Good Neighbor. Buenos Vecinos. Thank You to Our Participating Sponsors:

2 Good Neighbor Buenos Vecinos Recognizing the Importance of Family & Neighborhood Reconociendo de la importancia de la familia “Good Neighbor” -

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Good Neighbor Buenos Vecinos

Recognizing the Importance of Family & Neighborhood Reconociendo de la importancia de la familia

“Good Neighbor” - Buenos Vecinos” is a year-long program of community events and partnerships geared towards fostering and strengthening the neighborhoods in which we serve. Recognizing the importance of family and neighborhood, the Good Neighbor Program has reached out to many non-profit and city agencies to provide outreach, educational, health and wellness programs. Together with the help of our sponsors, the Good Neighbor program has grown into a nationally -recognized community development program.

“Buen Vecino” - Buenos Vecinos” es un programa de un año de duración de eventos comunitarios y asociaciones encaminadas a fomentar y fortalecer los barrios en que servimos. Reconociendo de la importancia de la familia y el vecindario, el programa Buenos Vecino ha unido a muchas organizacion von el fin de lucro y agencias de la ciudad, para, proporcionar servicios de extensión educativa, programas de salud y bienestar. Junto con la ayuda de nuestros patrocinadores, Buenos Vecino programa ha crecido en un programa reconocido sabre todo el pais, de desarrollo de la comunidad.

*Met Foods, Pioneer Supermarket, Associated Supermarket, Metropolitan Citymarket, Compare Foods and MetFresh are proud supporters of Good Neighbor Magazine.

Thank You to Our Participating Sponsors:

C a l endar of E vents

JANUARY 3 Kings Day Parade - NYC Reaching Our Dreams Dinner - Bronx, NY

JULY Festival de las Flores Parade - Flushing Meadow Park, Queens, NY Good Neighbor Basketball Camp - Bronx, NY

FEBRUARY Good Neighbor Magazine - Black History Month Staten Island Taste Off - Staten Island, NY

AUGUST Good Neighbor Health Festival - Night Out Against Crime Brooklyn, NY

APRIL Good Neighbor Magazine - Cultural Traditions Good Neighbor Health Festival - Bronx, NY Good Neighbor Little League Opening Day - Bronx, NY

SEPTEMBER Good Neighbor Magazine - Hispanic Heritage Susan G. Komen for the Cure - NYC Central Park Familia y Hogar - New York, NY

MAY Good Neighbor Health Festival - Plainfield, NJ

OCTOBER Seeds of Talent - El Museo del Barrio, New York, NY Iron Skillet Cook-Off for World Cares - New York, NY

JUNE Good Neighbor Magazine - Health & Wellness Reaching our Dreams Game Day - Bronx, NY Festival de las Flores Festival - New York, NY

NOVEMBER Good Neighbor Magazine - Home for the Holidays Thanksgiving Voucher Giveaway with the Yankees - Bronx, NY DECEMBER Good Neighbor/NY Yankees Holiday Food Drive - Bronx, NY



dence of five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Mexico, Chile and Belize also celebrate their independence days during this period and Columbus Day (Día de la Raza) is October 12.

The term Hispanic or Latino, refers to Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race. On the 2010 Census form, people of Spanish, Hispanic and/or Latino origin could identify themselves as uring National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano, Puerto Rican, Cuban, to October 15) we recognize the contributions made and the or “another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin.” important presence of Hispanic and Latino Americans to the United States and celebrate their heritage and culture. According to this Census, 50.5 million people or 16% of the population are of Hispanic or Latino origin. This represents a Hispanics have had a profound and positive influence on our significant increase from 2000, which registered the Hispanic country through their strong commitment to family, faith, population at 35.3 million or 13% of the total U.S. populahard work, and service. They have enhanced and shaped our tion. national character with centuries-old traditions that reflect the multiethnic and multicultural customs of their commu- Please share in this special annual tribute by learning and celebratnity. ing the generations of Hispanic Americans who have positively in-


fluenced and enriched our nation and society.

Hispanic Heritage Month, whose roots go back to 1968, begins each year on September 15, the anniversary of indepen-





1. Whose flag has red and white stripes, a blue triangle, and one white star? Puerto Rico

7. People born in Puerto Rico are citizens of what country? Mexico

2. On what day does Mexico celebrate its independence? May 16th

8. According to the Census Bureau, about how many Hispanics live in the U.S.? About 53 Million

3. Whose flag has yellow sun with a human face? Uruguay

9. Which is the largest group of Central Americans in the U.S.? Salvadorans

4. What’s in the beak of the eagle that sits in the center of the Mexican flag? A Snake

10. If you had the most common name in the U.S., you would be named? Garcia

5. Our lady of Guadalupe is the patron saint of what country? Mexico

11. What does the quetzal, the national bird of Guatemala, symbolize? Freedom

6. Which animal is native to the Andes Mountains? The Guinea Pig

12. What event do Mexicans and Mexican-Americans celebrate on Sept. 16? Mexican Independence Day.


“Celebrate Hispa The Wisdom behind Latin American Cuisine Given today’s hectic lifestyle, nourishing our families with

About the recipe: Arepas are made with pre-cooked corn or wheat flour and are a national pride in Central and South America. What we can learn: TRADITION

You can find this in Latin American cuisine. Its traditions, natural ingredients and slow preparations have a lot to teach us, not just about cooking, but also about life. The following is a compilation of some of the best-known dishes from Latin America and the lessons we can learn from them.

