Printable Secrets _ FreedomByNumber _ Suzi Whitford Flipbook PDF

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SECRETS Proven and easy-to-implement secrets to 10x your small digital product profits.

COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright © 2023 by Freedom by Number All rights reserved. This workbook or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher.

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Freedom by Number 2023 All Rights Reserved

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE This ebook may contain affiliate links. If you click on one of my affiliate links and make a purchase, I may receive a commission for referring you. This comes at no additional cost to you.

Please know that I only recommend resources I like and highly recommend.

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First of all, thank you for purchasing the Printables Secrets book! My goal with this action focused book is to give you the secrets that have helped me build a successful digital product business. In 2015 I started my little blog and a few months later I sold my first digital product. It was the most amazing feeling in the world to create something from scratch and sell it online. That one small ebook has made over $150K. Since then, I’ve been on fire to help others learn how to build a digital product business as well. I mostly talk to moms because it’s where my heart is. Moms have a million things to manage. So if they’re going to do a side hustle to help out with the family finances, I want to help them build the best side hustle that fits into their busy schedule. One where they can create a product once, and sell it over and over again. One where they don’t have to drive to the post office three times a week or buy a ton of inventory to hold in their garage. One they can do in their pajamas while the babies are sleeping. Selling small digital products, like printables, is a fantastic way to get started building your digital product business. In time, you can add other products like ebooks, workshops, courses or memberships to your business. But starting with something that is fun to create and easy to sell is a huge confidence boost as you grow your baby business into a million dollar side hustle.

Who this book is for: If you’re just starting out with your printable business, or you’ve been selling printables for a while, the secrets in this book will help you. This book is a compilation of the strategies that have made our business grow from $10K per month to $100K+ per month. Included in the book are strategies on product creation, promotion, sales, scaling and more. There is a big focus on creating a product that people will want to buy, because it’s the most important thing. It doesn’t matter how great your marketing or sales copy is, if your product is poop, your sales will be poop too. My apologies for my language, but I didn’t want to use the other word. And in a house with little kids and guinea pigs, we have a lot of poop.

What this book is not: This book is not a step-by-step guide to help you build a successful printable business. It is impossible to explain how to edit graphics on Canva or set up a sales funnel in text. But you’re in luck, we have a course for that. The Signature Printables by Number course walks you through every click from deep market analysis, to printable creation, to listing your product in a store and building your first funnel. If you need help building your printable business from scratch, you can get the Printables by Number course here. Additionally, each secret has enough content and tactical instruction so you can take action and make your business more successful. Of course, each secret could be expanded upon and turned into its own book. But the goal here is to give you enough information so you can take action and move forward. If you need additional help and more in-depth instructions on each secret, get the Printables by Number course.

How to use this book: If you’re just starting out, go through the Product Creation secrets first, then use the Decision Matrix as you build your business. If you’ve already created printables and you’ve started your business, use the Decision Matrix to determine your next step. I would highly recommend reading through the Product Creation secrets first to make sure you have a product people want to buy. There are different parts included on each secret to help you take action faster.

Why is this important This section will give you a quick reason why you want to implement this secret. Underneath this section might be a personal story. These personal stories are powerful

What is it? This section will explain what the secret is and how it applies to a printable business.

Easy Implementation This section will help you implement each secret in this book. I know how busy your life is. How on Earth will you apply all these amazing methods if you don’t have time, energy, or resources? I’ve included an “easy implementation” section for each secret.

This will help you apply the method in the easiest way possible. I’ll share how you can almost seamlessly implement the tip even if your life is busy, or if you have to set aside time for it, at least how you could make it fun and enjoyable. Growing a business from scratch is hard work, but I’ll try to make it as easy as possible for you!

5 Checkboxes: Most secrets will also include 5 little checkboxes to give you additional methods to apply the secret and get results.

Worksheet/Activity: Most secrets also include a small activity or worksheet for you to complete to help you further implement the secret.

Words of Advice Building an online business might sound super daunting and scary right now. There is so much you don’t know yet and that can be very intimidating. But you know what? It’s just little clicks with your mouse and typing on your keyboard. It’s not hard physical labor outside in the sun. It’s not rocket science or brain surgery. Yes, while it is something new to learn, it’s only going to be hard in the beginning. And you’ve proven to yourself you can learn anything once you put your mind to it. As a child it was very scary to ride your bike, but you mastered that. And as a teenager it was hard to learn how to drive, but you mastered that too. As a mom you learned how to raise your kiddos, manage the home, cook healthy meals and teach your children to be kind and caring. And that is really really hard. Building a printable business is nothing compared to the things you’ve learned before. You can definitely do this. We live in an amazing time where we can connect with people all over the world. We can share our God given talents and build business that help others. All from the comfort of your home - in your pajamas, with your hair in a bun and a warm coffee in your hand. We are so lucky we get to do this. It’s easy to forget how fortunate we are and only focus on the obstacles infront of us, even though they’re small, and even having these obstacles is a blessing. Instead of saying, “oh, I don’t know how to sell things online,” change the wording to “oh, I get to sell things online.”

One generation ago this was not possible. There were very few platforms and methods to sell digital products online, especially if you weren’t a big company. And if you did know how to write code and build your own shopping platform, most people were still very hesitant to make purchases online - let alone buy digital products. It’s been less than 20 years since the big platforms emerged that make it easy for individuals to sell online. Etsy started in 2005 Shopify started in 2006 WooCommerce started in 2011 We are so fortunate to live in this amazing time. And I’m so thankful you’ve purchased this little book to open up the world of selling digital products - and do it successfully. You can learn anything and I know you can build your own business that will help you cover the grocery bills, and the mortgage or take your family on a vacation to make lifelong memories. If you’re a beginner, use this book to create a gorgeous printable that people want to buy. If you’ve already started your business, use this book to keep growing your profits. If you need step-by-step, click-by-click video tutorials that walk through everything you need to know to start and grow your printable business, get Printables by Number. Now let’s get into the Printables Secrets to discover the strategies that make printables sell like hotcakes!

Decision Matrix Table What are you struggling with? If you don't know what to create

SECRET Spend a lot of time on market research


Order of Execution

Market Research


Stop thinking about yourself Basic Design Principles for Printables Half Content, Half Design Add Valuable Details If your printable is not selling. Printable Design Secrets


Nobody Wants to Think Would You Use It? Forget Fancy Fonts

Product Creation

The Ink Test Keep Making It Better If you want to charge higher prices

Create an Offer, Not a Product

If you want to save time

Use a Template

If you don't know what to price your product at

Pricing Your Product


Stand Alone If you want to make more sales

Add Bonuses on Your Sales Page





Bump Up Your Profits! If you don't know what to write on your sales page If you need traffic to your product

Use Your Audience’s Language Show Yourself Make Your Product Come to Life Add Testimonials

What are you struggling with?



Order of Execution

If you need traffic to your product

Don't Start All the Engines



If you want to scale your business

Build Out Your Funnel



If you want to grow your email list

Grow Your List

List Building

If you're feeling unmotivated

Take a Day Off


If you're overwhelmed and unfocused

Carry Around a Notebook

Time Management





Spend a lot of time on

Market Research Why is this important If you miss the mark on the market research you could spend all your time creating a product that no one will buy. You might not realize it, but you can do market research for your business wherever you go. I once had the most brilliant idea as I was checking out at the Hallmark store. Right there, on the counter, was the most beautifully designed little booklet. It grabbed my eye. I didn’t even know what was inside the little book, but the cover was designed so beautifully that I wanted to frame it and put it in my house. Maybe even change all my home decor to match this little thing. Looking back now, it sparked the color palette I chose for my blog. I knew that if this little book cover grabbed my attention so well, and because my audience shops at Hallmark too, I might be onto something here. That night I designed my highest converting freebie that has brought over 100,000 people to my email list. And it’s one that I still use today.

What is MARKET RESEARCH? Market research is the process of understanding your market, or audience. The more you understand your audience, the better your content and products will be, because you’ll know how to serve them. If you don’t know their struggles and problems, how can you help them solve those issues? When creating their first printable, most people will spend a few minutes researching what’s working and thinking about their audience. I urge you to spend quality time researching your market. What styles does your audience like? What catches their eye? What are they currently buying? Take today to think about who you want to serve and what would serve them best. A successful business creates a product that people WANT to buy. It’s pretty hard to make sales if there is no need for your product.

