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Story Transcript

Maandag 3 April 2023

GROOT EER VIR OPERASANGERES › Iréne-Mari van der Walt Die Namibiese operasangeres Janice van Rooy (22) is onlangs met die gesogte Opera Europa Eva Kleinitzbeurs vereer. “Ek voel ekstaties. Ek het nie tydens die oudisies gedink ek sou so ver kom nie. Mededinging in die kunste is hoog en hoewel ek vertroue in my vaardighede het, is dit altyd ’n ervaring wat my op my senuwees maak,” sê die jong sangeres wat op Swakopmund grootgeword het. Die Eva Kleinitz-beurs is gestig ter ere van die voormalige Opera Europa se president en direkteur van die Opéra National du Rhin, Eva Kleinitz, en word deur ’n bemaking in haar testament gefinansier met die doel om jong operatalent te ontwikkel “Ek dink, as dit regtig daarop neerkom, is dit die fynere dinge wat my as sangeres laat uitstaan. Die feit dat ek ’n Namibiër op internasionale verhoë is; geen Namibiese sopraan het dit al so ver gemaak nie. Baie van die beoordelaars het nog nooit ’n Namibiese sangeres hoor sing nie en dit strek op ’n manier tot my voordeel – dit laat my uitstaan,” sê Van Rooy. Sy voeg by dat haar voorbeeld as bewys dien dat opera en klassieke musiek nie net aan ’n eksklusiewe groep beskore is nie. “Ek was nooit so bevoorreg nie. Ek het aan die groep mense behoort wat nie hierdie konserte kon bekostig nie. Daar was nie regtig leermeesters wat my kon leer om baie van die instrumente te speel wat ek wou leer speel het nie, maar ek het nog altyd ’n passie vir klassieke musiek gehad. Selfs toe






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HUNTSMAN GREAVES , FALCON COLLEGE The hospitality was amazing, the rugby games were really tough and we enjoyed them.



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Nghutenanye shows

Kamanya proud


Joshua regrets failure to knock out Frankli n SUPERSPORT



ARSENAL - LEEDS CHRYSTAL PALACE - LEICESTER Gen. Murtala Muhammed AVE Tel: 061 297 2000; P.O. BOX 3436, Windhoek Fax: 061 223 721

cal knockout at the Roman Catholic Hospital hall in Kiriata Kamanya Windhoek. The Namibian tended the event.thanked all who atfrom the first dominated the fight He described the boxing bonanza his class with round and proved as a success, adding great combinatio The Roman Catholic of punches as that HosMTC Salute Boxingn sors and boxers played the sponAcademy staged pital hall played a huge role in this. host to the as a successful what they described “I am a lucky event. MTC Salute Boxing man today because “I am happy to Academy the event have won and like to thank God bonanza, with would did well. was fine and all my boxers Fillemon and Salute for I want to thank opportunity. I all of you knew I was going the that came as well as Nghutenanye the sponsors for it because I was to do making providing well this fight possible. masterclass performan a “I would also like prepared. “Salute will continue to thank my sponce on sors and MTC producing championsgrowing and Saturday. for making this ble,” Nghutenany possi- noted. ,” Kamanya e said. The boxer further The main supporting JESSE JACKSON lauded KAURAISA porters and training team forhis sup- night saw Jonas ‘Shorty’ bout of the making sure he delivered. Erastus He added that fending his national flyweight deillemon Nghutenan he hopes to against a resilient title Khomas cessfully defended ye suc- to acquire build on the victory Another boxer Luben Kandimba. founder governor Laura McLeod-Kat bigger titles in Boxing Association his World future. jirua and MTC who Kiriata Kamanya the near on Salute Boxing the day was Abed displayed class PHOTO JESSE flank Fillemon Pan African flyweight title Academy Nghutenanye JACKSON KAURAISA Shikongo, who after stopping dominated Stephanus after his victory. African Theo Nxayiphi South Shimbonde in superwelter with a techni- Producing champs nuel Josef also weight national MTC Salute Boxing showed his mettle title after beating Academy founder bout. ing top boxers Salatiel Moses Bantamweight at Salute. Thank with so much champion Imma- ease over six rounds. you for everyone “We are going to continue produc- watch this one as well who came to the live broadcast,” as NBC TV for Kamanya said.

Die Namibiese polisie het ’n aanstellingsveldtog van stapel gestuur om meer as ’n duisend lede te werf.


Cohesion growing in Welwitschias’ performance

Centre Danco

An SWD attacker

Burger made several

tries getting an

strong runs for

offload away against

the Welwitschia




the Welwitschia s’ midfield defence.

ship when the Namibians lost flank and captain Prince injury after barely !Gaoseb with a rib oseb’s replacement20 minutes. !Gamade a solid impactLe Beau du Preez and defender along as a ball carrier with the likes of Luttig, Max Katjijeko and others. The impact off the ANDREW POOLMAN rowers Herschell bench by the frontvan Wyk, former Lions and US Major A spirited second-half League Rugby hooker Pieter performance Jansen the Windhoek Draught Welwitschia by youngster Herman and tight head against the SWD Coetzee also pros vided Eagles on Saturday stability. indicates a promising The Namibian learning curve line-out for the group of tive and the forwards was effeclocally-based players making their return in their ball carrying were confident to South African provincial competition while hooker Wikus and offloading, . The visitors from Jacobs gave the last pass to left wing raced to a 28-3 the Southern Cape his try in the corner Lloyd Jacobs for lead half of the Mzansi late in the first after half-time that deflated the Challenge match, before the Namibians The Namibians deficit to 28-15. worked over also finished the lock Johan Luttig minute with an for a well-taken effective line-out80th to make the half-time try maul that was score 28-10. rounded Tries by scrum by Jansen, converted off with a try half Sachin Toring, half Adrian van by Henrique fly Olivier. der Rosco Syster and Bank, left wing The centre pairing full back Darryn Fortuin, all converted and Justin Newmanof Danco Burger Bank, put the Eagles by Van der work as well, despite did a lot of good comfortably ahead, showing a second-half miss where Newman’s enterprise in their backline play to not find an unmarked final pass did expose some defensive frailties in Burger who should have gone the home side. From there on, “There were someover in the corner. SWD could only one more penalty add be corrected. It system errors to to win the match was only the second 31-22, despite match for this the group and things scoring two more Welwitschias already looking are a more than enoughtries and creating match of missed lot better. It was a opportunitie have taken the but I’m looking opportunities for us, victory. While s to forward to what fly André van der group can achieve,” this Berg continues half to grow in his role as playmaker, sander Botha said head coach Chryhe also comafterwards. mitted some costly, With !Gaoseb and fellow flank tic errors, including uncharacterisCameron Langenhove a knock-on and at least three wayward n (knock to head) as injury touch kicks off concerns this week,the awarded penalties. the Namibians will some squad rotationpossibly consider Stability as they prepare to host one of the Van der Berg took leading teams, competition’s over the leaderthe Valke, in Windhoek this coming Saturday.


2-4 | Praat Saam

Van Rooy. Sy hoop om die weg te baan vir plaaslike talent in klassieke musiek. “Een van my talle drome is om eendag ’n operahuis in Namibië oop te maak. Ongelukkig sal ons nasionale teater nie voldoende wees vir ’n

dersoeke, dissipline, kliëntediens en ook bestuur, oorsig en beheer,” sê hy.


› Augetto Graig


ie Namibiese polisie (Nampol) het ’n reuse aanblads stellingsveldtog afgeskop ye inhou wat volgens die inspekteur-gened raal van die Namibiese polisie, Kry al die nuus hier: Joseph Shikongo, meer as ’n duisend lede tot die polisiemag se mannekrag sal voeg. Shikongo het dié aankondigISSN 1560-9448 ing die afgelope Vrydag by die Israel Patrick Iyambo-polisiekollege in die JAARGANG 46 hoofstad gemaak. Hierdie inisiatief, NO. 77 gesteun deur die sentrale regering, is nodig omdat die polisiemag besig is om vinnig te krimp, sê hy.


uit haar passie te skep. “Hierdie was die enigste ding waaroor ek seker was, en ek het op ’n manier altyd geweet ek het net die finansiering en opleiding nodig om suksesvol te wees en ’n loopbaan op internasionale verhoë te bou,” sê

» 750 poste geadverteer, meer as 50 beamptes bevorder




almal om my gedink het ek is mal om dit na te streef, het ek daarvoor gewerk omdat ek lief is daarvoor,” het sy gesê. Van Rooy sê geleenthede soos die Eva Kleinitz-beurs gee haar die hupstoot wat sy nodig het om ’n loopbaan

Nampol soek 1 000 nuwe lede



Die operasangeres Janice van Rooy het onlangs die Opera Europa Eva Kleinitz-beurs ontvang. FOTO VERSKAF

5 | Sport


Nampol se inspekteur-generaal, genl. maj. Joseph Shikongo, sê meer as ’n duisend nuwe polisiebeamptes sal aangestel word. FOTO ARGIEF “Die mag sal ook hulpbronne vir opleiding en heropleiding van lede in verskeie dissiplines prioritiseer, veral met die klem op prosedure en prosesse van misdaadbekamping en -on-

By dieselfde geleentheid is die bevordering van verskeie polisiebeamptes aangekondig. Adj.komm. Naomi Katjiua, koördineerder van misdaadondersoeke in die Oshikotostreek, word oorgeplaas na die direktoraat van kriminele ondersoeke by die nasionale hoofkantore in Windhoek. Adj. komm. Titus Kambidhi Ekandjo word bevorder om haar posisie in die streek oor te neem. Verder tree adj. komm. Moses Kashala, die hoof van die polisie se spesiale veldmag in die Oshanastreek, af en hoofinspekteur Martha Ndineleo Kampolo word bevorder na die vlak van adjunk-kommissaris om die leisels by hom oor NA BL. 2 te neem.

vollengte-opera met ’n simfonieorkes en ’n tegniese span agter die skerms wat sorg vir ’n goeie produksie nie. So dit is iets wat die moeite werd sal wees om na Namibië te bring,” sê sy. – [email protected]

Trans-Kalaharigrens nou voltyds oop › Augetto Graig Die Trans-Kalahari-grens tussen Namibië en Botswana is nou 24 uur ’n dag oop na geriewe by Buitepos en by die Mamuno-grenspos in die buurland amptelik Saterdag bekend gestel is. By die inhuldigingsgeleentheid het Albert Kawana, Namibië se minister van binnelandse sake, immigrasie, veiligheid en sekuriteit gesê: “Hierdie is die era van ekonomiese bevryding vir ons mense.”

EKONOMIESE GROEI Volgens hom is dit tyd om konflik agter laat en pogings te fokus op die groei van beide lande se ekonomieë, tot voordeel van inwoners. “Ons is nou in die tyd wanneer ons nie meer die Covid-19-pandemie kan blameer as ons nie ons teikens haal nie,” sê Kawana, wat byvoeg hy verwag ’n hoë opbrengs na aanleiding van die vergemakliking van beweging tussen NA BL. 2 die buurlande.





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Maandag 3 April 2023




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Grootfontein: Elvira Hattingh @ 081 737 3235 Oshakati: Tuyeimo Haidula @ 081 339 3112 Ondangwa: Enzo Amuele @ 081 568 6675 Rundu: Kenya Kambowe @ 081 724 1044

VERKOPE EN AFLEWERING Madelein Beukes 081 811 2218 [email protected] Tel: 061 330 504

BINNELAND: Gedeeltelik bewolk en warm in die suidwestelike deel, andersins gedeeltelik bewolk. KUS: Gedeeltelik bewolk en warm. GETYE BY WALVISBAAI: L: 08:16 H: 14:32 L: 20:19

[email protected] ’n Publikasie van NAMIBIA MEDIA HOLDINGS (Pty)Ltd, gedruk deur NEWSPRINT NAMIBIA (Pty)Ltd.

Die inwerkingtreding van 24 uur-dienslewering by die grens tussen Namibië en Botswana is Saterdag gevier. FOTO TKCCORRIDOR


VAN BL. 2 Die nuutste verwikkeling volg op die inwerkingstelling van die ooreenkoms tussen Namibië en Botswana op 24 Februarie om burgers toe te laat om die grens met slegs identiteitskaarte oor te steek. Sedertdien het 525 Batswana al van hierdie geleentheid gebruik gemaak, sê hy, terwyl 214 Namibiërs tot onlangs – op 27 Maart – die grens só oorgesteek het. Op 15 Maart het sy ministerie ook geriewe vir aanlyn aansoeke om werkspermitte en tydelike visums bekend gestel. Hierdeur kan Namibiërs ook volgens Kawana vir paspoorte aansoek doen. “In die era van die 21ste eeu het die vierde industriële revolusie wortel geskiet,” sê die minister, en voeg by dat meer aanlyn dienste gebied sal word. Afrika en die Suider-Afrikaanse Ontwikkelingsgemeenskap (SADC) moet byhou met die revolusie, sê Kawana. “Hierdie keer moet ons saam met die res van die wêreld

beweeg.” Botswana se minister van finansies, Peggy Onkutlwile Serame, en Anna Maria Mokgethi, die minister van arbeid en binnelandse sake, het dié buurland by die geleentheid verteenwoordig. Volgens Serame vorder die twee lande ook daarmee om die Trans-Kalahari-grenspos te omskep in ’n eenstop-gerief waar die betrokke dienste op een plek gelewer kan word. Sy sê hierdie verwikkelinge dra almal by tot die poging om die Trans-Kalahari-korridor die roete van keuse vir die SADC-streek te maak. Goedere ter waarde van N$20,4 miljard word reeds jaarliks oor die grenspos vervoer deur sowat 8 800 vragmotors per maand. Met die nuwe bedryfsure sal meer vragmotors na verwagting die grens oorsteek en gevolglik meer goedere in- en uitvoer – wat meer inkomste vir albei lande en die betrokke Omahekestreek en Charles Hilldorp in Botswana sal beteken. Dié vergrote dienslewering kom nadat


DIE HEUWELS FANTASTIES & JO BLACK Golden Circle: Tickets available now N$500

Nampol soek 1 000 nuwe lede VAN BL. 2 Boonop word 51 polisiebeamptes bevorder na die nuwe rang van senior inspekteur, insluitend 20 stasiebevelvoerders, sewe bevelvoerders van die kriminele ondersoekeenhede en 24 bevelvoerders van spesiale veldmag-eenhede landswyd. Volgens Shikongo het die hergradering van poste in 2013 ’n gaping tussen hoofinspekteur- en inspekteurvlak gelaat, wat nou só gevul word. Die nuwe struktuur van die Namibiese polisiemag is

15° 18° 13° 15° 18° 15° 14° 23° 10° 11°

30° 30° 29° 32° 34° 32° 24° 31° 22° 22°

Namcor onder ACC se vergrootglas › Jemima Beukes

Namibië en Botswana albei die Afrika-vryehandelsooreenkoms bekragtig het, noem Serame. Volgens haar sal dit beweging van goedere vergemaklik en effektiewe gebruik van die hawe op Walvisbaai - waar Namibië ook vir Botswana ’n droë hawe-fasiliteit beskikbaar maak - bevorder. “Tyd is geld,” voer Kawana aan, en voeg by die dae toe vragmotorbestuurders by die grens sou oorslaap en wag vir daglig om hul vragte deur doeane te kry is dus by die TransKalahari-grens iets van die verlede. “Vragmotors moet spoedig klaring kry sodra hulle hier aankom, ongeag die tyd van hul aankoms. Dié wat sekuriteit hanteer, moet verseker goedere word nie in die aande, terwyl vragmotors vir klaring wag, gesteel nie. Dus verwag ek dat dinge hier glad sal verloop,” sê hy. Hy sê ekonomiese bande tussen Namibië en Botswana sal tot nog nuwe geleenthede lei, wat ook meer dienste sal verg, en waarin veral die privaat sektor in verband met die nuutste logistieke tegnologieë, moet belê. - [email protected]


» Vrae oor N$100 miljoen-betaling

Sommige politieke leiers vra dat Mulunga as Namcor-hoof verwyder moet word.

Trans-Kalahari-grens nou voltyds oop


ie direkteur van die Teenkorrupsiekommissie (ACC), Paulus Noa, het gesê hulle ondersoek nou die dokumente wat deur die National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (Namcor) se besturende direkteur, Imms Mulunga, en twee lede van die uitvoerende komitee aan hulle oorhandig is. Die teenkorrupsieliggaam het Mulunga ontbied en Vrydag met hom vergader om die bewerings te bespreek dat hy glo ‘n betaling van meer as N$100 miljoen vir twee olieproduserende blokke in Angola

Paulus Noa, die direkteur van die Teenkorrupsiekommissie (ACC). FOTO ARGIEF

sedert 1 Maart van krag terwyl ander aanstellings op 1 April in werking getree het. Hy waarsku hooggeplaaste polisiebeamptes dat groot verantwoordelikheid met hul nuwe range gepaard gaan, insluitend aanspreeklikheid, toewyding en eerlikheid. “Julle moenie nou ontspan en voel julle is die baas nie! Wat julle behoort te onthou, is dat julle as polisiebeamptes die mense moet dien en beskerm,” sê hy. Hy moedig die nuwe bevelvoerders aan om as voorbeeld te dien en die mas op te kom wat taktiek en strategie betref om te verseker Nampol bly “relevant in ’n moderne polisiëringswêreld,”. Terselfdertyd het Nampol ook Vrydag 750 poste vir kadet-konstabels begin adverteer. Die polisiemag soek Namibiërs tussen die ouderdomme van 18 en 35, wat ten minste 25 punte en ’n Esimbool in Engels deur die voor-

sonder die raad se toestemming goedgekeur het. “Die vergadering het goed verloop, daar was geen probleme nie. Ons is besig daarmee. Hulle het al die dokumente wat ons aangevra het aan ons verskaf en ons ondersoek of dit iets te doen het met aantygings oor daardie N$100 miljoen en ander sake by die maatskappy. “Wanneer ons klaar is met die ontleding van die dokumente, sal ons besluit of dit nodig is om die raadslede in te roep. Hy was saam met sy span, hulle was drie bestuurslede. Onthou, ons het pas met hierdie saak begin en ek weet nie of dit nodig sal wees om ander lede van die bestuur te betrek nie. Ons is besig om die dokumente te ontleed,” het Noa gesê. Mulunga word ook wyd daarvan beskuldig dat hy glo ‘n lokval gestel het vir Namcor se raadsvoorsitter, Jennifer Comalie, wat vir beweerde dwelmhandel in hegtenis geneem is nadat dwelms ter waarde van N$57 000 glo in haar besit gevind is. Dit het gebeur net voor ‘n raadsvergadering sou plaasvind waar sy na hom na bewering sou skors. Comalie is tans uit op borgtog van N$7 000 en die saak is vir verdere polisie-ondersoeke en forensiese toetse uitgestel. Intussen vra politieke leiers dat Mulunga as Namcorhoof verwyder moet word en Tom Alweendo, die minister van myne en energie wat Comalie se eerste hofverskyning bygewoon het, het ‘n omvattende ondersoek na die dwelmvonds aangevra. In ‘n verklaring verlede week het die Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) geëis dat Mulunga onmiddellik geskors moet word in die lig van hoe die gebeure ontvou het. malige graad 12-stelsel of die nuwe graad 11-sertifikaat bereik het. Verder moet die kandidate gesond wees, seker wees hulle is nie swanger nie, geen kriminele rekord hê nie en gewillig wees om opleiding en ontplooiing selfs in vergeleë dele van die land deur te maak. ’n Lisensie om swaarvoertuie te bestuur (C1,CE) sal in hulle guns tel. Verder sal kandidate met kwalifikasies in polisiewerk, die bekamping van geldwassery, rekeningkunde en finansiële bestuur ook voorkeur geniet, saam met kandidate wat rekenaarstudie, kubermisdaad en digitale forensiese ondersoeke studeer het. Speurders jonger as 50 word gesoek, saam met maatskaplike werkers, musikante wat by die polisieorkes kan aansluit, en kandidate met sportvernuf. Die sperdatum vir aansoeke is 2 Mei 2023. - [email protected]



Maandag 3 April 2023


» N$20 miljoen vir vestiging van Inligtingskommissie

NBC kry grootste deel van ICT-begroting Die nasionale uitsaaier het glo die ontwikkelingsbegroting nodig om sy uitsaainetwerk in landelike gebiede op te gradeer, vervalle ateljees op te knap en toerusting aan te koop.


