JOSÉ MANUEL PEREIRO OTERO Department of Spanish and Portuguese Temple University Anderson Hall, 4th Floor 1114 Polett Walk Philadelphia, PA 19122-6090

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JOSÉ MANUEL PEREIRO OTERO Department of Spanish and Portuguese Temple University Anderson Hall, 4th Floor 1114 Polett Walk Philadelphia, PA 19122-6090 Phone: (215) 204-5129 Fax: (215) 204-2652 [email protected] Education May 2002

Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder. Fields of specialization: Spanish & Spanish-American Studies—Modern period

May 1995

M.A., University of Colorado at Boulder. Fields of specialization: Spanish & Spanish American Literature—20th Century

June 1993

B.A., Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Field of specialization: Hispanic Philology

Certifications 2003

Certificate of Proficiency in English, University of Cambridge


Graduate Teacher Certification, University of Colorado at Boulder


Certificate of Aptitude for the Teaching Profession, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Instituto de Ciencias da Educación

Academic Experience 2012-

Associate Professor of Spanish, Temple University


Assistant Professor of Spanish, Temple University


Assistant Professor of Spanish, The University of Texas at Austin


Lecturer of Spanish, The University of Texas at Austin

2002-2003 2000-2001 1996-1997

Adjunct Instructor and Director, Study Abroad Program in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Universities of Kansas and Colorado at Boulder


Instructor of Spanish for Faculty and Staff, Anderson Language Technology Center (ALTEC) , University of Colorado at Boulder


Instructor of Spanish for Faculty and Staff, Office of International Education, University of Colorado at Boulder

2001-2002 1997-2000 1995-1996

Graduate Part Time Instructor, University of Colorado at Boulder


Teaching Assistant, University of Colorado at Boulder

José Manuel Pereiro Otero (Reviewed September 28, 2015): 2 (of 13) Scholarly Books (refereed publications appear with an asterisk) 1. * Vanguardia, exilio y traducción en las posguerras europeas: Nancy Cunard y Ramón del Valle-Inclán. Madrid: Verbum, 2010. 180 pp. ISBN: 978-84-7962-687-7. Reviewed in Bulletin of Spanish Studies 90 (2013): 419-20; Confluencia 28.1 (Fall 2012): 14850; Revista Teatro 25 (Otoño 2012): 169-71; Hispania 95 (2012): 174-75; Hecho Teatral 12 (2012): 515-19; Siglo Diecinueve 17 (2011): 331-35; Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 36 (2011): 859-63; Crítica Bibliográphica (2011): 1-6 ( This publication was chosen as “Libro de la semana” (Book of the week) by Academia Editorial del Hispanismo in June 9, 2011 (

2. * La escritura modernista de Valle-Inclán: orgía de colores. Madrid: Verbum, 2008. 291 pp. ISBN: 978-84-7962-418-7. Reviewed in Hispania 92 (2009): 724-25; Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 34 (2009): 904-09; Bulletin of Spanish Studies 86.4 (2009): 552-54; La Nueva Literatura Hispánica 12 (2008): 193-97. In the context of this book, its author was interviewed in the newspaper El Correo Gallego (on August 18 2008: 60) and acknowledged in the “Cuadro de Honor” (Honor Roll) of the same newspaper (5). After the appearance of the digital version of the book, author was interviewed by the e-journal EnCubierta in February of 2013: “Valle-Inclán hoy abundaría en contrastes de luz y sombras” ( Quoted in Núñez Sabarís, Xaquín. “El flâneur como ángel caído: Luces de bohemia, La colmena y Tiempo de Silencio.” Literatura, espaço, cartografías. Eds. António Apolinário Lourenço and Osvaldo Manuel Silvestre. Coimbra: Centro de Literatura Portuguesa, 2011. 253-83; in Hernández Barbosa, Sonsoles. “Discursos sobre la sensorialidad en el fin de siglo español: del krausismo a al ciencia experimental.” Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 47.2 (June 2014): 285-305.

