Newsletter 2021-22

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Story Transcript

The war is still on... Keep following COVID PROTOCOL And Stay Protected

From the Principal’s Desk “ Education is the passport to the future. Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” It is very pleasant to share that the students and teachers of Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 1 AFS Gurugram have exhibited their creative zeal that gets reflected in the Newsletter. Education is the basis of all progress. We believe in holistic education for child, encompassing-academics and co-curricular activities. In this challenging time, by using technology, allowing the students to express themselves through poems, stories, articles, memoirs and paintings is one of the best ways to allow the students to explore their creativity. I appreciate the endeavors of the primary staff who nurtured and motivated students.

From the Vice-Principal’s Desk It gives me an immense pleasure to bring out this newsletter that mirrors the primary students’ activities under CMP. In this pandemic, parents have even come inside the classrooms. They have been witnessing and observing how their children are learning. Our teachers embraced the hardships, befriended technology, curtailed their family time, so that learning of our children continues unhindered. This newsletter gives us glimpses of activities done by students .I would like to congratulate the parents, who have been a big support. I extend my heartfelt thanks to our worthy Principal for his enthusiastic support and inspiration .At the same time I must thank my team of dedicated teachers and the Headmistress ma’am for their sincere efforts and endeavor.

मुख्यध्यापिका की कलम से कें द्रीय पिद्यालय संगठन बच्चों के सिाांगीण पिकास के पलए पनरं तर अग्रसर रहता है। उसी कडी में प्राथपमक पिभाग की समाचार िपिका है। पिसमें नन्हे मुन्ने बच्चों की गपतपिपियों की झलक दिखाई िडती है।कोपिड-19 की महामारी के कारण िीिन की गपत कु छ रुक सी गई है। ऑनलाइन िठन- िाठन प्रदिया होने के बाििूि बच्चों के सिाांगीण पिकास के पलए पिद्यालय सिैि तत्िर रहता है। इस महामारी के िौर में भी कें द्रीय पिद्यालय िायु सेना थलथल िमांक 1 गुरुग्राम ((प्रथम िाली) के बच्चे उसी उमंग, उत्साह, िोश और िुनून के साथ अिने पिद्यालयी थलतर और संगठन थलतर िर गपतपिपियों में बढ़चढ़ कर भाग ले रहे हैं, पिसकी झलक इस समाचार िपिका के माध्यम से प्रथलतुत की िा रहे है। सम्मानीय प्राचायय महोिय एिं अपिकाररयों के मागय िशयन में हम ऑनलाइन गपतपिपियों को सुचारू रूि से चलाने और समािन करने में सफल हो रहे हैं। मैं सभी छाि-छािाओं अपभभािकों अध्यािक गण एिं संिािक मंडल को बिाई िेती हं पिसके सामूपहक प्रयास से ितयमान सि 2021-22 प्रथम िैमापसक समाचार िपिका का प्रकाशन संभि हो िाया है । कमला पिनोि सक्सेना मुख्याध्यापिका

14.4.21 Ambedkar Jayanti

Vidyalaya paid tribute to Baba Sahib by celebrating Ambedkar Jayanti on 14th April 2021

22.4.21 - Earth Day

There is no Other Planet to live on…

Children gave this message to all by Earth Day on 21.5.21 Pledge celebrating by students 22nd April 2021

Students taking Pledge on 21 May 2021.

5.6.21 World Environment Day

Taking utmost care of our Environment is the Need of the Hour and this message was given by kids on 5th June 2021 i.e. World Environment day by making beautiful posters with the messages.

19.6 .21 - Reading Day

“Today a Reader, tomorrow a Leader.”

21.6.21 - International Yoga Day

‘Add years to your life and life to your years just by embracing yoga in your life.’

Celebrating Reading Day on

Celebrating International Yoga Day on 23.6.21 - Thumb Painting / Poster Making

19th June 2021

21st June 2021

Painting or Poster Making Activity allows creativity to bloom and gives the shape to imagination. Children participated enthusiastically in Thumb Activity and Poster Making Activity on 23rd June 2021

25.6.21 Birth Anniversary of Guru Tegh Bahadur

30.6.21 - English Calligraphy

English Calligraphy Activity was conducted on 30th June 2021.

