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Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley


   1   e    l   u    d   o    M

UNIT 1 Heroes and Villains (pp. 6-15) UNIT 2 Lifestyles (pp. 16-25)








people (character & appearance)

character adjectives; appearance; personal qualities antonyms; adjectives with  prepositions

- Characters Characters Larger Larger than Life (multiple (multiple choice) choice) - Beauty is in the eye of the the beholder (m/c cloze) - Lit Litera eratur ture e Corner: Corner: Scandal in Bohemia by Conan Doyle (T/F)

 jobs & places lifestyles the city & country

city life/country life; jobs & job qualities; describing places; parts of a town; commuting antonyms; adjectives with  prepositions; adj-n phrases

- A City Slicker Slicker or a Countr Countryy Lover? (T/F) (T/F) - signs (mult (multiple iple choice) - Cultu Culture re Clip: Celebra Celebration: tion: dream dream town USA (m/c cloze)

Self-Assessment Module 1 (pp. 26-27) – Curricular Cuts 1 (p. 28) – (History) Elizabeth’s Elizabeth’s Portraits

UNIT 3 Earth Calling (pp. 30-39)    2   e    l   u    d   o    M

UNIT 4 Travellers’ Tales (pp. 40-49)






the environment endangered species

environmental problems & solutions; endangered animals & protected species

- The Earth Earth in in our hands (T/F) - No ordinary ordinary zoo (m/c (m/c cloze) cloze) - RRS Ernest Shackleton Shackleton Captain’s Log (multiple choice)

holidays climate/weather transport

types of holidays, sites & resorts; climate & weather; holiday equipment; means of transport  prepositional phrases

- Looking Looking for the ideal ideal getaway? getaway? (multipl (multiple e matching – short texts) - Lit Litera eratur ture e Corner: Corner: Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift (multiple matching – missing sentences)

Self-Assessment Module 2 (pp. 50-51) – Curricular Cuts 2 (p. 52) – (Geography) The World’s Climates

UNIT 5 On Offer (pp. 54-63)    3   e    l   u    d   o    M

UNIT 6 Happy Days! (pp. 64-73)





shops and shopping clothes/accessories

types of shops & shopping; products; clothes; describing objects; gifts; homes  prepositional   phrases; antonyms

- Checking Checking out second-ha second-hand nd city (multiple (multiple choice) - signs & notices notices (multipl (multiple e choice) choice) - Cultu Culture re Clip: Styles Styles of Homes Homes (multiple (multiple matching)

celebrations festivals & events

traditional celebrations & customs; festive activities; feelings; greetings cards verbs with prepositions

- A Tradit Traditional ional Irish Irish Wedding Wedding (T/F) - Cultu Culture re Clip: Bizarre Bizarre Annual Annual Events Events in the UK (multiple matching)

Self-Assessment Module 3 (pp. 74-75) – Curricular Cuts 3 (p. 76) – Maths

UNIT 7 Eating out! (pp. 78-87)    4   e    l   u    d   o    M

UNIT 8 Fit for Life (pp.. 88(pp 88-97) 97)





places to eat food and drinks

restaurant-related words; the supermarket; recipes & cooking methods; tastes; cutlery, crockery & appliances; quantities; menus verbs with prepositions

- A Taste Taste of Toronto Toronto (multiple matching – short texts) - Lit Litera eratur ture e Corner: Corner: Charlie & the Chocolate Factory  by Roald Dahl (comprehension questions)

sports accidents and injuries

types of sports; sport injuries; places & equipment; personal qualities adjectives with prepositions


The Last Last Great Race (T/F) messages messa ges (multi (multiple ple choice) signs (mult (multiple iple match matching) ing) Litera Lit eratur ture e Corner: Corner: The Olympic Anthem (reading for specific information)

Self-Assessment Module 4 (pp. 98-99) – Curricular Cuts 4 (p.100) – (Science) A Balanced Diet

UNIT 9 Going out! (pp. 102-111)    5   e    l   u    d   o    M

UNIT 10 Fast Forward (pp. 112-121)






entertainment the arts charity

types of entertainment; cinema & films; reviews; books & newspapers; TV jobs/  programmes; theatre; charity  prepositional phrases; phrases; regrets

- Pick of the the Week (multip (multiple le matching matching – short texts) - Graff Graffiti iti – Is it Art? Art? (open cloze) - Cultur Culture e Corner: Corner: Comic Relief Relief (completing (completing a summary)

technology education

teenagers & technology; gadgets; education & technology; means of communication; text messages; processes;; science; faults processes  prepositional phrases; compound  nouns; antonyms

- All About Britain’s Teenagers (multiple choice) - Cultu Culture re Corner: Corner: The Education Education System System of  the UK & the USA (completing missing information in tables)

Self-Assessment Module 5 (pp. 122-123) – Curricular Cuts 5 (p. 124) – (Art & Design) Styles of painting Son ongs gsh hee eets ts 11-5 5 (p (pp p. 12 1255-13 130 0) Irregular Verbs (p. 131)


Gramm Gra mmar ar Ref efe ere renc nce e Sect ctio ion n (p (pp. p. 13 1322-14 141) 1) Word List (pp. 142-151)

Ame Am eri rica can n Eng ngli lish sh-B -Bri riti tish sh En Engl gliish Gu Guiide (p (p.1 .152 52))





present simple/  continuous; stative verbs; adverbs of frequency; question words Phrasal verbs: GET 

- multip multiple le cho choice ice - mul multip tiple le match matching ing (missing sentences)

describing fictional characters; making choices; socialising; describing people intonation – expressing surprise & concern

- a letter letter giving giving advi advice ce Portfolio: description of a hero/  villain; classified ad; e-mail to a friend 

comparatives and superlatives; -ing/  infinitive forms; specific/general preferences Phrasal verbs: PUT 

- listen listening ing for detai detailed led meaning - mul multip tiple le match matching ing (missing sentences)

introducing oneself; expressing likes/dislikes; asking for/giving directions; talking about jobs; expressing preferences; (role-play) a  job interview; describing pictures intonation – stressed syllables

- a letter letter of applic applicati ation on Portfolio: article about where you live; description of neighbourhood; questions for a quiz

present perfect simple/  continuous; clauses of  purpose Phrasal verbs: RUN 

- comple completin ting g missing missing information - mul multip tiple le cho choice ice

improving one’s town/city; a short talk from notes; describing pictures; reacting to news; acting out a dialogue; (role-play) at Customs

- notes Portfolio: poster about the environment; article about a zoo; letter to a friend 

present/past participles; past simple/continuous; linkers; the definite/  indefinite article; used to/would Phrasal verbs: COME 

- multip multiple le match matching ing - listen listening ing for specif specific ic information - com comple pletin ting g missing missing information

narrating experiences; expressing feelings; checking in; complaining/  apologising; giving travel information; expressing disapproval; describing pictures intonation – expressing annoyance

- a st stor oryy Portfolio: holiday advertisement; weather forecast; factfile about   your country 

modal verbs; making assumptions/requests; too/enough; order of  adjectives Phrasal verbs: LOOK 

- listen listening ing for specif specific ic information - lis listen tening ing for for gist gist - mul multip tiple le cho choice ice - mut mutipl iple e match matching ing

asking about prices; calming down; describing objects; offering/accepting gifts; asking for/buying things; (role-play) salesperson/customer intonation inton ation – losin losing g patience patience

- a report report assessin assessing g good & bad points Portfolio: description of the best   place to shop; shop; page for a clothes catalogue; poster of school/work  rules

future forms; future continuous; question tags

- listen listening ing for for gist gist - listen listening ing for specif specific ic information - in into tona nati tion on

a short talk from notes; describing celebrations & customs; making arrangements; inviting; congratulating & thanking intonation in question tags

- post postca card rd Portfolio: article about a traditional  wedding; greetings cards; e-mail to a friend 

countables/uncountables; quantifiers; indefinite pronouns; past perfect simple/ continuous Phrasal verbs: GIVE 

- multip multiple le cho choice ice - listen listening ing for specif specific ic information - multiple matching - to tak take e note notess

discussing food preferences/tastes; (role-play) eating out/ordering out/ordering a meal; comparing table manners; describing pictures; intonation – stressed syllables

- a st stor oryy Portfolio: description of an unusual  restaurant; recipe for a local dish; shopping list 

the passive; with/by ; conditionals: type 0, 1; if/unless;; linkers (result, if/unless addition, contrast, etc) Phrasal verbs: BRING

- listening listening for detail detailed ed meaning - mul multip tiple le cho choice ice - mul multip tiple le match matching ing - listen listening ing for specif specific ic sounds

discussing sports; negotiating; describing pictures; expressing opinions; asking about/describing health; sympathising – giving advice; acting out dialogues intonation – hesitating

- a pros pros and cons cons essa essayy Portfolio: postcard to a friend; short  communicative message; sports quiz 

conditionals: type 2, 3; wishes; relative clauses; so/neither  Phrasal verbs: TURN 

- listening listening for detail detailed ed meaning - mul multip tiple le match matching ing - com comple pletin ting g missing missing information

discussing entertainment; suggesting/(dis)agreeing; talking about a book/TV programmes; (role-play) booking tickets; expressing preferences; describing paintings; acting out dialogues

- an informal informal letter letter reviewi reviewing ng a film Portfolio: review for a school event; TV guide; interview with a graffiti  artist 

clauses of concession; all/  most/some/none;; reported most/some/none speech; indirect questions; causative form Phrasal verbs: TAKE 

- multip multiple le match matching ing - to fil filll in gap gapss - lis listen tening ing for detai detailed led meaning

discussing technology; short talk from notes; conducting a survey; talking about pros & cons; describing pictures; (role-play) requesting action/giving an account of an event intonation in questions

- a letter letter of of compla complaint int Portfolio: article about teenagers in  your country; text message to a friend; questions for a science quiz 

Phrasal verbs: BREAK 


Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1 is a modular secondary-level course for learners of the English language at CEF B1 level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed units.

’s Boo k  t  s  S tuden

 ’s Boo k r s  Teac he

W o  or  r  k     bo o  k ok     S t  k t ud e  e nt ’  ’s  s   

W o  or  r  k     bo o  k ok     T e ac  k he r  r ’  ’s  s   

S t  tu    d  u    e  d en     t  n t’  ’ s  s   C D  D 

C l  la    s  a s  s  s   C D  D s  s 

 tfolio M y Language Por tf

 Tes t Bookle t  Te

People of the World

Module 1 Units 1-2


3 2


ñ express likes/dislikes/  preferences ñ ask for/give directions ñ act out a job interview 

Practise ...

ñ the present simple/ continuous ñ adverbs of frequency 

Look at Module 1

ñ Find the page numbers for pictures 1-5. 