Ceviche History: It’s not clearly known where ceviche comes from, but its roots are thought to originate in Peru and date back 2,000 years. About the recipe: Fresh fish is cooked in citrus juice and spices, giving it a fresh, natural flavor that tastes exactly how it looks. What we can learn: PURITY

food we truly enjoy is more important than ever. The secret is to prepare meals with real ingredients that make us feel good and that enrich our lives.

Mole History: A dish from Mexico’s colonial past, made with chocolate, chiles and spices. About the recipe: The preparation is long, repetitive and complex, but the rich sophisticated flavors are worth it. What we can learn: PATIENCE Ropa Vieja History: This Caribbean stew has its origins in Spain’s Canary Islands. The Spaniards ate this dish while traveling between Europe and the Americas. About the recipe: Ropa Vieja is easy to prepare and its ingredients are both basic and nutritious: shredded beef with beans, bananas and rice. What we can learn: SIMPLICITY Pupusas History: The indigenous peoples who lived in present-day El Salvador were the first to cook pupusas. About the recipe: This is a dish prepared with natural ingredients like corn —and it lets its flavors do the talking. What we can learn: HUMILITY Arepas History: A traditional dish from Latin American countries like Colombia and Venezuela that dates back to pre-colonial times. Today, each country has its own way of preparing arepas. 6

Argentinean Empanadas History: The Spanish, who inherited empanadas from the Arabs, brought them to Latin America. And although we know them as Argentinean empanadas, everyone knows their ties to other cultures. About the recipe: They are made with wheat flour and the filling can include meat, ham and cheese. What we can learn: SINCERITY Visit for recipes that will make you smile and stories with a Latin flavor. (website is in Spanish)

anic’s Approach La Sabiduría Detrás de la Cocina Latinoamericana Con el ritmo acelerado de hoy en día, alimentar a nues-

tras familias con comida que realmente disfrutamos es más importante que nunca. El secreto está en preparar alimentos con ingredientes que nos hagan sentir bien y que enriquezcan nuestras vidas. Esto lo puedes encontrar en la comida Latinoamericana. Sus tradiciones, ingredientes naturales y modos lentos de preparación tienen mucho que enseñarnos, no solo de la cocina, sino también de la vida. Lo siguiente es una compilación de algunos de los platillos más conocidos de Latinoamérica y las lecciones de vida que podemos aprender de ellos. Mole Historia: Un platillo de la época colonial de México con un sabor fuerte a chocolate, chiles y especias. Sobre la receta: La preparación es larga, repetitiva y complicada, pero los sabores ricos y sofisticados son la mejor recompensa. Lo que podemos aprender: PACIENCIA Ropa vieja Historia: Este guisado caribeño tiene sus orígenes en las Islas Canarias de España. Los españoles lo comían cuando viajaban entre Europa y las Américas. Sobre la receta: La receta de Ropa Vieja es fácil de preparar porque los ingredientes son básicos y nutritivos: carne

deshebrada con frijoles, plátanos y arroz. Lo que podemos aprender: SENCILLEZ Pupusas Historia: Las tribus que habitaban en lo que ahora es El Salvador fueron los primeros en preparar las pupusas. Sobre la receta: Es un platillo hecho con ingredientes naturales, incluyendo maíz, que deja que sus sabores hablen por sí mismos. Lo que podemos aprender: HUMILDAD Arepas Historia: Este platillo tradicional en países como Colombia y Venezuela tiene sus orígenes en la época pre colonial. Hoy en día cada país tiene su propia manera de preparar arepas. Sobre la receta: Las arepas están hechas de masa de maíz o harina de maíz precocida y son un orgullo nacional de países de Centro y Sudamérica. Lo que podemos aprender: TRADICIÓN Ceviche Historia: No está del todo claro dónde se originó el ceviche, pero se especula que tuvo sus inicios en Perú hace 2,000 años. Sobre la receta: El pescado fresco se cose en cítricos y especias, lo cual le da un sabor natural y fresco que sabe a lo que parece. Lo que podemos aprender: PUREZA Empanadas argentinas Historia: Los españoles heredaron las empanadas de los árabes y las trajeron a Latinoamérica. Aunque son conocidas como empanadas argentinas, todos reconocen su vínculo a otras culturas. Sobre la receta: Son hechas de harina de trigo y el relleno puede incluir carnes, jamones y queso. Lo que podemos aprender: SINCERIDAD Visita para conocer recetas que te harán sonreír e historias con sabor latino. 7

Latinos are the thread that adds color to this nation.


