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.www. savvyshopkeeper. com 1st ed. Sept. 2021


zurC yhtak

Kathy Cruz co-founded The Salvaged Boutique, a home decor boutique, in 2013 with her sister. The endeavor started with a DIY blog and within 18 months they opened their brick and mortar store in Lakewood, Ohio. Kathy watched her passion grow from a fun blog and hobby with her sister, to a profitable brick and mortar home decor store - all while working full-time.

During this time, she saw the need for an online resource where retail business owners could find community and education. So she created Savvy Shopkeeper to fill the void. Initially a blog and Facebook community, Savvy Shopkeeper now includes a podcast and specialized services for micro-independent retailers. Kathy offers two paid group memberships as well as 1:1 coaching - all hosted in the Shopkeeper's Academy.

From full-time employee to full-time entrepreneur, Kathy now helps hundreds of retailers work less and profit more while running a store herself.

table of Contents Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Local Presence &


Physical Location


pages 1-6

pages 7-13

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Customer Relationships

Events &

& Networking


pages 14 - 20

Chapter 5 Traditional Advertising &


pages 31 - 35

Chapter 7

pages 21 - 30

Chapter 6 Digital Presence

pages 36 - 45



Worksheets &



pages 46 - 61

pages 62 - 65

WELCOME Retail has evolved so much over the past decade which means marketing efforts for retailers have changed. Traditional advertising continues to play a role in marketing our businesses while social media consumes a substantial amount of our time these days. Yet there are a variety of other ways our retail businesses can get noticed. So I hope this digital book serves as a resource you can reference several times a year or each time you want to start thinking creatively to market your retail business. My hope is that it helps you get customers into your stores and/or visiting your online shops!

-Kathy Cruz, Founder & CEO, Savvy Shopkeeper How to get the most out of this book...

Throughout this digital book you'll find links to articles, Savvy Shopkeeper blog posts, Savvy Shopkeeper Retail Podcast episodes, and other resources I believe are helpful to shopkeepers. (You'll know there's a link to click when you see underlined words.) Members of The Shopkeepers Lab OR Master Shopkeepers: you'll find additional links throughout this book that will direct you to more in-depth information in our Facebook groups and in the Shopkeeper's Academy. At the end of this book, you'll find a few worksheets you can print to help you take notes, prepare for your next steps or create a marketing plan for your business. *Please note that some of the links in this book are affiliate links or referral codes, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase after clicking through the link or using the code. I make recommendations because I believe they are useful to shopkeepers. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals.

COPYRIGHT notice Copyright Notice.

All Rights Reserved.

This document and its content are protected by copyright under U.S. Copyright laws and is the property of Savvy Shopkeeper, LLC. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, display, perform, modify, create derivative works, transmit, or in any way exploit any such content. Copying or distributing this content is expressly prohibited without prior written permission of Savvy Shopkeeper, LLC. For permission to use the content, please contact [email protected].



Community Networking, which I'll cover in an upcoming chapter, can extend beyond your neighborhood but your local presence and how you connect in your local community can truly make a difference in getting your business noticed! Let's give back to the communities that support us and let's break the stigma that retailers can't be friends.

Introduce Yourself

Be a Cheerleader!

Whether you've been in your community for 1 week or 5 years, it's never too late to walk around your community and introduce yourself to other business owners and residents. In-person connections can go a long way! Introduce yourself, share your marketing cards and maybe leave a small gift.

Be the best local cheerleader! Promote and share about other local shops - they will remember your kindness. Authentically engaging with your business neighbors on social media can also help establish a connection AND boost your own social media following & engagement.

"For every $100 [customers] spend at a local small business,

around $68 stays in town." -Forbes

Get Involved Can you support a local organization, school, or event? Maybe sponsor a sports team or local event. Buy an ad in an event program, get your business name and logo on t-shirts or a big banner, set up a booth at a market as a Signature sponsor, etc.

Give Back Host a fundraising event for a local organization that means something to you and give a portion of your sales to the organization. Donate a gift basket to a fundraising event or school function. Worried about giving too much? Set a monthly budget!

page 2

Physical Storefront

Is your storefront appealing and visible? Here is a list of things you can consider when planning your curb appeal to make your storefront and property irresistible! Use planters and flowers, keep your windows clean and unobstructed, use large and clear signage or vinyl on windows, use sandwich boards or an open/closed sign. Use lighting - especially in the evenings to brighten your walkway and window displays, keep sidewalks and parking lots clear of debris and snow, and if you have windows, make visually appealing window displays.

Curb Appeal



@joretro Photo credit: Morgan Knox with Red Dog Agency




"Nearly 70% of shoppers live within the area of a retailer’s brick-and-mortar location." -Synchrony

page 3


Window Displays

1 2

Set a game plan

This doesn't have to be fancy. Grab a good old pen and some paper to start creating your design plan!

Stack and repeat

This is a great technique for filling the space of a

5 6

window. Anthropologie is a great example of the "repeat" technique.

3 4

Recycle & Upcycle

Changing window displays can get expensive. Be resourceful and save some money by thrifting or reusing items you have in storage.


Depth & Height

Placing items at the back, middle, front, top and bottom of your window area will help give your display dimension.



Think "Alice in Wonderland". Take something standard in size and recreate it so it's oversized - go ahead and make a statement! Team Work

Creating effective and eye-catching window displays can require a big effort and take time. Be sure to enlist some help!


In retail, it’s best to be very clear about what you are selling or the services you offer in your brick and mortar store.

page 4

The Five Senses The exterior of our stores is important for attracting customers but we also want to consider the customer's experience once they walk in. Communicating your brand consistently across all five senses is key. A great in-store experience leads to reviews, referrals, and recommendations.



"To touch, feel and try on is a tremendous draw for customers. 50% of consumers shop in-store for this reason."

This includes store design, color, style, lighting, PLUS displays & merchandising



"Brands rely on memories associated with an emotion we feel and this is why scent is so significant when you build brand experiences." ie. think Starbucks and the coffee aroma!

"For retailers to use sonic branding effectively they need to think beyond random soundtracks chosen by the store manager in the morning and create a symphony of sound that captures the heart and soul of the brand."


Provide samples if you're a food retailer. Even if you aren't, you can provide the sense of taste by offering snacks and beverages during an event or a sweet treat as a thank you gift.

“The number one reason (56%) why consumers shop in-store is the ability to touch, smell, and hear the products or, in some cases, try them on.” -Retail Dive

page 5


to selfie station success One popular way to get your business noticed from the inside is by providing a space in your store (or at a market event in/outside of your booth) where customers can take a picture of themselves to share on social media. This is a great way to get others to promote your brand at the same time you'll get more followers on social media and exposure for your retail business. This can be done with a "selfie station" or a beautiful and unique photo opportunity area in your store.

get trendy


be interactive

The Gathering Room

add a mirror


Get fans and followers to take selfies at your place of business. Hold a contest where the best ‘on location’ selfie wins! This is great for generating a buzz for your local store. Ask your customers to submit a selfie showing off items from your shop, and then choose one image to feature as the ‘Customer Selfie of the Week’. The ‘prize’ is simply the adoration of, and recognition by, the rest of your followers. “In-store shopping is still the preferred retail channel for 82% of Millennials, even the ones who also engage in online shopping.” -Synchrony

page 6



Marketing 101 Before I provide you with a comprehensive list of ways to market your business, it's important to start with the basics of marketing. Grab a pen and paper and spend a little time (maybe 30 minutes to 1 hour) defining what you do and whom you serve, first. Even if you've been in business for years, doing this work helps!




