Story Transcript
GhostI nf l uencer s
Howwear emani pul at ed, Wi t houtBei ngAwar eOfI t ? Thr oughouthi st or y, al l hi st or y, notj ustt oday, Di f f er entmet hodsof" I nf l uenci ng"wer eus ed, t o swaypubl i copi ni on, bot hf or&agai nst , goodorevi l , ,Anci entCul t ur es&t hei rcouncel s,used wor dofmout h,amongt hei rpeopl e, bot ht ospr ead&i nf l ameanger , agai nstr i val ki ngdoms ort r i bes, aver year l yexampl eofpr opaganda, usedi napr i mat i vewayt ogetappr oval , butt he l essonwasnotl ostonsucceedi nggener at i pns, Why?becausei tWORKED! Pol i shi ngTheI dea ManyAnci entKi ngs&cul t ur esusedpur ef abr i cat i on, aboutat r oci t i escommi t edbyt hei r i magi nedf oes, Theyusedt he" Ti meHonor ed"t act i cof" Fear "t heeasi estoneofal l t o use. Fearofl oss, FearForFami l y, Fearf orpr oper t yorpossessi onst aken, Thehor r i bl er eal i t y was, Thei rr i val , wassayi ngEXACTLYt hesamet hi ng, t ohi sownpeopl e, , ast hef or mer ! . . Thi s i nt ur nl edt o. .War , Fami ne, Hat r ed, somet i mesl ast i ngcent ur i es, I ft hi ngswer ewr ong, bl amei t onour" enemi es"i twasaneasy, excuse! ,&ever yonef el tbet t er , af t eral l , . . notOUR f aul t , THEI Rf aul t ! Pr i mat i ve" Spi n" I nAnci entRome, manyt hi ngs&t r oubl eswer el ai datt hedooroft heear l yChr i st i ans, I fi twent wr ong, Bl ameTheChr i st i ans! "Thi sspr eadwor l dwi del i ket hecur r entvi r us. . I twasBl ameThe Jews, Bl ameThePer si ans, Mongol s, Huns, orwhoever , Thi s" bl amegame" ,or" scapegoat " t act i cwast ohavever yevi l r eper cussi onsl at er , aswewi l l gett o. .Buti nt hedar kages, i twas usedwi del y,Theear l yChr i st i anChur ch,wasnotaver set ousi ngt heset act i csei t her , Ast hey gr ewi npower , ( &weal t hespeci al l y)anyt hr eatt ot hatwasmetwi t hpr opaganda, , Cr usades wer ef or med. . I magi nedat r oci t i escommi t t ed, wer egi venawi dehear i ng, wor dof mout h, gi venhumannat ur e, madet hem gr owt o" epi c"pr opor t i onsKi ngswhodef i edRome wer evi l i f i ed, Anyor i gi nal t hought , ort heol ogi cal angl e, deemed" Her esyEver yot her bel i ef , I sl am, Buddi sm, Hi ndui sm deemedPagen&Godl ess. . ( Si ncewhendi dt heyaskGods
opi ni on?) Theycl ai med" God"f ort hemsel vesal one. Thei rpr oper t y!ButJesus,suf f er ed pr opagandat oo, " GhostI nf l uencer s "Scr i bes&Phar asees. . I ' m sur eMohamnadhadt hi s t oo! . Mostwhochanget hi ngsdo. .Letusf ast f or war dt ot heSpani shI nqusi t i on, Jewst or t ur ed &bur ned, Devi l wor shi pper ssai dt heGhostI nf l uencer s,Manypogr omsagai nstsomany et hi cgr oups, becauseagai n, " GhostI nf l uencer s"amal evol ent" whi sper i ngcampai gn,l edi n t ur nt odeat hs, t or t ur e, genoci de, i nmanycases. . TheI ndust r i al Age&FakePr opaganda Af r i ca, st ar t edof fi t scol oni sat i on, byt hegr eatGhostWhi sper edf al l acy, " TheWhi t eMans Bur den"apat r oni si ngt er m, &coverf ort hei rr eal goal , Pl under i ngt her esour ces. .buti tsui t ed t hosedoi ngt ot oappeaset hei rownhowngr ownpubl i copi ni on, t opr et endt heywer ej us t goi ngt her easamor al dut y,t o" ci vi l i se"cont i nentbuti fwemakemoneyf r om t her aw mat er i al st her e, i t s" Gods"wi l l ! I ndi a, Chi na, &Sout hAmer i casuf f er edf r om t hese unt r ut hs. . andl ef tal ast i ngdi st r ust . . The20t hCent ur y Thi swast hecent ur y, when" i nf l uenci ng"&pr opaganascal ednew hei ght s, Medi a, Movi es, Newspaper s , bi gmogul s,orbusi ness, coul d" GhostI nf l uence"ona t i t ani cscal e,I never ywal kofl i f e, educat i on, dr ess, musi c,t hepubl i cadmi r edt hei rown pr ogr ess&f r eewi l l , Yetmuchofi twasn' t , Mai nl ybecauset her ewasmoneyt obemadef r om i t , Manysmal l compani es, becamegl obal congl omor at esoutoft hi ser aLFastf ood, everf ast er t r anspor t ,Fashi on, whi chl edt oi nl at ert i mes,t hehi doust er m" Peerr essur e"Whi chmeanti n ef f ect , peopl edr essedmor euni f or mi l y, " Br andNames"Sowhobenef i t t ed?Cor por at e cl ot hi ngManuf act ur er sofcour se. ! Thesamecanbesai df orbi gPhar maCompani es, who pushed&adver t i sedt hei rpr oduct , unt i l peopl