Birth Anniversary of Guru Tegh Bahadur was celebrated on 25th June 2021.

7.7.21 - Best Out of Waste

‘Waste isn’t Waste until we waste it.’ Children turned the waste products into beautiful and useful items by participating in the – Collage Making Best Out of28.7.21 Waste Activity organized on 7thActivity July 2021.

On the great canvas of time. We all create our own masterpiece. Children participated in the Collage Making Activity held on 28th July 2021

04.08.21 Plantation Drive

18.08.21 Rakhi Making Competition

Celebrating brothers and sisters bonding by organizing Rakhi Making Competition on 18 August 2021.

21.08.21 Essay Writing Competition


30.08.21 Janmashtami Celeberations

01.09.21-15.09.21 Swachchhta Pakhwada

01.09.21- 14.09.21 Hindi Pakhwada


04.09.2021- Hindi Slogan Writing

Various activities were conducted under Swachhata Pakhwara and Hindi Pakhwara in the month of September

08.09.2021- Hindi Picture Story Writing

10.09.2021- Ganesh Chaturthi 01.09.2021- 30.09.2021 Nutrition Month

02.10.2021- Gandhi Jayanti The month of September was observed as Nutrition Month and various activities were conducted under this theme

( Plog Run)

06.10.2021- Story Telling by grandparents (related to

07.10.2021- Virtual Morning Assembly

freedom struggle events)

21.10.2021- Dress up like a freedom fighter

25.10.2021-Veer Gatha Project(Gallantry Award Winners)

26.10.2021- Jan Utsav

01.11.2021- Ganga Utsav


28.10.2021- Rangoli Competition and Diya Decoration

28.10.2021- Colour the Picture

29.10.2021- Vigilance Awareness Week

14.11.2021- Children’s Day 11.11.2021- National Education Day


An awareness programme on Specific Learning Disabilities was organized in three phases viz. Teachers Workshop, Parents Teachers Meeting and A talk with students

1. Phonics Workshop – Regional Level Workshop on Phonics was attended by Mrs. K. V. Saxena (HM), Mrs. Sunita Vinay, Mrs. Saraswati, Mrs. Taarika and Mrs. Renu Baloda (01.03.2021 to 03.03.2021) 2. Foundational Numeracy – Regional Level Workshop on Foundational Numeracy was attended by Mrs. K. V. Saxena (HM), Mrs. Saraswati and Mrs. Taarika (19.07.21 to 24.07.21) 3. One day workshop about registration of units at BS&G portal,03 Days Cub/bulbul Chaturth charan camp,04 days Cub/bulbul golden arrow award form sending camp was attended by Mr. Mahender and Mrs. Pankaj Arya (April 2021, 28-30 July 2021, 16-19 August 2021) 4. Regional Level Workshop on Foundational Literacy was attended by Mrs. Asha Baldia as Master Trainer and Mrs. Anju as participant. 5. Two days workshop on Sensitization on FLN was attended by Mrs. Arun Bhandari and Mrs. Anshu 6. One day CBL Module Preparation Workshop at Cluster Level was attended by Mrs. Sarita and Mrs. Anju on 03/01/2022 7. Mrs. Taarika, PRT conducted 12 Days and 10 Days Online In-Service Course for PRTs as a Resource Person held from 26th July to 5th August 2021 and from 22nd December to 31st Decmber 2021 respectively at KV Karnal. 8. Mrs. Archana Yadav and Mrs. Asha Baldia attended 12 Days and 10 Days Online In-Service Course for PRTs as participants held from 26th July to 5th August 2021 and from 22nd December to 31st Decmber 2021 respectively at KV Karnal. 9. Mrs. Taarika got Appreciation Certificate in ‘Rajbhasha Hindi Prashnottari organized at Vidyalaya Level during Hindi Pakhwara Celebrations.

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