PARAMPARA (2) Flipbook PDF

Parampara 2.0 is the second edition of the school magazine of Kothari International School, which showcases the creativi

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Story Transcript




1. Our Patriarch


2. From the Chairperson's Desk


3. From the Chairman's Desk


4. From the Trustee's Desk


5. From the Principal's Desk


6. From the Editor's Desk


7. From the Desk of the Student Editorial Board


8. The Teacher Editorial Board & The Designing Team


9. Coffee with our Principal 10. Our Core Values

09-10 13

11. Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav


12. Save Ganga


13. Grade K3 Literacy


14. The Languages Section


15. Science


16. Mathematics


17. Humanitas


18. Cascade of Creativity


19. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


20. Life Skills


21. Events & Celebrations


22. Democracy @ KIS


23. Co-curricular Activities


24. Rainbow: A Platform for Expression


25. Festive Hues


26. Excursion


27. Unleashing Emotions


28. Awards and Accolades


29. We Care for You


30. The K.I.S. Staff


31. Credits & Credence 32. Important Links/Our Ventures

287 288-291


Shri Mahadev Mansukhbhai Kothari (Babuji) Founder Chairman 25 July ,1925 - 27 Nov, 2015

A man with a vision and a true believer of the phrase ‘nothing is impossible’, our respectable soul Babuji, started his journey with an illuminous master plan and filled everyone’s heart with a zeal to create history by continuously evolving and providing top quality education. His dedication and positive attitude helped him brave all the odds and establish an education empire that today is at its pinnacle. The insightful ideas of administration uprooted from his brain resulted in the brand- Kothari Enterprise.




From the Chairperson's Desk


My heartiest congratulations to the KIS team for the second edition

They have proven, time and time again, that the pen is indeed

of its spectacular E-Magazine ‘PARAMPARA – Mirroring Our

mightier than the sword.

Cultural Ethos.’ As Chairperson of this venerable institution, it is a

This endeavor is a mere drop in an inexhaustible ocean of

matter of great pride for me to witness our exemplary student body

achievement. Our students continue to hoist the school flag

and remarkable teachers flourish in the flesh, having facilitated a

higher with every accomplishment, unfurling the pulchritudinous

seamless transition back to offline school. This wonderful

Kotharian hues for the world to see.

demonstration of resilience and diligence is only highlighted by yet another successful publication of this E-Magazine.

The school had succeeded in not only satiating the youth’s unquenchable thirst for knowledge but also in equipping its

This past year, the school, as a collective, has been working

students holistically with the skills they need to be global leaders.

tirelessly to undo the repercussions of the pandemic and dedicated

KIS is undeniably on the rise as a paragon of modern education.

ourselves to restoring the normalcy of offline schooling. Last year,

Lastly, I extend the sincerest of my gratitude to the parents who

as we traversed a murky deluge of despondency, as managed to

have entrusted us with their children and aided us in molding

look past the dense cumulonimbi of isolation towards a glorious

them into capable and worthy individuals. I, once again,

dawn of effervescence, we found within ourselves unprecedented

congratulate the Editorial Team, whose hard work and dedication

tenacity and strength. It is now our intention to harness these

have led to the fruition of this E-Magazine. As you peruse

newfound abilities and work towards a better tomorrow. After all,

through this publication, you will find a plethora of activities-

the very essence of a storm is that you emerge out of it as a

academic and otherwise, that our students and staff poured their

changed person.

blood, sweat, and tears into. I appreciate every individual effort that has lent to creating a beautiful mosaic of our school at its

If there’s one thing KIS has strived to maintain throughout these


countless years- it’s the well-being of its students. This has and will continue to be, the heart of the school. It is this reverberating heart

Here’s to immortalize the unassailable Kotharian spirit of holistic

that fuels the school to push itself further towards perfection and

prowess. Looking forward to another year of brilliance.

success, and that makes me proud to be its Chairperson and


confident in the school’s ability to produce leaders worthy of Ma

Yours Sincerely


Aarti Kothari

By materializing their creativity and passion into this concrete, tangible venture under the guidance of their zealous Gurus, our student body serves as a testament to the undying ideal of Acta, Non-Verba - deeds, not words.



From the Chairman's Desk

Namaskar to all!

In the sagacious words of Swami Vivekananda, “Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man.” I would like to commence by eulogizing the industrious team at Kothari international







amalgamation of events taking place at our school. My heart is brimming with gratitude and joy to enunciate that our prestigious

May you all continue to scale greater to indomitable heights of brilliance. Lastly, I would love to avail this opportunity to extend my gratification toward the KIS franchise and the hardworking faculty without whom learning would be unattainable.

My best wishes to all the teachers and students. Keep making us proud!

and eminent institution has completed 17 years of sheer academic excellence and the furtherance of qualities like confidence and

Warm regards

diligence in our students, ensuring that they grow in an

Deepak Kothari

environment devoid of encumbrances.

Here at Kothari international, we robustly believe that every child possesses the ability and right to learn. We as a community, deem study and knowledge as a duty but also an enticing opportunity to learn the extricating influence of academic wisdom for personal use and for use in daily life thereafter.

I fondly remember those halcyon times with my late father, Shri MM Kothari, without whose contribution and undying avidity to prove himself, everything would have just remained a fragment of mine as well as his vision. Today, this school serves as an accolade and symbol of the onerous endeavors of my father. The KIS family is burgeoning constantly, striving to make education allencompassing and inclusive, a concept not alien and a practice that is accessible to all students. The implicit promise of The KIS has always been a metamorphic education, rooted in the highest standards and enriched by the opportunity to learn in the best settings.



From the Trustee's Desk

Namaskar to all!

Kothari International School, Noida, is a school that should be on the radar of any parent looking for prime education for their children. Since its establishment, the school has accumulated a reputation for excellence and has consistently ranked among the top schools in the region. One of the things that set us apart is our commitment to a well-rounded education. We offer a plethora of extracurricular activities, including music, dance, art, sports, and much more to give students the opportunity to pursue their passions and develop new skills. These activities are a salient part of our philosophy, as they help students grow as individuals and become brilliant, confident young people.

Despite the recent pandemic, in addition to our regular extracurricular activities, we also hosted several noteworthy events throughout the year that allow students to explore their interests and blossom new skills. We recently hosted an Inter School event, Ingenious. It included various activities such as gaming tournaments, Model United Nations (MUN) simulations, and photography workshops. These events provided students with the opportunity to engage in activities that they may not have had the chance to explore in their everyday lives and helped foster creativity, innovation, and real-life skills.

We have a strong focus on community service and encourage our students to get involved in local and global service projects. This not only helps students develop a sense of responsibility and compassion for others but also instills in them a sense of active engagement in society. Along with special events, this year Kothari International School introduced a brand new Prefectorial Board and Kothari Clubs. I have had the pleasure of being a part of this community for many years now, and I have been consistently impressed by the level of care and attention that both the school administration and the staff have provided to its students.

Looking forward to opening up new, bold ventures under the magnificent umbrella of opportunity - Kothari International School.

Yours Sincerely

Dr. Avinash Gupta



From the Principal's Desk “We want the education by which character is formed, the strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on one’s own feet.” - Swami Vivekananda Dear Parents Namaskar!

Effective teaching is about involving students not only in their learning journey but also in talking to them about their well-being, helping them develop their skills, and incorporating values-oriented processes. In a similar way, the core value of KIS targets the holistic growth of a learner which is true to what Swami Vivekananda Ji believed by quoting the above idea of education. It wouldn’t be superfluous to say that our teaching fraternity’s meticulously paving the way to achieve the same.

This second edition of Parampara will enlighten you with the important milestones that KIS has achieved in the past year. Besides, our budding talents have expressed their thoughts, ideas, hopes, feelings, aspirations, and convictions in a creative way. We believe that in parallel to academic excellence, our students should be coaxed, encouraged, and persuaded to hone their writing & speaking skills. In the context of the same, we, here at KIS incessantly strive to bring out their full potential by giving them a platform for both extracurricular and co-curricular activities.

Our STEAM quest ‘Ingenious’ proved to be one of them that gave wings to our talented students‘ innovation and creativity. We endeavored to unite the 4Cs of 21st-century skills by evolving the sheer dexterity of our coming generation in order to make them future technocrats.

I believe that every step that we undertake in our personal and professional life should adhere to perfectionism and excellence. At the same time feelings of love, compassion for mankind and a positive attitude should vibrate within our hearts.

I can firmly say that every learner at Kothari International School, under the vision of our Honourable Founder Chairman, Late Shri MM Kothari, is a lovable soul enriched with the nobility of character, magnanimity, self-discipline and is driven by outstanding qualities pinned to dig out greater changes for a better world.

Let’s dare to live the life we have dreamt of, go forward, and make our imaginations come true through these beautiful minds’ masterpieces!

Dr. Sangeet Arora

tū shāhīñ hai parvāz hai kaam terā , tire sāmne āsmāñ aur bhī haiñ ALLAMA IQBAL



From the Vice-Principal's Desk

Dear Students, As we embark on a new academic year, I want to talk to you about two important concepts: working hard and embracing change. Both are essential if you want to achieve excellence and succeed in life. Working hard means putting in the effort and time to achieve your goals. It means going the extra mile, studying hard, and practicing until you get it right. It also means being committed to your pursuits, and never giving up in the face of adversity or challenges.

However, hard work alone is not enough. To truly excel in life, you must also embrace change. This means being open to new ideas, new experiences, and new ways of doing things. It means being adaptable and flexible, and willing to learn and grow from your mistakes. The world around us is constantly changing, and it is important to stay ahead of the curve.

By embracing change and innovation, you can gain a competitive edge in todays fast-paced and ever-changing world. As your Vice Principal, I urge you to work hard and embrace change. Remember that success is not just about achieving high grades or winning competitions.

It is about being a well-rounded individual who is adaptable, resilient, and open to new ideas and experiences. So, as you begin this new academic year, I challenge you to set high goals, work hard to achieve them, and embrace change along the way. With dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to embrace change, I have no doubt that you will achieve excellence and make a positive impact in the world.

Manish Seksaria Vice Principal.



From the Editor's Desk

Dear Readers Greetings to you!

Our delight knows no bounds when we present to you the Second Edition of our school’s Annual Magazine, ‘Parampara: Mirroring our Cultural Ethos’. Parampara is the initiative of our endearing Principal, Dr. Sangeeta Arora, a seasoned scholar and visionary who aspires to make a difference in the field of education and fathom new opportunities and avenues for students and teachers to identify their talents and excel in their preferred provinces.

Through the medium of this magazine, we aim to exhibit our students’ and staff members’ creative flair, our unique methodologies and approaches to teaching, our achievements, and our novel endeavors. Parampara is the outcome of our continuous efforts and perennial teamwork. After two long years of online schooling, students made the most of their presence in a physical school. They participated in Intra and Inter School, and National, and International Events with great gusto and fervor, and won laurels for the school and themselves.

Physical schooling indeed tends to be a contributive factor for us to subtly gather evidence of our profound teaching practices and tangible learning outcomes. The making of Parampara is a year-long process in which the entire school works in conjunction with bonhomie and dedication. Parampara's core team comprises Editors, Student Editorial Board, Subject Representatives, Section Representatives, Designing Team, and our students and teachers. They all contribute to its successful culmination. We acknowledge their devotedness and adherence to the plan of action for making this monumental journey of Parampara effortlessly ecstatic. We once again welcome you to delve into the mesmerizing world of KIS and rejoice at every flip!

Happy Reading! Warm regards

Chitra Sisodia



From the desk of the Student Editorial Board In the words of the very well-known and venerable author, Helen Keller, “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much” Each and every word of the quote mentioned above holds depths of veracity. As a student editor, working on this magazine has been quite a daunting yet unforgettable journey. I would like to appreciate the endeavours of all the students and teachers which were poured into putting this laudable magazine together. The completion of this magazine proffered the editorial team a prodigious amount of satisfaction and allowed the whole team to work cohesively to achieve our objective.

Suhani Singh 11 B2

Writing for the E-Magazine was certainly a journey like none other. Through it all, it paved a path for me to grow- not merely as a writer, but as a human. At its culmination, I’ve found within myself a more articulate and discerning person. I cannot express in words the sheer volume of gratitude I hold for this opportunity. Manya Giri Nishad 11 B2

Adya Banga 11 D

Being a student editor for Kothari International School, Noida’s magazine is a tremendously prestigious opportunity. Being a part of the editorial team was highly enriching and enjoyable. The skills learned from working with people having such beautiful minds and an abundance of knowledge are going to lend themselves to me for a future life of writing. I am exceptionally grateful to have had the opportunity to write a main editorial piece in this year’s edition of ‘Parampara’.

Cover Page Designing Team

Anushka Adhikari 12 B1 KIS/NOIDA/PARAMPARA/VOL-2/2023

Archita Bhattacharya 12A 08

The Editorial Board













The Magazine Designing Team






COFFEE WITH OUR PRINCIPAL, DR SANGEETA ARORA An interview by Chhavi Singh, Lipika Pandey, Akshita & Shreyas Mathur

EB: Namaskar Ma’am We are proud to have you as our Principal. Few lines for you… You nurture us when we’re just tender green plants, And help us bloom from little buds into brilliant flowers, You immerse us in your boundless transcendent love, You teach us to rise and access our inner powers. You bring light, color, and happiness to all those who encounter you, You’re like a guardian angel always looking out for us, We can feel your love in the gentle breeze, You’re our inspiration, always encouraging us to seize our dreams! Principal: Thank you all of you. EB: Ma’am, How has your experience been at the KIS so far? Principal: I joined during COVID and trust me, things were not easy but every challenge comes with a hidden opportunity and it is our wisdom and patience that helps us to extract the best out of that. I was able to meet the teachers only once in person during an introductory meeting. The physical absence impeded me from building that connection with everyone on an emotional level. When the school reopened, that was the time I could feel the development of an emotional relationship between the children and me. Now when that synergy and emotional connection is finally there, things have become easier. I feel blessed and proud to be there in the family. E.B: Ma’am, we are eager to know, What is your educational philosophy? Principal: In my opinion, most of the time in India, we deem education to be a consumption process. For me, education equals the upliftment of the soul alongside the broadening of our horizons to polish skills and expertise in the field of education. Education should not be looked upon as a commercial process but rather as a way to find one’s aspirations and true self. Getting an education may or may not land you a job in a prominent company but it surely will soothe your soul and make you a benevolent and humble human being. E.B: Ma’am, what is the one major challenge that you managed to overcome as a principal and in retrospect learned a lot from? Principal: Every day is a learning experience. Every case is a new case and every human being has different kinds of issues and problems. Dealing with it is a learning experience. Every day we try to improve the way that we function by learning from everything which is happening on a day-to-day basis.



Every interaction with a child or a teacher or a parent is a learning experience for me. E.B: Ma’am, do you believe that stricter rules or harsher punishment will stop substance abuse activities in schools? Principal: The first thing students need to understand is that for every action, there will be consequences. I believe the only thing that is a deterrence to any kind of undesirable action including substance abuse is the awareness of the consequences attached to it. For example, if you touch an extremely hot vessel your hand will burn. That burn is not punishment but a consequence. Whether you touched it intentionally or unintentionally, you will face the consequence. We need to educate the children to become more mindful of their surroundings and their company and help them to deal with peer pressure. They should know that there is always an option for them to say no to any wrongdoing anybody asks them to do. E.B: Ma’am, what makes a safe learning environment, how do you ensure to establish that safe learning environment for the campus? Principal: A safe learning environment is focused on academic achievement, maintaining high standards, fostering positive relationships between staff and students, and encouraging parental and community involvement. Resolving conflict and preventing violence are important factors in creating a safe learning environment. In my opinion, it is crucial to educate students on empathy, kindness, and positive culture. We allow students to be openly expressive and encouraging to each other. Constant feedback is vital for the learners as it helps them in tracking their progress and in changing their learning strategy accordingly. It helps them recognize their weak areas while improving their developed skills. Feedback informs the learners where they are missing the mark and what is needed to be done.






AZADI KA AMRIT MAHOTSAV Poster The students contributed to the glorious celebration of our Independence Day through various activities. government initiative 'Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav', the students participated in a week-long celebration from wherein special assemblies, slogan writing, poster making, essay writing, role play, talks, etc. were conducted. the students towards our rich cultural heritage and proud past. They paid tribute not only to the martyrs patriotism.


Under the ambit of the 11 August to 17 August The aim was to sensitize but also to the spirit of


Essay Writing

Role Play



Nukkad Natak

Talk About Freedom Fighters

As a part of the week long celebration, the students participated in a discussion activity wherein students took the initiative to research and present a talk on our freedom fighters, people who made us and the existence of Independent India possible. The students prepared PowerPoint presentation and shared their findings with everyone. Students took pride in their presentation and understood the responsibility towards conserving our past struggles and propagating a patriotic sentiment



Save Ganga

“Rivers give us life, they help us prosper and flourish” We worship and pay homage to our rivers. But our rivers are getting contaminated with litter by careless citizens. Our holy river Ganga is one such victim due to lack of empathy. The Government is taking measurable steps to combat the pollution of the rivers, under the Ganga Action Plan. We kotharians have also stepped up to make this change possible by creating awareness through various activities on the precious river highlighting the need of the hour to save the river bodies as they are the lifeline of the nation. It was a great success as the students participated enthusiastically in each activity. With these activities the students were sensitised about the need to conserve and protect our water resources.






Quiz 1

Quiz 2





Presentation By Students









An ode to those minuscule strings of letters

Words! Words! Words!

Springing out of my mouth like an ebullient leaping frog.

My parted lips: the dam broken down by a tumultuous ocean of

Words! Words! Words!

The connectors of cultures, the sinews between souls.

Appealing ones, repugnant ones; some can even twist tongues!

Words! Words! Words!

Just flip the page to find some.

-Sandhya Misra IGCSE L-1



Grade K1 - Pattern Making

The K1 students enjoyed an interesting and fun-filled game on 6th May 2022 called “Pattern Making” in which the different patterns were made on workstations created and the students traced it with the help of clay or rajma beans. This game helped the students to recognize the different patterns and thereby enhanced their eye-hand coordination and concentration.

Grade K1 - Puppet Show

Keeping in mind the enormous benefits of Puppet Show, the teachers of K1 on Friday 22nd April 2022 organized one on the story “Mittu Parrot and the Yellow Mango”. After the puppet show the students were made to do coloring, tearing, and pasting activities. It was overall a great fun-filled activity.

Grade K2 Show And Tell Story-telling has been an integral part of our childhood and to keep up with this tradition, students of Grade K2 participated in the Friday activity ‘Cooking up a Story’ on 11th November, 2022. The young, enthusiastic storytellers with their props came forth with wonderful tales. The children narrated the stories confidently with beautiful expressions and proper diction. The little story tellers won everyone’s heart and were applauded.



Grade 1- World of Superheroes

The activity gave an opportunity to the young ones to showcase their learning through a role play in which they enacted, on one side, the reel life heroes like Spiderman, Doraemon, Wonder Woman etc and on the other side, real life heroes like doctors, soldiers, farmers etc.

Grade 1 - I See ,I Think ,I Wonder

This activity was adapted from a thinking routine developed by educators at Harvard University’s Project Zero with a mission to understand and enhance learning, thinking, creativity and ignite the spirit of inquisitiveness in the learners. Students spoke with the utmost confidence on the pictures given to them on the spot.



Grade 2 Cinephile - Movie Critique ‘Cinephile- Movie Critique’ conducted on 23rd September 2022 for the students of Grade 2 gave our young movie critics a chance to analyze various aspects of certain movies.Our young orators took the stage by storm with their amazing eloquence and candidly honest opinions about the reviewed movies.The activity was a perfect medium to hone the oratory and communication skills of the little champs.

Grade 2 Little Critiques-Book Review

Grade 2 conducted an activity ‘Little Critiques-Book Review’ on Friday 23rd December 2022.The students reviewed various stories and books they had read on different parameters.The activity aimed at igniting skills like evaluating and reviewing, putting forth opinions, elevating their ability to explain, expanding vocabulary, enhancing critical thinking and instilling confidence of speaking out in public.



Grade 3 Voicing Your Opinion Grade 3 did an activity ‘Voicing Your Opinion’ in which they got an opportunity to express their opinions. Through this activity students communicated and expressed their ideas, thoughts, and feelings on a given topic. Expressing opinions, sharing knowledge and collective learning also enhanced confidence and motivation level of students.

Grade 3 Elocution

Students of Grade 3 participated with great zeal and expressed their thoughts on the mindful topics allotted to them. Key factors to adjudge each child was confidence, relevance of topic, enunciation, voice modulation and fluency. The activity gave a lot of confidence and ended on a happy note.



Grade 4-Face Your Fears

The students of grade 4 were asked to identify what they are afraid of and then depict them on paper in the form of a poster. The students also reflected and thought of ways as to how they can overcome their fears. They were able to articulate their complex thoughts and feelings.

Grade 5 - Drama-Rama- The Curious Case

The students of grade 5 learnt about the elements of mystery and wrote a story in a collaborative effort. The group enacted their stories and left their peers with head scratching curious questions to answer. The students mastered the elements of mystery genre along with dramatics.



Tug At Articles!

An initiative by our young writers to educate the readers about diverse topics. Let Children Blossom - Vrinda Chaturvedi, 8 B India is one of the countries where child marriages can be seen a lot. Child marriage in India mostly takes place in Rajasthan, West Bengal, and Bihar. It happens because of poverty, community pressure, so-called ‘protection’ for young girls, customs, and social norms. A Child Marriage Restraint Act was passed in 1929, which said that no man below the age of 18 and no woman below the age of 16 could get married. Later on, these limits increased to 21 and 18 respectively. Child marriage leads to maternal death, as young girls are not physically or mentally prepared to give birth at a very young age. If they are able to give birth, more than half of the infants die. Young girls experience domestic violence and even get post-traumatic stress because of this. In the words of Aditya Biswal, ‘Stop killing childhood by child marriage and start educating your children’. Child marriage is taking a child’s childhood and making them a part of something they are not ready for. Child marriage negatively influences children’s rights to health and protection. To stop child marriage, we should educate orthodox families and make them realise how child marriage is detrimental to the future of any nation. We can end child marriage together by making people aware of this hideous practice. Steps can be taken by the public and the government to insure that child marriage is stopped, so that children do not lose their childhood and can blossom in the future.

A Furry Fellow - Siyona Abbey, 8 'A'

“Pets are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole” in the words of Roger Caras. It stands true. Pets are our true companions and stay with us no matter what. They do make our lives whole indeed. Interacting with animals helps lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, and decrease depression. They can comfort and ease our worries. If anyone ever feels lonely, they should get a pet! Pets give us unconditional love and companionship. Getting a pet would be something nobody would ever regret; in fact, it can be one of the best decisions that one takes. There’s nothing like coming home after a tiring day and spending time with an adorable pet who is equally thrilled and excited to play with you. The quality time you could have with a pet- snuggling on your couch, teaching it tricks, taking it on walks, is just priceless! Although pets are one of the most unique, little, tiny, furry friends, managing and taking care of them is a whole new world! Getting a pet would add up to your living expenses because it requires buying basic things like- food, a bed, toys, treats, and much more. And of course, getting a pet would also require pet-proofing the surroundings. Bringing a pet into a family is like carrying a child into a family, so proper care is required to ensure the pet feels safe and happy. Pets are a gift of nature and a great blessing in anyone's life. They can give you the best time of your life as they can be your best friends and sidekick for life. “A house is never lonely where a loving pet awaits”.



Don’t Deprive Daughters - Ilisha Kapoor, 8 B Education makes a person mentally, socially and intellectually strong by strengthening knowledge and experience. Education is as important as air, food and housing for both men and women. Depriving girls of education is wrong and unjust. A girl is no less than a boy in intelligence and perseverance. She deserves rights to equal opportunities. According to the 2011 census, the male literacy rate is 82.14% and the female literacy rate is only 65.46% in India. These statistics certainly reveal the kind of discrimination that girls face. Girls in India are considered a burden on parents by some people. People think that investing in a boy's education would be more beneficial than investing on a girl child, since they will marry and go to another house. Girls are considered as housemakers and inefficient workers outside the confines of their houses. That is the reason they are taught how to cook and do household chores instead of educating them and making them self-reliant. Girls education must be given paramount importance. Fortunately, government schemes, such as Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan , CBSE scholarship to single girl child and the policy of giving free education to girls have come as a boon to our society. Given the opportunity girls have proven that they are capable of performing better than boys or as good as them and achieving great heights and becoming successful. As on date, our current President, Droupadi Murmu, Indra Nooyi (Former CEO of PepsiCo), Leena Nair (Global CEO of Chanel), Vineeta Singh (CEO of sugar cosmetics), Kiran Bedi (first Indian female IPS officer) have made us all proud. It is rightly said ,"If you educate a man, you educate a person, but if you educate a woman, you educate the whole family and the nation."

Superstitions : The Serial Killers - Aishani Pandey, 8 A

It’s hard to fathom out which age or era, human beings’ belief in orthodoxy dates back to, but we have seen man perpetually believe in some kind of power unseen. Even though they can’t see it, they feel its presence. This is what gives rise to superstitions. They are unreasonable and irrational but they exist all over the world. I personally believe that if superstitions enter our brains, our ability to rationalize goes for a toss. It means if we start following superstitions, we end up losing all knowledge and logic. India has a long history of superstitions. There are many superstitions that people in this country follow: when someone sneezes during the time of departure, people consider it unlucky. Similarly, when you hear a long mewing of a cat, people consider it a bad omen. Contrarily, offering curd before the start of any journey is taken as an auspicious practice. If we take a look at a very common superstitious belief that 13 is an unlucky number. Well, I do not agree, because the K-POP group BTS did their debut in 2013. Now, you might be thinking ‘OMG,2013! They must have failed miserably, after all, 13 isn’t an auspicious number’, but let me tell they are the most popular Korean boy band in the world. If we look at it closely, there is no logic as such behind the beliefs in superstitions. However, they have grown age-old and despite all the scientific advancements, they are not going anywhere soon. Nevertheless, it is better to not base our lives on these.

One of the earliest examples of a film that could be classified as a thriller is "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari," a German silent film released in 1920. KIS/NOIDA/PARAMPARA/VOL-2/2023


The Paws Of Love - Navodit 11D The little paw-prints, the same paws that paddle around your house, the prints of happiness and love. A dog is known as the most loyal, trustworthy and loving species of animal beings.  Every morning when you wake up, slightly open your sleepy eyes, your subconscious trying to lift the heavy eyelids little by little as you overcome the slumber and look at a face. A face that just enlightens your day, your time and your life. One glance at those lovely doe eyes, love, the eyes seeking kindness awaiting you can make your soul feel the calm, soothing but a very energetic spark they possess. The nose that smells intentions, the ears that hear the slightest gasps, your breath and the words you speak. Don’t you think it is underrated to consider that, ‘DOG is GOD spelt backwards’. Just a coincidence? They are angels sent from above in the form of the cutest beings. When you get back home, there’s someone waiting for you, someone who missed you more than anything, someone whose happiness is you and you alone. They jump and stomp their little paws running to meet you, to feel your touch, to cherish the moments of the present, not worry about the past or the future. Even in your lowest of moods their love is beyond imagination, as the famous saying goes “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself.” – Josh Billings. The purest form of unconditional love in the whole world is a dog’s love. I wish everyone on this planet could shelter a dog, create and experience one of the purest bonds to ever exist. I personally think that having such a bond is good for the soul and can only be shared between a dog and its owner. Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together? The answer isn’t known, but I think it’s too strange to only be considered a coincidence. A dog’s soul was destined to enrich your life, bless it for they say it LOVE is a four-legged word mate.

How Could You Let This Happen To Yourself? -Kangana Chawla, 11 C2 If sexual assault isn't the victim’s fault, then why are victims treated this way? Several questions like these have led women to not tell their stories to the world. Just by overthinking how society would react or who would marry her? “WE DON'T WANT TO USE THE TERM HARASSMENT, WHAT IS HAPPENING TODAY IS SEXUAL TERRORISM” The high rate of sexual violence against women is a concerning public health issue according to the 2021 annual report of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). India registered 31,677 cases of rape in 2021 - an average of 86 daily - while nearly 49 cases of crime against women were lodged every single hour, according to the latest government report on crimes in the country. Among states, Rajasthan (6,337) was on top of the list followed by Madhya Pradesh (2,947), Maharashtra (2,496), and Uttar Pradesh (2,845), while Delhi recorded 1,250 rape cases in 2021, it showed. This includes women who are of color, Indigenous, employed in the military, living and working in underprivileged environments, have a disability, and student populations which include one of nine females every month. “WHEN ONE PERSON SAYS ‘YEAH ME TOO’, IT GIVES PERMISSION FOR OTHERS TO OPEN,” said Tarana Burke. Sexual violence humiliates and destroys the social fabric of society, where a high premium is placed on the chastity of female children. These acts have physical, mental, and psychological effects on the victims such as anxiety, depression, bruises, HIV, STDs, unwanted pregnancies, etc. Unwanted pregnancies lead to abortion which is the killing of a human fetus. Abortion is considered “not a good thing for good girls” which is just a myth. Women can't be forced to carry rapist seeds for their whole lives.