Now you might think the market is saturated and that your product is not needed. I argue the opposite. Because it’s saturated, it means there is a need for it. Just think about all the variety of coffees in the grocery store – there is a whole aisle dedicated to this one type of drink! Here’s a little secret. Take two popular elements and combine them. Think, organic coffee, high-protein yogurt, or coloring books for adults. In the digital world, this could be a digital planner for homeschooling moms or an ebook to plan your month-long family road trip. You’ll enter a market that already has buyers, but then niche down to a specific audience that you want to serve. Think about your audience today and how you can help them. Focusing on others, instead of self, is one of the fastest paths to joy. Your future business can do both serve others and yourself, by filling you with joy as you see your customers' lives improve. When you create something that is truly helpful (even just a little bit) for someone else, you'll be successful. Do this not only in the beginning when you think about creating your first printable, but do it often. The more time you spend researching your audience, the better your products will become.

Easy Implementation The easiest method I’ve found to do market research is by hanging out with the people that would be in my audience. It could be as simple as hanging out with your friends (if they’re the type of person in your audience). Another super fun way to do market research is to go shop where your audience shops. So every one of my trips to Target is “market research.” These big box stores have spent millions of dollars on marketing to their audience, go see what they’re doing and apply it to your niche.

5 Ways to Do Market Research: Send a survey to your audience Shop where they shop (online and in-store) Have 1:1 conversations with people in your market Read the comment sections and forums Go through online reviews of products similar to your own and see what people like/dislike/want

Action step: Baby step, Giant leaps: Spend at least 1 hour per week doing market research.

My Audience Likes & Dislikes Likes


Stop thinking about


Baby step, Giant leaps: Put yourself in your audience’s shoes and imagine living a day in their life.

Why is this important If you only focus on your own goals you’ll find yourself spiraling down and losing momentum. If you want to pump energy back into your business, focus on helping your audience. I can remember it so well, I was standing against the wall in the living room, tears streaming down my face, just crying for no good reason. John, my loving and patient husband of over 10 years, looked quite bewildered at me. No matter what he said or did I just felt a deep sadness and emptiness. This is a little petty to admit, but I know I’m not the only one to go through this. Every time I tried to explain to him how I felt, my sentences would keep beginning with “I”, or “me”. They were all focused 1,000% on me. Why do I feel like this? Why do I feel sad? What’s going on with me? Me, me, me. For weeks I just couldn’t snap out of this depressive and gloomy feeling. But God works in small and wonderful ways. John showed me a YouTube video a few days later thinking it might help me, I instantly dismissed it but later listened to it while driving to pick up the kids from school. It hit hard. The speaker stated that there have been numerous studies done that self-centered thoughts commonly turn into depression.

Wait, what? If I focus on myself I’ll become sad? The more I think about me, me, me the sadder I become? How strange. Then a little while later I stumbled upon another YouTube video, this time about finding happiness by Fr. Robert Spitzer. It was all starting to make sense. My own selfish thoughts were making me sad. Immediately I decided to try my best to “forget about myself” and focus on others. To put their needs first. Of course, I don’t do this all the time - but every time I do, I feel so much happier and more energetic. It’s life giving, for the person receiving the service or gift, but mostly for me, doing the act of service. I know this story got a little long, but I wanted to drive the point home. Your business could be your way of serving the world. And when you change your perspective to serving others versus making as much money as you can, you won’t lose momentum and energy. Giving to others and sharing your Godgiven talents is what you are created for, and it’s what we should teach our children too.

In short, here are the 4 levels of happiness: #1 Immediate gratification (fleeting, surface-level happiness) = Self #2 Comparative happiness (satisfaction in comparing self to others) = Self #3 Contribute happiness (making a positive difference for others) = Others #4 Ultimate good (enduring joy of living in goodness and love) = God Your online business can turn into so much more than just a little side hustle. It can change your life and the life of those it touches. Don’t underestimate your talents when used for the good of others - they have compounding ripple effects.

What is CONTRIBUTE HAPPINESS? What is this third level of happiness that can not only give your life immense purpose but also help you build a wonderful business? It’s putting the needs of others first. It’s so easy when you’re building your business to design products that you think your customers will like and to create content that you think they’ll like. It’s much more important to create content that they will truly like, not what you think they’ll like. When you’re creating a product, put yourself in your user’s shoes. How will they use it? What will help them? How can your little printable make their life just a bit easier? Ask yourself, “Will this serve my audience?” If the answer is yes,

keep going, if it’s not, you might not be spending your time on the right things. So often we create things that we want to use - and sometimes, that can work well for your audience too - if you’re a part of that audience. But it’s easy to design something that you like and that you think is helpful, but in the end, it misses the mark. I’ve frequently created products that were too advanced for my audience because I forgot where they are - and refocusing my attention to my audience was the best thing for my business. The secret to creating an amazing digital product is not rocket science, it’s actually quite fun. Since it’s digital, if version 1 doesn’t sell well, you can tweak it, improve it, and sell version 2. And to delight all your first customers, you could send them the upgraded product for free or for a small upgrade fee.

Easy Implementation One massive trap every entrepreneur falls into is the comparison game. That’s smack in the middle of Level 2 happiness, and one that can quickly spiral into depression. Don’t let your focus be on how you compare to other creators in your niche, let your focus be on your audience and how you can serve them. It’s the easiest and fastest way to get out of the lethal trap of comparison. Many new online business builders never get past month 2 of building their side hustle because they’re focused on comparing themselves to others continuously and since, of course, they’re only a few weeks into their business versus someone who has done it for years, they are much less successful. It’s okay to look at others and want to be better, let them inspire you, but don’t let their success cause you undue suffering. Use your talents and energy to serve.

5 Ways to Apply This Secret: Watch this video to learn about the different levels Reflect and see if you’re focusing on the right level of happiness

Comparison is the thief of joy. - Theodore Roosevelt

Spend time with people in your audience and listen to their problems Practice gratitude for all the gifts you have instead of the ones you don’t Do something nice for someone today, and see how it lifts your spirit

Imagine the schedule your audience has every day and the problems they might face. EXAMPLE: 8 am

4 am 5 am 6 am 7 am 8 am 9 am 10 am 11 am 12 pm 1 pm 2 pm 3 pm 4 pm 5 pm 6 pm 7 pm 8 pm 9 pm 10 pm 11 pm 12 am

Have to make breakfast for family

Don't know what to make / Don't have time

Complete the Marketing Statement for Your Business EXAMPLE: I help women over 50 regulate and balance their hormones through a carnivore diet without feeling hungry or counting calories.:

I help......

(fill in your specific audience)


(fill in the goal you help them achieve)


(fill in the obstacles you help your audience to avoid)




Basic Design Principles for Printables Why is this important Follow these basic printable design principles to design beautiful little digital products.

What is it? Designing visually appealing printables that grab your reader involves a few key points. Here are some tips to help you create pretty little printables: Choose a color scheme: Selecting a color scheme is important in designing visually appealing printables. Choose colors that your audience is attracted to and that complement each other and reflect the theme of the printable. While red is fantastic color to grab attention, it can feel a little stressful and overwhelming all over printables. Choose a color palette that works well with your audience and how you want them to feel when using your product.

Add graphics and images: Graphics and images can enhance the visual appeal of your printables. Choose images that are relevant to the content and work well with the color scheme of your design. Additionally, use the same type of graphic throughout your printable. It feels a bit off when you have stock images and line drawings and clipart all in the same product. Choose one style of graphic, and stick with it to keep your printable looking professional.

Use attractive fonts: Select fonts that are easy to read and complement the overall design of the printable. Avoid using too many different fonts and stick to a maximum of two, if you really want to, then use three. But I’d rather err on the side of caution and keep my design simple.

Balance the design: Achieving a balance between the different parts of the designs in your printable is essential in creating visually appealing printables. Make sure the design is not too cluttered or too sparse. Remember, even visual mess causes stress.

Use whitespace effectively: Whitespace is the empty space around the design elements. Using whitespace effectively can help your printable look clean and professional. Less mess = less stress. Keep it simple: Sometimes less is more when it comes to design. Avoid adding too many design elements or overcomplicating the printable.

I heard this once and it just sticks with me, fashion guru’s suggest to remove one accessory before you leave the house, in the same way remove one element before you publish your printable.

Easy Implementation Use the checklist above and see how you can improve your printable. Apply this both to your products and to your freebies.

5 Ways to Apply: Look at the stores where your audience hangs out - how can you apply that same style to your products? Can you add any of the elements above to your printables and improve them? Create three different styles of the same printable and survey your audience which one they like the most. If your printables use inconsistent graphics, pay for professionally designed graphics or make your own. Are you using too many fonts, if so, can you clean it up and make it look more professional?