“Die wetgewing sal ongehinderde toegang tot inligting vir ons burgers verseker en hulle in staat stel om ingeligte besluite oor hul lewens en lewensbestaan te maak.”

› Augetto Graig


Die nasionale uitsaaier (NBC) sal in hierdie boekjaar ‘n groter gedeelte van die regering se begroting ontvang. FOTO ARGIEF onderteken het. Volgens Mushelenga het die regering ook reeds begin om kommunikasiebeamptes op te lei om die nuwe wet te kan toepas. “Die wetgewing op toegang tot inligting sal ongehinderde toegang tot inligting vir ons burgers verseker en hulle in staat stel om ingeligte besluite oor hul lewens en lewensbestaan te maak,” sê hy. Die kabinet het verlede jaar die ministerie se inisiatief goedgekeur wat kommunikasiebeamptes by ministeriële kantore en regeringsagentskappe, streekrade en by plaaslike ower-

hede toerus om inligting betyds en akkuraat te kan versprei. “Die ministerie sal soortgelyk onder hierdie program burgerlike deelname en betrokkenheid onder die program vir nasiebou en -trots uitbrei,” sê hy.

ANDER MEDIA Wat ander media in staatsbesit betref, sal die Namibiese Persagentskap (Nampa) met N$27,5 miljoen moet klaarkom, terwyl New Era Publication Corporation (NEPC) effens minder teen N$27 miljoen ontvang. Die Namibiese Filmkommissie (NFC)

Musk se ketting van ligte

Die satelliete oor Windhoek. FOTO VALERIA MUKHINA

› Tanja Bause

Die 56 Starlink-satelliete wat internetverbinding verskaf.

“Kyk wat beweeg oor die Alte Kalköfen Lodge - 56 satelliete in ‘n ry. Ongelooflik. Nogal ‘n lang streep liggies. My gaste was stomgeslaan,” het Frikkie Mouton gesê. Die satelliete het omstreeks 20:00 Donderdag oor die lodge naby Keetmanshoop beweeg. Dieselfde string ligte is romdom 19:30 oor Windhoek gewaar.

Die satelliete is op 29 Maart deur Elon Musk se SpaceX vanaf Cape Canaveral in die Verenigde State met die Falcon 9-vuurpyl gelanseer. Die 56 Starlink-internet-satelliete sal nou hulle plek in die maatskappy se globale satellietnetwerk inneem. Met dié 56 ingesluit is daar nou 4 217 ruimtetuie in die “konstellasie”. SpaceX het tans meer as 3 800 werkende Starlink-satelliete in die

ruimte - met sowat 3 300 wat operasioneel is en 400 wat tans besig is om in hulle operasionele wentelbane te beweeg. Dit sluit dié wat oor Namibië gewaar is in. Mense wat die satelliete wil sien kan besoek vir tye en datums van die volgende moontlike waarneming oor die land. - [email protected]

Outjo-inwoners betoog teen polisie › Elvira Hattingh Inwoners van Outjo onder leiding van verskeie tradisionele leiers asook hul Voiceless Women Committee, het Donderdag vreedsaam teen dié dorp se polisie betoog. Lede van die gemeenskap het ook ’n klagskrif aan die polisie se stasiehoof oorhandig, waarin daar onder meer gevra word vir ’n behoorlike ondersoek na die dood van die 17-jarige Eliaser !Hawiseb, asook die 18-jarige Geraldion !Guim. Die seuns het glo op die hoofpad na Kamanjab gesterf toe hulle op 21 Desember verlede jaar vermoedelik met hul fiets in ’n ongeluk met ’n verbygaande motor betrokke was. Gemeenskapslede beweer die polisie het nie die ongelukstoneel behoorlik ondersoek nie en

ontvang finansiering van N$6 miljoen van die film-ontwikkelingsfonds om die land as filmbestemming te bemark en die plaaslike bedryf te bevorder. Mushelenga het die beplande besteding van N$19,8 miljoen op die ontwikkeling van inligting en kommunikasietegnologie gemotiveer en gesê ’n digitale strategie vorder om Namibië in ’n ingeligte samelewing met ’n kennisgebaseerde ekonomie te omskep. Die hersiening van verskeie ICT-beleide het ten doel om ’n eenvorminge nasionale beleid te vestig, sê hy. Die

Die gemeenskap van Outjo vra vir ‘n behoorlike ondersoek na die dood van Geraldion !Guim (foto) en Eliaser !Hawiseb. FOTO VERSKAF

sê hulle vermoed ongerymdhede, veral omdat die seuns se fiets glo nie beskadig is nie. Daarbenewens kla die betogers dat hulle sukkel om met die polisie te kommunikeer omdat Khoekhoegowab in die algemeen in die dorp gepraat word, terwyl die polisielede glo net Engels of Otjiherero magtig is. Daar word ook oor individuele polisielede se gedrag gekla, terwyl die betogers ontevrede is met die werk van “wit boere en wit reserviste” wat glo die Kamanjab-pad “onwettig sonder die teenwoordigheid van die polisie patrolleer, padblokkades opstel, voertuie deursoek en vir rybewyse vra”. Die betogers het ’n antwoord op hul klagte binne 14 dae deur die kantoor van die streekbevelvoerder geëis.


Meet & greet the dogs!

ministerie samel tans insette in en is besig met die optrek van die konsepwet op kubermisdaad, die konepwet op databeskerming en die nasionale kuberveiligheidstrategie, volgens die minister. Die ontwikkeling van infrastruktuur geniet ook aandag - met vennootskappe met die privaat sektor wat voortduur terwyl die nasionale breëbandbeleid hersien sal word. Verder beplan die ministerie om nagenoeg N$60 miljoen aan sy verskeie operasies te bestee, en N$18 miljoen om die streekhoofkantoor in Hardap te laat bou. [email protected]

Die Starlink-satelliete oor Alte Kalköfen Lodge naby Keetmanshoop. FOTO FRIKKIE MOUTON


In the Erongo re gion, there are ab pet friend out 20 ly lodges , guest hou ses, selfcatering units, gue st farms an d hotels.


ir die 2023-’24-boekjaar beplan die ministerie van inligting en kommunikasietegnologie (ICT) om N$310,1 miljoen van sy totale begroting van N$651,4 miljoen aan die nasionale uitsaaier (NBC) se operasies te bestee, met nog N$82 miljoen wat vir die NBC se ontwikkelingsbegroting bewillig is. Teen altesaam N$392 miljoen is dit meer as die N$353 miljoen wat die NBC verlede jaar ontvang het, en aansienlik meer as die N$140 miljoen wat in 2020 toegeken is en ’n rol in ‘n mislukte staking gespeel het. Volgens minister Peya Mushelenga het die NBC die ontwikkelingsbegroting nodig om sy uitsaainetwerk in landelike gebiede op te gradeer, vervalle ateljees op te knap en toerusting aan te koop. ’n Mylpaal-belegging waarvoor daar vanjaar begroot word, is die vestiging van die Inligtingskommissie – soos uiteengesit in die wet op toegang tot inligting nommer 8 van 2022, wat president Hage Geingob laas jaar

Milo is a year old, medium size female dog. She is a little shy of new people, but when she warms up to them, she is a happy, silly dog. She would do well in a family that will allow her to build her confidence.


Come and meet Milo! Thursday, 27 April 16:00 - 18:00 Tourism Expo @ Windhoek Country Club & Resort Tourism Expo 26 - 28 April 2023 Windhoek Country Club & Resort

Proudly partnered with the Windhoek SPCA




Inhegtenisneming op lughawe lei tot hofsaak » Dringende aansoek word teruggetrek

‘n Man was minstens vyf dae in aanhouding nadat hy toegang tot Namibië geweier is en geweier het om die land te verlaat.

› Kristien Kruger


Inwoner van Mariental is twee weke gelede by die Internasionale Lughawe Hosea Kutako in hegtenis geneem weens die vermoede dat sy identiteitsdokumente vervals is. Hy het op 28 Maart ’n dringende hofaansoek teen die minister van binnelandse sake, immigrasie, veiligheid en sekuriteit aanhangig gemaak. Die saak is wel teruggetrek voordat dit Vrydag in die hoërhof in Windhoek aangehoor kon word. Ahmad Shoaib woon sedert 2018 in Namibië en het op 23 Maart teruggekeer ná ’n besoek aan Pakistan vir ’n familie-noodgeval. Hy is toegang geweier en owerhede het hom op 24 Maart in kennis gestel dat hy 48 uur het om die land te verlaat. Shoaib het geweier en hy is na die Seeis-polisie-

kantoor geneem. Hy het daarna die hoërhof in Windhoek op ’n dringende basis genader om ’n bevel te verkry vir die minister om hom vry te laat, om sy toegang in Namibië goed te keur en sy identiteitsdokument, paspoort en huweliksertifikaat aan hom terug te besorg. Die dringende aansoek sou voor regter Orben Sibeya aangehoor word, maar Shoaib se regsverteenwoordigers het die hof in kennis gestel dat hy vrygelaat is en daarom nie meer die dringende aansoek sal bring nie. Hulle sal wel steeds voortgaan met ’n saak teen die minister, maar dit sal nie op ’n dringende basis gebring word nie.

AGTERGROND Volgens Shoaib se verklaring het hy in Junie 2018 Namibië met ’n besoekerspermit binnegekom. Hy het kort daarna ’n verhouding met ’n Namibiese vrou begin en hulle is in Oktober 2018 wettiglik getroud. Hulle is daarna weer geskei, maar in die tyd wat hulle saam was, het Shoaib glo sakegeleenthede in Namibië nagejaag en besluit

om die land sy permanente woning te maak. Voor hy Pakistan besoek het, het hy glo aansoek gedoen vir identiteitsdokumente by die ministerie en het dit op 18 November 2022 ontvang. Hy was byna ’n maand in Pakistan en met sy terugkeer na Namibië het die immigrasiebeampte glo sy paspoort gestempel, maar die egtheid van sy identiteitsertifikaat bevraagteken.

‘WETTIGLIK GEREGTIG’ “Ek het verduidelik die identiteitsertifikaat is die oorspronklike dokument en dat dit deur die ministerie uitgereik is. Ek is gevolglik ingelig my toegangspermit is gekanselleer en dat ek aangehou gaan word.” Die immigrasiebeamptes het na bewering beslag op sy paspoort, identiteits- en huweliksertifikaat gelê. “Hierdie aansoek is gebaseer op die feit dat ek in besit van ’n geldige identiteitsertifikaat is en dat my aanhouding onwettig en arbitrêr is. Ek is wettiglik geregtig om in Namibië te bly,” het Shoaib in sy verklaring ter ondersteuning van die dringende aansoek gesê.

Maandag 3 April 2023

N$2 mjd. om veterane tevrede te stel › Ogone Tlhage Die regering sal ’n bykomende N$1,89 miljard aan projekfinansiering moet opdok – benewens die N$1,87 miljard wat hy reeds aan veterane van die bevrydingstryd uitbetaal het. Die minister van verdediging en veteranesake, Frans Kapofi, het sy begroting gemotiveer wat verlede week in die Nasionale Vergadering ter tafel gelê is en gesê sy ministerie sit met ’n groot agterstand te midde van verwagtinge dat meer veterane sal aansoek doen om betalings van N$170 000 elk te ontvang. “Hoewel die ministerie tot dusver 11 035 individuele veteraanprojekte uitbetaal het, is daar steeds ’n groot agterstand van 11 125 ongefinansierde projekte. Hierdie getal sal waarskynlik toeneem as gevolg van die feit dat veterane wat nie aansoek gedoen het nie, begin aansoek doen vir dié projekte,” het hy gesê. Kapofi het bygevoeg 93% van die totale begroting is aangewend vir aktiwiteite wat hoofsaaklik gemik is op veterane se welsynsprogramme en om die geskiedenis van die bevrydingstryd lewend te hou. Intussen het hy aangekondig dat konstruksiebedry-

Die regering sal na verwagting N$1,89 miljard in projekfinansiering aan veterane betaal. FOTO ARGIEF wighede vir die Cassingagedenkterrein voltooi is. “Dit sal vanjaar ingehuldig word en julle sal mettertyd na die geleentheid genooi word,” het Kapofi gesê. Planne sal ook in werking gestel word om veterane van die bevrydingstryd op te grawe en na aangewese nasionale gedenkterreine en begraafplase te verskuif, het hy gesê. “’n Opgrawingskomitee is gestig om toesig te hou oor die opgrawing en herbegrawing van die oorblyfsels van die martelare van die bevrydingstryd by aangewese nasionale gedenkterreine of begraafplase,” het hy gesê. ’n Resolusie is by die on-

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langse Swapo-kongres aanvaar wat die regering beveel om te verseker dat veterane van die bevrydingstryd al hul uitstaande gelde voor 2024 ontvang. Die opdrag is oënskynlik daarop gemik om veterane wat koppe stamp met die regering oor onbetaalde projekgelde, te paai voor die algemene verkiesing in 2024. “Die party beveel die regering om die kontantuitbetalings aan veterane van die bevrydingstryd voor 2024 ten volle af te handel, en om die veteranevereniging se aansoek vir affiliasie-lidmaatskap te bespoedig en af te handel,” lui die konsepresolusie. – [email protected]


Maandag 3 April 2023

Mariska Bijsterbosch en plaaswerkers help om die dier in die vragmotor te laai. FOTO’S KATHARINA MOSER



Dr. Ulf Tubbesing is besig om ‘n oorplaatjie aan ‘n swartwitpens te sit.

» Wildboerdery noodsaaklik vir natuurbewaring

‘Die dier kom altyd eerste’ Wildlife Vets help wildboere om hul diere vir ‘n veiling voor te berei. › Katharina Moser JOERNALIS

e-pos: [email protected]


it is 06:00 in Suider-Afrika, en op die plaas Klawerberg in Namibië is almal reeds in rep en roer. Medisyne en vitamiene word gesorteer, pyle vir die verdowingsgeweer word voorberei en die helikopter word gereed gemaak – vir Wildlife Vets Namibia is dit net ’n doodgewone oggend. Hulle taak is om verskeie wildsbokspesies uit die helikopter op dié kommersiële plaas uit te kies en te verdoof, dan te meet, in te ent, van identifikasieplaatjies te voorsien en somtyds in nuwe kampe te hervestig. Die veearts dr. Ulf Tubbesing en Mariska Bijsterbosch van Wildlife Vets Namibia is verantwoordelik vir mediese vrae oor wilde diere in Namibië: van behandeling en operasies tot inentings, vervoer, uitvoere en hervestigings wat dikwels oor landsgrense plaasvind. Op Klawerberg ondersteun die organisasie tans die eienaar en Suid-Afrikaanse wildboer, Charl du Toit, met die voorbereiding van uitgesoekte bulle vir ’n veiling wat oor ’n paar weke gehou word. Du Toit, wat Silent Valley Stud Game Breeders in Suid-Afrika besit, en sy bestuurder op Klawerberg, Willie Pienaar, wil onder andere by dié veiling vier swartwitpense, drie elande, drie koedoes, vier rooibokke, twee gemsbokke, twee witstert-, twee gestreepte en twee goue wildebeeste opveil. Veilings soos hierdie is ’n belangrike deel van kommersiële wildboerdery in Suider-Afrika en maak winsgeoriënteerde wildversorging en teling moontlik, terwyl inheemse wildspesies bewaar word. Die verkoop van die diere verg intensiewe voorbereiding waar ’n wildveearts betrokke moet wees. Die proses om die diere met ’n verdowingspyl te skiet, vereis die grootste omsigtigheid en kwalifikasies. “Die verdowingsmiddel wat ons gebruik, is ongelooflik sterk. Terwyl ons ’n paar milligram vir ’n groot bok moet gebruik, kan selfs die kleinste oorblyfsels lewensgevaarlik vir mense wees as hulle direk daarmee in aanraking kom,” verduidelik Tubbesing.

Gevolglik sal selfs ’n opgeleide wildveearts bykomende permitte benodig om die narkose te hanteer. Die spesifieke toediening moet vooraf deeglik oorweeg word; elke spesie benodig verskillende kombinasies van stowwe en verskillende dosisse. “Dit hang dus af van die land, die streek, die plaas en soms selfs die kamp op die plaas,” het hy gesê. Klawerberg is ’n kommersiële plaas wat ongeveer 9 000 hektaar beslaan en sowat ’n uur suidoos van Windhoek geleë is.