According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data for 2019, there were more than 32,000 cases of crimes against women registered under the category of sexual harassment. KIS/NOIDA/PARAMPARA/VOL-2/2023



Butterfly -Prisha Khanna, 4C

Oh dear butterfly, how high do you fly? I hope you’re not shy to fly too high!   Oh my dear flower, I always fly nearby, I’m not shy to soar in the sky.   My wings are yellow, I’m everyone’s fellow! I fly near the ground with friends always around!

My Mother - Haniya Khan 5 B


One day my mother said before going to bed My baby, my dear come here very near I went to her sight she hugged me tight We exchanged goodnight kiss that was a perfect bliss My mother loves me everyday so I am always happy and gay She cooks for me tasty food and always in a good mood On weekend we go out she speaks softly, hardly shout A bond of love we share we hug each other and care She is my mother, my life for my father, she is the best wife When I am happy, she is happy when I am sad, she is sad She teaches me good things and guide me not to do anything bad In fact, her love is magical that makes my life fantastical I wish one day I make her proud so that she can laugh loud!!


The Success Story - Aditya De Class: 5 C

Where there is a will there's a way Honesty is the best policy for success Every day is a new day to take a step ahead toward your goal Success has no shortcuts Unless you try, you never achieve it Continuous effort is the key to success Courageous people are never afraid of failure Every failure teaches us a lesson Sometimes we get tired, Some days can be exhausting, Sometimes we want to quit, but The dream which never let you sleep Or never let you rest and Reminds you always to come forward You don’t let those dreams die and try hard to make them real.

Last Night, I Saw The City Dying - Aadyansh Katiyar Cambridge 6F Last night, I saw the city dying. The pollution is devouring the city. The city tries to peep through the pollution. It failed and its hopes are shattered. Last night, I saw the city wailing. It yelled for help. Stars couldn’t glimmer in the night sky. The bright white glimmering moon is getting dimmer and dimmer. Last night, I saw the city in despair. The dark dim clouds of pollution cover the window. Nothing in sight of seeking for life. The street lights looked blurry in the clouds. Last night, I saw the city ending in despair and sorrow. The city couldn’t hold itself from shattering and slowly ending. Its life couldn’t suffer anymore. It used to chuckle and now it wails.



Dusty, Dirty City As The Sky Dies - Aditya Mishra Cambridge 6F Last night I saw the garbage dancing As the trucks wiggled wiggled drop the garbage As it folds to create a building you know Seeing the garbage rock the pollution rose devouring the sky. Last night I saw garbage coming on its smelly toes As it takes over with the pollution in the skies Pollution and garbage combined Ruled the city as a crime. Last night I saw as the garbage as it ruled Pollution in the sky garbage on the floor As the moon turns black-sack Garbage and pollution wins as they lose. Last night I saw the city devastated by the destruction they’d caused As the garbage and pollution having cup of juice But they didn't know they’d lose But when the Delhi Cleanliness approached, they lost.

The City Born With A Sunrise And A Sunset - Ikshaan Thakkar Cambridge 6F The day starts with a heart-warming sunrise, The blue sky is dotted with fluffy white clouds. The shine of the sun pierces through my body, a beautiful curse attacks me when the sun rises. The afternoon sun bathed the buildings in its light, the cherry blossom tree relentlessly swings with the cool breeze. I can feel the strong connection between me and the sun as it sets down. The night sky glows with the city light, I looked up to see millions of stars shimmer. The sharp crescent moon shone like a silver claw, the dawn starts to bring sunlight into Japan.



Alone - Vachi Agarwal Cambridge 8 E I sit in this room all alone, As the world goes on with or without me, I see happy faces outside, And I wonder, If that could be me? But the air is full of lies, People only act like they care, With all the fake faces they wear. And I’m afraid that when I go out, Into the world, I’d only come back lonely and hurt. Because the world is cruel, People judging everyone they see. And sometimes, to fit in, I try not to be me. What will I do when I’ve reached the edge? Is it people and happiness I want to fetch? And though you may just see happiness outside there is loneliness deep down inside. As the world goes on, and people move on, In the hope of my fears to be gone, I sit in this room all alone.

Midnight Light - Arnav Singh, 8 B The thing called Darkness is light in my mind, I feel like I should never escape. Like a midnight owl I shall find To emerge in the glory of dark. The chilly shiver moves through my legs, The thing called Cold is light in my mind. The night’s not evil but is fun, Being an owl doesn’t mean to seek for pray But to enjoy the dark until it’s done. To seek the dark is what I always find, The delightful sky moves through my eye, The thing called midnight is light in my mind.



But Why?

When we think of an image of the sky - Avani Agarwal A clean blue sky with nothing but birds comes to mind Cambridge 7F But why? That is now a thing of the past, unfortunately this is the present Where our natural ceiling is grey, contaminated and unpleasant No more birds in it that fly But why? I want to see the vast green fields I have heard of so many times But when I ask Earth for a little glance, I get no reply But why? Now the lush gardens have said goodbye They have become lifeless, sad and dry They aren't even hydrated enough to cry The only option they have is to die But why? All we can do is imagine the clear oceans, full of fish and life The seals, dolphins, whales and squids that didn't survive But why? Now look inside the water, it's more black than a hue with shine The fish have taken the colorlessness it had and given up their life To the waste material of what gives us a smile But why? I finally have the answer to the questions that never rise I now know the answer to why... It's all because of us and our greedy wants They are extremely expensive and earth is covering the cost We were gifted a beautiful world designed with everything we needed to live But our wants were just too much to be fulfilled Earth has only one question for all of mankind... But why?

Summer Is Here! -Nehal Yadav, 7B

Summer is here! The scorching Heat is here, It’s time for cool drinks As you can tell Summer now begins.

The oldest poetry book that we know of is the "Epic of Gilgamesh," a collection of Sumerian poems that date back to the 3rd millennium BCE. KIS/NOIDA/PARAMPARA/VOL-2/2023


Courage - Siyona Abbey, 8 A

Courage is not an easy find, Unless you choose courage in your heart and mind. Behind reasons and fear do you want to hide? Or is it best to build a path with courage & pride? Do you know what courage looks like? Kalpana Chawla with her dauntlessness, Crossed horizons in space, achieving success. She inspired women with her life and victory, She was a trailblazer, finding answers to many mysteries. Lakshmi Bai, the warrior with valiancy, Filled with patriotism and pride for her country. She showed great valour for the war of mutiny, With her child on her back, she was a true prodigy. Women in Iran standing for the hijab protest, Honoured the courage of Mahsa Amini, self-possessed. Tortured by police for failing to cover her hair, Died 3 days later, isn’t that unfair? Courage can neither be taught nor learnt, But with confidence, strength, and spirit you can assert. So today I ask you, do you just want to conform and be a coward? Or with courage will you strive to thrive and keep moving forward? From Sarojini Naidu to Kamala Harris and so many nameless, faceless women, Who fought with grit, courage, and acumen. Not only women but the courageous should be salvaged, Walking with fear, & yet going beyond it is the meaning of true courage!

A Symphonious Serenade - Raizal Thakur Cambridge 8E

The violet skies, The Saturn-like suns, The twirl of a dancer becoming undone, The haze of a maze of torture and delight alike, but you aren’t lucky to leave it alive. If you gaze into her serpent-like eyes, You may just turn into stone tonight. A broken symphony, A melancholic melody, A cry from water so deep, Salt in her wounds, Blood she lets seep, A clear call of doom, A hypnotic tune, She drags me down in the midst of June, At midnight I drowned, under the moon.



Poison - Vachi Agarwal Cambridge 8 E

You are the poison, Intoxicating me. A deadly viper, Engulfing me. Oh darling, How you deceive, Had me believing, That you were naive. So, I let you make me weak, But I’ve grown in my fears, Night and day in tears. No longer am I fooled, For now, I shall speak! You are the poison, Devouring me. A sinister spell, Containing me. You’ve kept me quiet, I’ve lost my voice. I tried to persevere, But you’ve left me no choice, Now I must break out into the light! I wasted my time, Drinking your poison, As if it were the finest wine. No longer am I poisoned, For now, I shall fight! When I’m out of your spell, The day will finally be mine!



Lie - Saana Salman, 8D

You lie! You lie and lie and lie And don't even cry You shout! You shout and shout and shout And don't even try You think you can love When deep down you know it's tough But tough doesn't mean incapable Just like villain doesn't mean evil A monster is made not born A hero is protected not torn A hero would sacrifice her to save the world But a villain would rather watch the world burn in flames to protect her. A hero would give up on her after she goes But a villain would fight for her even with his greatest foes For me, this is love The kind of love which feels straight out of a fantasy The kind of love people would kill for The kind of love that, even with the greatest force can't be broken.



The Reality Of Life - Aditi Rana , 8D

Standing in front of me was my mother With tears in her eyes that won't bother Observing my surroundings I saw My medals and skates with no flaw I looked at my feet I was standing on the ground with no defeat Realising I was behind the podium With the mic in front of me It felt like I was living my dream But then I woke up with a scream I looked around And saw I was in my room with a quilt on.

Happyness Is All You Need - Aditi Gupta, 8D

Happiness is all you need On a day when you are sad, What do you need Everyone has their answers Some might need music or something to see For a few, it too might be some brownie! But imagine you were in a garden full of flowers Where the clouds pour down showers With the bright sunlight falling on you They might end up making a rainbow too! It's our choice what we find happiness in

I look around and go to the Priest in the temple I ask him, “O my priest, where do you find happiness?” “Prayers !”,he said I go to my friends and ask, “O my friend, where do you find happiness?” “In music.”, she said I go to my brother and ask , “O my brother, where do you find happiness?” “In games.”, he said

It does not matter where you find happiness It is the mere feeling which comes to us naturally All that does matter is YOU BEING HAPPY!



How Does It Feel? - Navya Manchanda, 11 C1 Now that you have Triumphantly walked all Over them, tell me, How does it feel?

To watch as they crumble Beneath your harsh words? To stand and snigger as they Break down sobbing?

How does it feel To beat someone’s heart Until it stops beating on its own? How does it feel?

Does it satisfy the beast That rots inside your tainted heart? Does it please you to have them Miserable at your command?

How does it feel To be the reason they End their lives in shame? Their chapped lips never uttered a word.

Their silence speaks a million words.

Does it make you feel accomplished? Does it make you proud? You have won yourself their death. So, how does it feel now? Do you still have a heart?

Streets - Aishiki Jana 10 B

Streets show us the way, Starts from the fork, Ends in the end.

There is no rounds and bend, ‘Tis, just a straight long way, So, be patient and wise.

One street is even, one uneven, People equally go both ways, knowing ‘Tis as long as life.

(If you) Take the wrong way, Turn around and come back. Start afresh then, from the start.



Past Life

- Aarya


Thought I’d give up Instead life made me step up Was too hard Got many scars

Was too weak But still defeated Challenges were so hard But my anger continued the war

Tears were flowing non-stop Which made my confidence drop But again, I did not stop Instead made their mind throb

It was too much I trudged Didn’t know what to do My mind didn’t have any clue

Tried letting go But every time ended up feeling low Angels made me feel like I’m a rainbow This time I had to glow

Right now, I just don’t care As I’m fully aware That I’m so rare And searching for fresh air.

Strength Within - Aayushi Upadhyay 11D

Learn to embrace the storms in your life It gives a reason for you to strive, Throw all the fears away from your heart Standing bravely, is an art.

Strength within keeps you goingLike the tides that are always flowing, Life will always judge you by your will, All the wishes you need to fulfill.

Difficulties are times to test patience, To wait and calm one’s sense Your belief in you is your power It helps in getting bad times over.



The Thirsty Crow, Recreated - Ojas Mehrotra 11


In a land, there lived a crow, Who could fly to and fro. He lived in a water-less land, Where nothing could be found, only sand. At dawn, the crow would take his beak out, And cawed to his heart out. But without any mercy, the day became crimson painted, The crow tried to fly, but fainted. The crow hovered in that forsaken land, Where crimson was the picturesque. But the crow flew they say it just flew. At last in the forsaken land, He found a pot kept with water on sand The crow peeped inside the pot, the water in the pot peeped at him back, Charming sight it was, but the crow was taken aback. For water was less, and his neck was stout, He could hardly get some in his mouth. The crow went here, and it went there, To rescue pebbles drowned deep in sand. Down those pebbles, went into that pot, And water climbed up with every shot. The crow drank water in that forsaken land, Where, he found water upon the sand. That was the story of the crow in that forsaken land........ Where nothing could be found, but only sand.

The Circus Bizarro - Navya Manchanda, 11C1 A grand circus bizarro, Showed up to town of yore, Hoopers, loops, Jugglers, troupes, A penny per head, no more.

Look, oh look! The ribbons wave, The clev'r clown cries, The craven lion dies, Bewitching dancers sway.

From this dreadful display, Must you run away? Why try in vain? You will drown in your pain. ‘Tis always jolly to stay.

You, yes you, Wouldn’t you like to see? A menagerie of maniacs, Of horror, of panic. May you escape free.



The Story of John  - Syed Bashar 11C1

The story of John could have been an unfortunate one,

Should this hope be denied?

It could have ended with a bit of poison.

I was scared but I wanted to try,

He was a short ectomorph with weak eyes,

I could almost hear him cry,

Everyone didn’t seem to him very nice.

Little bit of poison would be enough for him to die.

He was bullied, and beaten up because he was poor but wise, And the bullies were wealthy so they had to be right. He was one of the afraid voices which did not speak, Because he was scared that society will call him weak. Going to school for him was like a war, Sometimes physical, sometimes mental, and sometimes saying bad things about his mom.

So I stood up and held his hand tight , I remember the twinkle in his eyes. Whatever happens next doesn’t matter to me, As I was elated and so was he. I lost a tooth, John hurt his back,  We can come back home with self respect intact.  So to all out there like us ,don’t be silly! Brave can always defeat a bully.

Every night he stayed awake,  Asked himself how long would it take,  He tried hard not to break, Went on and on every day,  His happiness and his hope were apart and away.  One day he tried to talk it out,  Took the help of his parents, and his teachers but they said their usual line,  “You have to be strong, You are a boy and boys don’t cry.” “Now eat and get buffed up so you can give them a fight” He asked me why, why to fight. Isn’t my brain enough for me? Can’t things sort out peacefully? Is that how it usually ends? I thought and thought but wasn’t able to figure out, Was he right? Then the last day comes, just after the exam, The bullies punched him, picked him up, and threw him to the ground. The look for help was crystal clear in his eyes, But I was worried that I get bullied like him. I was the last hope for him. Can this hope be denied? KIS/NOIDA/PARAMPARA/VOL-2/2023


0-Days Reading Campaign Celebrating the 10

The Felicitous Reviews - Arjun Bura 6-A Book – Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone “It takes a deal of bravery to stand up to our enemy, but just as much to stand up to our friends.” Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is a novel about a magical boy named Harry Potter whose parents were murdered by Lord Voldemort(also known as YouKnow-Who) when he was very young. But Harry magically survived. And then, somehow, Voldemort suffered his own spell. This book tells us how Harry, a parent and home-less boy, becomes one of the wizards or witches to ever live. How he gets introduced to the magical world, how he faces Lord Voldemort a second time and saves a precious stone from getting into the hands of Voldemort which could have brought him back to life. Harry and his friends, Ron and Hermione, constantly get into trouble as they discover the dark side of the magic world. They discover new secrets that should not be known by first-years. Will discovering these secrets make their lives easier, or will it make them go one step closer to death? What will Harry’s fate decide? Anyways, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is a magical, interesting and fantastic novel written by J.K. Rowling.

Book review of “The Great Mughals” - Aadrit Ahluwalia 6A Namaskar, my name is Aadrit Ahluwalia. Today I will present a book review of the book “The Great Mughals” by Amar Chitra Katha Publishing House. This book covers the lives of the first five Mughal emperors - Babur, Humayun, Akbar, Jahangir, and Shah Jahan. Their lives - from birth to death - are covered in amazing detail along with their greatest buildings, changes, tragedies, battles & moments of joy. It starts from Babur. It covers his life in the mountains of Kazakhstan and traces him all the way to India, with Delhi, Panipat & Agra. It ends with Shah Jahan, who always tried to win his father’s favor, being laid to rest near the Taj Mahal. I liked this book because it explained the lives of the Mughals in amazing detail and with colorful illustrations. I recommend this book to my friends and classmates & I hope you like it.



The Night Diary - Saanvi Bedi, 8 A Though partition was one of the worst events in India’s history, some stories are still to be cherished. This book tells us one of those stories. In this book, Nisha and her twin brother, Amil, celebrate their 12th birthday in their beloved town of Mirpur Khas, India, a month before their country receives independence from the British and splits into India and Pakistan. Nisha, who got a diary from her family cook, Kazi, writes her diary entries to her mother during the partition of India and Pakistan telling the readers her perspective. Although Nisha’s mother was Muslim, her family was Hindu and the riots during the partition make it difficult for the family to live peacefully in their own house. Nisha feels distant from her grandmother and father but is able to freely speak to Kazi. The partition causes the family to leave Kazi, which devastates Nisha. She has been portrayed as an innocent but strong character, both mentally and physically. She is able to find her strength due to the partition and also finds out about her family history. Her family goes through a difficult but enthralling journey. According to me, this book is one of the best books for our age. This book is not only interesting to read, but gives readers inspiration that they can always discover their brave self and how much capable they can be. This story will surely touch the reader’s heart. This read will not disappoint any reader.

A Perfect Guide To Murder - Sachi Gupta Cambridge 8 E

I have been a mystery lover for as long as I can remember. From reading bedtime stories at night to reading nonfiction books, I have always found solace in murder-mystery tales. This masterpiece by Holly Jackson was just something unbelievable. It’s like Holly Jackson is a queen and she designed a crown for which she will be known. ‘A good girl’s guide to murder” is a story with Pippa Fitz-Amobi in the spotlight who has picked up a thrilling topic for her final-year project. Andie bell, who was murdered 5 years ago, her name starts popping questions in people’s heads like how? why?. People believe that Sal Singh has murdered her as they had previously been in a relationship but that’s probably not the truth. This is the first ever novel I read, and I must say, I’m in love with it. This book gives you everything from cute moments to scary and weird ones. I would be delighted to give this novel 4.5 out of



Animal Farm - Aanya Chaudhary Cambridge 8 E Despite its publication nearly half a century ago, this fantasy-allegory of an oppressed society of mistreated, famished animals and their quest for justice along with the spread of their ideals remains one of the most famous satires of its time. In search of a supposedly better community, animal revolutionaries rise bloodlessly, and we can begin to discern communist doctrine linked to historical real-life incidents. Animal Farm, written by George Orwell, portrays real-time analogies of marxism and authoritative dictatorship. The novel, in my opinion, really shocked me as it started off like any other children's narrative, but then suddenly threw me into a dark tunnel of twists and turns where I discovered how history repeats itself. The story begins with the animals' idea to establish an animal-run farm as they had a deep distaste for mankind because of how they were abused on the farm. With their scheme accomplished, propaganda of human tyranny is pushed by three pigs who appeared to be in control of this motion. At first, the pigs appeared to follow the common goals of all animals, such as writing commandments like ‘all animals are equal’. However, the actual malicious decree of the pigs is slowly revealed as they start amending commandments like 'all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others'. Pigs, who represent dictators such as Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, and Napoleon, exploit their animal population to maintain their rule. But how can we know the pigs aren't manipulating each other? In summary, Animal Farm is a novel chosen to provide a glimpse into the corruption and deception that occurred throughout the Russian Revolution and the communist era. Before you begin reading, keep in mind that once the ugly side of history has been revealed, there is no turning back because communism dwells not only in warfare but also in the horrors of deception.

Wednesday - Vachi Agarwal Cambridge 8 E I stumbled upon Wednesday as it was the talk of the town and every person I know was urging me to watch it. Believe it or not, this short 1 seasoned show lived up to the hype! This eight-episode show is a spinoff of the original The Addams Family show from back in the 1900’s and was directed by the well-known Tim Burton. Considering that he also directed the famous Batman and Corpse Bride, it is no surprise that yet another show of his would be a big - hit! Starring Jenna Ortega, Luis Guzmán, Emma Myres, and even Christina Ricci ( who played the original Wednesday Addams) ‘Wednesday’ has won over the hearts of many! Wednesday presents a deviously charming world. The show bristles with originality and transfers viewers into a whole new witty and bizarre universe. Wednesday, the smart and gothic protagonist of the show was portrayed beautifully by Jenna Ortega in the 8 - hour long series. The show has a splash of multiple genres such as mystery, comedy, horror, and supernatural; this blend is what makes the show so breathtaking. The series brings forward the life of any curious and misunderstood teenage girl in a colorful and mysterious manner. ‘Wednesday’ begins with Wednesday’s transfer to Nevermore Academy after a certain incident involving piranhas at her old school. Nevermore Academy is the school her parents attended themselves as teenagers, which opens up secrets of their pasts, soon to be discovered by their own daughter. Wednesday and her assistant and friend, ‘Thing’, set the school on fire from the second they entered it. The show opens up a world full of possibilities. From attempted murders to love triangles, from secretive teachers to hidden antagonists, from exciting high-school competitions to mysteries that the future may hold: this show has it all! The costumes, the characters, the setting and the plot - twists are on point! The sassy comments and bubbly relationships between each character had me laughing and glued to my seat. If you are looking for a binge-worthy show that will keep you on the edge of your seats, Wednesday is a perfect choice! I rate this show a ⅘ and strongly recommend it to anyone out there, I am already waiting for a second season!



VORACIOUS READERS! “There are three things to aim at in public speaking: first, to get into your subject, then to get your subject into yourself, and lastly, to get your subject into the heart of your audience.” – Alexander Gregg Voracious Readers! - Nandini Cambridge 8 E As you open a book, the soft rustle of the pages and the words on those pages transport you into a whole new world, a fantasy, a dream. Namaskar everyone, my name is Anna smith and I am here to talk to you about a project that your principal and I have been working on. You know, I was talking to your principal and she asked me to speak up here, and I said “with all due respect

Pleasure Of Reading - Vachi Cambridge 8 E Good morning, everyone, my name is Akari and I'm sure you guys have seen me sprinting around your school, going in and out of classes or even working in the library. This is because I have recently been working with your principal on a project and that’s why I am here today, sorry teachers for the time I am taking out of your classes. Before I begin, I want to ask you, how many of you dislike reading? How many of you think of it as a dull task? Or even as an obligation for school? I am sure that more than half of you would raise your hands and think like this. I want you to think again.

ma'am, my audience will be twelve to sixteenyear-olds, they'll doze off before I finish my first sentence!” But here I am. Now, I'm sure seventy percent of you all here despise books, so let me give you an insightful thought: you are reading the wrong type of books! Everyone thinks that books are boring and tedious but you all need to peep outside the boundaries that you have created for yourself.

Look outside these boundaries and explore, look outside these boundaries and have an adventure, look outside these boundaries and live a little. Books will help you live a little. These days you are

Reading is like dreaming with your eyes open. It allows you to escape from the real world. It allows you to escape from tests, stress, and assignments. Reading hurls you into a world of imagination where you can be what you want to be and do what you want to do. How many of you were disappointed when you first found out that Santa Clause or the tooth fairy was not real? How many of you were upset when you found out that you cannot have powers or be immortal like Greek gods or superheroes? Well, all you need to do is pick up a book and start reading. Reading will give you someplace to escape when you do not want to be in the place you are in. It is commonly said that today’s readers are tomorrow’s leaders. I could not agree with this quote anymore. Not only is reading an amazing hobby and fuel for your imagination, but it is also extremely educational. As a kid I never paid attention in class, I never did my homework and I bunked all my tests. I was failing. That is when my teacher suggested that I read. I thought of it as a tedious task that must be done. At first, I read a few pages reluctantly to please my mom; gradually, I started reading a few more pages every day and before I realized it, I was reading by choice! There was a drastic change in my grades and my behavior. I was inspired by the characters in my books and I strived to become like them. And do you know what?

all swarmed with work, school, and finishing your Netflix series. But to give your overwhelming mind a small pause, to give your life a little break, open a book and just read. It'll take you to places that are just indescribable. Books will help you reach all the goals you want to achieve in life because your

I ended up as valedictorian at the end of my year 12! My vocabulary had improved ineffably and the kid that was once failing was replaced with me now. If only you step out of your comfort zone a little and pick up the bundles of magic that are books, you will see the changes in your vocabulary, grades, and even your personality. So, what are you waiting for?

life is precious, and we all know better than to waste it. Right? Thanks to all who are listening to me today and for not dozing off before I finish my speech. I would like to end my speech with a quote: Books are gifts, but you can open these gifts again and again….


Reading is one of the most marvelous adventures that a person can have. It is one of the best adventures I have had. It can be one of the most exceptional adventures you have. So, I ask you, do you want to join me on this adventure? I hope to see you all in the ‘Read Now Project’, with books in your hands. I promise it will be everything you ever wanted. Thank you for listening.



A Smart Young Prodigy Becomes orphaned - Namish Srivastava 5F Even as the narrator, I am fascinated by this story. This is one of the best stories our news channel has ever told us about.

The story starts with a young boy, who is kind, smart, and nice, yet mischievous. His parents died from a disease when he was just 12 years old, a disease which occurs from low amounts of nutrients and stress, less rest, and less time for themselves. And at that time nobody came forward to help his family. So the boy had a mindset that he will help people. He had part-time jobs, to make some money for education. He used his money for education and helping the needy. He later got a scholarship for studies and used his parent's fortune on a place to help people. In his young days, he helped his fellow classmates and everyone he could help. He helped his classmates study and also relieve their stress with their studies. Working his way as a social worker. In eleventh grade, he started his studies to become a full-time social worker. He also learned to be very patient and cope with people. And used his critical thinking to devise ways to help people and tell them what they have to do, to make their life better. At the age of 22, he got a job as a social worker. That’s when people started to realize his potential. Later with his close friends, he started a Social help organization called “The Father”. During Covid-19, his organization got spread globally in various countries, where they helped people by providing food, shelter, medicines, covid hospitals etc. He used to get happy after helping others and used to feel sad when somebody was suffering. And that’s the story

The Charming 3 - Aranya Shukla, 5B

Uhhhhh... Mom wants to cut my hair again! Oh, by the way, I am Jennifer Klien also known as Jenni. I have a pet named Dove who is a bird. It is very cute. My two besties are visiting me today. They are Cherry Pie and Isabell Ink. Together, we make an extraordinary team called 'The Charming 3’. We solved mysteries like The Missing Pet, The Strange Man by the River, etc. Let's now get back to the story. Mom is crazy about my hair. They are super-duper extra-long. She wants them to be cut off but, everyone loves my hair and they give me compliments. Yay! My besties are here. ‘Hey, Jenni... Whatcha doing?’ said Isabell. Nothing much, I said. It is the usual. Just bored and bored. But wait... Where is my lucky purse that I carry with me? I just wore it. Oopsie, what can I do? ‘We can do one thing and that is to investigate!’ Said, Cherry. Right, I said. ‘We need to find it before the tea party starts’ We started searching everywhere. ‘Hey guys,’ I said. ‘Look at these muddy prints on my skirt. These can only belong to...’ ‘Dove!’ shouted everyone. We ran to his cage and saw the pretty little purse stuck on the lock. When we got it out. It was destroyed. Tearfully, I started to sob, sob, and sob. ‘It was my favorite purse,’ I said. ‘Don’t worry Jenni, we made you another one as a gift yesterday.’ said Isabell. ‘We hope you like it...,’ said Cherry as I unwrapped it, my tears stopped as I looked at the pretty purse.’ It’s... It's wonderful!’ I cried. I will never forget this gift. And later on, we had a lovely tea party with everyone (even Dove



Insomnia - Chloe Joanna Conlan, 7D "I don't want to go to bed!" That was the last thing I said to my mother before slamming the door in her face. My mother and I got into a huge argument as I have been telling her that I am an insomniac but she just wouldn't believe me. Sometimes, I can't even wake up, I mean, I do... Eventually. There are three scary creatures in my dreams. One holds my eyes wide open while the other stay in my closet, staring at me with those big yellow cat-like eyes. But, the third one is the scariest, it's a girl this time and something just tells me that she wants to eat me. She stares at me at the end of my bed with that humongous grin reaching up her mouth while drool slips out. She stares at me with hunger in her eyes but her grin slowly recedes as she knows I'm about to wake up and then... I'm finally awake. This has been happening for about 5 days and today going to be the 6th. But, I am not going to let that happen, I'm going to stay awake and not have that horrific dream again.