Baby step, Giant leaps: Go through your past or current printbales and apply the steps above - is there room for improvement to make your printable more visually appealing?

Your Printable Names Here

Basic Design Principles Checklist

Tip 1: Choose a Color Scheme Tip 2: Use Attractive Fonts Tip 3: Add Graphics and Images Tip 4: Balance The Design Tip 5: Use Whitespace Effectively Tip 6: Keep It Simple Instruction: Check off the boxes as you create your printables.

Half Content, Half Design Why is this important Great printables have two major things in common - they have great content and great design. If you get these two things right, you have a high probability of having a successful printable. Have you ever bought a shirt just because it looks cute? But once you start wearing it, it’s scratchy, or uncomfortable? And then you have that one ugly sweater, but you wear it all the time, because it’s the most comfortable thing in your closet. For me it’s my $15 sherpa sweater I bought on sale at Walmart. It’s like a blanket with sleeves. The key here is to get both right when creating printables, the form and the function, the design and the content.

What is it? Take both the design and the content into consideration when creating your online products. They are both essential to get right. The design of your printable will catch someone’s eye and bring them over to your sales page, but the actual content will have them rush to hit the buy button - and bonus - recommend it to their friends. A great product will have your customers make customers. I see a lot of printables that have one or the other, and if the creator could just improve the printable, their sales would increase. If your printable has great content but poor design, you won’t grab people’s interest as they scroll through the internet searching for something to buy. Great design grabs attention. If your printable has a great design but poor content, you’ll make sales but could have a high refund rate and people won’t be repeat buyers. Spend time brainstorming and writing out the content for your printable. I know it’s more fun to “make it look pretty” than to build the content, but both are essential to a great product.

Easy Implementation If you have great click rates to your sales page, but not a lot of buyers - improve the content of your printable. If you have low clicks but great testimonials and low refunds - improve the design of your printable.

5 Ways to Apply this Secret: Brighten up your design with 1-2 colors that pop Improve the images on your sales page Improve your promotional images (use the social media pack here!) Add more or improve the content of your printable Add worksheets to your printable so the customer can apply the steps

Baby step, Giant leaps: Use any of our templates to have both great content and great design done for you then customize and brand the printable to your business!

Pretty Designed Printables

Messy, Ugly Designed Printables


Valuable Details

Why is this important Adding small details that bring value to your product can set it apart from all the other generic printables and allow you to charge higher prices. I’ve spent hours and hours going through listings on Airbnb searching for the right place to stay during our epic road trip. In some cities, there are so many Airbnb that it’s exhausting (but actually really fun for me because I love planning vacations) to find the perfect place. When it comes down to a few places I’m deciding between, it’s the little details that make the difference and get my booking. This applies to many things in life, if you need to choose between a big variety of similar products, it’s the small details that finally convince you. It’s been proven that you’ll pay more for your cup of coffee that has latte art on it about 13% more! The same can be applied online. In an ocean of printables, how can you stand apart? How can you put “latte art” on your printable? One way to do just that is to add valuable details to your product. The little things that grab your reader's eye. The thing that makes your audience go “ooooh, that’s so neat!”.

What are VALUABLE DETAILS? Valuable details are one of the elements that can set your printable apart. Many times when a user purchases a printable, it’s something small that caught their eye that they fell in love with. It’s a small detail or one specific page in your printable bundle that made them click the buy button. When creating your printable, there will be some unavoidable generic pages you’ll need to add. For planners, you’ll need a monthly page, etc. For meal planning printables, you’ll need a grocery list page, etc. Think about what little details or elements you can add that will set your printable apart from the other ones in your niche. Is it having a tiny habit tracker in the corner of your weekly planner page or a place to record your favorite quote or cute graphics you made yourself? Is it having both the metric and standard measurements with a quick conversion reference table in your printable recipe book? Go back to your market research and your deep dive into understanding your audience. Think of the little problems that you can help them with while helping them solve the big overall problem. Each of these little problems can also prompt you to create additional printable pages for your product.

Easy Implementation Fill in the main problem you are solving for your audience in the middle. Fill in the smaller circles with all the related problems your audience faces. Then think of elements you can add to your printable that help to solve those issues.



Little Rela ted

le Related P ro Litt b

d Problem late Re elated Prob lem eR l t t Li

m le

Lit tle

d Problem late Re

roblem in P a M lem ob Pr

Lit tle

e Related Littl Pr o

d Problem late e R

em bl

Lit tle

elated Prob eR lem ttl i L

5 Ways to Add Little Details: Can you add helpful icons and a legend to your printable?

Can you improve your generic pages?

Can you add a reference or lookup table?

Can you add a cover page, stickers, checklist, or another page that makes the entire product easier to use?

Can you add unique graphics to your printable?

Baby step, Giant leaps:

Think of all the little problems you can help your audience solve while focusing on accomplishing the big goal.

Daily Planner from our Planner Template Water Intake Tracker

Quote of the Day

Budget & Expenses Savings Tracker

Daily Schedule

Meals of the Day

Exercise Log


Mini Habit Tracker Mini Reflection

Priorities of the Day

Mood & Period Tracker

Nobody Wants to


Why is this important This secret helps you think differently about your printable and makes it more valuable for your audience.

What is it? Life already has enough difficulties and trials. Your audience is searching for a solution, not additional work when they make a purchase. When someone spends their hardearned money on a product or service, they’re trading their money to save time and get their result faster. Think about your printable, is it helping your audience get to their solution faster? Are you covering all the steps they need to get from problem A to solution B? Is there any way you can make your printable “do all the thinking” for your customer? For example, if you’re creating a pack of printables for little tots to learn the ABCs. Of course you’ll have a worksheet for each letter, but what else can you include to make the product 110% get to the solution. Can you include a daily tracker for the mom to use? Or a reward chart to incentivize the child to complete each letter activity? Could you include a big poster with all the letters so that the child can color in each letter as they complete the activity? Think about creative ways to get to the solution for your audience. It’s your job to do all the hard thinking, so that they don’t have to. The harder your printable works, the less your customer will have to, and the more valuable it will be to them. How often when someone has a problem we hear them saying, “Just give me a step by step plan”, “Do you have any ideas for me?”, “If someone just told me exactly what to do, I’ll be good.” Those are the types of questions your product needs to answer. And you can easily do this by including the right printables in your offer.

Easy Implementation Sketch out printables that do all the thinking for your customer. Envision you’re in their shoes facing the problem you’re solving for them. What are all the little things that can make the journey easier, faster and more successful? Additionally, list out all the steps your customer needs to do so that they go from point A (the problem) to point B (the desired result). Go into as much detail as possible so you don’t miss anything. Your product should give them a clear roadmap to get to the desired result. Check out the Challenge Prompt on the next page and follow the instructions below.

Instructions: Use the boxes to write down all the needed steps to go from point A, the problem, to point B, the desired result. Go into as much detail as possible and use extra paper if necessary. These steps could become additional “challenge printables” to add to your product. You can use any of our gorgeous challenge templates here.

5 Printables that “Think for your customer” A detailed day by day plan

Graphs and diagrams

A step by step guide

A long list of ideas

A thorough checklist

Baby step, Giant leaps: Create “heavy lifting” printables that do all the thinking for your customer. They can be small standalone products, a freebie, a bonus on a sales page of a larger offer, or a bump. Highlight them well on your promotional material.

Challenge Prompt

10 STEPS CHALLENGE Fill in the detailed steps your customer needs to take to get from Point A, the problem, to Point B, the solution. Use this worksheet to help you map out your customer success journey.













Examples of Printables that “Think for the Customer”

Check our Meal Planner here!

Check our Home Cleaning Planner here!

Check our Prayer Journal here!

Check our Road Trip Planner here!

Check our Camping Trip Planner here!

Would You Use It?

Why is this important If your printable does not pass this easy test, your promotional efforts won’t be effective. You can clearly hear the difference in your friends' voices when they recommend a product that they love and use daily, versus one they might use once in a while. When they talk about the product they use all the time their voice is filled with passion and excitement. That’s the same way your promotional content needs to come across - if it doesn’t, your audience will notice. If you’re not excited about your product, why should your audience be?

What is this? One little trick to know if your printable will sell well is to ask yourself, “Will I actually use this printable I’m creating?” If the answer is no, then it might not be the best product to create. If you won’t spend time printing it out or using it, then others won’t either.

