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Asclepio. Revista de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia 67 (2), julio-diciembre 2015, p118 ISSN-L:0210-4466 RES

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About the Book This is the 1st ever Edition of a Book related to Kitchen Gardening. This book is about practical knowledge explaining how to grow vegetables at home. This Book encompasses all the necessary information about seeds, production technology of vegetables, soil preparation, diseases and pest control, fertilization, hoeing, irrigation and harvesting.

About the Authors Dr. Ali Aslam is PhD in Vegetable Science from Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China, He is currently serving as Head of Department of Agriculture, Superior University, Lahore. Dr. Adeel Ahmad is PhD in Agricultural Extension from USA and Pakistan jointly. He is currently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Agriculture, Superior University, Lahore.

Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, Superior University, Lahore Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, Superior University, Lahore is newly established department for the first time in the private sector currently offering two programs BS Agriculture and BS Poultry Science.

Chairman Superior Group Message PROF. DR. CHAUDHRY ABDUL REHMAN Superior University has bagged a rank among the world’s best 301 to 400 universities and the number one position in Pakistan’s private sector universities by Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Ranking 2022. I feel proud of this elated performance and the accomplishment of Superior University’s goal to be globally recognized, which was drafted in the year 017. The visionary leadership of the Rector Superior University, Dr. Sumaira Rehman, has earned this immense pride with a phenomenal to-do approach and a competent team that makes miracles happen. Now, Superior University aims to become a leading research university by 2025, and I am pretty sure of its potential to achieve this status also. I hope and pray for the entire higher education sector to flourish, improve the literacy rate, and contribute to extending educational opportunities to facilitate each and every student for a better future of Pakistan

PROF. DR. CH. ABDUL REHMAN Chairman | The Superior Group Chairman | APSUP (Association of Private Sector Universities Pakistan) President | PAMI (Pakistan Association of Medical and Dental Institutions) Director | PBA (Pakistan Broadcast Association)

Rector - The Superior University PROF. DR. SUMAIRA REHMAN I am deeply grateful to Almighty Allah for Superior University’s phenomenal ranking among the world’s top 301 to 400 universities, among the league of top ten in the region, and the No.1 position among private sector universities of Pakistan, declared by the most prestigious global ranking ‘Times Higher Education Impact Ranking 2022’. Indeed ‘Man gets whatever he strives for’. Ever since my joining as the Rector of Superior University, I have been keenly focused on student success by developing an entrepreneurial mindset through our creative and innovative ecosystem, Entrepreneurial Teaching & Training Program (ETTP), Social Entrepreneurship Program (SEP), and the most distinctive 3U1M Program (3 years in university and 1 year in market) that ensures employability of our graduates. Over the last five years, we have been particularly focused on UN Sustainable Development Goals including No Poverty (SDG1), Good Health and Wellbeing (SDG 3), Quality Education (SDG4), Gender Equality (SDG5), and Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17). Recognized for our dedicated initiatives to meet these SDGs, we have stood 49th in the world in No Poverty goal and secured a position among top 200 universities of the world in Quality of Education as well as Gender Equality goals. We believe that superiority lies in consistent growth and quest for excellence, hence our goal for 2025 is to become an acclaimed leading research university to create a greater educational and socio-economic impact. I am confident that my team at Superior has immense power and capabilities to achieve this status which is already being pursued through the ‘Eyes High Research Strategy’. May Almighty Allah help us in achieving our next goal and contributing to economically Superior Pakistan.

