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Story Transcript

−iJS!lrl;−a[Cj|l−Su ilq[\j raj)l;−ekhGdlSh. Meseiha, who by your passion has saved us from eternal death, accept our service and have mercy on us at this early day. Meseiha, who by your passion has saved us from eternal death, accept our service and have mercy on us at this early day. Meseiha, who by your passion has saved us from eternal death, accept our service and have mercy on us at this early day. shld[SalG sfCk`k|S\ shld[SalG sfCk`k|S\l% rlFl! Sf, oí¤fjuk;, alr; flfë; a|jal i$rdX Ck6l7lijë; K!læXd{e elejdxl; B*xjhk; SahlaoyjCjSh; ilfjHç=jH rjR cj;|lcranunaJ Yel>?r a[Cj|l!

JR. Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in

) 51−l; ackaoG% l; ackaoG% l; ackaoG% sspiSa! fi d{eujRYedlg; tS#lmk dynsvu&nSa. fjy dynuksm ~|kfI\jR Yedlg; tsÊ ele*sx alujv&k dxunSa. tsÊ LrUlu\jH rjìv ts# r#luj dqkdj tsÊ el e*xjH rjìv ts# simj/l)nSa. ts%#lH tsÊ LfjYda*sx BlR Lyjukì. tsÊ ele*xk; tS/lqk; tsÊ SrSg Tgjçì. d\?lijë ijSglPaluj\s# BlR ele; svi í¤. Y¢y akTjH fjUdsx BlR svi í¤. Lfk fjy ivr\jH d\?lik rJfJdgj)s/mkduk; fjy rUluijPjdxjH d\?l ik wujçduk; svu[ilrlujMk fs#. ts%#lHLrUlu \jH BlR KWijv&k. ele*xjH tsÊ alfli[ ts# z>?; Pgjçd uk; svi í¤. t#lH rJfjujH flR Tn és/Mk. fsÊ Ñ¡c·¢¨Ê g |cU*X fs# flR Lyjujv&k. Scl/lsdl![ tsÊ SaH flR fxj)nSa. BlR simj/l)s/mk;. LfjrlH ts# flR siÃul)nSa. |jaS\)lX BlR sià ulæ;. fsÊ :r$ik; cS%llfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; 4 ele*xjH rjìv fjgkakD; fjgjv&[ tsÊ LfjYda*sx Q s)uk; alujv&k dxunSa. sspiSa! simj/k= |{pus\ t#jH c{n éj)nSa. Ìj gfuk= fjy:7lijsr tsÊ K=jH ekfkfl)nSa. fsÊ Y¢yakTjH rjìv ts# f=j)xuySf. fsÊ ijCk 6l7lijsr t#jH rjìv tmk)uk; LySf. t#lShl fjy :r$ik; gLuk; trjçv fjgjv&k fSgn Sa. a|\Iak= f#l7li[ ts# fl*kalyldnSa. L S/lX BlR LfjYd)lsg fjy iqj eAj/jç;. elejdX f(Shç fjgjukduk; svu&k;. tsÊ gLulu sspialu sspiSa! jJ í\jH rjìv ts# gLj)nSa. tsÊ c¡l® Y¢y rJfjsu oí¤Y¢ç;. d\?l Si! F¨Ê LPg*X trjç fky)nSa. tsÊ l¡i ® Y ¨Ê oí¤fjdsx elmk;. ts%#lH ~hjdxjH flR Tn és/Mjh^. S|la~hjdxjH flR rjg/ufkajh^. sspi\jsÊ ~hjdX flräuk=:7l ilæì. sspi; ëyk*ju |{pus\ rjgcjç#jh^. fsÊ Tn é\lH sc|jSulSrlm[ rU svu&nSa. KOSC?^aj sÊ afjhkdsx enjunSa. LS/lX rJfjSulmkdomju ~ hjdxjhk; S|la~hjdxjhk; flR Tn és/mk;. LS/lX fsÊ ~hjeJA\jSUH dlxdX ~hjuluj dSgyk;. sspiSa! oí¤ fj frjçv SulzUalæì. ~lsyd[SalG. Have mercy on me, God, in thy loving kindness; in the abundance of thy mercy blot out my sin. Wash me throughly from my guilt and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my fault and my sins are before me always.