A good way to use this test is to print out your completed product and give it to someone who will benefit from it. If it’s a kids planner, give it to your child and see if they like it and use it. If it’s a cleaning printable guide, give it to your mom in law and get her feedback. Just kidding, give it to a good friend. Another way is to see if you actually use it yourself? Do you like your product enough to use it? It’s a common phrase in sales to say, “Are you buying what you’re selling?”. If not, then it’ll come across in your promotional content and your audience will know. I love creating printables, but my favorite and most used one is my “Year at a Glance” wall calendar. I’ve used it for the past 4 years. I print it out on a 18x24 poster board and stick it to the wall. Then I write down everything on it for the whole year. It’s a way to keep the entire family on the same page (or poster board in this case). Everytime we have company, I show it to them. I'm like a puppy with a new toy.

List 5 ways to improve your printable

Easy Implementation Print out your printable and see if you use it. If it’s not designed for you, give a copy to someone in your audience and see if they actually use it.

5 Ways to Apply: Print and use your printable. If you don’t like it or use it, improve it. Ask yourself, are you excited and proud to sell your product?

Feedback from Friends/Family Name:

Ask yourself, can you include anything else to make it more valuable? If you’re not excited about your product, what do you need to change? If you’re bored or unmotivated to work on your business, how can you pivot to get that excitement back?

Baby step, Giant leaps: Are you buying what you’re selling? If you wouldn’t want to spend your printer ink and effort printing out your printable and using it, why would your customer?



Forget Fancy Fonts Why is this important If you try to be too cute and use all the fancy fonts, it could look childish and be difficult to read.

I remember as a child I could recognize the “Disney” logo but I never knew the first part of the word was a capital D. Only as a teenager could I finally “see the D.” Disney is an obvious exception to this rule because they’re a worldwide company. They can get away with being a little fancy with their fonts. It’s not as easy for a new blogger or entrepreneur online.

What is it? When it comes to creating printables, it’s much like putting together an outfit. I heard it once said that before you leave the house, remove one accessory. It’s easy to add “just one more thing” and make your printable look “cheap”. And one of the most common ways I see this is by pairing two or more fancy fonts. While by themselves they look great, together they’re a mess. If your printable causes someone to feel confused, stressed or overwhelmed just by looking at it, it won’t sell as well. Include white space, pair fonts well, use only one fancy font and one easy to read font on your designs, keep it simple. More isn’t always better when it comes to graphics and colors and fonts. Highlight one part of your page, not every inch.

Easy Implementation If your printable has more than one girly, curly, pretty, cute or fancy font, remove it. You can always make a duplicate of your printable and test out new fonts or styles on the second copy so you don’t change the first. Here is a great font guide by Canva.

Baby step, Giant leaps: Look at your printable and decide which styling element of it is just a bit too much. Could you simplify the feel of it and include some white space?

Simple Yet Pretty & Clean Designed Printable

Poorly Designed Printable

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The Ink


While it is a wonderful perk to receive a digital file instantly, it comes with the cost of needing to print it out if you physically want to use it. Now not all printables have to be printed out, but when they are, they have to pass the Ink Test.

The INK TEST Why is this important If your printable is not worth the trouble of printing out, is it worth the trouble of buying? Printers are notorious for being difficult to work with. Many corporate movies have a funny scene regarding a printer, and quick search online provides hundreds of printer memes.

There are two tests in this section, because there are two main reasons why someone would not want to use their ink and print out your printable. And if they don’t even want to print it out, they will not be interested in buying it in the first place. Test #1: If your printable is too heavy on ink, the user will be very hesitant to spend $28 of ink on your printable that has color from corner to corner. Solution: Offer a Printer Friendly version. Test #2: If your printable is not useful enough, the user won’t go through the effort of battling with the printer to get it to print one document. Solution: Improve the value of your printable.

Easy Implementation

Baby step, Giant leaps:

So what do you do? To pass Test #1: Adding lots of beautiful colors to your printable and displaying it online is an eye-catching method to market it. And I highly encourage using well matching colors to make your printable pop. But on your sales page, offer a Printer Friendly version too as a bonus. To pass Test #2: Think to yourself, would I print this out? Would I actually, truly, use it? Products that easily pass the second test are well designed children’s learning printables, calendars, habit trackers, comparison charts, lookup tables, checklists, etc. Of course they might not print out every single page in your printable product, but you do want to include a few highly valuable “print me” pages.

The smart thing to do here is to create a “pretty and colorful” version of your printable, and then also a printer friendly version. Use the colorful one in your marketing but offer both in the same purchase to your customer. You can also include on the sales page that they’ll receive a printer friendly version as well. Kids Gratitude Journal Printables

From this

3 Ways to Implement the Ink Test: Test yourself. Did you print out your printable to use it to test it's user friendliness? Remove background colors, thick fonts and ink heavy images for the printer friendly version. Customers could just use "gray scale" on their printer, but think of how you can minimize ink usage in your printer friendly version while keeping all the usefulness of the product. Include a Printer Friendly version of your product on your sales page.

To this

Create an

Offer, Not a Product SPECIAL OFFER

Why is this important If you create an offer your product will stand apart from others and you can charge higher prices.

What is it? To set your printable apart from all the other cute printables on the internet, you need to sell more than “just a printable.” Set your product apart by turning it into a unique offer - one they can not get from someone else. For example, you can create a cleaning challenge printable and combine it with a 30 day email support sequence, a 5 video mini-course and room-by-room cleaning checklists. Now instead of just having a $5 cleaning challenge printable, you have a unique offer that you can sell for $27 or more. It’s a unique offer and sets you apart from other “just printables” online. As your business grows, your offer can become larger and grow too. Of course, you don’t need to have all the elements when you’re starting out, but it’s a good goal to work towards. When you have a beautiful offer, you need to show it off. This is easiest to do if you create a stand-alone sales page for your offer. Both of these steps, creating an offer and displaying it well on a sale page can do wonders for your sales.

Your printable will instantly stand apart from the sea of products on Etsy. While starting on Etsy is a fine idea, you’ll have so much more control over the price and conversions of your product when you have your own platform. And all your bonuses add to the uniqueness of your offer.

Easy Implementation Think about additional elements you can add to your printable to help your customer accomplish their goal faster. What would help you if you were facing the same problem?

5 Ways to Apply: Do market research and see what your competitors are offering, how can you improve on their product? Brainstorm ways how you can “hold your customer’s hands” and help them accomplish their goal. Add a video, audiobook, ebook, email sequence, etc to your current offer. Can you add case studies or interviews with your customers to your offer? Is our product completely helping your customer get from point A to point B? If not, what can you add to help them be successful on their journey?

Baby step, Giant leaps:

Use the worksheet to plan the different parts of your offer. You do not need to add all of these elements to your offer. Choose a few and start making sales, you can always add more with each relaunch of your product.



Signature Course

Teaches the main process to go from problem to solution


Teaches the main process in book form

Email Course

Reminds and encourages the student to continue completing the course

Mini Companion Course

Deeper dive into the most interesting or fun part of the process

Secrets or Mistakes

Creates curiosity to make entire offer more enticing


Helps student feel in control and capable of completing the course


Breaks down difficult calculations

Cheat Sheet

Helps to speed up the implementation process

List of Resources

What tools or equipment to use to implement the solution

Featured Experts

To show how others have done it which motivates the student

Templates or Swipe Files

Copy and Paste Easy


Ensure right steps are followed

Support/ Community

Where to get additional help


Makes an online course feel more real


Recommended Resources Printify Sales Page

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Get it Here!

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Use a


Why is this important If you want to grow quickly and save time, there are resources to help you!

Nobody wants to sit in front of their computer all day long. That’s not the life we want or the one we teach our students. I want to go outside, smell the fresh air, go for a walk, explore new places, explore the beauty God has created, and disconnect from a screen. The last thing I want when I’m a little old lady is to say I spent most of my life in front of a screen.

What is this? When you find yourself spending too much time on your printable and you’re not making progress - use a shortcut. Get a printable template and customize and tweak it. Add your own content to it and spruce it up with your colors. Then use it as a freebie to grow your email list or a small product in your store. Using a template can save you months of work! And they’re not expensive for the amount of time you’ll be saving. If your time is worth $20 per hour, and it takes an hour to design a beautiful page,

it’ll take you 50 hours to design one of our templates in our store as most of them are 50 pages. That’s 50 hours X $20 = $1,000 worth of your time. Most of the templates in our store are under $100. So take advantage of the huge time, cost and energy savings. You’ll get your business up and running faster - so you can get back to the most important things in life. While building a printable business online can give you a life of freedom, make sure you’re not spending all your freedom right now creating it.

