JANUARY 22, 2023 WEBSITE Flipbook PDF


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January DOI:
Nº 7 / Enero 2014 / January 2014 RESEÑA Rubén Darío Torres Kumbrián. Trabajo Social con Comunidades y Mujeres Musulmanas: Premisas de la Intervención

Story Transcript

Calvary Southern Baptist Church Announcements for January 22, 2023

Ronald J. Winston, Pastor

Welcome Visitors If You Are Visiting Calvary in Person or Virtually For The First Time, We Welcome You To Our Service

To All Celebrating a Birthday in



SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 2023 11:00 A.M. in the sanctuary

ATTENTION CALVARY MEMBERS AND YOUTUBE LISTENERS We are moving the 8 a.m. worship service to 9 a.m.

starting on the second Sunday in February, February 12, 2023. Questions about the time change can be addressed directly to the Pastor.



Saturday, February 11, 2023 9:00 am. – 1:00 pm. ALL ARE WELCOME •

Facilitator: Sis. Beverly Bradshaw A Sign-Up Sheet is in the Office Foyer

For additional information contact: Min. Al or Sis. Joyce Washington 702-658-3985


Starting Saturday: February 18, 2023 – April 15, 2023, from 10:30 am. – 12:30 pm. ALL ARE WELCOME For more information you may contact: Minister Charles Dunmore @ 702-501-8546 or Minister Alfred Washington @ 702-658-3985

Let’s continue to give to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering and transform lives. Together, we help take the gospel to every nation, all tribes and peoples and languages.

We can help solve the World’s greatest problem, Lostness. 19 Go

therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19) NKJV

(Lottie Moon Christmas offering is September thru February)

Members and Visitors Your tithes and offerings can be dropped off in the tithing box at the pulpit or handed to an usher. For those who are with us virtually you can mail your tithes and offering to: Calvary Southern Baptist Church P O BOX 363008 N o r t h L a s Ve g a s , N V 8 9 0 3 6 - 7 0 0 8

Tithes & Offerings

YouTube Listeners, If you would like to become a member of Calvary Southern Baptist

Church or need Prayer. Contact the church office by email at

[email protected] or leave a message at (702) 649-7230.

God Bless As We Continue to Pray , Rejoice, and Uplift One Another!

Get in touch


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