Unique Selling Proposition

Customer Avatar

7 Marketing Principles

Your unique selling proposition is what makes your business different from everyone else in your market. A strong USP can help you attract and retain customers. Fill in the sentence below:

A customer avatar clearly defines your customer. It’s THE person who buys your products and/or services. It defines their motivating beliefs, fears, and desires.

Product, price, promotion, place, packaging, positioning, and people.


Shopkeeper's Lab members: Click HERE to grab the Customer Avatar Workbook!

Establishing your 7 Ps will strategically place you in front of your customers and allow for a more targeted approach.

"People do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories and magic." -Seth Godin

page 8

Brand it! Your brand is much more than your logo, but building a recognizable "brand" can be fun! Send your brand out into the world and start building a recognized name in your community.

Printed Material

These are all printed items that help to communicate your products, location, and/or services to your customers. These can include booklets, brochures, calendars, business cards, and more! @thesalvagedboutique

Promotional Swag

Examples of promotional products: pens, totes, USB chargers, tumblers, cups, key chains, etc. Promotional giveaways are a great way to get some additional advertising out there. Promotional items can be an affordable expense in your marketing budget. @offthebeatenpathantiques

Shopping Bags

One of the greatest benefits of using custom printed bags is they are extremely effective marketing tools. Customers leaving your store carrying bags with your logo on them act like walking advertisements of your business. This multiplies when they reuse your bags too! @pineappleonmain photo credit: @melissakellyphotography

page 9



Running a retail store is all about connecting with your customers. One of the best ways to do that is through a retail brand photoshoot! When done well, the images you receive from your photographer will help you put a face (or faces) to your business, help you tell your story, and build a relationship with your customers and followers. Remember, people buy from PEOPLE. Listen to Episode 71 of the Savvy Shopkeeper Retail Podcast for my "Ten Tips for a Successful Retail Brand Photoshoot".

Podcast Episode #71

@beejoyfulshop Portraits By Mydalis


@thesalvagedboutique @sb_brandphotography

@thenestonmainbelair BKLP Insiders

page 10

Influencers - Part 1 An influencer is someone who has: the power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of his or her authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with his or her audience. a following in a distinct niche, with whom he or she actively engages. The size of the following depends on the size of his/her topic of the niche. "Influencer" is a big buzzword these days in marketing. The word is often associated with big star names or social media users that have massive followings but influencers come in all shapes and sizes! My best advice for independent retail business owners - build an influencer program that works for YOU and your business!

Brand Ambassadors Brand ambassadors are real people who love your brand and your products. These individuals actively use your products or services and are passionate about your brand. Ambassadors are also experts at sharing your products with others via wordof-mouth. But a brand ambassador doesn’t have to be a noted authority, either. As long as they’re committed to spreading the word about your brand, your best brand ambassadors can even be an employee or customer. Retailers can create Brand Ambassador programs that reward their biggest fans with swag, discounts, or free products.

Influencers An influencer is someone with a substantial reputation, and often a substantial social media, YouTube, or blog following, who promotes your brand. An influencer will most likely choose to promote a product if they like it and think it would fit in with their own personal brand. Influencers come in all sizes, Mega, Macro, Micro, and Nano. Retailers can expect to pay Influencers for their services but this can vary widely depending on the influencer's reach and level of influence.

page 11

Influencers - Part 2 Setting up a program to utilize influencer marketing for your retail business can feel overwhelming. Shopkeepers tend to have many questions on this topic! One thing to keep in mind is that consistency is key in marketing, so one-off projects with influencers aren't always effective - if possible, consider a long-term relationship. Here are four things to consider to get you started.

Set Goals

Before you start any kind of influencer program, it's important to establish goals first. Increase brand awareness Boost traffic Generate leads and drive sales Gain Social Media Followers Increase Social Media Engagement Strengthen your reputation

Create a System

Once you create your program, set up an application process. The most ideal and common way is to set up a page on your website with a form for interested participants to complete, but you can also have a paper application in your store.

Establish Terms

Next, you want to establish what you'll expect and what you'll offer in return for their influence. Number of social media posts Use of tags and hashtags A blog post A YouTube video or social media videos In exchange for.... Special Discount Brand Swag Sales based rewards Negotiated Payment


Starting an influencer program to get your retail business noticed can be fun and exciting but don't stop after you accept participants into your program. Communication is important! Create... A written agreement A PDF guide that outlines your program A plan for accountability and encouragement page 12

Email Marketing

"Email marketing has a return on investment (ROI) of $42 for every $1 spent." This is an area that independent retailers often neglect or push to the bottom of their to-do lists - yet email marketing is one of the most effective marketing tools you can use to reach your customers and generate sales. Here are some steps you can take to get started with email marketing:


Choose an Email marketing platform - If possible choose a software program that works well with your whole retail ecosystem (your point-of-sale and/or e-commerce). But most importantly choose a program that's easy for you to use!


Create a consistent schedule - you don't have to send emails to your customers multiple times a week but choose a schedule that is manageable for YOU - every week, biweekly or monthly.


Get In-store subscribers - don't underestimate the power of a pen and paper. Have a sign-up list at your cash wrap and add these subscribers to your list!


Add a pop-up or banner to your website - this will help you collect email subscribers. Email pop-ups might annoy you but they are effective for growing email lists and get great results!


Keep it simple to start! - You might hear a lot about lead magnets, workflows, and complex sales funnels but focus on being consistent with a newsletter AND THEN move on to advanced email marketing.

"60 percent of consumers say they’ve made a purchase as the result of a marketing email they received. Contrast that with the 12.5 percent of consumers who say they’d consider using the ‘buy’ button on social media, and it’s not much of a contest."

LAB MEMBERS: Click HERE for more Email Marketing Lessons in the Shopkeeper's Academy!

Looking for a simple email software program that's easy to use and will inspire you to send emails? I recommend Flodesk. Click HERE for a special offer of unlimited subscribers and unlimited emails for half off.

page 13



Who would we be without our customers, right? Customer service is one reason why independent retailers stand out above and beyond Amazon and big-box stores.

"A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all." -Michael LaBoeuf American Business Author

Word-of-mouth and referrals can drive a retail business so take some time to make sure that you’re nurturing the “relationship” part of your business - this means connecting and communicating. It might surprise you that focusing on this category of marketing CAN and DOES result in more traffic!

page 15

Service & Appreciation Whether you sell in-person, online, or a combination of the two, providing excellent customer service and showing your customers appreciation can make you stand out from neighboring businesses. Standing out means getting seen!


GREET YOUR CUSTOMER - something as a simple hello or good morning for every customer that enters your door can go a long way. If you have a unique greeting for your store, even better!


READ YOUR CUSTOMER - Understanding your customer's personality type is important. Do they enjoy chatting and want a conversation or do they simply want their questions answered so they can shop?