Mariska Bijsterbosch WILDLIFE VETS NAMIBIA

“As jy die natuur oor ‘n lang termyn wil beskerm, moet jy mense toelaat om ‘n inkomste daaruit te kan maak.” VERMINDERDE STRES Voor die somerhitte van Afrika intree, ry die wildveeartse en die boere die veld in. Die vlieënier Raymund Simon van Simon Wildlife Services staan hulle by. Hy is ’n ervare helikoptervlieënier en soek saam met Tubbesing vir die beste wildsbokbulle uit die lug. Wanneer hulle dié bokke identifiseer, verdoof Tubbesing die diere en stuur die grondspan na die regte ligging. “Ons het ’n ervare vlieënier nodig omdat dié soort werk baie gevaarlik is. Hy moet uiters laag vlieg sodat die veearts naby genoeg vir die verdowingskoot kan kom. Hy moet gedurig vir kraglyne en bome uitswaai,” het Bijsterbosch gesê. Die vlieënier stuur die dier stadig in die rigting van die grondspan. “Hoe groter die afstand tussen die dier en die helikopter is, hoe minder stres ervaar die dier. Adrenalien werk soos ’n teenmiddel vir die verdowing, wat beteken as die adrenalien bly vloei kan die dier aanhou hardloop, wat dan tot moontlike oorverhitting kan lei.” Die noodsaaklikheid om die korrekte hoeveelheid van die verdowingsmiddel toe te dien, word ook

hier duidelik. “As die dosering te swak is, loop die dier nog baie ver voordat dit uiteindelik grond toe val. Dit kan tot oorverhitting en nierversaking lei en die dood van die dier beteken. Dit is hoekom ons liewers bietjie sterker verdowing toedien en altyd die teenmiddel byderhand het as wat ons die dier weens hitte-uitputting verloor,” het Bijsterbosch gesê. Die korrekte dosering het ook ’n praktiese doel: “Die helikoptervlieënier word per uur betaal, sodoende spaar die boer geld,” het Tubbesing laggend gesê. Sodra die dier op die grond is, is die grondspan dadelik by die dier en bedek sy oë. “Die dier is wel verdoof, maar dikwels reageer hulle nog op eksterne faktore,” het Bijsterbosch, wat vir die werk op die grond verantwoordelik is, verduidelik. Die dier moet op sy maag lê om asemhaling te vergemaklik, dan word minerale, vitamiene, die nodige inentings en ontwurmingsmiddels toegedien. Die dier word gemeet om die lengte van die horings as ’n verkoopskenmerk te verseker. Elke dier kry ook ’n oorplaatjie en mikroskyfie vir identifikasiedoeleindes en binne ’n paar minute word die teenmiddel toegedien en die dier kan weer opstaan.

NATUURBEWARING Pienaar sê die boere is veral op die uitkyk vir diere wat die beste genetika vir ’n uitstekende teelbul toon. Dit hang aan die een kant af van ’n sterk liggaamsbou en die gewenste pelskleur, en aan die ander kant van die grootte van die horings. Die wildbedryf genereer ’n geweldige inkomste, maar baie geld moet ook daarin belê word. Altesaam 600 diere word einde April opgeveil, waarvan 300 bulle van Klawerberg afkomstig is.

Pienaar skat dit is een van die grootste wildveilings tot dusver in Namibië. Dit is ’n katalogusveiling waar die diere aanlyn opgeveil word via die foto’s wat deur Wildlife Vets geneem is terwyl die diere verdoof was. “Dit is baie minder stres vir die diere aangesien hulle net een keer vir die keuring en een keer vir die vervoer verdoof sal word,” het Pienaar gesê. Die meeste boere bie op die diere as nuwe teelbulle vir hul kuddes, talle ook vir jagtoerisme. Baie Europeërs vind dit vreemd dat Afrika-wild soos beeste geteel, opgeveil en verkoop word. Inteendeel, baie mense weet nie dat kommersiële wildboerdery ook nodig is vir wildbewaring nie. Slegs as plaaslike mense van hul natuurlike hulpbronne kan lewe, is daar belangstelling om hulle te beskerm. “As jy die natuur oor ’n lang termyn wil beskerm, moet jy mense toelaat om ’n inkomste daaruit te kan maak,” het Bijsterbosch gesê. “As wildboere nie wins uit wild kan maak nie, sal hierdie plase oornag in beesplase omskep word. Die bedryf stel die boer in staat om die diere te versorg.” Tubbesing dring ook aan op pragmatisme in natuurbewaring. “Vir my kom die dier altyd eerste. Maar die mense hier moet hulle brood verdien. Daar moet ’n simbiose tussen mens en dier wees.” Namibiese wildboere is ook in ’n ander opsig verseker van hul werk: deur die beste bulle te verkoop en aan te koop, wil hulle die genetika in hul kuddes optimaliseer. Terwyl Du Toit en Pienaar passievol is oor hul kuddes, die beste genetika, sterk bulle en lang horings, is daar ongetwyfeld wildboere in Suider-Afrika wat net met wins gemoeid is. Verskeie maatreëls wat sommige boere tref om hul wildhulpbronne te beskerm, moet ook krities beskou word; roofdiere soos luiperds, jagluiperds en jakkalse word deur baie boere uitgeroei. Tubbesing en Bijsterbosch, aan die ander kant, gee om vir die welstand van die diere wat aan hulle toevertrou word. Vir Tubbesing moet alle ander faktore – wins, burokrasie, bemarking – terugstaan vir hul passievolle verbintenis tot Namibië se natuurlewe. Wanneer hy en Simon die bloedrooi Afrikasonsondergang invlieg ná ’n lang, harde dag se werk in ’n helikopter, met ’n trop wildebeeste wat onder hulle galop, kan ’n mens seker wees: natuurbewaring in Namibië word die beste deur Namibiërs self gedoen.

Willie Pienaar meet die horings van ‘n wildebees.



Praat saam SMS'e

Maandag 3 April 2023


[email protected] Sit “lesers” vooraan en SMS na 51500 (N$3/160 karakters) WhatsApp 0811 7000 10


SMS 51500 Beste lesers, keuring vir die publikasie van SMS’e, briewe en alle ander lesersbydraes berus by Republikein. Klagtes oor die diens van private besighede word eers aan die onderneming vir reaksie voorgelê. Die menings van ons lesers en rubriekskrywers verteenwoordig nie noodwendig die standpunt van Republikein of Namibia Media Holdings (NMH) nie.

Psemas, wat gaan aan? Julle trek elke maand by ons medies af. Ons moet mos net 5% bybetaling doen, maar ek verneem dat julle nog op 2014 se tariewe werk. Hoe is dit moontlik? So gaan dit elke keer met elke eis. Ons lede verloor mos nou in die proses? Kan iemand help asseblief? Dit gaan al vir ’n paar jaar so.

Ek wil graag van Republikein se SMSkolom gebruik maak, om Otjiwarongo-munisipaliteit te vra waarvoor ons as inwoners al die ou funny tariewe einde van die maand moet betaal en ons asdromme word nie meer leeggemaak nie, en die strate is onrybaar as gevolg van die potholes. Ek daag Otjiwarongo se munisipaliteit uit om in hierdie selfde kolom aan die hele Namibië te verduidelik hoekom hulle ons geld steel en hoekom die dorp nooit so gelyk het in die vorige bedeling nie. As julle nie die joppie kan doen nie, gee dit terug vir die wat dit kan doen.

Republikein is ’n lid van die Redakteursforum van Namibië (EFN). NMH as mediahuis onderskryf die etiese kode vir die Namibiese media soos toegepas deur die:

“. . . 2 014 se tariew e. . .”

Weer vanmiddag gesien hoe drie klein skoolkinders amper doodgery word omdat hulle nie op die regte wyse die pad kruis nie. Plaas dat die owerhede opvoeding gee by skole aangaande links, regs, links kyk, dink hulle die oplossing is om orals spoedhobbels op te rig.

BRIEWE Goeie nuus ANONIEM SKRYF: ’n Goeie vriend van my het altyd iets te sê oor die woordjie “te”. ’n Woordjie wat nie op sy eie kan staan nie. Dit moet altoos aan iets gekoppel wees. Te hoog, te laag, te klein, te groot, te lig, te swaar, te vroeg, te laat, ensovoorts. Altyd is dit maar soos die spreekwoord sê: "Hier te kort en daar te

lank." So ontmoet jy iemand en vra jy vraens, hoor jy maar net slegte nuus. Die geld is te min, die gesondheid is te eina , daar word te veel gesteel en te min gewerk. Lewensmiddele het te duur geword. Dis om van te skree. Niemand is tevrede nie. Daar is dan wel ’n goeie woord met “te” as deel daarvan: Tevrede. Die samedromming in die straat trek my aandag. ’n Groep mense bondel luidrugtig saam rondom ’n kar wat daar geparkeer staan. Binne-in is daar ’n persoon wat besig is om te versmoor. Natgesweet en angsbevange beduie hy: ”Maak asseblief die deur oop. Ek kan nie asem kry nie.” Ek vra wat hier aangaan. Ek hoor dat die eienaar van die voertuig sy kar hier geparkeer het, die deur se sluitknoppie gedruk het en vort is om sy sake te gaan doen. Sonder sy wete was daar ’n ander een met nie-sogoeie-bedoelinge wat die knoppie in sý hand op dieselfde tyd gedruk het.

Motoriste word altyd daarteen gewaarsku: Maak maar seker jou voertuig is regtig gesluit; die botsotsos is oral. Hulle het toestelle wat die sluitaksie van jou deur kan kanselleer om sodoende jou kar en/of die inhoud daarvan van jou te vervreem. (Kyk nou net hoe sluip die te-woordjie weer hier ongevraagd in!) So het dit ook gebeur. Die bestuurder is weg en die dief maak doodluiters die deur oop en begin te steel. Ongelukkig vir hom het hierdie spesifieke voertuig ’n meganisme wat die sluit-aksie na ’n minuut of so heraktiveer. En daar sit ta. Sy toestel laat hom toe om in te kom maar nie om uit te kom nie! Die polisie sluit ook nou by ons aan. Ook hulle kan niks doen nie. Niemand weet wie die bestuurder van die voertuig is nie, waarheen hy is, of hoe met hom in verbinding te tree nie. Intussen word die gevangene daarbinne mal. Sweet pêrel by sy liggaam uit. Hy kap met sy vuiste teen die vensterruite. Help, help! Hy soek

na iets om die glas mee te breek. Niks. Net sneesdoekies. Hy huil en vloek. Stadig begin sy beeld vervaag soos die wasem teen die ruite hom onsigbaar stoom. Later hoor ons net die kapgeluide. Later net so ’n vae skuifeling. Dan niks. Dan is daar ’n roering onder die toeskouers. Die bestuurder het opgedaag. Hy druk sy knoppie. Die polisie sleep-dra die gevangene uit. Hulle sal hom eers hospitaal toe neem. Dan tjoekie toe. Daar is tog nog goeie dinge in die wêreld. Hulle gebeur net te min. Maar hierdie een het my daardie dag tevrede gestel.

BYBELSE WYSHEID DR. ANNES NEL Lukas 22:25,26: “By die nasies is dit so: konings speel oor hulle baas... Maar by julle moet dit nie so wees nie. Inteendeel, die belangrikste onder julle moet soos die geringste

wees, en die een wat die leier is, soos die een wat dien.” In hierdie gedeelte waarsku Jesus Sy dissipels teen die gevare daarvan om belangrik te wil wees. Hulle wou leiers wees. Op sigself is dit nie verkeerd nie, maar Jesus plaas Sy vinger op die probleem met hierdie begeerte. Sommige mense wil belangrik wees om ander te oorheers en te beheer. Dit kan soveel pyn in die lewens van ander veroorsaak. Dit is nie ’n Christelike lewenstyl nie. Christene volg hulle meester. Hy was ’n dienskneg. Hy het baie meer gedoen as om mense te dien met Sy tyd en onderrig. Hy het Sy lewe as ’n losprys vir ons gegee – om ons vry te maak (Markus 10:45). John Killinger skryf daarom tereg dat ware geluk nie in mag en invloed gevind word nie. Ware geluk is om dienaars te wees, ons lewens oop te maak vir die genesende, liefdevolle krag van God, sodat dit deur ons kan vloei en ’n seën vir almal rondom ons kan wees. Here, maak my lewe ’n seën vir ander, ter wille van Christus. Amen.

THERESA SÊ MAAR NET WIL JY REAGEER? [email protected] Herinneringe van ’n klein dorpie ver suid in Namibië

Theresa van Zyl

Vandag wil ek jou saamvat op ’n herinneringspad om jou vir ’n paar minute deel te maak van daardie kosbare kleindorpie-belewenis van ’n hele klompie jare gelede. Rosh Pinah is in my oë ’n wegloop-, wegraak-dorpie met baie kunstenaarsiele wat die normale gang van die lewe meemaak, jou op straat groet en dan weer terugkeer na hul eie leefwêreld. Hier voel God náby – dis of Hy tasbaar teenwoordig is in die byna ongerepte natuur wat die dorpie soos ’n muur omring. Die klompie geboue en huise (almal met egte “picket fences” soos in die flieks) kniel aan die voet van ’n groot, magtige berg met ’n verligte kruis en word dan van alle kante omring deur reekse berge wat in enige denkbare skakerings van bloue en perse inmekaar vloei tot aan die horison. Hier maak jou gedagtes weer vir jou sin en jou drome kom een vir een uit hul vergete wegkruipplekke te voorskyn om vir aandag te kom vra. Die voëltjies kwetter en jubel elke dag tegemoet

in die suiwerste voëlgesang wat ek nog gehoor het. Vreemde sang, natuurmelodieë wat jou laat stilstaan om die bome te fynkam, opsoek na die lyfie wat sulke soet klanke te voorskyn kan bring. En dan is daar vir my ’n sekere verskuilde romantiek in die mans van die dorp wat in hul “uniforms” van die myn – netjies en regop – soggens ’n uittog het myn toe. Vrouens en kinders bly agter in die dorp, gaan hul gang, doen wat gedoen moet word. Daar word voorberei en uitgesien, gewag vir die tuiskoms van die mans saans. Hulle skouers bietjie laer gesak saans as in die oggend en die klere nie meer so onberispelik netjies nie – maar daar is steeds veer in hul voete en lig in hul oë. Elkeen verdwyn in die kasteel van sy huis om daar die uniform te verruil vir sy eie keuse in klere en dan net te wees – die tuin in te drink, koffie uit sagte vrouehande te ontvang en te wonder hoe die kinders in ’n dag se tyd so kon groei. . . Daar is iets onvergeetliks in die opkyk van

’n kind na sy pa, soekend totdat daardie pa-glimlag kom, daardie groot hande en sterk arms wat mens in die lug kan opswiep om jou weer sag en veilig terug grond toe te bring. In hierdie dorpie is kinders nog kinders wat bal speel, fietsry en vir ure in sand en modder kan baljaar. Nie vasgenael agter ’n televisieskerm of verswelg in rekenaarspeletjies of sosiale media nie. Hulle speel en fantaseer in werklikheid, nie in “cyberspace” nie. Hier is nog tuisgebakte koek en beskuit, nie gekoop by ’n tuisnywerheid nie, maar gemaak in ’n huiskombuis met bakke wat deur kindervingertjies uitgelek kan word. Biblioteekboeke ontlok ontdekkingsreise vir jong verbeeldings in plaas van die voorgeskrewe denke van elektroniese beelde. Die grasperke is byna onwerklik groen, die plante opgetooi in hul veelkleurige blomblare en verskuil in digte skaduwees of spatsels sonlig, dat mens nooit weet wat jy kan ontdek as jy mooi kyk nie.

Is feëtjies, kabouters, paddastoelhuisies en pratende diere werklik net die skeppings van skrywers se verbeelding? Wie weet . . . kyk self, dalk kan jy die antwoord vind. In hierdie dorpie maak elke mens nog ’n verskil, word jy gemis en voor omgegee. Elk het sy rol, plek en droom om na te volg. Hier kom drome binne bereik en mense is weer volledig teenwoordig – nie skimme agter die wysers van horlosies nie en ook nie voorafgeprogrammeerde robotte wat maar net funksioneer sonder die innerlike meemaak daarvan nie. Hier is huise weer tuistes en tuine speelparke. Mans is weer helde en vroue dames. Drome word nie vergeet nie en geloof, hoop en liefde word die motto in jou siel wat oorloop in jou dae, weke en maande. Gedagtes en mense loop so stil soos seisoene jou lewe binne en laat spore sonder woorde wat die weg baan na môres en oormôres sodat eendag nie meer ver is nie. - Gasskrywer





Sport Eagles buig knie met 28 lopies » Krieket

Die teleurstellende nederlaag by United was waarskynlik die doodskoot vir Namibië se kanse.

