Iglesia del Espíritu Santo

Church of the Holy Spirit Iglesia del Espíritu Santo 1451 W. Bode Rd. Schaumburg, IL 60194 847•882•7580 After Hours, Emergency Line (630) 336-0811

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Story Transcript

Church of the Holy Spirit Iglesia del Espíritu Santo

1451 W. Bode Rd. Schaumburg, IL 60194 847•882•7580

After Hours, Emergency Line (630) 336-0811

www.churchoftheholyspirit.org Inside this issue Pastor’s Column

Retirement Fund for Religious

December 4, 2016 Second Sunday of Advent

“Sent by the Spirit. Gifted by God.”

Page 2

Page 5

Christmas Flowers in Memory... Page 6 Selfie with Santa

Page 7


Sábados 11:00 a.m. y Domingos 1:30 p.m. Favor de llamar a la oficina para obtener fechas


¡Felicidades por su compromiso! Favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial para hacer una cita con un Sacerdote o Diacono. Les pedimos que hablen con nosotros antes de apartar fecha con el salón de eventos.


Favor de llamar a la oficina para obtener requisitos y apartar fecha


Domingos durante la Misa de 12:00 p.m.


Sábados de 4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. o haciendo cita


Si usted o algún ser querido necesita la unción de los enfermos, favor de llamar a la parroquia y un Sacerdote proveerá el Sacramento



Favor de informarnos lo más pronto posible acerca de la muerte de su ser querido. Un familiar o el Director de la Funeraria nos puede contactar. El teléfono de emergencias después de horario de oficina es (630) 336-0811


Second and Fourth Sunday of the Month at 2:00 p.m.


Congratulations on your engagement! We welcome you to call the parish office to arrange an appointment to meet with a Priest or a Deacon before making any definitive arrangements with the hall


Please call the parish office to make an appointment


Presentations are done during the 12:00 p.m. Mass on Sundays


Saturdays from 4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. or by appointment


If you or a loved one is in need of anointing due to ill health, call the parish and a Priest will provide this Sacrament


Please inform us as soon as possible upon the death of a loved one. To make arrangements a family member or the Funeral Director may contact the office. Our emergency phone number for after office hours is (630) 336-0811


Father John Dearhammer During the Preface of the Eucharistic Prayer, I invite the congregation to “lift up your hearts.” This invitation is never more important than right now. We lift up our hearts during this Advent to ask the Lord’s blessing upon us. We ask the Lord’s grace to prepare our hearts and make a place for Christ’s presence when at last he comes. We pray that this time of Advent may be a prayerful, watchful time for us so that Christ will make His home with us.

A gentleman asked me the other day about life issues and the Catholic Church. What do we believe? I was thinking that perhaps a series in my column about the Church’s teaching on life issues would be opportune as we are preparing to celebrate the birth of Christ. I will try to be consistent in writing these articles but please remember that Christmas and other concerns might mean I miss a week. I will start that soon. Thanks for the suggestion. More later.

Some have asked me about our Christmas schedule of Masses. I want to give you those dates and some other important December dates. Monday, Dec. 12 at 7:00pm – Mass of Our Lady of Guadalupe with fellowship afterward. Wednesday, Dec. 14 – 7:00am until 7:00pm – continuous reconciliation all day at Queen of the Rosary parish, 680 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove Village. Friday, Dec. 16 at 7:00pm – Posada (Mexican tradition of accompanying Joseph and Mary) Saturday, Dec. 17 at 5:00pm – Mass of Simbang Gabi with fellowship afterward. Saturday, Dec. 24 –2:30pm and 5:00pm - Christmas Mass in English. Sunday, Dec. 25 – 8:00am; 10:00am – Christmas Mass in English. 12:00pm – Misa de Navidad en español.

Durante el Prefacio de la Oración Eucarística, invite a la congregación a “elevar sus corazones.” Esta invitación nunca ha sido tan importante como ahora. Elevamos nuestros corazones durante esta temporada de Adviento a pedirle al Señor oraciones para nosotros. Pedimos la gracia de preparar nuestros corazones y hacer un lugar para cuando venga Cristo. Oramos para que esta temporada de Adviento sea de oración y espera para que Cristo haga Su hogar en nuestros corazones.

