Generation Girl Impact Report 2019 Flipbook PDF

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Impact Report 2019

2019 Snapshot Operations Events Speakers or Community Partners Featured In To All The Jobs I’ve Applied To Before WiSTEM with Johnson & Johnson How To Negotiate Your Offer with Love&Flair KiddoHack with KodeKiddo College Mixer with Origo Programs 1st full year of operations 2 full-time employees 10 part-time employees

followers ON SOCIAL MEDIAS 2019 Impact

Meet: Ilma Ranjani Wijaya “It does seem like I got very lost, joining a STEM course as an aspiring medical professional, but even I was surprised by just how much these fields overlap. As healthcare is moving further into technological advancement, a higher focus on biotechnology is given by physicians all around the world, including myself who plans to make it my specialty! (amiiin) Even now, the web and app development, computer science, user experience design, and all the other cool things I learned in GenG are already always being applied— whether in practice, research, organizations, competitions, or even day to day hacks for studying faster. The computational thinking seems to be applicable in anything.” Ilma is a Summer Club 2019 Alumna and currently a university student studying medicine

“Setelah aku pikir-pikir, aku mau lanjutin sampe app aku beneran jadi karena tujuan aku emang itu. Aku seneng banget bisa ikut outreach karena itu bantu aku untuk belajar banyak soal ini. Meskipun gak menang (hehehe) aku tetep pengen lanjutin sampe selesai kakk!” Marsha is a Summer Club 2019 and Outreach at Tokopedia alumna and in her last year of high school Meet: Marsha Widyatmodjo

“These 3 months of hard work has by far been the highlight of our experience in Generation Girl! Throughout our life, We’ve never thought that coding was something we were interested in, until Generation Girl motivated us to step out of our comfort zone :) My team and I have put our blood, sweat, and tears these past 3 months, and I’m so glad all the hard work has paid off well!” Zahra and Nabilla are Summer Club 2019 Alumnae, Outreach at Tokopedia Alumnae, and Winter Club 2019 Volunteers! They are in their third year of high school Meet: Zahra Suryo & Nabilla Dharmaputra

2020 Goals Build a Stronger Community of Budding Female Leaders Strengthen Industry Partnerships Move Towards Financial Sustainability Grow our community through our annual programs and one-time events. One of our biggest assets is being able to connect our girls with current female role models in the field. We are focusing on diversifying our revenue streams to ensure that our girls will always have a support system as they continue to build their careers.

Become an Educational Partner Join the Movement! Donate Resources Although we are striving to become financially independent, a little help wouldn’t hurt ;) Be Our Advisor We are quite a young team, so we’d love to work with more advisors who can help us strategize and create a sustainable business model. Host an Outreach Program Outreach gives the girls a glimpse into the life of an engineer, while allowing them to create meaningful products with their mentors. We want to keep our curriculums fresh and up to date with the latest industry skills and standards, so we are always looking for curriculum builders and mentors from different companies.


Yansen Kamto Advisor Crystal Widjaja Advisor Our Team Janice Widjaja Operations Vania Radmila Alfitri Education Anbita Nadine Siregar Founder Tania Soerianto Business Development Tsabita Vera Cyavrilla Marketing Grace Tjandra Business Development Mahra Addina Operations Nia Aprilya Marketing Zerlyna Salsabila Operations Sheena Suparman Marketing Devianty Jauhari Marketing Syifa Malona Operations [email protected] Thank You!

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