› Tielman van Lill


ister se deurslaggewende uitspeelwedstryd vir die 2023 Wêreldbeker teen die Emirate (VAE) by die United-veld het opnuut nie die uitslag gelewer waarop die Richelieu Eagles voor gehoop het nie en die gasheerspan se WB-droom hang nou aan ’n dun draadjie. Die Emirate het ’n billike 267/5 in 50 beurte opgestel, maar dié teiken moes nie buite die vermoë van die Eagleskolwers wees nie, wat met oordeelsfoute op ’n streep al hul paaltjies vir 239 in 48.4 boulbeurte verloor het. Die loesing met 28 lopies het die Eagles (nou vierde) hul tweede posisie op die punteleer van ses aanspraakmakers gekos. Die enigste hoop vir die Eagles is om vandag hul laaste wedstryd teen Kanada met ’n reuseverskil te wen en dan te hoop die VSA,

Emirate en Kanada verloor hul finale ontmoetings van die toernooi. Bernard Scholtz (1/24 in 10) het soos gewoonlik niks goedkoop weggegee nie, maar die Eagles-boulers het gesukkel om tydige deurbrake te bewerkstellig. Pikky Ya France (1/32 in 10) was ook klinies, maar Karl Birkenstock (1/68 in 10) en Gerhard Erasmus (1/13 in 2), Ruben Trumpelmann (0/66 in 10) en Ben Shikongo (0/64 in 8) het deurgeloop. Namibië se eerste paaltjie het geval toe Niko Davin in 3.1 boulbeurte die bal reguit na ’n VSA-veldwerker geslaan het (5/1). Dit het min of meer die trant vir die res van die ODI vir die Eagles ingelui. Shaun Fouché (47 van 60 balle, 6x4, 1x6) en Michael van Lingen op (34 van 35 b, 4x4, 1x6) het hard vir ’n 80-lopievennootskap gewerk. Ná Fouché en Van Lingen se vertrek, beide met die totaal op 85, was daar steeds hoop. Gerhard Erasmus (30 van 41 b, 2x4) en Karl Birkenstock (31 van 39 b, 2x4) het hul bes probeer, maar dit was ’n keerpunt toe Erasmus gestonk is. Nicol Loftie-Eaton (19), Zane Green (9) en Ya France (14), wat met ’n bril-

blads y inhou e d

Shaun Fouché. jante duikslag naby die grens uitgevang is, se weerstand is ook uitgewis. Met Namibië op 196/8 (44.1 bb) was die skrif aan die muur en die vereiste tempo reeds te hoog. Trumpelmann op nege (28 van 15 b, 1x4, 3x6) en nommer tien Scholtz (18* van 15), saam met Shikongo op 11 moes die kastaiings onder geweldige druk uit die vuur krap om 71 van 35 balle te slaan. Dit het toe nie gerealiseer nie. Vir die Emirate het Rohan Mustafa (3/34 in 9) die boulaanval gelei met Zahoor Khan (3/59 in 9.4), Aayan Afzal Khan (2/23 in 6), Sanchit Sharma (1/23 in 6) en Karthik Meiyappan (1/41 in 8) wat hom gretig bygestaan het. Die Emirate se se voorste lopiemakers was staatmaker Vriitya

Nadine Jaeger met twee mede-Namibiese gimnaste tydens ‘n gimnastiektoer in Tsjeggië verlede jaar. FOTO VERSKAF

NGF bly oor kans vir jong afrigter » Gimnastiek

Die Namibië Gimnastiekfederasie (NGF) het met trots aangekondig dat Nadine Jaeger, ’n voormalige nasionale gimnas en huidige nasionale afrigter en beoordelaar, ’n beurs ontvang het om ’n Statebond- leierskapprogram vir vroue te volg. Die 25-jarige Jaeger, ’n oudskolier van Windhoek Gimnasium, rig artistiese en trampoliengimnastiek by die Crete-klub in die hoofstad af. As die suksesvolle aansoeker vir een van slegs 25 beurse wat uit 72 Statebondspeleverenigings wêreldwyd toegeken is, sal Jaeger opleiding ontvang tydens ’n ontwikkelingsreis om ’n sterk rolmodel te word in die leiding van die volgende generasie vroue in sport. Die program, met insette van beide plaaslike en internasionale mentors om haar reis en ambisies te ondersteun, is daarop gemik om leiding te bied oor vele belangrike sake, soos die daarstelling van holistiese, langtermynoplossings

Maandag 3 April 2023

vir uitdagings wat vroue in sport in die gesig staar, die hantering van uitdagings in die ingesteldheid en kultuur teenoor vroue binne organisasies, plus die bevordering van vroue in Statebondsport op alle vlakke. Tydens die intensiewe eenjaarprogram sal Jaeger saamwerk met ’n mentor van die Universiteit van Birmingham, wie se doel is om hul professionele kennis en ervarings te deel, en sleutelvaardighede en persoonlike eienskappe te gebruik om deelnemers in staat te stel om hul doelwitte te bereik. Motivering en bemagtiging, gebou in ’n een-tot-een verhouding op ’n gereelde grondslag, vul die professionele ontwikkeling aan met die oordrag van ondervinding, kennis en beste praktyke. “Die NGF is uiters dankbaar teenoor die Statebond Sportvereniging vir die toekenning van die beurs aan Nadine, en die Namibië Nasionale Olimpiese Komitee (NNOK) vir die volgehoue steun en bystand aan die NGF in ons volgehoue pogings om gimnastiek in Namibië te bevorder,” sê die beheerliggaam.

Aravind (93* van 118 b, 7x4, 1x5) en Asif Khan wat as speler van die wedstryd bekroon is vir sy 96 van 86 b (6x4, 5x6), totdat Aravind hom uitgehardloop het. • Gister by Wanderers het die VSA (235/7 in 50) vir PNG (118 almal uit) maklik met 117 lopies oorskadu. PNG het nie antwoorde op die VSA-boulers gehad nie. Steven Taylor (81 van 133 b, 6x4, 1x6) en Aaron Jones op 4 (65 van 77 b, 2x4, 3x6) het die beste vir die VSA gekolf. Vir PNG was Assad Vala op 4 (42 van 72 b, 3x4) hul voorste lopiemaker. Gajanand Singh (4/15 in 6.5), Ali Khan (3/31 in 6) en Nisarg Patel (2/31 in 8) was dodelik met die bal in die hand vir die VSA. PNG se Semo Kamea (3/32 in 10), Vala (2/34 in 10) en Riley Hekure (1/48 in 8) kon nie die VSA-kolwers in toom hou nie.

SATERDAG Jersey en die Emirate het Saterdag hul ODI’s onderskeidelik met elf lopies en ses paaltjies teen PapoeaNieu-Guinee (PNG) en Kanada in Windhoek gewen. Jersey het eerste by United gekolf (291/4). PNG en veral Asad Vala se negatiewe spel en stadige kolfwerk het hulle die wedstryd gekos toe hulle vir 280/9 in 50 beperk was en die knie met elf lopies moes buig. Vir Jersey het Josh Lawrenson op 3 (114 lopies, 105 balle, 11x4, 2x6) en Asa Tribe op 4 (115*, 143 b, 8x4, 2x6) uistekende gekolf. Vala op 3 (75, 107 b, 4x4, 1x6), Riley Hekure op 4 (58, 51 b, 6x4, 1x6) en Charles Amini op 5 (54, 47 b, 6x4, 2x6) was PNG se topkolwers.

Julius Sumerauer (2/69), Elliot Miles (2/35), Charles Perchard (2/43) en Harrison Carlyon (2/38) het paaltjies vir Jersey geneem. Semo Kamea (2/52) en Chad Soper (2/40) was suksesvol in PNG se boulaanval. • Die Emirate (255/4) het gemaklik Kanada (254 almal uit in 48.5) se totaal by Wanderers verbygesteek met ses balle oor om met ses paaltjies te seëvier. Die aanvangspaar Aryan Lakra op 1 (53 van 109 b, 2x4) en Muhammad Waseem (80 van 78 b, 6x4, 4x6) en Rameez Shahzad op vier (54* van 48 b, 4x4, 1x6) het die Emirate se lopies behaal. Kanada se lopies het hoofsaaklik van Matthew Spoors (33 van 62 b, 2x4, 2x6), Pargat Singh op 3 (102, 96 b, 13x4, 2x6), Nicholas Kirton op 4 (50, 64 b, 1x4) en Srimantha Wijeyeratne (28 van 23 b, 1x4, 1x6) gekom. Vir die Emirate het Aayan Afzal Khan (3/34), Zahoor Khan (2/42) en Junaid Siddique (2/49) uitgeblink. Nikhil Dutta (1/33), Jeremy Gordon (1/38), Harsh Thaker (1/40) en Saad Bin Zafar (1/53) was suksesvol vir Kanada met die bal.


1 VSA 6 punte (wen 3 uit 4), netto lopietempo 0.888 2 VAE 6 (3 uit 4) 0.241 3 Kanada 4 (2 uit 3) 0.345 4 Namibië 4 (2 uit 4) 0.198 5 Jersey 2 (1 uit 3) -0.814 6 PNG 0 (0 uit 4) -0.985. • VANDAG se bepalings: Kanada tn Namibië by Wanderers; VSA tn Jersey by United. MôRE: Jersey tn Emirate by Wanderers; Kanada tn PNG by United.

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News How gold smugglers use top SA banks.




The financial industry should pay close attention to users and their demands, embracing changes.

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3.1% Private sector credit extension growth in February. SIMONIS STORM

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Financial crimes on the increase

N$4.8 billion currency in circulation in 2022 The actual amount of financial loss suffered by banks and clients increased by 44.4% from N$22.6 million in 2021 to N$32.6 million in 2022. PHILLEPUS UUSIKU


he total value of notes and coins that circulated in the economy in 2022 stood at N$4.8 billion compared to N$4.7 billion in 2021, an increase of 2.4%, according to the Bank of Namibia annual report. The value of notes in circulation stood at N$4.6 billion in 2022 compared to N$4.5 billion in 2021. Coins in circulation during 2022 were value at N$267.9 million in 2022, relative N$257.9 million in the previous year. The Bank of Namibia has the sole mandate to produce and issue the Namibian currency. The banking sector observed an increase in the number of fraud and related economic crimes during 2022 in comparison to the previous period. A total of 370 fraud cases were reported during 2022, compared 268 cases reported in 2021. The categories of fraud experienced by banking institutions in 2022 included ATM fraud, EFT fraud, credit and debit card fraud, mobile application fraud, currency counterfeits, and theft of cash. Despite these increases, the total value of fraud incidents reported in 2022 decreased to N$41.6 million, from N$144.0 million in 2021. This substantial decrease in the current year is attributed to low value fraud incidents noted in comparison to the prior year.

The governor of the Bank of Namibia Johannes !Gawaxab launched the modified N$20 banknote in February. PHOTO FILE

Additionally, banking institutions have maintained and enhanced control measures aimed at combating high-value fraud incidents, and thereby contributing to the decline. However, the actual amount of financial loss suffered by the industry (banks and clients) increased by 44.4% from N$22.6 million in 2021 to N$32.6 million in 2022, the central bank said.

Counterfeits During 2022, an increase of 32.9% was registered regarding counterfeits compared to the decrease of 57.4% noted for 2021.

Two-hundred-and-six (206) counterfeits were recorded in 2022, more than the 155 recorded in the previous year. However, the counterfeits remained of poor quality and below the Bank’s threshold of 10 pieces per million in circulation, as well as the industry standard of 70 pieces per million in circulation. The N$200 banknote denomination was the most counterfeited with 115 pieces, an increase of 55.8% when compared to 78 pieces in 2021. In addition, 54 N$100 counterfeit banknotes were recorded in 2022 relative to 33 pieces registered in 2021.

Moreover, the N$50 banknote recorded 28 pieces, N$20 (7) and N$10 (1). No counterfeits were recorded for the N$30 commemorative banknote. Last year, the Bank of Namibia and Namibian Police discovered and confiscated counterfeit banknotes when two Namibians suspects, and a Rwandese suspect were found counterfeiting banknotes at a central shop in Katutura. The bank urged members of the public to follow the three basic steps in checking the security features on banknotes. Step 1 ‘Look’: Take a careful look at the overall colours, portraits, and serial numbers, lift

the banknotes to light and discover perfect see-through features and watermarks. Step 2 Tilt’: This involves flipping the banknotes to check for colour-changing, dynamic features and glossy prints. Check the multicoloured security thread on the reverse. Step 3 ‘Feel: Feel the unique banknote touch and raised prints by running your fingers on both sides of the banknotes, especially on the words BANK OF NAMIBIA; Main Portraits, and the Braille dots for the visually impaired.

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Market Watch



How gold smugglers use top SA banks Bribes to launder money The officers at Standard Bank, ABSA Bank and Sasfin Bank have been on the payroll of Mohamed Khan.


everal key officials at three major South African banks are helping a gold smuggling gang launder millions of dollars of dirty cash in exchange for regular bribes, an Al Jazeera investigation has found. The officers at Standard Bank, ABSA Bank and Sasfin Bank have been on the payroll of Mohamed Khan, a money launderer working for cigarette magnate and smuggler Simon Rudland, thousands of documents and interviews with Khan’s former colleagues reveal. These officers would enable dubious money transfers from Khan’s companies and remove evidence from the computer systems, all while getting monthly payments from Khan. The revelation is part of Gold Mafia, a four-part investigation by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit (IUnit), which shows how multiple gangs smuggle gold from Zimbabwe

and use it to launder vast amounts of money. The documents obtained by the I-Unit include ledgers, contracts and emails showing the process Khan and Rudland used. The I-Unit also interviewed Dawood Khan, Mohamed Khan’s brother, who helped forge documents; another of Khan’s former partners, who we are calling Jimmy to protect his identity; and Khan’s ex-wife Wardah Latief. Khan, who goes by the nickname Mo Dollars, heads PKSA and Salt Asset Management, South Africa-based financial services firms. Among their biggest clients is Zimbabwean millionaire Simon Rudland, owner of Gold Leaf Tobacco, one of Southern Africa’s largest cigarette brands. South African revenue authorities have accused Rudland of evading taxes by selling cigarettes on the black market. “The illicit cigarette trade

earns rand cash. So he gets a ginormous amount of rand cash,” fellow Zimbabwean gold smuggler Ewan Macmillan told Al Jazeera’s undercover reporters, who were posing as Chinese criminals looking to launder unaccounted cash. “He has the same problem in legitimising his money as you have.”

Dirty money Mo Dollars does this for Rudland; cleansing his dirty money using a complicated web of front companies, fake invoices, bribery and gold. At the centre of this scheme is a set of companies with bank accounts in different parts of the world – Aulion in Dubai, Vantage Leaf in Mauritius, Velmont Valley in Switzerland and Liberty Gold in the United States. PKSA and Salt Asset Management, which send the money, claim to be doing so in lieu of imports of tobacco, clothes and gold – imports that never actually enter South Africa. “It’s Simon laundering that money,” said

Dawood Khan, referring to Rudland. “Money that was not reported through the legitimate streams, and needed to be moved.” To “move” that money, he said, his brother Mo Dollars bribes influential officers at several South African banks so no red flags are raised during the transactions. The bribes range from monthly payments to paid holidays and house renovations, according to Latief, Mo Dollars’s ex-wife, and documents accessed by Al Jazeera. Sasfin Bank, which caters to small businesses is one of the institutions that Mo Dollars infiltrated. Hussain Choonara, who was in charge of the bank’s foreign exchange payments, was listed as receiving $1 600 per month, ledgers maintained by Mo Dollars and his aides show. “Mohamed and Hussain had a magnificent relationship,” Dawood Khan told Al Jazeera, adding: He would basically ensure that his staff is pushing through this work unquestioned. He was like the most valuable jewel or component, if I can put it that way, in Sasfin, to ensure the success of the money being laundered.

Bribe Choonara would also tell Mo Dollars who else he needed to bribe at Sasfin, Dawood Khan claimed. Among them was Lulama Kene, an IT technician who ensured fraudulent transactions were wiped from the bank’s digital system. Choonara left Sasfin in 2019. Others on Mo Dollars’s payroll included Cheryl Simons, who worked in the compliance office, and Brandon Marshall, the head of onboarding new business customers, the ledgers suggest.

Kene and Simons were each paid $800 a month, while Marshall received $3 200 every month. Marshall and Kene have left Sasfin, and the bank suspended Simons after allegations about her role in helping Rudland launder his money first emerged. “Friday afternoons after lunch they get their money,” Latief recalled. But it wasn’t just money, she said. “He also used to give them holidays overseas. And he used to renovate their houses for them.”

He has the same problem in legitimising his money as you have. Ewan Macmillan, Gold Smuggler: Zimbabwe

Mo Dollars also targeted two of South Africa’s three biggest financial institutions with a similar strategy: Standard Bank and ABSA Bank. Videsh Seeripat, a relationship manager at ABSA, is listed in the ledgers as receiving $800 a month. His job was to open bank accounts in the name of people who were not present to apply themselves, a mechanism that allowed Mo Dollars to start accounts using fake identities. “He would get the compliance people to sign it off, have another representative sign the document, and claim that all the necessary compliance boxes were ticked,” Dawood Khan said.

Evasion At Standard Bank, Afri-

ca’s largest bank, Vivian Naicker, a senior manager in the compliance division, made sure Khan’s companies received the documentation needed to evade the scrutiny of South Africa’s central bank, Dawood said. Naicker communicated with Khan using a pseudonym, Vic Grimes, according to emails between the two. “We would then provide him with the necessary documentation. He would then, by himself, set up and complete the application,” Dawood said. “He would then submit it to the Reserve Bank, get approval, which would allow us to facilitate payments without any scrutiny, through any bank.” Asked for a response to Al Jazeera’s investigation, Simon Rudland told Al Jazeera that the allegations against him formed part of a smear campaign by an unidentified third party. He denied any involvement in the sale of illicit cigarettes, in gold or other smuggling and in sanctions busting. He accepted that he had had dealings with Mohamed Khan, who he agreed “appeared” to be a money launderer, and that Gold Leaf and another of his companies had authorised Khan’s SALT Asset Management to act as their agent, but denied that any form of money laundering had been undertaken for him or any of his businesses. Payments made to Vantage Leaf, Liberty Gold and Velmont Valley had nothing to do with Rudland or his companies, he said.

Illegal trade Gold Leaf said that it emphatically denied any involvement, past or present, in money laundering, the trade in illegal gold or related matters.

The company said that no “untaxed” or “illegal” cigarettes could be “attributed” to Gold Leaf, though the proceeds of the illicit sale of its products by others did appear to have been moved between jurisdictions and thereby laundered. Gold Leaf said its limited transactions with Khan and SALT had always been lawful and proper. Gold Leaf had never made any payment to Aulion, it claimed. Mohamed Khan told Al Jazeera that all allegations against him were false and were based on speculation, conjecture and manufactured and doctored evidence. He confirmed that he was the owner of the PKSA Group and of SALT and that Gold Leaf was a client of SALT but he denied involvement in money laundering or other criminal activity. He denied bribing anyone who worked in the South African banking sector. Liberty Gold denied all knowledge of the matters and individuals we featured, while Vantage Leaf denied any knowing involvement in money laundering or false invoicing. Sasfin Bank told Al Jazeera it was taking vigorous action against suspended and former employees and clients of its foreign exchange unit and said that it no longer had a relationship with any of the businesses identified in this investigation, including SALT. ABSA said it had passed Al Jazeera’s findings to its Forensic Investigative Unit, while Standard Bank told Al Jazeera it has a zero-tolerance stance relating to fraud and criminality and would report and assist in any legal investigation. Vivian Naicker denied involvement in a money-laundering syndicate.



Market Watch


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COMPANY NEWS IN BRIEF ESKOM ANNOUNCES INTERIM RESULTS Eskom, which announced its interim financial results on Friday, says it has made progress with unbundling and expects that a license for its new subsidiary transmission company will be issued by the end of April. It also hopes that it will have secured lenders’ consent for the split by this date in instances where this is necessary. The Cabinet also announced progress on Eskom’s unbundling this week with the approval of the Electricity Regulation Amendment Bill, which will establish the independent market and system operator and further open up the electricity market to competition. The interim financial results for the six months ended 30 September 2022 showed a profit of R3.8 billion but the company warned that its performance was “seasonal” as revenue is higher, tariffs rise, and costs from renewable energy are lower, during the winter months. A large loss is expected by the end of March 2023, due to load shedding and diesel costs. Eskom also noted that when the new financial year begins on 1 April, Eskom would only be permitted to borrow with the written permission of the finance minister, which is one of the conditions of the Treasury’s R254 billion debt relief plan. The R350 billion of government guarantees will expire as the debt is paid off. This means it must fund its capital costs from the revenue it earns from operations.