Find the unit and page number(s) for


ñ question words ñ comparative/superlative forms ñ -ing/infinitive forms ñ pr pron onun unci ciat atio ion n ñ in into tona nati tion on (exp (expre ress ssin ing g

ñ classified ads

surprise & concern in stressed

ñ an e-mail


ñ  jokes

ñ phrasal verbs: get ,  put 

ñ a town map ñ signs ñ a quiz ñ a CV 

Listen, read and talk about ...

Write ...

ñ a short paragraph about your favourite hero(ine) or villain ñ a cla classsif ifie ied d ad ad ñ an e-mail to a friend

ñ character & appearance

ñ an inf inform ormal al let lette terr of adv advic ice e

ñ habits/routines/lifestyles

ñ a short short articl article e about about yoursel yourselff and where you live live

ñ places & geographical features

ñ a short short descr descript iption ion of of your your neighbo neighbourh urhood ood

ñ signs

ñ a short short quiz about the capita capitall city city of your your country country

ñ  jobs/workplaces/job qualities

ñ a let lette terr of ap appl plic icat atio ion n

Learn how to ...

ñ describe people ñ talk about personal qualities ñ socialise ñ make choices

n US A   wn o w  To  T

 tiion - Dream  lture Clips: Celebra t Cu tu


Bohem ure Corner: Scandal in  tu  itera t L te hI  th  ):: Elizabe t  y ) or y  to  tss (His t Curricular Cu t


1a Lead-in



a. Which Which of of the char charact acters ers in in the pictures are heroes/heroines and which are villains?


b. Wh Who o has has go gott ... ... ñ curly brown hair ñ pointed ears ñ a long white beard ñ a black moustache ñ a magic mirror ñ a sharp metal hook instead of  a hand ñ a magic staff ñ a broad-brimmed hat ñ shiny black hair and rosy cheeks

Frodo Baggins has got curly brown hair.

a. In pairs, decide decide which which of these these adjectives adjectives best best describe describe each character in the pictures. mischievous & daring Peter Pan

vain vai n & col cold-he d-heart arted ed ... ...... ...... ..... ..

cunning &

polite polit e & considerat considerate e ...... ........... .....


. . . . . . . .. ..

evil & greedy


kind & caring

. . . .. . . . . . .

brave & honest

. . . . . . . . . ..

 A: Who do you think is mischievous and daring?  B: I’I’dd say say Pete Peterr Pan Pan.. b. Liste Listen n and check. check. Which extra extra character character is describe described? d?



Look at the pictures and the title of the article. What does the title mean?

Frodo Baggins








In any book, cartoon or film we all love to see the heroes defeat the villains, save the world, win the girl and live happily ever after. But just between you and me, don’t we feel a little bit sorry for the villains as well? Saruman, from The Lord of the Rings, Rings, is an all-time favourite villain, the type of villain I like. He is a tall wizard with a long white beard and cold dark eyes. He wears a long white robe and carries a magic staff. Once he was a good wizard but the power of a magic ring has made him evil and greedy and now he wants to rule the world. Only Frodo, the small ring bearer, can stop him. Frodo Baggins, a Hobbit, is small, brave and honest, with bright eyes, curly brown hair and very large hairy feet! His mission is to take the magic ring to Mordor where it will be destroyed. He travels with some friends and together they have to face many dangers. Gandalf a wise wizard, protects them and shows them the way.  Another of my favourite heroes is Peter Pan, a mischievous, daring boy with pointed ears who can fly and never grows older. Peter and his friends, the

Lost Boys, have a dangerous enemy called Captain Hook. With his black moustache, cruel laugh and a sharp metal hook instead of a hand, the cunning Captain Hook is a perfect villain. He always wears a broadbrimmed hat and fine clothes. He lives with a band of pirates on his ship, the  Jolly Roger , making plans to kidnap the Lost Boys and capture the boy he hates. Not all villains are men. The Wicked Queen in Snow White is one of the most cold-hearted villains ever. Beautiful but vain, the queen asks her mirror every day, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” The answer always pleases her, until one day the mirror replies that kind and caring Snow White is even prettier than her. The  jealous queen is so angry that she dresses up as an old woman and gives Snow White a poisoned apple. Whether heroes or villains, these are the characters I admire the most. I love to watch the heroes fight the villains and eventually see good win over evil. I also can’t help feeling for the villains and their weaknesses; I just love to hate them! These stories are timeless and the characters are definitely larger than life.








1a Reading effectivel effectively y

Read the text once quickly. quickly. This will help you understand what type it is, the author’s author’s purpose and its general content. content. Read the questions questions and the answers. answers. Read the text again again carefully and find the part of the text each question refers to. The information may be phrased in different words.

Read the text and for each question (1-4) choose the best answer A, B, C or D. Then, explain the highlighted words.

4 1

Captain Hook

Whatt is the Wha the writer’ writer’ss main main purpose purpose in in writing writing the the text? text? A to describe how heroes catch villains B to describe some well-known heroes and villains C to tell some well-known cartoon stories D to tell some well-known fairy tales


Whatt does Wha does the writ writer er say say abo about ut Saru Saruman? man? A He was not always evil. B He is the writer’s favourite character. C Frodo wants to destroy him.

Peter Pan

D He has lost a valuable ring. 3

Which Whi ch of the the statem statement entss is true true of of Captai Captain n Hook? Hook? A He works on his own.

The Wicked Queen

B He has a partner called Jolly Roger. C He has a black beard. D He takes care of his appearance. 4

Whatt is the write Wha writer’ r’ss opini opinion on of vil villai lains? ns? A They are more important than the heroes. B He likes them more than the heroes. C He is happy to see them lose. D They are just as important as the heroes.


Listen and read. Say a few words about the stories and suggest another title for the text.



Tell the class about your favourite film or TV hero(ine)/ villain. Talk about: ñ the character’s name ñ where he/she appears ñ character ñ appearance ñ what happens in the story

Portfolio: Use your answers from Ex. 6 to write a short paragraph for a teen magazine about your favourite hero/heroine or villain. Use the second and third paragraphs of the text as a model. Start like this: ... , from ... , is my favourite ... . He/She’s ... .

Snow White



Vocabulary Practice

Actors w anted f or new  f ilm

Location: Brookly n Audition date: 14th September

Character A

 Reading


‘Bad Guy s’ .

✩ Sean – 25-  30 , d  ar  a  r k c  k  c  om  o    p  m   l  p l e    x  e  i  x i o  o   n    ,  n t a  al  l l  l ,  m  ed  e    i  d i u  u   m     b  m ui  u   il  l d    ,  g  d oo  o    d  o    l o  d oo    k  o k i  i n    g  n   g,  c  ru  r    e  u   l a  e l  a  nd g  n     g  d re  r    e  e   d  e   y  d    y ✩ Stacy  y – – 30 -  -3   6, p  al  a  l e     c  e om  o    p  S e  m   l  en    d  p n    p  l e    x  e   i  d x i o    n   p i  o   ,  ic    t  n c t u    r  u r  e    s  e    s m  e e    d d    i i    u u    m m    h  e e    i i    g g    h h    t t    , s  l l    i i    m m    a n  , nd     C V  a  d v v    e e    ra  r    g  Vs t     t o  a   e  g    s e o:  :   l  oo  o    k  o k s  s ,  v  ai  a  i n a     a n  n nd s     s  d el  e  l f  f i   s  i s     h h    M i  ic  c   h    a  h   e  a   l G  e l  G l  lo    v  o   e  v   r  e r  ,  ✩ Laura – 26-  32, f  ai  a  i r c  r  c  om  o    p  m   l  p l e    x  e  i  x i o    n  o   ,  n C h  hi  i m    e  m   r  e r   a F  a F i  il  l m    w  m   o  w  or  r   k  ks    s  s  ho  h    r  o r t  t ,  a  ve  v    r  e  a  r   a   g g    e e    b  u u    i i    l l  d d      , p  re  r    t  e t t  t y    ,  y I n  nc    .  P O B  c O B o  ox 3     3 0  x 04   ,  4  o  pt  p  t i  i m  m   i   s  i   s   t t    i i  c c      , c  a a    r r  i i      n n    g g    , s  e e    n n    s s    i i    t t    B r  iv  i    e  v    a  e r o  oo    k  o   l  k nd  n     l y    n  y   ,  N e d n e w     Y o  w or  r  k     k h o  on    e  n   s  e s t  t  

a. What What type type of of texts texts are are A and and B? What do you think they are about? b. Read the texts texts.. Which Which adve advert: rt: 1 wants actors to advertise something? 2 asks people to apply by post? 3 only wants three people? 4 wants only male actors?

c. Under Underlin line e the the cha charac racter ter adjectives in the adverts. Use them to answer the questions. What do we call a person who ... 1 has good manners? 2 likes to hurt or upset people? 3 shows understanding of other people’s needs?





ors  to e ac t  le a l  ma  hrree m ee k ing: T h S s e  le  l e g  ng  n  A  s o  Lo  L , s i o d    ud u  t S dge  Ed  ve E  tii ve ocation: Crea t  Lo  L  te.  lii te o l  po  t,, p  tiie n t a t  pa  y, p d l y,  nd  f rie n ; 3 2 8 1 d e g a , s e  ye  y e e    ue u  l  b  haair, d h  nd o n  lo  y, e, b l d l y,  me  nd dso m  nd  haa n  tiies; f rie n ac k : h  Ja  we n t ñ J  y t we  n ear l y t e, i n  he  h c a  ta  t s  us  u o  mo  m , r i a  ha    y h y  l r  ur  u c  k r  ng, da  kii ng  loo k dd y: good- lo  ud ñ B u i ng.  y--go ng de.  ud  uss, eas y  y,, r u ero u  ne oss y  bo ge n  t,, b  tiie n t a t  pa  m p  tiies; i m e n t    we w  t e  te  t a  la    n l n i , d    ld l i  ui  u  b g  ng  n o r  tr  t s ,  l  taa l l,  ver y G u y: t  lii ve  Dee l ñ D  trras, aged 16-18.  t e e x   le a l  ma d f e m  nd e a n  le  maa l  lsso see k ing: m  l  A   beer. ptem b

 h Se  y,, 28t h nda y  un ooting date is S u  ho  ua l s h  A ct ua

3-478-0880 0 7 s n o i  ti  t s e  ue  u q  y n a    h h    t t i  wi  w d e e n R   wn  l Da w  leease ca l l P l

4 is very proud of their looks? 5 expects good things to happen? 6 cares only about himself/herself? 7 doesn’t get upset or angry?

 Speaking

8 gives more than is usual?


 A: Have you met our new neighbour?  B: No, I have haven’ n’t.t. What’ What’s he like?  like?   A: He’s very friendly and polite! 