Easy Implementation Browse our store filled with professionally designed templates and launch your product today!

5 Steps to Implement: Step 1: Browse the store and purchase a gorgeous template Step 2: Customize the template and add your own content, colors, and branding Step 3: Use 1-2 pages as a freebie to grow your email list Step 4: Use the entire template and list it on your store or use it in your funnel Step 5: Promote it to your audience with beautiful mockup images

Baby step, Giant leaps: Use any of the done-for-you templates in our store to save time and build a printable product quickly.

Some of our pretty template

Get these templates here! You may also check out what's on sale today!

Check out what's on SALE here!

Keep Making It Better There have been times when John and I dreamt about changing our niche to a more evergreen topic. Creating products that involve technology (like recommending software) can be difficult at times because technology is always changing. Not only do strategies get improved over time, but all the tech does too. So it’s crucial that we keep our products updated.

Why is this important Selling an outdated or flawed product is not sustainable.

What is this? No matter what niche you’re in, if it changes drastically or slowly, you’re required to keep your products updated to keep your business humming. The first version of your printable will not be your last version. Continuously improving your product is crucial to its long-term success. Use customer feedback to make improvements and updates to your product to ensure it stays relevant and valuable to your target audience. Even if it’s a planner or a static printable, think of ways you can use your customer feedback to improve it. Negative feedback is a wonderful opportunity to make improvements. Don’t be dismayed if someone finds a flaw with your product. Thank them for the feedback because others may feel the same, and thank goodness someone took the time to let you know. Now you can improve it and make more sales! I normally send the improved product to my customers who have already purchased the product, as a thank you. Since it’s a digital product it does not cost me anything to give it to existing customers. While I could be charging them for the updated version and make a few more sales, I’d rather build brand loyalty and trust. In the long run, that pays off more than a few extra sales.

Easy Implementation Use customer feedback to continuously make improvements to your product. If you don’t have any customers yet, read reviews of similar products online and find ways to improve your printable. With each update, you can relaunch it to your list and show off the new updates!

5 Things to Improve About Your Product: If your product is outdated, update it. If there is a flaw with your product, fix it. If your product’s name is confusing, change it to a clearer, catchier name.

Baby step, Giant leaps: Think of ways you can improve your printable. Make the improvements and send the updated product to past customers free of charge. This is a great time to ask for testimonials too.

If your product does not solve the problem well for your audience, improve it. If you get any negative feedback, improve your product. Ways I can Improve my Printable based on customer feedback

Checklist of Essentials that Make a Printable Sell Like Hotcakes Spend a lot of time on market research. Spend at least 1 hour of your time per week doing market research

Stop thinking about yourself Try to put yourself in your audience's position to have a better point of view of a day in their life.

Basic Design Principles for Printables Go through your past or current printables and apply these steps: 1) choose a color scheme, 2) use attractive fonts, 3) add graphics and images, 4) balance the design, 5) use whitespace effectively, and 6) keep it simple to make your printables more visually appealing.

Half Content, Half Design Save weeks of work and use any of our templates to customize and brand the printable to your business. Add your own valuable content.

Add Valuable Details Help your audience solve their little problems while accomplishing the big goal.

Nobody Wants to Think Create printables that do all the thinking for your customer and highlight them on your promotional material.

Would You Use It? Create printables that make you want to print them out and write on them.

Forget Fancy Fonts Look at your printable and see if it fits the style you want. Make it as simple yet as beautiful as possible.

The Ink Test Create a pretty and colorful version of your printable, and also a printer-friendly version. Use the colorful version in your marketing & offer the printer-friendly version as a bonus on your sales page.

Keep Making It Better Think of ways to improve your printable, make the changes, and send the updated version to your past customers free of charge.

Create an Offer, not a Product Stand out from your competition by creating an offer, and not just selling a product. Let your offer solve the customer's problem in a variety of ways.

Use a Template Use any of our done-for-you templates in the store to save time and build your printable product quickly.

Pricing Your Product Search for similar products in your niche and price your product based on those. As you grow your offer and customer base, you can then increase your prices.

Stand Alone Create a gorgeous sales page where you can display your printable beautifully.

Add Bonuses on Your Sales Page Have some small bonus printables you can add to your offer that helps the customers get success faster.

Bump Up Your Profits! Create a great bump offer that you can add to your printable.

Use Your Audience's Language Improve your sales copy on all of your content by using the data from your market research.

Show Yourself Record a video of yourself showing how excited you are about your product. and add it to your sales page.

Make Your Product Come to Life Use the Social Media Template pack in our store to speed up your marketing and show off your beautiful product easily.

Add Testimonials Email and ask your past customers for their feedback on your product.





Your Product

Why is this important If you price your product too high, it won’t sell. If you price it too low, you could jeopardize future product sales and hurt your current sales.

What is it? When it comes to pricing your product, there is lots of advice online. And of course, I have my bit of advice to share too! After selling digital products online for almost a decade, I can honestly say I’ve tried all types of strategies. From pennies to thousands of dollars, there is a wide range of pricing methods you can apply. Here’s my advice and what’s worked for me and my students. 1. Price your first printable low, especially if you’re on a marketplace like Etsy and you have a lot of competition. 2. Start low and slowly increase your product’s price as you get more testimonials and add more to your offer to increase it’s value.

3. As your product price increases, you can run better sales as well. 4. If you’re on your own platform, have a gorgeous sales page filled with testimonials and lots of wonderful bonuses, and increase the price of your offer. In the beginning, I would rather offer my product for a little less than I want and delight my customers to encourage great testimonials. Once you have an established brand and reputation, then you can increase prices. Your first few sales are there to boost your confidence and grow your customer base - it’s not to make crazy profits just yet. Those profits will come as you continue to build your product portfolio and customer base. I’ve included broad guidelines for pricing on what has worked for me and what I’ve seen work for others. These are suggestions to follow, but I highly advise doing market research in your own niche as well, before deciding on a price for your product.

Easy Implementation Do market research and see what your competitors are pricing their products at. If your product is similar, follow the same pricing model. Then as you build your product into a beautiful offer, you can increase your price.

$97-$297 for a big offer (signature course with lots of bonuses) $97+ per hour for 1:1 coaching $1,000+ for high ticket offers (long term 1:1 coaching, done-for-you services, etc)

Broad Guidelines: 5 Levels of Pricing $1-$10 for a small printable pack or ebook $17-$47 for a small offer (printable, mini course, workbook, ebook, etc)

List of Products in Similar Niches

Baby step, Giant leaps: Look at similar products in your niche and price your product similarly in the beginning. Once you’ve converted your product into an irresistible offer, then you can increase prices.


S t aStand n d Alone Alone Why is this important This simple action will allow you to stand apart in a crowded market and charge higher prices.

What is this? One of the easiest ways to set your product apart from others, especially if it’s a saturated or popular niche, is to actually, set it apart by putting it on its own sales page. It’s difficult to make sales on a marketplace like Etsy when you’re the 100th fitness planner - but it’s easier to make sales when your product is displayed beautifully on its own page. You can think of this in a very real-world way by comparing Walmart and a boutique shop. Walmart has 8 different red shirts you can get for $5 each, all piled on top of each other, looking a bit messy. But in a boutique, there is just one red shirt, beautifully on display, looking cute with a price tag of $55. You’ll pay more for the boutique shirt because it’s better marketed and does not have the competition of other products driving down its price. It also appears to be of higher quality, because how it is displayed gives it importance. Presentation matters, a lot. You could brew the exact same cup of tea and put one in a styrofoam cup and one in an antique porcelain cup with a doilie and a little crumpet on the side. The customer will end up paying 10x more for the tea in the fancy cup, even though it’s the same tea. The same applies to your printables. Display them beautifully on their own sales page.

Easy Implementation Use the Printify Sales Page template, or create your own on the system you’re using, and create a sales page for your most popular printable. If you have multiple products, you do not have to create a sales page for every single one, even though it’s a great idea. Start with your most popular printable and go from there. You can still keep your shop to make sales too. But I would send most of my traffic straight to a sales page, and not to a shop filled with distractions.

A sales page converts higher because: 1. There is no other competition on the same page 2. The product appears to be more important because it’s deserving of it’s own page 3. You have more space to include testimonials, images, and copy 4. There is one singular call to action 5. The page is focused (no menu, popups, sign up boxes, etc)

Baby step, Giant leaps: Create a gorgeous sales page for your printable and display it beautifully. You’ll have much higher conversions than selling it on a marketplace.