EDUCATE YOUR CUSTOMER - Take the time to educate them about your products, give them ideas on how to use one item multiple ways, give advice or tips - don’t be afraid to share your knowledge with them!


CONNECT WITH YOUR CUSTOMER - Whether you share stories with them or they share stories with you, establishing a personal connection is one way to turn customers into friendships.


REMEMBER & APPRECIATE YOUR CUSTOMER - Most POS systems these days allow you to save information or special notes about your customers. Go above a loyalty program and do something special for your top 20 customers.


APOLOGIZE TO YOUR CUSTOMER - we sometimes make mistakes, we’re human, right?! If this happens, don’t let your ego get in the way. A simple and sincere apology to your customer can go a long way.

page 16

Make them feel special!

Want to go above and beyond to make your customers feel special? Here are a few things you can do to reward them, show them more appreciation, and/or have fun with them! margorP ytlayoL

These days, most Point of Sale systems offer some type of Loyalty Program. If you're striving for an omnichannel retail business, use your system's Loyalty Program. But if this isn't an option, using a physical punch card can still be an effective tool for rewarding your customers - ie. spend $50, get a $5 credit to spend.

What's omnichannel retail? Click HERE to listen to Episode 78 of the Savvy Shopkeeper Retail Podcast. ecnednopserroC

Snail mail isn't dead. In fact, it makes an impression! Sending your best customers thank you notes, birthday cards or holiday cards is a special touch that big-box retailers can't offer. Sending handwritten notes is a great way to establish a personal connection with your customers.

My favorite place to design and print post cards for my own store is Canva! Click HERE to try Canva Pro for free for 30 days.

spuorG PIV

If you have customers who love your products and can't get enough of what you offer, starting a VIP Group is a great way to offer incentives, give them access to exclusive lines or new launches...and just as importantly to have fun with them! Be sure to understand the purpose of the group and set good rules before launching a VIP Group.

Master Shopkeepers Members: Click HERE to watch the VIP Facebook Groups Masterclass

page 17

Store Policies Policies are meant to protect everyone - you, your team, and equally important your customers! These are the broad guidelines that outline general practices to be followed in your business. They help you prepare in advance for potential situations and they communicate to your future customer how you run your business. Policies may not be fun but they are a road map to success and this often results in referrals and recommendations!

Returns & Exchanges

In a perfect world, our customers love their purchases and want to keep it all! But we have to be prepared for this. This policy tells customers what items can be returned and/or exchanged, for what reasons, and the timeframe over which returns or exchanges are accepted.

Clearly explain what shipping carrier(s) you use, how long it takes to ship your products and how long it might take for your customers to receive their shipped orders. Indie retailers may not be able to compete with Amazon but we CAN communicate to our customers when they can expect their orders.



If you have an online store, you want to communicate to your customers how their information will be used. A privacy policy is a document contained on a website that explains how a website or organization will collect, store, protect, and utilize personal information provided by its users.

Click here to read a Shift 4 Shop Blog post where you'll find some helpful tips for defining your store policies.

These policies are unique and best provided to clients through written agreements or contracts outlining details of the service you are providing. Examples of special services retailers provide: furniture painting, invitation printing, custom signs, etc.

Special Services page 18

Store Hours

Are you consistent with your store hours? If you have a brick-and-mortar store, one of the best ways you can build trust and reliability with your customers is by being consistent with your store hours. You can avoid getting a negative review if you take some time to plan for store closures.

Emergencies If you’re a solo shopkeeper it can be challenging to manage a store and consistent store hours alone. I get it. Have at least one or two trusted people who can cover the store in an emergency or when you want to take a break and go on vacation.

Scheduled Breaks Closing for a scheduled break is not uncommon in indie retail. Customers understand that we need breaks and so do our teams! If you do close for a winter, summer or other types of breaks be sure to take as many steps as possible to ensure your customers are informed and know that you’ll be closed.

Here's a list of ways you can communicate

pre-planned closures:

Update your website and/or add a banner

Use signage on your store door or windows

Update your Facebook Page and IG profiles

Send an email... or multiple emails

Update your Google My Business hours

Share posts on Social Media

Update your Yelp listing hours

Record a temporary voicemail

Repetition is key here! The more you make an effort to share, repeat and communicate with your customers, the better.

page 19


Don’t underestimate the power of both virtual and in-person connections with your community, your industry, AND other small business owners. Get OUT of your stores and MEET people. If the introvert in me can do this, I know all of you can too! Here is a list of places where you can find customers, friends, and maybe even a biz bestie!

Join your local Chamber of Commerce

Attend Wholesale Market Events and meet other retailers

Join other business organizations in your area

Join business or industry related Facebook Groups

Attend local business workshops or seminars

Grab a seat to a conference or summit

Local connections and foot traffic are great but remember, connecting with other business owners can be an effective way to help your business grow too- especially if you sell your own handmade products and/or you have an online shop. Click HERE to join one of the Savvy Shopkeeper groups.

page 20


chapter four EVENTS & PROMOTIONS

Connect, Connect, Connect Events and promotions are an excellent way to generate more foot and online traffic, but they are also a fun way to increase followers and engagement on social media! You'll see a recurring theme in this book and its "CONNECTION." Customers come in and/or come back when they feel a special connection with you and your business.

"69% of consumers believe

attending live experiences helps

them connect better with the

brand, their friends, and their


-Retail Trends 2019, Report

page 21

Traditional Store Events

Soft & Grand Openings As a retailer, this is usually our first and most exciting event. A soft opening can be an evening or a few hours where you open for a special list of friends and/or family. This is a great way to work out any kinks and test your Point of Sale system before you open to the public.

Anniversary Celebration Your business' yearly "birthday" or anniversary is worth celebrating. It's also a great opportunity to thank your customers for shopping with you - host a giveaway, give a gift with purchase, serve food and beverages, and of course have a birthday cake!

Holiday Open House Decorate your store for the Holidays and kick off the season with a Holiday Open House. Serve hot chocolate, offer promotions, host a drawing for a gift, or offer free gift wrapping.

Clearance Sale I always recommend protecting your margins as much as possible, but as retailers, we all end up with some merchandise that just doesn't sell. Host an annual clearance sale to push these items out the door and inject some cash into your business!


Savvy Shopkeeper Retail Podcast Episode 80: "The Dead Inventory Scale: How to Make Decisions Around Stale Inventory"

page 22

Workshops Online shopping is convenient, but it doesn’t offer the personal touches of in-store experiences. Offering creative workshops in your store can be a fun way to get more traffic. If creating isn’t your strong suit, don’t worry – you can still run a DIY workshop for customers by using creatives in your area who can.

Teach Your Own

Bring in Guest Instructors

Hire Subcontractors

to Teach

Shopkeepers Lab Members: Click HERE to read a lesson with helpful steps to help you prepare to run and host workshops in your store.

Kids Birthday Party Workshop @curiousbeartoys

Calligraphy Workshop @pineappleonmain

page 23

Other In-Store Ideas Every retailer and space is different. If you have a larger space with extra rooms you can get creative with additional revenue streams for your business. Here's a list of ideas to help you get the most out of your retail square footage.

