Lima Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru (PUCP) Select courses as follows (12 to 14 credits in total): • • •
3-4 courses per term depending on credit hour designation Course are typically 3-4 credits each IU students are not permitted to enroll in 2 credit elective classes without Overseas Study permission and enrollment in a minimum of 12 credits of degree-relevant classes
Important Notes: •
All courses on this program are taught in Spanish with Peruvian students; participants must be independent and have a strong command of the language to be successful. The educational system, style of instruction, and expectations may vary substantially from that of the US.
Limited course information can be found on the PUCP website (PUCP does not list IU equivalencies). You can also search for classes by department code or number using the search tool. Registration for classes takes place onsite in Peru.
Students are able to take courses across most university disciplines. The courses listed are those that IU students have taken in the past. They do not represent ALL courses available as part of the program and not all of these courses will be offered each term.
If a student wishes to select more than 14 credits, special arrangements can be made with the PUCP; however, students will be required to pay any fees incurred by over-enrolling
Undistributed 100-level (-OS 100) courses have not yet been evaluated by an IUB department. Courses with a DEPT–OS 100 equivalent will be applied towards overall credits to graduate. However, students may submit the course materials to that department to be evaluated for specific credit either before or after studying abroad. If a course is listed as OS200/300/400, the course has been evaluated by the academic department.
Symbol Key: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
#GEN ED: This course will carry breadth of inquiry A&H credit %GEN ED: This course will carry breadth of inquiry S&H credit. ++ Common Ground AH/SH credit awarded to students on a case-by-case basis + IU Title: Special Topics in Foreign Study (elective credit in COLL) ^ SPEA Topics courses; must obtain advisor approval whether course will apply to specific SPEA major. Students can earn up to two SPEA courses on an OVST study abroad program.
Updated 5/2016
PUCP Course Title •
• •
Anthropology ANT-328 Actividad de Antropologia ANT-329 Actividad de Antropologia 2 ANT-310 Antroplogia Politica I ANT-315 Antropología del Desarrollo ANT-275 Antropologia del Turismo ANT-243 Antropologia Urbana ANT-236 Campesinado ANT-278 Temas de Antropologia Urbana ANT-337 Curso Practico de Etnografia Peruana ANT-346 Cultura Popular Urbana ARQ-329 Arquelogia Andina 3 ARQ-289 Arquelogia Andina 4 HIS-109 El Peru en los Tiempos Modernos ANT-324 Temas en Antropologia 4 (Ant. Médica y Salud de Pueblos…) ANT-325 Temas en Antropologia 5 ANT326 Temas en Antropologia 6 ANT-102 Antropologia ANT-207 Antropologia de la Salud ARQ-250 Osteologia Humana ANT-296 Etnografia Amazonica ANT-241 Etnografia Andina ARQ-112 Arqueologia Andina ARQ270 Arqueologia Peruana ANT-229 Etnicidad y Minorias Etnicas ANT-244 Relaciones de Genero CIS-205 Lengua y Cultura Quechua 1
Art & Design (*Permission from Overseas Study required) CCE-201 Fotografia* ART-386 Ceramica I* ART-106 Taller de Artes Plasticas* ART-196 Introduccion a la Escultura*
Classical Studies FIL-127 Cultura y Lengua Griega HUM-129 Cultura y Lengua Latina LIN-134 Latin LIT-200 Teoria Literaria Clasica
3 4 4 4
CLAS-OS 100 CLAS-OS 100 CLAS-OS 100 COLL-OS 103#
Geography GEO-229 GEO-302 GEO-238 GEO-237
3 3 3 3
Gender Studies ANT-244 Relaciones de Genero