pk_Dsi=julq[v − pk_Dsi=julq[v − Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; 5 Against Thee only have I sinned and done evil in thy sight, that Thou mayst be justified in Thy words and vindicated in Thy judgement. For I was born in guilt and in sin did my mother conveive me. But Thou takest pleasure in truth and Thou hast made known to me the secrets of Thy wisdom. Sprinkle me with Thy hyssop and I shall be clean; wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Give me the comfort of Thy joy and gladness, and the bones which have been humbled shall rejoice. Turn away Thy face from my sins and blot out al my faults. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew Thy steadfast spirit within me.Cast not me from Thy presence and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. But restore to me Thy joy and Thy salvation, and let Thy glorious spirit sustain me; that I may teach the wicked Thy way and sinners may return to Thee. Deliver me from blood, O God, God of my salvation, and my tongue shall praise Thy justice. Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall sing Thy praise. For Thou dost not take pleasure in sacrifices; by burnt offerings Thou art not appeased. The sacrifice of God is a humble spirit, a heart that is contrite God will not despise

pk_Dsi=julq[v − pk_Dsi=julq[v − Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; 6 Do good in Thy good pleasure to Zion and built up the walls of Jerusalem. Then shalt Thou be satisfied with sacrifices of truth and with whole burnt offerings; then shall they offer bullocks upon Thine altar. And to Thee belongs the praise, O God. Barekmor. Ck~S|l......... sarQlh;.......... æyjSuhlujSZlR. trjSulSrl trjSulSrl s|Op|Sil~kdSyl% s|Op|Sil~kdSyl% 1. elfdjSelH−B*sx gLj/lR rUlu−Ìlr; YelejfSr! Spil! pu svi í£mnSa. 2. plcR f−#mj d#S\\k dU−lfrac[)lg; 7 ENIONO You who are actually God and who still suffered physically for us, have mercy O God. You who have come in person to complete the prophecies, the symbols and those things hidden from the foundation of the world, have mercy O God. You who for our salvation have been led as a criminal before the tribunal, have mercy O God. You against who kings and judges have plotted to put to death, have mercy O God. You the judge of all who have been unjustly condemned, have mercy O God. You who have been delivered by your traitorous disciple to the high priest, have mercy O God. 63 l; ackaoG 63 l; ackaoG tsÊ sspiSa! d\?li[ tsÊ sspialæì. BlR d\?l ijë Si!j dl\jgjç;. pl|jv&k; ig!k; si=\jrluj :Yz|jv&jgjç# >oajsuS/lsh tsÊ :7li[ d\?lijrluj pl|jv&jgjç ì. tsÊ w}ik; d\?lijrluj dl\jgjçì. TYedlg; d\?lijsÊ ~hS\uk; d\?lijsÊ ~ |kalrS\uk;dláRcfUalujM[BlRd\?lijsr Srl)j ts%#lH d\?lijsÊ Jyn wJiSr)lX rh^fl æì. tsÊ LPg*X d\?lijsr oí¤fjç;.

pk_Dsi=julq[v − pk_Dsi=julq[v − Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; 8 BlR wJiSrlmjgjçSTlX TYedlg; BlR d\?lij sr ilq[\kduk; d\?lijsÊ rla\jH BlR tsÊ ssd dsx Ku\?kduk; svu&k;. tsÊ :7li[ sdlqk/k; SapZk; sdls!#Selsh ekn é¢ Yelejç;. tsÊ ilu[ oí¤fjuk= LPg*X sdl![ d\?lijsr oí¤fj)uk; svu&k;. tsÊ djm)ujSUH BlR d\?lijsr Ql\?k. glYfj dlh*xjH BlR d\?lijsr PUlrjçduk; svi í¤. ts%#lH d\?li[ trjçv c|luluj\Jì?. d \?lijsÊ vjyædxksm rjqhjH BlR ayís/mk;. tsÊ :7li[ d\?lijsr ejRfkmì?. d\?lijsÊ ih\kssd ts# fl*kduk; svi í¤. LiG tsÊ :7lijsr rCj/j/lR LSrIoajuksm LSPl>lz*xjShív YeSiCjç;. LiG ilxjë ijSPual)s/mkduk; æykrgjdXçv >Lnaluj\Jyduk; svu&k;. d\?lijsÊ rla\jH :nujmk# ]ië; ekdq[v uk!læ;. ts%#lH LcfU; eyuk#iysm ilu[ Lmí s/mk;. sspiSa! oí¤fj frjçv SulzUalæì. ~lsyd[SalG My God! You are my God. Earnestly I seek you. My soul thirsts for you and my body longs for you, as the dry and weary land, cry for water. I looked at you in the Sanctuary to behold your power and glory. My lips will glorify you because your loving kindness is better than life. I will praise you as long as I live and I will lift up my hands like this in your name. My soul will be flourished as with marrow and fat, and my mouth shall praise you with singing lips.

