Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos
Correo electrónico:
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Resumen de la Memoria: La importancia de la industria de los alimentos funcionales en el mercado alimentario ha sufrido un grandísimo incremento en los últimos años, y se espera que dicho crecimiento no cese. Este auge es debido a la marcada tendencia de los consumidores hacia el consumo de alimentos que no sólo faciliten los requerimientos nutricionales y energéticos básicos que todos los alimentos deben aportar, sino que a su vez, proporcionen algún beneficio fisiológico adicional. De esta manera, están apareciendo constantemente nuevos productos que frecuentemente derivan de un producto tradicional al que se le ha añadido un ingrediente funcional, que en último término, será el responsable de la actividad biológica del alimento funcional resultante. Por ello, la búsqueda de nuevos ingredientes funcionales naturales es de gran interés para la Tecnología de Alimentos. Aún es mayor si se tiene en cuenta la marcada preferencia existente hacia el empleo de ingredientes naturales, en contraste con aquellos sintetizados químicamente. La principal línea de investigación que se propone se basa en la extracción y caracterización completa de nuevos ingredientes funcionales procedentes de algas. Las algas, son un grupo muy heterogéneo y amplísimo de organismos en el cual se incluyen organismos macro- y microscópicos. En algunos de estos organismos ya se han identificado algunos compuestos que podrían ser utilizados potencialmente como ingredientes funcionales. Por tanto, el principal objetivo de la línea de investigación propuesta es extraer y caracterizar nuevos ingredientes funcionales procedentes de diferentes especies de algas, que puedan ser utilizados por parte de la industria alimentaria. Para llevarlo a cabo, se han ideado novedosas estrategias, incluyendo el uso de técnicas de extracción consideradas medioambientalmente limpias así como diferentes procesos acoplados para obtener ingredientes (por ejemplo, ácidos grasos poliinsaturados, compuestos fenólicos) a partir de diferentes especies de macro- y microalgas, incluyendo algunas modificadas genéticamente. Para llevar a cabo la caracterización de los extractos conseguidos, se utilizarán técnicas de análisis avanzadas así como desarrollos metabolómicos. Se utilizarán nuevos disolventes con categoría de uso alimentario, como el lactato de etilo, para realizar extracciones presurizadas con disolventes (PLE). Esta técnica se acoplará, así mismo, con diferentes procesos en línea para la concentración de los compuestos de interés. Además, se explorará el uso de líquidos iónicos en combinación con PLE de manera que se obtengan procesos en los cuales la selectividad de la extracción se vea incrementada significativamente. Desde el punto de vista analítico, se prevé el uso de diferentes desarrollos metabolómicos basados en el empleo de la cromatografía de líquidos bidimensional completa (LC x LC) en combinación con espectrometría de masas de manera que se pueda tanto asegurar la seguridad de los extractos bioactivos obtenidos, como su precisa caracterización. Inicialmente, se llevará a cabo una rápida caracterización de la actividad biológica de los extractos mediante ensayos in-vitro. Se espera que los resultados obtenidos puedan ser ratificados posteriormente, en colaboración con otros grupos de investigación, mediante el empleo de estudios invivo combinados con estrategias metabolómicas.
Resumen del Curriculum Vitae: El solicitante es Licenciado en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1997/2002). En Enero de 2003 comenzó sus estudios de doctorado, incorporándose al Instituto de Fermentaciones Industriales de CSIC, donde disfrutó, hasta febrero de 2007, de una beca FPI del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología para la realización de su tesis doctoral. Durante este periodo tuvo la oportunidad de realizar una estancia predoctoral de cuatro meses de duración en el Departamento de Química de la Universidad de South Florida bajo la supervisión del Prof. A. Malik. En Noviembre de 2006 defendió su tesis doctoral, obteniendo la máxima calificación de Sobresaliente Cum Laude por unanimidad. El trabajo incluido en esta memoria de tesis doctoral fue reconocido con el Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado (UAM, 2007) así como con el premio Lilly de química analítica para alumnos de doctorado (2006). A partir de Marzo de 2007, realiza un estancia Postdoctoral en la Universidad de Messina (Italia) bajo la supervisión del Prof. Luigi Mondello profundizando en el empleo de técnicas analíticas multidimensionales para el análisis de alimentos. En la actualidad, y desde el 1 de Enero de 2009, disfruta de un contrato "Juan de la Cierva" en la Sección Departamental de Ciencias de la Alimentación de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Toda esa labor investigadora se refleja en un total de 33 publicaciones aceptadas en revistas de alto índice de impacto incluidas en el SCI (Anal. Chem., Electrophoresis, J. Chromatogr. A, J. Agric. Food Chem., Food Chem., etc; una de ellas como corresponding