Prof. Dr. Sumaira Rehman Rector – Superior University, Lahore Member – Accreditation Committee Government of Punjab Member PHEC – (Punjab Higher Education Commission) Vice President PDTRC – (Pakistan Drugs Testing and Research Center) Member Board of Directors – PIEDMC (Pakistan Industrial Estates Development and Management Company – A Company of Government of Punjab) Director CMACED – (Chaudhry Muhammad Akram Center for Entrepreneurship Development)

Cultivation of Vegetables at Home Importance of vegetables: Vegetables are called protective food due to their nutritional and medical importance. They contain all the necessary ingredients for maintaining health and optimal development of the body, such as starch, minerals, proteins, vitamins, etc. in abundance. Medically, the usefulness of vegetables is unquestionable. Vegetables not only help in the excretion of dirty substances from the body, but it is also useful for the cleaning of cholesterol layers and the growth of the brain. Balanced consumption of vegetables creates immunity against various diseases in the body. According to an estimate by food experts, for the development and growth of the human body, the consumption of vegetables in the diet should be 300-350 grams per person per day, while in Pakistan daily consumption is less than 100 grams. One of the reasons for the low consumption of vegetables is the low production and high cost of vegetables. There is a need to use all our resources to increase the production of vegetables as much as possible so that wealth in the dear country cannot be wasted. The growing vegetable is a very effective effort in this regard. A little effort in the home garden can not only produce fresh and pesticide-free vegetables, but this hobby can also be a great way to cut costs.

Categorization of Vegetables Categorization according to Season Summer Vegetables Among the summer vegetables, tomato, chili, capsicum, eggplant, cucumber, kali tori, ghia tori, bitter gourd, arvi, watermelon, melon, pumpkin, turmeric and ginger, which are usually cultivated in February and March and their endurance continues until September and October Details are given in the Table appended at the last of this document. Winter Vegetables These vegetables are cultivated in September-October and harvested in February-March. Winter vegetables include cauliflower, cabbage, potatoes, peas, carrots, spinach, fenugreek, coriander, garlic, and sugarbeet. Details are given in the Table appended at the last of this document.

Categorization According to Sowing Method There are three categories of vegetables in terms of the sowing method. Vegetables Grown by Direct Seed In winter radish, turnip, carrot, spinach, fenugreek, and peas, while in summer, gourd, bitter gourd, cucumber, watermelon, melon, etc. are cultivated directly in the ground. Vegetables Grown Through Saplings Tomatoes, peppers, capsicums, and eggplants in summer, while cauliflowers, cabbages, broccolis, and salads are cultivated in winter through plantations. According to National

Agriculture Research Center, Pakistan, NARC) summer vegetables i.e. pumpkin and cucumber plantations can be grown in polythene bags by which production can be enhanced by double. Vegetables Grown through Vegetative Parts Various vegetables i.e. arvi, potatoes, garlic, turmeric, ginger, and mint are cultivated from their vegetative parts.

Planning of Home Garden •

For winter vegetables, choose a place for vegetables where the plants can benefit from 6 hours of sunlight a day. If you have any place in your garden where there is the shade most of the time in the day, grow coriander, spinach, mint, and salad vegetables there.

Measure the area selected for cultivation so that you can estimate how much fertilizer and seed will be required for the area. One marla of land is equal to 272 square feet. After measuring the land, allocate an area for different vegetables, keeping in mind your likes, needs, and the season. Some of the vegetables like coriander and mint can meet the needs of the house by growing in less area, while other vegetables need to be grown in higher areas. Before planting, make a diagram on paper and write the selected vegetable, the number of rows, plant-to-plant distance, and fertilizer needed so that there is no problem during the preparation of the land. Arrange a protective fence around the cultivated area to protect the vegetables from pets like chickens, rabbits, etc. To protect the peas and other vegetables from birds, lightning strips are used around the cultivated area. Don’t cultivate the same family crops continuously in the same area so that attack of pests and diseases can be controlled. Consider the following point before starting kitchen gardening.

Practical Cultivation The following instruments are needed to perform cultivation. a) b) c) d) e) f)

Dranti: To cut the grass Khurpa: To soften the soil and hoeing (godi) Rack: To collect cut grass and balance the soil Kassi: To dig and make rows and beds Kudaal: Digging of hard soil Sprinkler for irrigation

Land Preparation and Use of Fertilizers Land Preparation:

