Gray Astrological Journal (A4) Flipbook PDF

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CLASIFICADORES CLASIFICADOR DE PARED - A4 Sistema modulable y resistente en acero, extensible al infinito. - Se combina con 10 fundas con pivotes A4.


Accesorios Originales Audi: Audi A4 A4 Avant. Audi Accesorios Originales
A4 Accesorios Originales Audi: Audi A4 | A4 Avant Audi Accesorios Originales Se adaptan tan bien a su Audi como su Audi a usted: Accesorios Origina

A4+T. Made in Germany
Manual de instrucciones Impresora de etiquetas A4+M / A4+T Made in Germany 2 Instrucciones de servicio para los siguientes productos 2 Familia

Story Transcript


Inspiration & Motivation


Who are you? prompt: think of who you are at work think of who you are at home think of who you are in every aspect place or space in your life. add fouragreemnts section about the diffrent yous you are in your life , even the diffrent names you may have

kind fun empathic Who are you?

W h o d o y o u w a n t t o B Ec o m e ?

W h a t d o e s y o u r l i f e l o o k l i k e ?

W h a t d o y o u w a n t y o u r l i f e t o l o o k l i k e ?

List 1 thing you are grateful for in your home? List 1 thing you are grateful for in your work? List 1 thing you are grateful for in yourself? List 1 food you are grateful for? List 1 thing you are grateful for about your body?

Intention Setting List 3 things you want to release from yourself List 3 things you want to release from your life

If time money and the rules of the current world were non-existent and you were free to be How would you like to experience the following aspects: • Environment List what you are grateful for in your house your home and city . Now invision if there were no limits and you could have the perfect living environment. What would it look like? Can you do anything about it ? Are there solutions? Rate your satisfaction with the current status from 1 to 5 . 5 Being highest and 1 lowest

• Friends Who are your friends ? What is a friend? Are you gaining the company and experience you need from this union ? What is the perfect day with your friends like ? What are the ideals you wish your friend group had or what activities do you wish you shared . Think of how you could improve this or if there are any people that no longer serve you . Or if there are activities that might connect you

• Family Define family to your self. Family does not have to be those we are born into or ones we marry into they are people who we experience life with. Define who they are to You. Picture your self with your family not being how it should be but allowing it to be how it may and can be . If everyone was at their highest self how would it be. Find ways you could implement and ways to bring some connection and authenticity Remembering that family is what we define it to be and not the construct we were given.

• Love relationships Think of the people you love find gratitude for each of in your journey. Listing them down and rememebering why you are grateful to them. That does not disregard the times where you are not happy with them . Make sure you are honest in your assessment. Think of your relationships and areas where you are happy and areas where you feel there may be improvement on either end

• Community Define your community: it could be neighbours, friends, animals, vendors- anyone you interact with on any level and brings you some kind of value (physical or emotional, mental or spiritual, social or financial, negative or positive). See if there are any ways you can connect with your community and be of service to them as well as yourself (reference: giving & receiving), without overwhelming yourself or putting any pressure on your schedule. Believe in your intention, know you are giving from within your capacity and from a place of love and compassion. Remember your list of innovative kindness and ways to be of service without providing financial aid- a smile, a salams, a simple gesture of kindness or decency, a meaningful conversation, advice from your many experiences...etc.

• Adventure Define what is an adventure to you . Think back to a time you had a great adventure. Would you like similar adventures ? What adventures would you like to have in you life could be places to see food to eat things to try languages to learn starting a new business or even getting married .

• Health and fitness What is health and fitness to you . What activities do you do What would you like to do What wild bars have you set as your bodies capacity How would you like to feel in you body How would you like your body to look How much do you take care about your health ? What physical activities do you do and if so how many times a week ? What activities would you like to participate in but you feel your body or health gets in the way What fun ways could you find to move y our body and eat better

• Spiritual life Where are you now Where would you like to be What do you do for your spirit How do you connect Would you like to learn all kinds of spiritual practices ? If so what ?

• Skills What skills do you have What skills would you love to have What skills do you wish you had acquired Can you learn any of these skills Have you begun to expand ? List what you have and are happy with what you would like and know you will get soon And what you just like to dream about Expand possibility and list reality

• Intellectual life When was the last time you learned something ? What skills would be good to learn to achieve your mean and end goals What can you learn that will provide you the experiences you desire What languages do you want to master What books movies documentaries or even live performances would expand your being and mind Chose learning opportunities that speak to your heart and give you joy where the end result is not merely a diploma or a peace of paper

List the ways that you can serve that do not involve money Skills • Educational • Experiences • Accomplishments • Talents • Wisdoms gained in life • Physical service Strengths: Strength test from Authentic happiness

• Creation What creativity are you expressing? How are you letting your creative being thrive? How can you contribute with your creativity?

• Career Are you happy in your career ? Are you accomplishing your goals ? Does it give you meaning ? Are there any ways you could change or innovate . Remember there are no limits List the ways

Review your score. None of us are perfect and this is between you and you. The areas with lower points are the areas impacting your general being and require your attention.

What is a mean goal ? what is the difference between mean and end ? Mean goals • Mean goals have a SO (I do this SO i can do THIS) • Mean goals are about conforming to rules . You have to expand beyond the things you are told you should want and find what you truly want END goals • End goals speak to your soul • End goals are about following your heart • End goals are about feelings - Experience - what experiences would you like to have had - Growth – how would you like to blossom and bloom in all aspects of being - Contribution – what would you like to contribute to the story of the youniverse Example : a lot of people think they want to be super rich . They think that is the end goal. When in reality money is just a means to an end . Thus living life chasing a mean goal rather than an end goal Which leads to ultimate dissatisfaction and unfullfillmemt

Prespective shifting / Limiting beliefs

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