Public Health (*Permission from Overseas Study required) CCO-102 Danza Moderna* ACT-149 Deportes Damas* ACT-153 Deportes Varones* GEO-112 Ecoturismo*
3 2 2 2
SPH-OS 100 SPH-OS 100 SPH-OS 100 SPH-OS 100
Updated 5/2016
Fundamentos Geograficos del Medio Ambiente Geografia Andina y Amazonica Geografia Economica Geografia de la Poblacion
ANT-335 Practica de Campo I* •
History HIS-109 Historia del Peru: Formacion hasta Siglo XVIII HIS-112 El Peru en la Historia de America HIS-291 Fuentes Históricas Peruanas 1: Periodos Prehispánico y Colon. HIS-294 Historia de Espana Medieval y Moderna HIS-223 Historia del Peru 1: Periodo Prehispanico HIS-312 Historia del Peru 3: Siglo XVIII HIS-230 Historia del Peru 4: Siglo XIX HIS-328 Temas de Historia de America Andina HIS-374 Historia de America Antigua y Colonial HIS-389 Historia del Peru 5: 1930 hasta la Actualidad HIS-127 Historia Contemporanea de America Latina HIS-242 Historia del Peru 2: Siglo XVI y XVII HIS-381 Historia del Mundo Moderno
Political Science POL-223 Deontologia: Etica y Politica POL-308 Estado y Politica en America Latina POL-248 Temas en Relaciones Internacionales 2 POL-228 Estado y Politica en el Peru DEE-330 Derechos Humanos POL-259 Estudios Regionales 2 POL-230 Ideologias Politicas Integracion Social Andina: Retos para la Inclusion y la Equidad HUM-146 Cultura de Paz POL-202 Teoria Politica Moderna SOC-341 Accion Colectiva y Movimientos Sociales Psychology PSI-112 Psicologia PSC-304 Psicologia de la Salud PSI-107 Psicologia
Updated 5/2016
3 3 4
(Gen Ed N&M)
PSI-117 Desarrollo Humano PSB-358 Psicologia Transcultural •
Religious Studies TEO-104 Fe y Cultura Actual TEO-107 Fe Cristiana y Dignidad Humana HIS-317 Historia de la Iglesia en el Peru y en Am. Latina Sociology CIS-206 Analisis de Procesos y Pensamientos Sociales Peruanos LIN-133 Lenguaje y Sociedad ANT-158 Etnicidad Identidad y Nacion CIS-111 Realidad Social Peruana ECO-388 Pobreza y Politicas Sociales CIS-268 Procesos Sociales y Politicos de America Latina SOC-103 Sociologia SOC-332 Salud y Sexualidad PSB-228 Sexualidad Humana SOC-381 Sociedad y Economia en el Peru ANT-231 Parentesco y Organizacion Social SOC-126 Analisis Social de Procesos Actuales SOC-345 Etnicidad y Mestizaje en el Peru SOC-365 Violencia, Derechos y Ciudadania en el Peru Spanish ACT-315 Taller de Creacion Literaria: Poesia CCO-103 Taller de Teatro HIS-123 Temas de Historia de America LIT-234 Lirica Espanola de la Edad de Oro LIT-313 Narrativa española de la Edad de Oro LIT-107 Teatro LIT-249 Seminario de Literatura Peruana Contemp. ANT-243 Antropologia Urbana LIN-127 Quechua CIS-205 Lengua y Cultura Quechua 1 HIS-112 El Peru en la Historia de America LIN-335 Seminario de Lingüística LIN-249 Temas de Linguistica Contemporanea ANT-229 Etnicidad y Minorias Etnicas LIN-256 Historia del Español I LIN-126 Taller de Escritura e Interpretacion de Textos CCO-131 Comunicacion Social LIN-229 Linguistica General LIN-117 Teoria General de Lenguaje LIN-235 Analisis Linguistico LIT-108 Literatura Actual LIT-106 Poesia
HIS-109 El Peru en los Tiempos Modernos CIS-111 Realidad Social Peruana LIT-209 Lirica Peruana Contemporanea LIT-204 Literatura Contemporanea Espanola LIT-268 Teatro Hispanoamericano Contemp. LIT-244 Literatura Peruana del Siglo XIX INT-110 Cine CCC-331 Cine Latinoamericano LIN-250 Fonologia LIN-247 Fonetica LIN-220 Morfologia LIN-248 Sintaxis LIN-239 Pragmatica LIN-225 Semantica LIN-305 Sociolinguistica LIT-240 Narrativa Hispanoamericana Contemporanea LIT-175 Arte y Literatura
4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3
*Approved at this level by the Department of Spanish & Portuguese