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XII Congreso del Instituto internacional de literatura iberoamericana Francia HISTORICIDAD Y ALEGORÍA EN EL SIGLO DE LAS LUCES DE ALEJO CARPENTIER
XII Congreso del Instituto internacional de literatura iberoamericana Francia HISTORICIDAD Y ALEGORÍA EN EL SIGLO DE LAS LUCES DE ALEJO CARPENTIER” C

Literatura-2013-02_Literatura-2012-02 26/12/2013 7:40 Página 1 Revista de Literatura Revista de Literatura Volumen LXXV Nº 150 julio-diciembre 2

UNIVERSIDAD IBEROAMERICANA Estudios con Reconocimiento de Validez Oficial por Decreto Presidencial del 3 de abril de 1981 "CONTINENTAL AIRLINES TOMA

UNIVERSIDAD IBEROAMERICANA Estudios con Reconocimiento de Validez Oficial por Decreto Presidencial del 3 de abril de 1981 DECONSTRUYENDO EL CONCEPTO

Story Transcript


XXVII CONGRESO Auspiciado por la UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUT6NOMA DE MItxico Fecha: Del 25 al 30 de agosto de 1988 Lugar: Ciudad de M6xico Tema:


Se invita a todos los miembros del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana a enviar ponencias en castellano y portugues para ser leidas en las sesiones del Congreso. Para que los miembros del Instituto puedan participar en el XXVII Congreso deberdn abonar la cuota de 1988 antes del 15 de febrero de ese afio. Los interesados en el tema que deseen enviar ponencias y participar en las sesiones del Congreso pueden solicitar su incorporaci6n al Instituto con anterioridad al 15 de diciembre de 1987. Para esto deben dirigirse a la Secretaria del Instituto, 1312 C. L., University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA.

Ponencias Tres copias de las ponencias deben ser remitidas a: Lic. Arturo Azuela, Presidente, Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, Facultad de Letras, Torre de Humanidades 2, piso 12, Ciudad Universitaria, UNAM, Mexico 20, D. F. Las ponencias no deben exceder de siete (7) piginas mecanografiadas a doble espacio en papel tamafio carta para una lectura de quince (15) minutos. El plazo final para el recibo de las ponencias sera el 15 de abril de 1988. Una selecci6n de las ponencias aceptadas se publicard posteriormente en las Actas de dicho Congreso.














MEMBERS AND SUBSCRIBERS The INSTITUTO INTERNACIONAL DE LITERATURA IBEROAMERICANA was organized in 1938 in order to advance the study of Iberoamerican Literature and to promote cultural relations among the peoples of the Americas. To this end, the Institute publishes the Revista Iberoamericana quarterly and sponsors the publication of noteworthy books by Iberoamerican authors -in their original language and in English translation-, and of learned works and textbooks. Members of the Institute meet in a yearly Congress. They are of two types: Regular Members who pay $35.00 a year, except in Iberoamerica where the fee is $25.00, and Patron Members who pay $50.00 or more a year. Institutions such as universities, colleges, and libraries may become subscribers (at $40.00 a year or $30.00 a year in Iberoamerica), or Subscribing Patrons (at a minimum of $50.00 a year) without holding membership in the Institute. Regular members and subscribers receive the forthcoming issues of the Revista Iberoamericana, but Patrons (whether Members or Subscribers) receive, in addition, the forthcoming issues of all the publications of the Institute, and the Proceedings of the Congresses, etc., and their names will appear in the Revista Iberoamericanaat the end of the year. SUBSCRIPTION APPLICATION I would like to become a subscriber to the Revista Iberoamericana. Would you please send my subscription to the address indicated below. I understand that I may become a member by following the steps indicated in the statutes of the Institute, which may be obtained upon request. I am enclosing: $30.00 ( ) Regular subscriptions, individual $40.00 () Institutions $35.00 ( ) Regular Members * $25.00 ( ) Latin American Countries $50.00 ( ) Patron subscriptions (all publications) Name.................................................... Address.................................................. City ................................... State




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Please make your checks payable to the Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana and mail your dues to: ERIKA ARREDONDO, 1312 C. L.,

University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15260, U.S.A. All communications regarding the circulation and distribution of the publications of the Institute should also be addressed to Mrs. Arredondo. * In order to become a member, please send your members of the Institute who may recommend you.