01 02 03

Private Events If you'd rather not organize and coordinate workshops in your store (I get it, it can be time-consuming) but you have additional space in your store, retailers can consider renting their spaces out for private events!

Pop-Up Shops Support the local makers and artists in your area by providing them with a small space in your store to "popup". This can be for an evening, a day or a weekend. Not only are you helping another small business owner but this can help get traffic into your store.

Collaborations Collaborations can come in many forms! Maybe you team up with a local designer to launch an exclusive product line, or you invite a local blogger to work on a special blog series. Personally I found some of these relationships in my own store to be the most fun!

page 24

STEM School Event @heartnhome

"Egg-stravaganza" Event @cottonshedvintagemarket

Street Fair @shopatdarling

Creative store events

Anniversary Celebration @thesalvagedboutique

Styling Party @shopatdarling

Wine & Donuts Collaboration @wdsc2018 Peace Love Little Donuts

page 25

Off-Site Events There are many opportunities for shopkeepers to get out and sell their goods at other locations. Apply to participate as a vendor at indoor or outdoor market events. If you have an area of expertise, offer to teach a demonstration or educational session simply using your knowledge! Then be prepared to hand out marketing material so those attending can learn more about you and they can shop online or visit your store.

@goldarrowstudios selling at an indoor market event photo credit: @carmenferrantephoto

@thesalvagedboutique selling at @thesummermarket, an outdoor market event

page 26

Charity, Donations & Fundraisers

Shopkeepers are heart-centered and genuinely love supporting schools, nonprofit organizations, and our communities. Doing so not only fulfills our passion for giving back but also gives us an opportunity to get our businesses in front of people who may not know about us!

Gift baskets

LAB MEMBERS: Click HERE for a lesson on how to set up a system for managing donation requests.

Most retailers get numerous requests every month for donations. A branded gift basket or gift card is an easy way to donate an item to a local fundraising event. Be sure to attach a card and include a stack of marketing cards to be given out at the event.

cellophane wrapped gift @the.butlerspantry

Special Projects For some retailers, you can use your talent to work on special projects in your area - interior designers can decorate a room for a person in need and artists can paint a mural or piece of furniture. Custom painted Little Free Libraries @thesalvagedboutique


Not only can we donate to a fundraiser, but we can host fundraisers! Instead of offering a donation to a cause, host a special evening of shopping. Offer shoppers a discount and then give a portion of revenue to the cause. Everyone wins!

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Retail Promotions A sales promotion is a marketing strategy that helps drive sales. It involves offering your customers a deal - they either purchase a product for a lower price OR get more value from the sale. Promotions should be part of the retailer’s sales and marketing mix — they can drive sales and help you move inventory! There are many types of retail promotions. Here are a few of the more popular and common promotions. I'll cover Giveaways in the Social Media chapter!



There's buy one get one free or buy one get the 2nd item % off. BOGO is typically used to move inventory, so if you're sitting on a lot of stock that you want to clear out, this promotion could be a good option.

Price discounts are the reduction of an item's original price. This can impact the way consumers think and behave when shopping. Discounts can be in the form of a percentage off or a dollar amount.



Cashback promotions are a way to sell products at full price while maintaining the value perception of your brand by rewarding your customer with a cash payout in return for a purchase in your store.

A coupon is a promotional tool that can be redeemed for a discount when purchasing goods or services. Coupons are valuable because they inspire customers to take action!

page 28

Scratch-Off Card Tutorial





One of the most popular Savvy Shopkeeper blog posts is a tutorial where I walk you through how to create affordable scratch-off cards for a fun shop promotion! Scratch card marketing is one of the best customer engagement strategies. Savvy Shopkeeper group members have successfully used this tutorial and promotion in their stores. Each design is unique and different. The promotion can be personalized for any time of the year and any type of event! Whether you offer these scratch-off cards in your store or at a market event, this is a fun promotion for your customers and it tends to be a big hit!

Click HERE for the free tutorial

page 29

More Fun Event & Promotion Ideas! Easter Egg hunt - place coupons in each egg & hide them in your store for customers to find

Social Media Giveaways you'll find more details on this in Chapter 7

Frequent Buyer Shop Totes have branded totes printed. Sell the totes with the offer to discount all future purchases every time a customer shops with the tote

Exclusive or Limited Edition products or collections whether you make or buy your products this is also a great way to create a sense of urgency

Bundling - bundle several products together and slightly discount the grouping

Industry-related Programs ie. if you have a home decor store, offer a discount to local interior designers or realtors looking for client gifts

Email sign-up Giveaway place a sign-up sheet at checkout where one subscriber wins a monthly drawing

Social Media Sharing - have customers post a store pic, product pic, or selfie to get entered into a monthly drawing

Gift card promo - ie. spend $50 in the store and get a $5 gift card to spend later!

Anti-Black-Friday or AntiAmazon-Prime Day promos speak to the #shopsmall community and offer deals if they shop with you instead!

12 Days of Christmas - offer one deal per day leading up to Christmas, promote on social media or via email

Sidewalk Sale - Have dead inventory? Get rid of it by heavily discounting it during a sale event where customers can shop outside your store

Free shipping on online orders - do this for a limited time to create a sense of urgency and more online orders!

Shop and Stroll or Scavenger Hunt - a collaborative event with multiple stores in the same area where customers are “rewarded” or there is a scavenger hunt at each participating shop

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chapter five Traditional Advertising and Media

Local News Media Outlets


Get to know your local media, including newspapers, magazines, and radio stations. Research the Channels or Stations that have segments that focus on small businesses. If possible, note the names of writers, editors, and broadcasters who work on these segments. Contact them! Don't be afraid to reach out. Many journalists are looking for newsworthy stories. So if you're having a grand opening, a special event, hosting a fundraiser or you're working on a collaboration, most likely they do not know about it until you reach out to them.

TIP #1: Not sure who to reach out to? Use to find contact information at media outlets. Learn to write newsworthy press releases. Give them a clear, descriptive headline that tells the story, use non-technical language, and write copy that explains the benefits of your offering to local customers. If possible, include quotes and photos, and be sure to include contact information. Get involved in the local community and network (all previously mentioned in this book). This is a great way for local news media to find and learn about you and your business.

TIP #2: Business owners and entrepreneurs who want to raise their profile in news stories should check out Help a Reporter Out (HARO). Use your expertise to answer questions for journalists and get the PR you're looking for.

@wkyc3 Press Release Info

page 32


"Podcasts are effective tools for marketing because they help brands to reach a niche targeted audience."

Get interviewed!

Launch your own podcast!

Podcasts can reach a local audience OR a worldwide audience.

This one might feel a bit intimidating but there are so many ways to launch a podcast and the equipment needed to do this is minimal!

Depending on your business model, type and reach - there are most likely several podcasts that can help you put your business in front of potential customers! If you have a brick-and-mortar store find a podcast that speaks to those in your area. If you have an online store and/or make your own products, get interviewed by a podcaster who loves to talk about products in your niche or who enjoys interviewing and promoting other small business owners.

