My Sweet Nirvana Flipbook PDF

Happy Birthday.

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Colegio Nirvana Contenido
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Story Transcript

3 April, 2023 To you, who's on the other side of the world. Happiest birthday to you. I know I made another happy birthday card, but I think you deserve not one, but two birthday cards. I want to say a lot of things to you, how I am very grateful to have you, how I am very happy whenever I am around you, how I feel very much alive knowing the fact that you are here with me, always. Our first encounter was.. one of the most memorable moments that I've always wanted to keep in my mind. It was a cute one, honestly, because we were both clueless. Clueless about what's going to happen in the future, for us both. Let's just say that we both had expectatitions, but they were both low. Meeting you was like a soul-swelling experience.

We didn't really talk that much, for we didn't know how to keep our heads close, let alone a simple and proper conversation. I didn't really know how to approach you, I didn't know what you liked, I didn't know what you were into back then. But then I found out that you're into anime and cosplays, hey would you look at that, finally we both have the same interest. We cosplayed together for the first time, I was Himeno and you were Toji at that time. It was also the first time we both had a proper conversation, it wasn't much but I remember I enjoyed every minute I spent with you because you were just so funny. I had fun, and from that moment I realized that you were really fun to be around, and I was looking forward to our next event: Comifuro. I think we both agreed that Comifuro was the one that started everything, yes?

We cosplayed together for the second time and you bet I had so much fun talking, walking, spending most of my time with you. We talked a lot, we laughed a lot, qnd from that moment, we continued to talk. We became closer and closer. I don't know what's gotten into me but I kept waiting for your texts. You're just so fun to be around, and when I got sick, I also looked forward to your texts knowing that I only have such a little time to use my phone. I didn't realize that I put some of my feelings in yours. I smiled whenever your texts popped up. I blushed whenever you called me with sayang, until now though, And God knows what happened after that.

Sayang, the thing is, I am very much grateful to have you. You bring light to my world that's full with ashes and dust. You bring me so much joy and happiness until the point my cheeks hurt from smiling too much. You bring me tons of warmth for you would always keep me close in your embrace. If I could say thank you to God for creating such an alluring creature; and that is you; I would bend my knees and I would slam my head to the ground over and over again just to show my thanks and gratitude. I would be on my knees for a year straight. I would kiss the ground for thousands of time.

My sweet, sweet Nirvana, I hope your life will always be wrapped in joyfulness. I hope the sun will wrap your whole body with its warmth and luster. I hope the moon will sing you poetic rhymes and lullabies for you to sleep soundly in the night. I hope the fairies will soar and sprinkle you with pixie dusts. I hope you will linger yourself with blooming petals of red carnations that you fond of. I love you and I always will.

How life works seem pretty funny to me, but meeting you is what I'm most grateful for. So thank you, thank you so much for being born. Now now, tighten up your seatbelt because your rocket of life is about to blast off into a new stratosphere. Once again, happy birthday, ganteng. Wishing you all the best, and I hope you get the love and support that you deserve in this new age of yours. With love,

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