The upper portion (9-12 inches) of soil is very important for vegetable cultivation because plants take their food and water from this portion. That’s why its preparation and fertilization are very necessary. Soft soil is considered favorable for vegetable cultivation. Animal dung is used as organic manure to enhance the fertility of the soil. The land with sandy soil can be made arable by mixing normal soil and dung manure in abundant quantities. It is necessary to make the soil soft and smooth during preparation by breaking the loose soil so that the roots can spread well and can get enough food and water. Beds Preparation All vine vegetables i.e. pumpkin, melon, watermelon, cucumber, and peas should be cultivated on beds. If these vegetables are grown near the fence, that fence can be used to support the plantations and no bed preparation is needed. To make beds, mark the places first so that straight beds can be prepared. Beds are wider than ridges. Ridges Preparation Okra, green chilies, capsicum, tomato, eggplant, broccoli, carrot, radish, turnip, and salad give better production on ridges. Make a line on the smooth and soft soil through a rope/strip to make ridges straight. Now dig around the line and put that soil on the line. By this, there will be a soil ridge termed as “wat” at the local level. There will be a channel between ridges which will be used for irrigation. Cultivation on Flat Ground Spinach, fenugreek, coriander, garlic, onion, and mint should be cultivated in rows on flat ground. Cultivation in rows, apart from ease of weed management and watering and irrigation, plants also receive equal amounts of sun, food, and water.

Raised Bed


Flat Ground

Use of Fertilizers Nitrogen is an essential element for the growth and development of leaves and plants. Phosphorus is essential for the growth and development of plant roots. Phosphorus also creates immunity against various diseases in plants. Likewise, with the presence

of potassium, plants can take proper advantage of nitrogen and phosphorus. Apart from this, potassium is very important for the healthy growth and quality of fruits and seeds. Apart from these three elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), some other elements such as calcium, iron, boron, etc. are also required in very small quantities. Although all these elements are available in the market in the form of various chemical fertilizers, it is difficult for a home gardener to collect enough fertilizers when nature has integrated them into dung manure. Natural fertilizers and leaf manure, not only provide essential nutrients to plants but also improve soil structure. Dung Manure It includes the waste of animals and chickens. Add dung manure at the time of land preparation. Remember to use well-rotted/fermented dung and old manure. There is a fear of getting termites by adding fresh dung manure to the ground and plants don’t use fresh dung as well. Keep the dung in covered pits for 2-3 months to get the fermented manure. Leaves Manure Dig a 3-4 feet deep pit in the ground and make a layer of peels of various vegetables, fruits and eggs, and other rotten things. Put a layer of dung manure on the earlier layer. In the same way, keep making both layers, one after one, and fill the whole pit. In the end, put a thick layer of soil on it and the leaf fertilizer will be prepared in 2-3 months. Use 200-250 kg of dung & leaves manure for one marla. Chemical Fertilizers Chemical fertilizers are available in the market but dung & leaves manure should be used as a priority base for kitchen gardening. The use of chemical fertilizers should be avoided. Even if your garden is less fertile, fertility can be enhanced by using organic fertilizers. Add manure to the soil and mix it well by turning it up and down. Now make the ground smooth to cultivate vegetables according to the required land preparation and sowing method. Cultivation Method Vegetables are grown by three methods usually which are as: a) Through seeds b) Through vegetative parts c) Through nursery a) Through seeds After land preparation, make points of lines for ridges, beds, and flat ground sowing. According to the distance explained in the plan, grow the summer vegetables with seeds like okra, bitter gourd, cucumber, pumpkin, watermelon, and melon, while radish, turnip, carrot, fenugreek, spinach, etc. in winter. Cultivate one seed of good growth in one place and two seeds of low growth. Plant the seeds at a depth three times their size and irrigate. After some days of