The Printify Sales Page Sales Page

Downsell Page Upsell Page

Thank You Page

Get Printify Sales Page here!



On Your Sales


Why is this important Bonuses can help you make more sales and repurpose smaller or older products.

Who doesn’t like to get something a little extra? Take for example the “free” bread rolls or tortilla chips at restaurants. I’m looking at you Red Lobster and your delicious cheese biscuits! I’m hungry just thinking about it. Little bonuses help you get and retain more clients.

What is it? You can do the same thing for your digital product business. Adding special bonuses to your sales pages can boost conversions dramatically. They can also be used as an incentive during a launch period. It’s an amazing way to boost your profits - just by adding bonuses to your already existing sales pages. If you already have a product you’re selling, or you’re creating your first one, think about unique bonuses you can add to your offer. Instead of just having a decluttering workshop, add a decluttering 30-day planner, or a checklist with 100 easy things to donate today. If you have a teenage planner, add a confidence-boosting mini ebook, or 50 motivational quote stickers. If you have older products that you no longer sell, use them as bonuses if they fit well with the main offer.

Think of little bonuses that you can add to your product to make it stand apart. I’ve bought many products because the bonuses were so good and worked so well with the main product! Bonuses, like bumps, should aim to help the buyer get success faster and easier. If they accomplish any one of those goals, they’ll help improve sales.

5 Bonuses That Help Any Offer: Checklists Special Group Coaching Call Case Studies Cheat Sheets or Cliff Notes Templates

Baby step, Giant leaps: Think of small bonuses products or printables you can add to your offer to help the buyer get success faster or easier.

Brainstorm Bubbles

Bump Up

Your Profits

Why is this important You can add a 10-50% lift easily to your average order value with a great bump.

We’ve had bumps on our checkout pages for years now and it’s a fantastic way to boost your profits a bit. We’ve had bumps that don’t fit perfectly well with the main product convert at 5%, and bumps that fit perfectly well with the main product that converts at 50%. It’s an easy way to increase your average order value without doing any additional advertising or creating an entirely new sales process.

What is it? If you don’t know what a bump is, it’s an additional product that can be added to your order and it’s usually close to the checkout form on your webpage. Think of it as the stick of gum or delicious snickers bar you grab as you checkout at the grocery store. Bumps that work well are typically things like: 1. A mini ebook 2. A short workbook

3. Cheatsheets 4.Templates 5.A big list of ideas 6.Stock Images 7.The main product in a different form (think audio files, PDF, etc) 8.Faster delivery (if shipping products) 9.Customization 10.A workshop or mini training

Easy Implementation Use any one of the beautiful and professionally designed templates in our store as a bump to quickly boost your average order value.

5 Tips for Great Bumps: The best types of bumps that convert really well have a few characteristics: 1. They are the same price or lower than the main product 2. They relate well to the main product 3. They are easy to describe and explain Bumps only take up a small spot on your page, so you’ll need to explain what it is and sell it in 2-3 short sentences. 4. Include a great visual image 5. They make the problem easier or faster to solve

Baby step, Giant leaps: Brainstorm what a great bump could be to your printable product and add it to your checkout form and process. We suggest checking these products out to build a high converting bump.

Ebook Template

Get the Ebook Template here! Workbook Template

Get the Workbook Template here!



Make Your Product

Come to Life Why is this important It’s important to display and showcase your digital product so your audience can see what they’re purchasing.

A year after I created my first digital product I was playing around with different ways to make it stand out and pop when showing it on my website. Back in those days I would play in PowerPoint all the time and even create all my freebies or printables in it too. I still love the program but I used it more a few years ago because Canva was painfully slow. Now that Canva has become a powerful program, I’ve used it more. But I digress.

After struggling to put three kids under 4 years old to bed, I had no more energy in me to create any type of content. So I just played with a few mockups of my freebie on PowerPoint while watching an episode of The Office. And voila, in those 20 minutes, I made the highest converting image of my freebie ever. Sometimes genius strikes at random times. So don’t underestimate the baby steps you take every day to grow your business sometimes it’s those little ideas that give the biggest boost.

What is this? One of the difficult things when it comes to selling digital products is conveying its value to the reader. It can be hard for the user to visually see it - so you’ll have to do the hard work for them. If they can’t clearly see what they’re getting, they won’t purchase it. If your audience has any confusion about the product, your sales will suffer. The confused mind never buys. I highly recommend creating beautiful mockups of your printables. You can do it directly in Canva, PowerPoint or any graphic design program. You’ll use these valuable images on your sales page, your social media marketing and any promotional elements you create.

Easy Implementation The fastest way to implement this amazing secret is to get the Social Media Template pack so you can create dozens of mockups for your printable in a few minutes. These images can be used on all social media platforms, on your website, Etsy shop, or promotional materials. It’s honestly my favorite part about creating a product - seeing it come to life in the mockup images!

Baby step, Giant leaps: You can use the Social Media Template pack here to speed up your marketing efforts and show off your beautiful product easily.

5 Ways to Apply Create multiple mockup images of your printable and share them often to your audience. Update your landing pages and sales pages with improved images. To get engagement, create a few different mockups and ask your audience which one they like the most. People love to give their quick opinion. And bonus, you work with your audience which is always super fun! Print out your product and take pretty pictures of it to use online. Show yourself or your audience using your product. The 100 Social Media Promotion Images

Get these beautiful Social Media Promotion Images here!


Testimonials Why is this important Great testimonials give credibility to your product.

Be honest here, when you purchase a product from Amazon, do you read the product description first or scroll right down to the reviews section? And if a product does not have any reviews, how does that make you feel? A bit hesitant to spend your money right? You should apply that same logic when selling your own product. Even just a handful of testimonials can dramatically increase your sales.

In your product follow up email sequences, ask for testimonials. Reach out to past customers and ask how you can help them or what they liked about your product. Send out surveys and ask for testimonials. Don’t be afraid to engage with your customers and get their feedback. If it’s negative, that will help you build better products. If it’s positive, it’ll help you make more sales. Either way, win-win!

What is it?

Easy Implementation

There are many elements to building a high converting sales page and selling a product online, but one of the biggest levers you can pull to have the biggest impact, are testimonials.

The easiest way to get testimonials is to ask for them. And if you don’t have a large customer base yet, ask your friends and family. Share your product with them and ask for their honest feedback. As soon as you make sales, ask your customers for feedback too. If the feedback is great, add it to your sales page. If it’s not great, improve your product.

It’s one thing when you proclaim your product is great, it’s a whole other thing when 10 people proclaim it too! Their words carry more weight than yours.

5 Ways to Apply: Ask friends and family for testimonials. Even testimonials about you, and not your product, work too! For example: “Suzi is a super caring person and always tries to find the simplest solution to a difficult problem” - John

Some Testimonials from our Products

$4,000+ per month with printables! My sales increase each month and I finally work from home full-time selling printables!

Frequently ask for feedback and testimonials from your customers. Setup an automated email sequence that asks for testimonials after a purchase Use your best testimonials in promotional images and content

$1,585 with my first digital product launch YOU have been, by far, the biggest help in getting my blog/business off the ground and coached me through my very first small digital product launch.

Display your testimonials boldly on your sales pages $7,000 with a small list Made in total around $7000 with the launch and I only launched it to my segmented list of 300 people.

Baby step, Giant leaps: $5,000/Month from a Confidence Building Course

Email your past customers and ask for their feedback on your product. Use the negative feedback to make improvements, and ask if you can use the positive feedback as testimonials. Use those testimonials in promotional content and on your sales page.

“Yesss!! I‘m so happy, I just got to a new milestone and I‘m now making with this course around $5000 revenue/month and it’s really thank’s to your course.”

Use Your

Audience's Language

Why is this important When you use your audience’s language in your content you’ll make a deeper connection with them and have higher conversions.

What is my AUDIENCE'S LANGUAGE? One of the most fun ways to relate to your audience and make a real connection with them, is to use their lingo in your copy. This can be the text on your products, on your sales pages, blog posts and emails. If you know your audience loves JRR Tolkien, then reference the hobbits in your writing. If they love Friends, use little examples of how funny Phoebe’s run is. I love when I read a sales page of a product I’m interested in, and it just feels like they “get me.” When your audience learns about your product, the biggest compliment is when they discover your product and just have to exclaim out loud, “that’s me!”. That’s when you’ve made an emotional connection and they feel heard and understood.

