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online Bluff Beacon 30.8 22

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1 Email [email protected] Ph 0211364960 www.facebook.com/Bluff-Beacon Multimillion dollar Eco Park to begin construction in October Last week CH4 Global, Inc., announced yet another milestone in its path to globalization: construction of the company’s first EcoPark, an integrated facility in New Zealand for sustainable aquaculture. This facility, together with several EcoParks beginning construction in Australia this year, will enable large-scale commercial production of the company’s Asparagopsis-based animal supplements for enteric methane mitigation. 30/08/22 $1.00

2 For the EcoPark, CH4 Global will repurpose a brownfield site at Ocean Beach, a land-based aquaculture park near Bluff that is on track to become the largest such park in New Zealand. Phase 1 kicks off this year with the beginning of construction, with full production by the middle of 2023. In Phase 2, the facility will be expanded to 500 bioreactors with the capacity to supply raw material required for the company’s feedlot formulation for up to 15,000 head of cattle. Currently, the Ocean Beach brownfield site is being upgraded to meet CH4 Global’s requirements. A leading provider of recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) in the region, Fresh By Design, has been commissioned to design and construct the facility. The CH4 Global EcoPark model is designed to maximize efficiencies and build sustainability into all aspects of the facility and its operation. The company’s integrated system for growing and processing Asparagopsis seaweed will include regional hatcheries. CH4 Global achieved another major milestone in June 2022, when it announced the first commercial sale of its Asparagopsis-based livestock supplement that reduces enteric methane by up to 90%. The new CH4 Global EcoPark at Ocean Beach will guarantee controlled, consistent Asparagopsis production as the company expands commercial supply to the Australian and New Zealand markets. Most of the seaweed will be exported to Australia for use in the large feedlot cattle market. At any one time, there are more than 1.5 million cattle being finished on Australian feedlots for local and international markets.

3 Commenting on the announcement, CH4 Aotearoa GM Nigel Little, said: “This is a key milestone in our path to full commercialisation. This EcoPark is proof of our ability to scale our technology on a sound commercial basis – both for us and for the farmers that use our product. It will be the first of many EcoParks planned over the next five years. We will be working closely with Blair and his team at Ocean Beach who share our passion and vision.” Commenting on the announcement, Ocean Beach Managing Director Blair Wolfgram, said: “We are very excited about our partnership with the CH4 Global team that has gone from strength to strength over the last couple of challenging years. The technology CH4 have developed to grow this exceptional seaweed at scale is very impressive. Globally, Steve Meller; and Nigel Little, domestically here in Aotearoa, have built an incredibly talented team with a true international outlook for this worldwide issue. CH4 have a strong alignment with Ocean Beach’s aspiration to be an Aquaculture Centre of Excellence and will be a significant contributor with our other partners to growing the aquaculture industry in Murihiku / Southland. We are sure the founder of Ocean Beach and former Prime Minister, Sir Joseph Ward, would be very proud that what he created at Ocean Beach is now being utilised to grow a seaweed that helps farmers fight against global warming.” Fresh By Design General Manager Lachlan Bassett said: “We are extremely proud to be working on this project with CH4 Global at Ocean Beach. The opportunity to work with a world class team in CH4 Global on their mission to reduce global methane emissions is incredibly exciting. We look forward to supporting CH4 Global on their path to large scale commercial production of Asparagopsis”

4 Kia Ora Tamariki from Bluff School, After School Classes, St Teresa's School, and the Te Rourou and Kindy Learning Centres. How has your week been? I hope you have enjoyed every bit of learning at your Learning Centres! We at Bluff School in week 5 of term 3 have had a week of exploring, learning about symmetry, new changes, achievements, fun at After School Classes and "Time to Shine on Stage" at Polyfest. This week tamariki have been busy in their classrooms as normal, the difference was, there have been practises each day to prepare and polish our performance for Polyfest on Friday the 26th. Even though this weeks column will be shorter than normal, I still wanted to acknowledge some activities that were going on around the kura. I hope you enjoy the extra photo's leading up too, and the performances on the day of Kura and our pepi (babies) from Te Rourou at the Miharo Polyfest. In Rooms Kakapo and Weka, they were exploring and coding Scratch Jr, an app on their iPads. This is a new and fun way of learning. (It's certainly a new way for the older generation!) In Room Kereru, tamariki were painting in symmetry. Similar parts facing each other, or one half is the mirror of the other half. Looking at what they were producing, you could tell they were enjoying the challenge, and they delivered some bright and colourful mahi. (work) Along with kura (school) receiving free, Government funded lunches each day, we also receive fresh fruit daily. Depending on what season it is, this could range from whole pineapples, plums, apricots, bananas, apples, strawberries and much more. In the past, each classroom would have a "monitor" or tamariki, to go fetch their fruit basket from the office area where the baskets are cleaned and packed each day. This term, Room Tui tamariki have the job of delivering these to the 6 classrooms. George from Room Tui delivering fresh fruit to the classrooms. Nga mihi (Thank you.) George.