Scholarly Book-length Editions (refereed publications appear with an asterisk) 1. * Co-edited with Luis T. González del Valle: Comedias y dramas by Jacinto Benavente. 3 vols. Madrid: Fundación José Antonio Castro, 2007, 2010, 2015. 911 pp., 912 pp., 896 p. ISBN: Vol 1: 978-84-96452-39-8; Vol 2: 978-84-96452-90-9; Vol 3: 978-84-1525526-0. Reviewed in Rilce 26.2 (2010): 502-05; Revista de Libros 147 (2009): 36; Hispania 92 (2009): 500-01; Revista de Literatura 70 (2008): 720-24; Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 36 (2011): 470-73.

2. Co-edited special issue of Hecho Teatral 12 (2012). 534 pp. Co-editor Luis T. González del Valle. Volume contains articles by Ricardo Fernández Romero, Sean McDaniel and Joyce Tolliver, Diana Muela Bermejo, José Antonio Pérez Bowie, Juan Antonio Ríos Carratalá, Margot Versteeg, Juan Aguilera Sastre and an edition of an unpublished manuscript by Cipriano de Rivas Cherif. ISSN: 1695-355X. 3. Edited special issue of Hecho Teatral 8 (2008).199 pp. Volume contains articles by Elena Cueto Asín, Dru Dougherty, John P. Gabriele, Lily Litvak, Francisco Plata, Margarita Santos Zas, Christopher Soufas, Jr. ISSN: 1695-355X. Scholarly Articles (refereed publications appear with an asterisk) 1. * Co-authored with Luis T. González del Valle: “Introducción.” Comedias y dramas by Jacinto Benavente. Vol 3. Madrid: Fundación José Antonio Castro, 2015. ix-xl. ISBN: 978-84-15255-26-0.

José Manuel Pereiro Otero (Reviewed September 28, 2015): 3 (of 13) 2. * “De metrópolis a necrópolis: la escritura del cementerio en Mariano José de Larra”. Siglo Diecinueve: Literatura Hispánica 20 (2014): 9-30. ISSN: 1136-2308. 3. * “La evanescente sombra del centauro: el ocaso del héroe en Los cuatro jinetes del Apocalipsis (1916)”. Perfiles del heroísmo en la literatura hispánica de entresiglos (XIXXX). Valladolid: Verdelis, 2013. ISBN: 978-84-941197-1-2; EAN: 9788494119712. 24364. 4. * “Bestiario de la soberanía en los Lopes de Aguirre de Gonzalo Torrente Ballester”. La Tabla Redonda: Anuario de Estudios Torrentinos 10 (2012): 81-116. ISSN: 1697-0373. 5. * “Tabú y contagio en Noches lúgubres: una aproximación a la filosofía del tacto.” Obscenidad, vergüenza, tabú: contornos y retornos de lo reprimido entre los siglos XVIII y XIX. XV Encuentro de la Ilustración al Romanticismo. Ed. Fernando Durán López. Cádiz: Servicio de Publicaciones de la U de Cádiz, 2012. 169-88. ISBN: 978-849828-392-1. Quoted in Díez, Ignacio. Review. Revista de Literatura 76.152 (enero-junio 2014): 625-64,

6. * Co-authored with Luis T. González del Valle: “El legado de Jacinto Benavente en el umbral del siglo XXI.” Hecho Teatral 12 (2012): 5-11. ISSN: 1695-355X. 7. * Co-authored with Francisco Plata: “Práctica y teoría de la traducción en Unamuno: cuatro cartas inéditas.” Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 37 (2012): 1059-115. ISSN: 0272-1635. 8. * “El mí(s)tico paisaje galaico de La lámpara maravillosa.” Antípodas 22 (2011): 18198. ISSN: 0113-2415. Optional title: Mario Vargas Llosa: Amores, Utopías, Infiernos. Estudios críticos sobre Mario Vargas Llosa. Eds. Roy C. Boland Osegueda and MarieMadeleine Gladieu. Sidney: Antipodas, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-9775868-5-1. 9. * “Un Valle-Inclán en la resistencia antifranquista: la traducción inédita de Ligazón realizada por Nancy Cunard en 1951.” Valle-Inclán en el gran teatro del mundo. Ed. Margarita Santos Zas. Theatralia: Revista de Poética del Teatro 13. Vigo: Editorial Academia del Hispanismo, 2011. 139-66. ISSN: 1576-1754; ISBN: 978-84-15175-02-5. 10. * “Los prolegómenos al modernismo hispánico: Rubén Darío, Azul… (1888-1905) y el estilo de la decadencia.” Diálogos ibéricos sobre a modernidade. Ed. Xaquín Núñez Sabarís. Famalicão: Humus-U do Minho, 2011. 173-94. ISBN: 978-989-8139-85-6. 11. * Co-authored with Luis T. González del Valle: “Introducción.” Comedias y dramas by Jacinto Benavente. Vol 2. Madrid: Fundación José Antonio Castro, 2010. IX-XLIII. ISBN: 978-84-96452-90-9. 12. * “Un Valle-Inclán en el exilio: Nancy Cunard, The Watergate Theatre y la traducción inédita de Ligazón (1951-1957).” Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 35 (2010): 861-952. ISSN: 0272-1635. 13. * “Tautologías bélicas: Los cuatro jinetes del Apocalipsis cabalgan entre el mito y la historia.” Vanderbilt e-Journal of Luso-Hispanic Studies 5 (2009): 233-63. E-ISSN: 1547-5743 (Print ISSN: 1547-5735).

