Oscar Hererro s Curriculum OSCAR HERRERO. Flamenco Guitar. Tel

-1- Oscar Hererro’s Curriculum OSCAR HERRERO Flamenco Guitar [email protected] www.oscarherrero.es Tel. (+34) 609 081 565 -2- Oscar Here
Author:  Xavier Toledo Sosa

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Oscar Hererro’s Curriculum

OSCAR HERRERO Flamenco Guitar

[email protected]


Tel. (+34) 609 081 565


Oscar Hererro’s Curriculum

EDUCATION Traditional flamenco: Began his studies of the flamenco guitar in the traditional manner: as a child, with his father as his teacher, followed by Juan González “Triguito”, Enrique “Sakai”, Enrique de Melchor, and Víctor Monge “Serranito”. Academic education: Broadened his musical knowledge with studies in ‘solfa’ with Ana Mª Navarrete and harmony with Pedro Zazpe Performance: Oscar Herrero has performed alongside Carmen Linares, José Mercé, José Menese, Migule Poveda, Rocío Jurado, Montserrat Caballé, Antonio Gala, Victor Monge “Serranito”, Miguel Trápaga, Carlos Oramas, Enrique de Melchor, Manuel Soto “El Sordera”, Rafael Romero “El Gallina”, Tino di Geraldo, Sara Baras, Xosé Manuel Budiño, Guillermo McGill, Javier Barón

PRIZES First Prize in the National Flamenco Guitar Competition of Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) First Prize “Bordon Minero” in the Festival de las Minas (La Union, Murcia) Finalist in the Giraldillo del Toque competition of the VI Bienal Arte Flamenco (Sevilla) Premi a la difusió de la Guitarra “Ciutat de Dénia” International Prize Cubadisco, La Habana 2012 (Por Concierto Flamenco Verum)

RECORDINGS • • • • • • •

Theme tune for TVE (Spanish National Television) “Algo más que Flamenco” (“Something more than Flamenco”) Central theme for the movie “Papa Piquillo” by Álvaro Sáenz de Heredia Monographic programme “Arte y Artistas Flamencos” of TVE Programme for France 2 (French National TV) “Caravane de Nuit” Canal 10 programme “Caleidoscopio” Montevideo (Uruguay) “Estudio 36” programme for Brazilian TVCOM (Porto Alegre) Programme for Sydney Television (Australia)

DISCOGRAPHY: • • • • • • •

“Torrente” (with Carmen Linares, Serranito, Sara Baras and Javier Barón) “Brindis de Guitarras” (With the classical guitarist Carlos Oramas) “Hechizo” (with Tino de Geraldo, Xosé Manuel Budiño, and Guillermo McGill) “Abantos” (with Enrique Morente, Antonio Serrano and Serguey Sapricheff) Oscar Herrero en Concierto (DVD Trio with wind instruments and percussion) “1912” Homenaje a Sabicas y Esteban de Sanlúcar (Concierto Flamenco Verum) (DVD Live in Spain)

[email protected]


Tel. (+34) 609 081 565


Oscar Hererro’s Curriculum

CONCERTS Auditoriun National Gallery (Canada) Teatro Nacional Rubén Darío (Nicaragua) Canal da Música Curitiba (Brazil) Teatro Nacional (Panama) Teatro El Galpón (Uruguay) Teatro Alberto Saavedra Pérez (Bolivia) Museo de Bellas Artes (Venezuela) Salle Prosper Mérimée (France) Teatro Real de Madrid (Spain) Teatro Lope de Vega (España) St. Paul Episcopal Church (USA) Hermitage Theatre (Russia) Auditorium Vincent d’Indy (Canada) Casas das Artes (Portugal) Studio Koncertowe (Poland) Teatro Nacional (Costa Rica) Auditorium Dr. Carlos Vaz Ferreira (Uruguay) Fundación Cultural de Russia (Russia) Iglesia de la Roca (Finland) Filarmónica de Czestochowska (Poland) Palacio de Comunicaciones (Bolivia) Queen Elizabeth Hall (United Kingdom) Metropolitan Museum House (USA) Teatro de La Opera de El Cairo (Egypt) Nádvoří hradu Špilberk (República Checa) Kumu Auditorium (Estonia) Teatro América (Cuba) Eshkol Pais Hall (Israel)