author) figurando en la gran mayoría en posiciones de privilegio (índice H: 14), 2 publicaciones en revistas no indexadas, 2 capítulos de libro aceptados (en las prestigiosas editoriales American Chemical Society y CRC press), 3 capítulos de libro en preparación (para las conocidas editoriales Taylor and Francis y Elsevier, todos bajo invitación, una de ellas de manera directa actuando como corresponding author), 10 publicaciones en volúmenes colectivos y otras 52 participaciones en congresos (4 conferencias invitadas y 8 comunicaciones orales, una de ellas finalista como mejor comunicación oral y 40 en forma de cartel, 2 de ellas reconocidas con sendos premios a la mejor comunicación en congresos internacionales). Ha participado activamente en 6 proyectos de investigación. En la actualidad, el candidato dirige la realización de una Tesis Doctoral relacionada con alimentos funcionales, para ser defendida a finales del año 2010, así como la realización de dos trabajos de iniciación a la investigación (para ser presentados en Septiembre de 2010) y tutela una estancia corta de 8 meses de duración de un estudiante de doctorado extranjero. Como resultado de su experiencia investigadora, el candidato colabora asiduamente como censor en 7 revistas incluidas en el SCI (J. Chromatogr. A, Electrophoresis, J. Agric. Food Chem, Food Chem., J. Sep. Sci., J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. y LTW). Además ha colaborado en labores de docencia en cursos de doctorado del programa de CyTA así como de la diplomatura de Nutrición Humana y Dietética de la UAM, y ha impartido diversos seminarios y conferencias. Adicionalmente, el candidato ha colaborado con la Academia de Ciencias Colombiana (COLCIENCIAS) para la evaluación de proyectos dentro de la "convocatoria de banco de proyectos 2009"
Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos
Correo electrónico:
[email protected]
Titulo: Molecular analysis of probiotic-host interactions in the human gastrointestinal tract
Resumen de la Memoria: Probiotics are ¿live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host¿. Probiotics are usually isolated from the commensal microbiota that inhabits human gut. They play an important role in human health by providing a barrier for colonization of pathogens, by exerting important metabolic functions, stimulating the development of the immune system and also, affecting the nutritional status. Thus, it is important to identify the composition of the gut microbiota and how the relationships and metabolic activities of this microbial habitat are established. Early development during delivery and breastfeeding form the basis of normal healthy microbiota. Deviations in the composition and activity of microbiota may influence human development and health and aberrancies are closely associated with both disease risk and disease symptoms. Recent research has revealed a potential therapeutic role for the manipulation of the microbiota and exploitation of hostmicrobial signalling pathways in the maintenance of human health and treatment of various intestinal disorders. However, the mechanisms of action of probiotics are by far unknown. Rigorous characterization of interactions between the diet, indigenous and probiotic bacteria will provide new opportunities for modulating the microbiota towards improving human health. In addition, the ¿omics¿ techniques begin tackling intestinal microbial ecology at an unprecedented level of detail, aided by the understanding that dietary components may be utilized differentially by individual phylotypes. One way to analyse the complex interactions between host and gut microbiota is the gene-based approach. The candidate will use molecular methods to analyse and monitor the responses of the intestinal microbiota composition and development, gene expression and functional activities and this is particularly suited to identify biomarker.A full understanding of the interactions between the gut microbiota and the human host requires a full knowledge of the differential expression of genes of both host cells and bacteria including probiotics. For this purpose it is necessary to identify the mechanism of action of specific probiotic strains with particular characteristics on in vitro models to understand the beneficial effects on human health. Candidate is characterising the change of expression of host genes (inflammatory signals and signal transduction pathways affected/regulated) after addition of previously isolated bacteria and known probiotics to human cell lines by molecular techniques. Nutrigenomics and the genomic information on specific probiotics and the host will serve to optimize and personalize nutrition for infants, the elderly and specific targets populations. With the knowledge acquired on the intestinal microbiota composition, development and the interactions and effects of potentially probiotic strains, it will be possible to design new products with greater effectiveness at the site of action. These studies will form the platform for the developments of future nutritional interventions, which will be open a wide range of new clinical and industrial applications.