José Manuel Pereiro Otero (Reviewed September 28, 2015): 4 (of 13) Quoted in Sales Dasí, Emilio. “Estudio preliminar.” Los cuatro jinetes del Apocalipsis. De Vicente Blasco Ibáñez. Madrid: Akal, 2012. 5-41; in Dougherty, Dru. “Descenso a los infiernos de la Gran Guerra: Pérez de Ayala en Italia (1916).” Moenia 18 (2012): 71-93.

14. “Siete calas críticas en el teatro de principios del siglo XX (1890-1939).” Hecho Teatral 8 (2008): 5-8. ISSN: 1695-355X. 15. * “El exorcismo de la memoria: fantasmagorías nominales y herencias patrimoniales en Don Juan de Gonzalo Torrente Ballester.” Boletín de la Biblioteca Menéndez y Pelayo 84 (2008): 387-415. ISSN: 0006-1646. 16. * “Conquistas virolentas y vacunas independentistas: Andrés Bello y Manuel José Quintana ante la enfermedad de la colonia.” Hispanic Review 76 (2008): 109-33. ISSN: 0018-2176. Quoted and discussed in Briggs, Ronald. Tropes of Enlightenment in the Age of Bolivar: Simon Rodriguez and the American Essay at Revolution. Nashville: Vanderbilt UP, 2011; Altschul, Nadia R. Geographies of Philological Knowledge: Postcoloniality and the Trasatlantic National Epic. Chicago: U of Chigago P, 2012. O’Hagan, Ciara. “Sanitazing Colonial Infection and Redefining Spanish Imperialism in Manuel José Quintana’s Poesías patrióticas”. Dieciocho 37.2 (Fall 2014): 279-94.

17. * “Réquiem por una víctima expiatoria: crisis social y persecución colectiva en Raquel de Vicente García de la Huerta.” Dieciocho: Spanish Enlightenment 31.1 (2008): 115-45. ISSN: 0163-0415. Essay reprinted in “Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes” (Universidad de Alicante): x.htm.

18. * “El espectro de don Juan y los fantasmas de Zorrilla: la herencia de Valle-Inclán.” Hecho Teatral 7 (2007): 91-125. ISSN: 1695-355X. 19. * Co-authored with Luis T. González del Valle: “Introducción.” Comedias y dramas by Jacinto Benavente. Vol 1. Madrid: Fundación José Antonio Castro, 2007. IX-LXIII. ISBN: 978-84-96452-39-8. 20. * “Textualidades profanas en las Divinas palabras.” Archivum 56 (2006): 361-409. ISSN: 0570-7218. 21. * “Lenguas remembradas y lenguas relembradas: la presencia del gallego en ValleInclán.” Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 31 (2006): 751-79. ISSN: 0272-1635. Quoted in Cabo Aseguinolaza, Fernando. “Literaturas regionais e História Literária. Perspectivas comparatistas.” Veredas: Revista da Associaçao Internacional de Lusitanistas 10 (2008): 87-104.

22. * “Filiaciones valleinclanescas en Divinas palabras.” Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 30 (2005): 371-94. ISSN: 0272-1635. 23. * “Los colores del modernismo: Flor de santidad.” Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 27 (2002): 755-89. ISSN: 0272-1635. 24. * “Sublimes horizontes: la voz poética en las Rimas de Bécquer.” El Gnomo: Boletín de Estudios Becquerianos (1999): 27-43. ISSN: 0272-1635.