pk_Dsi=julq[v − pk_Dsi=julq[v − Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; 9 I remember you on my bed, I think of you through the watches night. Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings My soul clings to you, your right hand upholds me. They who seek my life will be destroyed; they will go down to the depths of the earth. They will be given over to the sword and become food for foxes. But the king will rejoice in God. All who swear by God’s name will praise Him, while the mouths of the lairs will be silenced. And to Thee belongs the praise, O God. Barekmor. zJf; s|Op[ K|[SplSrl% s|Op[ K|[SplSrl% 1. SpSiCl! a[Cj|l!−cISoî|\lH ijPjrjhSu d#\mjSu−\mjaujH rjì; iJS!lSr! rjS#−ul−S#?R, d{e svu[sdSUH. 2. SpSiCl! a[Cj|l!− c^J~lulujSUH B*sm gLíluj fo*j−wJiR a{fjulH fS#lSr! rjS#−ul−S#?R, d{e svu[sdSUH. 3. SpSiCl! a[Cj|l!−rjwijru\lH flniG B*sxSu\j\R−elmlH eJ}dX fJS\?lSr! rjS#−ul−S#?R, d{e svu[sdSUH. 4. SpSiCl! a[Cj|l!−fjyl¢n é\lH c^J~luk; eJ}ukSa\j−MlplaUsg gLjSv&lSr! rjS#−ul−S#?R, d{e svu[sdSUH.

pk_Dsi=julq[v − pk_Dsi=julq[v − Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; 10 5. SpSiCl! a[Cj|l!−ele\lH Spllfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; 21 Kuriealaison 4. Bashan bulls around me surround. On this day at Golgotha, they raised and crucified the athl ete on the cross, who by his power sustains the universe. Kuriealaison 5. My strength is gone like water spilled on the ground. On this day on the cross they pierced with nails the mighty hand which molded Adam from clay. Kuriealaison 6. They tear at my hands and feet. All my bones cried. Rescue me from lions and save my humbleness from proudness. On this day the scribes, the phrisees, and the wicked priests were full of hate and did not wish to tell the truth about the truth. Barekhmore-Shubhaho...... Menolam....... This day is one of misfortune for the Sanhedrin who crucified the Son of God, and happiness for the Church who accepts him and sings his praise. Stoumen kalos Kuriealaison YekajSulR YekajSulR ekSgl|jfRâ rl; th^liy; ........ YefjildU;â dlynUilrlu....... ekSgl|jfRâ oí¤fjuk; Soí¡Yfik;........ fsÊ arSZlsm dlglz{|\jHrjì[ siMkilR : MjRæMjsu#Selsh CjLlijPjç doMjs)l!k[ Selæd uk; rUlulePjerlu eJhlS\lZjsÊ akTlsd Sgla; si Mk#isÊ akTjH sellmk Selsh Lr*lsf rjHçd uk; frjç[ TãalufjrlH fsÊ Y¡rä aoh; ilu[ fky)l fjgj)uk; svi í a|lgLjflik; rjd{ãUlglH LrUlual

MjdxlH Lmj)s/Mk. th^l w}*xk; : ysm akTjH rjHçìSil LiR Tì glijsh ijvlgn

?jç#ië; :uiR fl sq LzlP*xjH akX)jgJm; i|jv&jgjçì. LfUk#f* xjH ijSCi\jH d ãs/mkilë; fsÊ Y¡räujH claUs/mkilë; fsÊ ekr y>lr\jH :r$j/lë; fsÊ Tã; svi í th^liSglmk; dosm Kh^cj/lë; fsÊ d{eulhk; fsÊ ejflijsÊ Y¢y ik=\lhk; egjCk6yo|luksm iUlelg\lhk; B*sx SulzUglS)nsa. S|lSCl..........

pk_Dsi=julq[v − pk_Dsi=julq[v − Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; 25 PROEMION AND SEDRO Praise.... to the powerful athlete who offered Himself in sacrifice on the cross and who, by His spilling of blood, has erased the sin of men and by His extended hands has embraced the world which returned to Him. Praise and gratitude to You, Wise Creator, Who by six words brought the world into being in the beginning. In Your wisdom You created the world in six days; but in one day, through Your suffering, You fulfilled all the prophecies and renewed Your creatures. On Friday You are the exception Who appeared obedient unto death in order to put an end to the sin committed by Adam, our first father. You are the only one Who extended His hands on the cross and cured Adam, who with evil desire extended his hand to seize the fruit. When the scoundrels saw you and recognized the word of God as a threat to themselves, they were eager to shed Your blood and plotted Your death. They pointed the finger at you, seized You eagerly, led You to the tribunal, condemned You to the cross, led You to Golgotha; they mounted Your cross between heaven and earth, put a crown of thorns on Your glorious head, spit in Your face, and as a mockery, clothed You in a purple robe; they raised You up, gave You vinegarmixed with gall to drink. Shouting out, You said : “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” Then the earth trembled, the mountains shook and the sun became darkened. The veil of the temple was torn to pieces and the holy ones were afraidl the seraphim trembled, the earth stopped moving, the cherubim shivered; the seraphim were filled with shame when they