The Adventure to Preserve

Hispanic Heritage

In my experience, having the intention to keep our

very useful tool while learning another language. Two authors I really admire for their continuous efforts in creating stories heritage alive every day, even in the smallest of ways, is imfor our little ones are René Colato Lainez and Mara Price. portant. It can be listening to a Spanish-language song on the René tells us: “When you read a multicultural book, radio or preparing enchiladas, while passing my aunt’s recipe you’re opening the window for children to discover cultures, on to my children. languages, adventures and differences. But children most The food is one thing I’ve always missed about my ly discover similarities between cultures.”Mara also says: “A country and I try to cook a lot at home, and get my family involved in the process. It’s amazing how much my children and husband can learn from a simple family meal. Preparing dishes that bring back good childhood memories not only helps me feel more connected to my family in Mexico, it’s also a huge opportunity to pass on my heritage to my family in the United States. We often choose dishes together and make the list. My kids help me buy the ingredients, they learn their names in Spanish, and then help me prepare them at home. I make sure I give them responsibilities that are appropriate for their ages. My youngest can wash the tomatoes and vegetables, while my oldest helps me with the mixture and in preparing the dish. In addition to our food, music, books and trips make the efforts to keep our heritage alive fun and enjoyable. We’ve good book is like the hug and affection that helps children noticed that when we travel to Mexico and spend time with understand the world around them.” our family, my children absorb the language faster and embrace their culture more. But when we’re home, reading Tips books and watching movies in Spanish, and getting together -Take your children grocery shopping, teach them the names with other Latino families also helps a lot. of foods in Spanish and tell them about their origins. One thing I find inspiring is to know other families -Get your children involved in cooking. Prepare the food have our same objective. For example, Alexandra, a very dear Colombian friend, has two children, and she and her hus- while you share family anecdotes with them. It’s a great opband only speak Spanish at home; she also gathers with Span- portunity for them to understand and feel comfortable with ish-speaking friends so the children can play and continue their Hispanic heritage. practicing the language. -Organize playgroups that will allow your children to have Another friend, Dari, who is from Venezuela, has a contact with other Spanish-speaking children. boy and a girl, and has only spoken to them in Spanish since -Read and sing in Spanish. Create flash cards with vocabulary they were little. Living close to her mom and sister helps her words. When playing movies for your children, change the incorporate Venezuelan culture into her daily life. She is a language or add Spanish subtitles. graphic designer and uses her art to get her children involved in her Hispanic heritage and language. Kids love playing and -Lottery, memory or word games in Spanish are a very convenient tool to teach kids the language while they’re having fun. making crafts, why not put it to good use? Seeing all these families experiencing what I go -Travel to your native country or other Latin American counthrough on a daily basis gives me energy to continue my mis- tries. It’s amazing how fast kids learn in immersion. sion. I’m sure my children will one day be thankful to me for preserving aspects as positive and beautiful as our language. -Silvia Martinez Reading is very important in the life of a child and a Copyright 2014 General Mills

For Hispanics,

Cooking is Key to Connecting with Culture

panic kitchens; because it lends dishes, from the traditional to the contemporary, that authentic flavor that helps Hispanics everywhere bring that back-home flavor into their kitchens – and their hearts.

For Hispanics, food does much more than nourish the body; it unites families, warms hearts and transcends the limits of geography. Latinos are nearly twice as likely to perceive food as being central to maintaining family unity1. Sharing meals together serves as a social conduit to staying connected to one another as well as to their culture and traditions2. Whether four generations removed or a new arrival, Hispanics value preserving a strong link to their home culture, even as they succeed in integrating into the American culture. Fortunately, despite the distance gap, home is just a few steps away at the dinner table! When it comes to cooking, Hispanics turn to recipes that have been passed down from abuela (grandma) to recreate that flavor they grew up with. Even for those born in the U.S., recipes like Bistec de Res (pan fried beef steaks) – a staple in many Hispanic homes – is a go-to meal that makes them feel closer to their roots. Knorr is another staple in His-


Sources: 1. Hispanics identify food as an important element of daily life, leveraging meals as a central enabler of together-time. They are almost 1.5x as likely to emphasize the value of sitting around the table to share a meal. (Hartman Group Research, via QSR Magazine) 2. “To market food focused on nutritional strengths fails to capitalize on its greater role as being a social conduit. Meal time helps keeps Latinos stay connected to one another, as well as to their culture and traditions.” (Laurie Demeritt, CEO, The Hartman Group, via QSR Magazine) *Copyright 2014 Unilever


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