José Manuel Pereiro Otero (Reviewed September 28, 2015): 5 (of 13) Textbooks 1. Co-authored with Isolde Jordan: Curso de gramática avanzada del español: Comunicación reflexiva. New Jersey: Pearson Education/Prentice Hall, 2006. ISBN: 013-613583-8 / 9780131923218. Audio edition for blind and dyslexic persons: Curso de gramática avanzada del español: Comunicación reflexiva. Co-author: Prof. Isolde Jordan. Princeton, N.J.: Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic, 2009. Reviewed in Hispania 91 (2008): 211-12; Modern Language Journal 91 (2007): 500-01. Quoted in Foreign Language Annals 43 (2010): 471.

2. Co-authored with Isolde Jordan: Instructor's Resource Manual for Comunicación reflexiva. New Jersey: Pearson Education-Prentice Hall, 2006. ISBN: 0131923234 / 9780131923232. Review Article 1. “La otra crítica: reflexiones en torno a identidad, inmigración y ética en la representación artística contemporánea.” Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 37 (2012): 243-51. ISSN: 0272-1635. Book Reviews 1.

“Writing Galicia into the World.” Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 38 (2013): 909-15. ISSN: 0272-1635.

2. “A History of Theatre in Spain”. Boletín de la Real Academia Española 92 (2012): 15765. ISSN: 0210-4822. 3. “The Galician Works of Ramon del Valle·Inclán: Patterns of Repetition and Continuity.” Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 36 (2011): 854-55. ISSN: 0272-1635. 4. “Painting on Stage: Visual Art in Twentieth-Century Spanish Theater.” Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 36 (2011): 483-87. ISSN: 0272-1635. 5. “The Cambridge History of Spanish Literature.” Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 32 (2007): 303-08. ISSN: 0272-1635. 6. “España exótica: la formación de la imagen española moderna, and Del tren al aeroplano: ensayos sobre la vanguardia española.” Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 31 (2006): 371-80. ISSN: 0272-1635. 7. “Palimpsestos al cubo: prácticas discursivas de Valle-Inclán.” Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 29 (2004): 287-91 / 845-49. ISSN: 0272-1635. 8. “Hecho Teatral, número 1, 2001.” Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 28 (2003): 327-31 / 813-17. ISSN: 0272-1635. 9. “Literatura modernista y tiempo del 98, Actas del Congreso Internacional, Lugo, 17 al 20 de noviembre de 1998.” Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 27 (2002): 972-80 / 328-36. ISSN: 0272-1635.

José Manuel Pereiro Otero (Reviewed September 28, 2015): 6 (of 13) 10. “Guía para caminantes en Santa Fe de Tierra Firme: Estudio sistémico de Tirano Banderas.” Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 26 (2001): 1014-18 / 33236. ISSN: 0272-1635. 11. “Don Ramón María del Valle-Inclán.” Revista de Literatura 62.124 (2000): 630-32. ISSN: 0034-849X. 12. “Valle-Inclán y la novela popular: La cara de Dios.” Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 25 (2000): 643-47. ISSN: 0272-1635. Lectures and Presentations 1. “Manuel José Quintana y la Conquista de América: paradojas de un nacionalismo ilustrado”. XVIII Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Buenos Aires, Argentina. July 24, 2013. 2. “Carmen Burgos y la retaguardia de la Primera Guerra Mundial.” Panel: Vanguard and Rear Guard: Spanish Women Writers and the First World War. 128th MLA Annual Convention, Boston. January 5, 2013. 3.

“La evanescente sombra del centauro: el ocaso del héroe en Los cuatro jinetes del Apocalipsis (1916)”. Imágenes del heroísmo en la literatura hispánica del siglo XIX, University of Florida. February 10, 2012.