pk_Dsi=julq[v − pk_Dsi=julq[v − Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; 26 saw their Lord on the cross. The sun hid its rays because it could not look upon the nudity of its creator, for it saw the eternal light suspended upon the cross. The disciples fled, friends dispersed. Awaken then, arise son of Barachus, because here Your prophecy is fulfilled, because the shepherd has been struck and his lambs were scattered. Where are you brave men? Michael, what happened to your zeal? Where is your sword which annihilated millions of Assyrian warriors? Gather strength and courage, gather together, for Sunday your master will ariseas the prophecy foretells. Where are you going? Simon where do you hasten, John? Thomas, where are you going? Who will catch up with you, Philip? James, Why are you departing? Matthew, Bartholomew, do not be sorrowful. O apostles, do not run away; if you flee today, on Sunday you will come together again. Today through fear one hastens to flee, but Sunday you will be united again in joy. Today sorrow overtakes your group, but on Sunday you will be joyous and light-hearted and the wicked will be afflicted and saddened becaus they will learn of the resurrection of your master. And now we beg you, Lord, on this day when we commemorated Your saving death help us so that we might not be dominated by our passion and free us from all sinful desires; strengthen us to resist all evil desires by Your grace and divine power and that of Your Father and Your Holy Spirit, now..... On the morning of judgment, the judge who judges creatures, and the Lord of light was questioned by His subjects. Glory to Him who was endured this for Adam in order to return his heritage to him.

pk_Dsi=julq[v − pk_Dsi=julq[v − Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; 27 In the morning the judges judge You. Glory to You who praise the pure. In this morning You carry the cross and You go to be crucified; blessed be You when You come to Your kingdom, You who so loved Adam and his children. Glory....In the morning the Creator is condemned to death by Pilate, like a criminal, and the people cry out: “Crucify him, crucify this Jesus called Nazarene and deliver him to us. Release Barrabas.” Now.... In the morning He carries the cross on his shoulders and leaves the madmen; the Holy Spirit leaves the sanctuary and says: “Woe to You, Jerusalem, because your veil is being destroyed and your holidays are going to be over.” SdlShl æS)lSul% si=jpjr\jìpu\jH−wzfJ−gLdrl; SpilPjesrçgjCj/l−riyH−ckdgluj. Yed{fjijyv&k−>oajfh; sBMJ ely fdì?−sdlmkakmjdX efyj d~ykdX ij!k a{fUly;−rjz?−fglsu\já rlFl7wsr YdoCjv&−Cdísg rj$jv&k. |lShhku&−pkgjfais)?ì;−~lsyd[SalG Ck~S|l−sarQlh;−|lShhku& sspi\jR wJil7wrl; wzfJelhdsr SzlzkH\lSaH c[dJ/lujH−wrc;−Z; fo)já d!daæm;−fjyaOhjujH siv&ká ssddX fyv&j−MiG ekxjiJSbdJ hjDjf;Selsh ejx\?j ijhl−iSu&l æ%\lH zfjShld)?yxk; rJy;−rjnik; Yei|jv&k |lShhku&−fRd{ec;oí¤fU;. salyjSul......

pk_Dsi=julq[v − pk_Dsi=julq[v − Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; 28 tsYfl ag\jSUH~hjdqj)s/MeknUak!lç# ~hjul u frç oí¤Y¢. fsÊ iP; Shld\jH ckzpPoealuj \J#? Yeclpdgalu PoedhCsa! frç oí¤Y¢. fjy c> eleLCk6fujH rjì; LCk6~hjdxjH rjì; L>Ç¢wrU*xlu pki*xjH ]\keyukì. B*X fjy ægjCjrlH wJijv&k. fi agn\lH cIfY%gluj. fjy c|lu*X ihjuiulæì. B*xksm rjZlgalu oí¤Y¢ Yrjç tYfuk; fkÔalæì. d\?li[ c{ãnv&[ gLjv&jgj ç# cdh\jhk; d\?lijr[ oí¤Y¢. S|lSCl...... Glory to You, Athlete, Who have experienced the feeling of fear in order to give courage to men. To You we give thanks, O God, You who have begged in order that the prayers of sinners be accepted. Lord, in Your love for men, accept now the prayers, the supplications and the Perfume of the incense that we offer at this moment. May the prayers that You have begged for us give wings to our prayers for salvation so that they appear before the throne of Your majesty. Through them grant pardon to cover all our faults and give answer to all our requests, because You are our help and our refuge and we offer to you glory......... Hoso...... iJ!k; SdlShl iJ!k; SdlShl ~[cE[Syl sdl;Sil s~c[pJSrl% ~[fyQld[SalylR