Un hombre me pregunto el otro día acerca de cuestiones de vida y la Iglesia Católica. ¿Que creemos? Estaba pensando que probablemente una serie en mi columna del boletín acerca de las enseñanzas de la Iglesia acerca de temas con relación a la vida. Es una buena oportunidad ahora que nos preparamos para el nacimiento de Cristo. Trataré de ser consistente al escribir estos artículos pero por favor recuerden que la Navidad y otras cosas me lo podrán impedir. Empezaré estas series pronto. Gracias por la sugerencia.

Algunas personas me han preguntado el horario de Misas de Navidad. Deseo darles esos horarios y otras fechas importantes.

Jueves, 29 de noviembre a las 7:00 p.m. – Servicio de Reconciliación de Adviento en Español

Miércoles, 14 de diciembre de las 7:00 a.m. a las 7:00 p.m. – Reconciliación continua todo el día en la Iglesia de Queen of the Rosary, 680 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove Village. Lunes, 12 de diciembre a las 7:00 p.m. – Misa de la Virgen de Guadalupe con fiesta después de Misa. Viernes, 16 de diciembre a las 7:00 p.m. – Posada Sábado, 17 de diciembre a las 5:00 p.m. – Misa de Simbang Gabi con celebración después de la Misa. Sábado, 24 de diciembre – Misa de Navidad a las 2:30 p.m. y 5:00 p.m. Domingo, 25 de diciembre – 8:00 a.m.; 10:00 a.m. – Misas en inglés 12:00 p.m., Misa en español

Songs for the 5 p.m., 8 a.m., & 10 a.m. Gathering Song: Of the Father’s Love

Of the Father’s love begotten, ere the world began to be, He is Alpha and Omega, he the source, the ending he. Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Evermore and evermore, Emmanuel. Second Sunday – Responsive Litany During Advent, we wait for the one promised in scripture. And he will be called Mighty God. We wait for the one whose power has no limits and whose strength knows no end. And he will be called Mighty God. We wait for the one whose everlasting light can illuminate the darkest night. And he will be called Mighty God. We wait for the one whose mercy never ends and whose faithfulness endures forever. And he will be called Mighty God.

Let the heights of heaven adore him; Angel hosts his praises sing: Powers, dominions, bow before him, And extol our God and King. Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Evermore and evermore, Emmanuel. Evermore and evermore, Emmanuel.

Words by Marcus Aurelius C. Prudentius, 4th c. Tr. John M. Neale and Henry W. Baker Music by Joel Raney © 2016 Hope Publishing Company, Carol Stream, IL 60188. www.hopepublishing.com 80-323-1049 All rights reserved.

Psalm Response: In his days justice will flourish; in his

days fullness of peace forever. O God, with your judgment endow the king: With your justice endow the king’s son. With justice he will govern your people, your afflicted ones with right judgment. Justice shall flow’r in his days, lasting peace ‘til the moon be no more. May he rule from sea to sea, from the river to the ends of the earth. He rescues the poor when they cry out, the afflicted with no one to help.The lowly and poor he shall pity, the lives of the poor he will save.

Text: Psalm 72: 1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13; Michael Joncas Music: Michael Joncas © 1987, 1994, GIA Publications, Inc.

Presentation Song: A Voice Cries Out

A voice cries out, “Prepare the way of the Lord, Make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain made low. The glory of the Lord shall be revealed; All people shall see it together. The mouth of the Lord has spoken it. The glory of the Lord shall be revealed. (refrain)


Comfort, comfort my people; Proclaim the promise of the Lord: His name shall be called Emmanuel! The glory of the Lord shall be revealed. (refrain) Text based on Isaiah 40:1, 3-5;7-14 Music: Lloyd Larson (ASCAP) © 1993 by Providence Press, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. (A Division of Hope Publishing Company) International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved.

Communion Song: Find Us Ready

Find us ready, Lord, not standing still. Find us working and loving and doing your will. Find us ready, Lord, faithful in love, building the Kingdom that’s here and above.

We must wait for the Lord for we know not the time. So here and today we gather and pray, discovering love in our midst.