Resumen del Curriculum Vitae: The candidate Maria Carmen Collado has earned two University Degrees from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, UPV (Spain). The first degree was in Agricultural Engineering (speciality: Food Industry) in 2001, and the second one in Food Science and Technology in 2002. She carried out PhD studies from 2001 to 2005 at Department of Biotechnology, Microbiology area in UPV (Spain), funded by a F.P.U. grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Spanish Government. During her PhD studies, the candidate experienced short-term research visits to the Functional Foods Forum, University of Turku, Finland, and also at the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Science (IATA) of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC). In 2005, her PhD thesis was awarded with the highest qualifications and the PhD extraordinary award from Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). During the postdoctoral period, the candidate completed her research with appointments on national and international research centres such as the Functional Food Forum, University of Turku, Finland, and the Department of Nutrition, Bromatology and Food Technology, University Complutense of Madrid, Spain. The candidate has received a number of official post-doctoral grants including scholarships from the Conselleria Educación y Ciencia, Generalitat Valenciana (GVA) and Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. She is currently working as a researcher on a I3P-postdoctoral contract in IATA-CSIC, Valencia, Spain, since September 2007. Her research work is multidisciplinary, and combines the areas of biological, molecular analysis and evaluation of health effects of probiotics in in vitro and in human intervention studies. To date, the candidate has published 46 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals (41 SCI-indexed and the rest on other databases as EMBASE and Scopus), 4 more in revision phase, 1 scientific monograph, 13 book chapters, 1 docent book, 2 patents and 14 SCI-listed conference proceedings in the area of food microbiology, functional foods, nutrition and biotechnology. She is a member of editorial team of two journals and also, she is acting as a peer-review referee of international journals including top-ranked journals in the field of food technology, microbiology and nutrition. Her experience in docent activities includes lecturing at the Department of Microbiology, UPV (Spain) on topics related to microbiology, food microbiology and functional foods. She has the accreditation to ¿Contratado Doctor¿ from GVA, Spain. She has also acted as supervisor of university students for their master¿s thesis (microbiology) and Bachelor of Science thesis (food microbiology) and also, tutoring summer training programmes in Spain and in Finland. The candidate also is an assistant professor (Docent) at the Department of Biochemistry and Food Chemistry, University of Turku in the field of Food Microbiology (speciality: Probiotics and their role in health and diseases), where she is in charge of co-supervising two doctoral thesis candidates. She is also involved in different teaching activities for undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Turku as well as the graduate school teaching in Finland on probiotics and health.
Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos
Correo electrónico:
[email protected]
Resumen de la Memoria: Chronic inflammation is considered to be a critical factor in many human diseases and conditions, including obesity, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, aging and cancer. Chronic inflammation leads to an increased oxidative stress caused by the excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can injure cellular biomolecules causing tissue damage. Therefore, the development of functional foods with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity is a promising research area for health promotion and prevention of chronic diseases. Recent randomized controlled trial have demonstrated that legume-enriched diet improved biomarkers of inflammation in men. Legumes are sources of bioactive compounds (flavonoids, bioactive peptides and proteins) that have proven to alter inflammatory response and oxidative stress by modulating biochemical pathways. The main objective of the present research line is the utilization of different processing technologies for production of food ingredients derived from legumes of common use in Spain with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities and their application in the formulation of new functional foods. For this purpose, optimization of technological processes such as germination, fermentation and enzymatic hydrolysis under high hydrostatic pressure will be carried out for production of ingredients containing bioactive peptides with antiinflammatory and antioxidant activities. An advanced bioanalysis, including both, an exhaustive chemical and functional characterization (bioavailability and biological activity) will be performed in vitro and in vivo model systems. Detailed mechanisms of action as how bioactive compounds in the ingredient play an active role in modulation of proinflammatory gene expression and attenuation of oxidative stress will be elucidated. Technological development of functional food containing the above mentioned functional ingredients and evaluation of the stability of bioactive compounds to technological processes will also be addressed. The present research line will make an important scientific and technological contributions including: 1) the knowledge of the role of bioactive compounds in legumes on health-promotion and prevention of chronic disease; 2) the development of new functional foods based on rigorous scientific studies through alternative technological processes and 3) providing with an added-value to legumes which may increase the profitability to legume producers and processors.
