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Story Transcript


Email: [email protected] Parish Web Site:

OCTOBER 19, 2014 - 29th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 19 DE OCTUBRE, 2014 - 29o DOMINGO EN TIEMPO ORDINARIO Christ the King Mission Statement We are a parish of Disciples, guided by the Holy Spirit and strengthened by the Eucharist. We live the mission of Jesus Christ in our love and service to others.

Parochial Administrator: Rev. Matthew Henry Parochial Vicar: Rev. Scott Sperry Deacons / Diáconos: Deacon Frank Galarza Deacon Tom Bishop Deacon Ron Ruiz Deacon Will Capistrant Deacon Neil Tift Acolyte: Edward Cortez

Save the Date and Celebrate the 5 Year Anniversary of the St. Peregrine Cancer Shrine

Mass with the Most Rev. Thomas J. Olmstead Friday, November 14, 2014 ~ 6:30 pm Christ the King Catholic Church Wine, Cheese and Dessert Reception to follow

◊ ◊ ◊

Submission of Articles for the Bulletin Submit articles for the bulletin at least two weeks in advance for approval and editing. Submit your article by e-mailing to: [email protected] Please be sure to include your contact information when you submit your article.

Parish Office Hours: Mondays 8 am to 12 noon Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays: 8 am to 4 pm Fridays: closed Welcome Center Hours: Saturdays 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm / Sundays: 8 am to 3 pm Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturdays: 4 pm Sundays: 7 am, 9 am, 11 am, 1 pm (Español), 5 pm Daily Mass: Monday through Friday at 8 am Wednesday at 7 pm Saturday Latin Mass (Novus Ordo) in the Shrine at 8 am Confessions: Monday through Friday: 7:30 am to 8:00 am Wednesdays: 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm Saturdays: 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm Also available by appointment Baptism: See inside bulletin or contact the office for monthly Orientation Class schedule. Marriage: Call the office at least 9 months in advance. Contact Anthanette Donaldson at (480)844-4478 or [email protected] Prayer Requests/Anointing/Funerals: Call Anthanette Donaldson at (480)844-4478 or [email protected] Religious Education K-8: Contact Sister Mary Beata at (480)245-4100 or [email protected] Religious Education 9-12: Contact Mary Castner at (480)844-4476 or [email protected] Religious Education for Adults: Contact Deacon Tom Bishop at (480)844-4473 or [email protected] To serve as a Lector, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, Sacristan, Altar Server, Greeter, Usher: Contact Deacon Tom Bishop at (480)844-4473 or [email protected] Volunteer Opportunities: Contact Maria Caballero (480)844-4467 or [email protected] CTK Catholic Elementary and Middle School: Contact the principal, Shelley Conner, at (480)844-4465 or [email protected]

This week, we are able to share with the whole parish the updated drawings for the Harmony and Beauty Project. Over the past weeks, so many people have asked me, “When are we going to do something to that red wall?” Jokingly, I responded, “I would like to know!” Let me just describe some of the features of the updated plans, and the reason why we wanted to include these elements. The arch in the sanctuary will encompass the crucifix and the tabernacle. This inclusion of the crucifix is a change from the original plan, but is very important to me. To have the altar, the tabernacle, and the crucifix all on the same line is a clear statement of the relationship between the three. On the altar is made present the one sacrifice of Christ’s Cross in the bread and wine that become the Body and Blood of Christ—altar, crucifix, tabernacle. Some of the artistic elements of the sanctuary include the niche for the tabernacle, which lends permanence to its presence in the center (it can’t get moved very easily!). The arch is an ancient symbol of eternity breaking into our world, as through a door. The stone tiles on the outside of the arch speak again of permanence, and of the faithful who are “living stones” in God’s Church (1 Peter 2:5). The inside of the arch will be painted for now, with the possibility of adding some decorative elements, similar to those that are in the Saint Peregrine Shrine. The space to the side of the sanctuary will have three arches, through which the natural light will still be able to enter the church. The thought behind these arches was to eliminate some of the angles of the church architecture, an attempt to update the design of the church and make it a bit softer. After the structural changes to these walls on either side of the sanctuary, we hope to be able to have some artwork that we can place at a small distance inside the arches. That way, we will still be able to take advantage of the natural light, and have space to add more sacred art to the church. A big question that one may have as we look at these drawings is, “How will we be able to see the arch and the crucifix? Won’t they be blocked by the crown (the large golden ring above the altar)?” It is possible to make the crown smaller, and thus raise the height of our sanctuary. Right now, there is a sky light with the Holy Spirit as a dove that is not visible for much of the church because of the size of the crown. By reducing the crown—to a similar size as that which is in the Saint Peregrine Shrine—we will open up that space and be able to see the arch and crucifix well. All further questions can be directed to Father Scott…just kidding! He and I are happy to continue to explain this “soft remodel” of our parish church. I want to thank all those who have given their thoughts, their designs, their financial support and their labor to help make this Harmony and Beauty Project a reality. I encourage you all to continue to support this important project that gives great glory to God and helps us all be built up into a holy temple, pleasing to the Lord! In Christ,