Remembering New Words: Remembering Opposites

Learn words in pairs of opposites. This will help you remember them more easily.



Match the adjectives to their opposites. What prefixes do we use to form negative adjectives? polite














In pairs, use character adjectives to talk about people you know.



Which words in the adverts (A & B) describe appearance/ height/build?


Circle the odd words out. Justify your answers. 1 crooked, straight, almond-shaped, long nose  2 bright, blonde, green, dark


3 well-built, spiky, curly, wavy, short


4 round, shoulder-length, oval, pretty


1 The odd word out is ‘almond-sh ‘almond-shaped’ aped’ because because this this describes describes somebody’s eyes.


Peter Helen Ann 1 .......................... 2 ..........................



3 ..........................



4 ..........................

 Listening


Who is who? Look at the picture, listen and Chris,,  Joanna  Joanna,, Laura write the names: Alex  names:  Alex , Chris and Sam for people 1-5. What does each person look like?

3 He is very friendly with/of my with/of my parents. 4 She’s afraid for/of dogs. for/of dogs. 5 Pat is jealous is jealous of/at her sister. 6 He is kind to/with his parents. 7 Ann is patient of/with children. 8 Pete is rude to/at his friends.

Think of a person from the picture above. In teams, try to guess who this person is. Each team can ask five yes/no questions. Tea eam m A S1: S1: Is it a man man?  ?  Leade derr: Yes. Team B S1: S1: Has he got got curl curlyy hair?  hair? 

1 John is good at/on languages.

what the advert is for location & audition date age & appearance of each character what types of character you want the actors to play ñ contact name & phone number

2 She is very good on/to her patients.

Use advert A in Ex. 1 as a model.

Adjectives with prepositions


Portfolio: The TV studio you work at as a secretary is looking for two actors for a new TV series. Write an advert (30-50 words), stating:

Underline the correct preposition. Use the adjectives to tell your partner about people you know.

ñ ñ ñ ñ



Grammar in use Dear  r E Emily,

Present simple & present continuous

Thank s f or  r y  y our  r e e-mailil.. It’ t’ss a  alw  lw ay s g  gr  r eat to hear  f   f r  ro   m y ou. As f or  r m me, I’m r eally  bu  busy . Colle g  ge e lilife fe is ver y e y exci cittin g  g,, but there re’’s so much to d  do o.

Grammar Reference


I get up at 8 o’clock  k o on w eek day s because le lecctur es sta tar  r t at 9:30. I spend m  mo ost o  off my  y aaf ter noons in in t  th he lib libr  r ar y a y as I’m ta tak  k ing ing six diff er ent cour ses this is t  te er m and ther e’s l  lo ots of  f r  r eadin g  g t  to o do! A  Att the w eek end I do some p  paar t-ti tim me w ait itr  r ess ssiin g  g.. So, as y ou c  caan see, I’m w or k  king i ng ver y  y  har d these day s. But it’ t’ss n  no ot all w or k a k and no play . Ton gh  ight I’m hav ing ing din inn ner  er w  w ith th s  so ome cla lasssmates. I can’t w ait!

Read Ann’s e-mail and find examples of: a a fixed future arrangement b an action happening around the time of speaking c a timetable e a temporary situation

I’d better  f inis inish h her e because Sar ah, my  f latmate, is calli llin ng me to come and h  he elp her . Come a  an nd visit me soon!

f  a habit/routine


d a permanent state

g an action happening now


Adverbs of frequency  present  a. Put the the verbs verbs in bracket bracketss into the the present  simple or  present continuous. continuous. or present

Grammar Reference


1 A: ....... ............. ............ ............ ............. ........... .... (you/do) anything

Ask and answer as in the example to find out about your partner’ partner’ss habits.

interesting this weekend? B: No, I ......... ................ ............. ............ ............ ......(study) (study) for my Biology exam. 2 A: Why ....... ............. ............ ............. ............. ............ .......... ....(you/be) (you/be) in such a rush? B: Becaus Because e ...... ............. ............. ............ ............ ............. ............. ............ ........ (my train/leave) in ten minutes. 3 A: What .................................... (James/do) (James/do)? ? (he/work) at the B: ....... ............. ............ ............. ............. ............ ......(he/work) Natural History Museum in the city centre. 4 A: ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ....... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. (you/like) your flat?

ñ get up before 6 am? ñ play computer games? ñ be on time for work/school? ñ listen to classical music? ñ read the newspaper? ñ go to the theatre? ñ go out with your friends?

B: Not really. really. Actually, Actually, I ...... ............ ............. ............. ............ ........ ..

 A: How often do you get up before 6 am?  B: I never never get up before before 6 am. I usually usually get  get  up at about 7:30.

(look) for a new one at the moment. 5 A: Nina .......... ................ ............ ............. ........... .... (look) nervous. B: She is. She ...... ............. ............. ............ ............ ............. ............. ......... ...

 Listening

(see) the dentist this afternoon. 6 A: ... ...... ...... ...... ....... ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... (he/want) to go to the theatre this evening? B: He can’t can’t.. He ............... ..................... ............ ............. .......(have) (have)

always usually often sometimes rarely seldom never

ñ watch TV?


a. Listen Listen and match match the the people people to what they are doing. There is one extra picture. 1

an important business appointment.


7 A: Why ...... ............ ............. ............. ............ ............. ............. .......... ....(not/  (not/  Anna/come) to work these days? Is she ill? B: No, she’s she’s on leave. She She ...... ............ ............. ............. .......... .... (get) married next week. 8 A: How much ...... ............. ............. ............ ............ ............. ............. ......... ... (the brain/weigh)? brain/weigh)? B: About 2% of your your total total body body weight, weight, and ................................. (it/use) 20% of your body’s energy.

b. Can you you find any stative stative verbs in Ex. 2a? 2a?


3 A George


B Paul and Steve C Kate and Jill D Simon E Miranda

6 5

b. In pairs ask and and answer answer as in the the example. example.

 A: Is George talking on the phone?  B: No No,, he isn isn’t’t.. He’ He’s ... ...

1c smiile ou sm  yo irrror? Do  y f iin the mir  yo ourself  ..... at  y ou 1) ....  yo hen  y  wh  yo ou react  w Ho w do  y ng summer clothes rin  weeari f  w ideea of   yingg? Does the id ikee cr yin feeel lik ou fe  yo 2) ...... do  y ou?  yo itee y  xccit  e x it e  orr does it ou panic, o  yo .. y ...... 3) ... oung  yo .. y  y. 5) ...... iett y. ocie  so mportant i isssue in our s .... i im  beecome a 4) ..... mage has b  y i im Bod y omen and teenage  wo  w ular, are icu irlls, in partic gir D view  se ee C  s  lo ook B  l 1 A watch . . . ... .. ) . uenced 6 flu infl  ly in reaat y gre D so  orr C  o ut  bu B  b 2 A and i n e e s e  y h t s e a g ima im e the th D make  do o C  d B get el fee 3 A fe s . e ine in a z a g lmss and m ts,, f ilm  veerts ad v ry very D ve  su uch C  s B main 4 A so . . . . ... .. ) 7 t s i e d h a s c r s u r o e n g a  da  d n  on  Th  T he y go o D Some of  ore  Mo C  M B Much 5 A Many ie o  vie  v m n d a l s e od rmo uperm  su  waant to look l liike the super-thin s  y w D about thee y th  fro om C  fr ith h B wit 6 A by ....... to cop y  wee don’t 8) .. D and stars the y see and read about. But  w  beccause C  be at  tha B  th 7 A so e p l o e .  Pe  P u l if  u t a b e s  ys lwaa y  alw hin is not a  Th tiees.  T briti leb ritte cele  vo ouri D ought our f a v hould  sh C  s  ne eed B  n 8 A must ..... makes each hat’s 10) ....  th  – t izees –  siz ....... shapes and s D some come in 9) ..  alll C  a B each 9 A every r , r o i r m h e t n i k o o l u o  yo imee  y  xtt tim hatt D tha person interesting. So, ne x hy  wh C  w B which 10 A what ial.l. pecia  sp re s  are  yo ou a hat y  th member t rem re

Sentence transformations

7 Completing a text (gap-filling)

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words. 1 Can you describe Peter to me?

Read the title and the text quickly to get the gist. Read the the text again, again, one sentence sentence at at a time, focusing on the words before and after each gap. Look at the four options and choose the word that fits best. Read the completed text again to make sure that it makes sense.

Can you tell me ..................................... like? 2 Peter takes after his father. Peter looks .................................................. . 3 What is Peter’s job? What .......................................................do? 4 Peter is always late for work. Peter ................................. on time for work.

 Reading


a. Wh What at do you you think the the title title of the text text means means?? b. Read the the text. text. Which Which of of the following following is a better alternative to the title? 1 Health is better than wealth. 2 Feel good about yourself.

Phrasal verbs


Explain the phrasal verbs in your language. Then, complete the sentences. 1 John has to get ............ early in the morning. 2 He can’t get .............. the shock of being in

c. Read Read and choos choose e the corr correct ect word word for for each each space (1-10). Compare your answers with your partner’s. Listen and check.

the car accident. 3 How do you get ............ with your neighbours? 4 She’s happy because she’s .......... her old job ............ .

Question words


In pairs, ask each other questions about your lifestyles. Use: ñ wh what at ñ wh wher ere e ñ wh when en ñ wh who o ñ ho how w of ofte ten n

 A: What time do you get up?  B: At 7: 7:30.

Portfolio: Look at Ex. 1 again. Imagine you are Emily.. Send an e-mail in reply to Ann. Write Emily about: ñ your daily routine ñ any plans for the weekend ñ what you are doing these days



Listening & Speaking skills Personal qualities



What should a good leader be like? Circle three qualities below which you think are important. Compare your choices with your partner’s.


ñ honest ñ fair ñ popular ñ patient ñ sensitive ñ friendly ñ determined ñ quick-thinking ñ calm ñ humorous

 A: I thin thinkk a good leader should be honest, calm and determined, don’t you?  B: Yes, tho those se are are imp import ortant  ant  qualities. But I think he should  also be fair.  Listening

What Wh at does does Dr Dr Graa Graaff say say about about bos bosse ses? s? A

They sometimes make bad choices.


They are sometimes in a panic.


They are not always liked.

Dr Graaf Graaf says says that that to be an effec effective tive leader leader,, you must be be A



like a superhero.


respected and trusted.