It's 2:55 am and I am doing pretty good at staying awake! Oh no... I'm feeling a little drowsy and *ding* the clock hits 3 and oh no! I'm feeling super sleepy all of a sudden I can't fall asleep- I went to bed! I'm in the hands of the lady now, I look around and see the first monster behind my bed who used to keep my eyes open and then I look into my closet and see the second monster but finally I look back at the lady... She's grinning again, I wonder how long it will take her to stop but today's different, I'm in her hands, horrified and scared... Wait! Her mouth opened wider and wider until... Well, that was the last time I ever slept. I got to see my funeral thought, I saw my parents crying over my dead body which was in the casket. I just wanted to go and squeeze them so tightly but I couldn't... My soul is trapped with the lady and she won't let me go... "Goodbye Mommy and Daddy, I love you" Those were the last words I said before following the lady and the two other monsters into the endless dark void.

Insomnia is a common problem. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) reports that when it comes to insomnia among adults: 30 to 35 percent have brief symptoms of insomnia 15 to 20 percent have short-term insomnia lasting less than 3 months 10 percent have a chronic insomnia disorder, which occurs at least 3 times per week for at least 3 months



Kumar - Aaryav Jaiswal,7E In the exaggerated streets of India was a child. He was no ordinary child but a blessed spirit stepping his devout foot on earth as a poor, vagrant boy who lived in the filthy streets of Mumbai. The kid’s name was Kumar, no first name, no middle name just Kumar. He grew up watching people do certain jobs like the dukandar selling peaches and plums to small little kids in the bazaar. He wanted to buy some fruit but he couldn't, he was poor. Kumar’s parents were affluent and reckless and wanted a child a girl but they got a bright and beautiful boy instead. How disgusted the parents were when they saw him despite his captivating appearance. It was clear he was gifted by God but all the parents wished was for a girl. They left poor Kumar all alone on the streets without even giving him a name. As Kumar grew up, he never knew how to communicate or speak with other people but while listening to the individuals around him he naturally developed a sense of talking. Communicating with others was a bit easier for him and he had fun. He was homeless but never really cared, he had the freedom to roam around, play with others, cause a ruckus, and live without rules. The best part was he could call any place his home, the sabzi mandi was his first house but sadly he was kicked out by the dukaan-dar. His second house was near the ‘ ‘nali’ ‘but my God it carried a stench, like 10 dead mice. His third house was under a tree in central park. It is where he is currently staying but living such a wonderful life full of freedom has its downfalls, he wasn’t educated enough, people would tease him calling him Kaalu and Sukdru because of his black skin tone and sick body. He wasn’t treated well and wasn’t fed, Kumar would dive into dumpsters to find raw potatoes and tomatoes, it was the reason he would get sick often. Kumar always wondered who were his parents, how did they look, whether were they kind, and why they put Kumar away. He never knew. One rainy day in Mumbai, Kumar was sleeping peacefully on the strong branches of the mango tree when suddenly the branch broke and before he knew it Kumar fell but, to his surprise he didn’t feel any pain. “Arre, I didn’t feel any pain!”. Kumar now knew he was invincible, or sort of. He didn’t feel pain. He was astonished. He tried to fall off the roof of the mandi, the dukaandar tried to stop him but he jumped without even thinking and once again he survived! The dukandar saw this and was speechless. The very next day people were gathering around Kumar's tree wanting to adopt him when suddenly, a rich couple pushed all the peasants away. “Beta, we want to adopt you, you will live your best life ever”. Once again without thinking, Kumar jumped off his mango tree and hugged the two random strangers. The strangers were Kumar’s biological parents who once left him on his own but wanted to adopt him again to gain fame among people for being slightly immortal. They took Kumar to their palace in the city centre. Kumar was speechless, it was like he skipped a beat. He ran around the palace knocking things over and over, the servants and janitors were fed up with the nuisance created by the little boy. The parents told the servants that he’d learn in a few days. At night Kumar went to bed in his new Lightning McQueen-designed bed wearing a fancy pair of pjs and a blue t-shirt. He felt so amazingly comfortable. He tucked himself in and tried going to bed but couldn’t resist jumping on it first, so he started jumping. He was giggling and having fun when he heard the parent’s talking to each other. “Arre, we are going to get so rich; he is going to bring us fame, and when we have a million rupees, hum toh usse chod denge. Kumar was dumbstruck when he heard them talking. This time, with deciding what to do he jumps out of the window in anger and took an oath to never step near that house. A few decades passed and Kumar grew up to become a businessperson and a millionaire by starting an adoption company, Wish A Child. He spreads awareness on how children who are abandoned by their parents deserve a better life than being homeless.



Early Bird Catches the Worm -Etania Pajni Cambridge 7F Jackson was a young boy who lived in a small town. His summer break had just started; on the last day of school he had an idea. He wanted to put up a lemonade stand for the scorching midsummers so that he could earn money to buy the big unicorn for his younger sister’s birthday but little did he know someone else had the same idea of earning money to get the unicorn for herself. Turns out it was Jenna, the mean girl at school. They both lived on the same street and Jenna would always bully and make fun of Jackson, so she was more on the rebellious side. On the other hand, Jackson was a kind and sweet kid who helped elders cross the roads. They both worked hard to make the money they needed, but Jenna would often take long breaks, especially in the afternoon as there was too much heat and while she rested in her air-conditioned room, Jackson earned more and more money, and because of the heat people needed something cold like lemonade.

Jackson served lines and lines of people in the burning hot afternoons and earned the money before Jenna could. Jenna looked outside her window and saw Jackson celebrating because he made the money he needed to buy that unicorn, Jenna got jealous because she barely made half of the money needed. She then went on pleading to her parents for some money and they gave it to her without a single thought, so now they both had the money they needed. The only thing left was getting it the next day. Jackson couldn’t wait so his parents took him to get it in the morning right after breakfast and Jenna kept sleeping. When she woke up their car raced out of their street and she realized that she was late and that Jackson would get the last one. She hurried and reached there but by the time she did, she saw Jackson's sister walking with the large unicorn in her hands which meant Jenna was too late.

The Ultimate Halloween - Siyona Abbey, 8 A The Shadow Monster screeched loudly, as the others were busy distracting the monster, Nightelle turned invisible and headed upstairs to see the shadow monster minions guarding the gem! She tried to take the gem but was not able to pick it up! Oh no! THE CLOCK WAS ABOUT TO STRIKE 12. Was it going to be too late?? Wait! If you want to know what happened, let me take you right back to the beginning. So, there was another world right below us, called Spookters Land. There lived many wicked fairies, monsters of all sorts who were short-tempered and cursed, and hexing witches in this spooky world. This land emanated on the first Halloween ever. All monsters were at least 200 years old. Although all depravity lived here, the creatures did not kill each other, and they co-existed together. But, on every Halloween, in Spookters Land, arrive a few shapeshifting, scary, big, ferocious, and gross monsters. They could turn into anything and had pointed needle-like sharp teeth with burning fiery red eyes filled with pure evilness. Gloomdis was the leader and oldest of the monsters. “Dear all bad creatures of this land, just like every Halloween I am back! And this time Halloween is really special! It is the six hundredth and sixty-sixth Halloween! As I am filled with gloom, my plan is not just to eat a few, but all of you! It will be a feast! Tomorrow is Halloween but guesses what? We monsters have plans of our own. At midnight it will be Halloween and you all will be dead. Mwahahaha” said Gloomdis.



All the creatures were terrified as they heard that they would die soon! The queen of Spookter’s land- Majesty Mallory got terrified as well and decided to do something noble for the first time! Nobody expected anything much from her as even her name Mallory meant bad luck and she hardly cared about anyone except herself. But Majesty Mallory had three strong fairy soldiers- Nightelle who had the power of becoming invisible, Wolfen, who could turn into a werewolf, and Dragonfury who had powers of fire. She decided to send them to the haunted house. THE HAUNTED HOUSE. This haunted house had a unique red gem with which Gloomdis could be ontrolled. But it was guarded by an iniquitous Shadow Monster and his minions! Majesty Mallory was given the gem as a gift from her ancestors, but the Shadow Monsters confiscated the stone 100 years ago. As Nightelle, Wolfen, and Dragonfury stepped inside the Haunted house, they heard the doors close. Creeeeeeeeek!!! And BOOM!!! The Shadow Monster launched out of nowhere and grabbed Wolfen by her wings. She quickly transformed into a werewolf and bit the Shadow Monster’s arm as Dragonfury launched a fireball at it. The Shadow Monster screeched loudly. As the others were busy distracting the monster, Nightelle turned invisible as she headed upstairs and saw the shadow monster minions guarding the gem. She tried to take the gem but was not able to pick it up. As she tried, she became visible again and the minions told her that in order to take the gem, Nightelle would have to sacrifice the lives of the Great Warriors of Spookter’s Land. She decided to be the hero and touched the gem as she said the names of the people she wanted to sacrifice for the greater good. (Or so she thought). She spoke- “NIGHTELLE! WOLFEN! AND DRAGONFURY! I SACRIFICE US FOR THE GREATER GOOD!!” and suddenly, Tick Tock!! The clock hit 12 midnight! It was Halloween and the other hand, Gloomdis said “HAHAHA! Nightelle, Wolfen, and Dragonfury sacrificed themselves and gave their powers to me by putting the powers in the gem! MUAHAHAHA!!! They’re so stupid! Thank you Majesty Mallory for supporting me!” Everybody who was sitting there in the big pot with boiling water and a bonfire beneath them was shocked to see that the Majesty was on the evil side and had been scheming against them all. She said- “Hmm! My pleasure! Finally! We will get to rule Spookter’s Land stronger together! I sent them to give their powers as they were the greatest in all the land, to make you stronger!” All creatures in Spookters's Land shouted and screamed as they were getting burned! And Gloomdis along with his fellow monsters and Majesty Mallory enjoyed the feast! This was indeed the ultimate Halloween!

Making a Halloween pumpkin

Choose a pumpkin: Pick a large pumpkin that is free from bruises and blemishes. Look for a pumpkin with a sturdy stem that is not too thin or too brittle. Cut off the top: Use a sharp knife to cut off the top of the pumpkin. Cut at an angle so that the lid fits back on easily. Scoop out the insides: Use a large spoon or scoop to remove the seeds and stringy bits from the inside of the pumpkin. Make sure you remove all the seeds and pulp. Draw your design: Use a pencil or marker to draw your design on the pumpkin. You can find stencils online or make your own. Carve the pumpkin: Use a small serrated knife or pumpkin carving tool to cut along the lines of your design. Make sure you cut all the way through the pumpkin. Clean up: Use a damp cloth to wipe away any excess pumpkin bits or debris from the outside of the pumpkin. Insert a candle: Place a candle or LED light inside the pumpkin to light it up. Make sure the candle is secure and won't tip over. Enjoy your Halloween pumpkin: Your Halloween pumpkin is now ready to be displayed and enjoyed!



Rose Garden, Grey Skies and a Trapped Immortal Soul - Aadrika Rai Cambridge 8E {A woman at the end of life (in the afterlife) is given a choice to stay at one place for eternity. Somewhere she won't ever be able to leave. Knowing this, she chooses a dark castle with a view of a rose garden paired with everlasting rain. Will staying in a single setting of her dreams be enough to satisfy her forever? Only time would tell.}

I've been here for the past TWO centuries. And I'll stay here for the eternities to come. My view consists of winds violently blowing at rose bushes scattered across at least 100,000 meters of land accompanied by gleaned grey skies and a drizzle of short-time rain. Even after all this while nothing seems to change. At first, it was close to my idea of a utopia with nothing here: no people, no noise, and frankly no disturbance. Nothing except for the idyllic blood-red flowers a large, enchanting, dark castle and the weather of my choice: rain and clouds. Ironically, as time passed, the walls surrounding me and the roses began to look a lot more unfamiliar, even foreign. Replicating the changes in a loved one at first is quintessential that soon grows cold and vague. Almost as if you never really knew them. I chose these over anything else in the world and now I can't help but feel scared realizing that this is all there will be, forever. Now, I sit at the large window of my dark castle and stare at the same sight.Even if in the unknownst these scarlet roses and their thorns have an alarming beauty,I can not shelve anything from this place and there is no point in trying. Though, now I can say I have developed a sense of serenity for this sight in front of me in the last decade or maybe millennial. I am sure I have lost track of time just like how I have lost count of the number of cuts on my fingers from those flowers, of course. I do not pray to escape anymore since I know it is not possible. I do not cry about not being able to leave this place since I know it is mindless. All I do is sit and stare. All I can ever do is sit and stare.



Happy Birthday To You - Viraaj Bhardwaj, 8A I was in handcuffs while I sat in a dimly lit room, the walls made of concrete with no paint, and a wall made of mirror right beside me. I could hear the fan just moving, that was the only thing I heard till the door opened and the interrogator sat on the chair right in front of me. He tried to calm me, but I am one who has seen horrors, one never wishes to experience. Nothing could save me from the madness I was stuck in. He asked me what happened on the night of the murders, the night of my birthday. My birthday party was just about to begin, I was now 21 so now I was open to all the experiences the real world had for me. I invited a bunch of my friends to have the most fabulous party I could, we hired a DJ as well. We also hired some house cleaners for the afterparty. One of them had a very menacing feature on his face.

It seems as if his eyes could see through our world. I went to him to ask if everything was all right, and he then snapped out of whatever hypnosis or meditation he was in. He now suddenly had a very comforting feeling about him. Then after that, we partied hard for the next five or six hours. Then around 2 am most of us were tired. So I just told everyone that they could crash at my place. After everyone including myself fell asleep, I woke up in the middle of the night. I noticed I was holding an old stopwatch, it was still working but I was so confused. Then it chimed once and I heard a voice from the darkness. “Happy birthday to you” is what I heard from across the house. I slowly walked with the stopwatch in my hand and I entered the room.

I turned on the lights to find my friend lying dead on the floor, his blood creeping towards my legs, I screamed at the top of my lungs. I ran into the living room where I heard 5 more chimes, each chime had an interval of 6 minutes, I know that for a fact because I was so scared I hid away in a kitchen and just stared at the stopwatch. After each chime, I heard the same voice till finally, I saw the silhouette of a man, his face covered with a mask. He walked slowly, as he walked he said: “ Happy birthday Rohan, how did you like my presents, I gave you six so I expect something in return silly.” I was shivering out of fear as he walked towards me. He said, “ Now you will feel pain for the rest of your life, that is my true gift to you”. He then knocked me out. I had flashes of what was maybe happening, I heard sirens and murmuring and I saw some people I never knew. Then I suddenly woke up in a jail cell, they then instructed me to go to a room. I sat on the chair trembling in horror due to what I saw. That moment is what has led to the moment we are in right now!



Cambridge - Your Gateway to the World Abhinav Gupta & Haardik Kulshreshtha AS Level Cambridge

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn” is A quote that meticulously describes The Cambridge Education System. It is indeed: Education Redefined! A comprehensive global presence with a curriculum objectivized towards Practical Knowledge, strengthening conceptual understanding meanwhile encouraging the application of the same is the mantra at Cambridge. Rather than dwelling and adhering to the use of a defined, restricted way of expression; you learn the courage to illustrate the conceptualization that resembles you and not a textbook definition: you learn to apply your edification to real-life scenarios rather than answering a monotonous, redundant set of questions. A regularly updating education policy that incorporates new developments and adapts to the needs of today’s world because honestly, what will be the use of mugging up the birth years of all British Monarchs when ease of access to information has been revolutionized since the introduction of smartphones? This is what an aspiring future leader like you needs! Rather than memorizing let’s consider actual learning. Globally Valued Qualifications A Cambridge Qualification comes with its great internationally acclaimed recognition, retaining its value for a lifetime of education and employment. A reach covering a staggering 2200 established universities globally including all those of the UK, approximately 850 in the US (including the Ivy League), and several paramount student destinations such as Germany and Singapore: all recognize Cambridge qualification as a testament to Academic achievement ensuring the adequate appreciation of your distinct talent and traits. Quoting Cambridge, "Global Institutions understand that the demand of our curricula and the rigor of our assessments give students what they need to flourish in higher education.” Inclusive cooperation with employers and governments ensures the sharing of expertise and comprehension of the regional educational challenges, henceforth, allowing a smooth learning environment. A Class apart Incorporating 10,000 schools across continents has meant Cambridge programs being taught to over a million students worldwide helping them achieve the best! An education stratagem constructed on the profound attributes of confidence, responsibility, reflection, innovation, and engagement presents you with focus, motivation, challenge, and a zeal to learn. A flexible and linear Assessment of conceptual knowledge, deep thinking, and intricate logical reasoning molds your knowledge into an applicable and understandable collection of convictions. More significantly, you choose the career you desire irrespective of your grades in a particular aspect or subject. Motivating innovation and research along with cross-curricula connections incentivize your desire to demonstrate and improve your skills. Well, relevance, challenge, and productivity are brought about by the willingness to learn; unfasten remarkable opportunities, don’t they? How has Cambridge benefited Kothari?



A Piece of Daisy - SaraVerma, 8C Another day, another boring lecture. It was finally Friday and Brooke was so ready for this well-deserved weekend but only if she didn’t have multiple assignments to complete. It was French class and she couldn't wait for the bell to ring. Twenty minutes later the bell rang and it was time for lunch, skipping breakfast was a bad idea for sure. She walked to the small cafe right next to campus and took a seat next to Luke. Brooke and Luke have been friends for about five years now and they know each other like the back of their hands. They were making conversation and failed to notice Daisy and Gemma joining them. They've known the girls for roughly about seven months and the four are inseparable. Daisy started telling them about her scholarship and how in a few months she'll go off to college, Brooke could tell she was extremely excited since she has that bright shine in her eyes. She was the oldest in the group. Brooke knew this was coming and she also knew she wouldn't be able to cope with her going away. Even though Daisy and Brooke have known each other for a short period, they were remarkably close, they couldn't go a day without talking to each other. They knew each other just like Brooke and Luke, maybe even more. Daisy was hyped about going to college, her eyes crinkling and she broke into a smile. Daisy went on about how quickly everything is changing, Brooke had mostly zoned out because time had gone by significantly quickly. They decided to meet up at Daisy's place and stay the night. It was basically a routine at this point. Brooke was the first one to arrive and began assisting Daisy to prepare for the movie. She was in the middle of telling Brooke about her day when Joey ran into the kitchen and jumped on Brooke. Joey was Daisy's golden retriever and the attention seeker, once he was in, Daisy was irrelevant. Brooke loved Joey and sometimes would joke about kidnapping him and by the way Joey got piped up, it was clear he wasn't completely opposed to the idea. Soon enough Luke and Gemma joined them and devoted all their attention to Joey. They brought a tent, their bags, and a lot of candy. Brooke’s eye caught the candy and nothing else mattered after that, all of them chuckled when Brooke attacked the candies but she didn't care, it was her and candy against the world. After the movie ended, Luke dragged the girls to Daisy's backyard to set up the tent which would have been easy if they weren't so exhausted. Gemma and Brooke helped Luke with the tent while Daisy brought the pillows, blankets, and pizza. fifteen minutes later their tent was ready and they snuggled up enjoying each other's presence in silence. Daisy brought up her scholarship again and it was nice to see her so excited about something, she had something to look forward to and it was wonderful but it also meant she won't be here, she'll be in Manchester and she will be busy, she may not even have any time to spare to her friends after that. A week passed and Daisy got distant from the group. She didn't talk to Brooke as much anymore and at first, Brooke thought it was because of school but it didn't sit right with her, she knew it wasn't because of that but she didn't know what it could be either. Whenever she asked Daisy if she was free, she would always tell her she has tons of work or her family was over - who by the way, loved Brooke - and she had to be with them. Daisy never kept secrets and her distancing herself from everyone really bothered Brooke because, in a few months, she would leave. If only she knew why Daisy was acting the way she was… Two months passed with no proper communication with Daisy. Luke and Gemma tried to distract Brooke from Daisy's absence but it wasn't that easy and they knew it too, they too missed her but wouldn't show, for some reason they felt the need to be strong for Brooke, maybe because she was the closest to her and it’s more difficult for her. Brooke started to get incredibly worried, she wondered if Daisy was okay or if it was something she had done that made Daisy not want to talk to her. But then she also wasn't speaking with Luke or Gemma, it had to be something serious. As time passed, it only got harder. Without Daisy, Brooke didn't know how to properly function and she really missed Joey. Luke asked if she wanted to go to Daisy's place to see if she was fine and she mentally cursed herself for not thinking of that. After school, they knocked on Daisy's door and her mother opened it. Joey instantly attacked them and her mother had a huge smile on her face, but it soon turned into a frown. She told them Daisy is not here right now and that they should go back and when they asked when she'll be home she said she would tell them. They really shouldn't have trusted her because they never heard back. Again, it was strange because her mother adored the kids and this was too, alien to them.



Brooke was certain she was going crazy. She was miserable without Daisy and that made her feel guilty because her friends were trying so hard to keep her happy! Gemma was tired of seeing her this way, her heart ached, seeing her best friend so sad and the only thing they could try to do was talk to Daisy and tell her what her sudden absence is doing to Brooke. Luke and Gemma drove to Daisy's and knocked, this time it was Daisy who answered the door. Her face had an unreadable expression. Gemma tried explaining to her why she should come with them and Luke tried asking her why she disappeared without an answer. Daisy sighed and told them she would explain later. The tension was thick but no one said a thing. It was times like these that made Daisy wonder if she was doing the right thing, according to her she's only protecting her friends but she's not quite sure if it is the right way because if it was, it would feel right. Right? Luke asked Brooke to come to meet them at Gemma's place and in ten minutes she was there. Her face lit up when she spotted Daisy. She didn't waste a second and engulfed her in a bone-crushing hug. Just as Brooke was about to speak and ask her why she wasn't answering any of her texts, Daisy cut her off as if she read her mind and told her she'll explain later. Gemma decided to ask Daisy about her plans for college to ease things and Daisy beamed. She went on about her dorm and the plans she had for it and how she'll be sharing it with someone and the courses. It was easy to tell she was thrilled about this and Brooke couldn't be happier for her. It would be easy to go back to being normal again, pretend like the last three months didn't happen but they all needed an explanation, Daisy knew she'd have to tell them something if not the truth but she couldn't get herself to, so all she could do was delay the motive A few hours passed and Brooke gathered the courage to ask Daisy why she's been so distant, Daisy asked her if it would be okay to tell her later and Brooke wasn't going to argue about that. She wouldn't do anything to drive her away again so she agreed. The three of them thought it would be something related to college but what they didn't know was that soon a bomb would be dropped on them. A month had passed and Daisy was about to leave for college, Brooke had never seen her so happy before. They all packed with Daisy, well, if unfolding articles of clothing and throwing them on each other counted as helping. They helped her to pick out furniture for her new place, she decided that she doesn't want to live in a dorm, so they bought an apartment last minute. Everything was planned, and even though they would all miss her, they were so, very happy for Daisy and that was all she needed, the support of her friends. After they had left, Daisy was left with her thoughts, wondering if what she was doing is right or not, if telling her friends before about her health would have eased the situation or not.

She had tried to distance herself from all of her friends so that when it gets worse, they wouldn't miss her too much but that didn't work because they found her, and she didn't want to be without them, she is too attached to them and she can't let go, not like this. It's a strange thing, how a few people entered her life and made her want a future, made her want to stay and pursue things in life. But she wasn't so sure if she'd get it, her parents tried everything they could but it wasn't working, doctors said she'll be fine, that it won't escalate soon but no one knew. No one could say, this has no cure. But why does she have to be the one who protects everyone? She can't even protect herself, she's been so unbelievably strong for so, so long that it has started to hurt more than the mere thought of leaving her friends for college.



A Girl With Paws -Siddhi Gupta, 8B A quiet evening came. Twilight enveloped everything in the grey light. Soon the moon rose from behind and its bright silver light made the world even more beautiful. The silence was looming around in the air. Everyone retired to their beds as the nightingale sang a song with her sweet voice. The songs were so pleasant that the silence didn't mind being disturbed. The beauty of nature marvelled at me and after some time I also headed to bed. I closed my eyes to sleep and when I was conscious again with beeps of my alarm, it was seven in the morning already. I extended my hand to turn off the alarm when I realized my arm couldn't reach it. "Did my limbs shorten? "I muttered to myself. My eyes started to open up more as I became more clear‐headed from my sleep with the view getting clearer. I then turned my head to see my hand was no more, instead, it was a paw. I freaked out not believing what my eyes just saw and got out of my cosy blanket and stood on the bed as I saw myself in the wooded mirror in front of my bed. I had turned into a Scottish cat! "Aah" I shouted as I became petrified, I wondered if I was still dreaming. Since I couldn't pinch myself to run a check, I bit my paw as hard as I could due to which I even got a bruise but what affected me the most was believing that this was reality. "Beep-beep" the sound of the alarm was now loudly echoing around the room, making me lose my cool. I went closer to it with my 4 limbs and threw it with my paw. I started to tear up "Wahh, mom help me! Waah," I meowed. I went into a deep thought if somebody had cast a spell on me. After all, how could I possibly lose my body? Suddenly I felt water being dumped on my face. I blinked and snapped back to the real world. "Why are you not waking up?" shouted my elder sister. I felt like throwing my arms around her to give her a tight hug, I had never felt so happy waking up. The wooden mirror was right in front of me as it was before, proving to me that I was in my room. My stomach was growling so I got out of bed with a sigh of relief and went straight for breakfast. My bread toast which was golden brown in colour and coffee which had never smelled so pleasant with the usual burnt and roasted fragrance was kept right in front of me. 'That dream or a nightmare, I should say was quite an adventure,' I murmured.

CBSE 100- Day Reading Campaign Mania!

The Reading Campaign was taken up by the Middle Schoolers with great gusto and fervour. Students read several books, novellas and novels and participated in umpteen activities such as story-telling, review writing, interview, text analysis, leisure reading and the list is never-ending. It was a great way of pushing ourselves beyond the confines of the monotonous styles and patterns of the teaching-learning domain. These pleasure-laced activities had educative values and were FUN at the same time.



Time To Laugh Out Your Worries ! - Tanishka 9E 1. Teacher - Tell me the formula of water. Student - H I J K L M N O Teacher - What is this? Student - You only said yesterday that it's H²O (H to O) 2. Father - George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted it. Now, son, do you know why his father didn't punish him? Son - Because George still had the axe in his hand... 3. A passenger rushed to the gate to check in for his flight. The flight attendant said 'Wait'. The passenger answered - "45 kgs". 4. Patient - How much will it charge for a plastic surgery? Doctor - 3 Lakhs Patient - How much will it cost if I give you the plastic.? 5. A couple at a vegetable market. Wife - Can you give me Rs. 500? I forgot my purse at home? Husband - Oh! Don't worry, it's a petty issue. Here, take Rs. 50, catch a bus, go home and get your purse.

The benefits of laughter Reduced stress: Laughing can help reduce stress by decreasing the levels of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline in the body. Improved mood: Laughing can boost your mood by releasing endorphins, which are the body's natural feel-good chemicals. Increased social connection: Laughing with others can help build social bonds and strengthen relationships. Improved immune system: Laughing may increase the production of immune cells and antibodies, which can help strengthen your immune system. Reduced pain: Laughing may help reduce pain by triggering the release of endorphins and increasing circulation. Improved cardiovascular health: Laughing can improve blood flow and reduce blood pressure, which can help improve overall cardiovascular health. Reduced anxiety: Laughing can help reduce feelings of anxiety and promote a sense of relaxation. Improved cognitive function: Laughing can help improve memory, focus, and creativity by increasing blood flow and oxygenation to the brain. Reduced inflammation: Laughing may help reduce inflammation in the body, which is linked to a range of health issues, from heart disease to cancer. Enhanced quality of life: Laughing can improve overall well-being and enhance your overall quality of life by reducing stress and promoting positive emotions.



Cambridge 9-12

Let’s begin with a deep message in a rather rare poetry form An Elegy by Abhinav Gupta - AS Level Cambridge

An elegy is a type of poem that is traditionally used to mourn the loss of a loved one or to reflect on the passage of time. Elegies are often characterized by their somber tone and their focus on themes of death, loss, and grief. Some famous poets who have written elegies include William Shakespeare, who wrote the famous elegy "To the Memory of My Beloved, the Author Mr. William Shakespeare," and John Milton, who wrote the elegy "Lycidas" to mourn the loss of a fellow poet. My version of the Elegy revolves around a lost habit, Persistence. Persistence is an important quality that we should all possess, but lately, it's been dying in our minds. In the hope of reversing that, I present my elegy on persistence.