pk_Dsi=julq[v − pk_Dsi=julq[v − Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; 29 1. glijsh rj#lR−c{ãndSx− ijPjsvu&kS#lR−ijPjujR rjhu\jHá SvlpU; svi í¡rJyuG fR−efjsulmk plcR oí¤fjulplaj#idlC;−rHdlSri;−dãs/SMlSr− ~lsyd[SalG − Ck~S|l........ sarQlh;....... 2. au&hjhkmSul−Sr\lR ijPj ejhlS\lZlH−agnl|?ë fkhU; foçd, foçd rcyluR−SuCkijSr rJ− rJ)jmkd, ~lyl~lsu−Salvj/jçd− su−#l\?o uopG S~lS\p[ |lSCl p[ |lSCl p[ |lSCl B*X)lu[ rJ B*X)lu[ rJ−Sus\ly eJ}l flq[vdSx\; PrU; rlFl eJ}l flq[vdSx\; PrU; rlFl 1. akqkgl−iiSr−ssipjdc;Z; SClPjv&kpSu−ejhlS\lZjR akTjH Sv\?lR−fRijPjSdX/lR |l!−SuCkijSr rj|rjv&J−mlR wrsal#lsd−SZllf\jH rUluÌh\k rjì. TOSyUlysm rlFR plcrl H SvlpU; svu&s/Mk. :plajsr LisÊ LidlC \jShç fjgjçilR Tisuh^l; c|jv& frjç oí¤Y¢. ~lsyd[SalG−Ck~S|l.....sarQlh;..... 2. Ye>lf\jH agnSulzUsrS/lsh d\?li[ eJ hlS\lcjrlH ijPj)s/Mk. rYcy)lgrlu Su Ckijsr YdoCj), YdoCj), ~lyl~lsu ijMkfgjd tì u|opwr; LM|cjv&k.

pk_Dsi=julq[v − pk_Dsi=julq[v − Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; 30 2. elirgÇ;−vj%lfiSr YdoCdgJì;−Salvjv&JmlR :XijSMlfJ−zo@; >lgU :dlbfjrlH−YdoCdsgl/; ijPjSuH)lu[ilR−dqkdjuiRssd 3. agnl|?Rfl−rjisrs#l/; eJhlS\lSZl−ml\?lR, |oí« SCl;C\lH−eowdsg Yefj ijhejv&k ClCIf CorUf i#fjrlH−~hj Sdqlrlg;>jv&k SuCkijsrYefj wral\?k−eJhlS\lc[ ssddX dqkdj fRgÇ; c%fjrjgujH−ejRfhakydxjShS)\lR

l 1. si=jufl;rlX ~pjfrlu[ si=jufl;rlX ~pjfrlu[− si=jufl;rlX ~pjfrlu[−dmhjsr anhlH ~pjSv&lR dmhjsr anhlH ~pjSv&lR dmhjsr anhlH ~pjSv&lR agnëdS\\v&iSr−fylfjSh\j Ydo−Cjv&lG.

?jfrlp; eo!k>u; si=jufl;rlX SpSiCR−a{frluj)~yjH el\?k. 12. si=jufl;rlX a{zwlh;−iyalps\)!ydjHá si=jufl;rlX elflSx−gLd>lZlH a{fSg\k.

lSyl rJfjalUlysm domlg\jH, a|fI\jsÊuk; gLuksmuk; Cf ïsaì, pliJpkakDl%g; egjCk6yo|lelmj. The song of glory and salvation, in the tabernacle of the roghteous, the Holy spirit through David-did sing. Ye>lfilurdX Ye>lfilurdX

