Operator’s reach distance to devices maximum 500 mm. Height above floor level maximum 1500 mm.
Limited Accessibility
Poor Accessibility
Operator’s reach distance to devices maximum 1000 mm. Height above floor level between 1500 mm and 4000 mm. Can be safely reached during plant operation by means of a mobile platform or ladder. Height above floor level between more than 4000 mm. Can only be safely reached during plant operation by installing temporary facilities such as scaffolding or cranes. A device is also considered to have a poor accessibility if it can only be reached after removal or disassembly of other devices or components, such as thermal insulation or equipment noise hoods.
Instrument connections shall be located to provide sufficient headroom and access to permit removal of in-line equipment. All instrument hook-up connections on piping and equipment should be as per piping standard details. 6.10.2 Pressure Instruments Pressure instrument connections shall be in accordance with relevant piping class. Local pressure gauges/indicators shall be accessible and viewable from operating platform or fixed ladder. 6.10.3 Temperature Instruments Flanged thermowell NPS 2” shall normally be selected and based on following table. ASME rating classes
Thermowell size
150, 300, 600, 900, 1500, 2500
NPS 2”
10000 (API rating)
NPS 2”
Thermowell located on vessels shall be accessible from a platform or fixed ladder. Thermowell connection header pipe size for thermowell shall be NPS 4”as minimum. In cases where the header line size is less than 4”, it shall be locally increased to NPS 4” for thermowell connection. For Hook-up of this instrument refer to the piping standard detail drawing.