We must make straight the path, God’s love revealed. With sin cast aside, God’s mercy alive, fear not for here is your God.

Lifting up those bowed down, we prepare for our God. Rejoice in the Lord, for hope has been born in hearts where our God finds a home

Text: Tom Booth, b. 1961, Tune: Tom Booth, b. 1961 (c) 1993, Tom Booth. ublished by OCP Publications.

Closing Song: Ready the Way

Ready the way, ready the way, ready the way of the Lord. Ready the way, ready the way, ready the way of the Lord. Make straight the road, raise the valleys, and mountains made low. Turning from sin, let the broken be whole, and ready the way of the Lord.

Text Based on Isaiah 40:3, 4a. Text and music © 2004, Curtis Stephan. Published by spiritandsong.com®, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved.

Creed on page 10

Hoja de Cantos para la Misa de 12:00 p.m. Canto de Entrada: Amanecerá

Amanecerá el Señor sobre ti, Jerusalén. Amanecerá el Señor, amanecerá sobre ti, Jerusalén. Amanecerá el Señor, amanecerá sobre ti, Jerusalén. Sobre ti, Jerusalén, amanecerá el Señor, amanecerá. Levanta tu mirada, contempla su grandeza, tu Salvador, tu Salvador te viene a liberar.

Letra basada en Isaías 60, 1-6; Mariano Fuertes, n. 1944. Música: Mariano Fuertes. Letra y música: © 2007, Mariano Fuertes y San Pablo Comunicación. Derechos reservados. Administradora exclusive en EE. UU. Y Canadá: OCP.

Salmo 71: “Que en sus días florezca la justicia y la paz abunde eternamente.”

Copyright 1982, SOBICAIN. Derechos reservados. Con las debidas licencias. Inglés copyright 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL. Derechos reservados. Con las debidas licencias. Música: Jaime Cortez, n. 1963, copyright 1998, Jaime Cortez. Obra publicada por OCP Publications. Derechos reservados.

Canto de las Ofrendas: Preparen el Camino Preparen el camino del Señor. Preparen el camino del Señor.

Juan proclama en el desierto; ya se oye su pregón, “Cambien todos hoy sus vidas que ya viene el Salvador”. Voz de Juan que clama fuerte, “Vengan a pedir perdón, Dejen todos sus pecados y reciban al Señor”. Renunciemos las envidias, odios, celos y rencor. Perdonemos al hermano como Dios nos da el perdón.

Hay que construír, el reino de justicia, paz y amor, Construyendo un mundo nuevo mientras vuelva el Redentor.

Letra y música: Fernando Rodríguez, siglo XX, Copyright 1989, OCP Publications. Derechos reservados.

Credo en la pagina 10


Canto de Comunión: Ven, Señor No Tardes Más

Ven, Señor , no tardes más. Ven, Señor Jesús. Ven, Señor, no tardes más. Ven, Señor Jesús. (bis) Desde el fondo de los siglos va elevándose un clamor Como grito de esperanza ansiando un Redentor. (bis)

Desde el fondo de los siglos busca el hombre un salvador; Mira al cielo y a la tierra, va buscando al Dios Amor. (bis) Las promesas se han cumplido. Va a nacer el Niño Dios. Cielo y tierra ya se abrazan, la esperanza floreció. (bis)

Letra y música: Cesáreo Gabaráin, 1936-1991, copyright 1989, Cesáreo Gabaráin. Obra publicada por OCP Publications. Derechos reservados.

Canto de Salida: Cantemos Todos, Cantemos Cantemos todos, cantemos, Cantemos con entusiasmo, Cantemos al Rey del cielo Que pronto vendrá a salvarnos. Señor: tu pueblo te espera, te espera con alegría; preparándonos estamos para cuando llegue el día.

Letra y música: © 1979, 1997, Alfredo Morales, F.S.C. y Arquidiócesis de Miamí. Derechos reservados. Administradora exclusiva: OCP Publications.


Outreach / Opción Misionera

Retirement Fund for Religious Please give to those who have given a lifetime.