Resumen del Curriculum Vitae: The candidate has both B.S. degrees in Biology and Food Science and Technology from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Dr. C. Martinez received a MCYT scholarship (FPI) and joined to Dr. Concepción Vidal group in 2002 where she started her PhD studies at Instituto de Fermentaciones Industriales (CSIC) in Madrid. During this period she performed short stays in national centres (Instituto del Frio of the CSIC and Facultad de Farmacia at Universidad de Granada) as well as internationally recognized European institutions (the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland; the State University of Milan, Italy and the University of Ghent , Belgium). In 2006, she obtained the European PhD degree in Food Science and Technology at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Thesis title: Production and evaluation of functional ingredients derived from lupin with high protein content and prebiotic activity). In September 2006 she was recipient of an I3P-TS contract and joined to Dr. Agustin Olano group where she started her postdoctoral period. In November 2007 she received a EU-funded grant (Marie Curie Outgoing International Fellowship) to perform her postdoctoral research at both the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition (research director: Dr. Elvira de Mejia) at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in USA (2007-2009) and at Instituto de Fermentaciones Industriales (CSIC) (2009-2010). As a result of this research activities, Dr. C. Martinez has participated in 8 research projects making important contributions in the area of Food Science and technology, Food Toxicology, and Chemoprevention. As a result, she has published over 40 peer-reviewed publications in high impact factor journals (41 SCI, 1 no SCI), 3 chapters in books and 7 proceedings. In addition, she has disseminated her research work (28 presentations) at different national and international scientific meetings. She has served as mentor of undergraduate and graduate students at the Master and Doctoral levels and participated as professor of the Food Science and Technology programme of Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (2006-2007). Dr. C. Martinez has been active in the transfer of technology holding 1 patent and actively collaborating with the Monsanto Company.
Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos
Correo electrónico:
[email protected]
Titulo: Study of relationships carotenoid pattern-antioxidant activity and carotenoid pattern-bioaccessibility to assess the existence of interactions. Applicability of colour measurements to estimate the antioxidant potency of carotenoid-rich foods
Resumen de la Memoria: The nutritional quality of fruits and vegetables is increasingly important for consumers and organizations like FAO and OMS due to the relationship existing between their consumption and the derived beneficial effects in relation to the prevention of degenerative diseases and other processess. Consequently, this subject has great impact in the EU Framework Programme 7 and the National Programme of Agroalimentary Resources and Technologies. In this regard, carotenoids are eliciting great interest, not only due to them being colorants and some of them exhibiting vitamin A activity, but also to studies that reveal that they can act as antioxidants and epidemiological observations indicating that they are benefitial for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers, eye disorders, etc. In connection to this, and according to my research expertise, my research lines are directed towards the multidisciplinary study of these compounds. In the short term, I have the intention of evaluating by statistical methods the possible existence of interactions in terms of in vitro antioxidant activity (AA) and bioaccessibility in complex mixtures of carotenoids, like those that can be found in extracts of carotenoid-containing foods (oranges and other citrus products, tomatoes, pumpkins, etc.). Additionally, a thorough statistical study of the applicability of the objective measurement of colour by tristimulus colorimetry in the rapid estimation of the AA of carotenoid-rich foods for quality control purposes will also be conducted. At a later stage, studies to design optimized mixtures of carotenoids with improved radical scavenging activities will be carried out.
Resumen del Curriculum Vitae: To date, the summary of my scientific production and teaching activities is as follows:- One congress proceedings book (ISBN 84-699-9187-6), one book chapter, one DVD under the frame of the renewal of the lecturing methodologies (ISBN 978-84-692-1165-6) and 42 scientific articles, with the added value that I am the first author of 32 of them (76%). 37 of these articles are published in journals with impact factor included in the ¿Journal of Citation Reports¿ (JCR) and 5 are published in journals without impact factor. Of the 37 articles referred earlier, 31 (85%) are published in journals within the first quarter of their categories when ranked by impact factors. - Twenty-one contributions to congresses, five of them oral communications. - Participation in 10 research projects funded by public bodies and private companies. Two of the projects funded by public entities correspond to EU projects and I am the coordinator of one of them.- One international patent.- Official university teaching in the academic years 2002/2003, 2003/2004, 2004/2005 (Universidad de Sevilla), 2006/2007, 2007/2008 (University of London), 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 (Universidad de Sevilla) and in three university master courses (including one Erasmus Mundus master). Participation in one project of teaching innovation.Other merits:- Awarded the degree of European Doctor.- Awarded the Extraordinary Prize of Doctorate of the University of Seville.Awarded a Juan de la Cierva contract after having ranked first in the Food Science and Technology field (year 2008).- 4 stays in foreign research centers (University of Liverpool, University of London, USA HNRCA at Tufts University in Boston) totaling 43 months.- Reviewer for 13 peerreviewed journals.- 6 research visitors received to work on carotenoids.- Member of the International Carotenoid Society. - Member of the Spanish Society of Nutrition.
Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos
Correo electrónico:
[email protected]
Titulo: Development and characterization of nano- and microencapsulation technologies of functional ingredients in electrospun structures of edible biopolymers
Resumen de la Memoria: The development of functional foods containing bioactive ingredients is an area of increasing interest not only for the scientific community but also for the food industry. However, both the physiological benefits and the effectiveness in reducing the risk of diseases depend on preserving the bioavailability of the active ingredients. This represents a formidable challenge for scientists as the functional substances are known to loose effectiveness either during processing (temperature, oxygen, light), storage or in the gastrointestinal tract (pH, enzymes, the presence of other nutrients). The development of nano- and microstructures able to protect the active ingredients acting as carriers and delivery vehicles for controlled release is undoubtedly a plausible option. The development of suitable encapsulation matrices will require a shift of focus from macroscopic properties to those on the meso- and nanoscales, as these subsequently control the hierarchical structures in food and food functionality. MAIN RESEARCH LINE: The main research line will consist on the development and characterization of micro- and nanoencapsulation matrices for the protection and controlled release of functional ingredients, establishing the scientific principles for design and formation. The stability, structure, thermal and barrier properties of the developed materials will be considered together with a focus on the understanding and controlling the behaviour and controlled release kinetics of the encapsulated functional ingredients. Electrospinning will be the technique used for the encapsulation of functional ingredients and the electrospinning process parameters to obtain different capsule morphologies will be established. Probiotics (such as bifidobacteria), bioactive peptides, enzymes and antioxidants (like beta-carotene or polyphenols) are amongst the bioactive ingredients of interest in this research line for encapsulation, which will be combined with other substances that will contribute to the bioactive's stabilization, such as starch or cellulose. This is an ongoing research line that is already showing very successful and promising results. EXPERIENCE OF THE CANDIDATE IN THE PROPOSED RESEARCH LINE: My scientific experience covers from the development of edible biomaterials to food and material's characterization using a broad range of analytical techniques. Moreover, during my postdoctoral stay at the Bragg Institute in Australia, I was working with functional ingredients, studying the correlation between the micro- and nanostructure of food matrices after different processing conditions and simulated digestion and their resulting functionality. I have complemented my scientific knowledge with the use of X-ray and neutron scattering and diffraction techniques which will be key to conduct the present research line. During the last year I have started with the proposed research line, which is pioneering in the food science area, demonstrating the suitability of the electrospinning technique for the encapsulation and protection of bifidobacteria and studying the capability of different edible matrices for the UV protection of antioxidants. Furthermore, I am the principal investigator (from IATA-CSIC) in an industrial project dealing with encapsulation of bioactives for the development of functional foods.
Resumen del Curriculum Vitae: I have an Agronomical engineering degree (Food Industries speciality) from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and a Master in Food Science and Technology obtained in Gent University (Belgium). I did my PhD in the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA-CSIC) under the supervision of Doctors J.M. Lagaron and R. Gavara, studying the effects of various food preservation treatments over the structure and properties of polymeric food packaging structures. During the predoctoral period, the use of powerful characterization tools, like synchrotron radiation (various short stays in the Hamburg Synchrotron Laboratory, Germany) complemented my formation, providing me with an unusual profile in the Food Science Area. The quality of the scientific work carried out during this period is proved by two awarded prizes ("Extraordinary Prize of Doctoral Thesis 2005/2006" awarded by the Polytechnic University of Valencia and "Second Prize to the Best Doctoral Thesis 2005/2006" awarded by the Specialized Group of Polymers from the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry and Physics). The predoctoral period was completed with a short stay in the Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden), where in collaboration with Prof. M. Hedenqvist I got involved in a European Project to develop edible and biodegradable nanocomposites for use in food packages. From May 2006 to May 2008 I got a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in the Bragg Institute (ANSTO, Australia), where I was responsible for the introduction of new techniques (X-ray and neutron scattering and diffraction) for the study of food materials, that have been key for understanding functional characteristics of food ingredients (specifically from resistant starch) and that are essential in the nanotechnology era. The work developed during this period was complemented with a short stay in Argonne National Laboratory (Chicago, USA) and has resulted in a number of collaborations with Universities and Research Centres, several invited seminars, two invited talks in conferences, two book chapters and a "Technology and Development Prize" awarded by the Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology. Since 2008 I have a Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral contract at the IATA (CSIC) where I have been mainly working in the encapsulation of bioactive ingredients for the development of functional foods. I have participated in 18 research projects publicly financed, 3 industrial projects (principal investigator from CSIC in one of them) and a Technology Transfer conference in Chile. I am coauthor of 30 publications and another 4 under review in high impact international journals included in the SCI, being first author in 18 of them and corresponding author in 8. Moreover, I am co-author in 9 non-SCI publications and 8 book chapters (in two of them I am the only author). I am also co-editing a book entitled "Antimicrobial Polymers" which is currently in preparation. From the 45 works presented in conferences, 31 were selected for oral communication (13 presented by me). I have directed a final degree work, I am co-directing a PhD student and I participate as a teacher in a Master of Packaging imparted in the University of Jaume I (Castellón). I collaborate as reviewer in SCI journals like Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry or Critical Reviews in Food Science and Technology.
Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos
Correo electrónico:
[email protected]
Titulo: Diet, Health and Metabolomics: Development of the metabolomics to study the impact in the cardiovascular health of enriched fruits and vegetables diets with special interest to the Mediterranean diet pattern
Resumen de la Memoria: Numerosos estudios relacionan el consumo de dietas ricas en vegetales con una reducción en el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular o diabetes, entre las de mayor prevalencia. Ha sido postulado que la actividad antioxidante de los polifenoles o su efecto en procesos de inflamación podría ser la causa de este efecto beneficioso. Sin embargo, hoy día sabemos que su posible efecto modulador de rutas de señalización celular, de la expresión de genes o en el propio metabolismo podrían ser los mecanismos de acción más importantes. Los efectos de la alimentación en la salud han sido, en su mayoría, estudiados de forma focalizada: efecto de un nutriente particular o un compuesto de la dieta sobre un número restringido de biomarcadores. En este sentido, las nuevas aproximaciones globales ("omics") podrían aportar nuevos datos de gran valor que permitirían el estudio y comprensión de las complejas relaciones entre la dieta y la salud. La metabolomica conjuga técnicas analíticas de alta resolución con análisis estadísticos multiparamétricos. Estos estudios ya han dado resultados satisfactorios en toxicología, medicina, y recientemente en nutrición. El objetivo de la metabolómica es el estudio del metaboloma, el cual ha sido definido como el conjunto de metabolitos que están presentes en una muestra biológica, ya sean representativos del componente endógeno o del componente exógeno (donde encontramos como punto más destacado, la dieta)
Resumen del Curriculum Vitae: Tras obtener mi licenciatura en Biología por la Universidad de Murcia, comencé mi carrera científica como estudiante de doctorado en el grupo de investigación de Calidad, Seguridad y Bioactividad del departamento de Tecnología de los Alimentos (CEBAS-CSIC) durante 4 años (2000-2004). El trabajo en este equipo se centro en estudio de composición polifenólica de alimentos vegetales. Durante este tiempo realice a mi tesis doctoral (2004) la cual se centró en el estudio del contenido en polifenoles antioxidantes en subproductos derivados de la manipulación de vegetales como herramienta para su revalorización. Durante esta etapa también trabaje en colaboración con el Laboratorio de Etnobotánica (Universidad de Murcia) en el marco del proyecto europeo ¿European project ¿Local Mediterranean Food Plants. Tras el doctorado, obtuve una beca posdoctoral para realizar una estancia de dos años en la Unite de Nutrition Humain (INRA-Clermont Ferrand) con el Dr Augustin Scalbert. El proyecto tuvo como temática el desarrollo de la metabolómica en estudios de intervención nutricional especialmente dietas ricas en polifenoles. Finalizada mi estancia posdoctoral obtuve junto a la Universidad de Barcelona una ayuda del Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (F.I.S., Instituto de Salud Carlos III (MICINN) para financiar un contrato postdoctoral en el Departamento de Nutrición y Bromatología de la citada Universidad. El principal objetivo de mi actual contrato es el desarrollo de la metabolómica para estudiar el efecto en la salud humana de la dieta Mediterránea. Soy autor o coautor de 31 publicaciones en revistas internacionales-SCI y 7 artículos en revistas no indexadas, 2 libros y 7 capítulos de libro. Los resultados obtenidos han sido presentados en congresos nacionales e internacionales con un total de 41 comunicaciones. Actualmente dispongo de la acreditación como profesor lector de la Agencia para la Calidad del sistema universitario de Cataluña e imparto clases en asignaturas de la licenciatura de Farmacia y en el Centro Superior de Nutrición Humana
Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos
Correo electrónico:
[email protected]
Titulo: Involvement of two-component systems in the polyphenol-associated stress response of Lactobacillus casei probiotic strains.