ksmSaH fsÊ LëYz |*xk;−tS#çak!lujgj)sM. ShiUekoíd; 4â 1−7 uS|li ejs#uk; SalCSulmk Lyxjsvi ífkâ rJ ujYclSu Ha)Sxlmk eySu!fk ts%#lHâ svu&ysfì uS|li dk ç¢v&jMk= ih^ dlgU\jhk; :sg(jhk; L~6iClH ejq v&k : id ih^fk; svi í¡H−L>jjlfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; 36 fjsÊ Sflhk; al;cik; gÇik; vlndik; dosm vkSmn;. ejs# ekSgl|jfR Spiply, TOScl/k, vki/kroH t #ji tmk\k eCk)jmlijsr vkmk# fJuksm rmkijH TSm n;. Lr%g; ekSgl|jfR iYoí« Lh)j Sp|; si=\j H dqkdjuSC oä« ilgj elxu\jë eky\[ simj/k= Qy Ìh\k si S)n;á Lfk ujYclSuH a)xksm cs>çSi!j Ck6Jd gnwh\j#luj clLjv&k siS)n;á Lfk Qy eleul z;. eCk)jmlijsÊ goä« ilgjuië; iYoí« Lh)j cpU sisg LCk6rlujgjS)n;á ujYclSuH a)Xç; Liy smujmujH iìelç?# egSpCjç; Tfk tS#çak= v MalujgjS)n;. ulsfly aë?jv&fk BlR SdMk. Li srçyjv&k uS|li Lyxj svi í ivralijfk â cJSulR ekYfjulu drUd rjs# rj$jv&k egj|cjçìá uyCSh; ekYfj rjsÊ ej#lsh fh æepçì. rJ :sgulæì rj $jv&k pkl%k; BlR Lyjukì. tsÊ Srsguk= rjsÊSdleY>l%ksdl!k; rjsÊ L|(l g; tsÊ svijujH t\jujgjç#fksdl!k; BlR t sÊ sdlxk\k rjsÊ ao)jhk; tsÊ dmjblR rjsÊ LP g*xjhk; TMk, rJ i#iqjç rjs# am)jsdl!kSelæ;. t#lH Tfk rjrç Lmulx; :æ;á rj*X TO :!jH emkij\k ijxuk#fk; g!l; :!jH flSr djx\?k ijx uk#fk; fjì;á ao#l; :!jH rj*X ijfv&k sdlu&kduk; ak%jgjS\lM; K!l)j Liuksm eq; fjìduk; svu&k;. The lesson from the book of the Kings, Barekhmor Glory be to the Lord of Kings and His mercy be upon us for ever. 2 Kings: 19: 20-29 Then Isaiah sent a message telling King Hezekiah that in answer to the King’s prayer the LORD had said, The city of Jerusalem laughs at you, Sennacherib, and makes fun

ksm SaH fsÊ L ëYz|*xk;−tS#çak!lujgj)sM.

pk_Dsi=julq[v − pk_Dsi=julq[v − Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; 40 cDyju 13 â 7 − 14 â 5 ilSx, tsÊ TmusÊ SrSguk; doMlxjulu ekylfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; 41 Glory be to the Lord of the Prophet, and His mercy be upon us for ever. Zechariah: 13: 7 – 14: 5 The LORD Aalmighty says, “Wake up sword, and attack the shepherd who works for me! Kill him, and the sheep will be scattered. I will attack my people and through out the land two-thirds of the people will die. And I will test the third that survives and will purify them as silver is purified by fire. I will test them as gold is tested. Then they will pray to me, and I will answer them. I will tell them that they are my people, and they will confess that I am their God.” The day when the LORD will sit in judgment is near. Then Jerusalem will be looted, and the loot will be divided up before your eyes. The LORD will bring all the nations together to make war on Jerusalem. The city will be taken, the houses looted, and the women raped. Half of the people will go exile, but the rest of them will not be taken away from the city. Then the LORD will go out and fight againt those nations, as he has fought in times past. At that time he will stand on the Mount of Olives, to the east of Jerusalem. Then the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west by a large valley. Half of the Mountain will move northward and half of it Southward. You will escape through this valley that divides the mountain in two. You will flee as your ancestors did when the earthquake struck in the time of King Uzziha of Judah. The LORD my God will come, bringing all the angels with him.