If you have something you can share or teach on a weekly, biweekly, or even monthly basis - podcasting is a great way to reach a new audience. If I can do this with the Savvy Shopkeeper Retail Podcast, you can do this too! I use an Audio Technica ATR 2100 Microphone, I record on my laptop using Garage Band (free on a Macbook), I created a free Apple Podcasts Connect account, and I host the episodes on Libsyn (less than $20/mo.) page 33

Paid Advertisting

There's often a misconception that paid advertising is cost-prohibitive for an independent retailer but depending on your market, this could be an effective and affordable form of marketing for your business. Do the research and ask about pricing before closing the door on these options!

Print Media

Here's a list of printed media you can use to reach new potential customers Newspapers Weekly or Monthly Local Publications Consumer Magazines Trade Magazines Direct Mail (see the next page) Posters Phone Books (old but may be relevant in your area)


Radio advertising can include traditional stations, satellite, and/or internet radio Cost-effective compared to television advertising. Is known for repetition Can be more memorable Short time to market, radio spots are easier to script and produce Every day, around 59% of the total American population is listening to a radio program

As with all marketing, you have to commit to a consistent marketing plan sustained over months or a longer term. In order for marketing to be effective, your audience needs to see or hear something again and again before it becomes or feels familiar to them!

TV Commercials

Local or Cable TV commercials can be surprisingly cost-effective in some markets Identify your target demographic Contact 2-3 local stations to start the process Look for shows that appeal to your target market and ask for the Scarborough data Get rate information for the programs/times of day Use the station or research other production companies Choose a station and purchase the ad space


Use large billboards, digital or traditional, to display information about your retail business The cost of the billboard depends on how the information is presented and the state where it will be displayed Digital billboards are generally more expensive than traditional Traditional billboards can range from $250 to $14,000 or more per month Digital billboards range can from $1,200 to $15,000 or more per month page 34

Direct Mail

Direct mail marketing is any physical correspondence you send to customers in the hopes of getting them to patronize your business. This could be in the form of postcards, flyers, brochures, etc. You can use traditional direct mail marketing where you purchase mailing lists based on the demographics of the person you're targeting OR you can use the US Postal Service Program, EEDM (Every Door Direct Mail). Here's the difference: Traditional Direct Mail:



Click HERE for a helpful infographic that shows the EEDM steps.

targets a specific demographic

targets a specific geographic area

you may need to buy a mailing list

choose which zip codes/mailing routes to deliver to

no restrictions on size and quantities

starting quantity of 200 with a maximum of 5000

to qualify for bulk rates you need to mail 200 pieces

costs less than traditional direct mail bulk rates

More about EEDM: You can utilize the entire front AND back of the card because it doesn't require stamped postage And because postage isn't applied, it's much cheaper than stamped mail Team up with other businesses in your area and then split the cost - this is a great way to stay on budget You provide the postcards (mail), then you choose your own mail route(s) and the mailer is delivered to every house on the route Remember effective marketing usually means repetition or more than one touch point so if possible, budget or plan for more than a single mailing Do the math: if the EEDM program costs $1000 and your average sale is $50, you'll need 20 sales to break even and if you get more sales then that's a win!

page 35


chapter six Digital Presence

Website Yelp

Google My Business


What is digital presence?

In the introduction to this book I mentioned how retail has evolved quite a bit over the past decade and this is where it’s probably changed the most. Digital presence is how your business appears online. It’s the impression your brand makes online through e-commerce, content (blogs and SEO), websites, search engines, directory listings, and other digital media and platforms.

"81% of shoppers do online research before

committing to a purchase." -Adweek

page 37

Online Directories The day of paper directories like the Yellow Pages is diminishing. These days retailers can increase their visibility by "claiming" listings in online directories. Once you claim your listings, make sure you take the time to update them hours of operation, holiday hours, new images, products, etc.


GOOGLE MY BUSINESS Click HERE to read my blog post on how to claim your GMB Listing.

02 *Top 5 online places to list your


Master Shopkeepers: Click HERE to watch a GMB Masterclass




04 05

FACEBOOK Click HERE to read my blog post on how to optimize your Facebook Business Page.


Tip #1: Do a “Google” search of your own business, what comes up? *Tip #2: Click HERE to see the top 20 online places to list your business by

page 38

business reviews Dos and Dont's of

Online reviews can be helpful to both you as the business owner and your customers. Ratings and reviews impact everything from sales to SEO. Reviews can give you insight into what customers enjoy about your retail business while helping your potential customers make informed and confident decisions.

Ask your super fans for reviews - it's okay! Customer reviews build social proof.

Don’t violate review site policies. ie. Compensation for review.

Do give your customers options for where to post reviews, including mobile options.

Don't aggressively ask customers for reviews.

Automate it! ie. after a purchase the customer receives an email asking for a review

Don't ignore reviews - good or bad. Respond to each review.

Educate or remind customers why reviews are important.

Don't panic or stress about bad reviews. I know, easier said than done but if possible, file a dispute, respond to it and let it go.

page 39

Website Website

Having a website for your retail business not only increases your digital footprint and visibility but it also establishes your brand and builds trust with customers.


Having an online shop diversifies your online presence and income streams. It encourages customer loyalty, increases marketing opportunities and when done well, it can help increase your profit margins.


"8 in 10 Americans are online shoppers. Half of them use a mobile device for shopping." -Pew Research When choosing a website, be sure to select a design that's mobile-friendly!

Click HERE to listen to Episode #53 of the Savvy Shopkeeper Retail Podcast: "Is Shopify Right For Your Retail Business?" page 40

Blogging Blogging can be a great way for retail businesses to get seen online. 1) It allows retailers to share their expertise. 2) it brings more visitors to your website with content. 3) It can help you rank higher on search engine searches. 4) It builds authority. 5) It can create more opportunities. However, it is a commitment! Just like all marketing efforts, consistency is key with blogging. Blogging is a marathon, not a sprint. Be consistent, share your knowledge and expertise, and most of all, have FUN with it. Click HERE to read the Savvy Shopkeeper Blog.

What can retailers write about?


YOURSELF Your customers want to learn about YOU! Share about your journey as a shopkeeper. Share about some of the things you do to balance running a shop and your personal life.

I'm not suggesting you give everything

away but teach a tidbit about your skill or expertise. At the least, write about it!

YOUR SHOP Whether you own a brick-and-mortar store, attend markets, or have an online shop - you have daily experiences and interactions that you can share about.

LAB MEMBERS: Click HERE to watch my full blogging video lesson.

YOUR PRODUCTS You want your blog posts to be diverse in content, but in the end we are shopkeepers and selling is important. On occasion, write about your products and what you offer!

page 41

Search Engine Optimization SEO is the process of maximizing the number of visitors to your website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine. You can also use SEO to focus on local traffic. Local SEO is hyper-focused on the specific location of your retail store. It’s used to optimize your online presence and drive traffic from a specific area to your website and foot traffic to your retail store.