FESTIVALS Festival Cannes Guitares Passion (France) Festival International de Guitare D’Alsace (France) Festival Cithara Aediculae (Slovaquia) Festival International de la Guitare de Fribourg (Switzerland) Encuentro Internacional de Guitarra Ciudad de Torrent (Spain) Chitara Festival “Fabricio Caroso” (Italy) Festival de la Guitarra de Córdoba (Spain) Festival de Música Villa de Canena (Spain) Tallin Guitar Festival (Estonia) Miami Guitar Festival (USA) Iberoamerica Guitar Festival (Washington. USA) International Guitar Festival Brno (Rep. Checa) International Guitar Festival (Singapore) Blumental International Music Festival (Tel Aviv. Israel) EGTA-Cyprus International Guitar Festival (Chipre. Nicosia) Guitarras del Mundo (Argentina) Conservatorio Nacional de Música (La Paz, Bolivia) [email protected]


Tel. (+34) 609 081 565


Oscar Hererro’s Curriculum

TEACHING EXPERIENCE Festival Cannes Guitares Passion (France) Universidad “Antonio Machado” (Spain) Curso “Martín Códax” (Spain) Universidad de Panamá (Panamá) Academia Frederick Chopin (Poland) Escuela Nacional de Música (Nicaragua) Festival Cithara Aediculae (Slovaquia) Ciclo “A Guitarra” Caladas da Saúde (Portugal) Escuela del Conservatorio Tchaikovsky de Moscú (Russia) Universidad de Murcia (Spain) Escuela Universitaria de Música (Uruguay) Centro Iberoamericano de Formación La Antigua (Guatemala) Curso Internacional de Música (Brazil) Ciudad de Valladolid (Spain) Conservatorio Nacional de Música (La Paz, Bolivia) Shared master classes with: Roland Dyens, Leo Brouwer, Demetrio Ballesteros, Miguel Trápaga, Jorge Cardoso, Juan Falú, Gerardo Arriaga. Master classes given in: Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Canada, USA, Paraguay, Russia, Chile, Italy...... − −

He has been appointed “Special Prize for Flamenco Teaching “ by the International Festival at La Unión in Murcia, Spain. He is founder and director of flamenco publisher Oscar Herrero Ediciones www.oscarherreroediciones.es

COMPOSITIONS Concert themes for guitar: Dos Hermanas (Colombiana), Horizonte (Fantasía), Vaivén (Bulería), De colores (Bulería), El Rastrillo (Sevillanas), Sombra y Candil (Taranta), Miragua (Alegría), Torrente (Bulería), Tierra Mojada (Guajira), Carmen (Sevillanas), Paisano (Fantasía), Armonía para dos mundos (Trémolo), Ámbar de Primavera (Tangos), Mimosa (Farruca), Los Portales (Soleá por Bulería), Espejo (Siguiriya), Manantial (Soleá), Algarabía (Bulería), Atril Flamenco (Soleá), Paraíso (Rumba), 28 de junio (Nana), Eclipse (Taranta-Bulería), Esencia (Soleá), A mi retoño (Alegría), Mercurio (Minera), Requiebro a Cádiz (Alegría), Voz del duende (Zapateado), Sendero (Soleá), Tornasol (Granaína), Carnaval (Tanguillos), Rumbulé (Rumba-Bulería), Momentos (Fandangos de Huelva), Pasajes (Alegría), Majestad (Soleá). Verum (Concierto para Guitarra Flamenca y Orquesta. Coautor.)

[email protected]


Tel. (+34) 609 081 565


Oscar Hererro’s Curriculum

Video Series: video + book (PAL, NTSC) In Spanish, English, French and Japanese

(1996) “Guitarra Flamenca Paso a Paso I” Exercises, studies, falsetas, works...to develop the thumb, rasgueados, picado... (1997) “Guitarra Flamenca Paso a Paso II” Exercises, studies, falsetas, works...to develop the alzapúa technique, rasgueados with the thumb, tremolo and flamenco harmony.

(1999) “Guitarra Flamenca Paso a Paso III” Exercises, studies, falsetas, works...to develop the left hand and a study in the bulerías rhythm to practise all the techniques. (2001) “Guitarra Flamenca Paso a Paso IV” - La Soleá I Proceeds to study the structure of the form and some of the elements which make up the Soleá.