5 At After School Classes this week on Art day, tamariki were creating their own designs and patterned ornaments using tiny, colourful plastic pieces. Their finished product was then ironed to keep their shape. This is where AJ, one of our tuakana (older) kotiro (girls) came to their aid. Nga mihi Kelly for providing and supervising this activity!!! Another one of our tuakana girls Sarah, has been chosen for the under 13 girls Southland Basketball Team. She will play games in Dunedin and Gore, and it is from these games, Selectors will choose a team to play in Ashburton. Tino pai Sarah! You have done so well to get this far! Please know we will be thinking of you as you play your future games, and no matter what the outcome, you can certainly be proud of how far you have come! Ka pai! (Well done!) Speaking about sports, our young tamariki, made up of tama (boys) and kotiro (girls) were outdoors practising in the sunshine again this week. To finish off the kura week, the whole kura, kaiako (teachers) and kaimahi (support staff) climbed aboard the buses and headed to the Stadium... All the best for your up and coming basketball games Sarah!!! Kara and Santana making "girlie things." Nga mihi AJ for your tautoko. (support)


7 "Congratulations" to all the Bluff tamariki for a well polished performance after a 2 year gap! "Congratulations" also, to all the Kaimahi from both Learning Centres for getting our tamariki to this point! All the hard mahi paid off!!! Don't forget to let the tamariki in your whare know how amazing they are! Until next week, ka kite' from Nanny Fran.

8 Earlier this year I had the pleasure of visiting the Bluff Hill Motupōhue Environment Trust’s new Te Korowai Whakahou Native Plant Nursery. The Trust has done an amazing job with predator control and habitat restoration on Bluff Hill / Motupōhue over many years and it was fantastic to see the team receive Jobs for Nature Funding last year to help expand their work. It’s also great to see the Trust is planning to plant 20,000 native trees during Conservation Week this year, with 10,000 to be planted on a single day on Saturday, September 10. Clearing gorse and replanting with eco-sourced natives will not only beautify the area adjoining Bluff Hill / Motupōhue, but will also create a nature corridor which will bring native birds closer to people’s homes. The recent announcement the Invercargill City Council will receive $981,380 from the Government’s Tourism Infrastructure Fund for upgrades to the mountain bike trails and shared paths on Bluff Hill / Motupōhue is also great news for Bluff. The project will also expand the available car parking, as well as adding a new public toilet. With Bluff Hill / Motupōhue becoming increasingly popular with mountain bikers and walkers, the new funding will help ensure the facilities can keep up with demand and may even help attract new events to Bluff. The official opening of the Invercargill to Bluff shared walking and cycling trail, Te Ara Taurapa, earlier this year was another positive development. Completed with funding from the National Land Transport Fund, Te Araroa Trails Trust and a number of local funders, the trail’s completion means people no longer have to negotiate the busy state highway traffic when walking or cycling between Invercargill and Bluff. More recently, it was fantastic to see Te Rūnaka O Awarua opening Te Rau Aroha Marae to the public on our first ever Matariki public holiday on June 24. The Marae did an amazing job hosting members of the community over the long weekend and explaining the meaning behind Matariki and the history of the marae. It was great to see so many families enjoying the activities when I visited. While the Bluff Tourism Master Plan suggests there’s much more in the pipeline, it’s wonderful to see some of the things already happening in and around Bluff.

9 Taxis Phone or Txt kaylene 0211364960 We accept Total Mobility Bluff to Invercargill $80 Going Going Gone After almost 50 years, Tupperware - famous for its sales parties in Kiwi homes over the decades - is closing its New Zealand business. Ultimately Organised Pty Ltd, exclusive importers of Tupperware in New Zealand, will be closing 30th October 2022. They have been the exclusive importers for Tupperware in NZ since 2020. For 47 of the last 49 years, the Tupperware business was built on the face-to-face party plan model where friends and family would get together for an hour or two of catchups, laughs and of course to see the latest and greatest from Tupperware. In a statement- Tupperware said, “ As we all know, things changed when COVID arrived and the in-person party model, by necessity, stopped and international supply chains faced their own challenges. Even with the relaxation of lockdowns, there is an understandable reluctance for inhome parties. While our amazing Salesforce worked hard to adapt to online events and sales, increased costs and declining sales meant that a difficult decision had to be made.” Sit and Keep fit Join Sandy to sit or stand to do easy exercises to great music. Suitable for all fitness levels Thursday 10.30am at the Town Hall Enquires phone Sandy 0274993109