WordPress: Use Yoast or another SEO plugin Shopify: Complete the SEO fields on your website pages Focus on keywords and learn how to target the right words Social media is worth the effort but it does not influence your Google Ranking When blogging, keep the tone conversational Focus on organic search first before investing in paid ads

Write headings for search engines and people Focus on quality over quantity, particularly when blogging Link building is relationship building, link to other relevant websites Get other websites to link to your website too Keep an eye on SEO updates, SEO changes all the time, stay informed

"81% of US consumers say being able to easily find a local retailer through

searching online is important to them." -Shopify

Want a simple breakdown of Search Engine Optimization? Click HERE to read or listen to a Goal Digger podcast episode by Jenna Kutcher, "The Entrepreneur’s Guide To SEO: How-to, Hacks, and Tricks to Get Traffic". This is one of the most simple yet helpful resources I've found about SEO.

page 42

Omnichannel Retail

Omnichannel retailing is a fully connected approach to sales that provides customers with a consistent experience across channels and devices.

Single Channel



A buyer walks into a store and makes a purchase. The buyer would also need to walk into to the store to return an item. In this scenario, your customer has one way to shop with you.

A buyer can walk into a store and shop OR online in an e-commerce store OR on social media. The customer has multiple options to shop but the systems aren't necessarily connected and integrated in order to take the customer on a full journey.

A buyer has multiple ways to shop with you, but what makes omni-channel unique is when the customer enters your retail funnel (email, POS, e-commerce, social media, text messaging), the systems all speak to each other and encourages the customer to return, buy online, or engage on social media.

Shopify is the platform I recommend to provide your customers with a full omnichannel experience. Click HERE to start a 14-day free trial.

Simply selling products on multiple channels doesn’t create an omnichannel experience.

page 43

ADVANCED LEVEL photo credit: @pineappleonmain


Click HERE to listen to Episode #78 of the Savvy Shopkeeper Retail Podcast, "What is Omnichannel Retail and How to Achieve It", where I walk you through the above diagram.

“Meeting people on the channels where they are shopping

and buying, whether it's in a physical store or an online store

or on social media, and connecting the dots between those

channels. The purpose is to keep customers moving around

within the brand ecosystem, with each channel working in

harmony to nurture more sales and engagement.” -Square

page 44

Online Communication

Communication is key for excellent customer service.

When you have a strong digital presence as a retailer, you are providing customers with MULTIPLE ways to communicate with you and that's great but I want you to be prepared to handle this professionally, effectively, and efficiently - because this results in raving reviews, referrals, more revenue and consequently getting seen! Social Media Messaging

Currently, the two most popular social media platforms for indie retailers are Instagram and Facebook so it makes sense for our customers to reach out to us here.

Web Chat

Webchat is software that allows customers to communicate directly with brands online, often on their websites and in real time.


Retailers often share their email addresses on business cards, marketing material, or through a website contact form.


or Text

Historically, landline phones were the only way to communicate with a store owner - how times have changed, right? Now we can use Google Voice or advanced phone apps like OpenPhone, which is what I use for my own retail business.

BUSINESS TIP: As retailers, it's more than okay to set boundaries and "office hours" for ourselves - we shouldn't work 24/7! This means we need to communicate these boundaries with our customers so they understand when they can expect to hear back from us. Set up recorded voice mail messages or autoresponder messages that tell your customers you respond during business hours and/or when you'll be back into your office/store to reply.

page 45


chapter seven Social Media

Chapter 7, Social Media, is the last but it’s certainly NOT the least. If anything, I intentionally saved this chapter for the end. In a 2021 poll in our Savvy Shopkeeper membership groups, I asked members what percentage of their marketing effort goes towards social media. Most retail business owners said the majority of their effort is spent on social media - for many it was over 75%. You will find this chapter PACKED with helpful information and links so you can use social media to get your business seen! Social media gains traction every year. Regardless of the negative comments business owners make about social media, like “paying to play”, and the pesky algorithms, I am grateful for these platforms. I can attribute most of the growth in my own retail business to organic social media - yes, FREE social media. There are MANY social media platforms, some come and some go, but a few are tried and true for retailers so in this chapter the main focus will be on the three platforms that are currently the most effective for independent retailers... Facebook and Instagram, with TikTok starting to gain in popularity!

"71% of customers who have good social media experience with brands are likely to recommend those brands to others." -Small Biz Trends

NEWBIE TIP: If your business and social media accounts are new, invite friends and family to like your page - this will help you gain traction! Send your closest friends and family a personal message asking them to engage with your page for the first few months to help you grow your following and your business. If your message is sincere and not a sales pitch, you'll get some great support! page 47

Optimize Your Facebook Business Page


Choose a theme - In your menu, select "Settings", then Templates and Tabs. Most retailers will choose "SHOPPING" or "BUSINESS". Customize your tabs - in the same area, you can choose tabs that help Page visitors quickly find what they are looking for. ie. Events, Reviews, Offers, Groups, etc. Add a profile picture and create an eye-catching Facebook banner - use the simple and easy-to-use graphic design software, CANVA. You can choose form hundreds of pre-made templates and create eye-catching graphics too! Use quality images - When taking photos be sure to use natural light or edit the photos right on your phone to make them brighter Complete the "Edit Page Info" section -Fill in each area that applies to your retail business, particularly your website link, hours (if you have a brick and mortar), physical address, email address, phone number, product info, additional information and links to other social media accounts. Be sure to focus on and use keywords that apply to your business - remember, Facebook ranks in the top 5 of online directories and helps with your Google ranking! Customize your "button" aka Call to Action - this is the big button just below your banner.  You can choose from SHOP NOW, FOLLOW, CALL NOW, SEND MESSAGE, and more. Respond to Reviews - respond to people that leave you great reviews and recommendations. Be sure to comment - it's always nice to hear "thank you"! Settings and Tools & Resources - want to optimize some more? Be sure to review all areas under "settings" and the "tools and resources" section to make sure you're making the most of your page and communicating as much as possible to your customers! Click HERE to read my blog post comparing the value of a website to a Facebook Business Page.

page 48

Search Engine or Social Media?

YouTube and Pinterest are often debated as either social media platforms OR search engines. Whichever way you view these platforms, they are both excellent ways for retailers to get their businesses seen!



Video-based Search Engine for videos 3 billion searches per month and 100 hours of video are uploaded every minute. SEO optimization and strategy matter Helps with Google ranking Content: how to's and tutorials, webinars or classes, reviews, entertainment Clickable links in description and videos Leads to purchases = through links Advertising options = yes YOUTUBE FOR RETAILERS: Share your expertise on YouTube by recording videos where you're teaching workshops, educating consumers, offering tutorials. Add relevant links to your videos leading customers to your website or e-commerce store.

Image-based (and now videos too) Search engine for images 5 billion searches per month and more than 400 million monthly active users SEO optimization and strategy matter Helps with Google ranking Content: images linked to blog posts, product pins (important for retailers!), videos, infographics, quotes Pins are clickable Leads to purchases = yes, organic pins and product pins Advertising options = yes

PINTEREST FOR RETAILERS: Create a Pinterest business account and sync your e-commerce MASTER store so it automatically pins SHOPKEEPERS your new products when MEMBERS: Click you add new inventory. Create a HERE to watch new board just for your the Pinterest blogging content and Masterclass pin links to your blog posts there too. page 49


Instagram can easily become a second storefront for many retail businesses. You can use Instagram to post photos of your newest products, connect with your community, expand your reach and make your posts "shoppable" - your customers are just one click away from buying from you!