8 billion souls, 8 billion hearts, A few remain to light the way, Leading us through the dark, Our shared persistence keeps us from veering astray Though miles apart, It's this unwavering drive that connects us every day. Persistence, perseverance, and tenacity, Life without these; a bleak reality. No determination, no resolve? I wonder, Where would we be without them to guide us on our way? Achievement is what we yearn for, So how do we keep the fire of determination burning at our core? Persistence is a powerful force, It is the ability to keep trying and striving, A determination that keeps us alive and thriving, A powerful force that helps us reach our goals. But lately, my heart is heavy and my eyes are down, I am unaware of where she has flown No one around me indicates her presence anymore Where art thou? Please bless us with your effulgence. We ignored your guidance, Choosing convenience over your wise words. We spurned your wisdom, Only to stumble and fall, unable to rise. Why do we do this, I wonder? Is it a desire to fail, Or a stubbornness that protects our pride? We may have lost our way, But a few still remain, shining a light to guide us back to the path. I know a few people, close to me, Whose success brings me joy and pride. Guided, motivated, cherished by your guiding light, You are our angel of radiance, You've always led us towards greatness with all your might. But now we seem to have lost our way, Or perhaps we have grown foolish, it's hard to say. Every now and then, I will call you, my friend, To be our silent guardian, our knight in shining armour,



Next Up! - It’s time to tickle your palate … An Article on Culinary Art by Arshiya Arora - AS Level Cambridge Culinary is often mixed up with cooking, as much as they are similar, culinary is the art and science of preparing food for and by us. It is a skill and art of adding taste, flavor, and beauty to food. It is not just about preparing food, but also about sharing happiness, joy, and love, and in fact, it is one of my beloved hobbies. I have always seen my mom cook for the four of us and like every other kid, curiously wanted to help her. Maybe that was the time when I got attracted to culinary. Culinary helped me express myself, I can creatively present the food I cook so that it looks appealing. Ever since I was a kid, I loved the the aroma of spices, the smell of freshly baked bread, and all the numerous smells that emanated out of the kitchen. I could close my eyes and tell just by the aroma what was cooking in the kitchen. My love for food is all-encompassing. The color, the texture, the taste, the smell all these different elements in food talk to me. I cook with my heart. I have a knack for putting two things together and creating something magical. I have a style of my own. Food talks to me, I talk to food. I understand food better than I understand human beings. I do not follow a cookbook or recipe. I just seem to know what to do, unlike Maths, where I find the simplest of equations baffling. Moreover, it's very satisfying to know that I can cook something delicious without any guidance, honestly, it makes me feel independent . In my opinion, cooking is a great way to bond, all of your close ones surrounded by the dining table enjoying scrumptious food. At this point, I feel like I can call myself a cuisine connoisseur-appreciating the art of cooking and cuisines. If today I look back in time, what I see is my learning over the years, hundreds of experiments and a lot of recipe disasters. Whenever I feel low,food is the thing which boosts my mood. Food has the power to heal others, a good presentation of food can make them smile and warm their heart.Whatever hobby you choose it always gives you a new experience and makes you learn something new and interesting about that hobby. My Hobby gives me happiness. I think cooking is a great way to relax but by putting effort into making it look appealing its becomes therapeutic.

Facts The word "culinary" comes from the Latin word "culinarians," which means "of the kitchen" or "related to cooking." The term has been used in English since the 1600s to refer to anything related to cooking or the kitchen, and it is commonly used today to describe anything related to food preparation, cooking, or cuisine.



Time to introduce a mature author at a tender age.

A Lilt for My Darlings - A Strong Satire To The Vicious Evils! Sandhya Mishra - 9 IGCSE Cambridge

Aim to kill, my wretched darlings: You are the granddaughters of the witches they couldn't burn. This is stimulating and all, but I'm sure they used the remnant fire to burn books on "human decency", "justice", and "equality." Instigate, get into motion.  To hell with caution,  but bring heavenly light on proper, effective ways to protest: Let your voices not spiral into that void, gilded with a darkness that will stretch till oblivion, or worseback into your throats.

As we see, Sexual harassment submerged into the gloom of the alleys, surreptitiously slipping away from his crimes like honey down a throat, but this honey was coarse and made her swallow the details of what happened. Or didn't. At least according to everyone.

Rape runs across the fields flagrantly like a cheerleader (the white one; the one whose rich daddy got her abortion done for her in secret but is trying to take away that fundamental human right from women everywhere), but the banner he wears has the words: SHAME, SHAME MARIAM/SARAH/ASTHA/ETCETRA ETCERTA-YOU GOT YOURSELF RAPED! 

Child marriage sitting on its throne, rape-aciously, oh sorry, rapaciously gobbling confectionaries on the wedding (commemoration of her childhood) days and wearing slickened syrupy sympathy-contorted expressions, for the child bride who cries when forced to leave her family's side yet still expects her to mourn at her abusive husbands' demise.



acism, and its cunning prism of micro-aggressive comments and actions degrading, discouraging, dehumanizing, POCs and depriving us any "D" commencing positive -ing verbs. When sunlight falls on this prism, there is no rainbow as far as the eye can see.

Filth in the seas, temperatures skyrocketing unlike this society's progression, gender: a truly socially constructed thing that seems to have a misplaced brick in its walls and is now tumbling down on non-binary, genderfluid people.  

We cringe, and we look away. That is right: all that, and this is all we do.  Okay, too many “thats” and “drat-its!” No. It is never too much. We rampage through the streets, / it is how we assuage the tempestuous heat of the berserk, belching fire bracketed as it burns within us. / We extinguish it thus. We serve our words brute, / unsweetened and dry/ and make sure they pry/ open close minds. But still, we dust dead roses from the grave/of the boy who was brave/ enough to display his gender expression: wearing corduroy dresses, dainty make-up worth more than he can pay.

About Sunsets - Sandhya Mishra Grade - 9 IGCSE Cambridge There is something about looking at the abstruse amalgamation of twisting colours, cerulean, dusty orange, pastel pink sprinkled in golden and, the final toppings, sprays of navy around the edges of this centre-of-art-gallery worthy sky portrait, signalling the fast approach of doom’s-day dark black. This rainbow of colours is a sabbatical sanctuary, before the rain of stars and aching dark. The only rainbows that ever birthed before the rain. So yes, sunsets are special-delivery mothers. Imagine what the Sun would look like during these beautiful, breathtaking sunsets if we could only look at it directly.



Terrifically Tiny Tails By The Students Of Grade 9 IGCSE Cambridge Are you bored of reading long, excruciating stories? Well, lucky you! 9F presents to you 'Terrifically Tiny Tales' which happen to be terrifically entertaining too! Let's see just how many of these tales you can relate to?

No Homework Today! Advit Soni

Be the change! Aishi Mishra

She smiled back! Akshara Singh

Silence killed her! Amishi Rawat

His world exploded! Avi Pushkarna

Fell, Rose, Ran… Avish Seth

Did humanity go extinct? Ayaan Sachdeva

Reach new galaxies! Ayushman Sarkar

I am alive! Farzad Mehfuz

Be your masterpiece! Haniya Usman

Time will tell! Kushagra Porwal


Don’t know nothing! Nachiket Venkatesh

Shroud of deceit! Pranav Bharti War is peace! -Pratyush Bhatnagar

Society accepted them! -Samaira SharmaSelf SharmaSelf Slander Soon! -Sandhya Misra

Science Mysteries Continue… -Shaurya Agarwal

Stars felt closer! -Shaurya Gautam

Doughnut and Cheese! -Shourya Goyal

Sadly never before! -Ritwik Verma

Books, Spotify, Pinterest -Nityanshi Pareek

The connecting flight -Umang Kumar


A Wholesome Experience… Coffee with the Principal ‘Coffee With The Principal’ was an illuminating discussion for us, as well as the individuals who deign to peruse through it. In modern society, providing open platforms for transparent discussion, on a modicum of topics ranging from the extensive ocean that is education these days to pressing societal issues is absolutely crucial. This principle is one we attempted to emulate with our venerable Principal ma’am in this edition of the E-Magazine. Suffice to say, it was truly the experience of a lifetime. The experience of interviewing our principal, Dr. Sangeeta Arora was incredible. She was soft-spoken yet firm and had views on our questions that changed my perspective of a lot of things. She made us realise that the world cannot be viewed from just one lens; rather it is vital to broaden our horizons and look beyond our comfort zones. All in all, the interview was an eye-opener for us and we are sure it will help the rest of the students gain perspective and point of view on a lot of things. Having one-on-one interaction with such a renowned woman was quite an exhilarating experience as well. Hearing her narrative on versatile subjects is something we look forward to doing again. We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity as it gave us an insight into the journaling world and room to manoeuvre our writing skills. The interview was ingeniously planned to last no more than half an hour, but only God knows how the time slipped away and rolled into hours. Every answer that Dr. Arora provided us with her profuse knowledge and perspicacity. Her state of mind was always calm, even when she was asked the most daunting questions. Each one of us enjoyed taking her interview, and we are all eagerly waiting for more endeavours like this in the future. For us, interviewing Dr. Sangeeta Arora ma’am has been an enlightening experience. Her answers to our questions were so sagacious that they illuminated our minds and widened the spectrum of our thoughts. The knowledge that emanated from her words was truly a transformative experience in itself. Her prolific knowledge about the divergent topics we delved into during the interview cannot be panegyrized enough. Her wisdom is something to be revered deeply.

A Wholesome Experience… Coffee with the Principal

Muskaan Kakkar 11B2

Samaira Dudha 11B2

Suhani Singh 11B2


Manya Giri Nishad 11B2

Dhruva Gupta 11A


अ जैसे चींटियाँ लौटती हैं बिलों में कठफोड़वा लौटता है काठ के पास वायुयान लौटते हैं एक के बाद एक लाल आसमान में डैने पसारे हुए हवाई-अड्डे की ओर ओ मेरी भाषा मैं लौटता हूँ तुम में जब चुप रहते-रहते अकड़ जाती है मेरी जीभ दुखने लगती है मेरी आत्मा।

- के दारनाथ सिंह



कविता वाचन गतिविधि भाषा का मूल उद्देश्य भावों की अभिव्यक्ति है जिन्हें अभिव्यक्त करने का एक सुंदर माध्यम कविताएँ हैं । ऐसे ही सुंदर भावों का प्रस्तुतिकरण कविताओंद्वारा दिनांक 04.08.22 को आयोजित अंतर कक्षा कविता- वाचन गतिविधि में किया गया। गतिविधि का उद्देश्य छात्रों में कविता के प्रति प्रेम, शुद्ध उच्चारण,उचित हाव-भाव तथा आत्मविश्वास उत्पन्न करना था । बच्चों का प्रदर्शन अत्यंत सराहनीय रहा |

कक्षा-3 स्वरचित कविता वाचन कक्षा – 3 के बच्चों ने स्वरचित कविता वाचन गतिविधि में भाग लेकरअपनी रचनात्मक अभिव्यक्ति का सुंदर प्रदर्शन किया। कविता लिखने के लिए एक विषय दिया गया था । बच्चों ने समान लय वाले शब्दों की सहायता से कविता रचने का प्रयास किया तथा अपनी स्वरचित कविता की प्रस्तुति की |

1. हिंदी को इसका नाम फारसी शब्द हिंद से मिला है, जिसका अर्थ है “सिंधु नदी की भूमि”। 2. 14 सितंबर 1949 को भारत सरकार ने हिंदी भाषा को राजभाषा के रूप में स्वीकार किया। इसे मनाने के लिए, हम 14 सितंबर को “हिंदी दिवस” ​मनाते हैं। 3. भारतीय संविधान का भाग XVII राजभाषा के बारे में बात करता है। अनुच्छेद 343 के तहत, संघ की आधिकारिक भाषा को मंजूरी दी गई है, जिसमें देवनागरी लिपि में हिंदी और अंग्रेजी शामिल है। KIS/NOIDA/PARAMPARA/VOL-2/2023


कक्षा- 3 आओ! किसी को खुश करें कक्षा – 3 के बच्चों ने गतिविधि ‘आओ! किसी को खुश करें’ का प्रस्तुतिकरण किया | इस गतिविधि में बच्चों ने एक चित्र बनाया जिसमें उन्होंने किसी को खुश करते हुए या किसी की मदद करते हुए दिखाया तथा उससे संबंधित एक सकारात्मक संदेश या स्लोगन लिखा |

कक्षा- 4 बादल के रूप अनेक

कक्षा चार के बच्चों ने कक्षा-गतिविधि के अंतर्गत अपनी कल्पना -शक्ति का प्रयोग करते हुए रंग - बिरंगे बादलों की चित्रात्मक प्रस्तुति की तथा उन बादलों को कई तरह के भावों से सजाया | जैसे भोले-भाले बादल ,परियों जैसे बादल,डरावने बादल,हँसमुख बादल आदि । साथ ही बच्चों ने बादलों के प्रति अपने भावों की मौखिक अभिव्यक्ति भी की।

कक्षा- 5: जल-चक्र गतिविधि कक्षा पाँच के बच्चों ने कक्षा- गतिविधि के अंतर्गत दैनिक जीवन के महत्वपूर्ण घटक 'पानी 'के विषय में चर्चा की तथा 'जलचक्र' का चित्र बनाया। इस गतिविधि द्वारा हिंदी के साथ अन्य विषयों जैसे विज्ञान और भूगोल का समावेश कर सराहनीय कार्य किया ।



रचनात्मक लेखन (कक्षा 6 -11 ) कलमों ने है पकड़ी धार , भावों को कागज़ पर दिया उतार | कभी कविता , कभी कहानी , हैं छात्रों के अपने उद्गार |

कविता-मेरी इच्छा मेरी एक इच्छा मैं रहूँ सदा छोटी मेरी एक इच्छा मैं रहूँ सदा छोटी माँ के आँचल को पकड़के पकड़के उन्हें मैं सो लेती माँ की लोरियों को सुन लेती माँ के आँचल को पकड़के मैं रहूँ सदा छोटी बच्ची |

कक्षा- 6: कविता- मेरी माँ आद्या बंसल 6 – ए सबसे प्यारी,सबसे न्यारी दुनिया की सर्वश्रेष्ठ नारी.... मेरी माँ ! आजीवन साथ निभाती ज़ रा सी चोट हमें लगती तो खुद घायल हो जाती .... मेरी माँ !

मेरी एक ख़ुशी के लिए वो क्या से क्या कर जाती कभी दोस्त तो कभी बहन का रूप दिखलाती .... मेरी माँ !

अपने दुख को छुपाकर वो अके ले में रोने जाती मेरे सुख और दुःख में हमेशा साथ निभाती.... मेरी माँ ! मेरी हर विपदा और कष्ट को वो अपना बतलाती कठिन परिस्थितियों को मिटाकर मेरा जीवन आनंदपूर्ण बनाती.... मेरी माँ!

है वो मासूमियत की परछाईं अपने बच्चों की करती हमेशा भलाई जब भी हम पर कोई आँच है आई इस धरती पर वो दुर्गा का अवतार है लाई.... मेरी माँ !



कक्षा-6 : कविता- पापा मेरे प्यारे पापा – अयाना सिंह (कक्षा-6'ए') पापा मेरे प्यारे पापा , आप आसमान के फ़ रिश्ते हैं । मेरे रोने से रोते हैं,मेरे हँसने पर हँसते हैं, अपने ख्यालों में भी मेरा ही ख्याल रखते हैं । पापा मेरे प्यारे पापा, आप आसमान के फ़ रिश्ते हैं। मेरे हर दर्द का है आपके पास इलाज, फिर चाहे आज हो या कल। ज़ रा सी चोट मुझे लग जाए तो, चिंता में पड़ जाते हैं। पापा मेरे प्यारे पापा , आप आसमान के फ़ रिश्ते हैं ।

कक्षा-6 : कविता- काश! मैैसबसेछोटी होती -माही उपाध्याय 6 ई काश! मैं सबसे छोटी होती , हर एक लड़ाई में माँ मेरे साथ होती , जो चाहूँ वो मिल जाता , हर एक दिन प्यार से जाता , काश! मैं सबसे छोटी होती जो भी चाहे वो करती कोई डाँट नहीं, कोई मार नहीं हर पल बस खेल ही होता काश ! मैं सबसे छोटी होती कोई काम भी नहीं करना पड़ता सारा समय बस मज़े ही करने में जाता |

कक्षा-6 : कविता- मेरी इच्छा

- निमाए मेहरा 6 एफ (कै म्ब्रिज) काश ! मैं हवाई जहाज बन जाऊँ हवा में उड़ पाऊँ चिड़िया से बातें कर पाऊँ नील गगन की सैर कर पाऊँ बादलों को छू पाऊँ चाँद पर पिकनिक मनाऊँ अपने सपनों को सच कर पाऊँ ।



कक्षा -10 : कोविड महामारी में मेरा अनुभव -प्रियदर्शिनी कक्षा- दसवीं बी वर्ष 2021 की बात है। जब पूरे विश्व में कोविड का तांडव चल रहा था । चारों ओर के वल दुख और निराशा ही व्याप्त थी। यह समय किसी डरावने स्वप्न से कम नहीं था। मैं उन दिनों की पीड़ा को कभी भूल नहीं पाऊँ गी। किसी पारिवारिक समारोह के कारण मैं अपने परिवार के साथ पश्चिम बंगाल में रह रही थी। सब कु छ कितना अच्छा था! परिवार में खुशियों का माहौल था पर जैसे हमारी खुशियों को नज़ र लग गई। हम सभी कोविड के कारण अस्वस्थ हो गए। मेरी माँ को अस्पताल में भर्ती कराना पड़ा। माँ अस्पताल में थी इसलिए घर पर अपने छोटे भाई का ध्यान मैं रख रही थी जो उस समय तीन साल का था। चौदह साल की उम्र में मेरे लिए अके ले यह कार्य करना थोड़ा चुनौतीपूर्ण था पर मैंने हार नहीं मानी। दुर्भाग्यवश मेरी माँ चल बसी। उनकी मृत्यु को सहन करना मेरे लिए आसान नहीं था लेकिन मुझे जल्दी समझ आ गया कि सब कु छ हमारे हाथ में नहीं होता है। हमें परिस्थितियों से सीखकर जीवन में आगे बढ़ना चाहिए।

(स्वरचित कविता) जाग मनुष्य जाग !

-देवज्ञ शर्मा कक्षा-10 ई देखा था मैंने भारत का एक ख्वाब जिसमें था अहिंसा और एकता का भाव गरीबी का नहीं था कहीं कोई निशान, न था थोड़ा भी कोई परेशान। सब जगह था शांति और प्रेम का प्रसार न था किसी पर कोई अत्याचार। ओह! पर क्यों खुल गई मेरी आँखें, उठा तो देखा बस चल्र रहीं थीं बातेंदेश में लाखों हैं बेरोज़ गार, गरीबों का है बुरा हाल, बेटियाँ हैं असुरक्षित, भ्रष्टाचारी है मालामाल। भारत माता के मुख पर है दुख और लाचारी वो करे तो क्या करें, बस देख रहीं थी अपने बच्चों की मचाई गई लूट-पाट और हाहाकारी। पर अब भी है वक्त हे मनुष्य, तू जाग जा और अपने हाथों से एक नया भारत बना, जाग मनुष्य जाग!



कक्षा -9 : (स्वरचित कविता) सम्मान संग कृ तज्ञता -चेतना पांडेय कक्षा-9ए किस बात का है अहंकार खुद पर,

जब हम सब उठें हैं एक ही मिट्टी से।

रंग, रूप, बोली, लिंग, ज्ञान, दौलत, शोहरत जैसे मापदंडों पर, भेदभाव करते हैं हम किस अधिकार से? करो सम्मान हर व्यक्ति का,

हर जीव-जन्तु, इस प्रकृ ति का।

बस याद रखो क्या कह गया है वो विधाता,

कि मैं ही हूँ इस संसार की हर वस्तु में समाया हुआ । किसी के आत्म-सम्मान को आँच ना आए,

आवश्यकता पड़ी तो चूर कर दो उस अभिमान को जो किसी में भी समाए। सदैव रखो जीवित उस कृ तज्ञता के भाव को,

कि हो इस धरती पर अवतरित, तुमने सँवारा किसी के भाग्य को। त्याग दो अहंकार, घृणा, क्रोध को।

भय, मोह, ईर्ष्या, हीन-भावना, शंका, द्वेष जैसे भावों को छोड़ दो। बढ़ावा दो प्रेम, सम्मान, ज्ञान और समानता को। और इस संसार को एक सुंदर मोड़ दो।

‘क्यों व्यर्थनिराश हुआ जाए’ -सियोना अब्बी कक्षा- 8 'ए' जीवन है आशा का बंधन, हाथ उसी का थामा जाए,

फिर क्यों व्यर्थ निराश हुआ जाए ।

खेले जाते खेलों में हार जीत लगी रहती है,

मन से जो हारा वह हारा, वरना जीत सदा रहती है, यदि लड़खड़ा कर तुमको सँभलना आए, फिर क्यों व्यर्थ निराश हुआ जाए।

आशा के बीज बोकर ऊँ चे पेड़ उगा सकते हो,

मेहनत से सींचेंगे तो मीठे फल भी खा सकते हो, आशा के उस मंत्र को मुफ़् त में ही पाया जाए, फिर क्यों व्यर्थ निराश हुआ जाए।

आशा- निराशा साथ है दोनों, मन चाहे जिसको चुन लो, एक तुम्हें पीछे खींचेगी, दूजी से सपने बुन लो।

सकारात्मकता को लेकर आगे पैर बढ़ाया जाए, फिर क्यों व्यर्थ निराश हुआ जाए! फिर क्यों व्यर्थ निराश हुआ जाए!



मेरा देश -आदित्य चौहान, कक्षा- 6 डी

कोविड का जब कहर बरपा,

भारत एक तारा बनकर चमका ।

तुरंंत एक वैक्सीन का निर्माण किया ।

अपने से भी पहले, पड़ोसियों पर ध्यान दिया ।

जब युद्ध हुआ ,तब अन्न घटा, भारत ने सबका पेट भरा ।

पश्चिमी देशों का दबाव सहा,

किंं तु सिद्धान्तों पर अडिग रहा ।

देखो! मेरा देश बदल रहा।

क्रिसमस -राजीव सिंह चौहान कक्षा- 6 'ए'

क्रिसमस आया, क्रिसमस आया| साथ में संता को भी लाया|

लाल-नीले और चमकीले रंगों से‚ क्रिसमस ट्री को खूब सजाया| झोली भर-भर उपहार से‚

संता ने बच्चों को भी ललचाया|

क्रिसमस आया ,क्रिसमस आया| साथ में कितनी खुशियाँ लाया|

चॉकलेट‚मिठाई और के क ने‚ सभी के मन को है हर्षाया| रात हुई तो क्रिसमस के कोरल गाकर‚

त्योहार को सबने मनाया|

क्रिसमस आया क्रिसमस आया| मैरी क्रिसमस गाकर‚

यीशू का संदेश सुनाया|

लाल सफ़े द कपड़ों से सजे‚

संता ने स्लेज पे खूब घुमाया|

क्रिसमस आय, क्रिसमस आया|



माँ -लाइशा सिंह कक्षा- 6 'डी'

माँ,तू मेरी ज़िं दगी की शान, बस करूँ तेरा सम्मान। कितना ख्याल रखे तू मेरा, मैं हूँ तेरा अभिमान। चाहे मैं हूँ गुस्सा या दुखी, हमेशा तू कर देती मुझे सुखी। इतनी मेहनती माँ है मेरी, कभी आराम करते हुए नहीं मिलती, कु छ भी कर देती मेरे लिए, सबसे प्यारी माँ है मेरी।

उनका दुख -रौशनी कक्षा- 6 'डी'

जब हम जाते हैं स्कू ल तब उनको क्यों जाते भूल जिन्हें फाँकनी होती धूल जिनका जीवन जैसे शूल

दिन भर जो करते मजदूरी होती कभी न थाली पूरी रह जाती हर चाह अधूरी सहनी पड़ती हर मजबूरी

जिनका कोई दोष न पाप फिर भी सहते हैं संताप एक गरीबी का अभिशाप जिससे जीवन बना विलाप

हम सब उनके दुख को जानें उनके दुख को अपना मानें उनका हर दुख-दर्द मिटाने दुख के कारण को पहचानें

करें रात दिन ख़ूब पढ़ाई फिर दुनिया की करें सफ़ाई जिसने दुनिया दुखी बनाई उन लोगों से करें लड़ाई



पोस्टर रचना

-द्विता शर्मा कक्षा 6 'बी'

-मान्या काम्बोज कक्षा 6 'ई'

नारी नहीं किसी सेकम, हर क्षेत्र में दिखाया दम |

(महिला सशक्तिकरण )



रचनात्मक कार्य

कक्षा -10 के छात्रों ने संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ द्वारा प्रस्तावित सतत विकास लक्ष्यों (अच्छा स्वास्थ्य और जीवन स्तर, जलवायु परिवर्तन,साफ़ पानी और स्वच्छता आदि) पर आधारित पोस्टर रचना की।

नारा लेखन आपदा प्रबंधन विषय के अंतर्गत कक्षा -9 के विद्यार्थियों ने हिंदी विषय को सामाजिक विज्ञान के साथ जोड़कर नारे लिखे और पोस्टर रचना की।



मौसम के रंग बदलते हैं , चित्रों में ढल जाते हैं

नारा लेखन

कक्षा -9: दोहों की चित्रात्मक प्रस्तुति संत कवि रहीमदास के शिक्षाप्रद दोहों में निहित भावों को छात्रों ने चित्रों के माध्यम से दर्शाया।



बाल दिवस विशेष बाल दिवस 2022 छात्रों के लिए एक नवीन उपहार लाया | जे के 24X7 न्यूज़ चैनल के कार्यक्रम 'अर्ज़ किया है' में विद्यालय के छात्रों ने अपनी साहित्यिक रुचि के साथ कलात्मक रुचि का भी प्रदर्शन किया |

एक मुलाक़ात विद्यार्थियों ने अलग-अलग हस्त-शिल्पकारों का साक्षात्कार किया और उनके जीवन के विभिन्न पक्षों को जाना जैसे - हस्तशिल्प का ऐतिहासिक महत्त्व तथा हमारी संस्कृ ति संरक्षण में उनका योगदान |







शुचिपर्यावरणम् कक्षा 10 में शुचिपर्यावरणम् पाठ से संबंधित गतिविधि की गई जिसमें प्रदूषित और स्वच्छ वातावरण से संबंधित चित्र बनाकर उनका वर्णन संस्कृ त भाषा में किया गया। परियोजना रूप में यह गतिविधि की गई।

जटायो: शौर्यम् कक्षा 9. वाल्मीकि कृ त रामायण आधारित जटायो: शौर्यम् पाठ के अन्तर्गत रामायन के पशु पात्रों की भूमिका पर चर्चा की गई। विभिन्न पशु पात्रों के नामों की सूचिका बनाकर उनकी कलात्मक प्रस्तुति की गई।

स्वस्थ जीवन -चर्या कक्षा पाँचवी में स्वस्थ जीवन -चर्या के विषय में बातचीत की गई। फलों और सब्जियों का महत्त्व बताते हुए इन्हें दैनिक आहार में नियमित रूप से शामिल करने की प्रेरणा छात्रों को दी गई। छात्रों ने पाँच मौसमी फलों के नाम संस्कृ त भाषा में सीखे तथा उनकी कलात्मक अभिव्यक्ति करते हुए चित्रांकन किया।

संस्कृ त भाषा में विश्व की सभी भाषाओंकी तुलना में सर्वाधिक शब्दकोश है. संस्कृ त में लगभग 102 अरब 78 करोड़ 50 लाख शब्द है जो सभी भाषाओंसे सर्वाधिक हैं.







FIT in Deutsch 1 Examination 15 German students from Grades 8, 9, and 10 participated in the FIT in Deutsch 1 Examination on 12 July 2022 under the guidance of Ms. Harpreet Kakkar. Students learned a lot as their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills were tested in this examination. It was an enriching experience for them. Yashika Prasad from grade 9 E and Amishi Rawat from IGCSE 9 are among the Top scorers in this Exam and made the School proud. Yashika Prasad brought us to school, laurels by winning a scholarship to attend 3 Days camp at Orcha, Madhya Pradesh.

Students from grades 6 to grade 9 went for Interschool German Poster making competitions at Father Agnel School and Delhi World Public School respectively and made us proud by winning 2nd and 3rd Prize for the same.




Students of Grade 9 prepared a poster on ‘Buy Nothing Day’ in German.

Students observed this day on 1 November and decided not to buy anything on this day unless it is required.

Buy nothing day is observed to bring awareness among the people against too much consumption and how this is affecting our environment.

