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English literature
Literatura universal del siglo XX # Novelists, poets of 20th Century. Thomas Hardy. Henry James. Joseph Conrad. Wells. Sasoon. Brooke

English literature
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English literature
Augustan to Gothic. Novel after 1750. Journalism and criticism

Story Transcript

Page 1 of 4 HANANG DISTRICT COUNCIL ANNUAL DISTRICT EXAMINATIONS, NOVEMBER 2022 FORM THREE LITERATURE IN ENGLISH Time: 3.00 hrs Year: 2022 Instructions 1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with total of ten (10) questions 2. Answer all questions in section A and B and three (3) questions from section C of which question eight (8) is compulsory. 3. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room. SECTION: A (15 Marks) Answer all questions in this section 1. Choose the most correct answer among the following alternatives and write its letter in the answer sheet. i) Sense of hearing in literature can be evoked through a) Sour and clanking b) Smooth and surgery c) Jingling and creaking d) Rough and smooth. ii) The poetic term which deals with stressed and unstressed syllable in a poem is called a) Meter b) Foot c) Alliteration d) Consonance iii) The attitude of the persona towards the subject matters is best known as a) Tone b) Tonal variation c) Feelings d) Meter iv) The literary term that stands for the representation of an object is a) Image b) Symbol

Page 2 of 4 c) Imagery d) Symbolism v) Figures of speech which reveals tenor and vehicles of their parts a) Personification and simile b) Allegory and Imagery c) Symbolism and Metaphor d) Simile and Metaphor vi) Literature is made up of two elements which are; a) Figures of speech and figurative language b) Symbolism and imagery c) Form and content d) Written literature and Oral literature. vii)" I have no legs; I will never walk but always run "This riddles means; a) A snake b) A river c) Smoke d) Snail viii) Short stories often not based on facts and usually uses animals are characters are known as; a) Myths b) Legends c) Epic d) Fable ix) The creation of imagery persons in literature is called a) Character b) Characterization c) Character trats d) Characterize

Page 3 of 4 x) Characterization is categorized into two main categories which are; a) Active and Passive characterization b) Dynamic and static characterization c) Minor and major characterization d) Direct and indirect characterization. 2. Match the items in Column A with those in Column B to make the meaningful sentences by writing the letter of the correct response below the corresponding item in the table provided COLUMN A COLUMN B i) Expository character ii) Developing character iii) Flat character iv) Round character v) Dramatic character A. Characters who do not grow or change their personality B. Those who changes in personality or grow to a new awareness C. Character described or discussed by author or another character D. Remained essentially unchanged throughout the action E. Character in action F. Movable character SECTION B ( 40 Marks) Answer all questions in this section 3. Explain the key elements in defining the word literature with an example. 4. In which context literature is applied in the society? Give five (5) points with an example. 5. You as the students of form three, you are asked to show the relationship between literature and language with examples, provide five (5) points. 6. With an example differentiate the following literary terms i) Overstatement and understatement ii) Synecdoche and anecdote iii) Anaphora and anadiplosis iv) Oxymoron and suspense v) Allusion and parable. SECTION C (45 Marks) Answer three (3) questions in this section; question number eight (8) is compulsory. 7. Describe the six (6) elements of drama by referring The Lion and Jewel or any play you have read.

Page 4 of 4 8. By using two plays you have read under this section, show how women have been portrayed by playwright. (Use two female characters from the plays and provide three points for each) 9. “One of the problems which kill most of African societies is to accept the changes”. People are fighting against modernity and traditions in such a way that lead to great controversy among them. By using the play of “The Lion and the Jewel by Wole Soyyinka”, show how modernity versus traditions bring about misunderstanding among the society. 10. Explain six (6) features that make novel look different from short story. ****Good luck***

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