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ENGLISH 5 Student Comments Professor Tzion Tran “Thank you for the privilege and honor of being your teacher. I want you to remember that you belong wherever you choose to be! Now go out there, execute your life plan, and have a BEAUTIFUL life!” Professor Tran’s final words to the class.

Thank you Professor, for teaching a great class, and designing creative assignments. Your class has set a new academic standard for me I will have to hold all consecutive courses and Professors to in comparison. As this semester and this class come to an end, I can confidently say my writing has become more refined, more effective, and more engaging. As a result of taking this course, I have a more practical understanding of the utility of rhetorical devices, and the vital importance of using them to communicate thoughts, messages, and beliefs in a relevant and clear way. I’ve learned how to be methodical in the self-assessment of my work from the perspective of potential readers, and to make changes accordingly to enhance its general readability. I’ve also become more familiar with proper citation formats, and how to ensure I’m fairly crediting those whose work I’ve harnessed for my own endeavors. If you were to look at my writing output before this semester, I believe you would be able to notice the improvements; as my newer writing is more professional in its anatomy, rhetorical quality, and citation crediting. A.B.E.

For me, this has possibly been the best English class I have had. I learned how to apply the knowledge I learned to real life and to my future, which is what every other teacher in the past lacked which made me think “what’s the point?” if it wasn’t going to benefit my future. One of the ways that I was able to do this is by making a life plan. By making a life plan I was able to think about what I really want for myself, where I see myself in the next 5 years, and what I can do to get there. To me this is something very important because I have always been someone that doesn’t know what they want and has never actually made a plan for myself. And I am not trying to say that I have my life together because of it, but it gives me a better understanding of my goals and a better insight to my future. J.A.

This course has demonstrated what a wellstructured, and well-taught English course should look like. It has unlocked new writing components in my mind. It has given me a passage to a possible new path. The doors are open and I do not intend on shutting any of them. Life is what you make it. When writing for this class I learn new skills…I learned to write from the heart. Write how I feel inside. I started to write letters on my phone. Every now and then I would write on the spur of the moment. Perhaps this writing course brought it out of me, my writer's personality. C.K.

I have never been one to give much thought or care to my writing, thinking it would not be relevant for my future. However, after going through a whole semester of English 5, my thoughts began to change. I saw not only writing in a new light, but also reading and research. These three areas were a vital part of my learning experience that helped me understand the importance of English despite it not being the focus of my future career…throughout this class, I learned to make connections, analyze, and delve deeper into the message the author is trying to convey. I realized that reading has greatly strengthened my critical thinking skills by questioning what the author is saying and analyzing the text…Additionally, my research skills have improved drastically… now I explore multiple sources, read and analyze the whole article and ensure the source is reliable. These skills not only helped improve my quality of writing but it also helped me as a person. These skills taught me to not believe what is just in front of my eyes or what someone told me but to delve further into given information and sources. M.B.

An essay I was immensely proud of was my “Rhetorical Analysis”, it was my first time writing a paper like it and I was anxious about turning it in. Upon receiving my feedback, it gave me enjoyment and I was proud of it. It was amazing to see this writing class has also helped me to develop my critical thinking and analysis skills. In computer science, it is important to be able to carefully evaluate and analyze information, make informed decisions, and solve problems. By learning to approach writing with a critical eye, and to effectively incorporate and evaluate sources, I will be better equipped to analyze and interpret technical information and to use that information to inform my decisions and problem-solving strategies. Z.B.S.

The writing I learned this semester goes beyond this class, I know it will really help me in my life plans and will help me be a better writer, thinker and even communicator in the future. B.G.

As far as my writing habits and processes, I have noticed a more organized and structured approach. I was introduced to a new phrase, “GRAPE” (genre, rhetor, audience, purpose, and exigence). This taught me how to write in a way in which I had to make sure that every part of the fruit was included…For life beyond this semester, I can see it having an impact on how I chose to write, critically think, research, and revise. It will be valuable in any future writing assignments I may have. I think that these skills will be essential for my success in college and in my future career…Overall, this course has been a learning experience…I will be able to research and find sources that support my argument. D.G.

English 5 has improved a lot of my writing skills and processes that I think will help me later in life. For example, I have learned how to organize my thoughts and ideas more effectively, which has made my writing more concise. I have also learned how to revise and edit my work effectively to make it stronger and more persuasive. These skills will be useful in a variety of situations, such as when I need to write a paper for other classes in school or when I need to communicate effectively in the workplace. J.H.

I never saw myself critically thinking so much about my audience and delivery. This course helped me shed a light on these areas of writing and past works are clear evidence of how much I have improved over the period. I got to know how important it is to coherently change your strategies based on whom you deliver your thoughts to. N.J.

Writing has always been a large obstacle in my way for the longest of times. As an English language learner I was never the best at writing…I have developed the needed skills and habits to write a decent paper…the skills that I have learned have elevated my writing and set new expectations I now have in respect to my own writing abilities. Throughout the semester, I have learned in writing to be self-aware as the writer, aware of the communities or audience by use of rhetorical strategies, and to reflect upon myself and peers. With these skills I am able to use a series of processes to improve my writing. J.L.

With all the assignments that were given, it gave me the opportunity to just keep writing which somewhat helped improve my writing. This class has also given assignments that helped me with my structuring in my writing. I am now able to structure my paragraphs to where they connect to one another making it easier for readers to understand. With everything that I learned in this class, I will bring it along with me on my journey throughout life. Keeping all the skills and research I have obtained will be crucial when attending other classes that involve writing…I am not saying that I am the greatest writer of all time but I am saying that I have become a greater writer from what I was before. R.L.