Esta semana, podemos compartir con toda la parroquia los dibujos recientes del Proyecto Belleza y Armonía. En las últimas semanas, muchas personas me han preguntado, “¿Cuando vamos hacer algo con esa pared roja?” Vacilando, respondo, “¡Me gustaría saberlo!” Déjenme describir algunas de las características de los planos al día, y la razón por la cual queremos incluir estos elementos. El arca en el santuario abarcara el crucifijo y el tabernáculo. Esta inclusión del crucifijo es un cambio del plan original, pero es muy importante para mí. El tener el altar, el tabernáculo, y el crucifijo todo en la misma línea es una declaración clara de la relación entre los tres. En el altar se hace presente el único sacrificio de Cristo en la Cruz; en el pan y vino que se convierten en el Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo—altar, crucifijo, tabernáculo. Algunos de los elementos artísticos del santuario incluyen el nicho para el tabernáculo, el cual presta permanencia a su presencia en el centro (¡no se mueve fácilmente!). El arca es un símbolo antiguo de la eternidad rompiendo la entrada a nuestro mundo, como al tumbar una puerta. Los mosaicos en la parte fuera del arca hablan una vez mas sobre la permanencia, y de los fieles quienes son “piedras vivientes” en la iglesia de Dios. (1 Pedro 2:5). La parte de adentro del arca se pintara por ahora, con la posibilidad de agregar algún elemento decorativo, similar a los que se encuentran en el santuario de San Peregrino. El espacio al lado del santuario tendrá tres arcas, que permitirán la entrara de luz natural en la iglesia. El pensamiento sobre estas arcas es el de eliminar algunos de los ángulos de la arquitectura de la iglesia, un atentado de actualizar el diseño de la iglesia y hacerla un poco más suave. Después de los cambios estructurales a las paredes en cada lado del santuario, esperamos poder tener algunos trabajos artísticos para colocarlos a corta distancia dentro de las arcas. De esa manera, podremos tomar ventaja de la luz natural, y tener espacio para agregar más artesanía sagrada en la iglesia. Una pregunta muy grande que tendremos al ver estos dibujos es, “¿Cómo podremos ver el arca y el crucifijo?” “¿No quedaran bloqueados por la corona (el circulo grande y dorado sobre el altar)?” Es posible hacer la corona más chica, y así levantar la altura del santuario. Al momento, existe un tragaluz con el Espíritu Santo como paloma la cual no es muy visible para la mayoría de la iglesia por el tamaño de la corona. Al reducir la corona—a un tamaño similar al que se encuentra en el Santuario de San Peregrino—abriremos el espacio y podremos ver el arca y crucifijo. ¡Todas sus preguntas pueden ser dirigidas al Padre Scott…estoy bromeando! El y yo con gusto continuaremos explicando esta “remodelación suave” de nuestra parroquia. Quiero dar gracias a todos aquellos quienes han contribuido con sus pensamientos, diseños, apoyo financiero, y su labor al ayudarme a convertir este proyecto de Belleza y Harmonía en una realidad. ¡Los animo a continuar apoyando este proyecto importante que da gloria a Dios y nos ayuda a edificarnos como templos santos, complacientes a Nuestro Señor! En Cristo,


STAFF / PERSONNEL Pastoral Associate

Deacon Tom Bishop (480) 844-4473 [email protected]

Parish Manager

Bridgette Cosentino (480) 844-4463 [email protected]

Christ the King School Principal Shelley Conner (480) 844-4480 [email protected]

Facilities & Maintenance Manager Joseph Calderone (480) 844-4471 [email protected]


Felipe Tomás (480) 964-1719 – (English/Español)