SDG Poster Making

Students created Posters in German for SDG Poster Making Inter-House competition. Their creativity and thoughtfulness was mesmerising. They really did a commendable job and their efforts are much appreciated.



Scrabble In German Students of Grade 10 played Scrabble in German and made German words. They really enjoyed the game and it has really helped them to revise the vocabulary in German, which is very important in any language.

Christmas In German Students Celebrated Christmas and made hand made greetings card wishing Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in German Language. They really enjoyed the session and learnt about different culture and traditions. Christmas Carols in German were sung in the class.





Poster Making Students of Grade 9 & 10 enjoyed a fun-filled and enriching activity of “Poster Making” to research on ’Independence Struggle of Latin American’ countries and their ancient civilizations respectively. The activity helped the students to showcase their artistic talent and explore the new horizons of Spanish Language.

Time Table In Spanish Students of Grade 6 experienced a joyful and a creative art integrated activity where they made their own preferred time-table in Spanish Language. The activity helped the students to become familiar with school subjects and activities in Spanish

Art Activity Students of Grade 5 showed their creative talent by engaging in an art-integrated activity in a playful manner. The students tried to paint themselves on a sheet of paper and marked the body parts in Spanish learnt in the class.





Short Drama

French students of grade 9 acted out a role play in which they asked their parents for pocket money. They made funny dialogues which made the learning more fun. The activity was enjoyable for the children, and they learned a variety of new words and sentence structures as a result.

Art Activity A joyful and creative art integrated activity was by Grade 8 students where they created a travel brochure in French. As a result of the activity, the students gained a deeper understanding of French monuments, museums, and other tourist destinations.

Student of Grade 9 IGCSE beautifully depicted a parallel between India and France by comparing their gastronomy and culture.






Grade K1- Telephone Talk The K1 students enjoyed an interesting and fun-filled activity on Friday, 13 May 2022 wherein they had to make mobile phones from empty tetra packs by tearing and pasting activity and thereby created colourful mobiles for themselves and the teacher further explained to them the uses and the drawbacks of mobile phones. This was a part of the ongoing theme “Mobile”.

Grade K1- Beach Party To help our students to unfold the mystery of water games and different types of water animals a ‘Beach Party’ was organised on Friday, 14th October 2022. All the students came dressed in colourful clothes with matching accessories like beach hats, vibrant sunglasses, etc. Students played various games, participated in races, made sand castles, solved puzzles on water animals and played games.



Grade K1- Water Experiment The students of K1 on 2 September 2022 learnt and experimented the amazing properties of water - colourless, odourless and it has no shape. The students were given different size containers (bottle, glass, bowl) and then were asked to pour water into each thereby experimenting that water has no shape. This was followed by putting drops of different colours into these containers thereby proving water has no\ colour as it turns into that specific colour. The students were also asked to smell water in their water bottles thereby proving water has no smell.

Grade K2- Navras

In order to develop dramatic skills and promote acting ability among students, Grade K2 were introduced to drama through ‘NAVRAS’ on 9 September 2022. Children excelled themselves by putting the mini-drama show based on the various emotions. Navras were used by children to communicate the various emotions through their favourite Bollywood character. Each one supported their classmates with full gusto and enthusiasm.



Grade K2- Germination of Seed The process of germination of seeds was explained to the students Grade K2 on 2 December 2022 at Kothari International School. The children sowed a few seeds in the soil in disposable cups. Then they kept it in the sunlight and watered it daily. Students noticed the growth throughout the week and their happiness knew no bounds while watching the seed sprout and grow into small plants.

Grade 1- Illusion An activity on ‘Optical Illusion’ was planned for the students of Grade 1. They learnt that Illusion is something that deceives the eye by appearing to be something that it is not. Students did a hands-on-activity in which they prepared a flash card of a lion and a cage.

Grade 1- Grow Your Own Plant Teaching children about how plants work is often a matter of building on their natural curiosity. To inculcate the habit of growing plants in our students an activity was organized ‘Grow Your Own Plant’ on November 3, 2022. This activity was a part of our ongoing theme ‘Farm to Plate’.



Grade 2- Phases Of The Moon Learning Phases of Moon became super fun activity through delicious Oreo Cookie Activity. Our budding scientists from Grade 2 understood how the revolution of moon around the Earth causes occurrence of different phases of moon .Students, simultaneously also discovered the art of carving using basic household things showcasing their creative streak while learning.

Grade 3- Connecting To Roots

It was a delight to see the grandparents walking hand in hand with the children showcasing their culture and tradition in the form of vibrant powerpoint presentations. The children created beautiful photo frames holding their family pictures capturing the cherished moments of their lives.



Grade 2- Walking Water Experimentation is learning by doing. The students of Grade 2 enjoyed science experiment ‘Walking Water’ with irreplaceable learning and fun. The experiment helped them to understand how the coloured water moves up the paper towel due to capillary action and relate it with the process of absorption of water in plants through roots from the ground and pass it to stem.

Grade 3- Pollution Catcher

Students of Grade 3 undertook an activity called ‘Pollution Catcher’ wherein they created their own tool to ascertain the level of pollutants present in their surroundings using very few and readily available items. The main objective of this activity was to instill a deep sense of responsibility in students towards nature.



Grade 4- Say Cheese The students of grade 4 participated in the Clay Modeling Activity wherein students created clay models understand the structure of teeth and their types. The aim of this activity was to promote creative and critical thinking skill.

Grade 5- 3D Model of a Lung

The students of grade 5 explored the working of the lungs themselves by creating the working model.  This activity help them to understand the functioning of lungs in an easy and fun loving way.



Grade 6

Aquatic Eco-System

The activity deals with flora and fauna of the aquatic world where students made their own aquarium and represented aquatic life.

Activity :1 Preparing Solar System Storyboards


Working on the strand - Earth and space, students of Grade 6 Cambridge Lower secondary developed storyboards to illustrate what is nebula and what it contains, how a star such as sun was formed, how planets were formed around the sun.



Activity 2: Think Like A Scientist : Toy Telephone

CAMBRIDGE LOWER SECONDARY In order to investigate whether sound requires vibrations to travel, students of grade 6 Cambridge prepared toy telephones using daily life materials and illustrated the concept.

Grade 7

Activity : To Make A Model Or Toy Using Electromagnet GRADE 7 Students made electromagnets and toys based on the application of Electromagnets. They were able to describe, how the magnetic field of an electric current can be used to create a magnetic field similar to that of a permanent magnet.



Science Grade 7

Newton’s Wheel

CAMBRIDGE LOWER SECONDARY ACTIVITY 1: Students of grade 7 Cambridge excitedly prepared Newton’s wheel or disc to understand how white light is made from many colours. They easily understood the concept of spectrum and rainbows with hands-on-activity.

Activity 2: Preparing Fact Sheets To Illustrate The Concept

CAMBRIDGE LOWER SECONDARY Common man thinks that breathing and respiration are same processes, but our grade 7 Cambridge students are well aware about the

difference between the two processes. Students shared beautiful illustrations of these processes in their science class.



Grade 8 Activity 1: Developing Scientific Enquiry Skills

CAMBRIDGE LOWER SECONDARY Students of grade 8 Cambridge lower secondary investigated the principle of conservation of energy through observation of motion of a simple pendulum. They understood how energy changes takes place in Pendulum and repeated their experiment several times to generate results and conclusion, which is in accordance with the development of experimental skills.

Activity 2 : Shutting Out The Noise (Interface of sound waves) CAMBRIDGE LOWER SECONDARY Students of grade 8 Cambridge explored and researched how active noise-canceling headphones work. They presented their work in the form of fact sheets, wave diagrams, and group discussions.



Poster Making on Noise Pollution

Students of grade 8 made a poster on noise pollution and got a deep understanding of how noise is getting generated from different sources and affects nature. What one can do to reduce or stop noise pollution?

Jal Tarang Activity Students of grade 8 have made Jal Tarang. They performed group class activities. They took different bowls with different levels of water which lead to different sound vibrations. They understood how sound is produced and how musical instruments work.



Grade 9

Activity lo Learn Different Types Of Waves

Students of grade 9 performed group class activities. They took used a slinky spring to understand the difference between a transverse and longitudinal wave.

Project On Sustainable Management Of Water Resources In India Students of grade 10 worked on a project based on sustainable management of water resources in India and made report on it .



Grade 10

Activity To Learn Various Laws Of Inheritance Using Dihybrid Cross Of Pea Plant. Students of grade 10 performed an activity to learn the dihyrid cross by using two characteristics of pea plant and also drew punnett square.

Grade 12 Experiment On Colulomb's Law Science students Astha Agarwal and Rishik Bansal conducted an experiment in the physics lab to verify Colulomb's Law. The experiment was done as a part of the CBSE projects. The experiment is based on the principle that when a charge from a rod/scale is induced on two conductive balls, they will move apart, allowing the charge induced to be calculated by taking multiple readings.



AS Level Cambridge Science students Abhinav Gupta and Haardik Kulshestha investigating the fall in potential along the length of the wire.

ATL IV-IX The KIS Atal Tinkering Lab(ATL) participated in the India’s Largest Tinkering Event-“Mega Tinkering Activity”, organized by Atal Innovation Mission(AIM) across all 10,000 Atal Tinkering Labs on 14th November (Children's Day).The school also participated in Tinkering Day Contest and was felicitated with Certificate of Appreciation.



ATL 4-9 The December month ATL workshop sessions were organized from 26th - 28th December 2022 at Kothari International School Noida in collaboration with STEMROBO. Grade 4 & 5 attended a workshop on ROBOTICS: DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION & OPERATIONS. Grade 6 to 9 attended a workshop on DRONES: COMPONENTS and DESIGNING.






Grade K1: Measurement The K1 students on 18th November 2022 learnt to measure the length of various objects using the non-standard measuring units like hands, feet, pencils, crayons etc. An interesting activity was planned for the students wherein they had to measure the length of a box, water bottle, books etc. by doing the hand span activity and then they measured the edge of the carpets or floor with the help of foot span activity and thereby recorded the results.



Grade K1: Inclined Plane Students were introduced to a new topic called ‘Inclined Plane’ under the ongoing theme “Cars” wherein the students were explained by the teachers that inclined plane is a ramp or slope that makes work easy. The students were further explained by hand on activity that heavy objects like cars will travel longer distance and faster when on an inclined plane or slope.

Grade 1: Coin Man This activity was planned as a part of making the students familiar with the coins available in India. It also helped in reiterating the concept of adding money. In this activity students were asked to make a coin man on an A4 size sheet using different denominations of coins 1, 2, 5 and 10.



Fun With Calendar This activity was planned to teach the students the importance of time management and significance of calendar in everyday lives. The students displayed their creativity and imagination by beautifully designing the calendar, marking their birthdays and other important events, weekend plans, weather forecasts for each day etc.



Grade K2: Number Bond Activity Number bonds let students split numbers in useful ways. They show how numbers join together, and how they break down into component parts. Using number bonds, one can instantly tell the answer without the need for the actual calculation It is very useful while learning addition and subtraction in basic arithmetic.

Grade K2: Greater Number

Grade K2 did an interesting activity in Math to explain greater and smaller digits. Children showed how Alligator opens its mouth towards the greater number and back towards the smaller number



Grade K2: Maan Cards (Place Value) Place value helps determine the value of each digit in a number. To engage in a deeper understanding of the value of various digits in a number, students used Maan Cards to create numbers based on their place value. Using these manipulatives not only cleared the concepts of standard and expanded form but also made learning fun.

Grade K2: 3D Playdough Shapes The hands-on activity helped students become more inquisitive and develop a curiosity about 3D shapes seen in the real world. The learning-by-doing process strengthened students understanding of the 3D Shapes. They challenged themselves and displayed resilience in trying to create these shapes using clay and toothpicks.



Grade 3: Number Sense-Abacus Students were guided to use abacus in order to help upgrade their math skills. Students enjoyed using abacus as a versatile math manipulative and learned the concept of place value system in a fun way.

Grade 3: Elocution Students of Grade 3 participated with great zeal and expressed their thoughts on the mindful topics allotted to them. Key factors to adjudge each child was confidence, relevance of topic, enunciation, voice modulation and fluency. The activity gave a lot of confidence and ended on a happy note.



Grade 4: Picasso Face Mask The students of Grades 4 created Picasso Face Mask using the geometric shapes to describe the features of two dimensional shapes. The asymmetrical face mask activity conspicuously integrated art.

Grade 5: Fraction Art The students of grade 5 learnt about the equivalent fractions and comparison. They cut out parts of the circle to represent particular fractions and arranged them creatively in animal shapes like fish, dog, cat, peacock, etc.



Cambridge Grade- 6

3D Shapes pull up nets Students created nets of cubes & cuboids. They calculated the area of each face & added together to workout the surface area then folded the nets to make 3D shapes.

Fractions, Decimals & Percentages Project Students design a character using 8 bit and write fraction, decimal & percentage of different colours. They converted these characters into GIF.



City of "Angles Formed by a Transversal". Students designed a city by placing different buildings in place of angles formed by two parallel lines & a transversal.



CBSE Grade:6

Chhole Rajma Activity For The Concept Of HCF and LCM Using common articles from home such as Chhole and Rajma seeds, students calculated the HCF and LCM of the given numbers.

Bindi Activity For The Concept Of Corresponding Angles In this Recap Activity students stuck Bindis of the same colour to depict Corresponding angles on parallel lines.



Cambridge Grade- 7

HCF & LCM Treasure Hunt Students used flashcards of HCF & LCM and put them in order to form a path.

Golden Ratio Project Students made PPTs on golden ratio showing its application in different fields



Function Machine Students designed two step function machines showing the relationship between a function & its inverse.

CBSE Grade- 7

Tangram Activity Students composed a larger shape with seven small shapes, learning about basic geometric shapes and composite shapes.

Tangram is believed to have originated in China during the Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD) and has since become popular worldwide as a fun and challenging puzzle game.



Verify Sum of n odd numbers is n2, Students verify sum of n odd numbers is n2 through a graphical method.

Cambridge Grade- 8

Rational/Irrational Tic-Tac-Toe Students segregated rational & irrational numbers and used them to play Tic-Tac-Toe game.

Design A Logo Using Transformations Students designed Logos using different types of transformations like reflection, rotation, translation & enlargement.



Polygons Inscribed In A Circle Using the method of inscribing a regular polygon in a circle, students created an art piece by inscribing different polygons in different circles.

CBSE Grade- 8

Angle Sum Property Of Polygons Students verified angle sum property of polygons.



Exponents And Powers Students made an exponent wheel or flower to understand and learn Laws of exponents.

Algebraic Expressions

Geometrical derivation of an Algebraic identity(a+b)2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab



CBSE & Cambridge Grade- 8

Art Integration

Students made comic strips to express mathematical concepts in fun way.

Square Root Spiral,

Trigonometric Calculator

Square Root Finder

Pythagoraus Theorem,








Creating Map Symbols

Rotation And Revolution Activity


Artefacts Activity




GRADE 4 Interactive Landform To know more about landforms and their specialties, students of Grade 4 performed an activity named Interactive Landform in which they learned and created different types of landforms.


Mock Elections Mock elections in our classroom empowering ourselves! Democracy at the grass root level.



Our Indian Subcontinent

The students of grade 5 had a class activity wherein they located the Mountain ranges which shape and impact the Indian Sub-Continent.






Intra School KMUN

The students experienced inspiring and engaging sessions of debate and dialogue on relevant topics like the pros and cons of social media and Edu-tech in today's youth, diversity and making peace amongst various social groups in India, and the action plan to achieve the SDG agenda 2030.In addition to this, it also enhanced their essential soft skills such as public speaking, debating, taking a stance, and developing an opinion.



Be Bright,Vote For Your Right!!!

Yes, Students of grade 6 voted for their representatives and grasped the process of voting and secret ballot. They learnt that voting is the best way to voice one's opinion.

Diversity And Discrimination

India is a country with a rich heritage of diversity. People here follow various religions, speak different languages, wear different clothes, eat different food. Being an Indian gives us the divine idea of ‘Sarvadharma Sambhava’. Students made a college on the ‘diversity’ that our nation Celebrates.



Blast From The Past The Past is intriguing and sources are like the clues to investigate the mysteries of the past. Inscriptions, manuscripts, coins, edicts help students gain an insight into what life was like for people in the ancient times.

Create Your Own Country Students created their own country to understand the elements of a map

Create Your Own Currency Students created their own currency



The Beautiful World The story of Earth is best told by making it in miniature form and telling many more stories about the earth. Students of grade 6 comprehend the Concepts of Time, IDL, Rotation and Revolution through learning by doing. They created their own globes using trash items and shared their understanding.

The Past Comes Alive By Getting Into The Character Grade 7 students as a part of their research work in order to reinforce their knowledge about various historical figures and the heroic deeds performed by them. Portyed different characters, decked up in costumes , delivered vigorous dialogues , thus providing us with a glimpse of our glorious past.



Markets Around Us Do we know? We go to buy things or articles in the market but do we know markets are also segmented on the basis of goods it keeps and type of buyers and sellers that makes up the market. Grade 7 students presented the concept well researched , using visuals, pros and cons of all types of markets as a group activity. Now we all know where to go when we need to buy a particular article-right from vegetables to branded goods.

Survey and Research - Learning by Doing

Cambridge Global Perspective Activities Ted-Talk- Less Is Sufficient

Students of grade 7 shared their innovative ideas on conservation of energy / Resources for sustainable development and better living.



Mime- Climate Change And Global Warming Students depicted the causes and effects of global warming.

Digital World Students debated on the topic living in a digital world blessing or curse

India and VETO Students debated Why India should get permanent seat in Security Council?



Comic Strip Activity Revealing the past in comics-Comic Strip activity done by Grade 8 on Vasco De Gama -a cartoon based story which stated the arrival of the traders and amongst them was the first Portuguese trader to trade with India and gain maximum profit .It was developed on the lines of whom he met and how did he convinced the ruler to trade in India and finally he became a successful trader. Indeed an artistic expression with a lot of colours and matter to get glued to.

Confronting Marginalisation Grade 8 students created beautiful posters on marginalization with slogans to highlight the issue that is creating an obstacle to the path of development in Indian society, depriving some of their rights in a democratic country despite strict laws. It gave a valuable lesson that change is required in the mindset of the people in order to change the social order.



The Legends Resurrect On 15th August, we celebrated Independence Day. A small activity in remembrance of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives on difficult paths to pave the way for our independence. Students enacted a small role play on the leaders like Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru, Rani Laxmibai, etc who sacrificed their lives and because of them, we are a democratic country.

Students created powerpoint slides to understand the causes and significance of freedom struggle.

Research On NATO While discussing about the different Regional organisations, Students researched on NATO and presented it in the class.



Grade 9 Time Machine: Going Back In Time

“Those who can’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it” Rise of Nazism and Hitler in the wake of deadliest world war brings out that mankind will always be subjected to evolving historical processes that unfurls in different times in different situations. However, they carry important lessons of wrong policies and great deeds that continue to shape current international relations and world politics. Students of Grade 9 enacted the important events of world history that unfolded in Germany during World War II. The class was divided into three groups to put up the dramatized version of Nuremburg Tribunal of Germany, The Treaty of Versailles and the effects of the Great Global Economic Depression. Each group brought live the excitement of witnessing the prosecution of Nazi criminals, the severity of Treaty of Versailles and the pathos of the Great Economic Depression.

Poster Making Activity: Students As Torch Bearers Of Change

“The basis of every political system is the right of the people to make and to alter their constitutions of the government” - George Washington I In recognition of the importance of a constitution in a any democracy, the students of class IX, B and D made posters to express their views about constitutional changes that unfolded in South Africa after a prolonged struggle against Apartheid. It also helped to analyze the concept of domination of majority and segregation of minority on the basis of colour and the burning issue of discrimination across the globe in the 20th Century. This activity provided the much needed platform to the students to voice the changes in the prevailing times.




Grade 11 A Rashtrapati Bhavan, home to the President of the world's largest democracy, epitomises India's strength, democratic traditions and secular character.December 10, 2022, was a day replete with experiental learning,patriotic fervour and pride in being an Indian. The students and teachers of Kothari International School, Noida were given the opportunity to visit the house of the President of India. Art has always been a method to relieve ourselves from the external stress and anxiety. At Kothari International we believe in channelizing this serene energy into creative and adaptive learning methods. Students of Grade 11 A Students were assigned to prepare a flowchart or collage on Fundamental rights and duties. Students portrayed their knowledge on the topic assigned through their exquisite drawing skills.

Moot Court Competition Grade 9 and 11 The students of Kothari International School proceeded towards Delhi Metropolitan Education Law School in their courtroom armour for Moot Court Competition.After the preliminary rounds the Grand Finale was held in an actual Courtroom in the presence of Hon'ble Mr. Justice Bhanwar Singh, a retired judge of the Allahabad High Court, as well as the Director General of DME Law School. The competition, with great zeal and fervour, was won by Gauri Dudeja (11A) and Mudita Sachdeva (9B).

Lessons I Have Learnt From The MAHABHARATA Kushagra Bhatnagar 12 A The story of the Mahabharata has always fascinated me and I have always believed in its authenticity.Hence I was thrilled beyond measure when I found that it was a part of my History Curriculum in Grade 12 and that Historians were recognising it as an integral part of our glorious heritage and not just as a mythical epic. Every segment of the Mahabharata has a lesson to each even today which just goes to show how History is relevant for all ages,is a legacy and a blueprint for the present and future. My three main takeaways from the Mahabharata: 1.From the character of Arjuna I have learnt to never stop learning, no matter how learned or skilled one is and to always stay grounded. Also the fact that learning can come from anyone and to always stand by your Dharma. 2.From the character of Abhimanyu I have realised and learnt that ‘half knowledge is dangerous’. 3.From Shri Krishanji I have learnt that ‘quality always wins over quantity’.



Legacy Of The Indus Valley Civilisation In Metallurgy - Viraj sahu- Grade 12A Several Bronze figurines/statues were discovered at IVC sites by archaeologists. All of these figures were created using a technique known as "lost wax casting," with "Dancing girl" being the best example of one of the most proportionate sculptures. Lost wax casting technique continued to be used by people around India even after Indus valley collapse. One of the finest examples is Chola’s idol making process, who used same lost wax casting method.

A Story Of Yore - History students of GR 12A We, the History Students of 12 A have a story to tell On the intricacies of the Indus Valley Civilisation we will dwell. Our glorious country gave to the world The most ancient civilisation, brilliantly unfurled. Today, outsourcing is the world’s cry Centuries ago, the IVC outsourced lapis from Shortughai. What was the technology behind the microbead? Archaeologists till date have no lead. A uniform town planning across every site Speaks volumes about the IVC might. A dockyard in Lothal built of wood They exported to Mesopotamia, every kind of good. Their drainage system was one of a kind The structure even today is difficult to find. The roads they built ran north-south and east to west Their jewellery and artefacts were the best. Their script is enigmatic and yet to be deciphered Once that is done, much more will be heard. How did they produce glittering faience? Let us treasure this legacy of brilliance. On their ideas,skill and ideaology we mull Doing the lesson was never for a moment dull !!!





Yahvee Aggarwal 12 C

Chhavi Singh 12 A

Cambridge has not only widened the perspective of the students but the teachers and the school in itself. Ever since Kothari adopted Cambridge, it has been a contender in several international competitions, became partners with Trinity College London, and became eligible for awards such as the IAYP(The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Association) while receiving certificates for “Excellence in international learning.” The school’s world-class facilities, combined with well-competent teachers and an inclusive learning environment have translated into results. We don’t need advertisements to show our students’ worth, their intellect speaks volumes amidst their success in primitive development years. A focus on producing ingenious minds rather than a mentality of excellence has ironically provided the nation with various national and international toppers over the years ensuring UCL and Cambridge scholarships over the years. As initially claimed, the Cambridge program has instilled the following qualities in all our students, irrespective of the board they’re in: Confidence in working with ideas, language capabilities, and public speaking Responsible for themselves and others Reflective as learners, developing their ability to learn Innovative and equipped for new and future challenges in the globalized world Engaged intellectually and socially, ready to make a difference. All these qualities are showcased by our inquisitive learners in their everyday activities which go hand-in-hand with the mission statement of our school: “We endeavor to empower our students with knowledge and skills through engaged learning; ensure the pursuit of tertiary education of their choice and make them custodians of their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Our students shall also seek seamless transition into adult life; become useful members of the communities in which they live and promote tolerance, world peace, and tranquility.” So that’s what Cambridge means to us, Kothari, and the world: THE ARCHWAY TO ONE’S DREAMS.



Cambridge Psychology Grad 11 (AS Level)

Naturalistic Observation Activity

Behavioural Checklist For Observation

In this activity, the students were asked to select a particular person present in their environment for observation.

Mental Health Day- Mandala Activity

Mental health day is celebrated every year on October 10, to spread awareness about mental health issues. It is essential to break the stigma attached with mental health. This mandala made by Arshiya Arora from AS LEVEL served as a depiction of the significance of mental health in a person’s life.





Cascade of Creativity (Grade K1)

Picture House Pasting and colouring play a big role in the cognitive development of students. It helps students think creatively, develop eye-to-hand coordination, hone analytic skills and thereby increase their confidence. On 22nd July 2022, teachers of K1 enacted the story “The Three Little Pigs” under the ongoing theme “Tom and Jerry” using proper props, voice modulation and facial expressions which brought a lot of excitement and hilarity among the students.

Shape Composition



Mask Making Activity Creating different types of face masks is an activity that nurtures a child’s creativity, boosts imagination, imbibes self-confidence and promotes problem-solving skills. The students of K1 on 15th July 2022, under the ongoing theme “Tom and Jerry,” participated in the mask-making activity. They made stunning masks by colouring or painting.

Coin Tracing An activity ‘Coin Tracing’ was planned for the students of Grade 1. Students were given coins of denominations 1, 2, 5,10 and 20. They had to trace the coins on a plain sheet of paper. They had drawn flowers and the sun by tracing the coins.



Grade K2 Colour Me Activity “Colours are brighter when the mind is open.” Friday, 6th May 2022 was a colourful day for the Kindergarteners as the ‘Colour Me’ activity was held in Grade K2 of Kothari International School. The students let their imaginations run wild and created absolute magic. The finished products were amazing and they also learnt to appreciate each other. It was indeed a very successful activity and a memorable one too as all our children proudly displayed their works and posed happily with them.

Paint Puddle Creating new colours is a wonderful mix of science and art and allows children to learn through meaningful activities. The “Paint Puddle’ activity was organized for the children of Grade K2 at Kothari International School on 13th May 2022. The purpose of this activity was to demonstrate to children how primary colours (red, yellow, blue) when mixed, form new colours.



Shape Composition Knowledge is gained by learning, and skill is mastered with practice. The students of Grade 2 aptly implemented the above-stated lines by enhancing their creative skills and clarifying the concepts of 2D shapes with an intra-class activity, ‘2D Shape Composition’ which was conducted on Friday, 29th April 2022.

Grade 4 and 5 Learning Corridor The teachers of grades 4 and 5 design and create interactive games in the bustling corridors which inspires students to learn while playing games. The games are core subject focused wherein the students can play individually or challenge their peers. The games are changed in accordance with the topics taught that month.



A Platter of Delicacies Kabuli Kabab - Shrey Arora, 11 C1 Ingredients - Kabuli Chana, Kabuli Kabab, Ginger, Red Chili powder, Amchur powder, Salt, Ghee Recipe - Boil Kabuli chana and strain them. - Mash them and mix red chili, ginger, salt, amchur powder - Turn it into balls - Fry Tikki with 1 spoon of ghee - For the cheese crown grease tawa and add grated cheese, let it turn golden brown. - Now shape the cheese crown and garnish it with paneer cubes and pomegranate

Spectacularity through Divye’s & Asmit’s (11C1) Lenses



Namrata Goel, 7D

Aditi Gupta, 8 D

Pia Grover, 7B


Samriddhi Jain, 7B

Ranveer Gaur, 7A

Sneha Khetan 8B


Aditi Gupta, 8D

Vanshika Agarwal, 8D


Vanshika Agarwal, Vanshika Agarwal, 8D 8D

Yashasvi Chouhan, 9A


Samaira Sharma Cambridge 9F

Yashsavi Chouhan, 9A


Samaira Sharma Cambridge 9F

Divisha Agarwal, 9E


Nityanshi Pareek Cambrige IGCSE 9

Avi Pushkarna, Cambridge 9 IGCSE


Divisha Agarwal, 9E

Madhav Joshi, 10C


Kanissha Srivastava, 10A

Lakshiv Johrar, 6D


Avi Pushkarna, Cambridge 9 IGCSE

Myra Kaur Cambridge 6F 153

Adya Banga 11A

Parth Grover 12A

Parth Grover 12A

Archita Bhattacharyya 12A

Tarini Aneja 11A

Kasak Chaudhary 11A

Kashvi Gupta- 11A

Archita Bhattacharyya 12A


Parth Grover 12A

Saanvi Daksh 11A


Parth Grover 12A

Kasak Chaudhary 12A

Saanvi Daksh 11A

Tarini Aneja 11A

Anushka Adhikari 12-B1

Saanvi Daksh 11A

Urvashi Garg 12B2

Amin Naqvi



Ishaan Singh Bisht 12-B2

Abhilasha Chhabra 12-B1

Saanvi Daksh 11A

Amin Naqvi

Amin Naqvi



Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Recycle Army The school has ensured in active participation of students from the elementary level to the higher secondary level. Students segregate the waste into different categories such as dry recyclables, biodegradable waste, and hazardous waste, and dispose of them in colour-coded waste bins made by them using eco-friendly materials. Each classroom has a recycling station.



