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SERAMAK Sera Makinaları

About us


ALTINEL MAKINA, wh ch follows the latest technology n Text le and Greenhouse Mach nery, started th s journey n 2002 under the leadersh p of Şer f BURAK. In the name field and greenhouse alt nel mak nalar n bunyese d sposal of the text le ndustry mach nes alt nel teknolej blends nnovat on n the agr cultural sector w th a dynam c and put n the mach nery ndustry as the target of greenhouse mak nac l g nda alt nel the latest techn cal developments n the d rect on that the mach nes that w ll follow when you apply on behalf of yourself and your gu d ng technology manufactured n th s way, the cultural process of the car, the car harvest, cordless hammer, rope co l ng, mob le l ft, many un t such as packag ng mach ne. Founder, organ c greenhouse and 2004 by Sher ff John Bugune the market follow ng the rap dly chang ng technology that s the new face of the w nd, grow ng w th each pass ng day , new nvestments and projects s the heart of Turkey's text le ndustry, and mach nery and seramak alt nel produc ng GREENHOUSE em nent n the ndustry to ach eve new successes n Den zl prepared our c ty operates.

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Our m ss on

F rstly, we are focused on our customers and perce ve qual ty as the first goal, and we a m to prov de greenhouse nter or equ pment product on and techn cal serv ces to our world-renowned customers through SERAMAK, wh ch s located w th n ALTINEL Mak na.Our dynam c and nnovat ve organ zat on called SERAMAK s work ng to collect nformat on n the best way w th our open management, young, dynam c staff and to prov de our customers w th the latest technology and serv ce w th the accumulated bus ness knowledge and exper ence as seramak.

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Our V s on

The most mportant asset of SERAMAK w th n ALTINEL Mak na s the strength t rece ves from ts customers and the trust t has n ts employees, ts strong and effect ve corporate dent ty, ts comm tment to advanced technology and h gh qual ty standards. t adopts qual ty as an uncomprom s ng cond t on.

Our Values We serve w th Fa rness, Honesty, Rel ab l ty, Work Eth c, Respect, Determ nat on and perseverance, Teamwork, wh ch are the common values adopted by SERAMAK employees w th n ALTINEL Mak na


Battery Powered Tra ler Tow Truck

Techn cal Spec ficat ons Speed 240m/M n there w ll be a 24 volt 300 ampere tractor Work ng t me 3.5 hours non-stop Constant speed mode s adjustable F xed connect on charger s ava lable Electr c motor: 2.5KW dc D fferent al power transm ss on Hydraul c fire system s ava lable The l ght ng w ll be the front headl ght The accelerator pedal w ll be des gned n such a way as not to t re your feet The steer ng system w ll be w th a 1/4 cha n system


SERAMAK Sera Makinaları

Spray ng Mach ne

Techn cal Spec ficat ons Max speed: 80m/m n Battery: 2×12 V/105 Amph Work ng T me: 10 hours w thout stopp ng Electr c motor: 0.350 KW Max mum spr nkler he ght: 2300 mm Constant speed mode: Adjustable F xed Connect on Charger: Ava lable Charg ng nd cator: Ava lable

Tangbur W nder: Speed adjustment controlled Tank W nd ng Capac ty: 100 m automat c Number of Nozzles: 12 pcs Hose On the Veh cle: 100 m h gh pressure hose ava lable Mode of Operat on: The Tue w ll release the hose when the veh cle s go ng forward, the veh cle w ll be controlled manually accord ng to the hose collect on speed when com ng back. Ra l centers: 550 mm

SERAMAK Sera Makinaları


A New Generat on of Fully Automat c Cultural Process ng Trolley

Techn cal Spec ficat ons Max speed : 50m/m n Battery: 2×12 V/105 Amph Work ng t me: 8 hours w thout stopp ng Electr c motor: 0.350wat gearmotor Max. platform he ght: 3000 mm Constant speed mode: Adjustable Stat onary charger and nd cator: Ava lable Hydraul c Equ pment : 0.8 kw 24 wolt 2300 rpm 1.1cc presses 2.53 l ters of o l per m nute, system work ng pressure 150 bar. Hydraul c p ston d ameter: 63 mm Hydraul c pressure control: Ava lable on the hydraul c un t. Platform land ng speed: Adjustable The center of the ra l where t w ll work: 550 mm Mechan cal s de ra l hopp ng: Manual conven ent l ft ng

SERAMAK Sera Makinaları


Fully Automat c Cultural Process ng Trolley

Techn cal Spec ficat ons Max speed : 50m/m n Battery: 2×12 V/105 Amph Work ng t me: 8 hours w thout stopp ng Electr c motor: 0.350wat gearmotor Max. platform he ght: 3000 mm Constant speed mode: Adjustable Stat onary charger and nd cator: Ava lable Hydraul c Equ pment : 0.8 kw 24 wolt 2300 rpm 1.1cc presses 2.53 l ters of o l per m nute, system work ng pressure 150 bar. Hydraul c p ston d ameter: 63 mm Hydraul c pressure control: Ava lable on the hydraul c un t. Platform land ng speed: Adjustable The center of the ra l where t w ll work: 550 mm Mechan cal s de ra l hopp ng: Manual conven ent l ft ng