“Be faithful to your prayer life and have a sense of humor,” says Sister Rita Polchin (foregr eground), ound ound), a member of the Sisters of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Danville, Pennsylvania. “ That’s my advice for a long, happy life.” And, at age 87, she ought to know. Throughout nearly 70 years of religious life, this philosophy has served her well, especially as she ministered in Catholic schools. “One year I had a class of 54 students,” she recalls with a smile, “but they were all good!”

Like Sister Rita, the senior sisters, brothers, and religious order priests shown here—and some 33,000 more across the nation—have offered their lives in service and prayer. They ha have ve educated the young, cared for the sick, and spoken for the oppressed. Many, including Sister Rita, continue to serve. Others need assistance. Your gift to the Retirement Fund for Religious helps provide nursing care, medications, and other necessities. Please be generous.

Roughly 95 per percent cent of donations aid senior rreligious. eligious.

www.retiredreligious.org www .retiredreligious.org

We will have a in-pew second collection on December 11 for Retired Religious

To give at your parish: Make your check payable to your parish. (Write RFR on the memo line.)

To donate by mail: Make your check payable to Retirement Fund for Religious. Please do not mail cash.


❑ $50

❑ $1,000

❑ $500

❑ $250

❑ $100

❑ $25

❑ Other $______

Name Address City


Please check with your employer about matching gifts.

Zip code

E-mail address (for e-newsletters)

National Religious Retirement Office 3211 Fourth Street NE Washington DC 20017-1194 Telephone (202) 541-3215 Fax (202) 541-3053

(Arch)diocese Photos: (foreground) Sister Rita Polchin, SSCM, 87; (background) visit retiredreligious.org/2016photos for a list of names. ©2016 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Photographer: Jim Judkis.

Printed on recycled paper, 30% post-consumer recyled fiber.



Outreach / Opción Misionera What are you doing for Advent this year?

Christmas Flowers in Memory of a Deceased Family Member or Friend

Advent is a season of preparation for the great feast of Christmas. In our hectic, stress-filled lives we focus on all the material aspects of getting ready and the spiritual gets pushed aside.

We all need to set aside time in our daily lives when we can center ourselves. A helpful way to do this is the practice of meditation. Meditation is a simple, but life-transforming skill which will allow you to be more present to God, your family, your work and yourself. Join our Christian Meditation Group on the Monday’s of Advent to learn about and practice meditation. We will meet at 6:00 p.m. in the House Chapel on December 5, December 12, & December 19. When Christmas comes, you’ll be glad you set aside this time.

Attention Young Adults! Young Adult Ministry— Northwest Chicago is gathering young adults in their 20s and 30s for the following upcoming events. Come out and join us for a great time and meet other young adults in the area!

Feed My Starving Children Friday, December 9, 6:45 pm Schaumburg Convention Center

Christmas Pot Luck Saturday, December 10, 7:00 pm Our Lady of the Wayside, Arlington Heights

For more info about any of these events, find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/groups/yamnwc/ or email us at [email protected].

We invite you to honor the name of your loved ones with flowers to decorate the church at Christmas.

Please fill out the form below, attach your check payable to Church of the Holy Spirit and drop it in the collection basket during Mass or at the Parish Office no later than Friday, December 16th. Your loved one’s name will appear in the Christmas bulletin the weekend of Christmas. Donor’s Name ___________________________________ Phone Number __________________________________

“In Memory Of” _________________________________ _______________________________________________

Women’s Reflection Group Join us for an Advent morning of reflection as we continue exploring the lives of holy women who made the world a better place by their compassionate outreach to those who were suffering. We will meet on Wednesday morning, December 7th at 9:30 a.m. in the Hospitality Room for refreshments, discussion, reflection and prayer.

Outreach / Opción Misionera

Adopt a Family For Christmas

The Society of St. Vincent DePaul will be in the lobby at all masses November 26th and 27th with sign‐up sheets for families in need from our sharing parish St. Francis of Assisi. This year we have eighteen families with one to five family members ranging from newborns to sixteen years of age. The family sheets list clothing sizes as well as some suggested items. We also ask that you include gift cards from Jewel which can be purchased at the Scrip table for a Christmas dinner for the family.

Gifts need to brought to Church of the Holy Spirit by noon December 18th and will then be delivered to St. Francis of Assisi that afternoon.