International; Collaboration




Student Testimonials

SDG Awards And Green School Certification



Life Skills

Netiquette The rules of etiquette that apply when communicating online are different from those that apply when communicating in person. Students of Grade 3 were recently introduced to netiquette to discourage inappropriate online conduct and conflict.

Handling Emotions A life skill session on handling emotions was conducted on 28th July 2022 wherein students were encouraged to identify different emotions they feel during various situations. The students made a beautiful wheel of emotions by drawing cute emotions and describing their feelings for that particular emotions.



Nature Walk With the aim of inculcating love for nature, the students of K1 were taken for a nature walk which gave them an opportunity to learn about Mother Earth and appreciate and admire her many facets. The students walked around the green belt within the school premises with their teachers and collected various things fallen on the ground. They were even asked to go for a nature walk with their parents and collect various interesting things.

Poshan Maah Students of K1 were introduced to the topic “Poshan Maah” wherein the teachers made them aware of healthy and junk food. Students understood that one must eat fruits, vegetables, cereals, pulses and nuts as it is good for them and junk food like chocolates, chips, ice cream, etc. can be harmful if eaten often.



Healthy Sprout Salad’ Grade 1 students participated in an activity where all the students prepared sprouts salads using different healthy ingredients and discussed the benefits of eating healthy food.

Healthy Sandwich Making Cooking class is not only fun but lays the foundation for healthy eating habits. Students of Grade K2, at Kothari International School, donned their ‘Master chef Caps on 29th April 2022 to exhibit their culinary skills. Children learnt to make Sumptuous vegetable and cheese Sandwiches. They participated with full zeal and enthusiasm and gained confidence by presenting and speaking about their recipes to their teachers and friends. It was a culinary adventure which they thoroughly enjoyed.

‘I Will Be Your Santa’ Christmas is the festival which inspires the spirit of sharing and caring and Santa Claus is a symbol of goodwill and selfless giving. To inculcate this spirit of sharing the students wore Santa caps and became Santa and distributed gifts to the needy people in their community. The children sang and danced to the music of ‘Jingle Bells.’ The boundless joy of celebrating the festival was visible on their faces.



Poshan Maah - Spirit Of Giving Students of Grade 2 came together and learnt the most valuable virtue …’sharing.’ The students contributed to society by donating food items.

A to Z of Empathy

As a part of an enrichment program, a workshop was organised with The Fortis Mental Health Department to assist the students of Grade 1 in acknowledging the importance of A to Z of empathy. This promoted positive behaviour among students.



E V E N T S & C E L E B R A T I O N S



Grade K1

Edutainment K1 students of KIS celebrated the event “Edutainment” on Friday, 20th May 2022 by adding an extra zing to the event by putting up their “First Performance” in which they collectively recited rhymes and staged an amazing dance performance. This was followed by a scrumptious party and the clicking of some amazing pictures.

Krishnaleela K1 students at Kothari International School celebrated Janmashtami on 26th August 2022 through a marvellous display of ‘Krishnaleela’a Musical Ballet of his most popular stories as a child. The school was beautifully decorated with Marigold flowers, vibrant big peacocks and rangoli. Bal Gopal seated in the jhula was the centre of attraction for all. The electrifying dance performances along with the drama in every scene were drowned by the loud applause of the audience. It was a marvellous performance and was appreciated by one and all.



Children's Day

All children look forward to the one day in the year which is dedicated to ‘Children’s Day’ or ‘Bal Diwas’ which is celebrated on Pt .Jawaharlal Nehru’s birthday. It is no surprise that they love this day, especially when there are activities and events planned especially for them. Grade K2 at Kothari International School celebrated Children’s Day with great zeal and enthusiasm on 14th November 2022.

Animal Olympic March

To showcase a love for animals an “Animal Olympic March” was organised on 26th September 2022 for K1 students. Students came dressed in different animal costumes like lions, rabbits, bears, monkeys etc. and went on a parade enthusiastically shouting and waving all around the school octagon. Post that, the students spoke a few sentences about the animal that they were depicting. It turned out to be a perfect day with an element of excitement in the air.



Grade K2 Edutainment Education through entertainment is the best way to enhance learning. Grade K2 of Kothari International School organized a fun-filled event ‘Glimpses of Edutainment’ on 20th May 2022 as the culminating activity of Theme one Mcdonald's. Students spoke about healthy eating habits through a story narration. They also emphasized saying ‘No to Junk food’ and eating healthy meals as per the food pyramid.


A musical Ramlila was orchestrated by the students of Grade K2 of Kothari International School on 30th September 2022, beautifully showcasing the chronicles of Lord Ram with great enthusiasm and energy. The children dressed up as various characters from the Ramayana and through a wonderful skit depicted the story of Lord Rama and his return to Ayodhya after conquering Ravana thus spreading the message of victory of ‘Good over Evil.’



Sensory Booth Activity Our five senses allow us to enjoy the world around us -- the taste of our food, the sound of music, the beauty of the sunrise, the softness of a cat's fur, and the fragrance of a rose. Keeping experiential learning in mind, Grade K2 at Kothari International School came up with yet another fun-filled Friday Activity ’Sensory Booth’ on 16th December 2022. Students explored their five senses by handling different objects related to (smell, taste, touch, sound and sight).

Grade 1

Edutainment Grade 1 Edutainment was organised on 20th May 2022. Students shared their learning about the ongoing Theme ‘Shapes Around Us’ and concepts done in the class like Polygons, Non-Polygons Shapes, Air, Water, Punctuation, and Jolly Phonics through various fun-filled Activities and Experiments.



Tribute to Mahatma The students of Grade 1 participated in the play ‘Tribute to Mahatma’ on the 20th and 21st of October, 2022. They dressed up according to their characters and paid homage to our Father of the Nation. Inspiring events from his life were beautifully depicted by our young actors. The dance performances mesmerized and enthralled the audience.

Grade 1 Steam Fest ‘STEAM Fest’ was organised for the students of G1 on December 28th, 2022. STEAM is the integration of Science, Technology, English, Arts and Mathematics to make learning fun. STEAM Fest provided an opportunity for the students to showcase hands-on activities in front of their parents. Students welcomed their parents by singing a song, ‘It’s a beautiful day’ and gave a thrilling dance performance on the song ‘Macarena.’



Grade 2 SLC-Shape Up My City

‘Shape Up My City,’ enthusiastically organised on 30th August 2022 focused on ingraining the learning of concepts and inculcating social and emotional values in students. the students gave a sneak peek into the day-to-day activities they enjoy in the form of various activities like poetry recitation, model display, dance and music.

Bharat Ek Khoj

The Students of Grade 2 took the stage by storm with their musical period drama presentation Bharat Ek Khoj depicting the progression of our country India through the Vedic age till independence. The annual presentation was an enthralling attempt to make our students aware of our history and was much appreciated by parents and seniors alike.



Pangat Bhoj Grade 2 students once more captivated their parents with their connecting to roots activity ‘Pangat Bhoj’ in which students emphasized the importance of community eating and listed the benefits of sitting on the floor and cooking in earthen utensils. The activity gathered accolades from one and all as it reinstated faith in our rich culture and value system.

Grade 3

Edutainment The students were highly motivated to demonstrate their knowledge about various food groups and the nutrition present in different food items. The event was a wonderful amalgamation of fun and learning as the students exhibited tremendous confidence while leading the conference under the guidance of their teachers. They also spoke about the adverse effects of junk food.



Student Led Conference The students were divided into teams and they showcased their learning about the importance of plants, healthy eating habits and taking care of our planet. Students planned healthy menus, presented their dishes and spoke about their nutritional value. They also emphasized on three R’s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Steam Fest Taking an integrated approach to learning science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics is crucial to the growth and development of students and therefore Students of Grade 3 presented their understanding of various concepts through this new model of learning during their STEAM Fest.



International Collaboration

Students of Grade 3 collaborated with Turkey, Ari Private Middle School, for an international exchange program on May 20, 2022. The collaboration aimed at promoting students’ engagement through cultural exchange.

International Collaboration-Flat Stanley

Students of Grade 3 collaborated with Turkey, Ari Private Middle School, for an interesting project called Flat Stanley wherein students of both countries exchanged their flat Stanleys and wrote journals to share with each other. The project helped students to know the famous tourist places of each other’s nations better.



Founder’s Day/Ingenious: A Mega Event The Shri M.M. Kothari STEAM Quest, Ingenious 2022- was a student-led inter-school celebration of Science, Technology, Language, Culture and the Arts. Mirth, anticipation and zeal suffused the air every day of the three-day festivities. It was a journey incomparable in enthusiasm and virtuosity from over 100 participants and hosts alike. Besides the 50-odd participating schools and 2 international institutions, the Quest was graced by the presence of a vast multitude of personages of great renown. The benign presence of the Chief Guests, Mr Laxmi Shankar Bajpai, and Smt. Mamta Kiran, alongside the Chairman of Kothari Group of Schools - Mr Deepak Kothari & Chairperson Mrs Aarti Kothari, Trustee KIS Mr Avinash Gupta, Advisor Mr Pradeep Srivastava and Mr Rajiv Malhotra Kothari group of Schools, Principal KIS Dr Sangeeta Arora and Vice Principal Mr Manish Seksaria elevated the ceremonies’ prestige. The judging panel comprised a rich profusion of prodigious individuals, including Dr Ravi Kuman, Dr Kunal Kumar, Ms Deepanshi Jaiswal, Mr Vikas Verma, Ms Shireen Hoda, Ms Simran Maira, Ms Amanda Conlan, Ms Sakshi Seth, Mr Ashok Bhatija, Mr Pummy Chicker, Mr Kuldeep Singh Chaudhary, Ms Puja Shukla, Mr Harsh Vardhan Choudhary, Mrs Rupali Bhagrudev, Mr Nikhil Choudhary, Mr Amitesh, Mr Bharat Tiwari, Mrs Ritu Joshi, Mr Nikhil Mahen, Mr Ashok Bhatija, Mrs Jyotsana Raghnunathan. Mr Nikhil Bhardwaj, Mrs Nimisha Singla, Mr Karthik, Dr Pushpa Joshi, and Mr Rahul Khanna. Each day observed a variety of enthralling events worthy of the spirit of conviviality and ebullience fostered by the STEAM Quest. Participants pushed themselves to the limit with every event, as reflected by their outstanding performances. Events such as ‘The PrimeTime Debate’, ‘Drama-logue’,’ Journo’s Journey’, ‘Stratagem’, ‘The Ultimate Marketeer’, ‘Comic Strip’, ‘Trick of Eyesight’, ‘A Musical Amalgamation’, and ‘Nukkad Natak’ brought out the thespian and strategist within every participant, while observing incredible displays of creative and literary skill. An inferno of passion blazed within the hearts of participants, rooted in scientific curiosity, melded in the heat of competition in events such as ‘The Cybernetic Sprint’, and ‘Create. Innovate. Design’, ‘Get…Set… Make’ and ‘Iron Out the Issues’. This particular round of events also observed online synchronous and asynchronous competitions such as ‘Trials of Wisdom’, ‘Game Jam’, ‘Sikrypt’, ‘Web Design’, ‘BGMI’, ‘Valorant’,’ ‘Chess’, and ‘Picture Perfect’. Last, but not least, were the mathematical contests, with enthusiasm galore, including ‘Escape Root’, ‘The Great Mathematics Race’, and ‘The Divine Proportion’. From a sombre, auspicious lighting of the ceremonial lamp, accompanied by a mellifluous rendition of the Durga Stuti, to a euphonious band presentation with electrifying energy- the ceremonies preceding the days’ events had it all. Students flaunted their terpsichorean skills in an exquisite presentation on a conclusive day. In her address, Dr Sangeeta Arora, our venerable Principal, touched hearts with her take on the connection between the spiritual living of yore and the modern, dynamic world. In a brief, passionate speech, our Trustee Dr Avinash Gupta expressed his gratitude to the various participating schools. Addressed by the esteemed Chairman Mr Deepak Kothari was the cruciality of instilling a sense of amicable competition amongst students. Furthermore, the honourable Chief Guest appreciated the school’s attempts to provide robust opportunities for holistic development to students across the globe. The result declaration was met with bittersweet emotions. Victors rightfully revelled, drenched in a flood of pride and celebration. The Best School Trophy went to Somerville School. Each school demonstrated unprecedented virtuosity in a modicum of competitions, taking home a variety of trophies by the end of the mega-event. It was veritably a fest that went beyond the mere monochrome of victors and participants and saw students coming together in the spirit of healthy competition. Needless to say, Ingenious 2022 was a resounding success and an unforgettable celebration of the confluence of Science, Mathematics, Literature, and the Arts for all.



Theatre Day Grades 6-9 & 11 Kothari International School, Noida celebrated its Annual Day, ‘Shauryanjali’, showcasing the multi-faceted talent of Grades 6-8, 9 &11 on Tuesday, 29th November 2022 in the school’s Amphitheater, amidst great splendour, mirth, and zest. The presence of our chairman, Mr Deepak Kothari, Chairperson, Mrs Aarti Kothari, members of the management committee, Mr Mitesh Kothari, and Mrs Urvi Kothari brightened up the evening. It was certainly a moment of pride when Commissioner of Police, Noida, Mr Alok Singh, and Ms Alaknanda Bose, a state icon of the election of India, Brand Ambassador for MCD, and a renowned and internationally acclaimed Kathak artist graced the evening as the chief guest and guest of honour. The benign presence of advisors to the Kothari Group of schools, Mr Rajeev Mehrotra, Mr Pradeep Srivastava, and Mr G S Madhav Rao along with our trustee, Dr Avinash Gupta inspired confidence and gratitude. The ceremony commenced with the lightning of the lamp by the chief guest and distinguished guests. Our School Principal Dr Sangeeta Arora extended a warm welcome to the esteemed guests and the audience with touching eloquence and humility. She felicitated meritorious students and shared the School’s achievements through the Annual Report where she unfolded the talent and success of the students during the previous academic years. It was followed by a power-packed performance by our very own ‘KIS BAND’ which perfectly set the mood for the occasion. The speech by our respective chairperson, guest of honour, and chief guest motivated the students to overcome their challenges and to be dutiful and respectful. The main highlight of the evening was the spectacular theatrical performance which draped the entire décor in the hues of sacrifice, courage, and gallantry of Indian women freedom fighters. The meticulously planned Annual Day by the students and staff of the school culminated with the vote of thanks by our respected Vice Principal, Mr Manish Seksaria, and the thunderous applause for the success of the evening.



Grade 5

Theatre Day

Grade 5 presented Sudha Murthy’s timeless story ‘How I Taught My Grandmother to Read.’ The stage play was a part of the grade 5 curriculum connect culminating activity. The presentation included vibrant dances, a melodious choir and a rocking band performance. All the students of grade 5 participated in the memorable performance.



Democracy @ KIS The Prefectorial Board (2022-23)

Vision of the Prefectorial Board

The Prefectorial Board of KIS is an organization that believes that true inspiration and impact come from great leadership. Each and every student from grades 4-12 voted in the election of the prefectorial board. It is a microcosm of exactly what a true democracy is, for the people, by the people, of the people. The Prefectorial board aims at being the communicator between the student body and the school administration and works towards building a healthier relationship, having clear communication channels between them to instil a sense of peace and harmony in the school. We also aim at providing a safe and secure campus where each and every student studying here feels comfortable doing so. We will also be helping coordinate and supervise the various events being conducted on the school campus throughout the year. The Board is going to be active in all forms of student affairs and is going to be one of the most important pillars in maintaining and extending the legacy of Kothari, with our penultimate goal being the utmost development of our students. We also feel that discipline and justice are of foremost importance in an institution, and we will try to ensure justice in all matters of student disputes and aim at maintaining an expected level of discipline amongst the students. The Prefectorial Board hopes to stay true and do justice to the school motto ‘United we stand’, which means inculcating the values of unification and standing together in our future leaders.



Election of the Prefectorial Board The Election of the Prefectorial Board consisted of a rigorous screening process, including a written test, voting and campaigning and interviews. Interested candidates first gave a written test and were shortlisted according to their responses on it. After the test, came the voting process. The selected candidates for various positions campaigned and encouraged the students from grades 4-12 to vote for them. This involved giving speeches, canvassing and so much more. Each and every student voted after this. The candidates who were the most voted were then interviewed by a panel consisting of department heads and our principal and vice principal. The chosen candidates were announced thereafter. The Prefectorial Board of KIS was chosen on a largely democratic basis!






Co-Curricular (4-5): Pehal: Co-Scholastic Club Grade 4 and 5 students hone their creative skills through one-of-a-kind club initiative which include visual art, coding, vocal music, taekwondo, yoga to name a few.



Co-Curricular (6-8): The Intramural Sports



Kothari Model United Nations 2022 (Grades 9-12) Kothari International School hosted its Fifth Edition of KMUN from 28 May 2022 to 29 May 2022, an independently student-led program where these leaders, with their fresh ideas and concepts, get a chance to tap their talents and explore debating in a political scenario. With over 270 delegates, from across 55+ schools and 3 countries, KMUN 2022 was organized in partnership with The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime as well as the well-known NGO, Child Rights and You (CRY). KIS was proud to be graced with the presence of eminent personalities like Dr Jitendra Nath Misra (Former Ambassador of Portugal and Laos), Dr Harsh Pathak (Advocate, Supreme Court of India) and Mr Samarth Pathak (Communications Officer, South Asia Office at UNODC). It had 6 committees ranging from UN Women to All India Political Parties Meet. Winners got cash prizes from a pool of Rs. 13500. All proceeds from the conference, amounting to around Rs. 40,000 was donated to CRY. Kothari Model UN 2022 was indeed a true success, kicking it up a notch from last year. We hope to come back in 2023 with KMUN back in offline mode!

Kothari Model United Nations 2022 (Grades 6-8) The long-awaited day of Kothari Model United Nations 2022 hosted for Grades 6-8 was met by ardour and gusto. This edition surpassed mere debate and competition, it went above and beyond in a celebration of delegates and leaders in the making. The committees commenced with enthralling proceedings on par with the spirit of vigour and geniality fostered by KMUN. The committees for the day were International Press, Lok Sabha, United Nations Environment Assembly, and United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development. Delegates outdid themselves in the Lok Sabha committee, deliberating upon national peace in India’s diverse population. The energy and vigour were tangible in the UNCSTD, with a plethora of topics under discussion, ranging from E-Sports and Edu-Tech to social media. Delegates pushed themselves to the limit in UNEA, which entailed a positively thrilling and environmentally aware discussion about working towards Agenda 2030, one step at a time. The International Press saw journalists, caricaturists, and photographers buzzing with enthusiasm creating exceptional pieces of art and writing. The KMUN was a thumping success in its aim to provide a forum for young minds to deliberate and discuss a modicum of enchanting topics while instilling a sense of kindness and patience. It will remain an unforgettable occasion for all, veritably deserving of its motto, Sepura Aude.



Inter House Competition Cooking Without Fire The students of Grades 4 and 5 participated in an Inter House Competition ‘Cooking Without Fire’ wherein the young chefs surprised everyone with their creativity and scrumptious dishes. Everyone was in awe of the aesthetical setting of their workstations, menus, little chef caps and delightful food.

Inter House Competition Monsoon Through My Lens The students of Grades 4 and 5 participated in an Inter House Competition ‘Monsoon Through My Lens’ during the onset of monsoon season wherein they shared their perspective of the season. They shared beautiful pictures depicting the wonderful mother nature during the magical season.



Inter House Competition Clay Modeling The students of Grades 4 and 5 participated in an Inter House Competition ‘Clay Modeling’ wherein they used clay to recreate early man tools. The submissions were nothing short of perfection.

Inter House Competition Role Play The students of Grades 4 and 5 participated in an Inter House Competition wherein they dressed up in elaborate garb to convey the message of Unity in Diversity.



Inter House Competition Ad Mad The students of Grades 4 and 5 participated in an Inter House Competition wherein they showcased their creative skills through an ad mad competition. The students came up with elaborate products and entertaining scripts.

Inter House Competition Picasso Face Mask The students of Grades 4 and 5 participated in an Inter House Competition ‘Picasso Face Masks.’ The creative geniuses showcased their understanding of geometric shapes and their arrangement in an artistic fashion.



Inter House Competition Mandala Stone Art The students of Grades 4 and 5 participated in an Inter House Competition ‘Mandala Stone Art’ wherein the students made intricate mandala art on stones with acrylic paints.

Co-Curricular Activities Grades 6-8 ONLINE ACTIVITIES Inter-House Competitions provide a wide range of online/offline/asynchronous competitions on a common platform for students to unleash and enhance their creative abilities. The multifarious competitions enable students to showcase their talent with a creative bent of mind.

Just 2 Minute




Pot Decoration-Jal Tarang


Inter-House Competitions provide a wide range of online/offline/asynchronous competitions on a common platform for students to unleash and enhance their creative abilities. The multifarious competitions enable the students to showcase their talent with a creative bent of mind.

Poster Making

Best out of Waste



Inter-House Competitions provide a wide range of online/offline/asynchronous competitions on a common platform for students to unleash and enhance their creative abilities. The multifarious competitions enable the students to showcase their talent with a creative bent of mind.

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Inter House Offline Activity (Grades 6-8) Inter House Mathematics Rangoli Competition “Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit.” Rangoli is an ancient art of Floor Decoration in India built from designs and patterns based on abstractions from the natural/cultural world. This comes in all shapes and sizes which includes a variety of symmetry, spirals, geometrical shapes and patterns. An Inter House Mathematics Rangoli Competition was conducted on the School premises on 29.07.2022, Friday. Our young artists of Grades 6, 7, and 8 through their creativity and aesthetic skills participated in an event with full enthusiasm and prior preparation to give beautiful designs to their Rangoli.

Inter House Offline Activity (Grade 12)

The Vice President of The Design and Innovation club - Adya Banga designed a house corner. This is a collaborative effort of *KIS House System & KIS Club System* (Art Studio, International Forum and Design and Innovation Clubs).



Inter House Online Activity (Grades 9-11) News this Hour The presentation of News Videos was moderated by Kalpesh Bhatnagar and judged by Mr Gaurav Saxena. Each video presentation was followed by an interaction between Judge, Dipti Ma'am and participants.

Inter House Statistical Analysis.



Flower Arrangement.



Co-Curricular Activities- 9-11

Assemblies- Participation, Presentation And Pleasure!!! ‘Think Win Win!’ - Learning collaboration and growing together in harmony with each other, being empathetic and sensitive yet confident and brave!

'Gender Equality' “A world full of empowered women isn’t one where men are marginalized. It’s a world where everyone thrives.”



'Building Resilience’ Learning to remain steady and in control of oneself in the face of an adverse circumstance.

'Shauryanjali' A tribute to the courage portrayed by the women in Indian Freedom Movement.



'Gratitude' When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance reappears!

'Love For My Nation’

“Do not ask what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. Be the change you want to see in the country and become a proud Indian.”



Rainbow- A Platform for Expression On 21st December, the Rainbow Department of Kothari International School organized an inter- school event Rainbow 2022. The event was conducted under the guidance of Trustee Mr. Avinash Gupta, Principal Dr. Sangeeta Arora and Vice Principal Mr. Manish Seksaria and aimed to provide a platform for children with special needs to showcase their skills and abilities in different areas. The larger objective was to promote inclusion in education and society. 212 students from 23 schools participated in Fine Arts and Performing Arts activities. Dr. Jayanti Pujari, Director of Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences (AIRS), and Dr. Rashmi Das Journalist, Editor- of Telecomlive, were the guest of honor for the event. The participants displayed remarkable abilities and talents on this platform. The function started with the lighting of the lamp and Vandana followed by a welcome speech by the Principal. Students were then escorted to their respective venues for the activities. All the activities started with great energy and enthusiasm. Students made astonishing and useful things from waste also made us believe that every individual is skilled in another way. It was also heartwarming to see the students singing and performing so well in infancy dress. Students not only received a confidence boost but also got to interact with other kids. It was most heartening to see the overwhelming response of every school, staff, student, and parent to our noble endeavor. At the end of the ceremony, the Principal along with the Vice Principal and Guests distributed medals and certificates to all the participating students. There was a special performance by the music team of the school where all the students and teachers came up on the stage and danced their hearts out. The event was a huge success. Participating schools were then dispersed with a sincere hope that such mega events should be organized time and again giving the students a chance to display their talents.






Grade K1: Independence Day Celebration

Adding to the vigour and celebrations of the ‘Independence Day’ the students of K1 celebrated it on 10th August 2022 by making tricolour handprinted craft work which the students made with a lot of zest and enthusiasm.The importance of Independence Day was explained to the students wherein they sang the National Anthem and danced and marched together on the song “Nanna Munna Rahi” and the rhyme “I Salute My Flag”.

Grade K1: Rakhi Celebration

To commemorate this festival a ‘Rakhi Making Activity’ was organised for the students of K1 on 10th August 2022, wherein they made beautiful handmade rakhis using ribbons, coloured and glitter sheets. It was a fun filled activity filled with fervor and the importance of the day was also explained to the students.



Grade K1: Diwali Celebration

The students of K1 on 21st October 2022 were very excited to celebrate Diwali as they were all dressed in traditional clothes. The students celebrated Diwali with fervour as they painted and decorated beautiful diyas and made colourful rangolis with the help of their respective teachers outside their classrooms. The students were explained about the significance of the festival-how good always conquers evil and also why and how Diwali is celebrated.May in this Diwali you all be blessed with good fortune, prosperity, and happiness. Wishing a HAPPY DIWALI to all.

K2 “Kuch pal day deshcelebration ke naam” GradeGrade 2: Independence The 75th Independence Day was celebrated by the children and teachers of Grade K2 at Kothari International School on 10th August 2022. The spirit of freedom and nationalism was well exhibited by the students through a spectrum of patriotic poems and songs.



Grade K2 : Janmashtami Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated as it marks the birth of Lord Krishna, an avatar of Lord Vishnu. Understanding the importance of glorifying Indian traditions, Grade K2 at Kothari International School celebrated the festival of Janmashtami with great zeal and enthusiasm on 17th August 2022. Children came dressed in colourful ethnic outfits and they depicted Krishna’s life through mesmerizing dance performances dedicated to the life of Sri Krishna. Students made beautiful head gear with peacock feather on top.

Grade K2 : Diwali Celebration

The excitement and celebratory spirit that Diwali brings is unmatchable. Indulging in the spirit of festivities Grade K2 students at Kothari International School made beautiful greeting cards and decorated it on 21stOctober 2022.They came dressed in ethnic wear and sprinkled glitter onto their artwork to make the paint sparkle and look more colourful.



Grade K2 : Christmas Fun Christmas is the festival which inspires the spirit of sharing and caring and the Santa Claus is a symbol of goodwill and selfless giving. Soaking in this spirit of Christmas, tiny tots of Kothari International School of Grade K2 celebrated this festival with great enthusiasm on 23rd December 2022. The children sang and danced to the music of ‘Jingle Bells’. The boundless joy of celebrating the festival was visible on their faces. Grade K2:

Grade K1 : Christmas Celebration Christmas, the festival of fun and cheer was celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm by K1 on 23rd December 2022. The students came dressed in bright red or green clothes and some with Santa caps and the entire class was filled with positive vibrations of Christmas. The students were taken for a parade and they sang carols and danced happily to wish their teachers and classmates. A beautiful Christmas tree was put up in the octagon which was a great attraction for all the students. To instill the joy of giving the students were asked to become Santa for the needy and less privileged ones by donating clothes, food, toys, etc.The boundless joy of celebrating the festival was visible on their faces.



Grade 1 Raksha Bandhan

Raksha Bandhan is one of the most endearing ways to celebrate the bond between brothers and sisters. To strengthen this bond, Kothari International School conducted a Rakhi Making Activity for the students of Grade 1. The students made colourful rakhi’s using decorative threads, stars, mirrors, pearls and flowers.