Financial Secretary

Pam Reid (480) 844-4460 [email protected]

Administrative Secretary

Natalie Smith (480) 844-4479 [email protected]

Coordinator of Communications & Media Allan Luke (480) 717-8549 [email protected]

Parish Receptionists

Bertha Simoneau (480) 964-1719 – (English/Español) [email protected] Socorro Molina (480) 964-1719 – (English/Español)

[email protected] Parish Secretary

Anny Salazar (480) 844-4490 – (English/Español) [email protected]

Coordinator of Volunteers

Maria Caballero (480)844-4467 – (English/Español) [email protected]

Coordinator of Development Andy Romley (480) 844-4462 [email protected]

Pastoral Care

Anthanette Donaldson (480) 844-4478 [email protected]

Coordinator of Cancer Ministry

Adele Arellano (480) 844-4493 [email protected]

Music Director

Jarrod Townsend (480) 245-4116 [email protected]

Religious Education Adult Sacraments

Deacon Tom Bishop (480) 844-4473 [email protected]

Children and Youth Sacramental Preparation (Ages 4 to Grade 8)

Sr. Mary Beata (480) 245-4100 [email protected]

Youth Ministry and Sacramental Preparation (Grades 9 to 12) Mary Castner (480) 844-4476 [email protected]

ACTIVITIES FOR OCTOBER 20 - OCTOBER 26 Monday, October 20 6:00 pm - School Board - 4th Grade Classroom 6:30 pm - Music Practice - Church 6:30 pm - Bible Study - St. Joe’s B 6:30 pm - Knights of Columbus Officers Mtg - St. Joe’s A 7:00 pm - Grupo de Oración en Español - 5th Gr. Classroom

Tuesday, October 21 9:30 am - Living Water Bible Study - St. Joe’s A 10:30 am - H.O.P.E. - Community Center 4:30 pm - Catechesis of the Good Shepherd - Atrium 6:30 pm - Religious Education Grades 1-8

Wednesday, October 22 6:45 am - Christians in Commerce - St. Joe’s A 8:30 am - Adult Formation Bible Study - St. Joe’s A 3:00 pm - Life Teen Mayhem - Life Teen Room 5:30 pm - Music Practice Make-up Session - Presentation Hall 6:30 pm - Coro Sonrisa de Cristo - Presentation Hall 7:00 pm - Coro en Español - St. Joe’s B 7:00 pm - Formación Espiritual en Español - St. Teresa

Thursday, October 23 9:30 am - Prayer Shawl Ministry - St. Joe’s B 4:15 pm - Catechesis of the Good Shepherd - Atrium 4:45 pm - H.O.P.E - Community Center 6:30 pm - Life Teen Bible Study - St. Joe’s B 6:30 pm - Religious Education Grades 1-8 7:00 pm - St. Peregrine Prayer Group - St. Peregrine Shrine

Friday, October 24 6:30 am - Christians in Commerce - St. Joe’s A 8:30 am - Marthas - Church 9:00 am - “Consoling the Heart of Jesus” - St. Joe’s A 6:30 pm - Grupo de Oración en Español - Presentation Hall - Celebración del Aniversario

Saturday, October 25 6:45 am - “That Man is You” - St. Joe’s Hall A 8:00 am - Latin Mass (Novus Ordo) - St. Peregrine Shrine 8:00 am - Third Order Carmelites - St. Joe’s B 8:30 am - Safe Environment Training - St. Joe’s A 5:30 pm - “Consoling the Heart of Jesus” - St. Joe’s A & B

Sunday, October 26 Coffee and Donuts after 7 am, 9 am, 11 am and 1 pm Masses In Presentation Hall Liturgy of the Word for Children at 7 am, 9 am, and 1 pm Masses 9:00 am - RCIC - 3rd & 4th Grade Classrooms 10:15 am - RCIA - St. Joe’s B 10:45 am - RICA - 8th Grade Classroom 3:00 pm - Encuentro Matrimonial-Comunidad de Apoyo - St. Joe’s A 5:00 pm - Semilla Maya- Community Center 6:30 pm - Life Teen - Presentation Hall

Mass Intentions-Intenciones de Misas

Prayer Chain Ministry

Please pray for...