A generous donation has been made to the

St. Vincent de Paul Society in loving memory of Ray Kraemer, brother of Shirley Blum, who died on November 7th.

We are grateful for the memorial gift which will

enable us to continue reaching out to those in need in the name of Christ. May Ray rest in peace.

Altar Bread and Wine

If you would like to make a donation for the Bread and Wine in memory of a family member or friend, please stop by the Parish office during office hours. An acknowledgement of your memorial will appear in the Sunday Bulletin. The suggested donation is $50 dollars.


Faith Formation / Evangelización

Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Thursday, December 8 Masses at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM

The liturgical celebration of the Immaculate Conception means gathering and remembering God’s gift of holiness to Mary, a gift that we have also received in our own way. This naturally leads us to praise and thanksgiving. It also involves looking forward in hope. Faith turns into hope when we recognize that what God has already done is only the beginning of what he will do. If God has given the gift, he will surely bring it to completion. Saint Paul spoke of this when he wrote: “I am sure of this much: that he who has begun the good work in you will carry it through to completion, right up to the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6). With hope we have a future to live for. Indeed, we draw life and energy and courage from the future. If we have nothing to look forward to, we wither and die. If we have a future, we live. Since the celebration of the Immaculate Conception opens our eyes to God’s gift at work in Mary and ourselves, we have a cause for hope. God is faithful; once he gives a gift he brings it to fulfillment.



Our Weekly Intentions/Nuestras Intenciones Semanales

REMEMBER OUR SICK Joan Angelo Kosta Apostolopoulos Samuel Arias José Astudillo James Backstrom Shirley Balaskas Ann Balcer Angel Bastidas Olga Bastidas Donna & Howard Bartels Lynn Beckman Bernard Bednowicz Samantha Benak Shirley Berge Fil Blanco Dorothy Blickhahn Alan Bold Andre Borysiewicz Ginger Brooks Hercle Brown Fred Burns Jim Burns Tom Carroll Michael Cece Salvador & Maria Contreras Anthony & Linda Corona Kevin Darga Bob Dillon Ruth Flores Gerry Fricke Freddy Fuhrmann Andres Garcia Peter Garite Jesus Ramon Gaxiola Ann Gilbert John Gleeson Judy Glow Armando Gonzalez Maria Rita Gonzalez Suzanne Gonzalez Ann & Nancy Grandeau David Gregory, Jr. San Juana Hernandez Ken Herriges Bob Ida Bryan Jenchowski Erin Keller Campbell Kelly Sue Anderson Kendzior Dai Khanloo Thelma Korn

Joanne Kurek Celia & Concha Lechuga Armando Ledonne Lynn Litwin Thomas Longo Guadalupe Lopez Oscar Lopez Rosemary and Joe Luptich Gillian McEllen Gabriel Mora Rosemary Nash Ximena Nuñez Colleen, O’Connor James Oubre Nathan Oubre Joseph Partipilo Aaron Peña Laura & Joe Pepich Martha Perez Lauhban Gary Peterson Helen Powell Joe Pruetting Mabeth Pulmano Sue Quinlan Axel Ramirez Esteban Ramirez Jack Riedy David Rinehart Denise Roberts Rosaura Romero Yolanda Ruiz Fran Schimon Fran Seidenberg Rosemary Semancik Nick Simon Lois Skillen Josefina Tello Edith Toliver Matt & Paddy Toole Carrie Turner-Thorne Eric Von Schaumburg Andrew Vrooman Wayne Weiske Brandt Wilhelmi Rich Wilkins Jane Wingle Eric Younkin

OUR BELOVED DECEASED Sam Huzar Robert Kellner Tillie Noon Thelma Rogalla


December 3, 2016 - December 11, 2016

Saturday, December 3, 2016 5:00 Ann Prokop, Neal Neybert, Ray Kraemer Sam Huzar

Sunday, December 4, 2016 8:00 Charlotte Gualano 10:00 Deacon Jaime Juarez, Mary Rita Pingaj Sam Huzar, Rose Klamer 12:00 Fieles Difuntos Monday, December 5, 2016 9:00 Marilyn Krawczyk Tuesday, December 6, 2016 9:00 Joan Kramer

