Quién? Qué? Dónde? Cuándo? Por qué?

Grades 1–3 BH22360 Primary Reading Skills ¿Quién? ¿Qué? ¿Dónde? ¿Cuándo? ¿Por qué? Downloadable Bryan House Publishers Product • Single-Classroom

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Grades 1–3


Primary Reading Skills

¿Quién? ¿Qué? ¿Dónde? ¿Cuándo? ¿Por qué?

Downloadable Bryan House Publishers Product • Single-Classroom User License •


BLaCkLine WorkBook

• Downloadable Bryan Hosue Publishers Product • Single-Classroom User License •

ECS eBooks Single-Classroom User Agreement With the purchase of electronic materials (such as e-books and print-ondemand teaching activities) from an ECS Learning Systems, Inc. (ECS) or Novel Units, Inc. (Novel Units) Web site, or that of an ECS or Novel Units authorized dealer’s Web site, you are granted a single-classroom user license which entitles you to use or duplicate these materials for a single classroom (or home) only. Sharing the materials or reproduction of any part of this publication in any way or by any means for additional classrooms (or homes), an entire school, or a school system; by for-profit institutions and tutoring centers; or for commercial sale is strictly prohibited. Reproduction of any part of the Teacher Guide, if one exists, is strictly prohibited. Use of the materials for anything other than classroom instruction is a violation of ECS and Novel Units intellectual property rights. ECS and Novel Units retain full intellectual property rights on all proprietary products, and these rights extend to electronic editions of complete books and individual teaching activities offered for sale in digital format. To obtain more information, or, if you would like to use ECS and Novel Units eBooks for additional purposes not outlined in the single-classroom license (described above), please contact [email protected].


Primary Reading Skills

The 5 W’s Author: Kathleen Knoblock Translator: Lourdes DuBois Editors: Suzanne Kamala Mammen, Heather M. Johnson Production: Renée Yates, Adrienne M. Speer

Bryan House Publishers™ Primary Reading Skills series is specially designed to provide targeted skills practice in a format that is fun, user-friendly, and appealing to students. Each 64-page book in this Bryan House SUPER VALUE™ series contains dozens of quality reading activities, making these books a great value for teachers and parents. They can

be used as consumable workbooks or reproduced for the classroom. Other titles in this series include: Getting the Sequence, Main Idea and Details, Fact and Opinion, and Drawing Conclusions and Inferences.

Andi Es otoño. Andi la ardilla recoge bellotas y las almacena para el próximo invierno. Él las lleva a su casa cargándolas en sus cachetes.

Lectura de comprensión The 5 W’s

Lectura de comprensión The 5 W’s



El almuerzo de Federico

Una siesta de invierno

Federico está sentado sobre un lirio en la laguna.

Utiliza las 5 preguntas para inventar una historia acerca del dibujo. Contesta las preguntas de abajo. Después prepárate para contar tu historia.

Federico ve una mosca.

1. ¿Qué estación es?

¡Gulump! ¡Ya no está!

O invierno

O otoño

O primavera Palabras que te podría gustar utilizar

2. ¿Por qué esta Andi recogiendo bellotas?

oso invierno dormir despertar

O para guardarlas para después O para comérselas ahora O sólo por diversión

comida primavera cueva hambriento malhumorado bostezo estirarse mirar

3. ¿En donde carga Andi las bellotas? 1. ¿Quién? O en sus cachetes

O en su casa

O en un árbol

4. ¿Cuándo se va a comer las bellotas? O en el verano © ECS Learning Systems, Inc.

O en el otoño

O en el invierno

BH-1450 Primary Reading Skills—The 5 W’s, Spanish Version

2. ¿Qué? 9

3. ¿Dónde?

1. ¿En donde está sentado Federico?

4. ¿Cuándo?

2. ¿Qué es lo que atrapó Federico?

5. ¿Por qué?

3. ¿En donde vive Federico? © ECS Learning Systems, Inc.

BH-1450 Primary Reading Skills—The 5 W’s, Spanish Version


BH22360 ISBN: 978-1-58232-236-0 Copyright infringement is a violation of Federal Law. © 2010 by ECS Learning Systems, Inc., Bulverde, Texas. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this publication is limited to the terms of the Single-Classroom User Agreement. No part of this publication may be translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any way or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission from ECS Learning Systems, Inc. Reproduction of any part of this publication for additional classrooms (or homes), an entire school, or a school system; by for-profit institutions and tutoring centers; or for commercial sale is strictly prohibited. Printed in the United States of America

© ECS Learning Systems, Inc.

BH-1450 Primary Reading Skills—The 5 W’s, Spanish Version


Publisher Information For a complete catalog, contact— ECS Learning Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 440 Bulverde, TX 78163-0440 Web site: ecslearningsystems.com For more digital resources, visit: ebooks.ecslearningsystems.com

• Downloadable Bryan Hosue Publishers Product • Single-Classroom User License •

Lectura de comprensión The 5 W’s


Lectura de comprensión The 5 W’s


El almuerzo de Federico Federico está sentado sobre un lirio en la laguna. Federico ve una mosca. • Downloadable Bryan Hosue Publishers Product • Single-Classroom User License •

¡Gulump! ¡Ya no está!

1. ¿En donde está sentado Federico? 2. ¿Qué es lo que atrapó Federico? 3. ¿En donde vive Federico? © ECS Learning Systems, Inc.

BH22360 Primary Reading Skills—The 5 W’s, Spanish Version


Lectura de comprensión The 5 W’s


Pipo Pipo es el cachorro de Liam. A Pipo le gusta pasear.

• Downloadable Bryan Hosue Publishers Product • Single-Classroom User License •

Él se pasea en una vagoneta. Él se pasea sobre la banqueta.

1. ¿Quién es el dueño de Pipo? 2. ¿Qué es lo que le gusta a Pipo? 3. ¿En qué se pasea Pipo? 4. ¿En donde se pasea Pipo? 2

BH22360 Primary Reading Skills—The 5 W’s, Spanish Version

© ECS Learning Systems, Inc.

Lectura de comprensión The 5 W’s


Al agua patos A Hugo le gustan los baños de burbujas. Él se baña por las noches. • Downloadable Bryan Hosue Publishers Product • Single-Classroom User License •

Él canta en la tina.

1. ¿Qué le gusta a Hugo?

2. ¿Cuándo se baña Hugo?

3. ¿En donde canta Hugo?

© ECS Learning Systems, Inc.

BH22360 Primary Reading Skills—The 5 W’s, Spanish Version


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