Monday, October 20 8:00 am - Isabel Avila

Tuesday, October 21 8:00 am - Bill Harm

Wednesday, October 22 8:00 am - Teresa Herrera 7:00 pm - Debra White

Thursday, October 23 8:00 am - Vicky R. Newsham

Friday, October 24 8:00 am - Gina Escarrilla - Special Intention

Saturday, October 25 8:00 am - Caroline Estrada 4:00 pm - Grambihler Family - Special Intention

Sunday, October 26 7:00 am - John Szilagy 9:00 am - Nick Adams 11:00 am - Pablo Barroga 1:00 pm - Parishioners of Christ the King 5:00 pm - Justin Clark

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick Day of Reflection and Training November 1, 2014 ~ All Saints Day St. Joe Hall, 9:30 am to Noon To all those who bring communion to the sick on behalf of Christ the King Parish; we invite you to join us in this day of Reflection and Training. It is a perfect opportunity to come together as a community and to meet those that serve our brothers and sisters of Christ in this ministry.

Saul Ackerman Joanne Brown Paul Buza Elaine Ferrance

Paul Henry Alyssa Salemi Anny Salizar Angela Williams

If you or a loved one is in need of prayer, or you would like to join us in this mission to pray for another, please contact Anthanette at (480) 844-4478 or email her at [email protected] with your prayer request. Please note we must be contacted by the individual or a family member to add names to our prayer list. Unless we are otherwise notified, all names on the prayer list will be published for one month. Thank you.

Infant Baptism (newborn to 6 years old) Parents must attend two classes prior to having their children baptized. ♦ Class #1 is Baptism Information for parents only. This is a one hour class. ♦ Class # 2 is Baptism Preparation for parents and godparents. This is a four hour class. ♦ Baptism Information Class (Class #1) is offered in English once a month on a Sunday at 12:30 pm. ♦ Please do not choose your godparents until after you have attended the first class. ♦ Classes begin promptly. If you arrive late, you will be asked to attend the next month’s class. ♦ The Sacrament of Baptism is offered monthly on a Saturday morning at 9:00 am in English, and 10:00 am in Spanish. Our next Baptism Information (Class #1) is Sunday, November 9, from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm in St. Joe’s B. Class begins promptly at 12:30 pm. If you arrive late, you will be asked to attend next month’s class. Please, no children at class. At Baptism Information (Class #1) you will be given dates for Baptism Preparation (Class #2).

Come and see! We would like to invite those who would like to inquire about this ministry to come and join us for this day. If you would like to participate please contact Anthanette Donaldson @ (480)844-4478 or by email at [email protected] to register for this day. If you are taking communion to the sick for the Parish of Christ the King, please contact Anthanette to update your information. Thank you.

Tithing Report Funeral Arrangements If you have experienced a death in your family and need to make funeral arrangements, please contact Anthanette Donaldson at (480)844-4478.

Budgeted 10-12-14 Actual Collected 10-12-14 Budgeted Y-T-D 10-12-14 Actual Collected Y-T-D 10-12-14

$ 22,352.00 $ 23,085.88 $ 338,840.00 $ 336,183.58

Worldwide Marriage Encounter

∗ Mayhem, Wednesdays from 3 pm to 6 pm in the

Life Teen Room. ∗ Bible Study group, Thursdays from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm in the LifeTeen Room. ∗ Life Night, Sundays from 6:30 pm to 8 pm in St. Joe’s Hall. ∗ Family/Community Life Nights: ◊ ◊

11/2: Night of Worship (Adoration & Praise) 11/9: “God’s Not Dead” Movie Night

Music Ministry Do you play piano or keyboards? We are looking for people to play for various Masses and school functions for when the music leader is not playing piano.

For more information, please contact: Jarrod Townsend, Music Director at (480) 245-4116 or email to: [email protected] We’d love to have you join us!

40 Days For Life

The 40 Days For Life Fall campaign runs September 24November 2. 40 Days For Life is a prayerful, peaceful campaign composed of prayer, fasting, and community outreach to bring an end to abortion. Do you have an hour to go out and pray? Christ the King will pray outside the Chandler Planned Parenthood on Saturday, October 25 from 6 am to 6 pm. Father Matt and Father Scott will be on location from 11 am to noon. Two prayer warriors per hour are needed! For more information or to sign up, please visit:, or email Doris Ramirez [email protected].

CHRIST THE KING KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Council 3419 Download our newsletter “The Chronicle”, from our website or speak with a current member of our Knights of Columbus Council. Men over 18….Join us! Get Involved with your Christian Community!

"Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God." Have we worked to make our marriage of God, or is it of the worldly things? Come and learn how to bring God into your marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is Nov 14-16. For more information visit

St. Peregrine Shrine Perpetual Adoration “The only time our Lord asked the Apostles for anything was the night He went into agony. Not for activity did he plead but for an Hour of companionship.” ~ Archbishop Fulton Sheen

I would like to introduce to you our new Midnight to 6am Division Leader Janet Embree. Janet has been a Captain and a faithful adorer since our program began. Please contact her at (480) 396-2455 if you have any questions or a desire to adore during the early morning hours. The hours between midnight and 4 am are some of the hardest hours to fill, but this is really a fulfilling time to be in the Chapel. Please pray that God will assist Janet in this calling and for her personal needs as well. We have a colored chart (red, yellow, and green faces) posted at the center doors of the Church and in the St Peregrine Chapel and the Parish Office showing the hours of the week. Green faces are happy because they have partners in case one of them can’t be there. The Yellow faces are not smiling because they have no partner, and need to find a substitute when unable to come. The Red faces are very unhappy because it is embarrassing - there are no adorers dedicated to be there that hour. There are many worshipers who come at any time, but it is very special to be a dedicated adorer for a specific hour each week. Please look at the chart, and let’s have only Green smiley faces on it. Try it for a month, and you may just want to stay. Fill out a card and put it in a drop box nearby, or leave it at the office or Welcome Center, or just call Dick Jacobson at (602) 300-8562 any time of the day or night. (In a future bulletin we will explain how you can be a substitute adorer.)

CTK Men’s Ministry Presents:

Every Saturday morning, from 6:30 am - 8:00 am. Experience the Power of Transformation and Discovery through this Men’s Leadership Program. Register online at to receive weekly update emails. Please contact Randy Fornoff at (602)397-6778, or [email protected] for more information.

Christ the King Catholic School Open House Open House for Enrollment for the 2015-2016 School Year Sunday, January 25, 2015 after the 9 am and 11 am Masses. For more information, please visit: or call (480)844-4480

Annual Veterans’ Mass The Annual Veterans’ Day Mass will be held on Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at 8 a.m. Please join us for this special Mass with the school children, hosted by the 6th grade class! All past and present military personnel are encouraged to attend. We ask any veterans planning to be there to RSVP by Wednesday, November 5, 2014 to Mrs. Wiseman at [email protected].

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Are you interested in becoming a Catholic? Is someone you know interested in learning more about the Catholic Church? RCIA is the name of the process of exploring the possibility of joining the Catholic Church and receiving the sacraments.

Adult Confirmation Classes ♦ ♦ ♦

Are you an adult who has not yet received the Sacrament of Confirmation or First Eucharist? Would you like to receive the graces of these Sacraments? Did you know that to be a godparent for baptism, you are required to have received the Sacrament of Confirmation?

For more information or to register, please contact Deacon Tom Bishop (480) 844-4473 or [email protected]

Catholic Education Arizona Dear Parishioners and Parents, In 2011, the average cost to educate each public school student in Arizona was $8,962. For every student that does not attend public or charter school, the state saves $8,962. This is why the state is willing to allow married tax payers to donate up to $2,023 to a tuition organization and give them a tax credit. The tax credit saves the state money! Visit to find out more about how to take advantage of the credit. Christ the King School will be working with families over the next few months on securing tax credit dollars to help them afford tuition. If (or when) a family approaches you regarding a tax credit donation, please support them with your tax dollars. If you would like more information on how to help a family afford a Catholic education, or, if you would like to be the family receiving help to send your child to a Catholic School, please contact the school office.

Communion to the Sick If you or someone you know is sick, hospitalized or homebound, please call for the assistance of an Extraordinary Minster of Holy Communion. We can bring communion to those who cannot come to Mass. Please call Anthanette at (480) 844-4478 to arrange a scheduled visit or email her at [email protected].

Marriage, Marriage Preparation and Annulments Couples seeking the sacrament of marriage are required to notify the church of their intent to marry at least nine months in advance of the event. For more information on the marriage preparation process, please contact Anthanette at (480) 844-4478 or by email at [email protected].