seed germination, keep one plant and one place and remove the others so that plant can get proper food and grow well. b) Cultivation through Plant Vegetative Parts: A few vegetables are cultivated from the roots or parts of the roots. These vegetables include potatoes, arvi, garlic, and sugarcane. Potatoes: Cut the potatoes for the fall crop in such a way that there are two or three eyes on each piece. Cultivate those pieces on the ridges in February. Keep 2.5 feet row-torow distance and maintain 0.5 feet plant-to-plant distance. For central Punjab, sow whole potatoes of medium size on ridges in autumn cultivation. The autumn crop will be cultivated in September. In mountainous areas, such as Murree, Kotli Satyan, the fall of the crop is from April to June. Which will be tolerated in September and October. Arvi: Use Arvi's middle-sized buds as seeds. Row-to-row distance should be maintained at 2 feet while the plant-to-plant distance is 8 inches. Sowing is done in February and March. Sweet Potato: Sow the vegetative part of the crop in the sand. Keep giving the water to the sand in a state of dampness. The vines will start to get out of a sweet potato. In March, cut these veins and prepare 4 to 6-inch cuttings. Cultivate these cuttings on the ridges and apply water. In the beginning, since they will not be rooted, they will be seen dead, but in a few days, the plants will make roots. Do not use dung fertilizer in the field of sweet potato. Garlic: Garlic buds will be used as seeds. Separate the daughters. Sow on the flat ground. The distance between rows is 8 inches, while the distance between plants is 2 to 4 inches. Plant garlic in October. Mint: Cultivate the mint root in rows on a smooth surface. For good propagation of mint, it is necessary to have soft soil and a good quantity of manure. Any time of year is good for growing mint from cuttings. c) Cultivation of Vegetables Nursery (a) Prepare a mixture by mixing rotted dung manure and compost (leaf manure) in equal quantities. Fill this mixture in pots, crates, or plastic trays. Plant seeds of chili and capsicum, tomato, eggplant salad, onion, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, etc. inside it and water it with a fountain. Plants will emerge in a few weeks. Plants of appropriate size should be transferred to the garden in the morning or evening.

(b) To prepare an early nursery of chili, tomato, capsicum, and brinjal, sow seeds in pots or multi-pot trays in November. Make tunnels with Sheesham or other tree branches above these pots. Cover the cuttings with clear plastic to allow light to reach the plants. Remove plastic during noon and give water, do weeding and allow the tray to air while cleaning the herbs. (c) Grow the nursery of vining vegetables in the areas where winter lasts for a long period. There is a lot of delay in the cultivation of summer vegetables like cucumber, pumpkin, etc. To remedy this, small plastic bags (4x6 cm) inside the tunnel are suitable for the preparation of the nursery. Make small holes in the bottom of the bags to drain excess water. Now we use compost and well-prepared dung manure to cultivate one seed in each plastic bag and put these inside the tunnel and irrigate them. According to this method, the bitter gourd is cultivated in December while cucumber, pumpkin, and watermelon are cultivated in January. In March, when the dew decreases and the severe cold is over, transfer the nursery to the garden and irrigate it. At the time of transfer to the nursery, the plants can be transferred along with the soil by adding water to it. By this method, there is no risk of death of the plants. By keeping the bags handy, they can be used again and again and this will result in increased production. Furthermore, by using this method, it is possible to increase the production by two times compared to the normal crop.

Old way of lifting the pry Side effects • • •

Less plants Rootless without soil transplant low yield Difficult to fulfill

Benefits •

Good Production

Getting the whole plant

Transformation of proper soil

Vegetable Cultivation Practices in Orchard Irrigation: Irrigation water is of fundamental importance to plants from seed germination to the vegetable bearing. The soil must be irrigated for the growth of the seeds. Thus, when the nursery is transplanted, the soil must be irrigated as well. After transplantation, it is important to irrigate. The area should be smooth so that all the plants can get water in equal quantities. Be sure to make provision for drainage so that the rainwater doesn’t stand in the garden and spoil plants or seeds. Vegetables need water quickly in summer. Plants release water quickly to avoid heat stress in summer, so water at intervals of 4 to 6 days, while in winter keep the interval length 8 to 10 days for young plants. Irrigation through sprinklers should be given in water-scarce areas. Furthermore, excess water wastage can be reduced through mulching.