Making choices


You want to open your own restaurant and you are looking for a partner. partner. Which of the two people would you choose, and why? Discuss in pairs and make your decision.

easy-going   patient reliable  sensible


 shy   a bit lazy   stubborn

Listening for specific information

Read the questions and possible answers.Underline answers. Underline the key key words.Listen words. Listen carefully.T carefully.Try ry to listen for synonyms or rephrasing. The questions follow the order of  the information on the recording recording..


a. You will will hear hear an inte intervi rview ew with a psychologist. Read through the questions and underline the key words. Can you think of synonyms?

friendly  cheerful honest  ambitious


 gets upset easily forgetful  a bit impatient

 A: Well, I think I’d choose ... because ... . B: I’m not not so sure. sure. He/She He/She is/gets is/gets ... and he/she he/she can can also be rather rather ... ... .  A: What about ... ? He/She’s He/She’s ... , etc.

b. Listen Listen an and d put put a tick tick (✓) in the correct box. Do you agree with Dr Graaf? 1

Dr Gra Graaf af bel belie ieve vess that that al alll good good leaders have A

special personal qualities.


team spirit.


a great sense of humour.

2 Dr Graaf says says that leaders leaders have have to



try to be more popular.


make difficult decisions.


please everybody.

How do you know when you’re getting old?

When the cake costs less than the candles.

1d Expressing surprise and concern


 Intonation





Listen and repeat. Translate these sentences into your language.

a. Read Read the the tab table le and and complete the exchanges. Speaker A

Speaker B

1 What’s the matter?

3 What’s wrong?

Hello! What a

Hi! Nice to see

2 You’re joking!

4 You can’t be serious! 

nice surprise!


Hi, there. How

Not bad. How

 Reading

are you?

about you?

You are going to listen l isten to a conversation. Read the first fi rst two exchanges in the dialogue below and guess the answers to the questions.

Hi there. How

Pretty good,

are you doing?


See you


1 Where are Judy and Stan?


2 What do you think their relationship is?

Bless you!


3 Who is upset?

Thank you very

Don’t mention

much indeed!


Hello. You must

Yes. It’s a

be ...

pleasure to meet

Read and complete the dialogue with sentences from Ex. 4. Listen and check. Which of the people a, b or c is Stan’s neighbour? Take roles and act out a similar dialogue.

you ...

Judy: Jud y: Hi, Stan. Stan. You You look look upset. upset. A Stan: Oh, come come in, Judy Judy. I’m a bit fed up. Judy: Why? B

you for ages!

changed a bit!

B: Tha Thanks nks!! I’ve I’ve got a terr terribl ible e cold. a

play it too loud and he comes round

A: Hi! .............. .................... ............. ............. .........! ...!

nearly every day to tell me to turn it

B: Hi! You You haven’ haven’tt change changed d a bit.

down. Judy:

Hi! You haven’t

A: ....... ............. ............ ............. ............. ............ ..........! ....!

Stan: Well, it’ it’ss my neighbo neighbour ur.. He keeps keeps complaining about my music. He says I

I haven’t seen


A: Tha Thank nk you you very very much much for

Stan St an:: I’ I’m m afrai afraid d not. not.

looking after my dog.

Judy: Jud y: How loud loud do you you play your your musi music? c?

B: ....... ............. ............ ............. ............. ............ ......... ... .

Stan: Sta n: Not that that loud loud.. I’ll show show you. you. Judy: Jud y: Sta Stan, n, tur turn n it it down down!!


Stan: Sta n: Why Why? ? What What’’s up? Judy:: Wel Judy Well, l, is your your neighbou neighbourr tall with short curly brown hair, a beard and a moustache? Stan: Yes, he looks looks exactl exactlyy like that that.. Why? Judy: Jud y: Bec Becaus ause e someon someone e who looks looks a lot like that is walking towards your front door right now! Stan: D Here we go again.


In pairs, guess what happens next. Listen and check.


b. In pairs pairs,, use use the the table table above to act out exchanges in which you: ñ greet a friend you haven’t seen for a long time ñ say goodbye to your colleagues when leaving the office ñ greet a friend you bump into on the street ñ meet someone you have heard about for the first time ñ thank a friend for a special gift



Writing an informal letter giving advice Getting started


Read the extracts from three teenagers’ e-mails. Who is: lonely? desperate? shy? “I’ve put on such a lot of weight recently and I just don’t know what to do. I’ve tried all sorts of




too afraid to say anything in case I   make a fool fool of mysel myself.”  f.”  Tom


ñ It would be a good idea to ...

ñ This/That way ...

ñ The best thing to do is ...

ñ This would mean that ...

ñ What you should do is ...

ñ Then, (you ...) ...

ñ Why don’t you ...?

ñ If you do this, ...

ñ You could also ...

ñ By doing this, ...

 A: What you should do is stop eating eating sweets sweets and chocolate. chocolate. That That way ...... B: That’s right right,, Sally. Sally. You You could could also ... ...

Read the e-mail. Underline the phrases Pete uses to give his advice. Dear Sally, I’ve just got your e-mail, and I was sorry to hear you’re worried   about  abo ut you yourr wei weight ght.. I bet the pro proble blem m isn isn’t ’t as bad as it see seems, ms, tho though ugh!! In any case, there are lots of things you can do to lose weight. What you should do is eat a healthy diet, with lots of fish, fruit  and fresh vegetables instead of junk food and sweets. If you do this, you’ll soon lose weight, and you’ll look and feel much healthier, too. You could also exercise more and walk whenever  possible rather than going by car or bus. That way you’ll burn calories and get your body back in shape at the same time. I know it’s hard to do at first, but believe me, it will work! Good  luck, and don’t forget to let me know how you’re getting on.  All the best, Pete


a. Read the rubr rubric ic and and brain brainstor storm m for ideas to give as much advice as possible. Make notes in your notebook. This is part of a letter you got from an English pen friend.

I feel very lonely in my new neighbourhood. I have no friends and I’m really depressed. Any advice? Write your letter to your friend.

plan, then write your letter (80-100 words).

Dear + (your friend’s first name),

Opening Remarks (Para 1) –  express sympathy, sympathy, offer help  Main Body (Para 2) – give your  advice,explain advice, explain the results  results  Closing Remarks (Para 3) – end the letter   Take car  Take care,/Y e,/Yours ours,/et ,/etc c (your first name) 

Which of the following are opening/closing remarks for an informal letter of advice? 1 Here’ Here’ss what you can do. 2 I hope everything goes well. 3 I’m so sorry you feel this



b. Answer the questions in the

Let’s look closer


Before writi Before writing, ng, under underline line the key key words, wor ds, then brain brainstorm storm for ideas ideas.. Write your ideas down, then choose the most important important ones. This helps you organise your writing.

 just sit there in silen silence. ce. I’m always

Use the phrases below to give advice to Sally Sal ly,, Danny and Tom. Giving advice

Brainstorming for ideas

“When I’m with a group of people, I 

Sally is desperate because she ... .


Your turn

“I’ve just moved to a new school  and every everythin thing’s g’s diffe different. rent. I haven’t got any firends here and  I feel like I don’t fit in.”  Danny 


4 I was sorry to hear about your problem. 5 I hope I’ve been of some help. 6 Let me know what happens.

A person’s height almost doubles in the first 2-3 years of life, but it takes another 15 years to double again!

1 19 30 )  -1  8 59 1 ( e  le  l  y o  D  n a  n o  h u r C  r t h  A   he o r o f  t he  to  reea t c r

 Reading & Listening


Who was Arthur Conan Doyle? Which famous detective did he create? Read the first text and check.


Read the first paragraph of the main text. Who do you think the person outside the door is? Listen and read to find out.


Read the rest of the text and mark statements 1-6 T (True) or F  (False). Then, explain the words in bold. 1 The visitor is wearing .. ...

2 The visitor’s mouth and chin are hidden by a mask.

. . ...

3 The visitor says he is Count . ... .

4 The visitor is unsure whether to trust Watson.

.. ...

5 Holmes does not know whyy the wh the visi visito torr has co come me.. .. .... .... 6 Holmes realises the visitor is the King when he takes off the mask.

. ... .

 Speaking


 A slow and and heavy step, step, which had been had been heard upon heard upon the sta stairs irs and in the corridor, pa use immediately  used iately outsid outside the door. d immed door. Then  Then there t here  was a loud knoc knock on the do door or.. “Come in! in!”” said Ho Hollmes.

expensive clothes.

von Kramm.

 he  ho r  was  t he  is h a u t ho  t is o w n Sco t t  no  l  k n  yaa l  iss  we l l o y  lo  T h i  iss l d h i  nd  mes, a n c k Ho l m o  lo  l  r e  he  h S , e    ve v    i i  t c e  te  t e d a l  na  io n  icc t io  i  uss f   he r  faa mo u  f  tee  ma n y o t he o t  ro  lee  w r  Do y l  h g  ug  u o    ho h    t t  l  A  .  n.  n o s  ts  t  Wa  r W d,  D r  yss,  nd  laa y  iee n  r i  f r d p l  nd  yss a n a l essa y c    ic i    t t    i i  l o  po  p , s  ls  l e  ve  v o  no  l n  l a  icc o r i  to  iss t  ng h i  ud i ng  nc l ud  ieeces, i nc  p i  iees.  tee r i  yss t  mes’ m y oc k Ho l m  lo  r l e  he  h S s  is  i  h  r h  r o  fo  f    m m  i  h  r h  bee r  ree me m b  yss r  wa y o  to  l a l w  l l  mes  t  we w i l oc k  Ho l m  lo  hee r l s S h e    re r  i  h a  ia  i  m e  he  h o  B  f  ng o  i ng  he  K   a ,  t he  n,, o ma n  wo  n  B o h e m i a  i n  l i  ussed b y a w  bee u  t b  I n S c a n d a l  igg h t  i  m  t m  t a    ha h  t  h  p a  ra  r g o  to  t o  ho d a p h  nd  rss a n  te r  lee t te  io n.  nd so me l  i nd a t io  ta  p f i  hee l p  h  ree p u t  iss r  n h i d r u i n  nd g a n    ng n  i  K  e    he h  t    l l  i a  m  k  c a  la o b l  to  r,, t  lee r  nee A d l  ree n  I r

Read lines 5-15 again and, in pairs, group all the words used to describe the king under the headings: ñ physical appearance ñ clothes ñ facial features ñ character Use the prompts to describe the King of Bohemia to your partner.

 A very tal talll man entere entered, wit with h the the ch chest est and lim bs of a Hercules. His dre dress was rich  rich  with a rich richness which  which  woul would, d, in Engl ngland and,, be conssidered  ba con  bad d ta taste wearing ste.. He  was wearin g a doubl double-br e-breasted easted coa t  with  w ith fur-tri fur-trimm mmed ed collar collar and cuff s, over which which  he wore a  deep  blue clo  with th f lame-colou cloak ak lined lined wi lame-coloured boots, s, which went red silk. His boot  up his le legs halfway halfw ay up gs,, we were re al also so trimme fur,, completing his  trimmed d  with fur appearance of  of  barbaric  barbaric richn chness. ess. He He h  had ad a thick moustache and a straight ch suggestin ng strong dete chin in suggesti eterminatio butt a bl bla ack mask rmination n, bu hid the up the upper partt of his face. face. He was carr per par carr ying  ying a hat in in one  one hand, hand,  whil  wh ile e his othe other hand wa was raised had  just finis raised,, as if he had finished straightenin stra mask. ightening g his mask.