ksm SaH fsÊ L ëYz|*xk;−tS#çak!lujgj)sM. |~Yç)[ 1 â 1−12 |~Yç)[YeilvdRpC?jv& Yeilvd;.uS|lSi, tYfS\l x; BlR Lu&; ijxj)uk; rJ SdX)lfjgj)uk; svu&k;? cl|c; rjaj\; BlR tYfS\lx; rjS#lmk rjhijx) uk; rJ gLj)lfjgj)uk; svu&k;? rJ ts# rJfjSdmkdl nkalylæ#fk; eJ}r; siyksf Srlç#fk; t%jr[? d iv&?uk; cl|cik; tsÊ akTjhk!ká dh|; rmçì; C NA Kxilu[ iy;. Lfksdl!k rUluYealn; Lubjgj çìá rUlu; Qyrlxk; sixjs/Mkiy#fkajh^á pkãR rJfj alsr ixbjgjçì; Lfksdl!k rUlu; iYdfuluj si xjs/Mkiêì. wlfjdxksm TmujH p{ãnsiv&k SrlçijR! :ÖgUs/Mk ijoäuj/jR! BlR rj*xksm dlh\k Qy Yei{\j svu&k;á Lfk ijigjv&kSdMlH rj*X ijCIcjç dujh^. BlR KYzfuk; Sizfukak= wlfjulu dk ïusg K n\?k;á LiG f*xkSmfh^l\ ilcÌh*sx ssdiC alS)!fjì >ofh\jH rJsx cigjçì. LiG SZl gik; >u(gikaluk=iGá Liysm rUluik; SYCk)UlG Liç? |l cUalujgjçìá LiG ]fk SdlMSuuk; æyjv&k vjgjçìá LiG alk d#jv&k Lfjsr ejmjç;. Lì LiR dl\k

pk_Dsi=julq[v − pk_Dsi=julq[v − Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; 43 Selsh Lmjv&k dmì LfjYdajv&k æ\)lgrli í£y;á cI% CÇ¢uSh^l Liì sspi;. tsÊ sspialu uS|lSi, rJ ekglfrSa tsÊ egjCk6rh^Sul? B*X agj)ujh^á u S|lSi, rJ Lisr rUluijPj)luj rjuajv&jgjçìá ely ulukS=lSi CjLímu[ rJ Lisr rjSulzjv&jgjçì. The lesson from the book of the Prophet Habakkuk, Barekhmor. Glory be to the Lord of the Prophet, and His mercy be upon us for ever. Habakkuk: 1: 1-12 This is the message that the LORD revealed to the prophet Habakkuk. O LORD, how long must I call for help before you listen, before you save us from violence? Why do you make me see such trouble? How can you stand to look on such wrong doing? Destruction and violence are all around me, and there is fighting and quarreling everywhere. The law is weak and useless, and justice is never done. Evil men get the better of the righteous, and so justice is perverted. Then the LORD said to his people, keep watching the nations around you, and you will be astonished at what you see. I am going to do something that you will not believe when you hear about it. I am bringing the Babylonians to power those fierce, restless people. They are marching out across the world to conquer other lands, They spread fear and terror, and in their pride they a law to themselves.

ksm SaH fsÊ L ëYz|*xk;−tS#çak!lujgj)sM. sus|c[dH 13 â 17−22 rJSul, aëlfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; 46 everyone to wear on their heads, so that they can have power over other people,s lives. You want to possess the power of life and death over my people and use it for your own benefit. You dishonor me in front of my people in order to get a few handfuls of barley and a few pieces of bread. You kill people who don’t deserve to live. So you tell lies to my people, and they believe you.” Now this is what the sovereign LORD says: I hate the wristbands that you use in your attempt to control life and death. I will rip them off your arms and set free the people that you were controlling. I will rip off your scarves and let my people escape from your power once and for all. Then you will know that I am the LORD. “By your lies you discourage good people, whom I do not wish to hurt. You prevent evil people from giving up evil and saving their lives. So now your false visions and misleading predictions are over. I am rescuing my people from your power, so that you will know that I am the LORD. >oijhSC−ofhcJaujSflx; rSh^iR SzShUlR ssds)lXSil−s)?ls)suqk; >lzUajsf−#yjujv&k. cIG?a|l−glwU; Those Apostles Chosen, sent by God, they went- to ev’ry place Through all the world, Gentiles heard from them the news, The Gospel grace. They proclaimed-the kingdom, Heav’ns rule-of freedom For the faithful bliss.

ksm SaH fsÊ LrkYz|*xk;−tS#ç; K!lujgj)sM Glory be to the Lord of the Apostles, and His mercy upon us-for ever. LS/l.Yeâ 22 â 30 − 23 â 16, ejs\ì su|opUlG seOshlcjsÊ SaH vka\k# æ\ \jsÊ conä; LyjilR TÔ¢v&jMk LiR a|lekSgl|jfUl y; rUluPjec;Z; Qs)uk; domj iyilR dk 碵¤ Lisr sdMqjv&k flsq sdl!ksvì Ahêsm akTjH rjyk\j. seOshlc[ rUlulPjec;Zs\ K\kSrl)jâ cS|l pgUlSg, BlR TS# pjicS\lxik; Sdih; rh^ arZl LjSulmk; dosm sspi\jsÊ akTlsd rm#jgjçì Fì eybk. LS/lX a|lekSgl|jfrlu LrrUlc[ Lgjsd rjHç#iSglmk LisÊ ilujç Lmj/lR dk 碵¤. seO shlc[ LiSrlmkâ sspi; rjs# Lmjç;, si=Sfv& vki Sgá rJ rUluYealnYedlg; ts# ijoígj/lR Tgj)uk; rUluYealn\jì ijSglPaluj ts# Lmj/lR dk ç¢) uk; svu&kìSil tì eybk. Lgjsd rjHç#iGâ rJ sspi\jsÊ a|lekSgl|jfsr CdlgjçìSil tì Svlpjv&k. Lfjì seOshlc[â cS|lpgUlSg, a|lekSgl |jfR tì BlR Lyjbjh^á “rjsÊ wr\jsÊ LPje fjsu pklrs\uk;çyj