Large capital projects – such as investment in the transmission grid – will need permission. -Fin24

HUAWEI REPORTS HUGE DROP IN PROFITS Huawei posted a massive drop in 2022 profits on Friday, as the company battered by US sanctions appointed its CEO’s daughter to be its rotating chair. A leading supplier of telecom gear, smartphones and other advanced equipment, a US-led pressure campaign in recent years has taken a major chunk out of Huawei’s businesses. And after posting record profits for 2021, the firm Friday reported 35.6 billion yuan ($5.2 billion) in net profits in 2022 -- a fall of 68.7 percent yearon-year. “In 2022, a challenging external environment and non-market factors continued to take a toll on Huawei’s operations”, the company’s outgoing rotating chairman Eric Xu said at its annual report press conference. “In the midst of this storm, we kept racing ahead, doing everything in our power to maintain business continuity and serve our customers,” he said. “We also went to great lengths to grow the harvest - generating a steady stream of revenue to sustain our survival and lay the groundwork for future development,” he added. Taking over as chair - a role that lasts six months - is Meng Wanzhou, daughter of billionaire CEO and founder Ren Zhengfei. -Fin24

Petrol steady

Diesel set for solid cut in South Africa Fuel prices, which will be adjusted on Wednesday 5 April, are largely determined by the oil price, as well as the rand - as oil is priced in dollar. HELENA WASSERMAN


he diesel price may be cut by 78c a litre this week, while the petrol price should remain largely unchanged. Based on the latest data from the Central Energy Fund, the Automobile Association (AA) estimates that 95 unleaded petrol could fall by 1.5c a litre, while 93 will decrease by 4c. Illuminating paraffin is set to fall by R1.39 a litre. Fuel prices, which will be adjusted on Wednesday 5 April, are largely determined by the oil price, as well as the rand - as oil is priced in dollar. “The main driver behind the decreases is lower international product prices, while the higher average rand/US dollar exchange rate is counter-balancing these gains. The weaker rand is eroding around 40c/l of the decreases, meaning the decreases could have been more significant had the rand been stronger throughout March,” notes the AA. The association cautions that the data is only reflecting the basic fuel price, and that other factors such as zone differential costs (the cost of transporting fuel from coastal to inland areas), and adjustments to the Slate Levy (used to claw back losses from fuel price under-recoveries)


The main driver behind the decreases is lower international product prices, while the higher average rand/US dollar exchange rate is counter-balancing these gains. AA

may still be made by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. These adjustments will impact prices, but this will only be announced next week. “The good news, though, is that if adjustments to zone differential costs and the Slate Levy are made, petrol prices are not likely to increase significantly and diesel and illuminating paraffin prices are still set to come down. The diesel decrease is particularly important because it is a major input cost in the manufacturing, mining, and agricultural sectors, and a decrease to this fuel could prevent immediate rising costs in goods and services,” the AA notes. While the Brent oil price has

fallen from above $84 a barrel to around $80, the rand has taken a big knock this month. In recent days it has been steadying, getting a major lift following a bigger-than-expected rate hike on Thursday. Petrol prices were hiked by R1.27 at the start of March, while diesel increased by between 30c and 32c a litre. In Gauteng, the price of a litre of 95 unleaded petrol increased to R22.95, while it will increase to R22.30 on the coast. A year ago, 95-octane petrol retailed for R21.60 in Gauteng. The Gauteng wholesale diesel price reached R21.62, from R18.87 a year ago. -Fin24


Market Watch


Digital is shaping the future of banking

Bank account of the world is a smartphone African banks have an opportunity to take advantage of the continent’s mobile penetration rates and increasing financial needs. STAFF REPORTER


f banks want to remain competitive in the face of neo-bank and fintech upstarts, they will have to fundamentally change the way they do business to be digital first. And if they are going to achieve that goal, then working with technology partners to ensure that they have the right infrastructure in place will be crucial. That was the overriding message from the speakers at a media roundtable event hosted during the Huawei Intelligent Finance Summit for Africa 2023, recently held in Cape Town, South Africa. Through the course of the session, it also became apparent that if traditional banks are to survive in the changing financial landscape, they can’t just put technology on top of their traditional processes and expect to compete and thrive. That’s as true, if not more so, for Africa as it is for the rest of the world.

Speakers from left to right: Zhentao Chen, CTO of Digital Finance, Huawei SubSaharan Africa; Eric Muriuki Njagi, Group Director for Digital Business at the NCBA Group; Brett King, Futurist and Author of Bank 4.0; Jason Cao, CEO of Huawei Global Digital Finance. PHOTO CONTRIBUTED

According to Jason Cao, CEO of Huawei Global Digital Finance, African banks have an opportunity to take advantage of the continent’s mobile penetration rates and increasing financial needs. “Mobile is the core of everything,” he said, adding that there are similarities between mobile payments in China and in Africa. Futurist and author Brett King agrees that this mobile focus will be important, not just in Africa but around the globe. “The bank account of the world is a smartphone,” he said. “In 2017, the number of transactions across the Chinese mobile wallet ecosystem passed all of the plastic card transac-

tions in the world for the first time. Half of the world will use a mobile wallet by 2025, credit and debit card use will be down to 30% of global commerce, and cash around 10%.” Safety is the primary reason, secondly, as all the speakers noted, is that a focus on mobile helps provide the best possible experience for the bank’s customers.

Improve customer experience “The financial industry should pay close attention to users and their demands, embracing changes,” said Cao, “Huawei is dedicated to helping its African financial customers address

Implemented by

Ministry of Information and Technology

GIZ – Make-IT in Africa TENDER INVITATION Consultancy Services to develop a National Digital Strategy in Namibia (5 Years) and Implementation Action Plan. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is implementing the ‘Make-IT in Africa II’ project on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) on a pan-African basis with a focus on Ghana and Rwanda. It is part of the BMZ initiative “Digital Africa”. “Make-IT in Africa II” is a funding program (01/2021-04/2024) that follows on from its predecessor project “Make-IT in Africa”, which was implemented from 2017 to 2020. The main focus of the project is to support national and panAfrican digital innovation creation ecosystems to become resilient and future-proof. See also The Ministry of Information and Communication (MICT) through the GIZ Make-IT in Africa II project, is hereby seeking the services of experienced and knowledgeable professionals in ICT Policy and Strategy Management, to develop a National Digital Strategy (5 years) and Implementation Action Plan. The Strategy is aimed at addressing the need for digitalisation and digital transformation across all government services and the public and private sectors. The accompanying objectives are to promote e-governance; create an enabling environment for the digital economy; define the competitive and comparative country advantage and enhance research development. To attain the desired goal of digital transformation, the strategic pillars are underpinned by digital infrastructure, digital skills, digital inclusion, services and content, interoperability, open data and policy, legal, and regulatory frameworks. The scope of the assignment includes the following: • Conduct a desktop review to synthesize the current status quo of digital transformation in Namibia, including existing strategies and policies. • Conduct an inventory and gap analysis to determine the level of digital transformation readiness. • Develop a National Digital Strategy for Namibia, along with the Action Plan. Details of all required services are stipulated in the Terms of Reference and related documents, which can be requested via the email address below. This tender is open to local / individual consultants only Terms of Reference to be requested via email to: [email protected] Please quote ref. no. 83435304 as your reference in the email subject line. Deadline for Bid submission: 27th April 2023 at 16h00 Bids must be hand delivered to the following address: Procurement Unit, GIZ-Office Namibia, No. 88 John Meinert Street, Windhoek West.

challenges and accelerate changes across six fields: shifting from transaction to digital engagement, cloudnative and agile businesses, data usage democratization, secure and reliable infrastructure, hybrid multi-cloud and Lego-style modular services, and automated and predictable operation.” “In this way, Huawei will facilitate financial digitalization and innovatively improve productivity in Africa. Revolving around stability, agility, and intelligence, Huawei aims to support customers to build ‘non-stop’ financial services, and achieve ‘non-stop’ development alongside ’non-stop’ innovation,” he added. Someone who has firsthand experience of how taking a digital-first approach can help improve customer experience is Eric Muriuki Njagi, Group Director, Digital Business, at the NCBA Group, one of Africa’s largest financial services companies. He pointed out that, for banks, making the choice to lead with technology is about deploying “money at the speed of trust.” As Njagi pointed out, the global banking sector has come a long way from 20 years ago when making transactions, particularly those taking place across borders, required either making a SWIFT payment or writing out a physical cheque. “We now have payments being made instantly or in a matter of seconds,” he said, adding that the same now applies to credit. “We’re now initiating and completing about 6 million loans a day, with an average of two seconds required to complete each one.” But, the NCBA director noted, that kind of speed means very little without trust. In a world where just five percent of fiat currency is made up of hard cash and the rest is essentially algorithmic, that’s especially critical. “How do we trust the algorithm,” he asked. The answer lies in a concept that Huawei calls “non-stop banking.” The concept doesn’t just refer to the ability of customers to instantly make transactions but also of the bank to

achieve non-stop development alongside ’non-stop’ innovation. A good place to start on that front is with stability. As Zhentao Chen, CTO, of Digital Finance, Huawei Sub-Saharan Africa pointed out, that’s not something African banks have always been able to take for granted. “For some of the banks, one year system availability here is around 99%,” he said. That might seem good, but it is as much as 50-60 hours of interruptions. That, in turn, can be incredibly frustrating for customers, especially when those interruptions run up against them trying to make a payment or transaction. As Chen pointed out, banks need to ask themselves, “if our current systems are not so stable, how should we change that?” Here, moving back-end systems to the cloud can be incredibly important. “Cloud can help banks bring about zero-downtime financial services,” said Cao, adding that if they’re to get the most out of it, they must realise that, “cloud is not just a technology, but an enabler” . Ultimately, however, if traditional banks are to compete with fintechs, they can’t just bolt on these technologies. Instead, they must integrate them into a new approach which is entirely digital-first. “The business of banking is, first and foremost, about being the best possible digital organisation,” said King. “It’s a mindshift to becoming a technology company that operates a banking license,” Njagi concurred. Fortunately, more and more players in the banking sector are coming around to that line of thinking. “Nowadays more and more bankers need to go further when it comes to digital transformation,” said Chen. “We just want to help our customers in the banking industry achieve digital transformation.” Echoing that sentiment, Cao concluded by saying that Huawei is, “committed to working with our African customers to focus on the challenges and accelerate digital transformation.”





In terms of subsection (2) of section 3 of the Property Valuers Profession Act, 2012 (Act No.7 of 2012), for the purposes of the appointment contemplated in subsection (1)(a) and (c) of that section, I invite any interested persons, voluntarily associations or bodies to nominate such persons within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Gazette for appointment as members of the National Council for Property Valuers Profession.


Market Watch


Bachmus, located in Rossing Street in Walvis Bay, has proven itself a supplier to trust, no matter the lubricant - or fuel-supply challenge. PHOTO OTIS DANIELS

Bachmus Oil and Fuel Supplies: Dedicated to customer service A leading oil and fuel supply company has evolved into a market leader. OTIS DANIELS


achmus Oil and Fuel Supplies started as a family-run business, which began its journey in 1994 as a supplier of heavy fuel (bunkers) to vessels. The company has grown into a leading supplier of fuel, lubricants, related cleaning products and technical services to various industries throughout Namibia. Bachmus managing director Corne Schalkwyk said the company’s story is one of perseverance, customer focus, being vision-driven, gaining expertise and building trust. “Getting to the position of the leader in lubricants and wholesale fuel supply did not happen overnight. “From our humble beginnings in the 90s, it took courage, vision and a distinct type of leadership to bring the company to its current level of success.”

Footprint Schalkwyk added that there was a strong drive to provide a service that no one else offered at the time, to ensure that their customer service was consistent and that supplies were reliable.

Today, Bachmus has depots across Namibia including in Windhoek, Karibib, Swakopmund, Walvis Bay and Ondangwa. Last year, the company inaugurated a brand-new depot and spacious warehouse with state-of-the-art facilities for refuelling. “Karibib is a critical refuelling stop-over for trucks on the trade corridor routes. Bachmus recently refurbished an old service station and opened the doors as a new wholesale fuel provider, as well as selling motor oils to the public.”

Reliable What sets Bachmus apart is its unparalleled commitment to customer service, as a wholesale fuel distributor permitted to sell to the public (trucks and heavy vehicles) offering a unique combo-solution-driven product and service offering to the general man on the street. “The most important ingredient to the company’s success and growth has been its staff. We are blessed with a dynamic, diverse and skilled team. “We employ 51 staff in our different depots nationwide. Many senior staff have been working at Bachmus for over 10 years, while others for more than five, which speaks to the company’s longevity, low staff turnover and family culture.” According to Schalkwyk, an essential part of growth within the

company is based on leveraging the team’s diverse thinking and talents to create new solutions or paths of growth. “We include everyone in reaching our overall goals, and encourage each employee take ownership of the part they play in the company’s growth.”

The most important ingredient to the company’s success and growth has been its staff. Corne Schalkwyk, Bachmus Oil and Fuel Supplies managing director

Supplies and services Being a multi-brand supplier, the company specialises in the supply of various lubricants, oils and hydraulics for a myriad number applications in the industrial, mining, marine, agriculture, automotive, manufacturing, energy and construction industries. Bachmus is the main distributor for Caltex in the country, and also stocks other major lubricant brands

such as Eurol, Engen and Total. One of Bachmus’ key advantages is its ability to provide packaged fuel and oil supplies with expert technical back-up to the mining and marine sectors. This includes the on-site placement of mobile selfbunded tanks, pumps and fuel management systems. “The fact that the self-bunded tanks are mobile makes them easy to install, move and manage,” the company said. With the marine and mining sector being critical to the Namibian economy, Bachmus wants to make sure it is positioned to provide the best possible service and quality products. On the technical side, the company provides a wide range of services, including oil sampling, oil analyses, computerised inventory control of fuel dispensing as well as expert technical advice. These systems and services have helped companies extend oil draining intervals, have more control over fuel spend, and identify possible mechanical issues based on oil analyses before a major breakdown, thus avoiding expensive repair work. In the marine sector, Bachmus is a major supplier of marine lubricants and bunkering. It provides bunkering (supply of heavy fuels to vessels) in port and offshore Namibia, as well as in other countries along the west coast of Africa.


Jaun-Mare Delport, who heads the bunkering and marine lubricants division, has extensive experience - having worked in the industry for 20 years. She can be relied upon for proper advice and the best service. The impact of Bachmus’ product and service offering on the transport sector cannot be overstated. The company supplies diesel to highway transport and provides affordable motor oils to the private vehicle and taxi market. This plays a critical role in keeping the wheels of the economy and trade turning. Experienced and dedicated teams, service, expertise and quality products - coupled with a commitment to building long-lasting relationships with customers - have been the building blocks of the company’s success. As Bachmus looks to the future, it is poised for even greater success and exciting new developments. “We have come a long way, and we look forward to some exciting new developments ahead. As usual, our teams are ready to assist all our customers with any oil or fuel needs,” Schalkwyk said.

• For more information on how Bachmus can best serve and support your business or operations, call 064 205 812, email [email protected] or visit


Market Watch





Deputy Director Grade 4 Windhoek N$ 492 567 - N$ 517 836 N$ 68 188 per annum N$ 102 701 per annum

Minimum Requirements: A B. Degree at NQF L7 plus nine (9) years appropriate experience.

• •

• Supplementary Selection Requirements: • Preference will be given to candidates with Bachelor’s Degree in either of the following disciplines namely; computer science, information technology, information technology management, information systems and computer engineering plus, nine (9) years appropriate work experience of which, four (4) years should be at middle management level or Chief level (Public Service) or equivalent level of experience.

• Candidates with the following additional post graduate qualifications and certification will have an added advantage: a. Project management, Business management, b. ITIL 4 Foundation Certificate, c. Certification as a professional in data, information systems security, information systems audit and or other relevant ICT certifications.

• The following skills are key and forms a crucial requirement of this job: a. Communication: excellent communication skills is required to collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to assess and address issues with information technology systems. b. Analytical: Ability to identify and assess computer systems and technology is critical. Critical thinking and analytical skills is key to help find and resolve issues. c. Problem-solving: Should be competent and able to troubleshoot problems in the operation of information technology systems, such as the Ministry’s database. d. Computer literacy: Should be able to operate basic computer functions as a compulsory skill required for working with computer systems and computer software. e. Application development: Should have knowledge of how to develop software applications as this is helpful for IT specialists who either design applications, analyze code or monitor computer systems. Understanding how applications work in important to help perform IT related tasks. f. Coding: the ability to write or read code is necessary. This helps to develop software, improve applications and analyze systems because computer code is the foundation for all applications and websites. g. Time management: The ability to prioritize tasks, complete projects and adhere to deadlines is important for this position which often have time-sensitive tasks. h. Policy: a broad understanding of government policies, standards, and practices within the public service is required. • MAIN DUTIES ARE TO: • The proper staffing and operations of the division, while ensuring that all works are carried out in accordance to established standards, procedures and guidelines. • Establishing and enforcing standards and practices within the Public Service and implement the Revised IT Policy for the Public Service of the Republic of Namibia, 2017 to ensure consistency and alignment of efforts in e-Government project implementation and practices. • Assist the Ministry in the adoption of standards, methodologies and practices such as ITIL and CoBIT as directed in the IT Policy 2017 • Responsible for overseeing the technical infrastructure within an organization, leading a team of IT staff, determining

• •

• • • • • •

business requirements for IT systems, managing the design and implementation of IT infrastructure, and eliminating security risks. Responsible for planning, directing, and managing the activities of technical personnel and for insuring consistency of goals, policies, and technical and administrative procedures. Very knowledgeable in IT and Computer Systems Experience in creating and implementing IT policies and systems that will meet objectives Ensure IT systems and people are effective in functioning within the limits of budget and time Oversee all technical operations on system security (e.g. Network security) and backup recovery strategies evaluate them according to established goals Devise and establish IT policies and systems to support the implementation of these strategies Analyze the business requirements of all departments within the Ministry to determine their technology needs Purchase efficient and cost-effective technological equipment and software as per Public ICT Standards and Specifications polished by the Office of the Prime Minister Inspect the use of technological equipment and software to ensure functionality and efficiency Identify the need for upgrades, and configurations on new systems Control budget and report on expenditure Carryout project reviews to enforce compliance according to defined standards and practices within the Public Service. Document procedures and system documentation needed to demonstrate compliance. Responsible for the provision of Ministry services online and ensure effective e-government service delivery are realized using the integrated website or web portal develop according to standards, procedures and guidelines published by OPM.