(2001) “Guitarra Flamenca Paso a Paso V” - La Soleá II Studies the elements which make up the structure of the Soleá, such as: the falseta, the ‘finishing off’ the llamada and the final. (2001) “Guitarra Flamenca Paso a Paso VI” “Accompaniment to the Cante: Soleá” The singer Paco del Pozo with Oscar Herrero on guitar, interprets:“Soleá de Alcalá, Cádiz, the Caña” and the “Polo”. (2002) “Guitarra Flamenca Paso a Paso VII” - Alegrías I All the elements which make up the Alegría in the key of E are explained, such as the falseta, remate, llamada, etc. (2002) “Guitarra Flamenca Paso a Paso VIII” - Alegrías II Explains in detail all the elements which make up the style of Alegría in the keys of C and A.

(2002) “Guitarra Flamenca Paso a Paso IX” -Accompaniment to the Cante: Cantiñas”Begins with a demonstration of various types of strumming por Alegrías which serve as a basis for accompaniment to the cante por Alegrías. The singer María de Toledo with Oscar Herrero interprets: Alegrías, Mirabrás, Romera and Caracoles

[email protected]


Tel. (+34) 609 081 565


Oscar Hererro’s Curriculum


“Brindis de Guitarras” With classical guitarist Carlos Oramas

(In collaboration with Carmen Linares, Serranito, Sara Baras….)

“Oscar Herrero in concert”

“Hechizo” With Tino di Geraldo, Xosé M.Budiño Guillermo McGill…)

DVD in Trío with Pedro Esparza and Jorge Palomo

“Abantos” (With Enrique Morente, Antonio Serrano, Pedro Esparza…)

“1912” Homenaje Centenario A Sabicas y Esteban de Sanlúcar

PUBLISHED SCORES "Guitarra Flamenca Paso” (1999)



Eclipse (Taranta-Bulería), De Colores (Bulería) y El Rastrillo (Sevillanas)

" Torrente” (2003) (Score Book of the CD Torrente)

“Hechizo” (1999) (Score Book of the CD Hechizo)

“Alberto Vélez” Memoria de la Guitarra Flamenca” (2005) (Score Book of the Alberto Vélez transcribe by Oscar Herrero)

21 STUDIES FOR FLAMENCO GUITAR – Basic Level (2003) This is the first book in a series of works dedicated to teaching a technical approach to Flamenco Guitar through the use of progressive studies. The studies have been designed for students who have already taken their first steps in Flamenco Guitar technique and have mastered position, fingering etc…

24 STUDIES FOR FLAMENCO GUITAR – Intermediate Level (2004) 24 Studies for Flamenco Guitar designed for: Students who have already acquired a correct technique so that it comes automatically, and have passed the 21 Studies for Flamenco Guitar (Basic level)

TWELVE STUDIES FOR FLAMENCO GUITAR – Advanced Level (2008) "Twelve Studies for Flamenco Guitar" is aimed at advanced level guitarists. 12 Studies for Flamenco Guitar: These studies are designed to: for students who have completed 24 Studies for Flamenco Guitar (Intermediate) and want to perfect their technique.

[email protected]


Tel. (+34) 609 081 565


Oscar Hererro’s Curriculum

“Verum” (2010)

“Abantos” (2012)

Concierto Para Guitarra Flamenca y Orquesta

(Score Book of the CD Abantos)

“1912”Esteban de Sanlúcar (2013)

“1912” Sabicas (2013)

(Score Book of the CD 1912)

(Score Book of the CD 1912)

FLAMENCO GUITAR METHOD (Score Book + CD) (Works in collaboration with Claude Worms)

“Traité de Guitare Flamenca” Vol.1 (1996) (Flamenco guitar technique: beginners to intermediate level) “Traité de Guitare Flamenca” Vol.2 (1996) (Flamenco guitar technique: advanced and superior level)

“Traité de Guitare Flamenca” Vol.3 (1997) (Basic rhythms: Soleá y Siguiriya)

“Traité de Guitare Flamenca” Cahier Répertoire nº1 (1997) (Study repertory: beginners level)

“Traité de Guitare Flamenca” Vol.4 (2000) (Basic rhythms: Fandangos y Tangos)

“Traité de Guitare Flamenca” Vol.5 (2006)

(La Bulería)

[email protected]


Tel. (+34) 609 081 565

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