Resumen de la Memoria: The signal transduction systems of two components play a central role in signalling pathways of probiotic bacteria. Moreover, polyphenols, abundant in our diet, are a subject of great interest in food technology both for their functional (antioxidant and anti-nutrients) and antimicrobial properties. Polyphenols inhibit bacterial growth, causing them stress, a stress response mechanism is the two-component system (TCS), where a transmembrane protein (sensor protein) is able to perceive an external stimulus and phosphorylize a transcripctional regulator (regulatory protein) that modifies the expression of genes involved in the stress response. Our group at the IATA, led by Manuel Zuñiga, has spent three years working on the TCS of Lb. casei. The analysis of the Lb. casei genome revealed the presence of 17 TCS and previous studies have shown that Lb. casei TCS are involved in the polyphenol-related stress response. Of the 17 TCS, we have in the laboratory mutants (insertional and deletions of both the regulators and sensing proteins) which enable us to study the TCS response to polyphenols. We have will take three-step experimental approach to studying how Lb. casei TCS respond to stress caused by the presence of polyphenols.1. To begin, growth curves of mutants in the presence of the polyphenol of interest will be established to check which TCS are involved in the stress response triggered by the presence of polyphenols. 2. With the mutants in TCS involved in the polyphenol-related stress responses, we will two-dimensional protein gels and then to discover which proteins are involved in this response. 3. We will analyze gene expression differences between mutants and wild phenotype in the presence of polyphenols, by conducting quantitative PCR and Microarrays, in our laboratory we have Lb. casei (strain BL23) DNA chips. The proteomics (two-dimensional gels) and genomic (microarrays and quantitative PCR) results will shed light on the genes/proteins and hence the pathways involved in the stress response to polyphenols.
Resumen del Curriculum Vitae: Educational background: Ph.D. holder in Biological Sciences awarded by the Universidad de Valencia, with excellent Cum Laude and PhD extraordinary award. I would also like to mention that I also graduated in Biochemistry at the University of Valencia with an average mark of Excellent (A+).My research experience in the area of food technology began in the Department of Microbiology, Universidad de Valencia, where I carried out my Ph.D. Thesis under the direction of Sergi Ferrer and Isabel Pardo. I received a research fellowship from the Conselleria de Educación y Ciencia (Regional Ministry of Education and Science) to carry out the aforementioned Ph.D. Part of the doctoral thesis was also conducted at the Laboratory of Microbiology, Faculty of Oenology (University of Bordeaux, France) where Aline Lonvaud was my supervisor. After completing my thesis I received a postdoctoral fellowship from the Ministry of Education and Science, and performed my postdoctoral work at the Instituto de Fermentaciones Industriales (Institute of Industrial Fermentations, CSIC, Madrid) with Rosario Muñoz¿s research team. Finally I took up my scientific research work at the Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos (Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology, CSIC, Valencia) granted a Juan de la Cierva contract, with the research group under the direction of Manuel Zuñiga and Gaspar Perez. I am currently in my final year of the Juan de la Cierva contract. Since I started my research work I have participated in 15 research projects (see curriculum vitae), 12 of these projects fall within the area of food technology. Furthermore, last January I requested project funding from the Conselleria de Educación y Ciencia as Main Researcher. My research work is reflected in 44 scientific articles, 31 of which are in journals ranked in the Science Citation Index (19 as first author). Most scientific papers published in the area of food technology are in journals with high impact levels in this area Crit. Rev. Food Nutrit. (2), J. Agric. Food Chem (5), Int. J. Food Microbiol (4), Food Chem (3), Food Microbiol (2). All journals in the area of food technology are within the top quartile. Additionally, I have published 4 international book chapters, 6 national and a book. I am currently codirecting a Ph.D. thesis and a final year project. In addition to research activities, I am accredited as junior lecturer by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (NAQAA, ANECA, 2007) and have a teaching certificate. With respect to my teaching responsibilities, I would like to highlight that I gave practical demonstration classes in Microbiology and separation techniques in the Department of Microbiology, Universidad de Valencia, during my pre-doctoral period, and imparted doctoral courses during my postdoctoral stay at the IFI-CSIC.
Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos
Correo electrónico:
[email protected]
Titulo: Búsqueda de marcadores químicos de distintas características sensoriales en aceites de oliva vírgenes/Search for chemical markers for distinct sensory characteristics of virgin olive oils
Resumen de la Memoria: Recientemente, las investigaciones sobre la biodiversidad oleícola y la composición química del aceite de oliva se han multiplicado, concediendo un gran interés a su composición volátil y a la calidad de su perfil organoléptico. Numerosos atributos sensoriales no pueden relacionarse directamente con ninguno los compuestos detectados hasta el momento en la fracción volátil del aceite. Pueden ser el resultado de la interacción entre varios compuestos volátiles, así como ser debidos a una serie de otros compuestos que no han sido aún identificados. Cabe suponer que una gran variedad de sustancias aromáticas puede ser extraída durante el proceso de producción del aceite, además de los compuestos hasta ahora identificados. Volátiles con un elevado poder odorante, como los isoprenoides, los compuestos azufrados o algunas moléculas nitrogenadas, de los que alguno se ha descrito esporádicamente en aceite de oliva, podrían razonablemente formar parte de la fracción aromática de este aceite y tener impacto sensorial. Puesto que estos volátiles pueden encontrarse en trazas en el aceite de oliva, su detección requiere disponer de métodos analíticos específicos y dotados de elevadas sensibilidad y selectividad, incrementadas optimizando las condiciones de extracción, incluyendo etapas de derivatización y métodos de detección selectivos. Posteriormente, sería necesario caracterizar estos compuestos para valorar su impacto sensorial, e identificar los que mayormente contribuyen a la tipicidad aromática de diferentes aceites. La contribución individual de los compuestos aromáticos contenidos en distintas tipologías de aceites se determinaría mediante olfatometría, mientras que el rol de los volátiles clasificados como potentes odorantes en base a su actividad olfativa, debería ser confirmado mediante el análisis sensorial de mezclas modelo. Estos potentes odorantes podrían proceder total o parcialmente de formas glicosiladas o de complejos con determinados aminoácidos, durante las etapas del proceso de extracción del aceite. Por esta razón, la presencia en la oliva de precursores no volátiles se investigaría analizando extractos de pulpa de oliva tras apropiada derivatización o tras separación cromatografica con fases estacionarias específicas. La identificación de los compuestos volátiles con mayor impacto sensorial en aceites de diferentes características, tanto positivas como negativas, permitiría disponer de marcadores sensoriales indispensables para evaluar la influencia de variables genéticas, climáticas y tecnológicas sobre la calidad organoléptica de los aceites de oliva vírgenes, consintiendo así potenciar o modular los atributos sensoriales más favorables.
Resumen del Curriculum Vitae: La candidata es Licenciada (1994) y Doctora (2003) en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos por la Universidad de Udine (Italia). Ha realizado estancias pre-doctorales en Instituto de la Grasa-CSIC (Sevilla), (beca Leonardo da Vinci, 1997-98) y en el Instituto de Botánica aplicada de la Universidad Veterinaria de Viena (beca Marie Curie, 1998-99). Ha disfrutado de varios contratos en la Universidad de Udine (Italia) (1998, 1999), donde posteriormente ha llevado a cabo su tesis doctoral (2000-2003) financiada por una beca del Ministero Italiano dell¿Universitá e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica. Durante el doctorado ha realizado dos estancias en el Departamento de Nutrición y Bromatología de la Universidad de Barcelona. Ha trabajado en el mismo departamento en calidad de investigador post-doctoral disfrutando de varias becas y contratos (financiados por: Fondo Social Europeo, 2003; Area di ricerca scientifica e tecnologica di Trieste¿ (Italia), 2004; Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia ¿Programa nacional para la movilidad de profesores de universidad e investigadores españoles y extranjeros¿, modalidad ¿Jóvenes doctores y tecnólogos extranjeros¿, 2004-2006 y programa ¿Juan de la Cierva¿, 2006-2010). Actualmente es contratada como doctor en este mismo departamento. En el ámbito de su último proyecto de investigación ha realizado una estancia de 4 meses en la Universidad de Borgoña (2007). La experiencia de la candidata se concentra en el desarrollo de métodos analíticos para la determinación de diversos parámetros y factores de calidad en alimentos y bebidas, destacando el estudio de la fracción volátil de diferentes alimentos. Es co-autora de 27 publicaciones en revistas científicas incluidas en el SCI, otras 4 en evaluación, un capítulo de libro (Elsevier) y 5 artículos en revistas científicas de divulgación. El 75% de de las publicaciones están en el primer cuartil de índice de impacto de su categoría, en el 63% firma como primer autor y en el 52% como corresponding author. Cuenta actualmente con 342 citas totales. Se destaca un artículo entre los más citados del J. Chromatogr. A (73 citas). Ha participado activamente en el desarrollo de 18 proyectos y contratos de investigación con entidades públicas y empresas, en dos de los cuales como investigador principal y en dos como Director/Coordinador de las pruebas; ha dirigido 4 proyectos de final de carrera, un máster experimental, y dirige actualmente una tesis doctoral; ha dirigido y tutorizado investigadores extranjeros en programas de movilidad (pre- y postdoctoral), cuenta con 21 participaciones a congresos nacionales e internacionales. Ha participado como invitada en el comité de expertos del COI (Consejo Oleícola Internacional) y como ponente en conferencias y cursos. Es miembro investigador del Institut de Recerca en Nutrició i Seguretat Alimentària (INSA) de la Universidad de Barcelona y de la Xarxa de Referència en Tecnologia dels Aliments de la Generalitat de Catalunya (XaRTA). Es revisora para las revistas J. Chromatogr. A, J. Agric. Food Chem. y Food Chem., entre otras. Desde 2003 ha sido docente en asignaturas de segundo y tercer ciclo en la Universidad de Barcelona, en la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña y en la Universidad de Teramo (Italia).