SERAMAK Sera Makinaları


Top-Fed Roller Harvest ng Trolley

Techn cal Spec ficat ons D mens ons of the car ns de: 1860 x 470 mm The profile to be used s: 50×30 = 2 mm st 37 Number of drunk wheels: 4 pcs Ra l wheel: 4 pcs F xed Load Caster: 2 pcs Feed ng filled carton: D ameter 30×1.5mm pvs p pe Pvs p pe axons: D ameter 8 mm axon Pa nt: Statuk w ll pa nt the oven Tra ler Connect on: 50X10CM Roller bear ngs of veh cles: Plast c roller bear ng Ra l centers: 550 mm Feed ng w dth of filled carton: 420 mm Empty carton feed ng s ava lable.

SERAMAK Sera Makinaları


The Harvest Cart

Techn cal Spec ficat ons Internal d mens ons of the length 1820 mm x 410 mm The Profile to be used s: 50×30=2mm st 37 Number of drunk wheels: 4 pcs Ra l wheels : 4 pcs F xed Load caster: 2pcs It s des gned for cardboard November. Ra l centers: 550 mm

SERAMAK Sera Makinaları


Manual Spray ng

Techn cal Spec ficat ons Internal d mens ons of the length 1820 mm x 410 mmThe Profile to be used s: 50×30=2mm st 37Number of drunk wheels: 4 pcsRa l wheels : 4 pcsF xed Load caster: 2pcsIt s des gned for cardboard November.Ra l centers: 550 mm

SERAMAK Sera Makinaları


Manual Cultural Process ng Trolley

Techn cal Spec ficat ons Where the element sets foot (1. step ) 70cmWhere the element sets foot (2. step ) 120cmThe total he ght of the mach ne: 235 cmRa l centers: 550 mm

SERAMAK Sera Makinaları


Roller Harvest ng Trolley

Techn cal Spec ficat ons D mens ons of the car ns de: 1860 x 470 mm The profile to be used s: 50×30 = 2 mm st 37 Number of drunk wheels: 4 pcs Ra l wheel: 4 pcs F xed Load Caster: 2pcs Feed ng filled carton: D ameter 30×1.5mm pvs p pe Pvs p pe axons: D ameter 8 mm axon Pa nt: Statuk w ll pa nt the oven Tra ler Connect on: 50X10CM Roller bear ngs of veh cles: Plast c roller bear ng Ra l centers: 550 mm Full carton feed ng w dth: 420 mm

SERAMAK Sera Makinaları


Tomato Root P ck ng Mach ne

Techn cal Spec ficat ons

SERAMAK Sera Makinaları


Fully Automat c Rope W nd ng Mach ne

Techn cal Spec ficat ons Fully automat c sera yarn w nd ng mach ne s a greenhouse aux l ary tool that allows you to qu ckly and regularly w nd yarn on the hang ng w res n the greenhouse, where you can adjust the rope length w th an automat c t mer made w th 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 heads accord ng to your request. Sera rope w nd ng mach ne has a var able dev ce structure accord ng to 180 mm and 220 mm w res and s manufactured accord ng to request. Spr ng tens on bear ngs are used n the apparatus, wh ch ensure conven ent removal and nstallat on of w res. Sera yarn w nd ng mach ne also has a des gn that prevents rope breakage and jamm ng when w nd ng ropes. Our mach ne, wh ch s deal for sav ng t me and manpower n large and med um-s zed greenhouses, has been developed n parallel w th our exper ence n the ndustry s nce 2006 and s always one step ahead of ts compet tors n the market n terms of qual ty, pr ce and performance. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Number of W nd ng Heads: 20pcs, Can be ncreased opt onally. Tens on Control : Ava lable Preset T me : Ava lable Wheels: 2 fixed, 2 brake and rotary wheels Motor Power: 0.75 KW

SERAMAK Sera Makinaları


Spray ng Mach ne

Techn cal Spec ficat ons 121 Pumps7.5 Kw Electr c MotorPolyester Warehouse2000 L. Storage Capac tyNote : Product on s Carr ed Out n the Des red L ters and Tons of 1 Ton or 2 Tons.

SERAMAK Sera Makinaları


Sc ssor L ft Platform

Techn cal Spec ficat ons

SERAMAK Sera Makinaları


Tra ler

Techn cal Spec ficat ons Type: wheeled pcs Carry ng capac ty : 2 tons Remork length: 2400 mm Tra ler w dth: 1200 mm The d stance between the axles : 1900 mm Dec Wheel D ameter: about 480 mm

SERAMAK Sera Makinaları


Tw ster Mach ne

Techn cal Spec ficat ons

SERAMAK Sera Makinaları


SERAMAK Sera Makinaları

+90 258 371 17 37 [email protected] Akçeșme Mah. 2016 Sk. No: 5 Merkezefend Den zl - TÜRKİYE

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