Enquiries: Mr. Johannes Kantana Tel: 061 293 3338 and Mr. Knox O. Imbuwa, Tel: 061 293 3527 Ministry of Education, Arts & Culture Human Resource Office Private Bag 13186 Windhoek OR Hand delivered to: The Ministry of Education, Arts & Culture Government Office Park, Luther Street Human Resource Office, 2nd Floor, East Wing, Room No. 275 Closing date: 28 April 2023 Please Note: Racially disadvantaged persons, women and people with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply. Applicants must be Namibian Citizens and/or Public Servants (proof of citizenship), or SADC Citizens with a Namibian Work Permit. All foreign qualifications must be submitted with evaluation reports from Namibia Qualifications Authority (NQA). All Qualifications/transcripts not indicating the duration of the qualification must be accompanied by a testimonial testifying the duration e.g. student completed/passed 3 year qualification. Certified copies of educational qualifications and a complete CV must accompany Application Form 156043 and 156094 obtainable at all Government Offices and on Failure to complete all items on the application form for employment and not attaching the documents will disqualify the application. An attractive range of benefits for permanent full-time staff members include a Housing benefit, Transport Allowance, Pension Fund, Medical Aid Scheme, Social Security and ample leave days.


Eskom in talks with Electricidade de Mocambique PHOTO REUTERS

To buy electricity from Karpowership The South African utility is in talks with Electricidade de Mocambique for buying the output from a 415 MW Karpowership power station.


skom is considering buying electricity from a Karpowership plant to be located offshore Mozambique after declining to sign agreements to procure power from facilities the Turkish company planned to moor off the South African coast. The South African utility is in talks with Electricidade de Mocambique for buying the output from a 415 MW Karpowership power station, which will be mounted on a ship stationed in Maputo Bay and burn low-sulfur oil. “Discussions with Eskom, as one of the potential offtakers, are ongoing and an offer has been submitted for their internal review,” the state-owned Mozambican company said in a response to queries. “The final off-taker is expected to be the export market due to the exacerbation of the power deficit that we are witnessing in some countries in the region, including South Africa.” The beleaguered utility, which supplies almost all South Africa’s power, can’t meet demand and has been subjecting the country to rotational blackouts of 10 hours or more a day. The government has said it wants to buy 1 000 MW of electricity from neighbouring states, many of which are suffering outages of their own. “Eskom will be undertaking a fair and transparent process to acquire,” that power, it said in a response to queries ,without addressing whether it is wants to tap output from the Karpowership fa-

cility. “A procurement strategy is being developed,” it said, adding that it has received unsolicited offers. The Maputo plant, which adds to a smaller facility operated by the Turkish company off Nacala in northern Mozambique, is expected to get environmental approval in June and start operating in October, EDM said. Karpowership confirmed the October target.

The final off-taker is expected to be the export market due to the exacerbation of the power deficit that we are witnessing in some countries in the region, including South Africa. Electricidade de Mocambique

An off-take accord could attract opposition from environmentalists, who have delayed the company’s South African plans for gas-fired plants on ships by filing objections over the potential impact on marine life. Karpowership in 2021 won a tender to supply 1 220 MW of power to South Africa. In addition to the environmental objections, a lawsuit and Eskom’s demand for an indemnity against any adverse outcomes from corruption allegations have stalled the deal. Karpowership has described Eskom’s demand as irregular and has denied any wrongdoing. -Fin24

The Evening Review is a daily interview-based talk show that dissects and expounds on current affairs as they occur in the country. The Evening Review’s viewership cuts across all age groups, LSMs and demographics, with daily interviews determined by what makes headlines on the day. Book your commercial video or L-shape on the show WATCH THE DAILY LIVE SHOW ON FACEBOOK @18:00 NOW ON NTV @21:30 WEEK DAYS

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LOIDE is looking for domestic work in Windhoek. She has experience in cleaning and ironing. Contact: 081 4542607 DM0202300409116

THESALONIC is looking for any domestic or nanny work. Available immediately and has got experience. Contact: 0816426033 or 081-2104926 DM0202300409114

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Vakatures Vacancies

LUNAR ARQ: is looking for draftsman and manager. Fluency in Portuguese, certificate in ArchiCAD a must. Good business communication skills. Handle multiple tasks and willing to travel between Angola and South Africa on short notice. Own transport. E-mail CV to: [email protected] No telephonic interviews. DM0202300409118

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT & RECEPTIONIST: We are looking for an organized, outgoing and mature Administrative Assistant/Receptionist. In this position, you will assist with a variety of clerical and administrative duties. Since you will be the first person clients see as they walk through our door, we are looking for an individual who can maintain a professional appearance at all times. Key Performance Areas: *Switchboard. *Receive and welcome visitors and customers. *Respond to e-mails and manage mail correspondence. *Maintain office calendar. *Assist with quotations and invoicing. *Perform data entry and filing tasks. *Manage inventory of office/ shop supplies. *Perform other general administrative tasks as needed. Qualification & Competence Requirements: *Grade 12 Certificate with a minimum of 25 points in 5 subjects. *Qualification in Administration will be an advantage. *At least 3 years of administration or clerical experience. *English language proficiency. *Computer proficiency. *Experience with QuickBooks / Sage software will be an advantage. *Basic mathematics and accounting skills. *Organisational and time management skills. Duty Station: Saffron Energy Head Office, Windhoek, 37 Schanzen Road, Eros, Windhoek. Interested candidates should e-mail their resume to [email protected] Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and no documents will be returned. Closing Date: Thursday, 06 April 2023 DM0202300409110

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ELECTRICAL ENGINEER: Saffron Energy is searching for an experienced and driven Electrical Engineer with a passion for the renewable energy business to oversee all technical aspects of the company. Key Performance Areas: * Carry out designs and improve electrical products and systems. * Assess and approve designs and all technical documentation. * Supervise and monitor the assembling plant and processes. * Construction / installation supervision and contract administration. * Ensure that products and systems align to business development needs of the company. * Research and develop initiatives of new cutting edge technologies to offer competitive advantage to the company. Qualifications & Competence Requirements: * Minimum requirement of a Bachelor Technology Degree in Electrical Engineering. * At least 3 years relevant experience in electrical designs, construction supervision and contract management. * In-depth experience in Helioscope, Digsilent, Auto-CAD and other relevant electrical design software. * In-depth understanding of engineering and renewable energy systems. * Must have worked for an engineering firm, EPC or solar developer. * Exceptional communication skills. * Valid Code-B Driver’s license. * Registered or eligible for registration with the Engineering Council of Namibia. Duty Station: Saffron Energy Head Office, Windhoek 37 Schanzen Road, Eros, Windhoek. Interested candidates should email their resume to: [email protected] Only shortlisted candidate’s will be contacted, and no documents will be returned. Closing Date: Thursday, 06 April 2023 DM0202300409111


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ALL SEWING MACHINE repairs and services. Domestic and Industrial. We are based in Okahandja but collect and deliver in Windhoek once a week. Contact: 081-3118067. DM0202300408925


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World Party Day is based on the idea that peace is not the opposite of war, merely its absence. The real opposite of war is party, and World Party Day aims to synchronise a massive, world-wide party to celebrate everything that’s good and optimistic.

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ONDANGWA EXT 1: A 3 bedroom house, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, single garage, self contained flat, N$930 000, excluding costs, erf size 962m². Hilma 081-2902342 YellowSquare Properties. DM0202300409036

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Regskennisgewings Legal Notices

IN THE  High Court of Namibia Case No: HC-MD-CIV-ACTCON-2022/03958 In the matter between: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NAMIBIA LIMITED, Plaintiff and PETALL SCHWEIGER, Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In execution of a judgement against the above Defendant granted by the above Honourable Court on the 13 October 2022, the following will be sold by public auction on the 15 April 2023 at 10h00 at the Plot 178B, Rehoboth, by the Deputy Sheriff, Rehoboth: 1x 2 door fridge, 1x Microwave oven, 1x Leather 3 piece lounge suite, 1x LG flat screen TV, 1x Dining-room suite with 6 chairs, 2x Printers, 1x Washing machine TERMS OF SALE: Voetstoots and cash to the highest bidder. Dated at Windhoek on this 20th day of February 2023. DR WEDER KAUTA & HOVEKA INC CPJ POTGIETER WKH HOUSE JAN JONKER ROAD WINDHOEK REF: MAT82478 DM0202300408322

KATIMA MULILO: ESTABLISHMENT OF TOWNSHIP KATIMA MULILO EXTENSION 39: Kindly take note that Toya Urban Planning Consultants CC has applied to Katima Mulilo Town Council and intends on applying to the Urban and Regional Planning Board in terms of section 105(1)(b) of Urban and Regional Planning Act No.5 of 2018 for the followings: - Subdivision of Portion 3 of the remainder of the Farm Katima Mulilo Townlands No.1328, into Portion D and Remainder. - Layout approval and Township Establishment on Portion D (Portion of Portion 3 of the Remainder of the Farm Katima Mulilo Townlands No.1328, comprising of 97 erven and remainder streets to be known as (Katima Mulilo Extension 39). Portion 3 is located on the western part of Katima Mulilo Townslands No.1328 along the road to Nampower and measure approximately 105,00032 Hectares in extent. The purpose of the application as set out above, is to subdivide Portion 3 into Portion D measuring approximately 5.4332 Hectares in extent and establish a township to be known as “Katima Mulilo Extension 39”, which will comprise of 97 erven and the Remainder streets. This township will be for purposes of developing an upmarket residential suburb which will also be consisting of a luxury hotel and supplementary recreational facilities. The full application, locality maps, layout plans and its supporting documents lie open for inspection during normal office hours at the Katima Mulilo Town Council (Town Planning office) and with Toya Urban Planning Consultants cc. Any person objecting to the proposed application as set out above may lodge such objection together with their grounds thereof, with the Chief Executive Officer of the Katima Mulilo Town Council or with the applicant (Toya Urban Planning Consultants) in writing on or before Wednesday, 10 May 2023. The Chief Executive Officer, Katima Mulilo Town Council, P.O. Box 41404 Katima Mulilo Tel:066 261 564, Email: info@domainname. com Or TOYA Urban Planning Consultants, P.O. Box 99294, Windhoek, Contact: Mr. Simon Shinguto at 081 3099839 or Mr. Tobias Pendapala Newaya at 0811243321/ email: sshinguto@|tobias.newaya@gmail. com. DM0202300409109


Regskennisgewings Legal Notices

ESTATE OF THE LATE JOHANN LEU PASSP. NO. (SWISS PASSPORT): X2447232 OCCUPATION: CATHOLIC PRIEST LAST ADDRESS: OTJIWARONGO MARITAL STATUS: UNMARRIED Date of Death: 21/07/2018 NUMBER: E 1675/2018 WHK Notice is hereby served that the AMENDED First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate is lying for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court WINDHOEK and the Magistrate OTJIWARONGO for a period of twenty-one days from date of publication of this notice. AJ VAN DER MERWE FISHER, QUARMBY & PFEIFER P.O. Box 37, WINDHOEK AJVDM/slj/240350 DM0202300409140

ESTATE OF THE LATE CHARMAINE CECELIA ALLIES I.D NO.: 53010200595 OCCUPATION: PENSIONER LAST ADDRESS: ERF NO 2509, KARLIEN STREET, KHOMASDAL, WINDHOEK MARITAL STATUS: MARRIED IN COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY Date of Death: 01/11/2016 SURVIVING SPOUSE: CLARENCE WILLIAM ALLIES I.D NO.: 51040700225 NUMBER: E 438/2023 Debtors and creditors in the above estate are requested to forward their claims and pay their debts to the undersigned within a period of 30 days from date of publication of this notice. AJ VAN DER MERWE FISHER, QUARMBY & PFEIFER P.O. Box 37, WINDHOEK AJVDM/slj/251113


Regskennisgewings Legal Notices

IN THE  High Court of Namibia Case No: HC-MD-CIV-ACTCON-2017/00558 In the matter between:FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NAMIBIA LTD, Plaintiff and GLOBAL COMMODITY TRADERS, Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY Pursuant to a Judgment of the above Honourable Court granted on 24 MARCH 2017, the following immovable property will be with a reserve price of N$940,000.00 (in favour of First National Bank) and voetstoots by the Deputy Sheriff of the District of Ongwediva on 18 APRIL 2023 at 11h00 at ERF 4350, (Extension No 10),Ongwediva CERTAIN: Erf No. 4350, Ongwediva, (Extension No. 10) SITUATED: In the Town of Ongwediva, Registration Division “A”, Oshana Region MEASURING: 656 (SIX FIVE SIX) Square Metres Consisting of single residential dwelling attached to a double garage. 1x TV room, 1x dining room, 1x kitchen, 1x lounge, 1x store room, 2x bathrooms, 3x bedrooms. The “Conditions of Sale-in-Execution” will lie for inspection at the office of the Deputy Sheriff at ONGWEDIVA and at the Head Office of Plaintiff at WINDHOEK and Plaintiff’s Attorneys, Fisher, Quarmby & Pfeifer, at the undermentioned address. Dated at WINDHOEK this 14TH day of FEBRUARY 2023 FISHER, QUARMBY & PFEIFER LEGAL PRACTITIONER FOR PLAINTIFF Corner Robert Mugabe & Thorer Streets Entrance on Burg Street P O Box 37 WINDHOEK AAH/jvz/S1998 DM0202300408165


ESTATE OF THE LATE ANTOINETTE BARTENS I.D NO.: 36100600110 OCCUPATION: PENSIONER LAST ADDRESS: DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA MARITAL STATUS: UNMARRIED Date of Death: 25 SEPTEMBER 2020 NUMBER: E1185/2021 Notice is hereby served that the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate is lying for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court WINDHOEK for a period of twenty-one days from date of publication of this notice. AJ VAN DER MERWE FISHER, QUARMBY & PFEIFER P.O. Box 37, WINDHOEK AJVDM/OA/240533 DM0202300409142

Market Watch Om te adverteer skakel: Kleinadvertensies t: 061-297 2055

IN THE  High Court of Namibia Case No. HC-MD-CIV-ACTCON-2016/02886 In the matter between:STANDARD BANK NAMIBIA LIMITED, Plaintiff and IRVIN BASIL SUMMERS, Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY Pursuant to Judgment of the above Honourable Court granted on 20 OCTOBER 2017, the following immovable property will be sold without reserve and voetstoots by the Deputy Sheriff of the District of Walvis Bay on the 18th of April 2023 at 10H00 at Erf No. 1061, Narraville, Walvis Bay, Windhoek, Namibia. CERTAIN: ERF NO 1061, Narraville SITUATED: In the Municipality of Walvis Bay, Registration Division “F”, Erongo Region MEASURING: 700 (seven hundred) square metres CONSISTING OF: House: Tandem garage, 2 entrances, sitting room with built-in braai, open-plan kitchen with built-in cupboards, two bedrooms with built-in cupboards, main bedroom with builtin walk-in-closet, one full bathroom. House is fully tiled with aluminium windows and doors. Flat: Open-plan two bedroom flat, one bathroom with shower. 3 Extensions half built to house, boundary walls. The “Conditions of Sale-in-Execution” will lie for inspection at the office of the Deputy Sheriff at WALVIS BAY and at the Head Office of Plaintiff at WINDHOEK and Plaintiff’s Attorneys, Fisher, Quarmby & Pfeifer, at the under mentioned address. Dated at WINDHOEK this 16TH day of FEBRUARY 2023 FISHER, QUARMBY & PFEIFER LEGAL PRACTITIONER FOR PLAINTIFF Cnr Robert Mugabe Avenue & Thorer Street Entrance in Burg Street WINDHOEK FPC/ldt/235341 DM0202300408304

8 035

Market Watch


Regskennisgewings Legal Notices

IN THE  High Court Of Namibia Main Division – Windhoek Case No: HC-MD-CIV-ACTCON-2022/02208 In the matter between: BANK WINDHOEK LIMITED, Plaintiff and ANTON DE WET VAN DER WALT, Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION Pursuant to Judgement of the above Honourable Court granted on 16th day of December 2022, the following immovable property will be sold without reserve and voetstoots by the Deputy Sheriff of Ongwediva, Erf 3173, Unit 12, Ongwe Park, Ongwediva, Namibia on 18th of April 2023, at 10h00, of the undermentioned property. SECTION NO.12 (TWELVE) - as shown and more fully described on sectional plan no. 03/2007 in the development scheme known as ONGWE PARK in respect of the land and building or buildings situate at: Erf No. 3173, Ongwediva (Extension4) In The Town Of Ongwediva Registration Division “A” Oshana Region; of which the floor area, according to the said Sectional Plan, is 79 (seven nine) square metres in extent; and an undivided share in the common property in the development scheme apportioned to that Section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on that Sectional Plan; held under Certificate of Registered Sectional Title ST 03/2007 (12) (UNIT) and dated on 15 February 2007 subject to the conditions of Title. IMPROVEMENTS: Single story dwelling consists of a lounge, kitchen, 2 bedrooms with BIC, 1 bathroom with shower, 2 verandas and 1 passage. TERMS 10% of the purchase price and the auctioneers’ commission must be paid on the date of the sale. The further terms and conditions of the sale will be read prior to the auction and lie for inspection at the office of the Deputy of Sheriff of the Court of Ongwediva, which office is located in Tsumeb and at the offices of the Execution Creditor’s Attorneys. Dated at Windhoek this 2nd day of March 2023. DR. WEDER, KAUTA & HOVEKA INC. LEGAL PRACTITIONERS FOR THE PLAINTIFF WKH HOUSE, 3rd FLOOR JAN JONKER ROAD AUSSPANNPLATZ WINDHOEK (Ref: MAT78935)

I-TECH Namibia promotes activities that increase human capacity for providing HIV/AIDS clinical care and support through the development of health care worker training systems. I-TECH invites suitably qualified persons to apply for the following positions: • • • • •

Deputy Director- Clinical Services x2 (Windhoek) CECAP Quality Manager (Windhoek) Senior Paediatric HIV Expert Nurses • (Rundu) Senior Case Finding Nurse Mentor (Windhoek) • Mulilo) District Quality Manager (Katima

Detailed advertisement and further information at: • -------------------------------------------------------------• Closing Date: 07 April 2023 I-TECH Namibia is an equal opportunity employer, people with disabilities and from designated groups are encouraged to apply.

Help for relatives of Alcoholics AL-ANON Family groups offer help for friends and relatives of alcoholics. They provide assistance for people who live with alcoholics.


