Remember Me Rose Garden 2022 Year-End Report Flipbook PDF

We are proud of our accomplishments in 2022 – our first full year of operation of the RMRG. We focused on two major obje

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Remember Me

Rose Garden

A Living Tribute to Flight 93

2022 Year-End Report

A Living Tribute to the Heroes of Flight 93 On September 11, 2001, terrorists gained control of the cockpit of United Airlines Flight 93 - intending to strike the U.S. Capitol Building - but were overwhelmed by the heroic passengers on board. The plane crashed in a quiet field near Shanksville in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, killing all 40 passengers and crew members. In sacrificing their own lives, the Heroes of Flight 93 saved the lives of countless others. The Remember Me Rose Garden was created as a living memorial to their heroism and provides a tranquil setting where all in need of healing can find a peaceful sanctuary. It is a safe place to build community, promote stewardship of the earth, reflect on those lost and those who survived, and unite Americans against all forms of hate and anger that threaten peace throughout the world. This “Living Tribute to the Heroes of Flight 93” features memorial stones engraved with the names of each of the 40 Heroes, a 30foot fountain and reflecting pond, a 16-foot tall wooden cross, and a half-mile walking trail with benches for rest and reflection. 400 “Julie Andrews” pink rose bushes, 1,000+ perennials, 1,200+ daffodils, and an acre and a half of wildflowers remind visitors that beauty can rise from ashes.



There’s More to See at Flight 93 Located just ¼-mile from the entrance to the Flight 93 National Memorial, the Remember Me Rose Garden has been created as a second, “softscape” destination for 9/11 tourists. Whether they are attracted by the serenity of a memorial to the most catastrophic terrorist attack in our country’s history, or by the beauty of the gardens and flowers that adorn it, the Remember Me Rose Garden has been privileged to welcome visitors from across the country and around the world. The Remember Me Rose Garden, combined with the Flight 93 National Memorial and Patriot Park, warrants a full day of exploration and an overnight stay for out-of-town visitors.

Creating Beauty From Ashes As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, the Remember Me Rose Garden, Inc. (RMRG) is fully dependent on the time, talent, and treasure of volunteers, visitors, and donors. The Rose Garden has been privileged to receive a significant grant from the state of Pennsylvania, several marketing grants from Somerset County, monetary donations from hundreds of people and several nurseries, in-kind donations from multiple companies, and reduced labor and materials costs from a host of site contractors. Without those generous sources of funding, and without the scores of volunteers who mow, rake, plant, shovel, etc. throughout the year, nothing close to the current beauty of the RMRG would have ever been accomplished.


Summary of Key Accomplishments We are proud of our accomplishments in 2022 – our first full year of operation of the RMRG. We focused on two major objectives simultaneously – new Marketing Initiatives, to increase the RMRG’s visibility throughout Pennsylvania and beyond, and Site Enhancement & Accessibility, to maintain and add to the RMRG’s features and to make it more accessible to visitors of all ages and abilities. Visitors increased tenfold to approximately 10,000

Major sources of funding included grants, fundraisers, site visitors, individual donors, and in-kind donors

Volunteer hours totaled more than 14,500 and included more than 125 volunteers Two members were added to the Board of Directors, bringing the total to seven Multiple marketing initiatives were launched through print, digital, social media, and radio We improved and added significantly to the RMRG’s physical infrastructure We changed the domestication for Remember Me Rose Garden, Inc. from Oregon to Pennsylvania

Our website and social media traffic increased substantially, with Facebook followers up more than 45% Our largest source of funding was a “Marketing to Attract Tourists” grant from the State of Pennsylvania. We have been very careful to steward our grant money wisely, and this is a breakdown of how the funds were spent:


Perhaps the best measure of our 2022 accomplishments are the comments of our visitors. Here is a selection taken verbatim from our visitor book:


Marketing Initiatives As a relatively new tourist destination, creating visibility and engagement with prospective visitors is critical to our success. Our appeal is broad – from those who patriotically value the history and memory of the events of 9/11 and the crash of Flight 93, to those who garden and appreciate the beauty of roses, perennials, and wildflowers. We targeted audiences in Western Pennsylvania and beyond through a variety of methods and media. Joined the Somerset County Chamber of Commerce

Hired a marketing company for media strategy and creative design (Think Communications)