Think about this - if you’re sitting at dinner with your husband explaining a problem you have, and he looks into your eyes, intensely listening to your every word, repeating back what you’ve said and understanding your feelings - don’t you just melt? Now think about the opposite. You’re sharing a problem with your husband and he’s a bit zoned out but picks up a few words, and when you’re done, he instantly blurts out a solution. No emotion, no listening, no connection. How do you feel then? In both scenarios he might have suggested the same solution, but it’s how he did it that made all the difference.

Connecting with your reader is what really great copy is. And that’s how you can write amazing sales pages without feeling salesy. Just relate to your audience on their level, get to know them, and make them feel heard. Who doesn’t want that? We so often fall into the trap of preaching to our audience through our sales page “buy now, buy now, buy now” vs building a relationship first and then asking for a purchase.

Easy Implementation Create a Voice of Audience spreadsheet with columns titled “I want/I wish”, “I love”, “I hate”, “Unique Phrases”. Then whenever you receive an email or a comment where your audience begins the sentence with “I wish…” copy and paste that text on your Voice of Audience spreadsheet. When they use cute or unique phrases, add that to your spreadsheet too. You’ll be building up a database of words you can use on your sales copy and content. This spreadsheet will become gold to you

5 Ways to Apply this Secret: Create a Voice of Audience spreadsheet Spend time on market research Brainstorm your audience’s hobbies and interests Update your copy and sales pages to reflect your audience’s language Survey your audience to get to know them better

Baby step, Giant leaps: Use your market research and what you know about your audience and improve your sales copy on all of your content. Begin with focusing on your promotional content and sales pages. TV shows my audience love

Movies my audience loves

Where does my audience shop

Phrases or words that resonate with my audience

What makes my audience laugh

How can I relate more to my audience?

The hobbies of my audience

Show Yourself Why is this important On your sales page, record a video of yourself using the printable. Make it relatable, show your personality, and that you’re a real person. We’re always A/B testing different parts of our business to see what converts better. Recently we’ve added a video to our sales page that talks about the product and shares how it can help. It’s very non-salesy and pretty long at almost 10 minutes. So it’s the complete opposite of a 30 second commercial. And it’s been converting really well! The reason why I think it’s converting so well is because it builds trust with the reader. Instead of just scrolling through a sales page, the reader is getting to know the creator and understanding more about the product.

What is it? Adding a short, but not rushed or salesy, video to your sales page can help improve conversions. It’s much easier to trust a random sales page online with a video of a sweet person greeting you and telling you about the product, versus a sales page without any faces or filled with stock images. From a young age, we’ve been programmed to trust kind faces. So smile, be proud of your product, and convey your positive attitude - if you don’t even love your product in a 5minute video, how do you expect someone else to?

Easy Implementation Use your phone and record a quick video of yourself talking about your product. If you’re excited and proud of your product, you don’t have to be salesy, it’ll come across naturally.

5 Ways to Apply: Print out your product and make a video of yourself using and talking about it Do a screen recording of yourself talking about your product Add testimonial videos of your customers talking about your product If you can, A/B test your original sales page versus the sales page with the video Send the video to your entire email list with a call to action to checkout your product

3 Things to Highlight

Baby step, Giant leaps: Print out your product and record a 5 minute video of yourself sharing how excited you are about it. Go through the bullet points in your sales page and highlight how the product will help your buyer. For bonus points, answer any objects your buyer might have. Then add the video to your sales page, of course.

3 Objections to Answer

Don't Start All The


Why is this important You need traffic to your shop or sales page to make a profit.

What are the best types of traffic sources? The best type of traffic source is one where your audience hangs out and you can get some of those visitors to your own sales page. It is very dependent on your niche. Most niches have multiple traffic sources they can tap into. If you’re selling real estate printables, using LinkedIn and Twitter and podcasting are great places to promote your products. If you’re selling kids activity printables, using Facebook, Instagram and YouTube are all great places. Think of the places your audience hangs out and promote there. If you had a health and fitness book, you’d put flyers in the local gyms, not at the pub. Over the years we’ve experimented with different traffic sources, here are our takeaways. Blogging for Traffic Pros

YouTube Pros

Easy to start

Fantastic way to build your brand and connect with viewers

Can use AI for help and inspiration to make writing easier/faster

Converts well to sales of your own product or an affiliate product

SEO traffic converts 2x better than cold traffic Continues to bring in traffic every month Cons

Can easily repurpose bits of the video for promotional content Cons Have to be on camera

Takes time to grow good traffic Needs lots of good content

Takes a bit more effort Need to optimize for search results

Facebook Pros

Email Marketing Pros

Super easy to use

Converts very well to your products

Great place to engage with your audience

Can be automated with email sequences and automations

Cons Organic posts with a link do not get much exposure

Cons Takes time and effort to grow an email list

Paid traffic can be difficult and expensive without experience Podcasting Pros Easy to create Builds a great connection and brand

Cons Difficult to get traffic to your sales page

There are plenty of other traffic sources you can tap into to get visitors to your sales page. I’ve personally stayed away from platforms like Instagram and Tiktok, not because they’re bad for our business, I know they could bring in fantastic traffic - I just personally do not like them. Choose 1-2 traffic sources and stick with them for a while. Do not try to tap into all the traffic sources at once. You’ll burn out and waste your time. All of the traffic sources are like vehicles that could bring you visitors. But you can’t start a car, an airplane, a train, a motorcycle, and a boat at the same time. Choose 1-2 modes of traffic and “drive them for a while.” Once you’re comfortable with your traffic strategy, then add another vehicle to bring traffic to your sales page.

Here are additional traffic and promotional strategies you can use: Add a buy button to your website’s home page Add a promotional section on relevant blog posts Add a Call To Action on your Facebook page Create multiple pin images for your printable and share on Pinterest Promote on Facebook promotional days in relevant groups Do a Facebook Live and share how great your product is Write a guest post and link back to the sales page Share your product on your About me page Do a YouTube video about a part of your product and link to it in the description Share your product with your email list with a coupon code Build an army of great affiliates for your product Do a guest interview with a complementary creator and promote your product If your product is selling well organically, start small with Facebook ads and scale up

Baby step, Giant leaps: Choose 1-2 traffic sources where your audience hangs out and promote your product with excitement and beautiful mockup images.




Build Out Your Funnel

Why is this important A well built funnel can take a lowpriced printable and 10x it’s order value through well created bumps, upsells and downsells.

In 2016 I sold my first little ebook. I woke up on Sunday morning to a little notification on my phone saying I’ve made $17. I was ecstatic! I did it! I created something and made money from it. Wow!! Little did I know that would only be the beginning. And that’s how it will be for you too. You’ll create your first little digital product and make sales. Then slowly you’ll create more, and in time, you’ll be able to connect them through a funnel. And that’s when your income can go from a few thousand a month to being able to buy a new car every month. Don’t be intimidated by this strategy right now. It takes time to build your funnels. And honestly, you don’t need 100 funnels. If you have 1-2 funnels that work really well, you can be very successful.

What is it? A sales funnel is a set of steps that takes the customer from browsing to buying. The top of the funnel is when a person is not even aware your business exists yet, and the bottom of the funnel is when they’ve made a purchase. There are multiple steps from discovering your business to being interested enough to visit your product’s sales page. What I want to dive into is the bottom of the funnel once a visitor wants to buy your product. At the bottom of your funnel, when someone is about to click the buy button, you have a golden opportunity. You’ve done a lot of work up to this point to have the visitor get to know you and trust you enough to buy a product. Now this is where our $5 printable can turn into a $100 sale. If you use a sales funnel software you’ll have the ability to create bumps, upsells and downsells. If they like the main product, they might like your other products too.

Baby step, Giant leaps: Review the “Create an Offer, not a Product” secret and think of different products you can add to your funnel to fill it out. Instead of just selling your main printable, offer complementary products in your funnel to maximize your profit. Your $5 printable can have a $10 bump, a $95 upsell and a $45 downsell. Not everyone will take every offer in your funnel, but if it’s well designed and the products work well together, you’ll have good conversions. Your small $5 original sale can turn into 10x as much! Initially, you can fill your funnel with printables - but as your business grows, think of different types of digital products that you can create. Workshops, online courses, ebooks, or 1:1 coaching all work well for funnels.

Easy Implementation Use the Prinfity sales page and funnel template to help you launch your small digital product business in record time. This template includes a main sales page, bumps, upsell page, downsell page and a thank you page. It works perfectly for a printable funnel.