Grade 1 Independence Day

The students of Grade 1 celebrated the spirit of our nation with cheer and enthusiasm This year was celebrated under the broader ambit of ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’. Students made beautiful tri-colour bird with pastel sheets and colours. They sang patriotic songs like ‘Nanha Munha Rahi Hu’, ‘Vande Matram’ and ‘National Anthem’.



Grade 1: Christmas Fun

Christmas, the festival of fun and cheer which inspires the spirit of sharing and caring was celebrated by the Grade 1 students on December 23rd, 2022. All the students came together to sing variety of melodious carols, ` Jingle Bells’, `Rudolf the red nose reindeer’ and danced happily to wish their teacher and classmates, dressed in festive colour of red.

Grade 2: Independence Day To celebrate the spirit of Independence Day, students of Grade 2, came up with great craft idea using their imagination and creativity. They crafted beautiful, tri-color butterfly wall hangings and kites on 11th August 2022.Our inventive and imaginative kids continued to mesmerize us with their beautiful and creative creations expressing their patriotism, love and passion towards their motherland.



Grade 2 Raksha Bandhan On the auspicious occasion of Raksha Bandhan, Rakhi making activity was organized for the students of Grade 2 on 11th August. Students created beautiful rakhis using different articles like silken thread, ribbon, mirrors etc. Their artisanship was quite fascinating and kids thoroughly enjoyed the activity which tickled their creative aspect.

Grade 2 Diwali Celebration Students of Grade 2 involved themselves in creating artistic Diwali cards and magnificent kandeel which adorned the octagons. Students were sensitized about celebrating a safe and pollution free Green Diwali. The atmosphere gleamed with not only the beautiful kandeels but also with the effervescent smile of our little ones.

Grade 2 Christmas

The festival of Christmas radiates the message of caring, sharing and spreading goodness all around. The same spirit was witnessed among all the students as they celebrated the festival by singing Christmas Carols and creating artistic reindeers.



Grade 3 Independence Day The history of India and its independence is an epic in the freedom struggle. Therefore, the students of Grade 3 excitedly participated in ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’, an initiative by the Government of India to commemorate 75 glorious years of progressive India and its rich history, magnificent culture and great achievements.

Grade 3 Raksha Bandhan To celebrate Raksha Banhan, a Rakhi Making activity was organized for the students of the Grade 3 on 10th August 2022, in school. Students created vibrant, crafty handmade Rakhis using different types of paper quilling techniques decorated with attractive craft material like silken thread, ribbon, sequins, beads, glitters etc.

Grade 3 Diwali Craft At KIS it is our incessant endeavour to pass on our cultural values to the children, and preparing them to become the torch bearers for the same value system.. On 21st October our keen learners put their hands together and created beautiful wall hangings using old CD's and decorated them.



Grade 3 Christmas Craft The boundless joy of celebrating Christmas was amply visible among the students, as they merrily produced and showcased their works of Christmas art. Their teacher gave them fun ideas for the activity. They further brought excitement to the entire activity by singing carols with and sharing Christmas stories.

Grades 4 and 5 Festive Hues

Mera Bharat Mahan: Tri-colour wall hangings brought out the Patriotic Spirit in grades 4 and 5! The Creativity of our little ones poured in to celebrate their country.



3D Bandhanwars Lit-up our Diwali. Grades 4 and 5 decked the corridors with splashes of colours and beautiful patterns.

Celebrating the birth of Dr. S. Radha Krishnan and being grateful to the Teachers in splashes of Colours. The infectious enthusiasm of grades 4 and 5 bursting at the seams.



The joy of Christmas filled the hallways with unparalleled creativity of grades 4 and 5. A starry and musical celebration added to the magic of festivities.

Grades 6 -8 Halloween DARE TO SCARE! The tradition of Halloween started in European countries during ancient times when the last evening of summer was celebrated as the day when people lit fires and dressed as ghosts believing that this would ward off evil spirits.The ritual has inspired the students of KOTHARI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, Noida to organize a Halloween Party on the last evening of October where students indulged in spooky storytelling and role-play in their English class.The fun surrounding the festival has piqued students’ curiosity and children have been reading and discussing literature about Halloween in school.



Grades 6 -8 Diwali

Diwali brings happiness, colours to all of us , our dear students have created beautifull colourful Diwali hangings , we have decorated our school corridors with these vibrant glittery hangings made by students , the colouful decorations by each child indiviualy makes it looks more amazing .This festive vibe was creatively done by the students

Grades 6 -8 Christmas

Christmas brings cheer and love and we celebrated it with the same fervour, spreading the message of love and joy among our students






Grade K1: Visit to Fuel Station The magic of a field trip is not just the subject, it is a break in routine and adventure that opens up children’s minds to new things. Kothari International School organized a visit to ‘The Fuel station’ for the students of K1 on 21st November 2022. The students were excited to see the different kinds of vehicles like cars, buses, bikes etc getting refilled. Teachers assisted them with monitoring the fuel gauge, filling air in the tyres and the pollution check. After returning to the class the students drew the scene of the fuel station. It was a first-hand experience.

Grade K1: A Visit to Zoo

A visit to the zoo is enough to make one fall in love with nature and its beauty. One learns so much about the different animals and birds and their habitat. KIS organized a trip for K1 students on 27th July 2022 to the National Zoological Park, Delhi. It turned out to be a perfect day with an element of excitement in the air.



Grade K2: Visit to Plant Nursery

A field trip to the Plant Nursery was organized for the children of Grade K2 at Kothari International School on 22nd November 2022.The aim was to broaden their understanding of plant life. The students were able to identify the different types of plant life, including trees, shrubs, climbers and creepers. With their curiosity kindled, the children spent a productive day filled with excitement as they got firsthand experience on how plants are nurtured in the nursery.

Grade K2: Trip to the Lotus Temple

Visit to a religious place is one of the most stimulating experiences to help the students understand the significance of the place of worship in a community. Kothari International School organized a trip for K2 students on October 18th, 2022 to the Lotus Temple. As the students reached, they were greeted very warmly by the volunteers of the temple. The students were briefed about the historical importance of the temple. It was a very enlightening and enjoyable trip for the children.



Grade K2: Trip to Kidzania The magic of a field trip is not just the subject, it is a break in routine and adventure that opens up children’s minds to new things. Kothari International School organized a trip to Kidzania for students of K2 on 29thJuly 2022. Kidzania provides an environment that empowers kids to explore the wide and amazing world. The students were ready to take up any challenge that came their way. It provided first-hand experience of different occupations and careers that they could explore.

Grade K2: Visit to Rail Museum The students of K2 were taken on a field trip to the National Rail Museum on 13th September 2022. The National Rail Museum focuses on the rail heritage of India. On reaching the museum, the students were delighted to be welcomed by a beautiful engine located in front of the entry gate. After a refreshing walk the students were enthralled by the sight of the toy train and could not contain their excitement as they boarded the train for the joy ride. It was an exciting day and thoroughly enjoyed by the students.



Grade K2: A Visit to Meghdootam Park

Picnics and excursions are an important part of learning and also creating lifelong memories. Kothari International School organized a picnic for Grade K2 students on December 22nd, 2022 to Meghdootam Park, Noida. This was the best time of the year as the weather was just right to explore the park in a fun way. Students were taken on an observation round of the park. From rolling in the park to happily running and playing, to enjoying delicious snacks and bonding with their peer group, they did it all.

Grade 1: Trip to Gandhi Museum

A field trip to Gandhi Museum was organized on August 10th, 2022 for the students of Grade 1.Students were guided through the richly mounted corridors of the museum where there was a pictorial display of the freedom struggle and how Mohandas became Mahatma.



Grade 1: Trip to Farm

A trip to a farm for Grade 1 students was a fantastic opportunity for children to learn about how food is grown and see farm animals.. The trip was very engaging as the students were introduced to the agrarian lifestyle.Students learnt about farm animals, sources of water like tube wells, pond, farming tools, parts of a plant and plant life cycle.

Grade 1: Trip to Children’s Park Grade 1 students were taken on a Trip to Children’s Park .It was an enthralling experience for students as they enjoyed on different playscapes.Students enjoyed the lush green environment and observed the unique flora and fauna of the park. It was a great opportunity for students to be alert to their senses and the fascinating world of nature around them.



Grade 2: Trip to Cine Art

The cinematic world represents diverse cultures, voices and expresses a creative energy that every child must experience. Our Grade 2 students experienced this reel and real trip and went to Logix Mall on Wednesday, 24th August, 2022. It was an immersive experience for our little learners. Kids were shown teasers, where they learnt to distinguish between the ‘reel’ and ‘real’.

Grade 2: Trip to Supermarket

On 13th December,2022, students of Grade 2 went on an educational field trip to Spar Hypermarket as part of extended learning on ‘Healthy Us'. Our students identified healthy and unhealthy food enthusiastically. On their visit to the supermarket, children were made to teach how things are bought, billed, and paid for.



Grade 3: Trip to Zoo

Grade 3 students on 20th September got an opportunity to experience and explore the world of animals, foster cognitive development and promote empathy, and compassion. They had an enriching experience observing and discussing about animals which imbibed their interest in conservation and the realization that animals too have feelings and emotions.

Grade 3: Trip to Fashion House

Students had amazing experience of visiting a fashion house and learning how designing of clothes is done, how different people are involved in turning a fabric into stitching a garment and what kind of machines help in a full garment stitching.



Grade 4 and 5: Kiran Nadar Museum of Arts

The students of grade 5 were taken on an excursion to Kiran Nadar Museum of Arts. It was a fun day out wherein students saw various installations and exhibitions on the theme Anatomy and Armature. They later participated in a fun origami activity wherein they made a lotus flower for the occasion of Independence Day.

Grades 4 and 5: Khet Camp The grades 4 and 5 went on a fun trip filled with adventures to Khet Camp, Greater Noida on the occasion of Children’s Day. The students enjoyed various adventure activities, pottery, dance and scrumptious food.



Grades 6 - 8 Agra Calling! The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page- Saint Augustine One of the best memories we carry of our school life is the school trips and picnics which are full of fun and learning. Our recent trip for grades 6-8 provided children an opportunity to come out of the confines of their homes and school to face life's challenges and to inculcate a sense of responsibility and belongingness for a stronger personality. The morning air of 1st October was filled with excitement as children trooped in their AC bus coaches. After seeking the blessings of the Lord Almighty, 200 plus students embarked on their journey. Children were provided delectable breakfast snacks on the way to the Taj Mahal. Upon reaching their first destination, Students marveled at the sight and indescribable glow of the architectural wonder. After a scrumptious lunch at Howard Plaza- The Fern, Students headed to Agra fort, another example of excellent craftsmanship. After shopping for the famous Agra Pethas and souvenirs, Students returned to their hotel for dance and dinner. After a comfortable night's stay, it was time for the famous Bharatpur bird sanctuary early morning, now known as Keoladeo Ghana Bird Sanctuary, to see beautiful rare birds and animal species in their natural habitat. After having a lavish lunch at Udai Vilas Palace, in the late evening of 2nd October 2022, students returned with enriching and unforgettable memories.



Grades 9 & 10 Trip to Jim Corbett Excursions and Tours form an important part of educative experience. Not only do the students discover new places but also learn selfreliance and taking care of themselves. As a part of this experience, an excursion to the famous Jim Corbett National Park was organized which left the students marvelled by its diverse wildlife and breathtaking landscapes. It is hoped that this excursion would create lasting impressions on young minds about the need to conserve our environmental heritage.



Grade 12 Trip to Jaipur Students of Grade 12 visited Jaipur, ‘The Pink City’ for a 3 day trip from 1st to 3rd October 2022. It was a much awaited vacation for the students as well as the teachers, as it came after a long session of rigorous examinations! Students were truly very excited. On the first day, reaching their destination at about 5 pm, They visited the famous ‘Chokhi Dhani’. Chokhi Dhani is famous for its traditional food and the myriad of traditional Rajasthani activities and attractions it offers. Students had a great time there! On day 2, students visited Jaigarh Fort followed by the world famous Amber Palace. They were given a tour of both the places and traveled in local jeeps. Students of Grade 12 really learnt a lot about the history of the monarchy of Jaipur and the architecture of these wonderful palaces. At the end of the day, they enjoyed a fun-filled dj night at the rooftop restaurant in the hotel itself! On the third day, students and teachers visited the famous ‘Jantar Mantar’ and looked at all the innovative creations that were present there. This was followed by a visit to the ‘City Palace’ which had a lot of wonderful artifacts and pieces of Jaipurian history. This is when the students said goodbye to Jaipur and began their journey home. They reached Kothari at about 10 pm that night! It was truly an enriching experience for the children, filled with fun! It provided them with much needed rest, now ready and rejuvenated for the challenges ahead!




Amanda Conlan

The Earth is Wroth

The Earth is wroth, How can we blame her and yet we do; do we not? Crib and cry and move away, To other places fairer, until again we have our way. We kill her now; we will kill her again, Oh when, oh when, will we stop this sin? STOP! Look around and see, The devastation stretches for as far as the eye can see. Nature is hurting; do we care? Her soul laid open, stripped down bare. Earth reaches out and coughs and falls, The choked up cities with all their malls. And that’s not all, we don’t stop there, Oh why should we; for we don’t care! We use and throw, for we cannot see, That our children will inherit this misery. What we do now, will leave a mark, Our children will grow up in this dark

We kill, we scour, Squeeze, devour, We crush, we choke, Stomp and loot, Doing what we do best, Pollute, Pollute, Pollute! STOP! Look around and see, The devastation stretches for as far as the eye can see. The air is heavy, trees groan and hurt, The rivers and lakes are filled with dirt. We cannot breathe, and yet we persist, This chain of madness, must desist. Our children must live, At least think of that. STOP! Look around and see, The devastation stretches for as far as the eye can see. Stop the cutting, the felling the pain, For soon we won’t have a second chance, again!

For the light, the green that we have seen, Will soon become, a once ‘has been’

Chitra Sisodia See Her through My Eyes! See Her through My Eyes! Angels from heaven spread their arms And there lay cozily a little beauty With benevolence And with affluent charm. Within a wink of my eyes She appeared on my lap. My big world squeezed into a little life; Nothing could I see beyond her ties. I felt her little arms, Touched her pounding heart. With glowing eyes and boastful sigh Announced, SHE is ours!


Ages passed and she grew and grew. Who knew she would embrace every virtueKind the heart, thoughtful the mind, Patient the soul and positive the vibe. Oh World, answer me, How could someone be as complete as she? She is my essence of life. No wonder how stern the world may be, She shall not fear and never hide. By the virtue of her calm demeanor Of course, she’ll fight every tide. I make merry each day For MY GIRL is my pride.


Sheikha Pallavi

The Impersonal Moon!

The moon did not Smile when I wept alone, Nor even ignored my need! It shone always | looked for it It listened to my heed! i spoke through my eyes And it rebuked on my deed, No aesthetic thoughts we had To please each other's feed! It's been a mate to peep on him It's always the one to creed, My bond with it, is un-withered For I grew, and it took my lead!

My Sweet Pastime!

Sheikha Pallavi

I pack my memories in a suitcase Then,all I need is a corner To peep from the opening And take dive as a child! A twist and a turn Then crib for a wish. If this could change! Merrier I could be! Then a sigh of agony And I come out. Then again I lock it, To relish throughout!



Awards And Accolades

In sync with our motto “United We Stand” reflects the very ethos and essence of our institution. Our School constantly strives to achieve the four core values, namely Excellence all around, Oxygenated Sphere, Zero Conflict World, and Preferred Future. In pursuit of a Perfect Score in all spheres of Life, the school believes in Excellence all around.

High Happiness Quotient School INDIA RANK-3 /UP RANK-1 / NOIDA RANK-1

Award For Excellence In School Infrastructure Enabling Advanced

Ranked No. 1 By Education Today Holistic Education Category-CBSE



Platinum Award In Category “Innovation In Curriculum” By The School Edu. Excellence Awards

Awarded Best Academic Excellence School, Best Emergent School, Excellence In Inclusive Education In Top 500 Schools Of India By Brainfeed School Excellence Awards

JURY AWARD 2022 by Education Today



Top Schools India By World Education Summit 2021

Ranked India’s # 6 Delhi Ncr # 5 Noida’s #2 Extraordinary Leadership School In The Education World Grand Jury India School Rankings 2021-22.

KIS receives an award in Innovation In Curriculum

Silver Medal And Green School Certification By Climate Reality Project India



Global Sustainability Awards – 2021 Organized By Arcedtech, Sdgchoupal, And Earth Day Network In The Category Innovation For Sustainability-Waste Management

Our principal’s perennial guidance and devoted selfless nature has truly helped this school reach new heights of success and excellence. Our principal helps everyone achieve new heights of excellence.

50 Most Influential Principals By World Education Congress


I.I.H.M. Teacher’s Day Award 2022 Principal Par Excellence












STUDENT AWARDS Reva Kanwar of Grade 11B 3rd place Both at the Delhi State Ranking Badminton Championship 2023 25th January to 30th January

Saisha Bhatnagar of Grade 8C Second Place 3x3 Basketball Tournament, 2022 15 January, 2022

Tisha Bhatnagar of Grade 9E First Place Basketball Tournament, 2022 24 December, 2022



Tisha Bhatnagar of Grade 9E & Saisha Bhatnagar of Grade 8C First Place in under 17 category and Second Place in Senior Woman category 3x3 Basketball Tournament, 2022 23 December and 25 December, 2022

Abir Shetria of Grade 3D 3rd place Aligarh Mahotsav Shooting Competition 12 February 2023

Tavisha Sharma of Grade 4D First position Yashasvi Singh of Grade 9A First position Arjun Mittal of Grade 6A Second position Tejas Mohanty of Grade 8A Second position 6th Inter School Table Tennis Championship 11 February 2023

Boys Team - Shaurya Kalra of Grade 4A, Kiaan Aggarwal of Grade 4C and Aman Ghosh of Grade 5B Second Position Confluence 2022-23 8 and 9 February, 2023



Girls Team - Haniya Khan of Grade 5B, Saira Gugnani of Grade 4B, Ruhi Gaur of 3G and Ishika Sahu of Grade 3D Second Position Confluence 2022-23 8 and 9 February, 2023

Boys Team - Sukhtaz Singh of Grade 5E, Pranaey Singh of Grade 5E, Atharv Garg of Grade 5E, Maneet Singh of Grade 5B, Divit Agarwal of Grade 5F, Raajveer Singh of Grade 5B, Ruhansh Gugnani of Grade 4E, Advik Dubey of Grade 4E, Aashman Awana of Grade 4D, Surush Anand of Grade 5F Second Position Confluence 2022-23 8 and 9 February, 2023

Girls Team - Mishika Shahi of Grade 5F, Nandini Gupta of Grade 5F, Sarvika Singh of Grade 5B, Asmita Jana of Grade 5E, Vaanya Goel of Grade 5B, Aaradhya Dwivedi of Grade 5B, Arna Srivastava of Grade 5E, Syra Bhat of Grade 5D, Zainab Vohra of Grade 5C, Pihu Kumar of Grade 5D, Yuvakaahi Bhain of Grade 5A and Mishka Aggarwal of Grade 5A First Position Confluence 2022-23 8 and 9 February, 2023



Kshitij Goel of Grade 9A 4 Gold Medals & 1 Silver Medal Tvisha Malhotra of Class 4A 2 Silver Medal & 1 Bronze medal Dhruv Pandey of Class 12B1 2 Gold Medal, 2 Silver Medal & 1 Bronze Medal CBSE North Zone 1 Swimming Championship 5 to 7 January 2023

Sanvi Rawal of Grade 8D First Position Kashika Garg of Grade 4A First Position Intra Academy Gymnastic Championship 2022 20 November, 2022

Riya Bishwokarma of Grade 3A Second Position Amaira Yadav of Grade 4-D Third Position Kaashvi Goyal of Grade 4-D Third Position 2nd Inter-School Yoga Championship 27 November, 2022

Shaurya Narayan 1. Roller skating-100m- 1st prize 2. 50m race- 1st prize Kabir Sharma 1. Tennis ball throw- 2nd prize 2. 25m race- 1st prize Amin Naqvi 1. Cycling 100m - 1st prize 2. 50m hurdle race- 1st prize Amartya Jha 1. Shotput - 1st prize 2. Race 100m- 2nd prize Annual Sports meet 10 December, 2022



Co-Scholastic Sports For All

Sanchit Bhandari, an Alumni of Kothari International School, made us proud yet again with his commendable achievement in the Open National Skating Championship organized by Roller Skating Federation of India (RSFI) from 21-30 April 2022 in Mohali. Sanchit won a Gold Medal in the senior group category.

Raajveer Singh Suri, a student of 5B, Kothari International School, Noida, astounded everyone with his commendable performance and sportsmanship. We are proud to announce that Raajveer has secured the prestigious Second Position Trophy in the North Zone IGU Sub Junior Feeder Tour held at Ambala from 15-17 April2022. This was organised by Indian Golf Union (IGU) and ACE Golf India.

Aditi Rana, a Student of 8D, Kothari International School, Noida, astounded everyone with her commendable performance and sportsmanship. We are proud to announce that Aditi has secured the prestigious Silver Medal, in the 1st India Roller Skates Game held at Chandigarh from 21-27 April 2022. This was organized by RSFI Roller Skates Federation of India.



Raajveer Singh Suri a student of 5B, Kothari International School, Noida, astounded everyone with his commendable performance and sportsmanship. We are proud to announce that Raajveer has secured the prestigious Third Position Trophy in the NCR Cup 4th Junior Golf Tournament 2022 held at Delhi Golf Club from 27-29 April 2022. This was organised by Delhi Golf Club and ACE Golf India.

Kshitij Goel a student of 9A, Kothari International School, Noida, astounded everyone with his commendable performance and sportsmanship. We are proud to announce that Kshitij has secured the prestigious 06 Gold Medals and 01 Silver Medal in the 51st State Level Swimming Competition 2022 held at Kailash Prakash Sports Stadium, Meerut from 18-20 June 2022, organized by Uttar Pradesh Swimming Association.

The stupendously talented Reva Kanwar of Grade 11B2 makes Kothari International School proud again. Kothari International School congratulates her for winning the Gold Medal of under 17 Girls category in the South West Delhi Zone Championship 2022 held at Tiranga Badminton Center, New Delhi, on 2-4 July 2022.



The Kothari International School extends their heartiest congratulations to Tvisha Malhotra of Grade 4A. She impressed with her performance by securing the Bronze Medal in Backstroke and Freestyle at the Inter School Aquatic Championship held in GD Goenka Public School, Greater Noida, on 14 July 2022.

Kothari International School, Noida, is proud to expand horizons into Basketball.We are glad that our students, Aryaman Sharma (7C) Ranveer Gaur (7A) Aarush Anand (7E) Surush Anand (5F) participated in the Under 12 Boys 3x3 Basketball Tournament held in the Delhi Public World School, Greater Noida, on 23 – 24 July and secured the second position.

The Kothari International School extends heartiest congratulations to the KIS Roller Skating Team of Under 0515, Girls & Boys, for securing the Second Place in the Vasundhra Open Roller-Skating Championship 2022 that was held at Chilla Sports Complex, Vasundhra on 28 July 2022.

The Kothari International School extends their heartiest congratulations to Naman Tomar of Grade 9E for bagging Gold Medal in Javelin Throw with a performance of 23.01 Meter in District Athletic Association, Noida on 31 July 2022.



The Kothari International School extends heartiest congratulations to Kashika Garg of Grade 4A. She impressed with her gymnastic performance by securing The Silver Medal in the First Delhi NCR Level Wise Gymnastic Championship held at the Gymnastic Academy, Dwarka, New Delhi, on 6 & 7 August 2022.

The Kothari International School extends their heartiest congratulations to the Saanvi Rawal of Grade 8D, she impressed with her Gymnastic performance by securing Gold Medal in the First Delhi NCR Level Wise Gymnastics Championship held at the Gymnastics Academy, Dwarka, New Delhi on 06 August 2022.

Kothari International School congratulates all the participants for adding another dimension of achievement in the recently conducted Basketball and Yoga Championships. It is indeed another proud moment for K I S. Students won the 1st Inter School Sports Carnival of Basketball and Yoga, held at Greater Noida World School, Noida on 6–7 August 2022. They won The First Place in the U-17 Boys, First Place in U-12 Boys and Second Place in U-14 Boys. Aryaman Sharma 7C and Kountik De G12B1 received The Most Valuable Player Award.

Riya Bishwokarma 3A took home the First Place in The Yoga Championship.



The Kothari International School takes immense pride in the achievements of the Girls Basketball Team, Under 12 and Under 17. We are so proud of them for bagging the First Position in the under 12, Girls and Second Position in the under 17, Girls during the 1st Inter School Sports Carnival Basketball that was held at Greater Noida World School, Noida, on 6 – 7 August 202. A special shout out to Vaidehi Chaudhry, 7C who won the Most Valuable Player trophy.

The Kothari International School extends their heartiest congratulations to the Pranav Kumar Vadlamani of Grade 7C, he impressed with his performance by securing Silver Medal in Karate Kata of Boys, Under 11-12 age category in the NCR Cup Open Karate Championship held in BLS World School, Noida Extension on 21 August 2022.

The Kothari International School extends heartiest congratulations to the Gautam Budha Nagar Basketball Team of under 17, Girls, for securing first place in the 20th UP Youth State Basketball Championship held at Meerut Public School, Meerut Cantt from 25-30 June 2022. We also congratulate our young achiever, Tisha Bhatnagar of Grade 9E for being an integral part of the winning team in the Gautam Budha Nagar Basketball Tournament, under 17 Girls.



The Kothari International School takes immense pride in the achievements of swimmers who excelled during the Delhi Open Talent Search Swimming Championship held at Talkatora National Swimming Stadium on 25 August 2022. The First Position was bagged by Manthan Chawla of Grade 12 and Tvisha Malhotra of Grade 4B. The Third Position was bagged by Manthan Chawla of Grade 12.

The Kothari International School takes immense pride in the achievements of players who excelled during the Inter School Roller Skating Championship held at Chilla Sports Complex, Vasundhara on 25 August 2022. The First Position was bagged by Advik Gupta K2D, Gargi Chauhan 1B, Rudra Saini 2F, Vikrant Singh Rajawat 3F, Smyra Katyayan 5C and Nitika Bhutani 6C. The Second Position was bagged by Ayaan Joshi 1B, Shayna Choudhary 5C. The Third Position was bagged by Arnav Das 7E

The Kothari International School extends its heartiest congratulations to Shayna Chaudhary of Grade 5C and her Horse named, CRAFT. Shayna was impressed with her performance by securing The No 1 Gold Medal in The Hacks Show, another Gold Medal in The All Around the World Show, and the 01 Bronze Medal in The Ball and Bucket Event. All of these were in the under-12 age category and were held at The MEA Gymkhana Event at Equestrian Academy, Meerut on 3 September 2022



Kothari International School is proud of its Swimming Team which won 9 medals in total that had 8 Silver and 1 Gold, at the Tairak Swimming Competition, held at Prometheus School on 18 September 2022. Tavisha Malhotra, Grade 4B won 01 Gold Medals in 50 mtr Breaststroke and 02 Silver Medals in 50 mtr Backstroke and 50 mtr Freestyle under Girls Category of Group III. Harith Oberoi, Grade 8D won 02 Silver Medals in 50 mts Breaststroke and 50 mts Butterfly Stroke under Boys Category of Group V. Mauryen Oberoi, Grade 3C, Lohitaksha Chaudhary, Grade 7A, Devansh Aggarwal, Grade 7F and Harith Oberoi, Grade 8D won Silver Medal in 4× 50 mts Freestyle relay under Boys Category of Group III.

The Kothari International School takes immense pride in the achievements of the KIS Cricket Team. The team excelled throughout the matches with their talent, teamwork and perseverance that brought home the big win. We are so proud of them for bagging the Third Position during the JK Inter School Cricket Tournament that was held at JK Cricket Stadium, Greater Noida, from 19–25 August 2022. A special shout out to Advit Soni of 9F and Devyansh Chauhan of 10A who won the Man of the Match trophy.

The Kothari International School extends heartiest congratulations to Aayanah Negi of Grade 2E. Aayanah impressed with his performance by securing the 6th Rank (Under 8 Boys Catagory) in the 3rd Open Tennis Tournament organised by JTC Tennis Academy held at Gulmohar Sports Cum Community Centre, New Delhi on 02 October 2022



The Kothari International School extends heartiest congratulations to our young achiever, Ryansh Gupta of Grade 6D for showing the true signs of will power, perseverance and determination during The Gautam Budh Nagar District Badminton Championship organised by Noida District Badminton Association held at Noida Stadium, Sector 21 from 03-04 September 2022. Ryansh made everyone proud by securing the Third position in Doubles under 11 Boys category. Ryansh is also selected to represent Noida & Greater Noida District Badminton Team at Uttar Pradesh Badminton Championship in Bareilly from 27-29 September 2022.

