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A Healthy Holiday Life
December 2016 A Healthy Holiday Life Prevention Programs Chronic Disease, Nutrition & Obesity Healthy Communities- Health Education Dias Festivos

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MR-686 MR-6129 MR-649 MR-637 MR-636 MR-625 CAMARAS Y ACCESORIOS. SIMBOLOGIA: interior dia noche intemperie vision nocturna REF
CAMARAS Y ACCESORIOS SIMBOLOGIA: interior 4 4 5 MR-686 MR-6129 MR-649 3 intemperie vision nocturna DESCRIPCION Camara Bullet , 128 Pcs Led. (

Story Transcript

“Death is an inevitable end for everyone; it comes when it wills. “Our days on this earth are biblically numbered as three score and ten years. And if you are blessed by reason of strength, you get four score years and possibly, more. But it's all full of toil and sorrow, and it eventually cuts off and flies away! Death has tied up my tongue; it makes it very difficult for me to speak... It has laid its icy hands on our father, Mr. Willie Kwame Banful Amadi. Affable, generous, and jovial. You were full of humor, Dad; you were a friend. You were the oak tree under which everybody sought some respite; you were a tree of unity, and you still are, even in death. Regardless, I ask: "Why has this mighty tree fallen?" Why leave such a huge void for us to fill? Death is said to be the supreme downfall of a man, but I ask, is it really? It is that point that brings all our earthly efforts to a screeching halt. Consider it carefully.You were the best example of what, who, and how a father should be. "You are just like your father." I am overwhelmed whenever people say that to me. To think you left us at a point when your characteristics as a husband, father, mentor, and friend were very much sought after is heartbreaking. But then again, God knows best. We will all miss you dearly, Dad! You will be remembered for your loving kindness. May the Almighty continue to protect, guard, and guide you in your walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Fare thee well, great father, fare thee well! Rest in the bosom of your Lord till we meet again. Da yie!! Da yie Daddy!! Damirifa due … Due, for in God's land above, there is no pain! Da yie. Kwame Banful, Yehowah mfa wo nsie! TRIBUTE BY WILKINS ATTAH AMADI 20Mr. Willie Banful Amadi | A life W ell Lived

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