curriculum vitae and the names of two

SOCIOS Y SUSCRIPTORES El INSTITUTO INTERNACIONAL DE LITERATURA IBEROAMERICANA fue organizado en 1938 con el fin de incrementar el estudio de la literatura iberoamericana e intensificar las relaciones culturales entre todos los pueblos de America. Para ello el Instituto publica la Revista Iberoamericana, su 6rgano oficial, y patrocina la publicaci6n de obras notables de autores iberoamericanos -en el idioma original y en traducci6n inglesa- y la de obras de erudici6n y textos de ensefianza. Los socios del Instituto se reinen en Congreso una vez cada afio, y son de dos categorias: el socio de numero, cuya cuota anual es de 35 d6lares, excepto en Iberoamerica, donde es de s61o 25 d6lares, y el socio protector, cuya cuota es de 50 d6lares o mis al aiio. Las bibliotecas, colegios, universidades y demds instituciones, que, sin ser socios, si favorecen al Instituto, son de dos categorias: el suscriptor corriente, cuya cuota anual es de 40 d6lares y de s61o 30 d6lares en los paises de Iberoamerica, y el suscriptor protector, cuya cuota es de 50 d6lares al afio. La Revista Iberoamericana se envia a los socios de nimero y a los suscriptores corrientes del Instituto, y tanto los socios protectores como los suscriptores protectores reciben, ademas de la revista, las otras publicaciones que vayan saliendo y las Memorias. Los nombres de los protectores se publican en la Revista Iberoamericanaen el iltimo numero de cada afio. INVITACION El Instituto invita cordialmente a quienes simpaticen con los fines que persigue a que se hagan ora socios, ora protectores de el. Quienes asi lo apoyen deben enviar su cuota anual, por adelantado, en forma de giro postal o bancario pagadero al Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana y por conducto de la Sra. ERIKA ARREDONDO, 1312 C. L., University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15260, U. S. A., que es la unica persona encargada del recibo de los cheques y del envio de las publicaciones del InL tituto. CUATRO NUMEROS POR A1RO A partir de 1970 la Revista Iberoamericana se publica cuatro veces al aio, en vez de dos y tres, como se habia hecho hasta entonces. Los manuscritos deberin ser enviados al director, en original y dos copias, antes de las siguientes fechas: 1.0 de julio, para el primer numero (enero-marzo); 1.0 de octubre, para el segundo numero (abril-junio); 1.0 de noviembre, para el tercer nimero (julio-septiembre); 1.0 de febrero, para el cuarto nimero (octubre-diciembre).

REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA PROPOSITOS Esta Revista aspira a constituir, gradualmente, una vital representaci6n de los valores espirituales de la creciente cultura iberoamericana. Su director y asesores quieren hacer vivo el lema que cifra el ideal adoptado por nuestro Instituto: A la fraternidad por la cultura. Reflejar6 en sus paginas una clara imagen de la literatura y del pensamiento de Iberoamerica.

NORMAS EDITORIALES La Revista Iberoamericana s6lo publicard articulos aceptados por su director, quien sera asesorado por la Comisi6n Editorial ad hoc. Las ideas contenidas en los articulos que se publiquen pertenecen al autor, quien sera inico responsable de las mismas. Se recomienda que en los manuscritos de articulos, notas y resefias presentados para su publicaci6n se sigan las normas de The MLA Handbook for Writers, N. Y.: MLA, 1977. Los manuscritos deben ser enviados al director, en original y dos copias. En caso de no ser aceptados para su publicaci6n, s61o se devolvera el original si el autor envia el sobre con el correspondiente importe en estampillas o se1los de correos de U.S.A. La reproducci6n de cualquier trabajo publicado en la Revista Iberoamericana debera ser autorizada por el director. El director s61o contestari cartas dirigidas a 61 si con cada carta se envia sobre estampillado con la direcci6n del remitente.

CANJE Y SUSCRIPCIONES Todo lo referente a canje y demas intercambio de publicaciones con casas editoras, instituciones o autores debera hacerse por intermedio del jefe de canje, y a tal efecto se ruega dirigirse a: LILLIAN S. DE LOZANO, 1312 C. L.,

University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15260, U.S.A. Todo lo referente a suscripciones, compras, 6rdenes de pago, etc., en que sea menester la intervenci6n de la Tesoreria, debera hacerse por intermedio de la Secretarfa-Tesoreria, 1312 C. L., y a tal efecto se ruega escribir a: ERIKA ARREDONDO, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15260, U.S.A.

REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA Organo del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana Vol. LIII PATROCINADA

Octubre-Diciembre 1987

Ntim. 141



DIRECTOR ALFREDO A. ROGGIANO, 1312 C. L., University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15260, U.S.A.