4. “Don Juan Tenorio’s Cemetery: Metropolis and Necropolis in 19th Century Spain”. Distinguished Faculty Series. Center for the Humanities at Temple, Temple University. December 1st, 2011. 5. “Tabú y contagio en Noches lúgubres.” XV Encuentro de la Ilustración al Romanticismo: obscenidad, vergüenza , tabú: contornos y retornos de lo reprimido entre los siglos XVIII y XIX, Universidad de Cádiz. May 18, 2011. 6. “La herencia espectral del imperio y el futuro de la monarquía: Manuel José Quintana, ‘En el panteón del Escorial’ (1805-08).” XVII Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Rome. July 20, 2010. 7. “Entre la sombra de la decadencia y el espíritu del simbolismo: La noche del sábado (1903) de Jacinto Benavente.” 125th Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Philadelphia. December 29, 2009. 8. “Heterotopías de lo sagrado: la cárcel y el cementerio en las Noches lúgubres.” MidAmerica Conference on Hispanic Literature 2009, The University of Kansas, Lawrence. November 6, 2009. 9. “La resacralización decimonónica de la memoria: los cementerios de Zorrilla y su Don Juan Tenorio.” I International Conference on Literature, Culture and Religion in the Hispanic World, The University of Texas at San Antonio. February 21, 2009. 10. “Images of Classical Lyres and Modern Women: María Rosa de Gálvez and Her Drama Safo (1804).” Gender and the Enlightenment: The Eighteenth-Century Debate and Its Legacy, Texas State University—San Marcos. April 10, 2007.

José Manuel Pereiro Otero (Reviewed September 28, 2015): 7 (of 13) 11. “Clausurando la enfermedad de la colonia: Andrés Bello, José Quintana y la expedición para propagar la vacuna en América (1803-1806).” International Conference on Caribbean Studies, University of Texas Pan American. November 3, 2006. 12. “Presente y futuro del modernismo hispánico en 1890: los dos prólogos a la segunda edición de Azul….” Rubén Darío: 90 Years Later, Hofstra University. October 27, 2006. 13. “La escritura del Modernismo hispánico: Azul (1888)”, The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Spanish and Portuguese. September 16, 2004. 14. “La pragmática de la publicación.” In collaboration with Luis González del Valle and Aileen El-Kadi, University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Spanish and Portuguese. March 14, 2002. 15. “Los colores del modernismo: La primera recepción contemporánea.” University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Spanish and Portuguese. November 6, 2001. Projects in Progress 1. Torture in 18th Century Spain. 2. Regal Law and Sovereign Violence in Vicente García de la Huerta’s Raquel. Monograph on Vicente García de la Huerta’s Raquel. 3. Global Markets, Local Translations: Vicente Blasco Ibáñez in the 1920’s. Monograph on Vicente Blasco Ibáñez unpublished correspondence with his French and English translators. In collaboration with Francisco Plata. 4. Metropolis for the Dead, Necropolis for the Living: 18th and 19th Spanish Literature, Modernity and the Spaces of Melancholy. Monograph on the representation of cemeteries in 18th and 19th Centuries Spanish Literature. Grants and Awards 2011

Alternative Textbook Grant (Teaching & Learning Technology Roundtable, Temple University). Amount: $1,000.


Dean’s Fellowship (College of Liberal Arts, The University of Texas at Austin). Amount: $ 34,000.


Faculty Professional Development Award (Hispanic Faculty and Staff Association, The University of Texas at Austin). Amount: $500.

Other Professional Activities 1. Participated in the “Proyecto de investigación última poesía en español 1970-1985” developed by the University of Washington, Asociación Colegial de Escritores, Asociación Andaluza de Escritores y Críticos Literarios . Provided advice on what Young Spanish Poets should be included in the anthology El canon abierto: última poesía en español (1970-1985). Madrid: Visor Libros, 2015. ISBN: 978-84-9895-908-6. 2. Participated in a collaborative interview about the state of publishing in (and beyond) Hispanic Studies. Fraser, Benjamin, and Christine Henseler. “The Future of Hispanic

José Manuel Pereiro Otero (Reviewed September 28, 2015): 8 (of 13) Studies: An Interactive Conversation with Journal Editors”. Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 18 (2014): 135-80. ISSN: 1096-2492. 3. Guest speaker, Sigma Delta Pi. Presentation “Embajadores del Hispanismo (Embassadors of Hispanism).” Temple University, April 27, 2012. 4. Guest speaker, Professor González del Valle’s graduate seminar on “Hispanic Modernity.” Presentation “Acercamientos a Sonata de primavera: autobiografía, dandismo y pastiche.” Temple University, October 12, 2010. 5. Introduction and moderator of Michael Solomon’s presentation “The Burden of Remediation: Vicente Aranda, Pere Portabella, Albert Serra and the Cinematic Past.” 13th International Colloquium of the North American Catalan Society. Temple University, May 8, 2010. 6. Guest speaker at Professor Lily Litvak’s graduate seminars: a.