“Please take a seat,” said Ho “Ple Holmes.“This is my friend friend and colleag colleag ue, Dr Watson Watson.. Whom  Whom have I the honour honour to address address?” “Yo u “Yo  u may  may addre address me as Co Co unt von Kra Kramm, a Boh Bohemian aristo aristocra cra t  t.. I hope your your friend is a man I can trus rust. t. If not, not, I prefer to speak to  you alone, alone,”” said our strange visito visitor.


“ You  You can sa y  y anything  anything in in front  front of th this man that you that you can sa y  y to  to me,” Holmes r Holmes  replied.The eplied.The Count nod continued.“You nodded ded and cont inued.“You will  will excuse excuse the mask; mask; my em emp ployer wishe wishes my true iden tity to re secret. rema main t.” in a secre “If your your majesty  w  would ould like to tell us  y  your our problem, problem,” Hol Holme mess will be happy to advise remarke rem arked d,“I will  yo u  u..” dvise yo


 The Co u  unt nt sprang f rom rom his chair, chair, paced nervously up up  and down down the ro room, om, then then t the m  mask  took  ook  off ask and th threw it on th  off the the floor f loor.. “You are are right!  right!”” he ccri ried.“I ed.“I am the the King.Why  King.Why s  should hould I try try t  to o hide it?” “Why, inde “Why indee ed?” sai said d Holm Holmes.“I es.“I knew, knew, eve even n befo before re you  you spoke spoke, tha thatt you you  were  wer e the the Grand Duk Duke of Cassel-F Cassel-Felstein and t and the he King of Bohemia.” 30




“Hi! My name is Stephen and I live in a tiny flat in Brixton, south-west London. I chose to live here because there is never a dull moment in a city like London. I’m an art student and the hustle and bustle of so many people in one area is the inspiration for a lot of my painting. Another advantage of city life is having everything you need so close at hand. hand. Living beside the Tube station means I don’t need a car to get around, which saves me money. Also, there are shopping centres, art galleries and museums everywhere. Of course, London, like any large city, has its problems, too. Londoners don’t chat on the Tube or the bus and there is much less community spirit than in the country, where my parents live. In fact, they don’t understand how I can put up with the constant noise and pollution, and traffic congestion. However, I see that as a small price to pay. I’m in my element here in the heart of this fine city. As a famous poet once said, ‘He who is tired of London is tired of life.’ life.’ ”

fantastic scenery



Introduce yourself to the class. Talk Talk about: ñ your name ñ where you come from ñ where you live ñ home ñ family ñ job

My name’s ... and I’m ... years old. I come from ... but  I live in ... . I‘ve got ... (brothers/sisters) ... . I am a ... .


Use the prompts to describe the pictures (A-E) to your partner partner.. A clear lake, high mountains, trees, clean air B busy motorway, motorway, a lot of cars, exhaust fumes, air pollution C bus stop, well-dressed passengers in a queue, wait to get on bus D a variety of expensive shops, shoppers,


modern escalators E cosy house, pretty garden, lots of flowers and bushes

Picture A shows fantastic scenery. I can see a clear  lake and high mountains. There are trees by the side of the lake and the air is fresh and clean. C




Listen and say where each person lives. What reasons do they give for liking where they live? Bill – Anne – John & Mary



Look at the title of the article and the introduction. What is the article about? Listen and check.


2a 2a A sleepy village surrounded by woods and rivers might suit some people, but others prefer the bright lights and fast pace of the big city. ‘Down Town’ spoke to Stephen and Marianna to get both sides of the story.

“Hello – or ‘G’day’, as we say down under.. My name is Marianna and I under live in New South Wales, Australia, on a huge ranch called The Rain River Land. It’s a beautiful area with fantastic scenery. I live here with my husband Joe and our two children, Patrick, 11, and Abby, 8. We have lived on this ranch for several years and love our healthy lifestyle. We have 70,000 hectares of land, so the children have lots of space to run around and enjoy the peace and quiet. The air is clean and fresh and we produce a lot of our own food so we are sure that what we eat is fresh. There’s lots of hard work to do running a ranch, but we don’t mind. Of course, there are some negative aspects to life out here. There are often droughts in Australia, and sometimes we can’t grow any crops for months. We feel isolated sometimes, too, especially since the nearest neighbours are almost 100km away. Another problem is that many things are not as easily available as in the city. There are no local facilities such as schools, supermarkets and shops, and if we are ill we have to call the flying doctor. Although life here can be difficult, we wouldn’t change it for the world.”

Reading for specific information

Read the statements and underline the key words. Read the text to get get the gist. Read again carefully carefully.. Look for synonyms/opposites or words/phrases with similar/different meanings to the key words in the statements.


Read the article and mark the statements (1-8) True (T) or False (F). Then, explain the words/phrases in bold. 1 Stephen is a professional painter. painter. 2 Stephen thinks using public transport is cheaper than travelling by car car.. 3 Stephen’ Stephen’ss parents don’t like the noise of London. 4 Stephen is tired of living in London.

peaceful neighbourhood


5 Marianna and her family have lived on the ranch for most of their lives. 6 Life on a ranch has some disadvantages. 7 Marianna doesn’t have any neighbours close by.. by 8 Marianna wishes her life was different.

Speaking ñ Expressing likes/dislikes


Read the article and list the pros and cons of  living in the country/city. country/city. Use your notes and the expressions in the table to tell the class where you prefer living.

Expressing likes

ñ I love; I like; I really enjoy

Expressing dislikes

ñ I just hate; I don’t like ... at all; I can’t stand

Being neutral

ñ I don’t mind; I’m not really sure; It’s difficult to say

S1: I like like living living in the city city beca because use ... ... S2:: I ju S2 just st hat hatee livi living ng in in ... ...

Portfolio: Write a short article for a teen magazine about yourself and the place you live in (50-60 words). Write: ñ full name ñ job/studies/habits ñ name of the place you live in ñ reasons why you (don’t) like it



Vocabulary Practice Signs


 Reading

2 Learning new words: words: adjective-noun phrases

Learn nouns with the adjectives they go with. This will help you remember them and use them correctly.


Where might you see signs 1-3? What does each mean? Circle the correct explanation A, B or C.



Study the phrases. Can you think of any more adjectives? Use as many phrases as possible to talk about where a) you live and and b) a friend lives.


I live in ... . It’s ... with ... . There is/are ... . ... lives in ... . It’s ... with ... . There is/are ... .











 You mustn’t let your dog run free.  You can’t have dogs in this area. Only dogs can guide you in this area. Please help protect the bull. Be careful, a bull has escaped. The bull here may be dangerous. Someone bought this table.  You may sit at this table.  You can’t sit at this table; it’s booked.

local wide


corner expensive

busy street; expensive shop;


dirty beach; small town


quiet isolated

 A: What a busy street!  B: Yes es,, it iisn sn’t’t ve very ry quiet  , is it? 

traditional terraced



Asking for/Giving directions


4 industrial



Work in pairs. Choose a building on the map on p. 19. Describe its position. Your partner finds the building. ñ next to ñ on the corner ñ between ñ opposite ñ in front of ñ behind ñ to the left/right of 

crowded modern

Find the opposites of the adjectives in bold. In pairs, act out exchanges as in the example.


 A: It’s opposite the hospital. B: It’s the ...

popular clean

 Listening


5 18

Listen to the directions a local gives to a visitor in Oaksville. Mark the route on the map.

 i l l e  v s  k  O a 


 D  H R  R T  O  N

   T    S    S    ’    E    C    N    I    R    P H IG  T   S T  H S  IG H 

W   E   S   T  S   T   H HIG

S T K     I     N     G     ’     S     S     T    

   T   S   E   L   P  P   A

 Speaking


Job qualities

Portfolio: Work in pairs. Starting from the train station, ask for and give directions to the bank, the museum, etc. You can record your Portfolio . dialogue and keep it in your Language Portfolio.

Asking for directions


ñ sincere ñ friendly ñ patient ñ honest ñ caring ñ calm ñ cheerful ñ responsible ñ careful ñ organised ñ practical ñ polite

Giving directions

 A traffic warden needs to be responsible, practical and   polite.

Excuse me, could you tell Of course / Sure. Take the me the way to ...? first/second turning on your Turn into ... Excuse me. How do I get left/right ... . / Turn Just cross / go up / down to ...? Do you know where where ... is?

this road/ street and ... . It’ss to the left of/right of /  It’ opposite / next to ... .

Match the qualities below to the jobs in Ex. 7.


Which job suits you? In pairs, ask and answer. answer.

 A: Do you think you’d be a good teacher?  B: I think think so. I’m quite patien patientt and caring. / Not really. I’m not patient enough.

Go past the ... .

 A: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to ... ?  B: Su Sure re!! Just Just cro cross ss ... ... .

Jobs & Workplaces


Look at the map. Where does each person work? In pairs think of more jobs and their workplaces.

Play in teams. Who could say this? In teams, guess the job.

Team A S1: S1: Are you you ready ready to to order order,, sir?  Team B S1: A waiter. waiter.

Portfolio: Draw a map of your neighbourhood, then write a short description (30-50 words) and present it to the class. Write about: ñ buildings ñ streets ñ shops ñ facilities

 A secretary works in an office.

My neighbourhood is ... . There are ... . The streets are ... . There is a chemist opposite ... and/but there is(n’t) ... .



Grammar in use Comparatives and superlatives

T ourist A  Atttractions

Grammar Reference

1 tW ouhr icisht aistttr haectmioionnosint pLoopnudloar n?

 Reading & Listening



a. Read Read the the ti title tle an and d subheadings of the quiz. What is it about?


2 A

b. Do the qui quiz. z. Lis Listen ten and check your answers.



Circle the comparative and superlative forms in the quiz. Then, complete the table.


the Br itish Museum Buckingham Palace the T ow er  r o of  f L London


W hat is the ta talllleest la lanndmar k i k in London? Big B  Be en the London Ey e the Houses of  f P Par liament

Regent Str eet Ox f  fo   r d Str eet Piccadilillly 


5 A

W hich i iss th thee most e  ex  x pensiv e shoppin ingg distriricct i inn London?