Weeding and Hoeing Weeds growing with plants not only consume the food and water of the plant part but also cause the spread of pests and diseases, so from the beginning effective weed control is a must. As soon as the weeds come out, keep removing them from the root with the help of the hoe (khurpa) etc. Harvesting weeds does not yield substantial benefits unless they are uprooted. Frequent tilling not only destroys the weeds but also softens the ground and gives the plants plenty of air. Irrigate two or three days after weeding so that the damaged weeds are completely dead. Prevention of Harmful Insects and Diseases Vegetables are generally attacked by pests and diseases in winter and especially in summer. If the termites are not properly dealt with in time, the entire garden can be ruined. Control of Harmful Insects and Diseases Although chemical control (agrochemical sprays) is the most effective and rapid control, chemical control should be used only when another method is not effective. Important methods are being described. Various Methods It is a well-known saying that prevention is better than cure. Consider the following pest and disease control measures to keep your garden safe from pest and disease attacks.

Keep the orchard clean. Destroy the excess grass and weeds in and around the orchard. • At the time of land preparation, do hoeing and let the land get good sunlight so that the intensity of the light can kill the effects of pests and their eggs. • Plants should be spaced as per the calendar so that the pests cannot get a chance to habituate after the plants have spread. Aeration and sunlight in the garden reduce the number of pests. • Dung manure should be thoroughly fermented. In raw manure, termites and eggs of other insects are found. • Do not cultivate vegetables of the same family one after the other in one field. Use of stove ash Ashes of wood, opals, etc. burnt in the stove is a very safe method of pest control. By sprinkling the ash from the stove on the plants, the insects are removed from the plants. This method is especially well-tested for red foxes. The effect of ash is delayed due to the presence of plant moisture, so it is better to spray when the plants are wet due to dew. Bugs and potatoes Thieve insect is a very harmful pest of tomato, chili, and capsicum nursery plantations. The pest comes out of the ground at night and cuts the branches from the stem. Place small pieces of potato in the field. The next morning, you will see many bugs gathered around the potato pieces, and destroy them. Chemical method of prevention When the attack of pests and diseases becomes very severe and is not being controlled in any case, spray chemical drugs. However, with the advice of experts, use medicines that are not harmful to human health. Harvest the mature vegetable before spraying. After spraying, don’t use it for 8-10 days. When spraying poisons, all parts of your body should be completely covered, and do not spray against the wind. Keep all pesticides in a safe place out of the reach of children. In case of an attack of insects and diseases, consult the agricultural experts of the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, Superior University, Lahore and spray the pesticide and always store it in a safe place where there are no food items. As these drugs are also harmful to human health, after spraying, pluck the fruit after the recommended days. Important points: Always use dung compost for the garden. • Avoid fresh and composted manure.

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

The soil should be well-filled and smoothed. Always grow vegetables in rows (according to recommended row and plant spacing). Support vining vegetables by planting them close to the fence to make better use of less space. Carrots require relatively soft and sandy soil for their root size to grow. Before planting, water the soil and allow the sun and air. After two days, make it sweet and smooth. Pay special attention to the variety selection for onions and cauliflower. Phulkara variety of onions can be cultivated in almost any season. Do not use more than the recommended amount of fertilizer. Always plant chilies on vines to reduce the risk of pests. Manure use of cow dung for sweet potato is mentioned below. Irrigate at appropriate intervals. Keep the garden and surrounding area free from weeds. Consult photo doctors before spraying for pests.

Non-availability of space for household-scale vegetable cultivation is a major problem in big cities. So, pots, sacks, empty canisters, etc. can be used for cultivation. The size of the pots etc. is determined by the farmer. For example, a large pot will be used for pumpkins, etc. Similarly, the height of the pot for the cultivation of spinach and coriander, even if the height of the pot is small, the area of cultivation is more. Make an effective arrangement of water drainage under the pots, etc. for growing vegetables. Also, fill the pots with an equal-weight mixture of compost and dung. Water at regular intervals. The pots can be placed on windowsills, on the lawn, or on the roof where the plants receive at least six hours of sunlight a day. Use the vegetable potting calendar for growing in pots.