The Kothari International School extends heartiest congratulations to our young achievers, Ruhi Gaur of Grade 3G, Saira Gugnani of Grade 4B and Haniya Khan of Grade 5B for showing the true signs of will power, perseverance and determination during the Jaypee Open Badminton Tournament held at Jaypee Integrated Sports Complex, Greater Noida from 8 to 9 October 2022. Ruhi Gaur winner of Single under 9 Girls category. Saira Gugnani runner up of Single under 9, Girls category Haniya Khan winner of Single under 11, Girls category.

The Kothari International School takes immense pride in the achievements of young shuttlers who excelled during the Youth Games Open Badminton Tournament 2022 held at Purva Delhi Khel Parisar, New Delhi on 19 October 2022. Their talent and perseverance brought home the big win. The First Position was bagged by Haniya Khan of Grade 5B in Girls Under 11, Ryansh Gupta of Grade 6D in Boys Under 11 and Diya Dhawan of Grade 8C in Girls Under 15. The Second Position was bagged by Vaani Thind of Grade 8B in Girls Under 15 and Ruhi Gaur of Grade 3G in Girls Under 9. The Third Position was bagged by Amogh Jindal of Grade 7E in Boys Under 13 and Saira Gugnani of Grade 4B in Girls Under 9.



The Kothari International School extends heartiest congratulations to our young achiever, for showing the true signs of will power, perseverance and determination during the Open Inter School Table Tennis Tournament held at J KG Table Tennis Academy, Ghaziabad on 18 October 2022. The First Position was bagged Sragvi Maide of Grade 3E. The Second Position was bagged by Rituparna Sharma of Grade 6A. The Third Position was bagged by Aanya Sharma of Grade 5B, Kasvi Singh of Grade 8D, Sragvi Maide of Grade 3E, Tanay Sachdev of Grade 3D, Prakul Kumar of Grade 3H and Arjun Mittal of Grade 6A.

Kothari International School congratulates all the participants for adding another dimension of achievement in the Table Tennis Championship. It was a proud moment for KIS during the 5th Inter School Table Tennis Championship held at Adharsheela Global School, Ghaziabad on 16 October 2022. The First Position was bagged by Sragvi Maide of Grade 3E in Girls Single, Under 11.The Second Position was bagged by Tavisha Sharma of Grade 4D in Girls Single, Under 13. The Third Position was bagged by Prakul Kumar of Grade 3H in Boys Single, Under 11, Arjun Mittal of Grade 6A in Boys Single, Under 13 and Tanya Sachdev of Grade 3D in Boys Single, Under 13.

The Kothari International School takes immense pride in the achievements of players who excelled during the Pan India Roller Skating Championship held at Purvi Delhi Khel Parisar, New Delhi on 18 October 2022. Their talent and perseverance brought home the Runner up award in the Championship. The First Position was bagged by Rudra Saini of Grade 2F, Pratham Sangwan of Grade 1D, Shaurya Narayan of Grade 3A, Vikrant Singh Rajawat of Grade 3F and Ilisha Srivastava of Grade 5E. The Second Position was bagged by Harshika Bisht of Grade 5E and Yuvraj Singh Chauhan of Grade 6D. The Third Position was bagged by Abuzar Mohammad of Grade 5D and Arnav Das of Grade 7E.

Students of Kothari International School, Noida, Aditi Rana of 8D and Tia Khandelwal of Grade 8B astounded everyone with a commendable performance and spectacular sportsmanship. We are proud to announce that Aditi and Dia had secured the prestigious Bronze Medal in the 8th UP State Roller Sports Championship held at Noida Stadium on 31 October 2022. This was organised by RSFI Roller Skates Federation of India.



The Kothari International School takes immense pride in the achievements of the Boys Under 17 & 12 and Girls Under 12 Basketball Team. The team excelled throughout the matches and their talent, teamwork and perseverance brought home the big win during Fly Fit Sports 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament that was held at Delhi World School, Greater Noida from 15 to 16 October 2022. We are so proud of them for securing the Third Position in under 12, Girls, under 12, Boys & under 17, Boys.

Happy and proud to share that Tvisha Malhotra, our budding swimming star, won the Gold medal in 50mtr Breaststroke: Bronze Medal in 50mtr Backstroke, and 4th in IM - Individual Medley in "Indian Aquatics Charminar Cup 2022 Swim Meet" events Held at I: Gachibowli Stadium Swimming Pool, Hyderabad Organized by Indian Aquatics On date: 19.11.2022 Saturday in accordance with guidelines of SFI-Swimming Federation of India, Telangana Swimming Association and Andhra Pradesh Amateur Aquatic Association.



Heartiest congratulations to our young golfer Parth Raman Sood of grade 10C for securing the first position in category - A (under 15-18 years) and category - A & B (under 13-18 years). Parth participated in the 7th NCR Junior Golf Tournament held at the Golf Course in Jaypee Greens Wish Town, Noida from 16 to 18 November 2022.

The Kothari International School extends heartiest congratulations to Tvisha Malhotra of Grade 4A. She secured the Gold Medal in the 50 mtr Breaststroke, Bronze Medal in 50 mtr Backstroke and Forth position in 100 mtr Medley during the Aquatic Charminar Cup 2022 Swim Meet, organised by The Indian Aquatic held at Gachibowli Stadium Swimming Pool, Hyderabad, on 19 November 2022.

The Kothari International School takes immense pride in the achievements of players who excelled during Bharat National Open Roller Skating Championship held at Purvi Delhi Khel Parisar, New Delhi on 13 November 2022. The First Position was bagged by Shaurya Narayan of Grade 3A. The Second Position was bagged by Pratham Sangwan of Grade 1D, Rudra Saini of Grade 2F and Aadya Vat of Grade 4E. The Third Position was bagged by Ayaan Joshi of Grade 1B, Tisha Magoo of Grade 1A and Vikranth Singh Rajawat of Grade 3F.



Kothari International School congratulates all the participants for adding another dimension of achievement in the Table Tennis Championship. It was a proud moment for KIS during the 4th Pathway lnter-School Competition held at The Pathway School, Noida on 17-19 November, 2022. The First Position was bagged by Sragvi Maide of Grade 3E in Girls Single, Under 12. The First Position was bagged by Rituparna Sharma, Under 13. The Second Position was bagged by Tejas Mohanty, Under 13. The Third Position was bagged by Kasvi Singh, Under 13.

The Kothari International School takes immense pride in the achievements of players who excelled during Intra Academy Gymnastic Championship 2022 at Vijayshree Sports Academy, Noida on 20 November, 2022. The First Position was bagged by Sanvi Rawal of Grade 8D in Level-2 Open Category and Kashika Garg of Grade 4A in Level-2 Category.

The Kothari International School takes immense pride in the achievements of our players who excelled during the Pathway Inter-School Table Tennis and Lawn Tennis Competition held at Pathways World School, Noida from 16 to 19 November 2022. Their talent and perseverance brought home the Runner-Up Award in the Table Tennis Competition. In the Table Tennis Competition, the First Position was bagged by Sragvi Maide of Grade 3E in Girls Under 12 and Rituparna Sharma of Grade 6A in Girls Under 13. The Second Position was bagged by Tejas Mohanty of Grade 8A in Boys Under 13.The Third Position was bagged by Kasvi Singh of Grade 8D in Girls Under 13. In the Lawn Tennis Competition, the Second Position was bagged by Ahaana Khan of Grade 9A in Girls Under 15.The Third Position was bagged by Aayansh Negi of Grade 2E in Boys Under 8.



The Kothari International School takes immense pride in the achievements of our players who excelled during the 2nd Inter-School Yoga Championship held at Parevartan School, Ghaziabad on 27 November, 2022. Their talent and perseverance brought home the 2nd Runner-Up Award in the Yoga Championship. In the Yoga Championship, the Second Position was bagged by Riya Bishwokarma of Grade 3A in Girls Under 10 category. The Third Position was bagged by Amaira Yadav of Grade 4-D in Girls Under U-8 category and Kaashvi Goyal of Grade 4-D in Girls Under U-10 category.

The Kothari International School takes immense pride in the achievements of players who excelled during SD Vidya School Inter School Roller Sports Meet 2022 held at SD Vidya School Sector 49 Noida on 26 November 2022. The First Position was bagged by Advik Gupta of Grade K2D, Rudra Saini of Grade 2F and Shayna Choudhary of Grade 5C. The Second Position was bagged by Kopal Handa Kulshreshth of Grade 2A, Tisha Magoo of Grade 2A, Anaaya Gupta of Grade 3B and Aadya Vats of Grade 4E.The Third Position was bagged by Pratham Sangwan of Grade 1D, Vikrant Singh Rajawat of Grade 3F and Taira Batra of Grade 3A.

Kothari International School feels proud to share that Smyra Katyayan of Grade 5C participated in the 12th Winter Cup Poomsae Taekwondo Championship, 2022 organized by East District Taekwondo Association, Noida held on 11th December 2022. Smyrna Katyayan made us proud by securing the Second Place.



Advik Gupta of Grade K2D, Rudra Saini of Grade 2F and Shayna Choudhary of Grade 5C First Position Kopal Handa Kulshreshth of Grade 2A, Tisha Magoo of Grade 2A, Anaaya Gupta of Grade 3B and Aadya Vats of Grade 4E Second Position Pratham Sangwan of Grade 1D, Vikrant Singh Rajawat of Grade 3F and Taira Batra of Grade 3A Third Position SD Vidya School Inter School Roller Sports Meet 2022 26 November 2022

Sragvi Maide of Grade 3E Second Place Tavisha Sharma of Grade 4D Third Place Alight Table Tennis League 10 – 11 December 2022

Riaan Pandey of Grade 3A, Tisha Magoo of Grade 1A, Vikrant Singh Rajawat of Grade 3F, Aadya Vats of Grade 4E, Ananya Dhandharia of Grade 4B, Advik Bhatnagar of Grade 7A and Arnav Das of Grade 7E First Position Parth Aswal of Grade K1B, Rudra Saini of Grade 2F, Pratham Sangwan of Grade 1D, Pranya Dhandharia of Grade 2G, Sirisha Mehra of Grade 4E, Taira Batra of Grade 3A and Aanya Gupta of Grade 4A Second Position Anaya Raman of 2F and Ayaan Joshi of Grade 1B Third Place Federation Cup Roller Skating Championships 18 December 2022



Sneha Khetan of Grade 8B & Gauri Dudeja of Grade 11A First Place Pratham Sangwan of 1D & Gauri Dudeja of Grade 11A Third Place CBSE North Zone 01 Skating Championship 02 to 04 January 2023

Naman Tomar of Grade 9B Bronze Medal 1st Noida District Athletics Meet 7 December, 2022

Kshitij Goel of 9A 4 Gold & 1 Silver CBSE North Zone -1 5 January, 2023

Kiaan Aggarwal, Parth Kathuria, Aman Ghosh and Shaurya Kalra First Place Haniya Khan, Ruhi Gaur, Ishika Sahu and Saira Gugnani Second Place Kiaan Aggarwal Best Player of the Tournament Step By Step Inter School Badminton Championship 15 March 2023



Grade K2 Inter School Competition Kothari International School congratulates the Kindergarteners who participated in Interschool Competition at Seth Anandram Jaipuria School, Greater Noida. Second Position in Colouring Competition was bagged by Ifza Fatima of K2-E and Shubh Jain of K2-B also bagged Second position in Cartoon Dress Competition.

Grade 1 and 2 Inter School Competition

Anvie Gupta of G1-G and Ravya Singh Jhala of G2-A Participated in the competition “हुनर 2022” on 25th August 2022 at GD Goenka Global School, Noida.. They presented a significant and widely celebrated segment of the epic Mahabharat wherein Krishna and Arjun are conversing about the righteous path of Dharma and won the first position as a team

Grade 2 Grade 2 congratulates all it’s super achievers for achieving outstanding ranks internationally in International English Olympiad. The stupendous achievers made us proud and added yet another milestone in creating success stories.



Grade 3 Grade 3 congratulates all it’s super achievers for achieving outstanding ranks internationally in International English Olympiad. The stupendous achievers made us proud and added yet another milestone in creating success stories.

Grades 4-5 Inter School Competition

“ It is a bird’s imagination, not its wings, that determines how high it can fly.” KIS children SHIVESH NANDAN and ANIKA DASGUPTA of Grade 5 participated in STEP INTER SCHOOL COMPETITION organised by Army Public School, Noida and have won the 3rd Prize for the ROBO RACE COMPETITION.

Grades 6-8 Inter School Competition Victory…It’s one of life’s great joys to see our students accomplish what they’ve been hoping for and working toward. Our students Nandini Aggarwal from 8E and Akshara Singh from 9F bagged second prize in GLOBAL AMITE ‘s German poster-making held at DELHI WORLD PUBLIC SCHOOL Nandini Aggarwal of grade 8, Ryansh Gupta from grade 6, and Shreyal Sharma from grade 7 won third prize in Durch poster-making held at FR. AGNEL SCHOOL.

Daiwik Goel,Anahita Singh, and Vivaan Ahuja from grade 8 won SECOND PRIZE. Ilisha Kapoor and Siyona Abbey won THIRD PRIZE in SciMagic. Shravya Pandey and Arshdeep Singh Kalra of grade 7 won THIRD PRIZE in Radio Spark in SETH ANAND RAM JAIPURIA SCHOOL’s Compufest. We are pleased to see them accomplishing great things and Congratulate them on their well-deserved success.



Grades 6-8 Inter School Competition

Vijaybhoomi University Mumbai held its third edition of International Debate which in cluded neighbouring countries. Dhruva Gupta and Prachi Gujjar cleared the prelims among 92 teams and were selected among 32 best. They won a scholarship to attend a Leadership Camp and their participation made the school proud!

Kothari International School participated in the *London School of Economics - Hackathon - 2022-23* It is a matter of great pride and delight that Grade 11 Students of KIS were ranked *FIRST* for their Business Idea that carried a cash prize of Rs 15000/-. The meritorious Winners were from Grade 11, namely: Ankush Aggarwal, Jayeesh Garg and Shrey Arora. Dhruva Gupta of grade 11A was a member of the All-India Political Party Meet (AIPPM). "Dhruv Gupta was an outstanding delegate and won a Special Mention.

















Cambridge Assessment Toppers

Abhinav Gupta Ms. Priti Sharma, The Cambridge Incharge Collected The Certificate On Behalf Of Abhinav Gupta Who Stood Top In India In IGCSE Business Studies.

Kalpesh Bhatnagar Top in country in the Cambridge international examination

































Achievements By Performing Arts Students Gold Medal Category : Solo & Duet Bharatanatyam In Goa Cultural Carnival - 2022, All India Dance and Fashion Competition at - GOA

Aadhya Bhatnagar

Ghazal- E - Mehfil Competition Singing Competition - DPS Ghaziabad & achieved distinction in hindustani music ( 2nd Position ) Category - Solo

Prakhar Goel



Students of KIS participated in Inter School Group Folk Song competition in Hunar 2022 - At G.D Goenka Noida Achieved 1st Position By Ilisha Meena - 5B Arav Shailesh - 5D Aman Ghosh - 5B Parth Kathuria - 5F Dwita Sharma - 6B Aditya Upadhyay - 6A Ahana Sachdeva - 5A Ilisha Srivastva - 5E


Pashupatinath Temple

Swayambhunath Temple



At National & International level Talent Competition. Cultural Association Cuttack

Shravya Pandey 7F Achieved 1st Position In Folk Dance At

Aachal Mohanty 9th A Achieved 1st Position Category - Semi Classica

Yashika Shankhla 6B Secured 1st Position In Kathak solo



KIS Students Achieved Distinction & First Class In BHARATNATYAM In their Akhil Bharatiya Gandharva Mahavidyalaya Exams-2022

Vrinda Negi - 6th Smridhi Maru -6th Shravya Pandey- 7th Vedika Kapur- 7th Shreyal Sharma- 7th Vaidehi Chaudhary-7th Aadhya Bhatnagar -7th Anusha Vishal- 7th Avani Agarwal - 8th Sneha Khetan -8th Nandini Agarwal - 8th Diya Biswal - 9th Avantika Dasgupta- 10th Jiya Kadhte- 11th Suhani Pathak-12th

Achieved success in Kathak Exams of Prayag Sangeet Samiti 2021-22 8 students secured 1st Division & 2 students 2nd division

1.Shravya Pandey 7F 2.Yashica Yadav 8 C 3. Nishka Shukla 6 C 4. Janisha Jotshi 6 D 5. Aditri Tyagi - 7 6. Aahana Kukreti 6 B 7. Anchal Mohanty 9 A 8. Radhika Dudeja 8 D 9. Roshni 6D 10. Devina



Asmi Garg & Yashika Sankhla Secured 1st Position In Classical Dance At Online International Multilingual cultural festival & competition 2022.

Omysha shekhar Won Solo kathak At Shri Ramparam music & arts foundation at Muktdhara Auditorium



International Achievements 11th Cultural Olympiad 2022- Nepal- Kathmandu

1st position Achieved by Aadhya Bhatnagar - Gr 7th In Solo Bharatanatyam

Secured 1st position by Sneha Khetan- Gr 8th Avani Agarwal- Gr 7th Nandini Agarwal -Gr8th Aanya Thakur - Indrayu In Group Bharatanatyam Category - Junior

Aaryan Agarwal of Gr 12th Bagged 3rd Position Solo - Semi Classical Vocal In Senior Category At



International Achievements

11th Cultural Olympiad 2022- Nepal- Kathmandu

Secured 3rd position by Aditi Ojha - Gr 4th Myra Magotra- Gr 5th Deetya Kwatra -Gr4th In Trio Folk dance Category - Minor

3rd position Achieved by Mudita Sachdeva - Gr 9th Aditri Tyagi - Gr 7th In duet Semi classical dance Category- Junior

In an Event 'Hunar-2022 at GD Goenka Global School, Noida, Anvie Gupta of G1-G and Ravya Singh Jhala of G2-A gave an exceptional performance and won the 1st position as a team.









SOF:NSO(International Olympiad Foundation: National Science Olympiad

Anika Dasgupta Grade 3 International Rank 3 Gifts worth Rs. 1000/- + International Bronze Medal + Certificate of Outstanding Performance

Aditya Gupta Grade 12 International Rank 2 Gifts worth Rs. 1000/- + International Silver Medal + Certificate of Outstanding Performance

Shivesh Nandan Grade 4 International Rank 3 Gifts worth Rs. 1000/- + International Bronze Medal + Certificate of Outstanding Performance



SOF:IMO(International Olympiad Foundation : International Mathematics Olympiad

Advik Vig Grade 3 International Rank 2 Gifts worth Rs. 1000/- + International Silver Medal + Certificate

Manvik Singhal Grade 3 International Rank 6 Gifts worth Rs. 1000/- + Zonal Bronze Medal + Certificate of Zonal Excellence

Saira Gugnani Grade 3 International Rank 5 Gifts worth Rs. 1000/- + Zonal Bronze Medal + Certificate of Zonal Excellence

Asmi Garg Grade 6 International Rank 1 in International Math Olympiad (IMO) Level 1



SOF:IEO(International Olympiad Foundation:International English Olympiad

Chaitanya Ahuja Grade 4 International Rank 4 Gifts worth Rs. 1000/- + Zonal Gold Medal + Certificate of Zonal Excellence

Parth Khaturia Grade 4 International Rank 4 Gifts worth Rs. 1000/- + International Silver Medal +Certificate

Shivesh Nandan Grade 4 International Rank 10 Gifts worth Rs. 500/- + Medal of Distinction + Certificate of Distinction



Kabeer Inamdar Grade 9 International Rank 4 Gifts worth Rs. 1000/- + Zonal Gold Medal + Certificate of Zonal Excellence

Manya Giri Nishad Grade 10 International Rank 10 Gifts worth Rs. 1000/- + Zonal Bronze Medal + Certificate of Zonal Excellence

Cilji Sabharwal Grade 8 International Rank 18 Gifts worth Rs. 500/- + Medal of Distinction + Certificate of Distinction

Sayeshwar Bhatia Grade 10 International Rank 18 Gifts worth Rs. 500/- + Medal of Distinction + Certificate of Distinction



SOF:ISSO(International Olympiad Foundation:International Social Science Olympiad

Arna Srivastava Grade 4 International Rank 5 Gifts worth Rs. 1000/- + Zonal Silver Medal + Certificate of Zonal Excellence

Aanshi Gupta Grade 10 International Rank 12 Gifts worth Rs. 500/- + Medal of Distinction + Certificate of Distinction






























MS. RASHMY RAUT JAISWAL TEACHERS’ DAY AWARD BY IIHM & “Rajasthani Gaurav Award” Year 2022 For Change maker in Artist category By-RICHESM Healthcare & Samachar 24 & Mentor Award At 11th cultural Olympiad at Nepal ABSS-in collaboration with UNESCO & Guru Samman Award By Navrasa Dance & Music Festival 2022 (Nischintam Beti NGO)

MS. Kamna Kaushik “Powerful woman Award” FOR Kathak Performer & Home Baker & Mentor Award At 11th cultural Olympiad at Nepal ABSS-in collaboration with UNESCO








WE CARE FOR YOU !! In spite of having same number of eyes, ears, nose and lips; each one of us has unique facial features. Similarly, each one of us is neurologically similar yet absolutely unique What is Neurodiversity? Neurodiversity refers to the idea that there is a natural range of differences in the way that people's brains function. This includes differences in things like learning styles, attention, and the way that people process information. Neurodiversity can include conditions like ADHD, dyslexia, and autism, as well as variations in things like intelligence and personality. The concept of neurodiversity is often used to challenge the idea that certain ways of thinking or behaving are "normal" or "abnormal," and instead suggests that there is value in the diversity of human brains and the ways that they work. Why the need for acceptance of Neurodiversity? The acceptance of neurodiversity means recognizing and valuing the differences in the way that people's brains function and develop. It involves acknowledging that these differences are a normal and natural part of human diversity and that they should be celebrated and respected, rather than stigmatized or pathologized. Accepting neurodiversity involves acknowledging that there is no one "right" way to think or learn and that different approaches to education and employment can be equally valid and valuable. It also involves recognizing that neurodiversity can be a source of strength and creativity and that neurodiverse individuals can make valuable contributions to society. Advocates of neurodiversity argue that traditional approaches to education and employment often fail to adequately accommodate the needs and strengths of neurodiverse individuals. They argue that a more inclusive and supportive society would benefit not only neurodiverse individuals but also the wider community. What is Inclusive Education? Inclusive education is an educational approach that aims to provide an education that is accessible and welcoming to all students, regardless of their abilities, disabilities, or other characteristics. Inclusive education involves creating a learning environment that is flexible and responsive to the diverse needs of all students, and that recognizes and values their differences. Key principles of inclusive education: All students have the right to an education that meets their needs and allows them to reach their full potential. Diversity is valued and respected in the classroom. Students with disabilities are integrated into regular classrooms and provided with necessary support and accommodations. Teachers receive appropriate training and resources to support the learning of all students. The curriculum is inclusive and relevant to all students. Inclusive education benefits not only students with disabilities but also their non-disabled peers. By creating a more inclusive and welcoming learning environment, all students can learn and grow together. How to make classrooms Inclusive for all students? Inclusive classrooms can be beneficial for all students, including those who are neurodiverse. Here are some ways that teachers can support neurodiversity in the classroom: Offer a range of learning materials and methods: Different students may respond better to different types of materials and teaching methods. By providing a variety of resources, teachers can accommodate the needs of neurodiverse students. Use visual aids: Visual aids can be helpful for students who have difficulty processing verbal information. Graphs, charts, and diagrams can make complex ideas easier to understand. Provide accommodations: Accommodations, such as extra time on tests or the use of assistive technology, can help level the playing field for neurodiverse students. Foster a positive classroom culture: Creating a welcoming and inclusive classroom culture can help neurodiverse students feel more comfortable and supported. Educate yourself and your students: Learning about neurodiversity can help create a more understanding and supportive environment for all students. Be flexible: Every student is unique, and what works for one student may not work for another. Be open to trying new approaches and adapting to the needs of individual students.



Are Neurodiverse students really able to achieve much in any field? There have been many neurodiverse individuals who have made significant contributions throughout history. Here are a few examples:

Albert Einstein: Einstein is often cited as an example of a neurodiverse individual, as he is believed to have had dyslexia and ADHD. Despite his learning challenges, Einstein made groundbreaking contributions to the field of physics, including the theory of relativity.

Temple Grandin: Grandin is a well-known animal behaviorist and autism advocate. She has written numerous books on her experiences with autism and has been a vocal advocate for the acceptance and inclusion of neurodiverse individuals.

Sir Isaac Newton: Newton is considered one of the greatest scientists in history, and his work laid the foundation for much of modern physics. He is believed to have had Asperger's syndrome, a form of autism.

Tim Burton: Burton is a filmmaker known for his unique and imaginative style. He has spoken about his experiences with dyslexia and how it has influenced his work.

Satoshi Tajiri: Tajiri is the creator of the Pokémon video game franchise, which has become a global phenomenon. Tajiri is believed to have had Asperger's syndrome.

Beethoven: Beethoven is one of the most famous classical composers in history, and his music continues to be widely performed and admired. He is believed to have had ADHD and dyslexia, and his music is often characterized by its emotional depth and complexity.

William Shakespeare: Shakespeare is one of the most famous writers in history, and his plays and poems continue to be widely read and studied. Some scholars have suggested that Shakespeare may have had dyslexia due to his unconventional spelling and his ability to create complex wordplay and puns.

Salman Khan: Khan is the founder of the Khan Academy, a nonprofit organization that provides free online educational resources. Khan has dyslexia and has spoken about how his difficulty with reading and writing motivated him to create a more accessible and personalized learning platform.



Arunima Sinha: Sinha is a mountaineer who became the first female amputee to climb Mount Everest. Sinha lost her leg in a train accident, but she did not let her disability hold her back. She has also climbed other major peaks, including Kilimanjaro and Elbrus.

Nisha Ayub: Ayub is a transgender rights activist in Malaysia who has worked to raise awareness about the challenges faced by the transgender community in Southeast Asia. Ayub has also advocated for the rights of neurodiverse individuals and has spoken about her own experiences as a person with dyslexia.

Raghavendra Gadagkar: Gadagkar is a scientist who has made significant contributions to the field of evolutionary biology. He has received numerous awards for his research, including the prestigious Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize. Gadagkar has spoken about his experiences as a person with dyslexia and has advocated for more inclusive education in India.

Satya Nadella: Nadella is the CEO of Microsoft, and he is the first person of Indian descent to hold this position. He has made significant contributions to the field of technology, and he has spoken openly about his son's diagnosis of cerebral palsy and how it has influenced his perspective on diversity and inclusion.

Nandita Das: Das is an actress and filmmaker who has appeared in numerous films and stage productions in India and internationally. She has spoken openly about her struggles with dyslexia and how it has affected her education and career.

Abhishek Bachchan: Bachchan is an actor in Hindi Cinema who has acknowledged his struggles with reading and writing and his diagnosis of dyslexia. Abhishek did not let his learning disability hold him back and rose above his struggles to become a bona fide Bollywood star.

Michael Phelps: Phelps is a retired American swimmer who is considered the most decorated Olympian of all time, with a total of 28 medals. He has spoken openly about his experiences with ADHD and how it has affected his career.



The K.I.S. Staff



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Faculty K-3

Faculty 4 & 5



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English Department



Department of Languages

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Department of Science



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Rainbow Department



Department of Commerce

Department of Physical Education

Department of Performing Arts



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Pre Nursery - XII

years of academic excellence

7.5 acres lush green campus with World Class Infrastructure Offering CBSE & Cambridge curriculum 1:14 Teacher-Student Ratio 22 Subjects offered in Grade 11 & 12 Highly trained & professional faculty STEM Education & Smart Classrooms Day Care facility available at Kothari Starz International Collaboration, Community Engagement, Internship (connect with Industry) One of its kind Inclusive School Multi-Purpose Hall with a capacity of 2K students Air-Cooled Auditorium & Open Air Theatre ATL/Design Thinking Lab/ Robotics Lab Offers personalized guidance and counseling Career Fair and Career Counselling High levels of communication and feedback system SDG-based certified Green School 11 Indoor and Outdoor Sports Theatre/Classical Dance/Western Dance/Vocal Music/ Instrumental Music/ Painting After School Sports and Performing Arts Academy (Indrayu Academy of Performing Arts)









B-279, B Block, Sector 50, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301 +91-120-4082430, +91-9818548495 [email protected] @KOTHARISEC50NOIDA















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