ewer eso" Br ai nwashed"t hey aut omat i cal l y, wentoutandboughtt hePhar maspr oduct , wi t houtt hi nki ng. . Lat ercameTV&i nt er net ,Theof f shootoft hesedevi ces, l ef tpeopl emuchl esssel fr el i ant t hanbef or e, Adsi nf l uencedpeopl esayi ng, " Your eal l yr eal l yneedt hi spr oduct "( Evenyou di d" tyouwer ebr ai nwashedi nt oi t ! )Soyouputyour sel fi ndebtt obuyi t! Butl at er , i tbecame muchmor esi ni st er&downr i ghtevi l , i nsomecases. . Thenetr esul toft hi si s, ourcur r ent " cr op"ofyoungerpeopl ear emuchmucht oodependantont echnol ogy, Lear ni ngl i f eski l l st o r uni nt andem, wi t hhi ght echnol ogy, hasen' thappened, I t showt he" Whi sper er s"wanti t , Tot al dependance. . Thatmeans" easyt ocont r ol . . Combi nedwi t hdr oppi ngst andar dsi n educat i on, agai ndel i ber at e. . , Toensur epeopl ecantar gue, pr" Thi nk"aboutt hesi t uat i ont hey f i ndt hems el vesi n, At r appedf i sh. . Unawar et hati ti s. . , Doi ngwhati t st ol d, t ot al l y compl i ant , becauset hei rt ot al l ydependant . . Ourhumani t yhasneverbeenassaul t ed&subduedbef or ei nt hi smanner , No" Tyr ant "ever managedi t . . Butt he" Whi sper er s"ar e. . . . Today, r at hert handi r ect i ngt hei rt ar get , asaphysi cal t hr eat , mi l i t ar yconquestect, I t sbecome
aboutcont r ol f orf i nance, Thebi gges tcommodi t yonear t hi sor di nar ypeopl e. . That swhat hasbeen,&wi l l be,usedbyt heWhi sper er s"Byst r eal t h, byosmosi s,I si tet hi cal ?Ofcour sei t i snt . . , I t sgr eedbased!Whowoul dl i ket obeusedasapawn?Noone. . yeti t shappeni ng. . We al l needbusi nesst osur vi ve, t oear n, t of unct i on, Butt odayi t sgoneputofcont r ol , Ther i ght ar m, dosentknow, whatt hel ef tar mi sdoi ng, Att i mesi tt akesonaver yquest i onabl esi ni s t er aspect . Weneedt obei ncont r ol ofourf ut ur e, Nota" br ai nwashed"Whi sper eri nspi r ed f ut ur e, Butar eal one,basedoff r eechoi ceanddi r ect i on. Anexampl eher e: , Amanl i vesi nt he Ser enget i Deser t , Anot herl i vesi nLosAngel es. . Bot hdeci det omovehome. . Whi chonei sf r ee t odoso?Themani nt heSet enget i . . Hehasent 'muchmoney, yethesf r ee, unshackl ed. . The mani nLosAngel escan' tmove, hest i eddown, byj ob, &t hef ami l yheal t hi nsur ancet i edi nt o i t !Mor t gage, School i ngf orki ds, Taxes, Sohesapr i soner . . Hecantevermove. . I nt hi shesnot al one, Hesbeenmaneuver ed; i nt oasi t uat i on. . Thef i scal l i f epr i soner . . TheNewLevel Gover nment sonl yevergi vet hepubl i car ound1 0% i nf o, ofwhat sact ual l ygoi ngon, Nat i onal Secur i t y, ofcour semustbeconsi der edf oral l nat i ons, Butt oday" GhostI nf l uencer s"ar e gi vi ngf akenews, f akeai ms, f akeval ues, i t sent er edi nt oever yl evel ofl i f e, " Di ssi mi l at i on" , Whi speri t , l ett het houghtspr ead, t hatwayi twi l l becomeaccept abl e. &eveni fat r ut hi s t ol d, i twi l l beder i ded&mocked. .Iwi l l f i ni sht hi sar t i cl e, wi t h4exampl esof" Ghost I nf l uencer s&howi taf f ect s. I t sdel i ber at est r at egy&pol i cy. . 1TheHol ocaustOfWW2: Bl amet heJews!Theevi l Hi t l erwr ot e, " Whynot Eugeni cs?( Genoci de) Af t eral l whot odayr emember st he" Ext er mi nat i on"oft heAr meni ansi n WW1. Fai l ur et oactt hen, causedt heGenoci deofWW2!2The" Et hni cCl eansi ng" ( Genoci de) ofBosni anMusl i ms, i nt heBal kans, 3&Tut si &Hut i i nRawanda( Agai nWhi sper i ng( 4Thecur r entdi si nf or mat i oncampai gnf r om ever ywher e, whi chmaywel l " " Bl under "usi nt oa gl obal war , GhostI nf l uenci ngonahor r i bl edi st r uct i vescal e. . That swhy pr udence, sense, j udgementar ever yi mpor t antnowf oral l ofus. . Wecan' tl ett he br ai nwasheddest r oyi t . . I t sbecomenotPol i t i cal , Rel i gous, oret hni c, I t sGoodver susevi l . . I van
Epi l ogue: ABr i t i shr epor t ersentt oCypr us, Hewasf or t unat eenought ocr ossf r om t heGr eek si det ot heTur ki shsi de, oft heI sl and. . Heswhathewast ol d. .Gr eekSi de: What shappened her e, i sal l t heTur ksf aul t !Tur ki shSi de: : What shappenedher e, i sal l t heGr eeksf aul t !No wor dsneeded. . I tspeaksf ori t sel f