SECRETARIO-TESORERO KEITH MCDUFFIE, 1312 C. L., University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15260, U.S.A. COMITE EDITORIAL (1987-1989) JUAN MANUEL MARcos, Oklahoma State University SYLVIA MOLLOY, Princeton University ENRIQUE PUPO-WALKER, Vanderbilt University GEORGINA SABAT DE RIVERS, State University of New York, Stony Brooks EDMOND CROS, Universit6 Paul Valery, Montpellier, y University of Pittsburgh MARTA PEIXOTO, Yale University

SECRETARIA DE REDACCION LILLIAN S. DE LOZANO, 1312 C. L., University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15260, U.S.A. SECRETARIA ADMINISTRATIVA ERIKA ARREDONDO, 1312 C. L., University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15260, U.S.A.

0 Copyright, 1987 Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana

Printed in Spain Impreso en Espafia por Artes Graficas Benzal, S. A. Virtudes, 7. 28010 Madrid Deposito legal: M. 40.282.-1978



P. D. Rodriguez-Pasquds Coronel Diaz 2089 11.0, Lilian Alderetes piso C Buenos Aires Pasaje Oncativo 783 Bo. 4000 S. Miguel de Tucuman Argentina Argentina

Serge Zaitzeff University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4Canada ITALY

Ana M. Barrenechea Coronel Diaz 1815, 8A 1425 Buenos Aires Argentina Irene B. Zlotnik de Goldman Jujuy 383 4000 S. Miguel de Tucumin Argentina

BRASIL Pedro Cincio da Silva Rua Caieira, 318 Medianeira Porto Alegre RS 90630 Brasil

CANADA Olga S. de Kaplan Balcarce 119 4000 S. Miguel de Tucuman Fedra Beberfall University of Saskatchewan Argentina Saskatoon, Sask., S7N OWO Canada Susana L. Martorell de Laconi Ross Larson Santiago del Estero 450 Carleton University Salta 4400 Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6 Argentina Canada Elena F. Pedicone de Parellada Martha Martinez Chacabuco 34 I 900 Dynes Road, Apt. 2504 San Miguel de Tucuman Ottawa, Ontario Canada Argentina

Giuseppe Bellini Via Simone D'Orsenigo 5 20135 Milano Italy Marta Canfield Via Senese 5 Firenze Italy Carlos Giordano Via Rosario Salerno, 134 87030 Arcavacata di Rende (Cs) Italy Herndn Loyola Via Principe di Piemonte No. 10 07100 Sassari Italy Roberto Paoli Via Calamandrei 20 50032 Corgo San Lorenzo Italy



Mitsuyo Kitamura 5-17-3 Inamuragasaki Kamakura, Kanagawa-ken Japan

Sabine Horl-Groenewold Am Weiher 12 D-2000 Hamburg 20 West Germany


Leo Pollmann Universitit Regensburg 31 Universitilsstr. 84 Regensburg West Germany

Ram6n Luis Acevedo Apartado 54 Corozal, PR 00643

WEST INDIES Edna Coil Cond. Los Olmos, Apt. 11-B Julio Ariza Gonzalez Rio Piedras, PR 00928 Univ. of the West Indies Mona, Kingston 7 Jos6 Ferrer Canales Jamaica, West Indies Univ. de Puerto Rico Apartado 22901 Rio Piedras, PR 00931 U.S.A. Miriam Ebra Lima Rolena Adorno Cond. Hato Rey Plaza, of Romance Dept. Apt. 3P Languages Hato Rey, PR 00918 University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1275 Jose R. de la Torre U.S.A. Menfias Street, A-13 Villas de Cupey Elio Alba-Buffill Rio Piedras, PR 00926 16 Malvern Place Verona, NJ 07044 U.S.A. SPAIN Juana Alcira Arancibia 8452 Furman Avenue Jaume Palau i Baniis Westminster, CA 92683 c/ Mallorca No. 35, 5-A U.S.A. 43005 Tarragona Spain John M. Barta California State University Dept. of Foreign Languages Fresno, CA 93740 SWITZERLAND U.S.A. Peter Frohlicher Buchzelgstrasse 33 CH-8053 Zurich Switzerland

Margarita Blaschke 4555 Leathers Street San Diego, CA 92117 U.S.A.

