Packaging Design RESURGENCE COFFEE CO. Description: Resurgence is an imaginary coffee company created for a class packaging project. My responsibility was to create and design three different products. For Resurgence, I made a coffee bean bag, disposable coffee cups along with the sleeve, and a coffee cup holder. The idea behind the design is centered around the idea of “boldness”. The company claims to have an ultra dark roast coffe that is “strong enough to raise the dead,” and the package design needed to fit that idea.
30 DAYS OF COSMILK Description: Cosmilk is an imaginary milk company created for a 30 Day Project for #30DayProjectSociety. My responsibility was to design something new every day for 30 days straight. I chose to make a milk company that specializes in space flavored milk. I created the design in batches, the first one being planets, the second is astrological signs, and the third was other wonders of space such as eclipses, shooting stars, and black holes.
Books Design
GRAFTED - MAGAZINE Description: GRAFTED is a magazine about the significance of emotional and mental burn outs and how to start the process of healing from them. The purpose of the project was to create a magazine that was unique to me, and something that I could personally relate to. I wanted to emphasize the idea that healing isn’t a comforatable experience. My responsibility was to spread awareness to an evergrowing problem more and more people are facing today. By using a mix of photography, illustration, and design, I was able to create something that is striking and memorable.
BOOK COVERS & BOOK JACKETS Description: In this project, I designed a set of covers and jackets based on real books to create a series that could be sold together. I want to focus on the bare bones of graphic design and focus less on the idea that design has to be digital. For my book covers, I used velvet and gold ribbon. For the jackets, I used cardboard paper, gold ribbon, and print. The goal was to create a mix of textures that could layer over one another. The books I chose are “The Phantom of the Opera” by Gaston Leroux, “Wicked” by Gregory Maguire, and “The Princess Bride” by William Goldman”. All these books were made into musicals.
POSTERS Design ADOBE ALPHABET Description: This poster is part of a bigger brochure project. It was a font project that focused on one typeface and creating a story behind it. My responsibility was to take Helvetica and make a poster that was fun and bright. My brochure’s title is “One Helv a Time,” and I designed the poster to evoke a sense of childlike awe.
MUSTER YOUR MUSE Description: This set of posters was for an event at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Each poster featues a guest speaker that was a big iconic part of different art styles. Kelly Mouse Studios did a lot of psychedelic art for bands in the 1970s. Eleanor Campbell did watercolor paintings for book illustration. Hayao Miyazaki created many iconic characters for Japanese animes. The event catered to children and allowing them to participate in learning more about the history of art and how it still impacts us today. My responsibility was to create the posters that would be appealing to children and their parents.
STOP CLIMATE CHANGE Description: My #StopClimateChange posters are centered around the natural disasters that happen today that are a side effect of climate change. My task was to deliver a set of posters that could be used individual and as a set that would communicate the reasons why we should push for a more eco-friendly and sustainable lifestyle. I used a lot of irony, placing each poster in front of a nice scenic environment and the poster telling the viewer that the reality will soon impact the whole world if we don’t #StopClimateChange.
Client Work Design Made For: Melanie Oliver Events
BROCHURES & SOCIAL MEDIA ADVERTISING Description: This project was for a client who owns an event and wedding planning business in San Diego, California. She needed brochures for her available wedding packages, and evergreen content for instagram that promoted her company. I focused on her reviews from Yelp and Thumbtack to incorporate them into the posts. For the brochures, I used a color palette and quote from the client’s website to keep the existing designs cohesive with the new content.
Made For: CSUF Office of Sustainability CAR WRAP & MERCHANDISE Description: This project was for the CSUF Office of Sustainability. My team and I were tasked with creating wrap designs for a Club Car which is a zero emissions vehicle the school was gifted. The purpose of the club car is to take food waste from the Gastonome to the Arboretum to use as fertilizer and compost. As this project was a collaborative effort, many elements featured on the car wrap are from my other team members. As a bonus, we created extra content for the Office of Sustainability such as pins, shirt and sweater designs, stickers, and designs for reusable water bottles.
Made For: The Old Homestead THE OLD HOMESTEAD REBRAND Description: This project is a rebrand for The Old Homestead, an event and wedding venue located in Crockett, California, a small town in the Bay Area. This venue has a very rich history and is a popular wedding venue because of its infamous redwood tree. The reason I chose The Old Homestead for the rebrand is because I felt like the area is dying. Not many people know about this venue anymore and all the signeage is a bit out-dated. My responsibility was to contemporize the brand while still keep it clean and elegant. I also created evergreen content to advertise the venue on Instagram and used pictures from people who held their weddings there.
Web Design
30 DAY PROJECT SOCIETY LANDING PAGES Description: This project was for the 30 Day Project Society. My responsibility was to create landing pages for their website. The content had to include free content such as an e-book or webinar, the contents of the e-book or webinar, testimonials, and more free items that participators could get if they signed up and accepted the 30 Day Project challenge. I had to follow a very specific color palette, set of typefaces, and information from the 30 Day Project Society Instagram page.
App Design
WAYPOINT Description: Waypoint is an imaginary hiking app created for UX/UI design. The goal was to make an app layout that is easy and simple to use, and caters to the needs of specific people such as those with disabilities, pet owners, and families hiking with children. The process included creating various navigation icons for the app itself, an app icon, and a logo for the startup screen.
Navigation Icons
Logo & App Icon
Logos Design
Logo for a milk brand that specializes in flavored space-themed milk.
Logo for a coffee company that specializes in ultra strong and bold roasts.
Logo for an event and wedding venue in Northern California.
Logo for a toy company that specializes in sock puppets.
Logo for IamHenHen, a live streamer on Twitch.tv.
Logo for WayPoint, a hiking and navigation app.
Logo for Balboa Park.
Logo made for JJA3, a live streamer on Twitch.tv.
Environment Design
TWITCHCON 2022 Description: This project is an environment design for an annual convention called TwitchCon. It is hosted by Twitch, a company that has a live streaming platform, and is a place that many streamers from all over the world can gather and meet fellow streamers and members of their communities. The actual TwitchCon signeage is usually very plain and just has their logo repeated on it. My responsibility was to create wayfinding signs, banners, and panels that included vibrant colors, textures, and designs with the legibility of wayfinding. In my “Featured Streamers” banners, I included some of my own friends who livestream on Twitch.tv and used this project to promote them. I also wanted to emphazise the importance of artists on Twitch so I included some custom illustrations I’ve made for real clients on the “Creative Corner” panel.
Thank You! Mariah Fojas @Mariukie
[email protected]