“Generation of 1898.” Presentation: “Tirano Banderas y la novela de dictador”. The University of Texas at Austin, November 27, 2007.

b. “Spanish Lyric Poetry.” Presentation: “Rosalía de Castro En las orillas del Sar.” The University of Texas at Austin, March 1, 2004. c. “Realism in Spanish and Portuguese Art and Literature.” Presentation: “El espacio en Los Pazos de Ulloa.” The University of Texas at Austin, November 17, 2003. 7. Special guest at the “Intimacies” discussion group organized by Karen Kreps, columnist for The Good Life magazine. Austin, April 21, 2004. Courses Taught 1. At Temple University: a. Spanish 8141: Seminar in 20th- and 21st-Century Spanish Literature: Modern Representations of Spaces and Places (Spring 2014). b. Spanish 8141: Seminar in 20th- and 21st-Century Spanish Literature: The Archives of Memory: Spanish History and Literature in the 20th and 21st Centuries (Fall 2012). c. Spanish 8161: Critical Approaches to Hispanic Literature (Spring 2012). d. Spanish 8140: 18th and 19th Centuries Peninsular Literature (Spring 2011). e. Spanish 4121/5121: Survey of Spanish Literature (Fall 2012). f. Spanish 3996: Honors Advanced Analysis and Writing Skills (Fall 2010; Spring 2013; Fall 2014). g. Spanish 3222: Spain through Film (Fall 2010). h. Spanish 4127/5136: 18th and 19th Century Spanish Literature (Spring 2010; Fall 2013). i. Spanish 3221: Spanish Culture and Civilization (Spring 2010; Spring 2011; Summer 2012 in Oviedo). j. Spanish 3001: Advanced Analysis and Writing Skills (Spring 2013).

José Manuel Pereiro Otero (Reviewed September 28, 2015): 9 (of 13) 2. At The University of Texas at Austin: a. Spanish 378H: Spanish Women Writers of the 18th and 19th Centuries: Modernity, Subjectivity and Feminism (Honors Seminar: Fall 2009). b. Spanish 381M: Constructing the Legacy of Deconstruction (Graduate Seminar: Spring 2009). c. Spanish 385M: Irony, Satire and Meta-artistic Reflection in Spanish Literature of the 18th and 19th centuries (Graduate Seminar: Spring 2007). d. Spanish 328: Spanish Civilization and Culture (Spring 2007; Summer 2007; Summer 2008). e. Spanish 385M: Orientalism in the Spanish Literature of the 18th and 19th Centuries (Graduate Seminar: Spring 2006). f. Spanish 366K: 19th Century Spanish Literature—Romanticism and Realism (Fall 2005; Fall 2007). g. Spanish 326L: Introduction to Spanish Literature 1700 to present: Writers from Cantabria (Summer 2005). h. Spanish 362K: Romantic Drama and Poetry: the Birth of the Spanish (Fe)Male Fantastic (Fall 2006); Spanish Poetry and Drama of the 20th century (Fall 2004). i. Spanish 352: Topics in Spanish American Literature: “Poetics of the Latin-American Short-Story” (Summer 2004). j. Spanish 326L: Introduction to Spanish Literature 1700 to present (Fall 2003; Spring 2004; Spring 2005; Fall 2005; Spring 2006; Fall 2006; Fall 2007; Spring 2008; Spring 2009; Summer 2009; Fall 2009). k. Spanish 327: Advanced Grammar and Composition (Fall 2003-Spring 2005; Spring 2008). 3. At the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Seminar for graduate students: “Jardín Umbrío como obra de arte modernista” (May 2003). 4. At The University of Kansas and University of Colorado at Boulder Study Abroad Program in Santiago de Compostela, Spain: a. Spanish 3100: Introduction to Literary Analysis (Spring 2003; Fall 2002; Fall 2000; Fall 1996). b. Spanish 4220: Writing Galicia in the 19th and 20th Century (Spring 2003). c. Spanish 4100: Special Topics: Galician Writers Writing in Spanish and in Translation (Spring 2001). d. Spanish 4150: Masterpieces of Spanish Literature 1700 to Present (Spring 1997). 5. At the University of Colorado at Boulder: a. Spanish Department: i. Spanish 3000: Advanced Spanish Language (Fall 1994-Spring 1996; Fall 1998Spring 2000; Fall 2001; Spring 2002).