IN THE  High Court Of Namibia Held At Main Division Windhoek Case Number: HC-MD-CIVACT-CON-2020/01681 In the matter between: STANDARD BANK OF NAMIBIA LIMITED, Plaintiff and RAYMOND GERRIT HUSCHFELDT, 1st Defendant MARLENE CLAUDINE HUSCHFELDT, 2nd Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION Pursuant to a Judgement of the above Honourable Court granted on the 9th of DECEMBER 2022, the following immovable property will be sold “voetstoots” by the Deputy Sheriff for the District of WALVISBAY on Tuesday, the 18th day of APRIL 2023, at 12:00 at Erf 2164, Narraville, Walvis Bay, Namibia. CERTAIN: Erf 2164, Narraville, Walvis Bay, Namibia SITUATED: In the Municipality of Walvis Bay Registration Division “F” RESERVE PRICE: (a) WITHOUT A RESERVE PRICE (b) Interest at 11% interest per annum from date of signature of conditions of sale ; (c) Deputy Sheriff’s fees IMPROVEMENTS: 4x Bedrooms – Main en-suite, 2x Bathrooms, 1x walk-in closet, kitchen, dining room, lounge, entertainment room, laundry room, double garage. Backyard Flat: 2x bedrooms, full bathroom, kitchen. The “Conditions of Sale in Execution” will lie for inspection at the office of the Deputy Sheriff in Walvisbay, and at the Head Office of Plaintiff in Windhoek at Plaintiff’s Attorneys, Koep & Partners at the undermentioned address. DATED at WINDHOEK this 13th day of MARCH 2023. KOEP & PARTNERS Legal Practitioners for the Plaintiff 33 Schanzen Road Windhoek (REF: SN/ma/76669/DEB446) DM0202300408789

Mail: vollmerdj@ Dawnnam@ Cell: 081 256 6229

VENUE: cnr Lüderitz and Kasino Streets DATE AND TIME: Thursdays


Office hOurs: Monday - friday:

A chronic disease of the brain and central nervous system

09h00 - 17h00 [email protected]

at 19H00


Market Watch


BID INVITATION bamWafer is iwvifiwg regisfered awd repufable firms fo submif bids for fhe followiwg procuremewf. Refeoence Numbeo


W/ObB/bW – 009/2023

Refurbishmewf of pedesfriaw awd vehicle bridges for fhe Ogowgo – Oshakafi cawal refurbishmewf projecf (Parf 1 & 2)

G/ObB/ bW019/2023

Supply awd Delivery of a GPS awd Drowe fo bamWafer

NonLast day foo oefundable claoificaDocument tion oequest Levy

NonCompulsooy Poe-Bid meeting

Restoiction: Section (29) (1)(b)

Dafe & Time: 14 April 2023 af 10h00. Locafiow: bamWafer Oshakafi Office.

This bid is reserved for bamibiaw regisfered ewfifies as per secfiow 29 (1)(b) of fhe public procuremewf acf 15 of 2015

b$ 300.00

25 April 2023

16 May 2023 af 11h00 am

bof Applicable

This bid is reserved for bamibiaw regisfered ewfifies as per secfiow 29 (1)(b) of fhe public procuremewf acf 15 of 2015

b$ 300.00

25 April 2023

16 May 2023 af 11h00 am

Closing Date

Biddiwg documewfs will be available as from fhe 30th of Maoch 2023, ow requesf af [email protected] by forwardiwg Proof of Paymewf, where applicable. All poospective biddeos who wish to do business with NamWateo will be subject to the Public Poocuoement Act No 15 of 2015, Public Poocuoement Regulations 2017 and otheo dioectives issued undeo it.

Electricit y Cont rol Board 3

23 Years of3Successful Regulation

PUBLIC NOTICE Appointment of Chief Executive Officer

Appointment Appointment of Chief of Chief Executive Executive Officer Officer

VACANCY MECHANICAL / PROCESS ENGINEERS ASE invites applications of experienced Mechanical / Process Engineers to be responsible for the engineering, management and execution of water and wastewater treatment system projects based on environmentally sound principals. RESPONSIBILITIES

ECB Chief Executive Officer

• Assume overall responsibility for the technical (including engineering design), Chief Executive Officer the Electricity Control Board (ECB), effective 1 April projects, 2023. The from position commercial andofexecution management of engineered systems became vacantthrough in August inquiry to 2021. contract execution, including commissioning and take-over. • Establish and maintain a positive and informative relationship with clients, Mr. Kahimise has a and proven leadership record and vast experience and expertise in the Electricity contractors personnel. Supply Industry. His leadership acumen and technical qualities asand a seasoned • Accept responsibility and accountability for successful timeousexecutive were demonstrated at ErongoRED, where he served as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) from July 2013 completion of all projects throughout Namibia. until January 2017 and thereafter as CEO of the City of Windhoek from February 2017 until October 2020. He was appointed CEO of Central North Regional Electricity Distributor (CENORED) REQUIREMENTS rom 2020 until 31 qualification March 2023. (B.Eng/B.Tech) with PrEng/Inc.Eng • November A formal engineering

registration. Mr. Kahimise has served on numerous boards, including the Namibia Energy Institute. • Ability to work under pressure, whilst ensuring deadlines are met. • Knowledge of pumps, piping, water treatment processes and technologies, He holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) specialising in finance from the control systems and manufacturing processes will be an advantage. University of Stellenbosch Business School in South Africa and is a certified regulation specialist • At least five years’ related work experience. by the University of Loughborough, United Kingdom. • Valid driver’s license. Namibian citizenship or permanent residence permit. The•Board, Management and staff welcome Mr. Kahimise to the ECB and look forward to growing

he institution the Namibian Electricity Supply Industry with him. We offer and competitive remuneration packages commensurate with experience,

Mr. Robert Naanda Kahimise ECB Chief Executive ECB Chief Executive OfficerOfficer

The ECB Board of Directors hereby wishes to introduce Mr. Robert Naanda Kahimise as the the ChiefChief Executive Executive Officer Officer of theofElectricity the Electricity Control Control BoardBoard (ECB),(ECB), effective effective 1 April 1 April 2023.2023. The position The position became became vacant vacant in August in August 2021.2021. Mr. Kahimise Mr. Kahimise has ahas proven a proven leadership leadership record record and vast and experience vast experience and expertise and expertise in theinElectricity the Electricity Supply Supply Industry. Industry. His leadership His leadership acumen acumen and technical and technical qualities qualities as a as seasoned a seasoned executive executive were were demonstrated demonstrated at ErongoRED, at ErongoRED, wherewhere he served he served as Chief as Chief Executive Executive Officer Officer (CEO)(CEO) from from July 2013 July 2013 until until January January 20172017 and thereafter and thereafter as CEO as of CEOtheof City the of CityWindhoek of Windhoek from from February February 20172017 until until October October 2020.2020. He was Heappointed was appointed CEO of CEO Central of Central NorthNorth Regional Regional Electricity Electricity Distributor Distributor (CENORED) (CENORED) from from November November 20202020 until 31 until March 31 March 2023.2023. Mr. Kahimise Mr. Kahimise has served has served on numerous on numerous boards, boards, including including the Namibia the Namibia Energy Energy Institute. Institute. He holds He holds a Master’s a Master’s degree degree in Business in Business Administration Administration (MBA)(MBA) specialising specialising in finance in finance from from the the University University of Stellenbosch of Stellenbosch Business Business School School in South in South AfricaAfrica and isand a certified is a certified regulation regulation specialist specialist by thebyUniversity the University of Loughborough, of Loughborough, United United Kingdom. Kingdom. The Board, The Board, Management Management and staff and welcome staff welcome Mr. Kahimise Mr. Kahimise to thetoECB theand ECBlook and forward look forward to growing to growing the institution the institution and the andNamibian the Namibian Electricity Electricity Supply Supply Industry Industry with him. with him.

qualifications, etc. Please email applications to [email protected] CLOSING DATE: 06 APRIL 2023 No 35 Dr. Theo-Ben Gurirab Street, Klein Windhoek.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Business Hours: Weekdays from 07:30 - 16:30

P O Box 2923, Windhoek, Namibia

+264 61 374 300

+264 61 374 305


Market Watch


VACANCY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project is a United States Agency for International Development (USAID) program implemented by Chemonics International in Namibia. The purpose of the GHSC-PSM project is to ensure uninterrupted supplies of health commodities in support of USG-funded public health initiatives around the world. The project provides direct procurement and supply chain management support to the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS relief (PEPFAR) in Namibia. PSM will develop and manage a wide array of services for health commodity procurement and related systems strengthening technical assistance encompassing different elements of a comprehensive supply chain. Chemonics International Inc., under the Global Health Supply ChainProcurement Supply Management project, is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for: 1.

External Audit Services:


Short Term Insurance:


Information Technology (IT) Services:

Interested and competent vendors should follow the links provided to access the full RFP document. No telephone inquiries, please. Closing date for submission of RFP is April 17, 2023 at 17h00 (local time).


: : : : :

Control Administrative Officer Grade 6 Windhoek N$ 337 984 - N$ 403 922 N$ 14 520 per annum N$ 8 760 per annum

Minimum Rrquirrmrnts: National Diploma or equivalent qualification (NQF Level 6) plus appropriate experience. Supplrmrntary Srlrction Rrquirrmrnts: Preference will be given to candidates with National Diploma in either of the following disciplines namely Procurement Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Public Management, Business Administration plus five (5) years appropriate work experience of which three (3) years should be at supervisory level at Chief Administrative Officer Grade 8 in Government or equivalent level of experience in public enterprise/private sector. Candidates with Computer Literacy, good report and minutes writing and communications skills. MAIN DUTIES This job category class is an advanced operational level who independently perform activities and occupational management (supervisory) level that includes organizational dictated personnel with administration of occupational related organizational components, and is responsible for: • The proper staffing and operations of the subdivision, while ensuring that all works are carried out in accordance to established standards, procedures and guidelines; • Establishing and enforcing standard and good practices within the Public service and implement the provisions of the Public Procurement Act, 2015 (Act NO. 15 of 2015) as amended, Public Procurement Regulations, Code of Good Practice on preferences referred to in section 71 and 72 of Public Procurement Act, 2015, Archiving Act, Government Transport Policy, Electronic Document and Record Management System, E-Procurement System, Uniform Stock Control Management System amongst others; • Drafting of submissions, memoranda, reports, minutes of meetings etc. in terms of various legislation and prescription; • Responsible for compiling Annual Procurement Plan, Quarterly Procurement Reports; • Draft appropriate (and review) service level agreements, and enforcement of its provisions; • Monitor, evaluate and improve supplier performances according to an appropriate service level agreement on a continues basis; • Control and monitor procurement expenses against approved budgets; • Optimization and management of Procurement Process as prescribed in the Act and its regulations; • Implement Performance Management System in the subdivision and evaluate performance of subordinates as prescribed; • Identify and assign task and responsibilities to the sub coordinates; • Liaise with various stakeholders concerning related matters; • Initiate and implement programmes applicable to the Subdivision; • Inform and interpret all circulars to various stake holders concerning related; • Monitor the attendance register of the subdivision;Any other work related duties assigned by the supervisor. Enquiries to be directed to: Ms. Rrgina K Putrho Trl: (026461) 293 3056 Ministry of Education, Arts & Culture OR Human Resource Office Private Bag 13186 Windhoek East Wing, Room No. 275 Closing datr: 28 April 2023

Hand delivered to: The Ministry of Education, Arts & Culture Government Office Park, Luther Street Human Resource Office, 2nd Floor,

Plrasr Notr: Racially disadvantaged persons, women and people with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply. Applicants must be Namibian Citizens and/or Public Servants (proof of citizenship), or SADC Citizens with a Namibian Work Permit. All foreign qualifications must be submitted with evaluation reports from Namibia Qualifications Authority (NQA). All Qualifications/transcripts not indicating the duration of the qualification must be accompanied by a testimonial testifying the duration e.g. student completed/passed 3 year qualification. Certified copies of educational qualifications and a complete CV must accompany Application Form 156043 and 156094 obtainable at all Government Offices and on na. Failure to complete all items on the application form for employment and not attaching the documents will disqualify the application. An attractive range of benefits for permanent full-time staff members include a Housing benefit, Transport Allowance, Pension Fund, Medical Aid Scheme, Social Security and ample leave days.



Market Watch

INVITATION TO BID Biffers are invitef through the Request for Proposal (RFP) procefures for the provision of below listef service for the Namibia Infustrial Development Agency (NIDA). The bif will close on Frifay, 28th April 2023, at 11h00 NO






Interestef biffer(s) may obtain further information regarfing the bif from NIDA Website: NB: All NIDA future bi)(s) will be a)vertise) on its website


Market Watch

WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK Wednesday, 5 April


• 18:00: A ceramics and collage exhibition by Andrea Horsthemke and Anne Lacheiner-Kühn opens at the Bellhaus Atelier & Gallerie. • 19:00: Neon Dreams performs at Sound Garden in Swakopmund.


Thursday, 6 April

Friday, 7 April

• 12:00: Aymos & Young Stunna perform at the University of Namibia sports field. • 18:00: Neon Dreams performs live at Mynt, with a second show on 7 April.

• 08:00: Namibia Music and Art Festival at the Walvis Bay municipal parking until Sunday. • 14:00: Easter neighbourhood market at the Franco-Namibian Cultural Centre.

Kasi Vibe brings the heat to Sam Nujoma Stadium

The 12th edition of the A particular highlight highly anticipated Kasi were Saturday night’s Vibe Festival has sets by DJ Alba and Get in just wrapped up in DJ Castro, who had Windhoek, and it the crowd jumping. touch at was a weekend to But the Kasi Vibe [email protected] remember. Held Festival wasn’t just at the Sam Nujoma about music – it Stadium in the heart was also a showcase of Katutura, the event of local businesses was a celebration of and entrepreneurship. local talent, community Exhibitors ranged from spirit and entrepreneurship. small- and medium-sized The festival kicked off on enterprises to established Thursday and ended yesterday. businesses, all showcasing their The energy was high, and the products and services to festivalcrowds were excited for what was goers. From fashion to food and to come over the weekend. drinks, there was something for Saturday saw the festival in full everyone. swing, with musical performances Overall, the 12th edition of the by some of the biggest names popular event was a massive on the Namibian music scene. success. It was a celebration of Lioness, TopCheri, Sunny Boy, Namibian talent, culture and Yeezir, King Tee Dee and others community, and a testament took to the stage, delivering to the power of music and electrifying productions that had entrepreneurship to bring people the crowd on their feet, dancing together. PHOTOS: MICHAEL KAYUNDE/CONTRIBUTED the night away.

Get all the news here:



Athletics 3 MONDAY


The hospitality was amazing, the rugby games were really tough and we enjoyed them. ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE HIGHLIGHTS

Sport Wrap Coordinator: Limba Mupetami • Tel (061) 383 400 • E-mail: [email protected]



Joshua regrets failure to knock out Franklin SUPERSPORT









NMH Marketing Manager: Publications: Carmen Stenger • Tel (061) 248 759 • E-mail: [email protected]

Gen. Murtala Muhammed AVE P.O. BOX 3436, Windhoek Tel: 061 297 2000; Fax: 061 223 721

Nghutenanye shows class Kamanya proud The Roman Catholic Hospital hall played host to the MTC Salute Boxing Academy bonanza, with Fillemon Nghutenanye providing a masterclass performance on Saturday. JESSE JACKSON KAURAISA


illemon Nghutenanye successfully defended his World Boxing Association Pan African flyweight title after stopping South African Theo Nxayiphi with a techni-

cal knockout at the Roman Catholic Hospital hall in Windhoek. The Namibian dominated the fight from the first round and proved his class with great combination of punches as MTC Salute Boxing Academy staged what they described as a successful event. “I am happy to have won and would like to thank God and Salute for the opportunity. I knew I was going to do it because I was well prepared. “I would also like to thank my sponsors and MTC for making this possible,” Nghutenanye said. The boxer further lauded his supporters and training team for making sure he delivered. He added that he hopes to build on the victory to acquire bigger titles in the near future.

Producing champs MTC Salute Boxing Academy founder

Centre Danco Burger made several strong runs for the Welwitschias.

Kiriata Kamanya thanked all who attended the event. He described the boxing bonanza as a success, adding that the sponsors and boxers played a huge role in this. “I am a lucky man today because the event was fine and all my boxers did well. I want to thank all of you that came as well as the sponsors for making this fight possible. “Salute will continue growing and producing champions,” Kamanya noted. The main supporting bout of the night saw Jonas ‘Shorty’ Erastus defending his national flyweight title against a resilient Luben Kandimba. Another boxer who displayed class on the day was Abed Shikongo, who dominated Stephanus Shimbonde in superwelterweight national title bout. Bantamweight champion Imma-

Khomas governor Laura McLeod-Katjirua and MTC Salute Boxing Academy founder Kiriata Kamanya flank Fillemon Nghutenanye after his victory. PHOTO JESSE JACKSON KAURAISA

nuel Josef also showed his mettle after beating Salatiel Moses with ease over six rounds. “We are going to continue produc-

Cohesion growing in Welwitschias’ performance ANDREW POOLMAN


An SWD attacker tries getting an offload away against the Welwitschias’ midfield defence.

A spirited second-half performance by the Windhoek Draught Welwitschias against the SWD Eagles on Saturday indicates a promising learning curve for the group of locally-based players making their return to South African provincial competition. The visitors from the Southern Cape raced to a 28-3 lead late in the first half of the Mzansi Challenge match, before the Namibians worked over lock Johan Luttig for a well-taken try to make the half-time score 28-10. Tries by scrum half Sachin Toring, fly half Adrian van der Bank, left wing Rosco Syster and full back Darryn Fortuin, all converted by Van der Bank, put the Eagles comfortably ahead, showing enterprise in their backline play to expose some defensive frailties in the home side. From there on, SWD could only add one more penalty to win the match 31-22, despite the Welwitschias scoring two more tries and creating more than enough opportunities to have taken the victory. While fly half André van der Berg continues to grow in his role as playmaker, he also committed some costly, uncharacteristic errors, including a knock-on and at least three wayward touch kicks off awarded penalties.

Stability Van der Berg took over the leader-

ing top boxers at Salute. Thank you so much for everyone who came to watch this one as well as NBC TV for the live broadcast,” Kamanya said. ship when the Namibians lost flank and captain Prince !Gaoseb with a rib injury after barely 20 minutes. !Gaoseb’s replacement Le Beau du Preez made a solid impact as a ball carrier and defender along with the likes of Luttig, Max Katjijeko and others. The impact off the bench by the frontrowers Herschell van Wyk, former Lions and US Major League Rugby hooker Pieter Jansen and tight head youngster Herman Coetzee also provided stability. The Namibian line-out was effective and the forwards were confident in their ball carrying and offloading, while hooker Wikus Jacobs gave the last pass to left wing Lloyd Jacobs for his try in the corner after half-time that deflated the deficit to 28-15. The Namibians also finished the 80th minute with an effective line-out maul that was rounded off with a try by Jansen, converted by Henrique Olivier. The centre pairing of Danco Burger and Justin Newman did a lot of good work as well, despite a second-half miss where Newman’s final pass did not find an unmarked Burger who should have gone over in the corner. “There were some system errors to be corrected. It was only the second match for this group and things are already looking a lot better. It was a match of missed opportunities for us, but I’m looking forward to what this group can achieve,” head coach Chrysander Botha said afterwards. With !Gaoseb and fellow flank Cameron Langenhoven (knock to the head) as injury concerns this week, the Namibians will possibly consider some squad rotation as they prepare to host one of the competition’s leading teams, the Valke, in Windhoek this coming Saturday.