SHOPKEEPERS LAB MEMBERS: Click HERE to watch MY 3-part Instagram Video Lesson

The Many Parts of Instagram:

Instagram is known for square imagery and it's grid - but video will be getting more reach in the future!

Vertical photos or videos, up to 15 seconds, that disappear after 24 hours after posting.

Collections of pictures, videos, and posts that you've posted to your Instagram Story in the past.

A combination of letters, numbers that start with a pound sign used to categorize content and make it searchable.

The specific location, down to the latitude and longitude, of where you've stored your Instagram content.

Standalone video app that allows you to upload long-form videos and connect with your audience more.

A small summary, found underneath your username, about yourself or your business with your website link.

Use this to tell more of the story or message behind your photo or video - the more compelling, the better!

Short (15-30 seconds), entertaining videos that live on forever in your Reels grid.

page 50

TikTok TikTok is a social media app centered around video content. "TikTokers" film short videos and edit them with effects, filters, captions, and music, then post them for their TikTok followers. Shopkeepers are starting to get on the TikTok bandwagon and they should - TikTok isn't just for teenagers and/or Millenials.

"TikTok was the MOST downloaded app of 2020." Master Shopkeepers member, Jessica Thompson is the owner of Bee Joyful Shop - a zero-waste and plastic-free retail business with two locations in Michigan. Jessica has nearly 60,000 followers on TikTok and over 1.7 Million likes on her TikTok videos! She's the "Queen Bee" of TikTok in our membership groups. Jessica offers these tips for retailers getting started on TikTok:

Basics Setup a business account Respond to all comments! Try to post twice a day Make sure your camera lens is clean. Serve, don’t sell. Show people how you can fix a problem for them Use about 5-7 RELEVANT hashtags Create your own hashtag and use it consistently on every TikTok

Technique Invest in a ring light and tripod stand if you can If you lip sync-practice so your lips match the audio Have a good mix of trending, shop/product, Intro and educational TikToks. Diversify! Ask your team to participate as well! Have fun!! You will make cringeworthy videos-that’s ok. Don’t delete them!

Strategy Look for trending videos and put your spin on it! Try not to niche down too much. After you gain traction on a TikTok video, go live and show a new product, give an intro about yourself or do a store tour. After posting several times, look at your analytics to determine the best time to post

Click HERE to follow Bee Joyful Jess on TikTok - you'll be inspired!!

page 51

Social Media Bios Don’t neglect this part of social media. Make it easy for people to know who you are, what you offer, where to find you, and how to SHOP with you by optimizing your bios! Facebook

Your Facebook business page has multiple areas to add your information. Use the "Optimize Your Business Page Checklist" on page 48 to ensure that all fields and sections are completed.


Create a username that is consistent across all platforms, be specific about what you offer, link to your website or online shop, if you have a physical store, and create a business account - link the physical address of your store!


Optimizing your bio shouldn't end with your business accounts - your personal Facebook profile is also a way to get your business noticed! Click HERE for my blog post on how to optimize your personal profile for your business too.

page 52

Social Media Posting Checklist Am I posting consistently? Do I have a posting schedule? Every morning, twice a day Do I get personal? Share about myself, life, hobbies Do I tell my story? My "why", background, my inspiration Am I planning in advance? 1-2 weeks of posts Do I know the best time to post for my business? Am I engaging the first 20 minutes after I post? Am I using quality photos or well-designed graphics? Am I serving AND selling? Am I posting for engagement? Memes, questions, etc. Am I using Calls To Action? Am I posting sharable content? Do you get stuck with social media?

Grab my 75 posting prompts for shopkeepers!

Social Media

Social Media

scheduling app recommendation

graphic design software recommendation



page 53


Tracking metrics is essentially using data to gauge the impact of activity on your social media growth and/or sales revenue. Tracking metrics alone won't get your business seen but you know what does? Identifying what's working well and doing more of THAT!

Basic: REACH


Followers - someone who subscribes to receive updates about your acccount Impressions - the number of times your content is displayed Post reach - number of users who see your content Web traffic - the amount of traffic going to your site from social media

Clicks - the number of times followers click on your post Likes - followers show they approve of what has been shared Shares - when a follower shares your content with their friends/followers Mentions - When a user name-drops a person or brand online Profile Visits - The number of times your profile was viewed


Revenue - the amount of sales generated from social media Lead conversion rate - the proportion of qualified leads (non-revenue) that come from social media posts, expressed as a percentage Conversion rate - the total revenue that came from social media, expressed as a percentage

Cost per lead - the dollar amount you're paying to acquire each lead you generate from a Facebook ad, ad set, or ad campaign Customer lifetime value how much the average customer is worth to your business in the lifetime of their relationship with you

page 54

ENGAGEMENT Social media engagement is a measurement of how effectively a company is creating interactions with its customers on social media. With the average person spending just under two hours per day on social media, social media engagement is essential to make sure your brand is capturing enough attention. The more engagement, the more your posts are shown to followers. Ask open-ended questions so your followers have to reply with a few words or with full sentences. Create or share posts that strike emotion. Reply to ALL comments, go beyond an emoji, the more words you use the better - people love to see that their comment is being acknowledged. If possible, take it a step further and get them to engage again! Use the first 20 minutes after posting to engage immediately, this can help build momentum on your posts.

On Facebook, after someone comments on your post if you click on their profile name, you can send a formatted request for them to like your page. Not everyone who comments or likes your post will be a follower so taking the time to do this can build your following. Wait a few days or a week to do this so it doesn't feel spammy. On Instagram, follow other accounts, particularly in your area if you have a brick & mortar - and genuinely comment on their posts this will put more eyes on your account.

Why Engage?

Reach a bigger audience Build trust Increase SEO ranking Receive feedback

page 55


You either love it or hate it! Video is NOT going away anytime soon. If anything the weight placed on video views is only getting stronger. It's time to build your video muscle and use this EFFECTIVE tool to get your business seen!

Click HERE to listen to Episode 85 of the Savvy Shopkeeper Retail Podcast. How to Embrace Video!

It doesn’t have to be perfect - the more natural you are the better

Consider repurposing content - turn one video into multiple videos

YOU don’t have to appear on video - you can walk through your store, feature items, do a tutorial

Stop thinking it can’t be fun

You don’t need fancy equipment - just a phone and somewhere to prop your phone up You don’t have to go LIVE! - You can record and upload

Get inspired by others - follow and watch what others are doing Build the video muscle! It gets easier with each time you hit the record button

"31% of consumers say they do their shopping while flipping through their social media accounts." -2019 Retail Trends Report Comment selling combines social media and e-commerce by allowing customers to purchase directly through comments on Facebook or Instagram. Comment Selling

With live selling, retailers can host engaging live video sales on their social media platforms and customers are able to claim items by commenting “sold” during the live sale.

You can implement comment selling with programs like Vajro on Shopify or Comment Sold -OR- you can host this type of selling event on your own. See the next page for a checklist to help you and your team implement comment selling! page 56

Host a Successful Facebook Live Sale

Selling Live on your own without paying for a comment selling service is achievable when you prepare for it! Use this checklist to help you and your team get ready. If you're a Shopkeepers Lab member, click HERE for the full video lesson.