José Manuel Pereiro Otero (Reviewed September 28, 2015): 10 (of 13) ii. Spanish 2050: Intensive Intermediate Spanish (Summer 2000). iii. Spanish 1020: Beginning Spanish 2 (Spring 1997; Spring 1998; Spring 1994). iv. Spanish 1010: Beginning Spanish 1 (Fall 1993; Spring 1996). b. ALTEC (Anderson Language Technology Center): i. Beginning Spanish II for Faculty and Staff (Spring 2002). ii. Beginning Spanish I for Faculty and Staff (Fall 2001-Spring 2002). c. Office of International Education: i. Beginning Spanish I for Faculty and Staff (Fall 1999-Spring 2000). 6. At the Tucker International Company: i. Personal Instructor of Spanish (Spring 1998). Service 1.

At Temple University: a. Campus i. Participated in the “Find Your Career: Life after the Liberal Arts” career panel organized by the College of Liberal Arts (November 6, 2014). ii. Advisory Board, Center for the Humanities (Fall 2010-Spring 2014 ). iii. Fulbright Committee, Education Abroad and Overseas Campuses (Fall 2011-Fall 2013) iv. Summer Study Abroad Scholarship Committee, Education Abroad and Overseas Campuses (Spring 2012) v. Spain Scholarship Committee, Education Abroad and Overseas Campuses (Fall 2010). b. Department of Spanish and Portuguese i. Associate Chair for Graduate Studies (Fall 2012-Fall 2014). ii. Executive Committee (Fall 2011-Spring 2014 ) iii. Graduate Studies Committee (Spring 2010-Fall 2014). iv. Study Abroad Coordinator (Spring 2010-Summer 2012). v. Search Committee, Latin-Americanist (Fall 2010-Spring 2011). vi. Organized showing of the film El Verdugo and participated in its discussion (December 1, 2010).


At the University of Texas at Austin: a. Department of Spanish and Portuguese i. Executive Committee, Graduate Studies Committee (Fall 2008-Spring 2009). ii. Graduate Admissions and Financial Committee (Fall 2009).

José Manuel Pereiro Otero (Reviewed September 28, 2015): 11 (of 13) iii. Graduate Studies Committee (Fall 2005-Fall 2009). iv. Graduate Course Planning Committee (Fall 2006-Fall 2007). v. Undergraduate Studies Committee (Fall 2005-Spring 2006; Fall 2009). vi. Master of Arts Comprehensive Examination in Hispanic Literatures (Spring 2007Spring 2009). vii. Outstanding Dissertation Award Committee (Spring 2007). viii. Master of Arts’ Reading List Committee (Fall 2006-Spring 2009). ix. Evaluation Committee for Jason Borge’s hiring (Spring 2009). x. Search Committee, Peninsularist Position (Fall 2006-Spring 2007). xi. Ad Hoc Doctoral Admissions Committee (Spring 2007). xii. Master of Arts Correction Committee (Spring 2006-Spring 2009). xiii. Dissertation Committees: Francisco Plata (defended on Spring 2009), Jorge Bacelis, Nicholas Poppe (defended on Fall 2009), Burke White (defended on Fall 2009), Alexandre Lima (defended on Fall 2011), Christian Cousins, Qing Ai (defended on Spring 2013), José Enrique Navarro (defended on Spring 2013). xiv. Ph.D. Exam Committees: Danny Méndez (“Transatlantic Field”, Fall 2005), Jorge Bacelis (“Concentration Field”, Spring 2006), Nicholas Poppe (“Transatlantic Field”, Spring 2006), Francisco Plata (“Major Field”, Fall 2006), Burke White (“Transatlantic Field”, Spring 2007), Alexandre Lima (“Transatlantic Field”, Fall 2007), Christian Cousins (“Major Field”, Spring 2008), Juan Carlos López (“Transatlantic Field”, Spring 2009), Qing Ai (“Major Field”, Spring 2009), José Enrique Navarro (“Major Field”, Spring 2009). xv. Presentation in SPN 185M: “Professional Preparation Seminar” (March 8, 2006; February 23, 2009). xvi. Participated in the training of Ph.D. students for professional job interviews (20052009). xvii. Organized a panel with three Graduate Students at the 17th Colloquium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Romance Linguistics at The University of Texas at Austin (Friday, November 7th, 2008). xviii. Organized a panel with three Graduate Students at the 16th Colloquium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Romance Linguistics at The University of Texas at Austin (Saturday, March 24th, 2007). xix. Judge in the Poetry and Declamation contest (Saturday, April 21, 2006; Saturday, April 22, 2007; Saturday, April 19, 2008; Saturday, April 18, 2009). xx. Supervisor of two Teaching Assistants, Spanish Civilization Class (Spring 2007). Their performance required training, guidance and coordination. xxi. Participated in the promotion process of three lecturers (Ms. Lucía Osa-Melero, Ms. Delia Montesinos and Ms. Cristina Cabello de Martínez) to the rank of Senior Lecturer (Fall 2006-Fall 2009).