Camden K nig igh htsbr idge Chelsea


T ransport


How  w m many  y sshops a  are re t thhere re i inn London?


mor e than 50,000 mor e than 20,000 mor e than 30,000

T he London Underg rgr  r ound is thee .................. in th th thee w orlrldd.





older than

the ......................


busier than

the ......................


taller than

the ......................


faster than

the ......................









W hic ichh is the busie iesst shoppin ingg str eet in London?



How are comparatives and superlatives formed? Are the rules the same in your language?


Choose three adjectives from the table in Ex. 2 in their comparative or superlative form and make sentences about the place you live in.

The Town Town Hall is the oldest building in i n my town.

Adverb later

the latest



the earliest


more carefully

the most carefully


better than

the best


worse than

the worst


less than

the least

f astest busiest oldest


more popular than the ...................... more expensive than the ......................



 Speaking


a. Use the the adjective adjectivess to compare compare the the countries countries.. ñ long ñ high ñ big ñ small ñ low ñ short


much/many ............................

the most

SIZE (sq km)









Ben Nevis


Mt McKinley 

(1,343 (1, 343 m)

(1,041 (1, 041 m)

(6,194 (6, 194 m)

The Severn

The Shannon

The Mississippi

(290 km)

(370 km)

(3,780 km)

ñ as .. .... as as is used to compare two people/things, etc, that are equal in some way. Rome is as expensive as Paris.

Learning Grammar Structures

When you learn an English grammar structure, you can compare it to the grammar equivalent equivalent in your language. This will help you learn the new structure more easily.



 A: Is the UK smaller than Ireland?  B: No! The UK UK is bigger bigger than than Ireland, Ireland, but but not as as big as the USA.  A: Yes, the USA is the biggest of all. b. Make Make a similar similar table table for your your country country.. Compare it to the UK and the USA.

2c -ing/infinitive forms Grammar Reference


Phrasal verbs


Read the text. Underline the -ing forms and circle the infinitive forms. Which form do we use: 1 after adjectives with prepositions? 2 after modal verbs?

Explain the phrasal verbs with ‘put’. Use appropriate ones to replace the verbs in bold. Choose one and draw a picture.

3 after verbs of preference (e.g. like, love, etc)? 4 to show purpose?

b  job e up her  jo  ve fi ce. She ga v orking in an of f   wo ked  w er lilik  ve Jane ne v  y er y  ve as  v  wa ered that she  w  ve to train as a gardener. She disco v hat  Wh  w..  W  ytthing gro w  y good at gardening and could make an air, and she es most is being outdoors in the f resh  ve she lo v  wiith plants.  working w ed of  wo ire er gets tir  ve ne v


3 A: B: 4 A: B:

(move) to the country. I am planni planning ng ................. ....................... ............ ............. .......... ...(move) Really? Reall y? Won’t Won’t you ....... ............. ............ ............ ............. ............. ........ (be) bored there? Would Woul d you like .......... ................. ............. ......... ... (come) to New York with me? That would be great. great. I need ............. ................... ............. ............. ............ ............. .......(get) (get) a visa first, though. There is nothing I enjoy more than .............. ..................... ............. ............ ......(walk) (walk) in the countryside. (live) in the city. Me too. I hate ................ ...................... ............ ............. ............. ............ ........ ..(live) Do you mind ................ ...................... ............ ............. ........... .... (travel) all the way to work every day? Well,, it takes me two hours ............. Well ................... ............. ............. ............ ........ (drive) to work, but I don’t mind at all.

2 Can you connect me to Mr Smith, please? 3 He has gained 10 kilos since he moved here. 4 They postponed moving house until May May..

Adjectives with prepositions


Fill in: with, to, from, of , for . Use the adjectives in bold to make sentences about the place you live in.

Complete the sentences about yourself, using-ing/infinitive forms.

1 New York is very different

1 I can’t stand ............................................................................... .

......... Los Angeles. 2 The square is crowded

2 I hate ......................................................................................... . 3 I could ....................................................................................... . 4 I’m tired of ................................................................................ . 5 I’ve decided ............................................................................... .

Sentence transformations


to extinguish the fire.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1 A: B: 2 A: B:


1 The firefighters managed

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using no more than three t hree words. What grammar structures are tested? 1 It’ It’ss better to avoid travelling during the rush-hour.

......... people. 3 London is famous ......... its nightlife. 4 The town centre is full ......... cheap restaurants. 5 Are you familiar .......... this area? amiliar ......... 6 This town is f amiliar me. I used to live here.

It’ss not a good idea...................................... It’ idea........ .............................. during the rush-hour. rush-hour. 2 There are only a few parks in this city. city. There are not .............................................................. in this city city.. 3 LA is one of the most expensive cities in the world. Very few cities in the world are ............................................... LA. 4 He prefers London to York. He likes London .......................................................... York.

Portfolio: Collect information to write a short quiz about the capital city of  your country (35-50 words).



Listening & Speaking skills Comparing places


ñ see a film/go dancing ñ play golf/play football

a. You are going going to listen listen to two friends friends talking talking about about Budapest. Before you listen, look at sentences 1-6 and, in pairs, try to guess whether they are true or false. True 1

The best way to travel around is by car.


Traffic can be very heavy.


 You can buy lovely gifts.


Eating out doesn’t cost much.


Public transport is not expensive.


Summers are cool.

ñ eat Chinese food/eat Indian food ñ have dinner with.../have an early night


ñ go to a football match/go to a rugby match ñ eat out/get a take-away

 A: Do you fancy seeing a film tonight?  B: Not rreal eally ly.. I’d rathe ratherr go dancing dancing.. b. Study Study the the table. table. Then, Then, use use the the headings to talk about your preferences.

General Preference ñ I pre prefe ferr + no noun un + to + noun ➝ I prefer vegetarian food to meat. ñ I prefe preferr + (-i (-ing ng form form)) + to + (-ing

 Listening

form) ➝ I prefer walking to driving.

b. List Listen en and and tic tick k (✓) the sentences as True or False. Were your guesses correct?

ñ I prefe preferr + full full infini infinitiv tive e + rather  than + bare infinitive ➝ I prefer to play tennis rather than play 


Listen again and make notes about Budapest under the headings below. Make Make similar notes about the place pl ace you live in. Compare the two places.


ñ traffic ñ shopping ñ restaurants ñ public transport ñ weather

Traffic Tr affic in Budapest is as heavy as in my town.

I prefer going out with my friends to  playing computer games.

Expressing preferences


a. In pairs, use use the table table and the the prompts prompts to form form dialogues dialogues as in the example. You You can use your own ideas. Asking about specific preference

Expressing specific preference

ñ Do you you want want + full full infini infinitiv tive e ...

ñ I’d pref prefer er + full full infi infinit nitive ive/  / 

Do you want to go to the theatre?  ñ Do you you fancy fancy + -ing for form m ...? ...? Do you fancy eating out? 


 Intonation


Match the words, then listen and underline the stressed syllables.




I’d prefer to watch a film.



ñ I’d rath rather er + bare bare infin infiniti itive ve



ñ Wou Would ld you you like + full full infinit infinitive ive ... ...

(+ than + bare infinitive)



Would you like to go to a party 

I’d rather order take-away 




(than eat out).



2d Job interviews  Reading



Who might say the sentences (1-5) below: an employer or a prospective employee?

Role-play is effective if you use your imagination. Role-play Think of the situation, the setting, who you are, how you feel, what gestures gestures you might use, etc.

1 Please have a seat. 2 I’ve got a degree in British History.

 Speaking

3 Did you have any trouble finding us?  4 What work experience have you had?  5 Could you tell me what your qualifications are? 

a. Complete Complete the intervie interview w with with sentenc sentences es from Ex. 5. Listen and check.



Portfolio: Look at the job advert. Take roles and act out a job interview. Use the dialogue in Ex. 6 as a model. Record your dialogues.

 t.. auran t  ta n French res t e a t  ve  flluen t French and ha v  3,, speak f el 3  ve Q Le v  VQ e N V  ve h t person mus t ha v igh he rig  Th  T eek, including  we od. 40-hour w  foo g French fo ing nce preparin ien perie  xp ears’ e x  ye leas t 2 y  y..  xccellen t pa y eekends. E x  we  w  w,, call 01743 281978.  vie w  te er vi o arrange an in t  To  T

 wn ll--kno w ell  we  fo or w  f f he f  Ch ead C  He perienced H  xp ED: E x  TE  WAN T  WA

Describing pictures


a. Look Look at the pic pictur ture e and and complete the text.

This picture shows a businessman. He is 1) ............. the driver’s seat 2) ................. a car. He must be 3) .................. his way to work because he is wearing a suit and a

 A: B:  A: B:  A:

Good afternoon, Ms Harris. a No,, not at all No all..

tie. He is driving 4) .................. shaving


He must be late 6) ................... he looks stressed.

Thankk you Than you.. I understand you are applying for the position of Tour Guide. B: Yes Yes,, that’s that’s righ right. t.  A: c B: Ce Cert rtai ainl nly. y. d Oh, and I speak four languages.  A: I see. e B: I worked for two years years as a tour guide guide at the Tower of London, and as a clerk in the Tourist Information Centre at Victoria Station for three years.

while he is looking 5) .................. the mirror mirror..

b. Now loo look k at the the pict picture ure in Ex. Ex. 6 and and describe it to your partner. Think about:

ñ ñ ñ ñ

where they are what they are wearing what they are doing how they feel

Is your boss furious because you’re leaving next month? Yes, he thought it  was this month.

b. Do you you think Ms Harris Harris will will get the the job? Why (not)? Listen and find out. c. Take roles roles and act out the dialogue. dialogue. You You can change the ending.



Writing a letter of application Getting started


What information do you think we should include in a letter of application for a job? qualifications , etc. Think about: age, qualifications,


a. Which Which beginni beginnings/e ngs/ending ndingss would would be appropriate?

A Dear Sir/Madam, ours f aith f ully,  Yo  Y


C Dear Mr Smith, Yours sincerely,

B Dear Tom, Best wishes,

 b.. us y Latin  A merican clu b  bu forr  b E D fo  TE  D J  W A N T  vee a pleasant ust ha v  Mu  y..  M perience necessar y  xp E x ould  Wo  S panish pref erred.  W  wlledge of  Sp  y. K no w litt y. personali oung, energetic person.  yo suit a y ade, PO Bo x 1287  Wa  Mrr W Contact: M

Name/Surname: ................................................... ............................................................................... ............................ Address: ........................................................ Tel.: .......................... Date of birth: .......................... Nationality: ............................. EDUCATION

Qualifications: ............................................. .................................................................................. .....................................

b. Wha Whatt is the differen difference ce betwee between n A and C? C?

WORK EXPER IENCE IENCE (most recent first) 

Let’s look closer


Languages: ............................................. .......................................................................................... .............................................