Created a new flier, rack card, and an ad in the Somerset County Tourism Guide Conducted a “Rose Care MasterClass” taught by a world-renowned rosarian (who joined our Board of Directors in November) Launched a combination radio/email fundraising campaign through Salem Media Group/Word FM

Launched a campaign through Steel City Media to enlist subscribers to our newsletters and other communications

Initiated and responded to media for television news coverage, articles, radio spots, etc. (both local and national)

Updated and upgraded our website, and moved it to a more editable platform: Set up an online store for merchandise, accessible through our website:

Held two Benefit Concerts orchestrated by one of our Board Members – a Summer Concert and a Christmas Spectacular

Dramatically increased likes, follows, and engagements on our Facebook page:


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Site Enhancement & Accessibility Each year, the Board of Directors of the RMRG anticipates the need for both maintenance and improvements. In addition to needing consumables such as mulch, weed spray, Deer Scram, fertilizers, and plants that didn’t survive the harsh Somerset County winter, we will be making enhancements and improvements to the site and to our capabilities for maintaining it (both large and small). We intend to add to the RMRG’s features and visitor appeal and make the entire 13-acre site easily accessible to visitors of all ages and abilities. In 2022, we completed hundreds of such improvements, with these as the most significant: Created a 110ft. x 90ft. parking lot bordered on two sides by split-rail fencing (and capable of accommodating tour buses) Built a wide path for an easy walk to the main feature of the RMRG, the Compass Rose

Installed a border consisting of 300 paving stones inside the Compass Rose

Installed an irrigation system to protect the rose bushes from summer droughts Planted 200 additional perennials (bringing the total to more than 1,000) Planted a 1.5-acre wildflower area

Made numerous improvements to “Ryan’s Trail,” including gravel in wet areas Cut down and removed trees to improve the view, enable construction of the parking lot, and prepare the grounds for a picnic area Installed a new flagpole and flags (U.S. and Flight 93 flags) Planted 1,200 daffodils

Installed a prefabricated shed

Purchased hand- and power tools

Purchased a John Deere tractor for earthmoving, mowing and transporting materials



Future Projects Funds and volunteer hours permitting, RMRG’s Board has ambitious plans for the next few years of development for the memorial. These are some of the major additions and improvements in various stages of planning: With the help of an experienced architect (working pro bono), we are planning the construction of a Visitor’s Center and Restroom Facilities

We will design and place signage sitewide (parking, visitor’s center, at key features, storyboards along Ryan’s Trail, etc.) We would like to construct a large Star of David garden to honor the four Jewish passengers aboard Flight 93 There are plans to engrave several blank stones surrounding the fountain with phrases like “Let’s Roll” and “Never Forget”

We have consulted with gentlemen who worked at the National Memorial about planting flowering trees native to our area

We plan to install split-rail fencing for aesthetics and for channeling visitors to key features of the memorial There are plans to construct three additional compass points, each filled with three different varieties of roses

Several acres of the RMRG form a natural amphitheater, and we are contemplating the construction of a stage to host symphonies, speakers, and site-appropriate musicians

We need to add electrical feeds to our main sign along Route 30, our shed, and the anticipated stage Security cameras will help us both monitor traffic at the memorial and prevent theft We plan to finish the parking area with signs and bumpers for cars, recreational vehicles, and tour buses We have plans to create a picnic area with tables and benches

To properly staff the RMRG – at least during weekends – we hope to create and schedule teams of RMRG Volunteer Ambassadors We are planning new and recurring community involvement/fundraising events – to be conducted both onsite and offsite Thank you for your interest in the Remember Me Rose Garden. If you would like to subscribe to our newsletters, volunteer or donate, please click the button to learn more. 10

Learn more


Remember Me

Rose Garden

A Living Tribute to Flight 93

Visit The Remember Me Rose Garden! The Remember Me Rose Garden is open to visitors 365 days a year, with flowers in bloom from early Spring through late Fall. Group tours and special events are welcome. Email [email protected] or call 412-215-2991 for more information! Physical Address 6488 Lincoln Highway, Stoystown, PA 15563

Mailing Address P.O. Box 193, Shanksville, PA 155603

Follow us on Facebook at and visit our website at Remember Me Rose Garden, Inc. is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization.

Get in touch


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