jH Sulwj v&k seOshlcjsr sdlìdxukSilx; Qì; fjìdSul æ mj)Sul svu[dujh^l tì CeF; svi í¤. TO CeF; svi í iG rlk çfjH LPjd; :ujêì. LiG a|lekSgl|jfUl ySmuk; ao/Ulysmuk; Lmk)H svì: B*X seOshl cjsr sdlìdxukSilx; Qì; :cIpj)ujh^ ts#ly d Ajr CeF; svi í¢gjçì. :dulH rj*X LisÊ dlgU; LPjd; conäS\lsm egjSClPjS)n; tì= >li\jH Lisrrj*xksm Lmk)H flsq sdl!kiyilR rUlulPj e c;Zikaluj c|YclPjeSrlmSeLj/jRá t#lH Li R caJejç; akST B*X Lisr Qmk)jdxilR Qy*j ujgjçì Fì eybk. TO efjujgj/jsrçyjv&k seO shlcjsÊ se*xksm adR SdMjMk svì SdlMujH dmì seOshlcjsrlmk Lyjujv&k. |l~J~lu[−~lsyd[SalG The Acts of the Apostles: 22 : 30 - 23 : 16

pk_Dsi=julq[v − pk_Dsi=julq[v − Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; 49 The commander wanted to find out for sure what the Jews were accusing Paul of; so the next day he had Paul’s chains taken off and ordered the chief priests and the whole Council to meet. Then he took Paul and made him stand before them. Paul looked straight at the Council and said, “My fellow Israelites! My conscience is perfectly clear about the way in which I have lived before God to this very day. The High Priest Ananias ordered those who were standing close to Paul to strike him on the mouth. Paul said to him, God will certainly strike you – you whitewashed wall! You sit there to judge me according to the law yet you break the law by ordering them to strike me!” The men close to Paul said to him, “You are insulting God’s High Priest!” Paul answered, “My fellow Israelites, I did not know that he was the High Priest. The scriputure says, ‘You must not speak evil of the ruler of your people.’” When Paul saw that some of the group were Sadducees and the others were Pharisees, he called out in the council, “Fellow Israelites! I am a Pharisees, the son of Pharisees, I am on trial here because of the hope I have that dead will rise to life.!” As soon as he said this, the Pharisees and Sadducees started to quarrel, and the group was divided. (For the Sadducees say that people will not raise from death and that there are no angels or spirit, but the Pharisees believe in all three) The shouting become louder, and some of the teachers of the law who belonged to the party of Pharisees stood up and protested strongly; We can not

pk_Dsi=julq[v − pk_Dsi=julq[v − Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; Ye>lfrac[)lg; 50 find anything wrong with this man! Perhaps a spirit or an angel really did speak to him!” The argument became so violent that the commander was afraid that Paul would be torn to pieces. So he ordered his soldiers to go down into the group get Paul away from them, and make him into the fort. That night the Lord stood by Paul and said, “Don’t be afraid! You have given your witness for me here in Jerusalem, and you must also do the same in Rome.” The next morning some Jews met together and made a plan. They took a vow that they would not eat or drink until they had killed Paul. There were more than forty who planned this together. Then they went to the Chief priests and elders and said, “ We have taken a solomn vow together not to eat a thing until we have killed Paul. Now then, you and the Council send word to the Roman Commander to bring Paul down to you, preteending that you want to get more accurate information about him. But we will be ready to kill him before he ever gets here. But the son of Paul’s sister heard about the plot; so he went to the fort and told Paul. Then paul called one of the officers and said to him, “Take this young man to the Commander; he something to tell him.” The officer took him , led him to the Commander, and said “The prisoner Paul called me and asked me to bring this young man to you, because he has something to say to you.” The commander took him by the hand, led him off by himself, and asked him, “What do you have to tell me?”

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