Robert Brody University of Texas Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese Austin, TX 78712 U.S.A. William C. Bryant 2076 Fernlock Oxford, MI 48061 U.S.A. Estrella Busto Ogden Villanova University Dept. of Modern Languages Villanova, PA 19085 U.S.A. Isabel Camara-Freiberzer 830 Kenmore Road Chapel Hill, NC 27514 U.S.A. Carlos Cano University of So. Florida Dept. of Foreign Languages Tampa, FL 33620 U.S.A. E. Caracciolo-Trejo Purdue University Dept. of Foreign Languages W. Fafayette, IN 47906 U.S.A. E. Dale Carter, Jr. 17220 Willard Street Van Nuys, CA 91406 U.S.A. Oth6n Castillo P. O. Box 5579 Metropolitan Station Los Angeles, CA 90055 U.S.A. Hector Mario Cavallari Mills College Foreign Languages Oakland, CA 94613 U.S.A.

E. and R. Chang-Rodriguez 60 Sutton Place So. New York, NY 10022 U.S.A. John G. Copeland 4508 Ashfield Drive Boulder, CO 80301 U.S.A. Jose Hernin Cordova Bennington College Bennington, VT 05201 U.S.A. Laura Lee Crumley de Perez c/o Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Crumley 400 Bechman Street Springdale, PA 15144 U.S.A. Frank N. Dauster Rutgers College Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese New Brunswick, NJ 08903 U.S.A. Angela B. Dellepiane 510 East 86th Street, 14-B New York, NY 10028 U.S.A.

Joseph A. Feustle Jr. University of Toledo Dept. of Foreign Languages Toledo, OH 43606 U.S.A. Malva E. Filer Brooklyn College Dept. of Mod. Langs. and Lts. Brooklyn, NY 11210 U.S.A. Zunilda Gertel Univ. of California-DavisDept. of Spanish Davis, CA 95616 U.S.A. Lourdes Gil Rodriguez 317, 77th Street North Bergen, NJ 07047 U.S.A. Jose Luis G6mez-Martinez The University of Georgia Dept. of Romance Languages Athens, GA 30602 U.S.A. Manuel G6mez-Reinoso 60 East 96 Street (3C) New York, NY 10128 U.S.A.

Juana A. Hernandez Hood College Amalia C. Lasarte Dishman Box 306 Frederick, MD 21701 Hamilton College U.S.A. Dept. of Romance Langs. and Lits. Carole A. Holdsworth Clinton, NY 13323 831 5. Harvey Avenue U.S.A. Oak Park, IL 60304 U.S.A. Georgette M. Dorn Iraida Iturralde Library of Congress 6040 Boulevard East (26-H) Hispanic Division West New York, NJ 07093 Washington, DC 20540 U.S.A. U.S.A.

Jose Olivio Jimenez 215 West 90th Street, 4-G New York, NY 10024 U.S.A. Ernest A. Johnson North Shore Drive Box 274 Owls Head, ME 04854 U.S.A. Edith Jonsson-Devallier 5148 Enelra P1. San Diego, -CA 92117 U.S.A. Sonja Karsen Skidmore Collegc Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 U.S.A. Ralph Kite University of Colorado Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese Boulder, CO 80309 U.S.A. Elizabeth 0. Krauthammer 1321 -B Marlton

S. Marcos, TX 78666 U.S.A. Tony Lamb Purdue University-Calumet Foreign Languages Dept. Hammond, IN 46323 U.S.A. Myron E. Lichtblau Syracuse University Dept. of Foreign Languages Syracuse, NY 13210 U.S.A. Alfredo R. Lozada Louisiana State University Dept. of Foreign Languages Baton Rouge, LA 70803 U.S.A.

Keith A. McDuffie University of Pittsburgh Dept. of Hisp. Langs. and Lts. Pittsburgh, PA 15260 U.S.A.

Lon Pearson University of Missouri Arts and Cultural Studies Rolla, MO 65401 U.S.A.

Robert G. Mead, Jr. P. 0. Box 9 Storrs, CT 06268 U.S.A.

Enrique Pupo-Walker Vanderbilt University Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese Nashville, TN 37203 U.S.A.

Thomas C. Meehan University of Illinois Dept. of Spanish, It. and Port. Urbana, IL 61801 U.S.A.

Laurence E. Prescott 154 Transcript Avenue Lexington, KY 40508 U.S.A.

Rosario Rexach 301 East 75th Street, Esther P. Mocega-Gonzalez Apt. H9 2000 North First Street New York, NY 10021 DeKaib, IL 60115 U.S.A. U.S.A. Geoffrey Ribbans Luis Mongui6 Brown University 24 Berkshire Drive Hispanic and Italian Stud. Clifton Park, NY 12065 Providence, RI 02912 U.S.A. U.S.A.