10 Heathly Eating By Iona West Hope you enjoy all that I have written here. Need it be said that a balanced diet is the key to a healthier lifestyle. Balance Starch foods with Proteins Starch foods: Potatoes, Corn, Barley, Oats, Pastry, Bread, Bananas, Dates, Sultanas, Figs, Prunes and Raisins. Proteins: Fish, Eggs, Lean Meat, Citrus Fruits 3 salads for you to enjoy Pea Salad 2 carrots (grated or cut into matchsticks) 1 cup minted peas 1 cup sunflower seeds 1 spring onion French dressing or Dressing made of half cup of olive oil and the juice of one lemon Put into salad bowl, pour over dressing. Nice with Baked Fish Raw Finger Salad A selection of raw vegetables such as Carrots cut into matchsticks, Tomatoes cut into quarters, Celery cut into strips, Cauliflower or Broccoli florets lightly steamed Season with Salt and pepper Dressing of your choice such as mayonnaise or yoghurt. Orange and lemon Salad 3 Oranges cut in sections Lemons cut into quarters Finely shredded lettace Chopped mint to garnish Pour over olive oil Nice served with Tomatoes, fish and eggs. Season with a little salt

11 Gidday Everyone. Just an update on the McKenzie Brothers Memorial Project. Things are moving on in the back ground, meetings are ongoing, permissions have be given and the first part of the track has been cut. Well, mulched is a better choice of words. A Very Big thank you to "Bluff Hill/ Motupōhue Environment Trust" who have broken ground on clearing the largest part of the new track. One day of Aaron Dickens 20 ton digger has saved us months of hand cutting this track. You can just make out this new track in one of the pictures, cutting it's way through the gorse and scrub. There's plenty more work to do, but I'd like to thank the person or people who have been up to the memorial site and hand built a stone cairn where the old flag pole stood. You'll see in the pictures that it looks down onto the old family home. That was an awesome idea. As things happen, I'll keep you posted. As always, Cheers and Beers. Robbo

12 Bluff will soon have its new information kiosk The unmanned kiosk has been an example of community working together as groups such as the Bluff Community Board, Bluff 2024, Te Runaka O Awarua, Bluff Promotions and ICC Parks have collaborated to bring the project to fruition. The kiosk will be housed in a former shipping container in keeping with the maritime theme of the town. With the container having been in place for quite some time many residents have been asking when the project will be complete. The remaining work involves the information and imagery within the kiosk which has been subject to several delays. Such is the nature of the content it is important to ensure it is correct and thoroughly checked before it is installed in the facility. Despite delays that work is nearing completion and the kiosk will open early in the spring. Funding has been forthcoming from a great many organisations and individuals and the working group thanks them for their support. The working group is looking forward to unveiling the project to our community. Lindsay Beer Bluff Publicity/Promotions Officer Image courtesy of Monica Toretto.

13 Starting this year, the whitebait season will take place from 1 September to 30 October throughout New Zealand in an important step towards a sustainable whitebait fishery The Chatham Islands are an exception to the new regulations and will retain their whitebaiting season of 1 December until the last day of February. DOC’s Whitebait Fishery Manager Nick Moody says the new season dates will help to reduce fishing pressure on all whitebait, especially the most threatened species, and ensure the whitebaiting season is consistent throughout New Zealand. “Whitebait are taonga and mahinga kai for Māori and provide a much-loved recreational pastime for New Zealanders. However, four of the six whitebait species are classified as threatened or at risk of extinction from a variety of causes including habitat loss and barriers to their migration. “Our goal is to ensure healthy and restored whitebait populations and provide equitable access to a sustainable and thriving fishery. We want to ensure the decline is reversed. No one wants to see whitebait go extinct,” Nick Moody says. Previously, the majority of New Zealand’s whitebaiting season ran from 15 August to 30 November, while the West Coast season ran from 1 September to 14 November. The new whitebaiting season dates were first announced in June 2021 as part of a three-year rollout of changes to whitebaiting regulations, following two years of public engagement. These changes included creating new whitebait refuges in Abel Tasman National Park and the southern part of Fiordland National Park, and changes made to the regulations on fishing gear and fishing methods. “This year we will continue the work we began last season on gathering >[email protected] ADDRESS: 53 Barrow street, P O Box 125, Bluff NEV’S GLASS Ph 0274335808 Marine, household and commercial glazing, Glazing & Perspex Find Nev every Thursday at Bluff Timber GREEN WIZARD What a great place to live, Motupohue, The Bluff, great people, great environment, great weather, what more could you wish for! Again this week and for the next month or so, election campaigning is to the fore for me, if you wish for a leader to represent you consider voting for me, vote Noel! https:// www.facebook.com/IGREENMAN1/posts/ pfbid022VcD131sAoaCQUtVSDPrWwLbtkJi8ACJSNu7zmVRS1WmkojKt8qEdqg3MXfutG8pl I see so many good things happening, from support for youth, to making the harbour entrance safer for visiting vessels Bluff is moving ahead, even Ocean Beach is going ahead with the announcement of an Ecopark, a welcome start to my vision, Bluff to become an ecovillage leading the way and showing the world how it’s done! https:// www.stuff.co.nz/business/129663221/construction-to-start-on-ecopark-at-bluff-to-reduce-effect-of-cowemissions?fbclid=IwAR3uXTWTDfmrtjMNTKySyxT_9zJT3uswQrWTJEBl2AXbqBki14d2aifCWnU Still also working for the people who live within the more rural part of the Bluff Community Board boundary, Oceanbeach, Green Point, Greenhills, Omaui, Awarua, small communities that like Bluff will need support and a voice at the council table, along with people in Bluff, please do contact me if you wish. Finally,check out all the Community Board Candidates & Council Candidates, be sure you vote, democracy needs you! Ka taea e tātau te neke tahi i nga maunga! - Walking together we can move mountains

