Semana 9. Let s talk about... Stress, the modern desease. Semana 9. Let s read Stress: the modern desease

Semana 9 Semana 9 Let’s about ... Let´s read… Stress: thetalk modern desease Stress, the modern desease Esta semana se enfoca en la lectura y compr

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Semana 9

Semana 9

Let’s about ... Let´s read… Stress: thetalk modern desease Stress, the modern desease

Esta semana se enfoca en la lectura y comprensión de textos en inglés. Repasaremos las estrategias que has estudiado hasta ahora y conoceremos nuevas estrategias de lectura. En esta semana aprenderás sobre un nuevo patrón de organización en el texto. Recuerda que los patrones son importantes para ayudarte a comprender y recordar lo que lees. Vamos a enlazar con el tema de esta semana de Ciencia y Tecnología: el stress, así como también con el cigarrillo y el alcoholismo, temas relacionados con la “Salud emocional”.

Recuerda las estrategias de prelectura que has aprendido. Observa la imagen. ¿Qué crees que le ocurre a la persona de la imagen?, ¿parece tener alguna preocupación?, ¿crees que sufre de algún dolor? Luego, lee las afirmaciones enumeradas debajo de la imagen y responde en inglés las preguntas.

1. Stress is caused by changes: change in our working environment, change brought about by death or separation, change in our health, change in our daily living routines.

¿Cuáles son las causas del stress?

Observa las palabras en negrita y anótalas:

2. Stress can cause more damage to your body than most people think.


¿Qué efectos puede causar el stress en ti?

Observa las palabras en negrita y anótalas:

3. Stress often leads to migraine and muscle tension that will eventually lead to exhaustion.

Semana 9

Let´s read… Stress: the modern desease

¿Cuáles son los efectos a los que a menudo puede llevarnos el stress?

Escribe debajo de cada oración una C para indicar causa y una E para indicar el efecto. Subraya las palabras que introducen la causa o el efecto. Fíjate en el ejemplo:

Many car accidents happen because of ice on the road

E (effect)

C (cause)

- Some people become nervous because of drinking coffee - Heart disease is sometimes the result of eating too much - Many fires in homes are due to careless smokers - Smoking cigarettes often leads to cancer Lee el siguiente párrafo. Escribe la idea principal del párrafo. Luego, escribe las causas y los efectos en la tabla 14. Subraya las palabras que señalan las causas y efectos mencionados. Effects of Drugs on your Body Most people do not think of cigarettes as drugs. In fact, they are drugs, and they have important effects on our body. As a smoker, you’re at risk for cancer of the mouth. Tobacco smoke can also cause tooth decay and bad breath. Teeth becoming unsightly and yellow are caused by smoking. Stress levels increase due to the constant need of nicotine. Smoking is the reason for frequent headaches. And lack of oxygen and narrowed blood vessels to the brain can lead to strokes. Main Idea:

Tabla 14 Causes



Semana 9

Let´s read… Stress: the modern desease

Después de leer y analizar las oraciones y párrafos anteriores, ¿cómo llamarías a este nuevo patrón de organización?, ¿por qué? Estas son las palabras señal que utilizamos cuando nos referimos al efecto: Leads to


Is the reason for

can cause

is a cause of

results in

has an effect on

Estas son las palabras señal que utilizamos cuando nos referimos a la causa: Is the effect of Is the reason for

because of because

is due to

is caused by results from

in response to

Lee el siguiente texto. Antes de comenzar a leer, recuerda aplicar las estrategias de prelectura.

Alcohol Alert From NIAAA National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Stressed people drink more alcohol, smoke more, and eat less nutritious foods than non-stressed individuals. Many people report drinking alcohol is due to stress conditions, and the amount of drinking because of stress is the effect of the severity of the life stressors and the individuals’ lack of social support. Researchs have shown that stress may lead to social drinking, and the physiological response to stress is different in actively drinking alcoholics compared with nonalcoholics. The association between drinking and stress is more complicated still, because both drinking behavior and our response to stress result from multiple genetic and environmental factors. While some research studies show that alcohol in low doses may lessen the body’s response to stressors; paradoxically, many studies show just the opposite effect, i.e., that alcohol actually causes the increase of the stress response by stimulating production of the same hormones the body produces when under stress. There is little evidence that stress leads to the development of true alcohol dependency or alcoholism. However, stress can result on alcohol abuse. Tomado y editado de:

Behavior vs Behaviour: esta palabra, que significa comportamiento o conducta, puede escribirse de ambas formas. Behavior es la versión en inglés americano; mientras que en inglés británico se escribe behaviour. Usa la forma que prefieras. 128

Let´s read… Stress: the modern desease

Semana 9

Let´s know a little bit more Dirígete a la web del National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: http:// Allí puedes entrar en la sección de preguntas frecuentes para público en general (FAQ for the General Public) y consultar en inglés toda la información necesaria sobre el tema, así como también puedes hacer nuevas preguntas. Entra a la pregunta: what is alcoholism?

1. Vuelve a la lectura anterior: Alcohol Alert From NIAAA. - Subraya y extrae del texto los conectores o palabras señal que introducen una causa o un efecto. - Extrae la idea general del texto. Luego, llena la tabla 15 con las causas y efectos que extraigas de las oraciones del texto que se te indican en la tabla, así como también las palabras señal. Recuerda que puede aparecer primero la consecuencia y luego la causa, y viceversa. Main Idea: Tabla 15 Sentence



Signal words

Drinking alcohol is due to stress conditions The amount of drinking because of stress is the effect of the severity of the life stressors and the individuals’ lack of social support. Stress may lead to social drinking Both drinking behavior and our response to stress result from multiple genetic and environmental factors.


Semana 9

Let´s read… Stress: the modern desease

Alcohol actually causes the increase of the stress response Stress leads to the development of true alcohol dependency Stress can result on alcohol abuse. 2. Ve a tu CD y responde el test que se te ofrece para saber si vives con stress o no.

Smoking and Specific Women´s Health Problems Christiane Northrup (2002) Cigarettes are well-known factors in causing cardiovascular disease and small blood vessel changes that decrease oxygen to your brain tissue. The power of addiction and denial is nowhere more striking than in the case of a pregnant patient who, despite of a history of infertility, continues to smoke throughout her pregnancy. Consider the following data: • Smokers have a miscarriage rate that is twice as high as that of non-smokers. These miscarriages are often of genetically normal fetuses. • Infants whose mothers smoke run double the risk of dying of sudden infant death syndrom. • Smoking in pregnancy is the number one cause of low-birthweight babies. • The children of smoking parents have more respiratory illnesses (such as asthma) per year than those of nonsmokers. • Smokers are at an increased risk for cervical cancer, vulvar cancer and abnormal Pap smears. Smoking literally poisons the ovaries. • Smoking ages the skin more quickly than normal. • Lung cancer has now passed breast cancer at the number one cancer killer for women. • Smokers are at an increased risk for osteoporosis, premature aging, and heart disease.


Let´s read… Stress: the modern desease

Semana 9

1. Completa las líneas en blanco con las palabras señal apropiadas en las siguientes oraciones relacionadas con la lectura anterior:

Smoking miscarriage. These miscarriages are often of genetically normal fetuses. Dying of sudden infant death syndrom of mothers who smoke during pregnancy and after the baby was born.

Smoking in pregnancy low-birthweight babies, who can later die. Respiratory illnesses in children smoking parents.

Smoking an increased risk for cervical cancer, vulvar cancer and abnormal Pap smears. Smoking literally ovaries poisoning.

Smoking skin aging more quickly than normal.

Smoking is the aging, and heart disease.

an increased risk for osteoporosis, premature

2. Ordena las oraciones siguientes para obtener un párrafo coherente.

Meditation, listening to music, and taking a long bath are good alternatives to stop drinking.

Examine your relationship with alcohol and make adjustments if necessary.

If they feel the need to have two drinks every single night to relax, they should know that their behavior will result in alcoholism.

Excessive alcohol consumption is a cause of an increased risk of breast cancer, menstrual irregularities, osteoporosis, and birth defects.

If you feel you can´t go without your evening wine or cocktail, you have a problem.

Women who drink alcohol regularly should become conscious of why they are using alcohol.


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