Thorpe Running St. John's University Dept. of Mod. and Cl. Languages Collegeville, MN 56321 U.S.A. Ivan Schulman 195 N. Cranbrook Cross, Rd. Birminghan, MI 48010 U.S.A. Federico Serra-Lima P. 0. Box 66 Franklin, NY 13775 U.S.A. Lilvia Soto-Duggan Harvard University Dept. of Romance Languages Cambridge, MA 02138 U.S.A. Octavio de la Suaree, Jr.. 81-B Traphagen Rd. Wayne, NJ 07470 U.S.A.

James W. Robb Gabriela Mora 560 Riverside Dr., Apt. 7K George Washington Univ. Romance Languages Dept. New York, NY 10027 Beatriz Teleki Washington, DC 20052 U.S.A. Univ. of California-Berkeley U.S.A. Dept. of Spanish and Casper J. Morsello Portuguese Oswaldo E. Romero 6461 Wetherole Street Berkeley, CA 94720 1635 Bedford Avenue Rego Park, NY 11374 U.S.A. Pittsburgh, PA 15219 U.S.A. U.S.A. Rima de Vallbona Frederick W. Murray Maria Elena V. de La Rosa 3002 Ann Arbor Northern Illinois Univ. 24 Georgian Lane Houston, TX 77063 Dept. of Foreign Languages Darien, CT 06820 U.S.A. DeKaib, IL 60115 U.S.A. U.S.A. Perla Rozencverg Angela Valle Marta Paley Francescato Univ. of Nebraska-Omaha 6040 Boulevard East, Dept. of Foreign Languages 10500 Gainsborough Rd. Apt. 24C Potomac, MD 208254 West New York, NJ 07093 Omaha, NE 68182 U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A.

Alfredo Villanueva-Collado 250 West 15th Street, Apt. 5C 'New York, NY 10011 U.SA. George G. Wing The Univ. of Texas-Austin Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese Austin, TX 78712-1155 U.S.A. Donald A. Yates 555 Canon Park Dr. St. Helena, CA 94574 U.S.A. George Yuiidice 30 East 10th Street 3S New York, NY 1003 'U.S.A.

Brandeis University Library Waltham, MA 02254 U.S.A.

Florida Southern College Roux Library Lakeland, FL 33802 U.S.A.

Brown University Rockefeller Library Serials Department Providence, RI 02912 U.S.A.

Southern Methodist Univ. Fondren Library Dallas, TX 75275 U.S.A.

Florida State University R. M. Strozier Libray Serials Department Tallahassee, FL 32306 U.S.A. University of Chicago Library/Serials Records Dept. 1100 E. 57th Street Chicago, IL 60637 U.S.A.

Eastern Washington Univ. Library Cheney, WA 99004 U.S.A. Hofstra University Library/Serials Dept. Hempstead, NY 11550 U.S.A.

Vanderbilt University Library/Serials Dept. 419-21st Avenue South University of Cincinnati Nashville, TN 37240 INSTITUTIONS Central Library/Ser. Rec./ U.S.A. Acq. Dept. St. Lawrence University Main Campus University of Kansas Owen D. Young Library Cincinnati, OH 45221 Library Canton, NY 13617 U.S.A. Periodicals Sec./Serials U.S.A. Dept. Colorado State University Lawrence, KS 66045-2800 Owen D. Young Library Libraries/Serials Dept. U.S.A. St. Lawrence University Ft. Collins, CO 80523 Canton, NY 13617 U.S.A. Kent State University U.S.A. Library Columbia Univ. Libraries Acq. Dept./Serials Record .Occidental College Serials Acquisitions Kent, OH 44242 Library/Periodicals Dept. 535 West 114th Street U.S.A. 1600 Campus Rd. New York, NY 1002 Los Angeles, CA 90041 U.S.A. University of New Orleans U.S.A. Long Library Serials Dept. Dickinson College Lakefront Adelphi University Dept. Library/Periodical New Orleans, LA 70148 Library/Serials Department t Carlisle, PA 17013 U.S.A. Garden City, NY 11530 U.S.A. U.S.A. University of Miami Emory University Robert W. Woodruff Lib. Library/Periodicals Dept. Asbury College P. 0. Box 248214 Morrison Kenyon Library Order Dept./Serials Coral Gables, FL 33124 Atlanta, GA 30322 Wilmore, KY 40390 U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A.