Safe Environment Training & Renewal

Next Class is October 25, 2014 at 8:30 am, in St. Joe’s B The Safe Environment Annual Renewal is due every July. If you have not renewed your safe environment training since July 1, please go online at to update your account and access the Renewal Video. The Video is about 30 minutes long. If you have never taken the Foundation Course and are considering involvement in a ministry or if you want to know how to protect children and vulnerable adults from abuse, please join us. You can register for the next Christ the King class that is being held on October 25, at 9 am. If you are able, arrive at 8:30 am to complete the paperwork and an interview. Please visit to view class information

BAUTISMOS (recién nacido hasta los 6 años de edad) Los padres deben asistir a dos clases antes de que sus hijos sean bautizados.

Clase # 1 Información de bautismo solamente para los padres. Duración: una hora. Clase # 2 Preparación del bautismo para padres y padrinos. Duración: cuatro horas. Las clases de información (Clase #1) se ofrecen una vez al mes en un domingo a las 2:30 pm. Favor de no elegir a los padrinos hasta después de haber asistido a la primera clase. Las clases comienzan puntualmente. Si llega tarde, se les pedirá asistir a la clase del próximo mes. Por favor, no traer niños a estas clases. Próxima clase de información en español es el 9 de Novembre a las 2:30 pm en St. Joe’s B

Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos Necesita ser bautizado o quiere ser Católico? RICA prepara a adultos para el bautismo y las recepción dentro de la Iglesia Católica. Clases de Confirmación para Adultos ♦

Es usted un adulto quien no ha recibido el Sacramento de la Confirmación o de la Primera Comunión? ♦ Le gustaría recibir las gracias que dan los Sacramentos? ♦ Sabía usted que para ser Padrino de bautismo, se require que usted ya haya recibido el Sacramento de la Confirmación?

Clases para RICA y Confirmación empiezan pronto! No tardes en registrarte! Comunión a los Enfermos

Arreglos Funerarios Si usted ha experimentado una muerte en su familia y la necesidad de hacer los arreglos funerarios, por favor póngase en contacto con Anthanette Donaldson al (480)844-4478. Matrimonio, Preparación para el Matrimonio y Anulacione Se requieren las parejas que buscan el sacramento del matrimonio para notificar a la iglesia de su intención de casarse con al menos nueve meses antes del evento. Para obtener más información sobre la proceso de preparación para el matrimonio, por favor póngase en contacto con Anthanette al (480) 844-4478 o por correo electrónico a [email protected]

40 Días por la Vida

La campaña de los 40 Días Por La Vida de Otoño será del 24 de septiembre al 2 de noviembre. 40 días por la vida es una campaña de paz y oración, ayuno y alcance de la comunidad para terminar con el aborto. ¿Usted tiene una hora cada semana para salir y orar? Cristo Rey orará frente al Planned Parenthood de Chandler el sábado 25 de octubre de 6 am a 6 pm. ¡Se necesitan 2 oradores cada hora! Para más información o para anotarse, por favor visite la página: o por correo electrónico a Doris Ramírez [email protected]

Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está enfermo, hospitalizado o no puede salir de su casa, por favor llame a la asistencia de un Ministro Extraordinario de la Sagrada Comunión. Podemos llevar la comunión a los que no pueden venir a misa. Por favor llame a Anthanette (480) 844-4478 para concertar una visita programada o por correo electrónico a [email protected]

CTK Programa Scrip La compra de tarjetas de regalo, después de las misas en Cristo Rey, ayuda a apoyar a nuestra escuela. Un porcentaje de cada compra permanece en la escuela para cubrir los pagos de colegiaturas. Los vendedores están por lo general en el patio después de las Misas de 7 am, 9 am o 11 am. Tenemos una variedad de tarjetas a la mano y podemos ordenar tarjetas cuando usted necesite algo especial, Walmart, Fry’s, Safeway, Sprouts, Target, y Walgreens, todas están a la mano. Usted también puede ordenarlas por internet a usando el código de la escuela de Cristo Rey DBFB6E8F6343. Si se registra para Presto Pay, usted puede bajar sus scrips y usarlos inmediatamente. Llame al 480-844-4480 y le ayudaremos en todo lo que podamos. Gracias por siempre apoyar financieramente y en oración a nuestra escuela.

Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial “Dad a César lo que es de César, y a Dios lo que es de Dios.” ¿Hemos trabajado para hacer nuestr matrimonio de Dios, o esta en las cosas mundanas? Venga y aprenda como traer a Dios a su matrimonio. El proximo fin de semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial es Noviembre 14-16. Para mas informacion visite:

Get in touch


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