativo espectáculo en el que ellos y ellas ofrecieron amplias muestras de su talento artístico. Y el alarde de Olga a partir del baile neoclasicista, donde su aquilatada técnica en zapateado hizo exclamar repetidamente al respetable los oportunos oles, sin esquivar los distintos pasos de baile que igualmente domina.” Diario de Cordoba

“Técnicamente es una superdotada y su particular visión del baile le confiere una personalidad única como bailaora, bailarina y coreógrafa. Al igual que otros espectáculos, Pericet rescata en ‘Flamenco: Untitled’ elementos como el abanico, la bata de cola o las castañuelas en una serie de coreografías que abarcan desde palos como el taranto, las seguiriyas o las cantiñas a registros más propios de la danza y el folclore.” Cordoba Flamenca

OLGA PERICET REVIEWS “Olga Pericet, en el apellido lleva el sabor de la danza española, sabe como estar en escena, y se muestra segura y firme, baile en pantalones, en bata de cola o en traje liso de diseño actual.” ABC, Marta Carrasco 2015

¨Olga Pericet figura entre los mejores vanguardistas.¨ Estela Zatania, deflamenco.com. 2014

¨Una bailaora que adquiere aires de diosa cuando se sube a un escenario. Misterios del arte.¨ Fermín Lobatón, El País. 2014

¨Hay personas predestinadas a dejar huella.¨ Fran Pereira, Diario de Jerez. 2014

“Su técnica es exquisita y su amplitud de registro la sitúan indiscutiblemente como una de las bailaoras mas completas del momento.” Córdoba flamenco. Mayo 2013

“Pericet is a diminutive figure with a towering presence, her fierce energy caged within a steely technique” Sanjoy Roy, The Guardian. 2012

“Pericet is undeniably charismatic and a dazzling technician” Paula Durbin, The Washington Post. 2012

CONTACT www.olgapericet.com [email protected] +34 687 048 256

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