Michigan State University Library/Serials Dept. East Lansing, MI 48824 U.S.A.

University of South Florida Library/Serials Dept. Tampa, FL 33620 U.S.A.

Eastern New Mexico Univ. Library/Serials Dept. Portales, NM 881130 U.S.A.

University of Michigan General Library Ann Arbor, MI 48109 U.S.A.

Southern Illinois Univ. Lovejoy Library Periodicals Department Edwardsville, IL 62026 U.S.A.

University of Nevada Library-Periodicals Dept. Las Vegas, NV 89154 U.S.A.

University of Montana Mansfield Library Serials Department Missoula, MT 59812 U.S.A.

Temple University Library/Serials Dept. Philadelphia, PA 19122 U.S.A.

Trinity College Library Hartford, CT 06106 U.S.A.

Mount Holyoke College Library So. Hadley, MA 01075 U.S.A.

University of Tennessee Library/Serials Dept. Knoxville, TN 37996 U.S.A.

Wellesley College Library Wellesley, MA 02181 U.S.A.

Oregon State University Library/Serials Dept. Corvallis, OR 97331 U.S.A.

University of Toledo Carlson Library Serials Department Toledo, OH 43606 U.S.A.

University of Rochester Library/Serials & Binding Dept. River Campus Sta. Rochester, NY 14627 U.S.A.

College of Wooster Andrews Library Techt. Serv. Division Wooster, OH 44691 U.S.A.

St. Olaf College University of Wyoming Rolvaag Memorial Library Library/Periodicals Dept. Box 3334, Univ. Station Northfield, MN 55057 U.S.A. Laramie, WY 82071 U.S.A. St. Louis University Pius XII Memorial Rhode Island College Library/Serials Dept. Adams Library 3650 Lindell Blvd. 600 Mt. Pleasant Avenue Providence, RI 02908 St. Louis, MO 63108 U.S.A. U.S.A. Saint Peter's College Library/Periodicals Dept. 99 Glenwood Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306 U.S.A.

Rutgers University Camden Library 300 North 4th Street Camden, NJ 08102 U.S.A. Boston Public Library Serials-Receipts P. 0. Box 286 Boston, MA 02117 U.S.A.

University of Idaho Library/Periodicals Section Moscow, ID 83843 U.S.A. Ohio University Library Acquisitions Dept. Athens, OH 45701 U.S.A.

University of No. Colorado University of Iowa Michener Library/ESS Libraries/Serials Dept. Serials Record Division Iowa City, IA 52242 Greeley, CO 80639 U.S.A. U.S.A.

Brigham Young University University of Alberta Harold Lee Library Acq. Divi./Serials Section Serials Section Edmonton, Alt., T6G 2J8 Provo, UT 84602 Canada U.S.A. Agnes Scott College University of Toronto McCain Library USIS-Mueller Amembassy- Library/Serials Dept. Periodicals Librarian BBF Toronto, Ontario M55 1A5, Decatur, GA 30030 International Messengers Canada U.S.A. P. 0. Box 60326 Houston, TX 77205 York University University of Florida U.S.A. Scott Library/Central Library/Serials Dept. Ser. Rec. Gainesville, FL 32611 Univ. of North Carolina 4700 Keele Street U.S.A. Ramsey Library Downsview, Ontario M3J One University Heights 2R2 University of Wisconsin Asheville, NC 28814 Canada Library/Serials Dept. U.S.A. Green Bay, WI 54302 University of Waterloo U.S.A. Winthrop College Library/Serials Dept. Waterloo, Ontario, N2L. Humboldt State University Dacus Library 3G1 Library/Periodicals Dept. Acquisitions-Serials Canada SC 29733 Hill, Rock Arcata, CA 95521 U.S.A. U.S.A. Brock University Library/Serials Dept. Assumption College Lib. East Carolina University St. Catherines, Ontario 500 Salisbury Street Library/Periodicals L2S 3A1 Worcester, MA 01609 Librarian Canada U.S.A. Greenville, NC 27834 U.S.A. University of Puerto Rico University of Windsor Library/Periodical Room. State University College Leddy Library/Serials Mayagiiez Campus Library Section Oswego, NY 13126 Windsor, Ontario, N9B 3P4 Mayagiiez, PR 00708 U.S.A. Canada University of Minnesota Libraries/Serials Records Minneapolis, MN 55455 U.S.A.

Revista Iberoamericana


Octubre-Diciembre 1987

N\im. 141

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