Story Transcript
Me llamo______________ Unidad 1-2- Repaso para el examen Your Unit 1, chapter 2 Exam consists of a listening activity, 2 reading comprehension activities, and an essay. To practice these skills, read the 2 passages below and answer the questions that follow. (CHECK YOUR ANSWERS WITH THOSE ON THE LAST PAGE) You should also read the requirements for the essay below and draft out a response. ¡Buena Suerte! I.
Read the letter, and answer the questions that follow.
30 de septiembre Srta. María Luisa Pardo Barros Calle San Antonio 16 Valparaíso, Chile Querida María Luisa, Me llamo Peter (Pedro en español) y soy de los Estados Unidos. Soy estudiante en Orlando, en el estado de Florida. Hay muchas atracciones en Orlando; por ejemplo, los famosos parques de diversiones Disney World y Sea World. Soy muy atlético, y me gusta mucho nadar y patinar. Mi mamá dice que soy desordenado y que no soy serio. Es verdad que no me gusta estudiar, pero me gusta ir a escuela y me gusta leer libros buenos. ¿Mi comida favorita? ¡La pizza! También me gusta estar con mis amigos. Tengo el pelo corto y rubio, y los ojos azules. Siempre llevo una gorra de mi equipo favorito, los Yanquis, y los pantalones cortos. No me gusta llevar chaquetas. ¿Cómo eres, María Luisa? ¿Qué te gusta hacer? Tu amigo, Pedro
1. In which city does María Luisa live? a. San Antonio b. Valparaíso c. Orlando d. The reading does not say
Me llamo______________ Unidad 1-2- Repaso para el examen 2. What is the English equivalent of Querida? a. Miss b. Hello c. Dear d. It has no English equivalent 3. According to the reading, which one of the following statements might Peter make about himself? a. I like to practice sports b. I like to cook c. I like to study d. I like to wear sweatshirts 4. According to the reading, which one of the following words would Peter use to describe himself? a. social b. funny c. boring d. hungry 5. What is Pedro’s mother’s opinion of him? a. He is very organized b. He is too serious c. He is fat d. He is messy 6. In the name Srta. María Luisa Pardo Barros, which is her mother’s maiden name?_____________________________ 7. Is María married? _____________________ 8. What is a parque de diversión? ______________________________ 9. Peter probably looks a lot like a. Denzel Washington b. Justin Timberlake
c. Jimmy Fallon d. Derek Jeter
10. In which season was Peter’s letter written? ____________________
Me llamo______________ Unidad 1-2- Repaso para el examen
Look at the chart and answer the questions. Your school offers a variety of different after school clubs. Here are the three most popular.
El Club Educativo
El Club Deportista
El Club Musical
El club ideal para estudiantes a quienes les gusta ir a la escuela.
El club ideal para estudiantes a quienes le gusta practicar deportes.
EL club ideal para estudiantes a quienes les gusta la música.
Actividades: Usar la computadora Leer y escribir Estudiar
Cada lunes, martes y miércoles, en la biblioteca
Actividades: Nadar Correr Patinar
Cada lunes, miércoles y viernes en el gimnasio
Actividades: Tocar instrumentos Cantar Bailar
Cada martes y jueves en el auditorio
1. For whom is the Club Educativo? a. students who only like to use the computer b. students who like to go to school c. students who only like to read and write d. students who like to study all day.
2. What does deportista probably mean? _______________________
3. You take ballet lessons. Would the Club Musical be of interest to you? 4. Which activity is not offered in the Club Deportista? a. skating b. running c. skiing d. swimming 5. Can you participate in BOTH the Club Educativo and the Club Musical? Explain.
Me llamo______________ Unidad 1-2- Repaso para el examen 6. Where does the Club Educativo meet? a. the gym b. the auditorium c the library d. doesn’t say 7. According to the article, what does the word cada most likely mean? ___________________
8. How many days a week does the Club Deportista meet? ___________________ 9. If you were to add a fourth club to this collection, what would it be, and what kinds of activities would it offer?
ESSAY – Write a letter to a pen-pal. Describe yourself and two friends. One friend must be a female. Use adjectives and structures to tell about your physical characteristics and personality. Mention what you like to do and what one of your friends likes to do. Include an introduction and conclusion. (other than Hola/Adiós)
Me llamo______________ Unidad 1-2- Repaso para el examen ANSWERS TO READINGS: I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Letter B C A A D
6. Barros 7. No 8. Theme park 9. B 10. Fall
School Clubs B Sporty Yes (one activity listed is “bailar” – dancing) C No, they both meet on Tuesdays In the library CADA = each/every 3 (Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays) Personal response – Ideas: “El Club Artístico” or “El Club Tecnológico