Wednesday, December 7, 2016 9:00 Dan Santerior

Thursday, December 8, 2016 Immaculate Conception of Mary 9:00 am Ron Gummerson 7:00 pm People of the Parish Friday, December 9, 2016 9:00 John Briganti

Saturday, December 10, 2016 5:00 Jim Williams, Maniola Family, Joan Kramer Carlos Sanchez, Ray Kraemer

Sunday, December 11, 2016 8:00 Walter Rimkus, Charlotte Gualano 10:00 John Ellis, Mary Rita Pingaj 12:00 Fieles Difuntos

Please support our Advertiser of the Week... Collections: November 27, 2016

Sunday Collection (Basket) Sunday Collection (Online) Total Sunday Collection Services & Donations Thanksgiving St. Vincent de Paul

$ 9,964 $ 785 $ 10,749 $ 563 $ 2,748 $ 549


Apostles Creed / Credo

Creo en un solo Dios, Padre todopoderoso, Creador del Cielo y de la tierra, de todo lo visible y lo invisible. Creo en un solo Señor, Jesucristo, Hijo único de Dios, nacido del Padre antes de todos los Siglos: Dios de Dios, Luz de Luz, Dios verdadero de Dios verdadero, engendrado no creado, de la misma naturaleza del Padre, por quien todo fue hecho; que por nosotros, los hombres, y por nuestra salvación bajó del cielo, y por obra del Espíritu Santo se encarnó de María, la Virgen, y se hizo hombre; y por nuestra causa fue crucificado en tiempos de Poncio Pilato; padeció y fue sepultado, y resucitó al tercer día, según las Escrituras, y subió al cielo, y está sentado a la derecha del Padre; y de nuevo vendrá con gloria para juzgar a vivos y muertos, y su reino no tendrá fin. Creo en el Espíritu Santo, Señor y dador de vida, que procede del Padre y del Hijo, que con el Padre y el Hijo recibe una misma adoración y gloria, y que habló por los profetas. Creo en la Iglesia, que es una, santa, católica y apostólica. Confieso que hay un solo bautismo para el perdón de los pecados. Espero la resurrección de los muertos y la vida del mundo futuro. Amén.

I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. who was conceived by the Holy Spirit born of the Virgin Mary. suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead, He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.

Parish Information / Información Parroquial MASS SCHEDULES HORARIO DE MISAS Weekdays / Entre Semana Mon-Fri 9:00 am Weekends / Fin de Semana Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 10:00 12:00 pm (en Español)

DEVOTIONS/DEVOCIONES Circulo de Oracion: Viernes, 7:30 pm Guadalupanos: 12 de cada mes, 7:00 pm Veneración al Santísimo: Primer Viernes de cada mes, 8:00 pm Christian Meditation: Mondays, 6:00 pm NEW PARISHIONERS PARROQUIANOS NUEVOS

Welcome to the Church of the Holy Spirit. We invite all new parishioners to visit our website to register. Bienvenidos a la Iglesia del Espíritu Santo.

Pastoral Staff/Equipo Pastoral

Rev. John Dearhammer . . . . . .Pastor Marianne Supan OP . .Pastoral Associate Rosi Viquez . . . . . . . .Liturgy Director Anna ODonnell.......Business Manager Linda Donaldson...........Office Manager and Director of Music

Office Support Staff

Maria Borla - Parish Secretary Bulletin Coordinator Peg Ghionzoli - Part-Time Secretary


Wojciech Gracz.... Facilities Manager

Office Hours

Monday-Thursday * 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Friday * 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Saturday * 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Sunday * Closed

Religious Education/Doctrina

Religious Ed Office . . . . . .882-7584 Rosi Viquez - Director/Coordinadora de Doctrina (English and Spanish programs) Alicia Lozano . . . . . . . . . . . . .Secretary Alejandra Fernandez . . Part Time Secretary

Rev. George Kane Pastor Emeritus

Diaconal Couples/Parejas Diaconales Wayne & Helen Beyer Xavier & Cecilia Carrera Mario & Graciela Contreras Ray & Jan Doud Mike & Pat Enger Sung & Angela Han José and Ivonne Paz Confessions/Confesiones Saturday/Sabados 4:00 - 4:30 p.m.

Get in touch


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