Sport Wrap

Into Touch


Picture of the week

Super proud of the Brave Warriors JESSE JACKSON KAURAISA

I was itching all week just to pen this with the aim of lauding the Tafel Larger Brave Warriors for a job well done in their Africa Cup of Nations (Afcon) qualifiers. The country is on the verge of qualifying to the Africa’s biggest football showpiece and they have done it against some of Africa’s biggest. The fact that we were able to hold Cameroon in their own back yard and also beat them 2-1 in South Africa was simply historic. We have to thank coach Collin Benjamin and the technical team for the job they have done. This is a technical team that received a lot of critique when they took over due to some burning issues. This did, however, not deter Benjamin and his team from pushing ahead and making the nation proud. The group is not done yet but there is no way Namibia will not qualify to the 2023 Afcon. Those who do well at math would say we probably have a 95% chance of qualifying. I still would have praised Benjamin, despite us still having work to do against Burundi, because beating Cameroon alone was something special. One thing about the technical team was that they had a plan with the kind of players they wanted and trusted and it worked well. I believe the technical team displayed character after not being bullied into choosing players because fans feel they deserve a chance. That, for me, was the icing on the cake, which showed that the coach was in charge. Those kind of decisions always give confidence to the rest of the team, including the fans. The best part about this team was that it jelled with a bit of youth and experience. That worked very well in our favour because we had energy as well as stealth on the pitch. I am really proud that it won’t take another 10 years to qualify to Afcon like in the past. This time around, it is will probably just four years for us to get to the tournament. One thing to be proud about is the fact that the last coach to send us to Afcon was Namibian and so is the current. This shows to what lengths Namibia has grown in terms of coaching expertise as well as producing local coaching heroes. We also have a good crop of mixed players, which signals that there can be a good transition between the past and the future. I would fail in my duty if I do not sing the praises of the the Fifa normalisation committee for its decision to appoint a local coach. Yes, the journey forward remains unknown, but I think all those who have played a part in the current Brave Warriors progress deserve a pat on the back. We have just proven that we do have what it takes as a nation to ruffle feathers and compete at a high level. It is now up to us as a country to continue supporting the technical team and the players because they will need it going forward. News that we beat a country of Cameroonian standard travelled fast and teams will not underestimate us going forward. It is why we will have to remain focus all the times in order to avoid any little bit of complacency creeping in. We just have to hope that our stadiums will be completed and we will be able to watch the team play on home soil. - [email protected]

South Africa’s Theo Nxayiphi was down and out after receiving blows from Fillemon Nghutenanye in a Pan African flyweight title fight in Windhoek. PHOTO JESSE JACKSON KAURAISA

Otjozondjupa Nampol defeats Rebels NIKANOR NANGOLO Otjozondjupa Nampol defeated Rebels in an exciting MTC Netball Premier League match in Walvis Bay. Backed by an exited crowd with goal shooter Ngunondjo Kauari leading up front, Otjozondjupa Nampol defeated Rebels 49-27 in a nail-biting encounter on Sunday. Nampol established a 15-9 lead after the first quarter of play. The team also launched concerted efforts in the second quarter and managed to further increase their lead against Rebels to 26-13. Rebels attempted to trim the score in the third quarter, but were unable to

Otjozondjupa Nampol defeated Rebels in an MTC Netball Premier League match on Sunday. PHOTO NIKANOR NANGOLO

break through Nampol’s defence and an alert Mieze Nandiuaroro. Nampol came out firing on all cylinders and won the final quarter and the match. Nampol captain Shirleen Kotungondo said it was an amazing game. “Despite the few challenges we encountered, it was amazing. “There are just a few areas that we still have to work on, but other than that, we are ready for our next game against the defending champions, Mighty Gunners. I hope we will give them a bit of competition.” In another match, Afrocats defeated Northern Fly Ballers with 48-30. Afrocats establish the lead in the first quarter with 11-7. The team continued applying pressure in the second quarter and increased its lead to 22-14. Northern Fly Ballers launched concerted efforts in the third quarter, however, Afrocats showed more heart and clinched the third and final quarter.

Shipanga questions ref’s decisions

Britz demands more from players Tigers FC and Blue Waters played to a fierce 1-1 draw in the Debmarine Namibia Premiership on Saturday. JESSE JACKSON KAURAISA


igers Football Club coach James Britz has demanded more from his players after a 1-1 draw against Blue Waters on Saturday. Tigers led in the first half at the Khomasdal Stadium, but Blue Waters fought back in the second half to grab an equaliser. This sloppy play angered the coach in a match they should have taken full advantage of. “To be honest, the players did not play well at all against Blue Waters and I am not happy about it. We started the match well but we eventually surrendered position and they were not just listening to the instructions. “We will work on whatever is missing because we want to go as high as possible on the table,” he said.

‘Clear mistakes’ Both Britz and Blue Waters coach Lucky Shipanga expressed dismay with the level of officiating, with Tigers calling a penalty against them “soft”. Blue Waters, on the other hand, felt they should have been ahead

Tigers and Blue Waters entertained the crowd at the Khomasdal Stadium. PHOTO JESSE JACKSON KAURAISA

after their second half goal was disallowed due to a possible offside. Shipanga was, however, not too disappointed by the fact that his side soldiered back to give themselves a chance. “I am not entirely happy with the result, but will take the point because we came from behind. I do not know about some of the decisions the referees made, though; because there are some clear mistakes in them. “It is disappointing that such decisions went against us, but I was pleased with

how we fought back in the game away from home,” he said.

Saturday results: Young African 1-0 Tura Magic Tigers 1-1 Blue Waters Mighty Gunners 4-2 Civics Young Brazilians 1-1 Julinho Sporting Okahandja United 2-0 Citizens Orlando Pirates 2-0 Eleven Arrows Unam 1-0 Black Africa African Stars 3-0 Life Fighters


Sport Wrap


A chance for the youth

Desert Sports Festival brings learners together The Indongo Toyota Desert Sports Festival keeps getting bigger and better. BRIAN MUNANGO AND SHALDON JOHANNES


alvis Bay Private School (WBPS) hosted the ninth edition of the Indongo Toyota Desert Sports Festival, which was one to remember. More than 1 100 learners from 11 Namibian schools, as well as two schools from South Africa and one from Zimbabwe, participated in the event, which took place from 29 March to 1 April in Walvis Bay. The stage was set for 20 rugby teams, 24 netball teams, eight hockey teams and 80 archers to compete. The festival aims to promote and develop sport while showcasing Namibian hospitality. Additionally, it aims to foster sound relationships and instil good sportsmanship amongst participants, management teams and parents.

We are definitely coming back next year. The hospitality was amazing, the rugby games were really tough and we enjoyed them. Thank you to WBPS for hosting us. Huntsman Greaves, Captain: Falcon College WBPS were good hosts as the rugby team only lost one of their three games against Hoërskool Zwartkop (48-6), drew (19-19) against Falcon College and won big against Trinity House Schools (26-5). Windhoek High School also put on a great performance as

Paulus breaks record LIMBA MUPETAMI Namibian road runner Daniel Paulus took eighth place after running a time of two hours, eight minutes and 37 seconds to set a national record at the Daegu International Marathon in South Korea yesterday. The runner is set to be the next big thing in road racing, according to his coach Robert Kaxuxwena. First place went to Ethiopia’s Milkesa Tolosa. In second place was Stanley Kiprotich of Kenya, while Eritrea’s Berhane Tsegay bagged third. Kaxuxwena heaped praise on the athlete and said he is the fastest in Namibia at the moment.

However, in the women’s category, in an unfortunate turn of events, marathon queen Helalia Johannes injured her ankle during the race but managed to finish in 10th place in a time of two hours, 31 minutes and 33 seconds. Kaxuxwena said the injury is serious, but that the Johannes will recover with proper care. The women’s race was won by Ethiopia’s Ayandu Abera Demissie. Her countrywoman Medina Armino was in second place, while Janet Gichumbi of Kenya took the third spot. The marathon attracted a record of 15 561 participants from 12 countries.

they won all their games. The netball games were also very lively with some good performances, as Gobabis Gymnasium showcased a lot of skills. There were good competitive friendlies at the hockey games as well. Huntsman Greaves, who captains Falcon College, said: “We are definitely coming back next year. “The hospitality was amazing, the rugby games were really tough and we enjoyed them. Thank you to WBPS for hosting us”. The school’s head of sports Henry Kemp was happy with the event, adding: “We are really happy with the turnout this year, with archery, rugby, hockey and netball. The international competition with the South African and Zimbabwe schools just shows that we are growing”. The first festival was held in 2014, and was under the management of Wynand Moolman from 2014 to 2015. Henjan van der Hyde then took over from 2016 to 2019 and Kemp continued the tradition from 2021 to date.

School stars proved their mettle in an event that provided drama throughout. PHOTOS BRIAN MUNANGO

Magic continues to make magic LIMBA MUPETAMI Tura Magic Ladies continued to show dominance in the FNB Women’s Super League over the weekend. Saturday’s match against Namib Daughters proved to be another show of supremacy as they defeated the coastal side 6-0. Elmarie Fredericks scored the opening goal for Magic, while Chanteline Engelbrecht added the second. Lovisa Mulunga scored a hat-trick for Magic, with Lydia Nanamus also adding her name to the score sheet. Other matches which took place on Saturday saw Arrow Ladies defeating RightWay Phoenixes 3-0. Khomas Nampol thrashed Nust Babes 4-0. Unam Bokkies enjoyed a 2-0 win over Okahandja Football Club,

Lovisa Mulunga in action for Tura Magic Ladies. Photo FNB Women Super League

while Girls & Goals managed a goal against a resilient V-Power Angels. Beauties also had a very exciting weekend as they on Saturday recorded a 10-0 win against a strug-

gling Omaheke Queens side. On Sunday, Magic once again defeated Arrows Ladies 4-0. Memory Ngonda, Anna Shikusho, Nanamus and Mulunga scored, with the latter taking her goal tally to 15.

Botha, Singh victorious

Namibian road runner Daniel Paulus. PHOTO FILE

South African Carle Botha takes the win at the girls’ final against Eline Bex from Belgium at the J30 under-18 tennis tournament, scoring 5-7, 6-3 and 6-4 in the final set, while after a two-and-a-half-hour match, Aryan Singh from Great Britain took the win in the boys’ final. Singh played against Victor Tauson from Sweden, who was leading in the first set of the match. The match ended 3-6, 6-1 and 7-6. PHOTO JEANETTE DIERGAARDT


Sport Wrap


Points win for star

Joshua regrets failure to knock out Franklin Joshua, who lost three of his last five bouts, repeatedly landed with his left jab and caught Franklin with several powerful rights, but the American refused to yield and went the distance.


Tennis at Central Tennis Club, Olympia ITF J30 Under 18 Junior tournament. Boys final: Aryan Jit Singh (UK) beat Victor Tauson (Sweden) 3-6, 6-1, 7-6. Girls final: Eline Bax (Belgium) beat Kakou Narita (Japan) 6-0, 6-1. • ITF J60 Under 18 Junior tournament in Windhoek starts today and lasts until Saturday.


Bizarre finish The judges’ verdict meant Franklin (29) had suffered the second defeat of his 23-fight career after losing to Britain’s Dillian Whyte at Wembley in November. There was a bizarre finish when the 12th and final round appeared to end eight seconds early, with Joshua pushing his head into Franklin. The move sparked an angry reaction from Lorenzo Adams, Franklin’s strength and conditioning coach, who pushed the London fighter. The boxers and their corners clashed momentarily after the final bell before security stepped in to calm the situation. But soon afterwards, Joshua’s hand was raised in victory, his 25th win in 28 professional fights, to maintain hopes of a ‘Battle of

Britain’ clash with World Boxing Council (WBC) heavyweight champion Tyson Fury. “I try and provide for the fans,” Joshua said. “I know who they want. “They said Tyson Fury; the ball is in his court. I would be honoured to fight for the WBC heavyweight championship of the world. “If he’s listening, he knows my promoter; we’ve had dialogue before, so let’s continue this. We ain’t getting any younger.” The unbeaten Fury’s last contest was a trilogy bout win over Dereck Chisora in London in December. Eddie Hearn, Joshua’s promoter, added: “He [Joshua] ended the fight well, but like he said, they aren’t getting any younger. “We would be willing to entertain those conversations to go straight into a Fury fight in the summer.”


Sundowns have taken their sixth successive DStv Premiership title. PHOTO SUPERSPORT

League. A league title is the hardest in any country to win. Because you’ve got to play against 15 opponents both home

and away. And the competition lasts eight, nine months.” Sundowns won the title with seven matches still to play in the fastest success yet. “When people start to think it looks easy, that’s actually when it’s the most difficult. And even though people may not think it’s difficult to have that level of consistency and to deliver win after win without getting tired, it’s not easy. Because what normally happens, and this is normal with human beings, is that there’s an element of complacency that easily creeps in. “From a mental perspective, it’s extremely difficult. And so that’s why I always say in my press conferences that not a lot of appreciation is given to this group for what they’ve done this season,” he said.

SANLAM COASTAL MARATHON Swakopmund 29 April, 2023 Closing date for entry is Friday 14 April 2023

Netball, MTC Premier League at Kuisebmond Stadium, Walvis Bay Namibian Navy v Otjozondjupa Nampol 48-46 Young Stars v Mighty Gunners 20-66 Namibia Correctional Services v Northern Fly Ballers 74-19 Wanderers v Rebels 40-34 Eleven Arrows v Tigers 33-35 Afrocat Lions v Fatou 58-32 Namibian Navy v Young Stars 53-36

Welwitschias flyhalf André van der Berg kicks the ball against SWD Eagles. PHOTO ANDREW POOLMAN

Rugby, Mzansi Challenge / Currie Cup first division Cape Town: Kenya Simbas v Boland Kavaliers Postponed Windhoek: Windhoek Draught Welwitschias v SWD Eagles 22-31 Gqeberha: Eastern Province v Zimbabwe Goshawks Cancelled Kempton Park: Valke v Border Bulldogs 64-17

Anthony Joshua throws a punch a career-defining fight over the weekend.

Sundowns coach feels unappreciated Mamelodi Sundowns title-winning coach Rulani Mokoena says his side have not been given enough appreciation for their achievement of a sixth successive DStv Premiership title. The Brazilians were crowned league champions for 2022-23 on Saturday without kicking a ball when SuperSport United drew at Chippa United, leaving Sundowns in an unassailable 19point lead. “Maybe we are victims of our own success,” Mokoena, whose side made sure of the top place in their African Champions League group by beating Cameroon’s Coton Sport 2-1 at Loftus Versfeld in Pretoria, said. “People undermined the difficulties of winning the Premier

SATURDAY 1 April, 2023

Cricket ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup Qualifier Playoff • Wanderers field: United Arab Emirates (255/4, 49 ov) beat Canada (254) by six wickets. Player of the match: Muhammad Waseem (UAE) 80 off 78 balls. • United field: Jersey (291/4) beat Papua New Guinea (280/9) by 11 runs. Player of the match: John Lawrenson (Jersey) 114 off 105 balls.

SUPERSPORT ritain’s Anthony Joshua said he should have knocked out Jermaine Franklin after the former world heavyweight champion returned to winning ways with a unanimous - if laboured points-decision victory in London on Saturday. After 12 rounds, Joshua, fighting in front of a home crowd at the 02 Arena, was given the win by 118111, 117-111, 117-111 on the scorecards of the three judges in this non-title fight. This was the 33-year-old’s first win since 2020 after successive defeats by Oleksandr Usyk saw the former Olympic champion lose, and then fail to regain his global titles. “It was important to win,” he told DAZN after a bout where another loss could have ended his career. “Jermaine has a good duck and dive style, somebody else from Britain will probably knock him out. Respect to him, he did well. “I should have knocked him out, but it is done. On to the next. He’s here to prove himself, not roll over. I wish I could have knocked him out.”


The cricket captains of UAE and Canada, Muhammad Waseem and Saad Bin Zafar. PHOTO TWITTER Football, Debmarine Namibia Premier League Rehoboth: Orlando Pirates v Eleven Arrows Khomasdal Stadium: Tigers v Blue Waters Okahandja: Okahandja United v Citizens Otjiwarongo: Mighty Gunners v Civics Karasburg: Young Brazilians v Julinho Sporting Mariental: African Stars v Life Fighters UNAM Stadium: Tura Magic v Young African UNAM Stadium: UNAM v Black Africa


SUNDAY 2 April, 2023


Road cycling at Matchless Road cycling at Matchless Nedbank Windhoek Pedal Power series event. Men race (97 km) 1 Drikus Coetzee 2 Hugo Hahn 3 Gerhard Mans

2-0 4-2 1-1 3-0 0-1 1-0

Football, FNB NFA Women’s Super League NFA Centre: Right Way v Arrows Ladies 0-3 NFA Centre: Tura Magic Ladies v Namib Daughters 6-0 Unam: Unam Bokkies v Okahandja 2-0 Ramblers: Khomas Nampol v NUST Babes 4-0 Ramblers: Girls & Goals v V-Power Angels 1-0 Gobabis: Omaheke Queens v Beauties 0-10

Extra tenacity, extra rewards!

Boxing, international boxing • MTC Salute Boxing Promotions, at Roman Catholic Hall, Windhoek: WBA Pan African flyweight title: Fillemon Nghutenanye (Namibia, 11-0-1, 4 KOs) beat Theo Nxayiphi (RSA, 7-2-4, 3 KOs) by knockout, round 4. • O2 Arena, London: heavyweight fight, Anthony Joshua (UK, 25-3, 22 KOs) beat Jermaine Franklin (USA, 21-2, 14 KOs) by unanimous decision, 118-111, 117-111.

Women’s race (72 km) 1 Anri Krugel 2 Monique du Plessis 3 Genevieve Weber

Football, FNB Women’s Super League NFA Centre: Right Way v Namib Daughters 3-3 NFA Centre: Tura Magic Ladies v Arrow Ladies 4-0 Netball, MTC Premier League at Kuisebmond Stadium, Walvis Bay Otjozondjupa Nampol v Rebels 49-27 Fatou v Wanderers 39-58 Eleven Arrows v Namibia Correction Services 26-51 Namibian Navy v Mighty Gunners 47-45 Afrocat v Northern Fly Ballers 48-30

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