15 BLUFF NEW LIFE CHURCH Sundays 10 am 154 Gore Street Ph 2128830 Bluff Greenhills Combined Church Sundays 10am Cnr Palmer & Foyle Streets Ph 2128403 St Mary’s Star of the Sea The 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month 11am 190 Barrow Street, Bluff Ph: 03 212 8501 Praise Service Greenhills Church Sunday 3.00pm (held first Sunday of each month) Will & Rachel Ph 212 7239/021 0300457 MURIHIKU BADEN POWELL GUILD FUND RAISING 'KINDLING' 6kg bag - - - $8 3 bags - - - - $20 Contact Paddy Phone 2128218 / 021 2522092 Or [email protected] Gentle exercise and Fall Prevention exercises Tuesday mornings St. John’s Hall 10.30am Feel free to join us for 1 hour All Welcome Bluff Indoor Bowls Wednesdays @ 7pm In the Church hall, corner of Foyle and Palmer Streets We welcome new members, whether you have played or not. Enquirers to Heather 0273355591 or Brian 2128892

16 Weather at a glance Monumental Masons Showroom & Office 221 Yarrow Street Invercargill Ph 03 2170666 or 0275939009 Www.maidenstone.co.nz [email protected] Mens’ Coffee Group Fridays 10am at Lands End Open to all retired men in the Bluff area. Come along and enjoy some company for an hour Enquiries to John 2127964 Ladies Group 10am Fridays at Senior Citizens Rooms This is a wonderful opportunity to meet other ladies and enjoy an hour of friendship. Some ladies meet at 9am at Stirling Point for a walk and a chat before the 10am meet. Paddy 2128218 www.facebook.com/maiden-stone MAIDEN Full Member of the NZ Master Monumental Mason's Association Te Rourou Bi-Lingual Early Learning Centre OPEN DOOR WHANAU DAYS Te Rourou is open 8.30am – 5.00pm Monday – Friday Call 212-8866 for any enquiries We are a Marae based Early Childhood Centre If you would like to come along and bring your Pepi or Tamariki any day of the week you are most welcome. We have coffee and tea facilities and a safe indoor and outdoor learning environment. Come along and enjoy our facilities with your Tamariki or Pepi and meet the team, we would love to see you! NAU MAI, HAERE MAI Tuesday 30/08/22 A mix of sun and cloud 6° - 14° Monday 05/09/22 Cloudy with sunny Breaks 1° - 7° Wednesday 31/08/22 Cloud with sunny breaks 8° - 15° Thursday 01/09/22 Mainly sunny 5° - 13° Sunday 04/09/22 Showers 0° - 7° Friday 02/09/22 Mainly cloudy 6° - 11° Saturday 03/09/22 Rain 4° - 9°