José Manuel Pereiro Otero (Reviewed September 28, 2015): 12 (of 13) xxii. Coordinator, Spanish 327G and 327W (Advanced Grammar and Composition) (Spring 2004-Fall 2005). xxiii. Second reader, Honor’s Thesis by Sarah K. Razaq: “Rompiendo el silencio: la Guerra Civil Española, la dictadura y sus testigos” (Fall 2005-Spring 2006). xxiv. Participated in the “Don Quijote in the Spanish Speaking World” Conference with a Powerpoint presentation entitled “Visions of Don Quijote” (September 30th October 1st, 2005). 3.

Annals of Contemporary Spanish Literature General Editor (Fall 2014-); Editor (Fall 2010-Spring 2014); Editorial Advisory Council (Fall 2004); Managing Editor (from May 2002-Fall 2004); Assistant to the Editor (Fall 1998 to Spring 2002).


At University of Kansas and University of Colorado at Boulder Study Abroad Program in Santiago de Compostela, Spain: a. Program Director (Spring 2003; Spring 2001; Spring 1997). b. Associate Director (Fall 2002; Fall 2000; Fall 1996).


Manuscript evaluator (books and articles): a. Siglo Diecinueve (ISSN: 1136-2308) b. Rilce (ISSN: 0213-2370) c. Hispania (ISSN: 0018-2133) d. Catalan Review (ISSN: 0213-5949) e. Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea (ISSN: 0272-1635) f. Hispanic Review (ISSN: 0018-2176) g. Revista Tempus h. John Wiley and Sons i. Prentice Hall

6. Council on International Educational Exchange, Carnegie Mellon University. Cocoordinator of the project “What are the Differences between Learning Spanish at a U.S. University and at a Study Abroad Program in Spain?” (Fall 2001). 7. At the University of Colorado at Boulder: a. Assistant to the coordinator of Second Year Spanish, Intermediate Spanish (Fall 2001-Spring 2002). b. Assistant to the coordinator of Third Year Spanish (Fall 1998-Spring 2000). c. Office of International Education. Development of Spanish language curriculum courses involving Spanish for Faculty and Staff. The curriculum included an on-line evaluation to be used as placement test by the students (Spring 2000). d. Participant in the group of Spanish of the ATLAS (Alliance for the Technology Learning and Society) project. Design and development of Web pages for language and literature applied to the teaching of Spanish (September 1998-October 1999).

José Manuel Pereiro Otero (Reviewed September 28, 2015): 13 (of 13) 8. Editorial Compostela, Santiago de Compostela. Proof reader for the newspaper El Correo Gallego (Summer 1993). 9. Editorial Compostela, Santiago de Compostela. Collaboration in the Project “Who is Who in the Galicia of the 90s?” (September-November 1992). Languages 1. Spanish, Native Proficiency 2. Galician, Native Proficiency 3. English, Near Native Proficiency 4. Portuguese, Reading Proficiency 5. French, Reading Proficiency 6. Italian, Reading Proficiency 7. German, Reading Proficiency Memberships Fall 2008-present

American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies.

Fall 2008-present

Ibero-American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies.

Fall 2008-present

American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese.

Fall 2003-present

Modern Language Association.

Fall 2003-2010

Hispanic Faculty Association of the University of Texas.

Spring 2002

Sigma Delta Pi, Hispanic Nacional Society.

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