5 Great Bump Ideas: Checklist





5 Great Upsell Ideas: Signature Course Ebook



1:1 Coaching

5 Great Downsell Ideas: Signature Course Payment Plan Templates

Group Coaching



Funnel MAP Price PRODUCT

The Promise:




Price The Promise:

The Promise:


Price The Promise:

Thank You Page

We recommend checking out ThriveCart for creating sales funnels. CLICK HERE!


Your List

Why is this important Printables can be used not only to sell as products, but also to grow your email list. An engaged email list can bring in on average a $1 per subscriber per month.

What is it? While there are many ways to interact with your customers - from podcasting to youtube, to social media, to live videos - the most consistent and profitable method I’ve used is email marketing. It also takes the least amount of effort and I can do it without having to wash my hair or put on makeup. Now that’s the business I want to run :) You can build email sequences that delight, encourage, and help your subscriber. Some people buy as soon as they find you, and some people take a few more weeks to warm up. Nurturing your email list and keeping your list engaged is one of the most valuable things you can do. In a well-run online business, you can expect to make about $1 per subscriber on your list. So if you’ve grown your email list to 10,000 warm subscribers, you can realistically expect to make $10,000 that month if you do email marketing. I’ve used printables as freebies to grow my email list to almost 200,000 subscribers. The secret here is to create a printable that POPS! Since it’s a freebie, you’ll want to attract attention quickly as someone browses the internet. And then of course, make sure the content is good so they like your brand and purchase your paid products later on.

Easy Implementation Use any of these gorgeous templates and take 1-2 pages to use as a freebie. Customize the template and add your own content. Create a simple sign up page and promote your freebie.

5 Simple Steps to Email Marketing: Create a great freebie to grow your email list Promote your freebie with excitement Setup a welcome and nurture email sequence to keep your list engaged Run monthly sales or promotions on your products and share helpful content Reply back to your reader’s emails

Baby step, Giant leaps: Brainstorm a small printable pack (1-5 pages) that you can offer as a freebie to grow your email list. Be sure that your freebie is a good lead in to your paid products. For example: a free checklist to declutter your home to a paid decluttering ebook, and not a free checklist to declutter your home if you sell a fitness workbook.

What is one small win I can help my audience with? What printable can I create to help them achieve this small win? Refer back to the "10 Step Challenge" exercise for ideas.


M I NDS E T and


Carry Around A

Notebook Why is this important This small tweak in the way you work can make you much more productive.

When my kiddos were little it was so extremely difficult to get anything done. My time to sit in front of my computer and work was limited to an hour during the day and two at night when the little ones went to bed. But I actually got the same amount of work done as I do now. And now the sweet kids are in school. It’s all because I used my time very efficiently when they were little. Now that I have the time to work, I can get lazy. I scroll social media, I daydream about our next vacation, I brew just one more cup of coffee. I was so efficient when they were little because of one little thing - my notebook.

What is this? One of the biggest complaints about starting a new side hustle is that there just isn’t any time for it! Life is already busy enough. But if you work efficiently, you can get a day's worth of work done in 2 hours.

All it requires is a bit of planning. The last thing you want to do is waste your precious working time wondering what to do or wasting it scrolling social media. When you get time to work, use that time to work and push your business forward. Carry around a notebook so that you can do your thinking and planning while going about your daily life. While folding the laundry, jot down a few ideas, brainstorm products and plan out your schedule. Then, when you have your coffee brewed and you’re ready to work, you’ll spend time creating something, not just thinking about it. My little notebook kept me focused. I knew my work time was extremely limited so when I finally sat down in front of my laptop, I had to create content and push the business forward. It’s easy to “think I’m working” when I’m actually scrolling the internet without focus.

Easy Implementation Get a notebook or use your phone and jot down ideas as you go about your day. Implement those ideas when you get time to work.

5 Ways to Apply:


Get a notebook or use your phone to jot down quick ideas Have a wall filled with Post It notes to track your ideas Use the pomodoro technique to stay focused while working


Setup a weekly schedule with clear daily goals Use the Super Simple Weekly Schedule


Baby step, Giant leaps: Plan and think about what to do on your business and jot it down in your notebook. Don’t waste your precious working time to plan, it’s then time to execute.


Saturday If I only had one hour per day to work on my business, what would be the most important thing to do. Plan your most productive schedule using the boxes below. Monday


Take a

Day Off

Why is this important If you never take a day off from working on your online business you’ll run into the very real chance of burning out and giving up completely. Ever feel like if you’re not working on your business you’re falling behind? And while you know you’re exhausted, even thinking about taking a day off causes you more anxiety. Let this little secret give you permission to rest. Remind yourself it’s much more important to stay consistent than to push yourself so hard you burn out. And the only way you can stay consistent and grow a business (which takes a long time) is if you allow yourself to rest when you need it.

but when you get “into the red” take a break. An exhausted mind can’t create. An overly stressed mindset is not focused on producing, it’s focused on surviving. I’ve never seen anyone paint a picture while being chased by a lion. I’ve had my best ideas, not sitting and staring at the computer, but while I’m outside walking, or cleaning the home, or after a good night of rest. You can not underestimate the power of a good night of sleep. The difference between going through your day tired versus going through your day after a restful night of sleep is day and night. I am completely a different person if I’m tired versus if I’m well-rested. I don’t think I’m very unique, so I’m 99% sure this small change will help you too. It’s not a very unique tip, but it’s one of the best, and often forgotten. It’s been proven that good sleep helps you be more creative.

What is it?

Easy Implementation

Creating printables and writing good copy takes a lot of creativity. You can’t create if you’re run down, stressed, or exhausted. We all manage our life with limitations and subpar energy -

When you feel at a loss for ideas or too overwhelmed, take a break, rest and recover. Read a book, go for a long walk, take a day off from your business. My best ideas come when I’m away from my computer.

5 Ways to Implement: Take one day a week completely off from working on your business. Our Sundays are 100% family and God time. Get good sleep. Don’t watch tv too late at night, cut caffeine and sugar in the evening, cool down your home, get comfy sheets, exercise, etc. We all know the things we should do for a better night of rest. Find ways to deal with any anxiety you have at night that keeps you from sleeping. Pray, journal, read, etc. Plan a minivacation or staycation so you have something to look forward to while you’re working hard on your business. Take a power nap if you can. Great ideas can come to you if you slow down and allow your mind to think.

Baby step, Giant leaps: If you’re struggling to be creative, rest and recover. Do something fun and let your brain recharge.

“List all the activities that help you recharge and feel rested again”

Conclusion Thank you again so much for investing in the Printables Secrets book. I pray that these secrets and strategies help build your successful printable business as they have helped us. After years of iterations and testing, these are the tried and true strategies I apply to every single printable I create. As stated at the beginning of this book, the goal of this book is NOT to be an in-depth step-by-step guide to building a printable business (we have a course for that). It is meant to give you secrets and tested strategies you can apply to get results quickly, with a big focus on creating the right printable that people want to buy. These small improvements done consistently over time will have dramatic long-term effects on your online business.

You can definitely do this. You don’t need fancy equipment or a doctorate degree, you just need a little consistency and excitement about what you’re selling.

Building a successful online business is not rocket science. You’ve learned much harder things in your life before this. There will be days when it feels overwhelming and like you’re not making progress. Just know that not all of your progress and work is done when you’re typing on your computer, a lot of the growth comes when you’re brainstorming ideas, talking to your spouse about your business, and doing market research offline.

Printables By Number

If you need step-by-step, click-by-click video tutorials that walk through everything you need to know to start and grow your printable business,

Get the signature Printables by Number course. I can’t wait to celebrate your first (or 100th) sale with you!



“I just wanted to say thank you so much for your Printables by Number course. Today I sold my first printable coloring book (well actually this is the first thing I have ever sold). So far I have made $300 off of a $3 coloring book I can’t believe it! This is such a confidence boost. Thank you for your help with a big personal win for me!”


"I have gone from being barely able to create a lead magnet to now creating 60+ page home organizing bundle packs and actually selling them (43 and counting)! 30 days in and I am close to $400. It’s a great feeling!!! What you taught me was so much more valuable than I can put into words. I can’t recommend you or this course enough!”


“Suzi you are absolutely amazing!! I opened an Etsy store for printable planners in the last week of October and already have almost 1200 sales. I have made more than $3000 till now in the Printables store. I wanted to thank you because your Printables course and your YouTube videos got me thinking about the niche I wanted to start on Etsy. God bless you and John for all the nothing-held-back help you provide! I am going to teach my son (who’s a freshman in college) because he wanted to help pay his tuition and is very interested in this.“


Get in touch


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