17 PORTWATCH with Old Norm Portwatchers don't get much variety this week on the portwatching front with just bulk carriers and container ships to keep them entertained. Makes the comings and goings of the Heron Construction crew positively exciting by comparison. The Chinese “Cosco Jinggangshan” was still loading logs at berth 8 and should have been joined on Monday by the “African Ibis” loading scrap metal at berth 5. Completed in 2004 by the Japanese shipyard Kanda Kawajiri she is one of the shipyard's 'Kanda 32BC' type of which 42 were built in the period 1998-2007. Powered by a 6 cylinder Mitsubishi engine of 9001 horsepower she does 14 knots on a fuel consumption of 25 tonnes per day, not bad for a 32,000 tonne ship built eighteen years ago, although you would probably hope for rather better economy and a bit more speed if you own a Mitsubishi yourself. The first of two container ships due this week is the “MSC Langsar” expected on Tuesday for another container exchange. She dates from 2010 when she was completed in China as the “Kota Langsar” for Pacific International Lines, a Singaporean company which has had its share of financial difficulties of late, although with freight rates at record high levels at present the company's balance sheet should have a healthier glow by now. Both the “Cosco Jinggangshan” and “MSC Langsar” should be outward bound on Wednesday, when the “Iyo Sea” is expected to arrive. Making her first visit to Bluff she is operated by Pacific Basin, still based in Hong Kong. Discharging petroleum coke at Tiwai the “Iyo Maru” was built in 2015 by Imabari to its popular 'IS Bari-Star 38' design with 171 of this type in service or, in the case of the “African Tiger”, 'on order – not commenced' but due for delivery in August 2022 which, at time of writing, gives them three days to build her from scratch. Imabari may be a very efficient shipyard but even it will find this a tad challenging. Thursday brings the second container ship of the week, this being the “MSC Corinna”, easily distinguished from others on MSC's Capricorn service by her 4 x 45 tonne deck cranes, probably rarely used on the Capricorn route but perhaps making her a more attractive option for charter to lines serving less developed ports. Final arrival scheduled is the “Ken Haru” expected on Saturday to discharge fertiliser. She is another of the 'IS Bari-Star 38' type but from a different builder than the “Iyo Sea” having been delivered by the Shimanami Shipyard, a subsidiary of Imabari, last year. Perhaps indicating more efficient hull and propeller designs she is slightly faster than the “Iyo Sea” with an engine developing about 13% less power which seems a big improvement in just six years. Given the All Blacks big improvement in even less time Old Norm and Paddy were at their favourite watering hole in plenty of time, and Paddy brought along a mate. Paddy introduced his friend to Old Norm and explained, “We met when I was farming up north and old Bill here would turn up at all the agricultural shows – he was fascinated by farm machinery, especially the tractors, but seems to have lost interest lately”. “Is that so?” Says Old Norm. “Yeah, couldn't care less nowadays”, Bill told him, “Suppose I'm just an ex-tractor fan”. Bluff Sharing Shed is up and running again. outside the Information Centre ( previous spot) by the piano There will also be a box there for you to leave your old bread bags. Any questions contact Judy 2128707

Hidden holes 1st Davis Craw 10 Points 2nd Marvin Ihaia 5 Points 3rd Eric Williams 2 Points 4th Max Russell 2 Points 5th Adam Bedggood -10 Points Bluff engineering Nearest the pin No 3 David Craw Brad tiling Nearest the pin No 9 David Craw Longest Putt No 4 Max Russell Nett Eagles Marvin Ihaia J R Plastering Joel Ropiha Phone 0273623817 Whether its a small hole in the wall, cove to fix or replace, walls to skim after removing wallpaper or stopping a new home I do it all!

19 Recipe by Carla Prunella Square 4 oz butter 2/3 c stewed prunes 1 c sugar 1 1/2 c flour 1 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp Baking Powder 1 tsp mixed spice 1/2 tsp nutmeg Pinch salt 1 tsp Baking Soda 1 large egg 2/3 c milk Cream butter and sugar til pale, add egg and beat. Slowly add sifted dry ingredients alt with milk then add drained prunes ( keeping the juice aside for icing) mix until just combined. Place into a lined slice tin, smooth top. Bake 180oc 20 to 30 minutes. Cool on cake rack in tin. Make plain icing with butter and icing sugar using prune juice to thin. Ice slice and cut into squares when set. Alpha Omega Weight Loss Group Mondays 6pm Church Hall, Palmer Street For Further information contact Fran on 2128626 or 02102343141

20 Locally owned and operated Bluff Couriers operates between Bluff and Invercargill with 4 runs per day Mail Run/Passenger service Leaves Invercargill @ 8.30am Leaves Bluff @ 9.30am Run 1 Leaves Bluff @ 8am Leaves Invercargill @ 9.30am Run 2 Leaves Bluff @ 11am Leaves Invercargill @ 12.30pm Run 3 Leaves Bluff @ 2pm Leaves Invercargill @ 3.30pm Phone 03 2127404 BLUFF COURIERS

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