Read the rubric, then read the letter l etter and match the paragraphs to the headings. A Age/Qualifications

C Reason for writing

B Availability

D Experience/Personality



b. Which Which of the following following are opening/ opening/closin closing g remarks?

You are looking for a part-time par t-time job. You saw an ad asking for a part-time sales assistant and you want to apply for the  job. Write your letter. letter.

1 I am writing to apply apply for the post advertised advertised in ... 2 I look forward to hearing from you in due time. 3 I would be happy to attend an interview at any time convenient to you. 4 I am writing with regard to your advertisement

Dear Sir/Madam, Part o apply for t he posit ion of 1 I would like t  I saw adv ert ised in t ime Sales A ssist ant  which t he Guardian. av e t en ent een-year-old st udent . I h 2 I am a sev  t  t he nd English. A t  GCSEs including Mat hs a ev els. t II am st udying for my A  L  moment  e. Howev er, I e no act ual work experienc 3 I hav  c as I like  joy working wit h t he publi would en jo ly and polit e as well meet ing people. I am friend rking so I t hink I am as responsible and hard wo suit able for t he post . I nsider me for t he posit ion. 4 I hope you will co any t ime. t a te nd an int erv iew at  am able t o at t  ’

in ...


Answer the questions in the plan. Use your answers and your CV to write the letter of  application in Ex. 4a (80-100 words).

Yours fait hfully,

 iley  il  h R a  R  or b r h  De o  De Deborah R iley

ñ Who will you address your letter to?  Introduction (Para 1) reason for writing? for  what position? where was it advertised?  Main Body (Paras 2-3) age? qualifications?  current job? previous experience? personal  qualities?  Conclusion (Para 4) closing remarks?  ñ How will you sign off? 

Your turn t urn


a. Read the the rubric. rubric. Imagine Imagine you are are a DJ. DJ. Fill in the CV with your personal information. You saw this advertisement in The Weekly  News and you want to apply for the position.


Flying around the moon is the same distance as flying from New York to London and back.


 Reading & Listening


Look at the title and the Celebration?? pictures. What is Celebration Where is it?


How are these words and phrases related to the text? Read and check. ñ pretty houses

 y houses and  t y  ith pre t t  wi th n, w  wn o w  to  t t  fec t er fe p e h  th  t e n i g a m i d n a s e  ye  y e r u o  yo Close y  yees and our e y  yo  w,, open y No w . e k a l e u l b r a e l c a d n u    ou o r  ar  a )  tss 0  trree t  trree-lined s t  t  lt he  Wa t  th Florida, US A , 2) .......  t n i n o i  ti  t a r b e l e C  f o n  wn  w o  to  t e h  th  t . head 1) ......  y.  it y. o real t  to urned a dream in t  tu , t n i a g a e c n o , s a h  y n a p m o C  y Disne  tss  trree t he s t  th he back, so t  th  t t  t a s e g a r a g e  ve  v a h n o i  ti  t a r b e l e 3) ....... houses in C  yaards are small 4) ....... back y d n a  w o l e r a s e c n e F . s r a c d e are clear o f park he parks  th  ly in  t happi y  y l a p n e r d l i h C . s r u o b h g i e n heir  th o  t  to  taalk  t people can  t  ithou t 5) .......  wi th  lves w hemse ve  th  y t  y b    f f  f o o g m e h  th  t t  t e l s  ts  t n e r a P  yggrounds. and pla y ool, medical 6) ....... include a sch , s e i    ti t l i i c a  fa  f s ’ n  wn  w o  to  t e h  Th  T .    y. y  fee t heir sa f  th  t  fice, combine modern  fi  f o  t s o p d n a k n a b , e r  tr  t n  itness ce  fi tn  trre,  f cen t n.  wn o w  to  yle o f a small 1950s t  itional s t yl  trrad ti he t  th  ith t  wi th  y w  teechnolog y  t  taake a break and 7) ....... a ne, t a l  t s a  fa  f e h  th  t n i e    fe f i l h    th t i  wi  w p u  t u p ’ t ou can t  f yo I f y o 8) ....... !  to  veen decide t ou migh t e v  yo  – y  – s  ws  w o n k o h  W . n o i  ti  t a r b l e e C o  it to  viis t t  v

ñ tree-lined streets ñ clear blue lake


ñ small backyards


ñ parks


ñ playgrounds


ñ medical centre


ñ fitness centre


ñ bank


ñ post office


There are pretty houses in Celebration.



around A  at A  what A   All the A  that makes A  caring for A  who A  have A  remain A 



on over there Both of  as urges looking into these give live


at for that Each and every so that worrying about which do leave

about D in D where D The most D such as D protecting from D whose D pay D stay D

Listen and read to answer the questions 1-3. 1 Why should someone visit Celebration? 2 What do you think the writer’s aim is? 3 Where might you see such a text?

Read the text again and choose the best answer A, B, C or D .

 Speaking ◆

Is there a town like Celebration  in your country? Describe it.

Talk to your partner about your ideal town. Think about: ñ name ñ location ñ what to see and do My ideal town would be called ... . It would be in/near in/ near,, etc, ... . There would be ... and ... .


Self-Assessment Module Vocabulary & Grammar


1 Use of English

Fill in the missing word.


1 What does Paul look ................... ? 2 Bob always tells the truth. He’ He’ss ................... .

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use up to three words. 1 Tom takes after his grandfather.

3 To get to the bank, take the first turning

Tom .................................... ...... .............................. his grandfather grandfather..

................... your left.

2 Jane is gaining weight.

4 Ken is ............. . He never gets angry or upset.

Jane ............................................ on weight.

5 What time .............. the TV programme p rogramme start?

3 No place in the world is as beautiful as this.

6 She likes the hustle and ................ of London.

This is ............................. place in the world.

7 Sarah and Jane aren’t getting ...................

4 I never forget to visit my aunt on Saturdays.

lately.. They argue all the time. lately

On Saturdays Saturdays I always ............. visit my aunt.

8 We hate city life. We can’t put ........... ........

5 I prefer travelling by train to travelling by bus.

with the noise.

I prefer prefer .......................... ............ .............. by train train rather than

9 London is more expensive ................. Athens.

travel by bus.

10 That was ................... worst film ever. ever. (10 marks)


(10 marks)


Fill in the correct preposition. 1 I’m not familiar ......... this area. I’ve never

Circle the correct item.

been here before. 1 Harry works as a traffic .......... . A assistant

B warden

2 She is jealous ......... her sister because she C director

lives on a huge ranch in Australia. 3 The city is crowded ......... tourists.

2 Jenny has curly blonde hair and ........ .. cheeks. A pointed

B rosy

4 Pat is very patient ......... her students.

C bright

(8 marks)

3 Teachers need to be .......... with their


students. A confident

B responsible C patient

4 Jane likes eating at .......... restaurants. A elegant

B terraced

C corner

5 “Where does he .......... from?” “England.” A come

B get

C is

6 James always thinks of others. He’ He’ss very .......... . A careful

B friendly

C caring

7 Tony has good manners. He is very .......... . A caring

B patient

C polite

8 I don’t fancy going out. I’d rather .......... in. A stay

B staying

C to stay

B work

C working

B old

a Thank you. b I’d rather order pizza. c Bless you! d Hi, there. How are you? e Take the first turning on your right. 1 A: Excus Excuse e me – how how do I get get to the the bank? bank? B: ...... ............ ............. ............. ............ ............. ............. ............ ............. ............. ........ 2 A: Do you fancy eating out tonight? B: ................................................................ 3 A: ................................................................ 4 A: ................................................................ B: Thanks!

10 Mark’ Mark’ss car is as .......... as Anne’s. A older

Complete the exchanges.

B: Not bad bad.. How How are are you? you?

9 Ian doesn’t mind .......... long hours. A to work


C oldest (10 marks)

5 A: ................................................................ B: Do Don’ n’tt ment mentio ion n it. (10 marks)


Self-Assessment Self-Asses sment Module


Listening You will hear a radio programme about Barcelona. For each question, put a tick (✓) in the correct box.

6 1



Visi Vi sitor torss to Bar Barce celo lona na shou should ld not not go


Whatt does Wha does the the spea speaker ker say say about about La Rambl Rambla? a?


in the middle of summer.


It is full of cars.


when there is a festival on.


It is Barcelona’s best-known street.


in winter.


It is a famous food market.

The Th e best best way way to to get get arou around nd the the cit city y is


What Wh at can can you you see see in in Mar Marem emag agnum num? ?


on a moped.


a cathedral


by taxi.


a bird market


on the Metro.


lots of shops and cafés

Barcelona is is


The Th e Sa Sagr grad ada a Fa Fami mi’lia cathedral


a city with modern and old features.


doesn’t take long to visit.


a completely modern city.


is not completed.


a very old city.


is difficult to climb up. (12 marks)




Read and choose the correct word for each space. How 1) .... do you go to the hairdresser’s with a new hairstyle in 2) .... but then lose your nerve because you aren’t sure what it will 3) .... like? Don’t you wish you could try out new hairstyles before you decide 4) .... one you want? Well, with today’s computer software you can choose 5) .... over 200 hairstyles in a 6) .... minutes and see how they look on you – without touching a single hair! All you need is a digital picture of yourself. The software is easy to 7) .... and you can see both the front-view and the side-view of the hairstyles. Try them out on screen and see which one


You have moved to a new neighbourhood. Write a letter to an English-speak English-speaking ing friend, saying: ñ what there is to see and do there. ñ what you like/dislike about it. ñ how different it is from your old neighbourhood. (20 marks)

Now I can... Now ca n...

(Total = 100 marks)

ñ introduce myself  ñ talk about – cha charac racter ter & appear appearanc ancee – habit habits/rou s/routines tines/life /lifestyles styles – jobs/ jobs/workp workplaces laces/job /job quali qualities ties

you like 8) .... . It’s the 9) .... way to see if a hairstyle

likes/dislikes/preferences rences ñ express my likes/dislikes/prefe

really 10) .... you, before the scissors go to work.

ñ ask for/give directions

1 A usually

B rarely

C seldom

D often

2 A head

B mind

C hand

D eye

3 A seem

B feel

C look

D appear

4 A this

B a

C that

D which

5 A from

B of 

C for

D off 

6 A some

B lot

C few

D little

7 A use

B make

C see

D try

8 A best

B much

C well

D very

9 A easily

B easiest

C easier

D ease

10 A fits

B matches C suits

D goes (20 marks)

ñ act out a job interview ñ write – a short parag paragraph raph about about my favour favourite ite hero(ine) or villain – a clas classi sifi fied ed ad ad – an e-ma e-mailil to to a frien friend d – an informa informall letter letter of of advice advice – a short article article about about myself myself and where where I live – a short descri description ption of of my neighbour neighbourhood hood – a letter letter of of applic applicati ation on

English ...in Engli Eng lish sh 27



a. What What do do you you know know abo about ut Elizabeth I? b. Look Look at portr portrait aitss A and and B. Describe them.