Production Technology of Summer Vegetables Vegetable Name

Watermelon Feb-march June-July Melon Feb-march June-July Bitter Gourd Feb-march June-July Luffa Gourd Feb-march July Squash Feb-OctNov


Row to Row Distance (cm) 14 x 300


45x 250



45 x250





40 x 250 50x400 45x125

Ridge Gourd

Feb-Mar June-july Feb Feb-Mar July-Aug




1.0 1.0

30x250 30x250

10-15 10-1510-15

Mar-Apr Jun-Jul Feb-Mar Jun-Jul Oct-Nov May-Jun




10.0 8.0 0.5








Tur Cucumber

Tinda Okra Chillies

Cultivation Shifting Time time

Feb-Mar Jun-Jul


Seed Rate Kg/Acre

Organic Harvesting Variety Fertilizer Time Trolley/Acre 10-15









Arvi Sweet Potato

Mar Nov-Mar

800-900 14000 Cuttings

20x75 30x100

20-25 20-25

Tomato (Tunnel)

Feb-Mar Oct-Nov




Feb-Mar Jun-July Feb-Mar Jun-Jul

May-June Sept-Oct May-June Sept-Oct May-June Aug-Oct April-June Aug-Oct April-May MarchApril April-May Oct-Nov April-May April_May Sept-oct

aPRIL-June aug-oct April-Sep Sept-NOv May-July Sep-Nov

April-June June-sep Sep-dec DecMarch Aug-Sep July-Aug

April_May Sept-oct

Sugar Baby T-96, Ravi, Faisalabad long Faislabad Gol Local No 1

Desi Local, , Local Sialkot, Beat Alpha, Market More Dilpasand Sabzpari, Tatta Puri, Gola Peshawari, Sanam, Skyline, other Hybrids Nirala, Bemisaal, Dilnashee Local Local White star, SA dandy Money Maker

Production Technology of Winter Vegetables Vegetable Name

Cultivatio n Time


Sept-Oct Mountain Apr-May


Early: Oct Mid: 15 Oct-10 Nov Late: 10 Nov- 30 Oct-Nov


Shiftin g time

Nov, Dec, Feb SepeDecJan

Seed Rate Kg/Acre r Punjab: 1400 Moutain : 550650

Row to Row Distanc e (cm) 20X75

Organic Fertilizer Trolley/Acr e 8-10 8-10 8-10

Harvestin g Time


NoveFeb\ Aug-Sep

Early: 35-40 Mid: 2530 Late: 20-25 0.1-0.5

5X75 8X100 8x125

10-15 10-15

Nov-Dec Jan-Feb Feb-Mar

50x150 50x125

10-15 10-15

Apr-Jun May-Jun

5 3

10x70 10x70

10-15 10-15


SH-5, Dasaree, Cardinal, Dimond, Faisalabad Red, Faislabad, White Samreena zard, Matior, Climax Amperwood , TF400 Roma, Nagina, Moneymak er Phulkara Punjab


Jul-Aug Oct-NOv

Raddish Carrot

Jul-Aug Sep-Nov Sep-Aug

5kg 3kg 8kg

5x75 5x75 5x75

10-12 10-12 10-15






Aug-Oct Oct-Mar DecMarch Oct-Mar

Cauliflower/Brocc oli

Early: May-Jun Mid: Aug Late: SepOct

1st: 1 2nd: 0.5 3rd: 0.5 4th: 0.5

30x75 45x75 45x75 30x75

15-20 15-20 15-20 15-20

Oct-Nov Nov-Dec Dec-Jan Feb-Mar













Early: Jul Mid: Aug Late: Sep, Nov

Mannu, Lal Parri T29, Desi Surkh, Pupele Top, Golden Fsd-1, Fsd2, Champa, Chenolate, Snow Drift, Snow Ball

Drum Head, golden acre Lehsen Gulabi, GS-




Corriander Fenugreek











Sep-Oct Sep-Oct

8 3-4

3x75 3x75

10-15 10-15

Nov-Mar Nov-Feb

1, NARC G1 Prize Head, 6402 Desi Palak, Kandiari Palak Dilpazeer Kasoori

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