Nowadays writing in English can be very difficult for many freshman students, predominantly those who consider it to be their second language. Now as a college freshman in ENGL 5, I have acquired a higher level of knowledge and instilled confidence as an all around writer. This class has taught me the ability to recognize audiences, identify genres, explore my writer identity, and engage in a reflective process. Since the beginning of the semester, English 5 has enforced a strict idea to identify the audience and genre as a rhetor… it was not until I received feedback from my peers and professor, I knew I had flawlessly connected to an audience and was able to add a perspective about my own identity. Specifically this comment from Professor Tran about my great self reflection, “You brought tears to my eyes. I am so proud of you! You should be very, very proud of yourself also. Don't you EVER forget that you speak 2 languages when you feel inadequate next to someone who can only speak 1.” I knew I had done something right…Overall, I feel prepared for any writing assignment asked of me, knowing I am capable of writing in the real world under professional circumstances, with the many skills I have learned and will be learning in the future. M.M.

This semester I learned how to write a literacy narrative, rhetorical analysis essay and an OP Ed. Personally I learned the most from my rhetorical analysis essay. I learned the usage of rhetorical devices in writing which I can now apply to future writing. For example, if I want to influence my audience as an influencer for my future career I can use rhetorical devices such as ethos, logos, pathos to prove my reliability and credibility…I also learned that an argument is absolutely nothing without credible sources, research, and evidence. N.R.

As for my first English class in college, I would say this one has been the best one so far. There were some ups and downs throughout this course. While taking English 5, I was able to learn how to write an essay as if I was the narrator, identifying all the rhetoric in a video, and the structure of an op-ed. All of these pieces, I have learned my improvements, challenges, and things I would use beyond this class. Mostly my life plan that I will be using daily and in 5 years from now…During this process, I enjoyed the encouragement that my professor brought me when commenting on my work…As a result, I will apply all the things I have learned in this course beyond this semester, as well the phrase, “What’s In It For Me (WIIFM),” for all my decisions that I make in life. D.S.H.

For my rhetorical analysis, I received a suggestion from Professor Tran. She wrote, “...consider where you could add more of your must search for opportunities to "insert" your voice, experience, perspective etc.” After considering the feedback, I realized there was barely a voice in my writing because I assumed my audience could decipher how I felt just by reading what I wrote. I needed to be more deliberate with my words and express my emotions more explicitly. I implemented this strategy as I wrote my op-ed which was also an expectation for this genre of writing…I’ve learned numerous writing skills and strategies throughout English 5 and I’m certain that they’ll benefit me in the future. Whether I have to write for my English 20 class next semester, write a cover letter for my resume or a lab report for job, I’ll always keep in mind that each genre has their own set of complex rules. I know that I’m confident enough to navigate the writing process though, because I’ve been introduced to different approaches of planning, different sources of feedback to incorporate into my writing and most importantly, a safe space for making mistakes. Additionally, I’ll have a life plan to refer to for the next five years. It’ll serve as a reminder for me to stay motivated and work hard in all aspects of my life. K.S.

In the past, my writing was often disjointed and lacked a clear structure. But now, I am able to craft a clear thesis statement and organize my essay around it, using evidence and examples to support my points. This has made my writing more effective and more persuasive. Another important change in my writing has been my ability to write with greater precision and concision. In the past, I was prone to using flowery language and long, convoluted sentences. But now, I have learned the importance of using simple, direct language and avoiding unnecessary words. This has made my writing more concise and more impactful. My writing has become more engaging and more readable. In the past, my writing was often dull and uninteresting, lacking the spark that engages readers and keeps them reading. But now, I have learned to use techniques like storytelling and vivid language to make my writing more engaging and more enjoyable to read. A.S.

After taking this class, I feel as though I have learned many things that can apply to who I am right now, and who I will be in the future. I have learned that finding my why is very important in all situations. To start asking why I am drawn to certain things, even if it's something that is in my best interest. I have also learned to explore and find things that inspire me, whether it is through people or places. I can see all of this translating into my life as a whole because something that is very important to me is traveling and meeting new people. This is also something I can use in career aspects too. Things like networking, learning how to communicate with anyone, and connecting with my audience through writing. These are things I will use in my day to day life from now on and I know it will benefit me greatly as I age. The values that I have developed in this class reflect the decisions I will make and the success I will attain during the course of my life. K.W.

Dear Professor Tran, Your words of encouragement never fail to inspire me and continue to keep trying my best as I navigate through life. I needed this. You are truly a role model and have absolutely no clue how much I appreciate you. I have even shared with my friends and family about how much of an amazing professor you are, and I wish that they had a professor like you. Thank you for always taking your time with me not only me but with your students. Like I said you freaking rock!!! People like you make this world a better place to endure even places like school. Sincerely, N.R.

Class 9/14 We just finished class and everything that you have shared is definitely something that has greatly impacted me especially the WII FM. It gave me the opportunity/ allowed me to reflect upon many instances where nothing benefitted me but benefitted others which resulted in being taken advantage of now with your knowledge I am applying WII FM to everything. You inspire me and I hope you know that you are creating a positive impact. Thank you. I just wanted to share this with you. - Sincerely, N.R.

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