Listen and read. Number the portraits in the order you hear them.


Read and list the symbols in the portraits. Explain what they symbolise. Then explain the words in bold.


Which of the following adjectives best describe Elizabeth in i n each painting? ñ strong ñ innocent ñ demanding ñ ambitious ñ determined

Fact File 1533 – Elizabeth born to Henry VIII’s second wife

1554 – Elizabeth imprisoned by her half sister, Mary

1558 – Mary dies, Elizabeth becomes Queen

1588 – English navy defeats the Spanish Armada

1603 – Elizabeth dies, James I becomes King

Eliz abeth had man y enemies and it w as not sa f e f or  r hher  r tto tr avel ar ound the countr   y.. She  y chose,instead, to use por tr aits to sh ow her sel f   f  to her  people.It was essential that the por tr aits showed an imag e o f   f hher  r tthat would impr ess her  r ssub j  jeects.

‘The Coronation Portrait’

This portrait shows Eliz izaabeth just af ter the cor onation. T he picture shows h  heer as a young, beautif ul, innocent girl wit h pink cheeks and long hair. Her  r rrich gold gown, jewels and f ur show her wealth. S he is also wearing the cr own and h olding the Or b and Sceptr e to show her royal author ity. The message of  f tthe picture is that although she i s young and beautif ul, she has the power  r tto r ule the country.

‘The Armada Portrait’ This portrait celebrates the vic tor y of  England over the Spanish Armada. In the paintin g Elizabeth’ s right hand rests on a globe. This symbolises that England is a global power. On h  heer right there is a cr own. The pi ctures behind her show the English navy in bri ght sunshine, and ships of  f tthe Spanish Armada being destr oyed in a  a s  sttorm.

5 28

Project: Do some research using the Internet, school textbooks, encyclopaedias, etc, then draw Elizabeth’ss family tree. Present it to the class. Elizabeth’



In pairs, read the phrases and decide which sport (A-D) they refer to. Which words helped you decide?


a. Read the the first two two lines lines of the song. song. What What sport sport is being being described? Listen and check. b. Who do you you think is narrating narrating the the events? events? Why? Why? Underline the parts of the song that helped you decide.

ñ the first kick ñ to win the match ñ to work as a team ñ singing fans ñ on the pitch ñ hear the whistle blow


The teams are on the pitch, the game is just beginning We’re ready for this match, our hearts are set on winning The first kick of the ball, the crowds have started cheering We hear the words they call, it’s our names that we’re hearing Score another goal, we’ve got to keep on winning  B

 Hear the whistle blow – all all our fans are singing  singing  We’re the champions now With minutes left to go, it looks like we can do it The fans are going wild, as if they always knew it This is like a dream, the greatest victory ever Working as a team, we won the match together


a. Read the song and find three verbs related to sound.

b. Read again again and and find phrases phrases which mean mean:: C

1 we want to win 2 be thrilled


3 it can’t be true


In pairs, take roles and make up a short interview with a famous football player who has just finished playing in the final match of the World Cup. Discuss: ñ feelings ñ reactions ñ regrets ñ any self-criticism future etc. ñ wishes for the future


6a Lead-in


Close your eyes and listen to the music. What images come to mind? What can you see, smell and hear? Describe the place and your feelings to your partner. partner.


What can you see in the pictures? What is the theme that links them?



a. Listen to this extrac extractt from from an Irish poem. poem. Which event is it related to? Is it modern or traditional? Give reasons.

 M arr y  y w h  heen t he  he y  yeear is new , al wa y  yss l ovin g ,  , k   k ind  d aand  tr  true. W   hen  h en F   F e br  bruar y b  y bir ird  d s d o ma t  tee ,  ,  yoou ma y wed   y  , nor d rea ead  d  yo  your f a t  tee.  I   f  yo  you wed  w  w h  hen en M   M ar c  c h  h wind s b  bl  l ow ,  jo y  y and  d ssorrow b  boo t  t h y  h yoou’ ll  ll  k   k now. b. Read the extract. extract. Which Which month month is suggeste suggested d but not mentioned? Which is/are the best month(s) to marry in? c. Mat Match ch the word wordss in bold bold to their their meaning meanings. s.



ñ luck/fortune ñ get married ñ sadness ñ be afraid of ñ couple

a. Read the title title and and subhead subheadings ings of the article. How might the article be related to the poem you heard? b. Think of three three question questionss you woul would d like to to ask about a traditional Irish wedding. Listen and read to check if the text answers your questions.


a. Read the the text and mark mark the statem statements ents True True (T) or False (F). 1 Irish couples don’t follow ancient custom customs. s. ..... 2 The groom couldn’t go to the bride’s house before the wedding.

.... .

3 Irish brides brides don’t don’t carry expensi expensive ve bouquets. bouquets. ..... 4 In the past the wedding cake was homemade.



5 It is unluc unlucky ky for for Irish Irish brides brides to wear green green.. .....


r maiden and for man" "Marry in April if you can, joy fo rs,, ers the e man y oth ike h, lik ich hic  wh itiion  w dit rad  tra g t ing eddin  we rissh w one Iri  yss one So sa y tin ng ressti tere lorre and inte lklo folk  y, fo ots in ancient histor y, roo has its ro ry  try ouples t  co  y c es, man y ime  tim hese modern t  th  ve en in t  E v s! E ns! ion itio stit erst super hat  th edding, in the hope t  we ir w eir the  in n th ms i tom cussto nt cu ien de ancie lud  in nclu to i e the esss. Here are some of th d happines and lucck an  wililll bring them lu it  w  y.. edding da y  we ir w eir the ow on th follllow eople fo  pe rissh p  Iri itiions that I dit rad tra

 g r o o m  e g  h e  t h  r t  fo r  t fo  t r  r e a t  A t  A

ust  ju se j rid de’s house ite ed to the bri  vit as in v  wa the past, the groom  w In the ed in his honour. oke g and a goose was cook ing e weddin the re th fore befo  y to sitt y g such generosi ing  win o w sho at sh tha ie ve th elie h people bel ish Iris Man y Ir d ind nge his min han on’t cha  wo  wiill make sure that he  w the groom  w te!! ute inu  la ast min e l the  att th g a ing eddin  we about the w

 !  fu l !  b e a u ti fu  e b  b e  , b  d e ,  B r i d

f   of  ts o ouquets  bo n b  on une o rtu  brride doesn’t spend a f ort sh b Irish itiional Iri dit rad  tra A t d  wilild  wrreath of  w ears a  w  we ly  w ally e usual she s. Instead, sh ers.  wer ticc f lo w exoti eshly picked on the morning of  her fre ir,, fr ers in her hair  we flo fl o w ell as  we ands, as w  ha er h n her  in ers i  we flo o w d fl  wilild ore w  mo es m ries arri  ca e c She g. Sh ing eddin  we  w lucck. Part of  the forr lu hoe fo esh rses ieff and a hors chie ic’’ handkerch agic ‘ma a ‘m eniing sten rist d to make the chri sed  ly use all y ess is usual dre edding dr  we e’s  w ide brid d. chilild. rstt-born ch firs robe f or the fi

Understanding new words

While reading do not use your dictionary each time you come across an an unfamiliar word. word. Read the whole sentence.This will help you guess the meaning from the context.

Speaking b. Explain Explain the highli highlighte ghted d words. words. Which Which meanings can you guess from the context?


In pairs, list the wedding traditions in Ireland and in your country under the headings below. How similar are they?

 c a k e  e c  th e  n th  o n  g o  c in g  i c  e i  h e T 

ould  y  wo  the f amil y w f  th  of  e member o ale  f emal er f   ys,, an older a ys  da ld d In the old itccake ierr f ruit ee--tie thrree itiional th dit rad  tra  a t g a ing e in producin ide at prid rea ke gre tak ta sitt  viisi less v h couple ish  Irris st I er, most  ve e v owe  yss, how a y ada  wad eception. No w  re e r the forr th fo  wiith d  w ted rate h is decora ich hic  wh loccal baker and order a cake  w eir lo the th n, ion itio iriies. According to tradit ans or f air  wa sh themes such as s w Irish Iri  itt ore i sto en st fte e y oft  The e. Th ake er of the cak  ye the couple sa ve the top la y  y.. rstt bab y  f irs ir f  forr their ke fo cak ening ca ste he christ  th  itt as t nd use i  an  tiin a in a t

 lu c k  d lu  a n d  s a  e s  a ir i e  F  e in them or not, eve ou beliliev  yo her  y eth  Whet  Wh e home of  the  y th tio onall y aditi tra nd is tr lan rela Ire e  ve e said to lo v are ho ar  wh es,,  w ries f airi ly ally cial eci spe beautif ul things  – esp h ish Iris brides! For this reason, Ir  ve er to e v  ne des n rid sess bri  viise  wiisdom ad v  w edding  we en on their  w ree ear gre  we  w ance with both f eet  da da y or to d e ese  thes oth of  th  bo as b ff tthe ground, as off  es to ries e f airi the pt th emp  wiill tem gs  w ing thin th er!  ve forre v hem of f fo  y th carr y t car

Portfolio: An international magazine for English language students has asked you to write a short article describing a traditional wedding in your country (50-60 words). Write your article. Use your answers from Ex. 6 to help you.

ñ groom ñ bride ñ wedding cake ñ reception ñ other traditions


PRE-INTERMEDIATE B1 Upstream PRE-INTERMEDIATE Upstream PRE-INTERMEDIATE is a modular course for learners learners of the English language at CEF B1 level. The series combines ac tive English learning with a varietyy of lively topics presented in themed units. variet Key Features ñ

theme-based units from a wide variety of authentic sources in five modules


a variety of cross-cultural topics


systematic development development of all four language skills through realistic challenging tasks which encourage the learner’s personal engagement


lexical exercises practising and activating all essential vocabulary including collocations, phrasal verbs, fixed phrases, prepositions and word formation


a varied range of reading texts from authentic contemporary sources, with exercises which encourage learners to read extensively as well as intensively


stimulating reading and listening tasks


a wide range of speaking activities and intonation practice


writing analysis and practice of various types of writing with full models


study skills tips


curricular and Self-Assessment sections at the end of each module


grammar sections covering all major grammatical areas and more advanced grammar points plus a Grammar Reference Section


songs Componentss Component Student’s Book Teacher’s Bo ok Workbook Class Audio CDs Student’s Audio CD My Language Portfolio

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