MARKETING Choose date and time Create Facebook event Cross promote and/or run ad Determine sale rules/terms and make signs

PRACTICE Set up tripod or find an ideal camera location Check lighting and wear solid/dark colored clothing The back of your phone should be facing you Have a laptop next to you to monitor comments



Choose inventory and determine discount Number and make signs for the items Move inventory to a special category in your system and "hide" it if you have an e-commerce store Create a simple spreadsheet

TEAM MEMBERS One person to host the event One person to help during the event One person to manage the spreadsheet (on or off-site) The host & helper can invoice and pack orders


Have inventory laid in an orderly fashion

“Sort” the spreadsheet by email address

Show one item and sign at a time Have some talking points prepped

Send one invoice per customer

Repeat Sale Event rules throughout the event

Place orders in bags and label them for pickup or box orders for shipping One team members sends invoices one team members bags orders page 57

Shoppable Posts Shoppable posts give consumers a direct line to your brand! When you create Shoppable posts on Facebook and Instagram, they are marked with a clickable shopping bag icon that displays the product information and a link to the product on your website. Customers love a "quick link" and direct access to buy.

Facebook Shopping

Setup Commerce Manager Select where you want your customers to complete their purchase: your website, Direct Message or Checkout on Facebook or Instagram. Select an existing product catalog (link to Shopify, Big Commerce, etc) or create a new one. Check your shop details, review the merchant agreement

Instagram Shopping

Step 1: Confirm eligibility Step 2: Convert to a business account Step 3: Connect your Facebook Page Step 4: Upload a product catalog Step 5: Complete account review Step 6: Turn on Shopping Step 7: Make content actionable

NOTE: When you're setting up your commerce manager/shops with Facebook and Instagram, you have the option to create the shop directly on those platforms which means your customers will checkout directly on FB & IG and the fees are higher -OR- you can link your Shopify or Big Commerce catalogs instead. This means your customers will be directed to your website where they will checkout and most likely the fees are lower!

page 58

Social Media Giveaways! Giving away products, services, and prizes to your followers is a fun way to spike engagement on Facebook and/or Instagram, show appreciation AND just as importantly it's a great way to get your business seen for minimal cost and effort. Benefits for Shopkeepers:

Increase social media followers Generate brand awareness Jumpstart engagement on your account Build community and show appreciation to your followers Increase sales Grow your email list Drive traffic to your website Increase app downloads Get more foot traffic Fun fact: An instagram contest or giveaway can help you grow your followers 70% faster in three months than if you didn’t host a contest at all. -Tailwind

SHOPKEEPERS LAB MEMBERS: Click HERE for a 3-page Guide on how to run a Giveaway from start to finish!

Ideas for Shopkeepers:

"Tag or Like" to win (as complies with the platforms terms of service) - this is the most traditional giveaway Selfie contest - ask customers to share their selfies from your store Photo contest with a designated hashtag - have followers share a photo of products from your store and use a specific hashtag to enter Caption contest - share a photo and ask followers to caption the photo page 59

More on Facebook! Instagram is extremely popular and TikTok is certainly growing but Facebook actually still has a lot to offer if you're running a retail business. I want to share three more parts of Facebook that can help get your business seen. In 2019 Reviews changed to "Recommendations". Whatever you may call it, both old reviews and new recommendations are still stored under the Reviews tab on your business page! Now customers can choose to select Yes, they recommend your business or No, they don't then write a comment. Just like the "REVIEWS" on Page 39, follow the same practices with Facebook.




And in case you don't know, you can turn this tab Recommendations on/off on your business page under Settings.


Events are personally one of my favorite tools for getting my own retail business seen. Whether we were hosting a promotion, teaching a workshop or hosting a special event in our store, creating an EVENT on Facebook is a great tool for gaining traction, getting new followers and letting your customers know about any upcoming dates they should add to their calendars.


Facebook Events are really easy to set up, just fill in the fields and be sure to use an eye-catching banner for your event! Click HERE for a helpful article by Sprout Social for 13 Ways to Use Facebook Events for Your Brand.

A Business Page is important but if you want to serve your best customers in a fun and unique way, creating a VIP Facebook Group is a an excellent addition to your social selling toolbox. Be sure to have a purpose and plan for your VIPers. Do you want to offer them exclusive items and deals or do you want offer tutorials and promotions?

MASTER SHOPKEEPERS MEMBERS: Click HERE to watch a Masterclass on how to create a VIP Group for your store!

03 Groups

Equally important - have group rules set up and set boundaries for you and your team too!

page 60

Facebook & Instagram Advertising

Retail business owners often defer to "boosting" a post or event because it's easy to do. And although I do feel boosting can be helpful (in some situations) for getting your business seen, there is MUCH more shopkeepers can do with ads on social media! Covering advertising on social media for retailers could be a lengthy book by itself! Instead, I'll simplify the many parts and pieces in this diagram and provide helpful links and resources to understand each part. NOTE: This diagram applies to running ads for both Facebook and Instagram, this can all be managed from YOUR Facebook account. Business Manager is more or less the hub for accessing all of your Facebook marketing needs, including ad accounts, catalogs, pixels, and business pages.




Click HERE to create a Business Manager account for Facebook

Ads Manager is one of the many assets housed within Business Manager, but Ads Manager alone is not Business Manager




Commerce Manager is a platform to manage your catalog and sales on Facebook and Instagram YOUR







SHOPKEEPERS LAB MEMBERS: Click HERE to watch my lesson on two things you need to run ads..



MASTER SHOPKEEPERS MEMBERS: Click HERE to watch the Facebook Pixel Masterclass..


Click HERE to listen to Episode 12 of the Savvy Shopkeeper Retail Podcast "Social Media Ads 101". BOOSTED

Click HERE to read my blog that explains the difference between boosted & targeted.




page 61


chapter eight Worksheets


page 62


page 63

Your Marketing Plan You've been provided with a variety of ways to market your business. Use this worksheet to plan your future marketing efforts in chronological order! As much as we may want to, we can't do it all at once, so prioritize what's important and plan from there. Happy marketing!


Next 30 days

Next Quarter

Next Year

page 64

Checklist Prefer a sequential checklist? Here's a simple way to tackle your to-do's by each Chapter in this book.

1 retpahC

2 retpahC

3 retpahC

4 retpahC

5 retpahC

6 retpahC

7 retpahC

page 65

A Special Thank You The Savvy Shopkeeper community is special. It's filled with a wide variety of retail business owners who are like-minded, supportive, respectful, generous, and kind. In my effort to make this the best possible marketing tool for retailers, I enlisted some help! Thank you to these shopkeepers, all members of Master Shopkeepers, for providing valuable feedback and suggestions throughout the writing and editing process of this book.

Charlotte Ehney

Melissa Nadurak

Linnea White

Kim Fournier

Lisa Perrin

Southern Succotash

Sentimental Salvage

Darling Boutique

Knotty & Board

Cheers To You Party Goods

Pop the Champagne...

you made it to the end!

I hope this book becomes a regular resource for you. A resource that you can refer to periodically throughout each year ahead, so you can regularly evaluate and refresh your marketing efforts... and get your retail business noticed!

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